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Anonymousllama, in Wall Street Journal complains about workers using their sick days

Take every single day you’re entitled to. The days of working yourself to death so you get a pat on the back by the boss is well over. You come first


Bro there’s still so many idiots at my workplace working their life away for a stupid card that says “best performer of the month”. I got no problem with that but the issue that I have is they make life hard for guys like me. I know and they know that they can’t afford a shitty 4 bedroom house so why the fuck slave so hard. I really don’t get it


Assuming America it’s because there is a pervasive mentality that the poor here are just temporarily embarrassed millionaires and that through their hard work, they will be restored to their millionaire status. It’s fucking disgusting that companies take advantage of this naivety and sad to see people falling for it. These people grind themselves to dust for a pittance and the reality of the situation rarely hits them.

Potatos_are_not_friends, in Bay Area restaurants institute penalties for brunch vomiters

: “Dear all mimosa lovers, Please drink responsibly and know your limits. A $50 cleaning fees will automatically include in your tap when you throw up in our public areas. Thank you so much for understanding.”

I usually complain about the rise of prices. But $50 to vomit on a table and force another human being to clean your nasty ass biohazard is so stupidly low.


Is that what’s going on? I assumed they were puking in toilets.


Wasn’t there an article recently about how fines are fees?

UnhingedFridge, avatar

Yeah, and I’m sure the person forced to clean it won’t get any extra pay from that fine. Essential, yet treated like fucking garbage.


Pretty sure they’ll be happy enough with less vomit


Are we not going to talk about the atrocious grammar on that sign?

scott, avatar

“tap”? Tab, surely.


I didn’t even notice that!


No, they meant “spaces” (programmer joke).

Heikki, in 'If the Black players don’t like it here, they should go back to Africa and see how bad it is' - Buffalo Bills owner

I am a firm believer that the only draft pick that would have saved the Dallas Cowboy’s was Jerry Jones by the Vietnam draft


Wow, I love that. I’m immediately adopting this into my verbiage.



Spacebar, in 29 year old bassist punched in the face by 80 year old conductor for walking incorrectly avatar

He has long had a reputation for being tempestuous and rude to performers, according to a 2015 Spectator article by the commentator Damian Thompson, who wrote that for all the conductor’s undoubted talent, “one art eludes him: good manners”.

So he was always an a-hole, but this time, he was affected by alcohol and went too far.


he was affected by alcohol

in vino veritas.


Age quod agis

luthis, in It's true: People do poop in ride lines at Disneyland and Disney World

Is it even worth going to Disneyland? It just sounds like an 8 hour day of waiting in line for 7.5 hours and 30 minutes of ride.

fossilesque, avatar

I dunno, but it smells like shit.


If you go during non-peak days and have a general game plan, it’s not that bad. You can get a good amount of ride time going if you time your Fastpasses (they’re free) good enough.

The pricetag, though, that’s on you to decide. I like going, but I wouldn’t go more than, like, once… a decade.


How much is it? For the lazy. Like me.


It’s a little over $100 a ticket. I also don’t think fast pass is free anymore.


Once was enough for a lifetime for me. I enjoyed it, but it wasn’t really that much better than most amusement parks, and certainly not worth the price to go back. I can say I’ve been, and that’s enough for me.


Disney was a childhood fantasy. Maybe my Innocence is preserved by never having gone.

Now I’m old, don’t like people, and have zero-tolerance for anything with a queue/poop.


This sounds like a good solution. It will always be a magical place for me this way.

Kolanaki, avatar

My family used to go every year when I was growing up, and it just progressively got worse. I can’t imagine how awful an experience it is now in 2023.

It wasn’t nearly as crowded in the years before Fast Pass or whatever the fuck they call it now. It was bearable when Fast Pass was new. But eventually everyone was getting Fast Pass, which defeated the point of it.


I believe Disney shot themselves in the foot with Fastpass. It turned the parks from something you experience and explore, into a checklist and schedule.


It’s 7.5 hours of shopping for Disney merchandise with 30 minutes of rides.


Okay, I’ve never been to Disneyland, but I’ve been to Disney World many, many times, and I’ve been to many other theme parks around the US.

It’s sometimes a bit of a crapshoot, but obviously if you go off-season, opening (of the season) day, or weekdays vs weekends, there will be shorter lines. I’ve been to days at Busch Gardens and Six Flags where there were zero lines and the operators would just let you stay on the ride as many times as you wanted. I’ve also been in the “let’s get grandma a wheelchair so we can go to the front of the line for Small, Small World.”

It’s really just whatever floats the collective boats of the folks you’d be bringing. I do have to say, though, that being a little day drunk or a bit stoned at Disney or Universal is amazing but the lines will potentially take much, much longer.


We went to universal studios singapore and stood i a line for hours for a 10 minute ride. It was the best fucking rollercoaster in my life but it wasnt worth it.

TheBlue22, (edited ) in Mia Khalifa fired from Playboy for her pro-Hamas posts after the Israel attack

Reading these comments is fucking insane.

Calling Hamas “freedom fighters” is an insult to every real current and past freedom fighter in history of mankind.

Freedom fighters dont choose targets that are exclusively civilian, they don’t hunt down and execute civilians, nit caring about their beliefs or standing. They don’t spread terror among the civilian population. All of these things make the thing they are fighting stronger and puts the rest of the population against them. It’s what terrorists do.

Why do you think people in the zionist government support Hamas?! Because it serves to justify the hanous things the government does against Palestinians as a whole.

Real freedom fighters choose infrastructure, smaller military targets (that are reachable), political assassinations of the government officials they are against, et cetera.

These cause civilian casualties, but the civilian casualties are not the goal, they are the byproduct.

Palestinians deserve so much more than Hamas, but Hamas won’t let them choose. They silence or kill anyone who disagrees with them, be it Israeli of Palestinian.

Free Palestine 🇵🇸

Fuck Hamas.


There is no such thing as “real freedom fighters” War is not a moral thought experiment.Terrorism is at the end of the day a a military strategy. Which freedom figheters, militas and regular armiees use all the time.

ricdeh, avatar

It’s incredibly heartless to say such things


It would be if using or not using terror would be orthogonal to success in war. War is a zero-sum game and you simply can’t throw out anything giving advantage - you’ll be punished by evolution, as simple as that.

Unless you are in some artificial situation where rules of war are respected and if they are not you are punished by neutral sides. Sadly our era doesn’t have any such mechanism despite all the declarations. It’s not Frederic the Great’s time.

vacuumflower, (edited )

It’s what terrorists do.

This particular sentence is not entirely correct, as it implies that freedom fighters can’t use terror tactics and thus be terrorists.

Say, if some Armenian force (there are none that’d have the balls) would bomb the Mingechaur dam, the pipes and infrastructure going through Tovuz, other smaller hydroelectric objects etc in Azerbaijan, - these would be actions aimed at fighting for freedom, but very important part of their effect would be terror.

In some way any violent activity aimed at denying someone their feeling of safety is terrorism. Like, say, allied bombing campaign of Germany (its goals were even formulated like that).

I agree that Hamas are not freedom fighters, their ideology is pretty Nazi.

TheBlue22, (edited )

There is again difference between blowing up a strategic dam and attacking a concert full of civilians.

First can have some actual strategic importance, cutting out energy, interrupting travel, et cetera.

It causes terror and civilian causalities, but that is again, a byproduct. If the latter is greater than the former it doesn’t add to the revolutionary goal, I would argue it damages it and causes more harm than good for the group.

Second is pure terror, it serves no purpose for the group, vilianizes them to the public and makes the government they are fighting against stronger.

Any action that doesn’t help with a revolutionary goal or even detracts from it, is useless.

Any action with no strategic importance and only creating terror is not only evil, but harms the group more then it helps.

There is a massive difference between terrorism and freedom fighting.

I am not saying freedom fighting groups don’t do terrorism, we dont live in a perfect world. What I am saying that terrorism has no benefits and only harms not only the innocent but also the group commiting it.


OK, with this I agree.


Putting aside whether terror is strategic, taking hostages is a strategy.


Killing houndreds of innocent unarmed civilians isn’t


Are you saying if one element of their response isn’t strategic then it doesn’t matter about the rest?


Nope, as I stated otherwise.

I am saying that non strategic acts harm the cause more than strategic help it.

Hamas does much more non strategic acts than strategic acts, to such an extent that calling them a freedom fighting group is objectively false.


She did clarify that she was talking about Palestinian civilians filming the missile attacks on civilian homes and such, calling them freedom fighters for documenting atrocities

jabathekek, in US High School Student Loses Scholarship Over Social Media Twerking Video avatar

Sounds like some religious bullshit.

“That I wasn’t basically following God’s ideals, […]”



Well when you apply for religious scholarships you should kind of expect this.

desconectado, (edited )

Jesus was friends with a prostitute. I’m sure he would be ok with some twerking.

The problem is religious nuts who take everything to the extreme .


Jesus would not condone modern day Christianity but that is not the point. Everyone knows what modern Christianity is about, and prudishness is definitely part of their ideal. If this girl applied for a Christian scholarship, she had to have known at least that much about the religion.

But a good lesson to learn from this story is stop posting anything on social media. Just live your life. If you wanna twerk, do it. No need to show the whole world.


She was in the background of the video, dancing while a different girl in the foreground was twerking. Did you even read the article? So just never go outside and dance ever because someone might record you dancing near someone else twerking and post it? Wtf kind of victim blaming is this? It doesn’t say she applied for a christian scholarship either.


Well maybe his friend was a classy prostitute.

Twerking’s demeaningly ridiculous. Like stripper, yeah, respectable. Stripping’s sexy, it’s alluring. Twerking’s just a somewhat athletically impressive display of how fast can you can convulse your pelvis.

Describing twerking as “sexy” is like someone doing a motorboat on your dick while you wag it bippidy-bippidy up and down across their lips, then trying to sell that as a passionate seduction scene in a romance novel.


I didn’t see anything in the article about her applying to a religious scholarship. Source?


I bet you if a male student raped someone he wouldn’t withdraw the scholarship. It’s because she’s a woman. Well, not even a woman she’s just a girl.


Yeah these people are Christian, that distinction doesn’t matter.


Religion needs to be eradicated

jabathekek, avatar

By the will of the Emperor! Hail the Omnissiah!


Yet if you shoot an activist in the US, your tuition gets covered by a GoFundMe. Really backward priorities.

kglitch, in Zoom CEO says Zoom meetings hinder innovation and debate, wants employees back in the office

Interesting that Zoom is not making an attempt to build features that increase trust, enable innovation and encourage robust debates in their app. Seems like a missed opportunity.


Evidently they couldn’t figure out how to do it over zoom.


Perhaps a C-suite with a healthy sense of the product’s niche could be seen as a feature. Having a target market that’s too wide is bad for product coherence.

SpaceCowboy, avatar

It’s impossible to implement a feature that prevents employees from recording the zoom meetings when the boss is abusive robustly debating their employees.

To avoid headaches with HR, we’re going to need you to come into the office so your boss can feel more free to robustly debate you from time to time.

ApathyTree, in Will Donald Trump be allowed conjugal visits with Melania if he's sent to prison?

If Donald Trump goes to prison, he would likely go to a federal prison. Conjugal visits are not a federal right, so Trump would not enjoy conjugal visits with Melania.

She wouldn’t enjoy them either.

FartsWithAnAccent, avatar

Never did.


When Donald Trump goes to prison, he'll likely be held in a federal military facility.

ares35, avatar

ship him off to gitmo. keep him 'safe' and away from the public and media.


Strip him of his citizenship and dump him at the Mexican border. Do it.


What so he can climb that wall? Please record it


Military? You spelled Mental wrong…


You both spelled “his house” wrong. If he lives long enough to see the end of a trial he’ll get house arrest for who knows what reason.


She ain’t coming.

JackiesFridge, avatar

With him? Probably never has.

snausagesinablanket, avatar

She ain’t coming. cumming


Only took you 5 days to get the joke?

snausagesinablanket, avatar

I am not here 24x7 like you.


Only until i take my own life 👍

snausagesinablanket, avatar

You could try online yoga instead.

SpaceNoodle, in Eminem's Mom's Spaghetti Pasta Sauce sells out within hours

$13 per jar? Fuck all the way off.

snooggums, avatar

It is a momento to collect, like a concert tshirt or your first condom.


I’m sorry what


You don’t like old gum?


They said “It is a momento to collect, like a concert tshirt”.

Lev_Astov, avatar

Look at this guy who doesn’t buy merch…

Swedneck, avatar

this would honestly make more sense if it was just a labelled empty jar, but when they put actual sauce in it stops being a novelty item and starts being food, and 13 bucks for a jar of sauce is hilarious




So then you are really just paying for the label?

snooggums, avatar

Of course, just like most branded goods.


Now I wonder where my forst condom ended up. Certainly I didn’t use it.

NatakuNox, (edited ) in 'If the Black players don’t like it here, they should go back to Africa and see how bad it is' - Buffalo Bills owner avatar

What old billionaires from the south and made their money from exploitation, are racist?! Never would have guessed

Haui, avatar

They should be disowned. As should be everyone who made money from slavery, war profiteering, etc.

Historical_General, avatar

That’s most of the establishment. Even new money people are mostly crooks. And then you get people like Rowling who make money honestly and join the far right cult of the wealthy.

Haui, avatar

Definitely a lot of them. Our world has a problem with morality. It’s not ok to cross a red light but it is okay to have made millions working for the nazis somehow (for example). I don’t care about the jk rowlings of this world. Being a dumbfuck is not morally bankrupt but using slave labor definitely is and even has been when it was legal.


Terry Pegula was born and raised in Pennsylvania. Then he moved to NY. Super southern. This is also not a direct quote from him. Someone that is suing the NFL is claiming Terry said this. But don’t let the facts get in the way of your outrage.


The article is also about Jerry Jones. Who is from Arkansas. But don’t let the facts get in the way of your outrage.


It is called pennsy-tucky for a reason

Carighan, in 'Scripture is very clear': New House Speaker tells Congress God has 'ordained' them avatar

Imagine if religious fundamentalism wasn’t acceptable for a statesman. What a crazy modern world we could be living in.

Although I guess in the case of the US, the country was founded out of religious fundamentalism in its entirely, and from a clean slate. Much more difficult to untangle it.


Unless my history lessons are evading me, your country was founded by deists running from fundamentalists.


Fundamentalists running from people not letting them be as fundamentalist as they wanted.


Some of them, especially during the colonies founding, and especially up north. Jefferson, for example, was a deist though, which believes God (the one from the Bible) exists, but he doesn’t interact with anything.


The sad part is that your constitution was considered groundbreaking for the time and some say it influenced the french revolution.


only some of the people were fundamentalists running from people who didn’t let them be fundamentalist, they also had a great many wars with the government because of it


Anabaptists had an end-time cult, took over cities, instituted religious law, legalized polygamy for their leaders, and publicly beheaded their opponents. They were basically the ISIS of their day.

Eldritch, (edited )

You’re both right. Though the diests tended to be the ones more in the government itself. We had our fair share of fundamentalists to fundamental for back home.


Yes the USA was founded by deists, after the fundamentalists had settled the frontier land. It’s both basically.

sik0fewl, in Philly thief steals a shop-vac filled with hundreds of giant hornets

I've got an idea for Mark Rober's next glitterbomb...

canthidium, avatar

OMG, he’d never do it, but I would watch videos of that on a loop all day long.

tuck182, in Trump Warns ‘Cognitively Impaired’ Biden May Cause ‘World War II’

If Joe Biden is reelected in 2024 he will be 86 at the end of his second term.

Last week Trump, who is 77, was mentioned in […]

Curious that the author can’t use the same scale to talk about their ages. They’re only 3.5 years apart in age, but phrasing it this way makes it feel like a lot more.

FurtiveFugitive, in Supermarket evacuated after spider whose bite can cause erections or death spotted

At first it sounds like a helluva coin toss but in the end you end up with a stiff.

TheLobotomist, avatar
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