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Gigan, in Kanye West told a Jewish Adidas manager to kiss a photo of Hitler "every day" avatar

What the actual fuck is wrong with him?


He has the kind of mental health problems that the far-right prey on.

ZeroCool, avatar

Yep, that’s exactly why he pals around with Nick Fuentes and Milo Yiannopoulos.


It’s genuinely surprising that West managed to shove his head so far up his own ass that he couldn’t see himself reflected in Milo’s face; a token minority kept around for plausible deniability, whose pedestal will be kicked out from under them the moment they’re no longer useful to the far right.


Untreated mental illness supplemented by fame-induced yes-men syndrome.

What he needs is a good slap and a kick to the groin.

livus, avatar

Well that comment took an unexpectedly medieval turn.

What people with untreated mental illness need is appropriate treatment for mental illness, even if their delusions are disturbing to us.


As I said elsewhere in this thread, I’m bipolar and went without medication for long time just like Kanye.

He 100% needs to have the bear jew let lose on him.

livus, avatar

@EdibleFriend sorry but no. There's a history in my country of locking mentally ill people up in asylums and beating them up. I have seen the results, it's not a good thing, it solves nothing.

The people that do need the crap kicked out of them are the producers etc who exploit the racist hate-filled ramblings of Mr West in order to make money for themselves. And those among the consumers who lap it up.


Ok or we could punish the naziism and treat the mental illness at the same time and if they go away together we’ll know

livus, avatar

@captainlezbian why would you punish someone for the content of mental delusions?

I don't care if its alien abduction or nazism or gangstalking.


Being bipolar doesn’t turn you into a Nazi. That’s an excuse.

He is a Nazi and all Nazis deserve to be beaten to death.


I always hear this excuse. I’m bipolar and went without medication for a very long time. Never turned me into a fucking Nazi.

He is just a horrible person who also happens to be bipolar.


Reminds me of when Ambien said the same thing.

And the above poster who says they need treatment should read this. We are out here. We are mentally ill. Our mental illness, even at its most untreated, doesn't make us fucking nazis so trying to be "kind" to nazis who happen to be mentally ill makes you an apologist.

Dude does need treatment. He also deserves a punch for the nazi bullshit. The one doesn't absolve the other.

moosetwin, avatar

I don’t care if they’re a sick child or hitler, everyone deserves treatment, no matter who they are or what they have done.

Geneva Convention 1, article 6Wounded or sick soldiers shall be entertained and taken care of, to whatever nation they may belong. Commanders-in-chief shall have the power to deliver immediately to the outposts of the enemy soldiers who have been wounded in an engagement, when circumstances permit this to be done, and with the consent of both parties. Those who are recognized, after their wounds are healed, as incapable of serving, shall be sent back to their country. The others may also be sent back, on condition of not again bearing arms during the continuance of the war. Evacuations, together with the persons under whose directions they take place, shall be protected by an absolute neutrality.

The Hippocratic Oath, Paragraphs 4-7I will remember that there is art to medicine as well as science, and that warmth, sympathy, and understanding may outweigh the surgeon’s knife or the chemist’s drug. I will not be ashamed to say “I know not”, nor will I fail to call in my colleagues when the skills of another are needed for a patient’s recovery. I will respect the privacy of my patients, for their problems are not disclosed to me that the world may know. Most especially must I tread with care in matters of life and death. If it is given me to save a life, all thanks. But it may also be within my power to take a life; this awesome responsibility must be faced with great humbleness and awareness of my own frailty. Above all, I must not play at God. I will remember that I do not treat a fever chart, a cancerous growth, but a sick human being, whose illness may affect the person’s family and economic stability. My responsibility includes these related problems, if I am to care adequately for the sick.

Note: I am not against locking them up in prisons, but while they are in prison they still have a right to treatment.




I will reiterate that I agreed upon treatment as a necessity. I also believe he deserves a punch. Not a single illness out there makes you a nazi. Not one.

livus, avatar

@flicker I know it's probably comforting to think to yourself that your entire personality and belief systems are baked into your core and could never be affected by any kind of illness.

Unfortunately it's not quite true, there are serious mental illnesses that could make you think you are a nazi or that you want to kill someone or whatever. This is one of the heartbreaking things about mental illnesses like schizophrenia.

If you've never seen it you wouldn't know what it's like of course, but it's like a great big chunk of the person you used to know and love has been replaced by a stranger in their body. When they start saying abberent shit it can be hard for people to remember it's the illness talking. To remember they are still "in there" somewhere.


I'm not going to get into my history here but I've spent years in and out of institutions. If you want to make the argument that this is schizoaffective disorder I won't stop you, but I assure you that even if that is the case, we are still completely responsible for what we say, and I would argue even moreso because there is zero excuse for him not to be seeking care and treatment.

When grandma has dementia, and spits and bites, she is still responsible for the consequences of her actions. We will treat her with kindness and compassion and health care, but she isn't absolved of her part in hurting someone. That is the notion I rebel against. You are still responsible for your racism. You are not given a consequence free card because of your illness. Advocating for a consequence free environment is why people can claim Kanye should be forgiven and should not be treated as an intelligent, thinking, feeling human being. I will not allow someone to say he should be. That is dehumanizing and ultimately the opposite of kindness.

livus, avatar

@flicker I think we may be talking at cross purposes here.

I am simply advocating for non violent mental health treatment for all who need it.

I don't follow Kanye West closely so I don't know what his issue is or whether his expressed views are products of his own mind or malfunctions. My comments are not about him, they are about the absurd generalizations about mental health I am seeing in here.

I have had loved ones with Schizophrenia and no, they absolutely should not be "held accountable" let alone physically assaulted for the content of their delusions. That's just not how it works.

Sweeping generalisations about all mental illness are not helpful, particularly when we have a long and fairly recent history in our societies of violent abuse of such people.

I'm not going to argue about this any more. Thank you for the discussion.


Good deal! Have a great day!

livus, avatar

@flicker you too, friend! Sorry if I came across as grumpy or defensive before. I appreciate that you took time to talk to me.


I didn't read it as grumpy or defensive! One thing I miss about a more civilized age... people were allowed to "argue." You could fight it out, have opinions, everyone could be right at the same time (and wrong, too) but the ability to converse seems to be lost.

We're all made better by these things! Even if it seems to get heating. Being able to talk (and disagree!) Sharpens our understanding of our topics, helps us work through and solidify our feelings and opinions, and (assuming everyone is speaking in good faith, which is a big ask on the internet) we are all made better for it!

I said good deal because it is! I called you friend cuz we are! I said have a good day because I hope you do!

We part as friends! We aren't enemies even if we may seem at odds. Take care of yourself. You're a person who deserves happiness and kindness in life.

livus, avatar

@flicker thanks, you too!

I agree with you, being able to dialogue through disagreements is really important.

When I was younger I used to discuss politics a lot online, and one of the things I discovered is that many people on the "opposite" part of the political spectrum in my country want the same basic outcomes I do (stuff like fairness) - they just disagree on how to achieve it. That really helped me to see everyone as people like me not weird/scary/strange.

You're a familiar "face" to me here on kbin so it's nice that we have talked a bit!


To quote my favorite podcaster, “mental illness is not your FAULT, but it is your RESPONSIBILITY.”


Precisely! I feel like taking away our responsibility also takes away our agency. I hate when people have their agency restricted.

There's a reason AA and NA and other peer recovery services make people take responsibility for what they've done, even if it was illness that "made" them do those things. Because having responsibility for what you've done is ultimately what frees you to have responsibility for the good that you can do. I love that for us, for all of humanity.


And your illness and demeanor, as well as your upbringing are exactly like everyone else’s. Please.


Those are very harsh words for not knowing his mental conditions.

ickplant, avatar

He is famously bipolar.

Miclux, (edited )

Sure. But is this all?

ickplant, avatar

I’m honestly not sure what you mean by that. We know he is bipolar. We know people sometimes tend to use that as an excuse for his words and actions. And people with bipolar like myself tend to dislike that because our disorder does not turn us into neo-Nazis.


Exactly what you said. He has probably more going on.

willya, avatar

Maybe if he makes fun of Jada on his next album.


I wonder if he has people in his ear telling him this shit and he’s easy to fool, or if it is just a terrible internet rabbit hole he got himself into. It could also be that he’s in ultimate contrarian mode and just wants to provoke.

It just seems weird for a black man to literally turn into a person who supports Nazis on his own. Like, he has to know what Hitler and the Nazis would have thought of him and his family, right?

I get that he has untreated mental illness, but I feel as if maybe someone is putting these ideas in his head. I could be wrong, though.


How much time do you have?

Nougat, in Jewish Editor Fired for Sharing Onion Article on Gaza

This being posted in nottheonion is a perfect example of Russell's Paradox.


Looked that up because I didn’t know what it was. I think maybe you named the wrong name? Russell’s Paradox is some set theory mumbo jumbo.


OK, so am I smart ape? Is this the definition? Did I crack the case?


"The set of all sets which do not contain themselves."


Ah, yeah. That makes sense. I’m just dumb, lol.


We’re all dumb, some of us are just self aware enough to realize it.


Who is upvoting this? Russell’s Paradox is about groups containing all the members that don’t belong to said group.

Not the Onion hosting an article about the effect of The Onion is humorously close to that.


No, but also yes.

Carighan, avatar

Yeah I was about to say, this is actually from the onion. Indirectly. 😅


I have been reading about this for 20 minutes now and I still don’t get it. I especially don’t get how it has to do with this article.

SirEDCaLot, in Mia Khalifa fired from Playboy for her pro-Hamas posts after the Israel attack

I came here thinking this sounds like she might be getting woke-cancelled for suggesting Israel is pure as driven snow…

Khalifa even urged Hamas fighters to “flip their phones and film” executions horizontally in one of her posts.

Nevermind, she can go fuck herself with a cactus.

If you think military fighters executing civilians is an acceptable strategy, you probably deserve to be among those civilians and see how you like it.


Telling a porn star to “go fuck herself” made me chuckle more than it should

SoleInvictus, (edited ) avatar

They took her comment grossly out of context for effect. The actual quote was…

“Can someone please tell the freedom fighters in Palestine to flip their phones and film horizontal."

Yeah, pretty tasteless, but it’s not what the article makes it out to be. She’s largely getting dragged for openly criticizing Israel’s genocide and the media is skewing the situation to make her look worse. Can’t have the masses questioning the party line and all.

Not_Alec_Baldwin, (edited )

The real controversy seems to be around her calling them fromage fighters.

Edit: FREEDOM fighters lmao, but I can’t bring myself to fix it.

SoleInvictus, avatar

OMFG, I want to be a fromage fighter so bad.


Yes, please leave the fromage ヾ(⌐■_■)ノ♪

Carighan, avatar

Fromage fighters? What a stinker.


Considering Israel is carpet bombing and entire city of non-combatants perhaps you should get some perspective.


You don’t need to know that Israel are carpet bombing a city (which is wrong) to know that Hamas executing civilians is also wrong. Neither side are justified in the horrific war crimes they are committing.


Never said it was, dude.



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  • spirinolas,

    Maybe check that again. Those reports came from a less than reputable Israeli newspaper and was based on claims from IDF sources. There’s no independent confirmation. It’s pretty much just war propaganda to dehumanize the Palestininans and clear the road for the atrocities to come.


    So two wrongs do make a right, then?

    FUCK Hamas with a cactus FUCK the Israel government with a cactus



    Carighan, avatar

    Is this the right time to get into the cactus growing business?


    BOTH SIDES BAD !!! I’m very smart :)


    I see Im required here…


    Your moment has come!!

    assassin_aragorn, (edited )


    One of my favorite insults is saying someone should shove a rusty cactus up their ass.

    I think we just became best friends. Or at least, to not be presumptive, you’ve gained a new fan.

    Syrc, in Jan. 6 Rally Organizer Created Her Own Mugshot Because She Felt Left Out

    “Lmao, the Onion really is on a roll these days!

    …oh for fuck’s sake”




    Honestly I feel bad for the onion, our society took their jobs from them. We went full r-tard. You never go full r-tard.

    (It’s a movie quote, please don’t crucify me lol)


    We went full Linus. Never go full Linus


    You can say retard on the internet. It’s okay. It’s a word that clearly represents the reality you’re referencing.

    ThrowawayPermanente, in Mia Khalifa fired from Playboy for her pro-Hamas posts after the Israel attack

    So your job is to be a sexy liberal Arab but not, like, too liberal or too Arab.


    And definitely not praising the people who just went through a music festival with guns and indiscriminately killed people and dragged off other ones.

    A woman whose husband is missing was being interviewed. She said that whenever her baby would cry in their hiding place, bullets would fly through the wall of the shed where they were hiding.

    Why anyone would have praise for that organization I cannot fathom.


    Politics is kind of fucked

    dmonzel, avatar

    Good thing she didn’t actually praise anyone who just went through a music festival with guns. But nice job making that assumption instead of actually reading the quote.

    assassin_aragorn, (edited )

    Her comment suggests the videos of interest are being filmed by the freedom fighters.

    I am unaware of any armed Palestinian group which fights the Israeli government for their independence. Who is the only other group that someone could (somehow) construe as freedom fighters that’s taking videos?

    Unless she’s calling the Israeli army freedom fighters and they have people filming in their midst, there’s only one group she can be talking about, and they went through a music festival with guns.

    Don’t stop at just reading the comment. Comprehend it. Analyze it.

    Edit: And that includes your own comments. There are indeed other groups involved which aren’t Hamas, and she was referring to civilians. Incredibly poor wording if she’s telling the truth, but I see no reason to not give her that benefit of the doubt.

    dmonzel, avatar

    So instead of responding to my actual point, you went on this lengthy rant. K.


    The edit was me eating crow and saying she should get the benefit of the doubt.

    Clbull, in US High School Student Loses Scholarship Over Social Media Twerking Video

    That principal needs his hard drive forensically checked by the police.

    clif, in Philly thief steals a shop-vac filled with hundreds of giant hornets

    Should have put a H on it so everyone would know.

    The sad part is now the thief will get all the hornet honey : /

    NegativeLookBehind, avatar

    Always pop a quick H on your hornet-filled Shop-Vacs

    givesomefucks, in Nebraska governor signs executive order defining men as "bigger, stronger and faster"

    The order declares that, in matters of the state, the “biological differences between the sexes are enduring” and that the “sex” of a person will be defined by the gender designated at birth.

    That makes zero fucking sense


    This means that insecure men in Nebraska can now go in to the dive bar they get drunk at starting at 1030 AM, and hit on any woman in the place without fear of her secretly having a penis.

    Not that there are any women in that bar, that they’d ever have a chance at taking one home, or, that this executive order actually means any of that. But the idiots who support this kind of thing will think it does.

    StandingCat, avatar

    God i hate living here, because this is exactly how the rest of the idiots here think. But it’s too expensive to move right now.


    My wife didn’t want to move to Minnesota, so we bought a house here, and aren’t likely to leave now. Had I not met her when I did I likely would have left a few years ago.


    XX vs XY.

    I think you’re thinking of gender.


    I think you don’t know how often it’s not one of those two, and if someone is going to get to pick, maybe we should also let individuals pick for themselves too.


    Looked at that profile…

    Pretty sure you don’t think at all, easiest block of the week. Have fun shouting hated into the void


    I do. Less than a percent of a percent. It’s so rare, we can effectively handle it on a case by case basis, and not bog ourselves down in pedantry.


    I got it. I have a perfect solution. The perfect definition to solve all debate.

    Man is a featherless bird.


    You are thinking of sex. Gender comes from the same root as genre - like how you categorize books. It was initially used to define things loosely by cultural traits like “tribe” or “type” and was used in the 15 century to describe men and women in a tongue in cheek way. Basically saying “the tribe of woman” right before trying to be witty about how women don’t make any sense because they are like another culture. Other uses would have been to distinguish differences between any different nations, families, groups. So your gendre could have been “English” or “From this specific village where they eat a lot of cheese” or of a social class.

    The word got hijacked by Victorian sensibilities which used it euphemistically in that “tribe of” way for the word sex because having a woman saying the word sex aloud to a room in the scientific sense of the word caused monocles to shoot out of men’s eyesockets at lethal speeds and early feminists needed language they could use without being censored… But the modern usage of gender is not a euphemism for sex. They are two distinct words.

    Gender does not concern itself with any part of the person’s body. It refers more to classification by cultural attributes. Like how you would decide if a book belongs in the mystery section or romance. Whether the book is hard or soft cover is not relevant to genre classification in the same way male /female/intersex is largely irrelevant in regards to gender classification.


    Im not disagreeing with you? Sex is the physical body, xx/xy/others, gender is the societal/mental.

    rockerface, in Iraq bans the word "homosexual" on all media platforms and offers an alternative

    …the terms “homosexuality, homosexual, and Gender” hold undesirable connotations within Iraqi society.

    Fellas, is it gay to have a gender?

    vlad76, avatar

    With how many there are now, statistically, yes.


    Angry upvote


    But that doesn’t even make any sense as a joke. The more genders there are, the higher the likelihood that someone else is a different gender than you, e. g. something that would be heterosexual. The more genders, the less gay.

    markr, in End of an era: Zoom tells employees to return to office for work

    Return to office to sit at computer on zoom.


    I’m in this picture and I don’t like it

    intensely_human, in US High School Student Loses Scholarship Over Social Media Twerking Video

    It was probably a scholarship for people with lower spinal paralysis. She was all set to collect the money but then she got roped into one of J-Roc’s grease videos.

    Wxnzxn, (edited ) avatar

    Nope, after reading the article, it seems she was a student destined to be used for PR by the school and probably also for sucking up to donors. No humanity allowed, twerking is of the devil and such stuff.


    Lol, the school was prepared to whore her out, but drew the line at dancing in a video.


    They wanted to whore her out, but don’t want her to look like a whore. Jesus, come get your damn kids.

    _bug0ut, in Zoom CEO says Zoom meetings hinder innovation and debate, wants employees back in the office avatar

    The amount of “innovation and debate” I’ve seen during remote meetings is no different than when I used to work in an office. Meetings are either exhausting and dead (when they’re the usual bullshit administrative meetings that no one wants to be in and could’ve been handled via email) or they’re fun and engaging (when its something like a working session where the participants want to be there).

    This guy is an idiot and, as others in this thread have already stated, he’s got ulterior motives beyond “innovation and debate.”

    Jarmer, in Bots are better than humans at cracking ‘Are you a robot?’ Captcha tests, study finds

    My tin foil hat tells me that these captcha tests were never about preventing actual bots, but rather they were intentionally put in place for google / whoeverelse to get free training on their image recognition software ai.

    ebits21, avatar

    It’s not tinfoil at all.



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  • MrSnowy,

    I still use it. It pays for discord nitro for me, and an app or three every year.


    This was probably a bonus of using them, but they did stop bots. They aren’t meant to stop the sophisticated AI we have now, they are meant to stop swarms of “dumb” bots from creating spam accounts, ddosing servers, etc

    A few bots accessing your site doesn’t matter. A million bots do

    perviouslyiner, (edited )

    To log in, click the stop signs in this image. Please be quick, as our self-driving car is approaching the junction!


    I mean, I thought it was fairly common knowledge that those image tests were being used to to crowdsource AI training data.


    You’re describing reCaptcha and it’s not a secret. It was used to digitize books and improve existing text recognition technology.

    There’s a TEDx talk from one of the creators from 2011 when they were still widely used.


    Training and validating machine learning models was always part of the point of captchas, it’s not even a secret


    That’s not even tinfoil-y at all. That’s exactly what they’re for. These days, they’ve also started branching into training for AI image generators.


    I’m pretty sure that’s explicit

    mateomaui, in Man Gets 100 Years for Accidentally Killing His 8-Year-Old Daughter While Trying to Shoot His 18-Year-Old Son


    Valez believed that two women had come to the house to evict him and he lost his temper

    so… how did that relate to his partner and son?

    so confused


    daughter in law and his partner were the two women maybe?

    article is kinda bad

    yet another shining example of the kind of quality republican needed to prove the value of the second amendment

    ObviouslyNotBanana, avatar

    But he tried to shoot his son? Lmao


    so I live around stupid fuckers like this in the deep south

    he never intended to kill any of them, he was trying to run them off and was probably not thinking about consequences at all

    betting he was also drunk


    never intended to kill any of them

    “He told police he shot his partner, Heather Hall, until she fell to the ground”

    idk, seems like intent to me


    probably legally but again stupid + drunk and angry with zero thought beyond the moment

    something like ‘they’re not gonna kick me off my own property’ drunk as fuck and was interviewed in shock

    I know someone that shot at his own mom cause she wouldn’t give him 20$, they got in a fight and she told him something like ‘shoot me if you don’t believe me I don’t have it’

    stupid + redneck + drugs and anger


    goddamn I guess it’s gotten crazier since I was last in that region


    meth, it’s a fucking mess over lots of rural America and not just the south


    yep, that part I knew, unfortunately

    Carighan, avatar

    Just wanted to make her sit down, duh. If all you have is a gun, every problem becomes a target.


    Maybe his intention was just to clear the view, not to kill anyone. He’s allowed to clear the view in his home, right? Anything above waist height has to go, I’ve felt the same many a time polishing my SMG in the garage. Alas, I have neither wife, kids, nor visitors to obstruct my view, for unrelated reasons.

    mateomaui, (edited )

    With enough drugs or alcohol involved, this makes sense.


    Oh, alcohol and drugs are always involved, very much always.


    If you can’t see how this happened without blaming it on drugs, it’s not my problem


    This one’s actually pretty funny. I’ll upvote it.

    Seriously tho, grow up, you immature twat(s).


    I am also going to bet he’s a racist piece of shit and hardline Trump supporter, but that is neither here nor there.


    Daughter-in-law? Where’s that coming from?


    nope I’m stupid and misread it, totally baby momma not daughter in law

    so no clue who the two ladies are

    daughter and baby momma?


    ok, back to “so confused”


    Let me clear it up. Person 1: Sister / baby-mamma / uncle.

    Person 2: Daughter in law/ nephew/ grandmother.

    Family relations are kinda interesting in that part of the world.


    The two ladies are presumably people who have bothered him about evicting him before. Or they were all in his head.

    He mistook his son and baby momma for two ladies, and in shooting at them, he hit neither of them, hitting the child instead.

    Hope that clears it up.

    FuglyDuck, avatar

    Republicans prove the value of the second amendment everytime they open their mouths.

    Trump is the greatest argument I’ve seen for it.

    (Just… for the record… I’m generally pro gun control.)


    like I’m on pure face value argument pro self defense and having a gun if someone is breaking into my house

    but imagine your daughter is this bozos baby momma


    I’ve got bad news for you buddy, second amendment or not, the side who’s got the army behind them wins. You can have whatever shiny gun you like, you won’t even see the drone that blows you up.

    FuglyDuck, avatar

    You’re right. If the military comes down on a side, that side probably wins.

    You assume that a) such a hypothetical starts with the military and b) I was talking about all out war to start with.

    There’s a very large spectrum here.


    In what scenario does the military not pick sides? No matter if it’s from the get go or not.

    All out civil war? Same scenario, military gets involved? The side they’re on will be told to hide, they’ll shoot anyone walking around with a gun and it will come from the sky.

    The second amendment was written at a time when it made sense, with today’s military it doesn’t make any anymore and it achieves the opposite of what was intended, putting people in danger instead of keeping them safe.

    FuglyDuck, avatar

    In the scenario where they fracture in command- most likely that’ll be a regional thing at the base level

    Politics has been more easily explained throughout American history as “north” vs “south”. In addition to the regular army, there’s all the nat guards that’ll probably go with their states.

    norbert, avatar

    I'll be sure to let North Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, and most recently Gaza know your thoughts on it, buddy.


    Didn’t know they had the second amendment over there.

    norbert, avatar

    Not only do they not have the 2A, they don't need it, guns are plentiful and cheap and somehow ignorant farmers who live in caves and huts keep using them to resist drones and smart bombs.

    I'm not advocating for 0 gun regulations, I'm pointing out the "the side with the bigger guns wins" argument is stupid and provably false.


    What you’re ignoring for the sake of your argument is that the army would be on its own turf instead of going somewhere where they don’t know the land and there’s a big difference between Americans with guns and foreign militias backed by other countries. Also, don’t look up the death rate of Afghans vs foreigners in the 2000s war because it doesn’t look good for the Afghans.

    Don’t know why you would bring up Vietnam, drones weren’t a thing back then, today the military wouldn’t even have to get off base to fuck up the opposing side.

    norbert, (edited ) avatar

    If the military today wouldn't even have to get off base to fuck up the opposing side (proven false in recent conflicts btw) why does it matter if they're on their turf? Your own reasoning doesn't make any sense and ignores a ton of conflicts. You mentioned Afghanistan, who's in charge there now, is it the US?

    The statement wasn't about how many people on whichever side die, but that pretending that "You don't need a gun to defend yourself because the federal government has missles" is an extremely poor, provably false argument. I support stronger gun laws, it's just a really bad take.


    It makes sense because they have maps of everything, that’s a huge technical advantage over invading a country where no one but the locals know the terrain.

    norbert, avatar

    They have satellites and drones that can map everything relatively quickly, recon isn't the hard part. Topographical data doesn't win hearts and minds.

    Like I said, I'm not against gun control though. I just feel like blanket "no guns!" statements aren't really productive to the conversation. It'd be like trying to discuss abortion with a Christian and demanding "abortions on demand up to 10 months no questions asked!"

    It's just such a dismissive, "my way or the highway" take that it makes reasonable discussion impossible and guarantees gridlock.


    Satellites don’t let you map tunnels and caves, that’s the difference with fighting in the USA vs in Afghanistan or Iraq or Gaza, in the USA towns have maps of their underground and of all the buildings and heck, authorities have files on the people most likely to be armed and dangerous.


    The thing is, people think it will come down to armed conflict. It won’t. It’s much easier duping people into believing the Fuhrer and have them join the movement instead. It has worked innumerable times in history, and is literally what is happening right now and has been going for decades- half the nation willingly votes in tyrants, under the rationale that the non-tyrants will take away the citizens’ rights to defend against being ruled by tyrants.

    Flbprprprprprprprblpr is my state of mind since around the turn of the century.


    Man did his patriotic duty, shooting his useless kids. Semper fi.

    not_that_guy05, in YouTube prankster says he had no idea he was scaring man who shot him

    Nothing would have been lost in he died. Fuckin trash yt streamers.


    He’s a dumb ass kid who will one day hopefully grow into an adult that might do something useful.

    Pennywise taught me that life is the most precious thing you can lose.

    Life lost always matters.


    Bro Hymn. Classic tune.


    Yes and now someone might lose their freedom because a “prank bro”. So fuck that guys freedom cause this guy is just a kid. Really?


    Prank bro is a shit head.

    But if America had less guns, then the debate over someone losing their freedom changes drastically.


    Meh… guns are stupid, but only because nobody needs a gun to stab a shithead in the eye with their keys.

    elscallr, avatar

    You get in a position where you need to stab someone in the eyes with keys you take a chance of getting your eyes stabbed with their keys.


    Not likely. Someone attacking you while trying to rob or hurt you, will either have prepared much better than that (look out for brass knuckles, baseball bats, knives, guns, etc.) or think they can overpower you with their bare hands. Either case, no keys.


    Based on his post-shot photos and behavior, he seems to be growing into an even bigger douche.

    Life lost always matters.

    That’s why we have wars.


    He’s 21. That’s a dumb ass adult, not a dumb ass kid.


    Having been 21 once upon a time, yes, he’s a dumb ass kid.


    Having also been 21 once, that’s a braindead adult.

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