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elbucho, in Man Gets 100 Years for Accidentally Killing His 8-Year-Old Daughter While Trying to Shoot His 18-Year-Old Son

So this article makes it seem like he’s got dementia and was under the spell of a delusion when shooting his partner & daughter. But it’s written so vaguely that it’s hard to know for sure. So I found another article that seems to be much more clear about what happened:…/ar-AA1jkw2q

TL;DR: 66-year-old man is in rough shape; has Hepatitis B, Emphysema, and COPD, and needs an oxygen tank. His partner (a much younger woman), their daughter together (8 years old), and his son from a previous marriage (18) all came to his house. The article doesn’t say what happened in the conversation, but he apparently became enraged thinking they were trying to get him out of the house. My guess is that they were trying to get him to go into a care facility due to his many, many ailments.

Dude saw red, grabbed a gun, and started blasting. Shot his partner, then tried shooting his son, missed, and hit his 8-year-old daughter in the back as she was running away from him.

So it sounds much less like dementia (though that could still very well be a factor), and more like a miserable piece of shit reaching for a gun first to solve all of his problems.


Paradoxically he ended up in a sort of care facility. Some “care” but maybe not the care he needed


Honestly, the facto that he could have had dementia and still could access a gun is not really the better option, is it?


I’m not saying it’s better or worse, just that it would be a different story. Dementia changes people. My grandmother went through it; she was an incredibly sweet person before Alzheimer’s, and then once she started sunsetting, she became vindictive and paranoid. Thought people were plotting against her or trying to poison her.

I posted this update because the original article was really badly written, and it was hard to figure out what actually happened.


I think a lot of people commenting have been fortunate enough to not have a loved one, or even someone they are close to succumb to these ailments. I’ve had a relative and two older ladies I grew up with pass away as completely different people than they were during the 30+ years I knew them. The hatred, vitriol, unhinged, and unprompted behavior was gut wrenching. Their sadly wasn’t much of a support system other than what they could get with Medicare and the community of people that only stuck around due to who they were rather than what they had become. It rocked my world and was life changing on my outlook on a great number of things to see in person how the most loving, sweet, caring people I could ever imagine knowing turn into monsters. Two of these women would start baking cookies for us kids growing up if we stopped by unannounced and loved nothing more than an unprompted visit turned to an evening of cards. Their last 3-5 years of life was not who they were, it was a disease, and it was scary.


It can be both, though. He could be a sack of shit who is now going through dementia.

Rhoeri, avatar

In other worlds….



I mean, of course it’s related to mental health, no psychopathic idiot has ever owned a gun and misused it.

Holyginz, in After decades of climate deception, Shell uses Fortnite to court demographic most concerned about climate change

Oil and gas companies need the same rules that cigarettes have. Where they aren’t allowed to advertise.


*oil and gas companies need to be systematically dismantled and their executives sent to the fucking hague


Until quite recently Shell HQ was at the Hague


Saves on airfare

eran_morad, in End of an era: Zoom tells employees to return to office for work

Commuting is a total loss, and I find being in the office makes it much harder to actually get work done. Fuck all this shit.


I’ve been getting a lot of messages on LinkedIn from recruiters, a lot of these are asking me to be in the office 2 to 3 times a week. If I was to commute, I’d leave before my son is awake and arrive after he has gone to bed, working from home, I see him whenever I want.


Never saw my dad growing up unless it was the weekends and by then he was tired. He commuted a decent amount. Now he’s in his later years and unable to physically do much. I wonder what kind of relationship we would have had. I wish I knew him at his best.


I missed all my kids young years due to work and commute, I’ll be damned if I miss their middle/older years. work from home isn’t just a preference it is literally giving our family irreplaceable time back. your comment made me sad, I hope you have a good relationship now


I’ve been able to be there for almost all of my second daughters first year milestones thanks to WFH. You can’t put a pricetag on that.


I always ask if there’s in office and will flat out reject anything more than 1-2 days per week


Every single serious study about working from home has had the result that it makes workers more productive.


It heavily depends on your circumstances. A lot of people really want to get back to the office.


I’m not suggesting that people should be forbidden to work in the office, just that they shouldn’t be forced to do it. My company has a completely liberal policy concerning home office, so you can work from home pretty much all the time, but I still come to the office regularly because I want to.


I like being in the office but the commute is so fucking dumb. Giant swarms of gridlocked cars blasting pollution into the air, wasting vast amounts of time/money/public resources… then you think about how you worked perfectly fine 100% remote for a year and yet these tech companies are all of a sudden herding everyone back into the office doing everything possible to piss away a valuable tool to reduce pollution, increase space for housing while reducing their own overhead, and build resiliency against future pandemics.

It’s frustrating.


It’s straight idiotic. I think it’s because the big guys enjoy making the unwashed masses miserable.


It’s almost certainly much more about commercial real estate and making sure they don’t lose out on the huge investments they have made there. It’s always always about money.


Sunk cost fallacy.

SpaceCowboy, avatar

It’s just weak management. Some people work best from home. For some people, that doesn’t really work. For people like myself, I need to come into the office once per week and I’m good.

But it’s easier to manage via policy instead of managing individuals. So that’s what they do.

kSPvhmTOlwvMd7Y7E, in 'Scripture is very clear': New House Speaker tells Congress God has 'ordained' them

Quetiapine 50mg, twice per day. Increase dosage if voices persist


That’s way to low of a dose for hallucinations.

Start with 300mg XR and up the dose of necessary


Jesus Fuck! I was put on 10mg for a month and it turned me into a fucking mindless zombie. 300mg would comatose me.


Probably the point?


I think you’re misremembering. 25mg is the lowest dose for quetiapine


Yes it did have that effect too! My memory of the month is fuzzy at-best. So it would have been 25mg. It was the lowest dose. I remember halving it after the first day it was so strong. :/

infinitepcg, in Michigan State University 'deeply sorry' for Hitler image displayed on video boards before football game

I don’t understand what is supposed to be the offense here. It was a trivia question about world history. In the context it was clearly not an endorsement.


Bad taste gets this kind of reaction


I don’t know, considering Nazis are becoming a problem again, it’s a bad look.


They’ve been a consistent problem since the 1930s


Yes, ignoring and not acknowledging and teaching history is a good way to not repeat it.


Maybe there are people in the audience who would rather not be reminded of the person who murdered their family members when they’re just trying to go to a game. Treating Hitler like a distant history factoid that couldn’t have impacted anyone alive is at minimum ignorant.

xigoi, avatar

By this logic, would a question about the Soviet Union also be bad?


Do you think it would be normal for a question about the Holodomor to appear?

xigoi, avatar

No, but the analogous question would be something like “where was Stalin born”.


It’s not possible to mention or show Hitler without invoking the Holocaust, they’re inseparable in the public consciousness. It would be like asking trivia about another genocide.

Akasazh, avatar

There’s both a boatload of questions about Hitler that don’t involve the Holocaust and a lot of topics that would inherently do if you ignore that fact.

Every question regarding the Jewish people could be seen as linked to that genocide too, just like Armenians and Rwandese. Can there be questions about those people that don’t evolve the specifics of the particular genocide.

Agent641, in 'You're fine. You're vaccinated': Anti-vax Fox News host goes dead silent after co-host calls her out for vaccine status

You are anti-vax because youre a paranoid conspiracy theorist.

I am anti-vax because I crave death.

straightens tie

We are not the same.

HeyThisIsntTheYMCA, avatar

I’m antivax because I sell tiny coffins and business was slow


slaps roof of tiny coffin

“This bad boy can fit exactly one antivaxxer’s kid…”

dojan, avatar

There are nicer ways to go than covid. Like overzealous erotic asphyxiation. Get you a nice hunk to choke you to death.


You offering? 👉👈

samus12345, avatar

Also lots of ways that don’t risk taking other people with you.

SketchySeaBeast, avatar

You could always ask David Carradine for tips. Wait…

FarceMultiplier, avatar

Bungie cord 6 inches too long…so they leave an impression.

mateomaui, in Nebraska governor signs executive order defining men as "bigger, stronger and faster"

Counterpoint: Ben Shapiro


What’s with the Ben Shapiro jokes here? I know who he is and I’ve read some of his (often comically) idiotic takes on world events, but care to explain it as it relates to this topic?


properly answering that would require spending entirely too much time talking about Ben Shapiro, this will have to do


He’s a right wing pundit who claims to only care about “facts” and “logic” to make himself seem more intelligent and credible to his base. Of course, none of his views hold up to much scrutiny, showing that he doesn’t actually care about facts and logic, meaning that really he’s just another bigot.

That would be pathetic enough, except that he’s kind of the king of self-burns. Like, shit the CIA couldn’t get out of most people. You should look up ‘ben shapiro WAP’. It’s fucking hilarious that he felt the need to commentate on the song in the first place, but the things he said solidified him as a meme. “Wet ass p-word” is a classic quote, and the fact that he admitted to his wife telling him that being that wet isn’t normal is hysterical.


damn I totally forgot about the WAP self-own, good stuff, for everyone except his wife obviously


One of the most amusing things about him is how he routinely “destroys” people with debate superiority and yet he does what he does now because he completely failed as a hollywood nepo baby screenwriter or some shit… so now he just complains all the time about inequality for white men and wokeness like a leaky helium balloon, telling women to stay in their lane and making bad related predictions, like saying the Barbie movie will burn out after a week or so from irrelevance, only to see it top a billion in sales. Dude can’t help punching himself in the nuts on the regular.


Cool thanks for explaining.

Treczoks, in 'Scripture is very clear': New House Speaker tells Congress God has 'ordained' them

And the Constitution and its Amendments are very clear about a separation of church and state.

HeyThisIsntTheYMCA, avatar

Some idiots think it means the government can’t do anything to regulate churches. There a bunch of laws that disagree.


It actually explicitly doesn’t say you can’t relate churches.

“Shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.”

If we’re going strictly by what the words say, as long as the people are still legally allowed and freely allowed to practice their religion, Congress technically has the right to regulate religious institutions to their hearts content.

It’s not like it says “shall make no law regulating an institution of religion.”


The Vermont Constitution has a much more explicit freedom from religion:

Article 3. [Freedom in religion; right and duty of religious worship]

That all persons have a natural and unalienable right, to worship Almighty God, according to the dictates of their own consciences and understandings, as in their opinion shall be regulated by the word of God; and that no person ought to, or of right can be compelled to attend any religious worship, or erect or support any place of worship, or maintain any minister, contrary to the dictates of conscience, nor can any person be justly deprived or abridged of any civil right as a citizen, on account of religious sentiments, or peculia[r] mode of religious worship; and that no authority can, or ought to be vested in, or assumed by, any power whatever, that shall in any case interfere with, or in any manner control the rights of conscience, in the free exercise of religious worship. Nevertheless, every sect or denomination of christians ought to observe the sabbath or Lord’s day, and keep up some sort of religious worship, which to them shall seem most agreeable to the revealed will of God.


Everytime I hear of Vermont it feels like the only sane, progressive state in the US. It almost feels like a seperate country compared to everywhere else.

What’s the opinion of it in the US?

DeepGradientAscent, avatar

Generally speaking, my friends and I, who’ve all grown up in Chicago suburbs (myself and most by birth, the others being transplants) agree with you.

It would be very comfortable there, despite my misgivings of moving to a state almost entirely populated by people of European descent.

I’ve been there a few times. Played a show in Burlington. Lovely area. Lovely people. A few more brown folks here and there wouldn’t hurt.


A few more brown folks here and there wouldn’t hurt.

Be the change you want to see in the world.

We’re the thinking of Vermont as a possible destination once my wife is eligible for her full retirement pension, and we can get out of this christo-conservative, handmaid’s-tale-wannabe, craphole of a state (Texas).

We’re not ‘brown’ but it would still be nice if Vermont had some more diversity by the time we get there.


You can’t fart in a parking lot without stinking up a Subaru.

HeyThisIsntTheYMCA, avatar

I’d move there if y’all had better winters and beaches.


It is entirely composed of a coat factory, an ice cream factory, and B&Bs.


“no law” is not literal it is aspirational. At least according to what I have heard. If it was literal there could be zero rules about speech which breaks the constitutional ideas of oath of office and treason charges.

The aspirational would be a government that doesn’t even know religion exists. It is taxed, regulated, and given the same respect as any other institution.


A bunch of states don’t tax church property and both states and feds don’t tax earnings for this reason.


Who watches the nightwatchers? Who or what systems could regulate the government? Ask yourself

HeyThisIsntTheYMCA, avatar

Oh yeah the churches are the group that I’m gonna trust with that.


Can the argument not go both ways? I’m not saying I would trust the church to watch over the government or vice versa I’m simply making an observation that tyrannical government overreach etc is plausible and a potential cause for concern for any person that places a degree of their trust in the systems or bodies around them


Ok, show me where it says that then


“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.”


That’s really more a bar on state religion, that again doesn’t really prevent our new speaker from say proposing a bill that donates Federal funds to his favorite church, so long as the government isn’t in control of said church.


That would be news to Madison, the man who wrote it. He specifically wrote it to stop a religious funding policy in Maryland. As he pointed out funding would have to pick and choose which religions to fund

BeautifulMind, avatar

It would also be news to Jefferson- his letter to the Danbury Baptists highlights that states like Mass and CT established state religions under the confederation rules, which put Baptists in CT in the role of a religious minority, required to pay taxes to the Congregational Church. In colonial times it was the established religion, a state of affairs that would continue until it was ‘disestablished’ as the state religion via a state constitutional amendment in 1818.


All Debts contracted and Engagements entered into, before the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be as valid against the United States under this Constitution, as under the Confederation.

This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.

The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious Test shall ever be Required as a Qualification To any Office or public Trust under the United States.

Specifically, I like this line here, that was present in the third paragraph I quoted from the Constitution:

no religious Test shall ever be Required as a Qualification To any Office or public Trust under the United States.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but doesn’t that mean that we specifically don’t care if God, Allah, Buddha, or whoever says they are supposed to be in power?

Edit: and since we both want to be dickheads, today, why don’t you show me where it says in the Constitution to base our laws around the bible?


None of that says that church and state must be separate, just that there can be no religious test. There’s nothing in there barring him from saying “I think God blesses the people here”

In fact, to really be edgy, that also doesn’t prevent the government from say donating $10B each year to some Christian church.

To your second point, I never suggested that the Constitution says we should base our laws around the Bible.

My only point is the oft quoted Separation of church and state is only an idea from the Jefferson papers. If you want to make sure church and state remain separate, and the new speaker doesn’t start using federal funds for his church, perhaps it’s time to actually put separation into the Constitution?


If no qualifying religious measure can be used to install a person into office, it stands to reason that religious belief shouldn’t come into play.

I would hope our (the US’) political system would be aware enough that writing private funding into any religious system would be seen as favoritism and the remaining belief systems would be righteously offended at the lack of consideration, or perhaps even the outright rejection of our beliefs.

This nation was built on immigrants (and the blood of natives, but that isn’t what we are discussing) from every walk of life, every religious circle. To disregard others in favor of your own belief SHOULD be political suicide. These elected officials, after all, supposed to be elected to help with the concerns of the WHOLE populous, after all, not just a specific subset.

Playing religious favoritism has a high potential to try to convert the country into a religious state, as funding continues to be funneled into these specific religions, and in turn the churches funnel money back into the candidates as lobbying.

Coming to that point, does anyone who wants to to fund the church with government money which would be better used to take homeless off the streets, feed homeless children, or making people’s lives in general, don’t have the people’s, or even God’s best interests at heart?

Do they tithe their first ten percent, as the Bible says? Surely it would be in their tax records as charitable donations? If not, that would make me even more suspect of their intentions.

ZeroCool, in Wedding officiant accidentally shoots own grandson after trying to get guests’ attention avatar

Top three mythological creatures of American folklore:

  1. Bigfoot
  2. Mothman
  3. The Responsible Gun Owner

I don’t think that’s fair. I’ve taken gun/hunting education classes from some volunteer instructors that seemed to me to be about the most serious, responsible people I’ve ever met.

ZeroCool, (edited ) avatar

Cool beans. Everyone considers themselves to be a “responsible gun owner” right up until the moment they shoot someone or themselves. It’s not a matter of if but when it’s going to happen.

Edit: Gun nuts and apologists line up here to get blocked.

BluJay320, avatar

I’m not a fan of guns myself, but this is quite a reach.

There are certainly many, MANY more irresponsible gun owners than responsible ones out there. But to say that there are none is just objectively false.

Do accidents happen? Yes, and they can happen to anyone. The difference is that a responsible owner’s accident isn’t going to end up with a person getting shot.


No, there are far more responsible gun owners than irresponsible ones. There are roughly 100 million gun owners in the USA. If “most” of those people were irresponsible then there wouldn’t be 100 million of them left. We only hear about the irresponsible ones having accidents or committing crimes, which is a tiny percentage of the overall 100 million.


Unless the most responsible thing to do is not own guns, then there’s twice as many more of us.


Well considering that car accidents and other accidents not involving cars are typically the 4th or 5th leading cause of death in the USA, versus homicides of any kind being farther down than 10th to 15th place (varying by year)… it would be even More Responsible of you all to not drive or be a passenger in any motor vehicle, and to wear impact-resistant personal armor at all times to prevent injuries from falling. You could wear your protective suit and stay indoors at all times to be Even More Responsible.

Also considering that heart disease and cancer are the permanent top causes of death in the USA, to be Most Responsible you should do all of the above (never travel and always wear your protective suit and stay indoors) and eat only a healthy diet with plenty of cancer fighting vitamins for every meal.


I’d be inclined to agree with this argument if any of the other causes of death were from devices that are only designed to kill things.


That’s an absolutely absurd claim. The fraction of gun owners that ever shoot a human being is very close to zero.


If they didn’t have guns, it would be zero.


Excellent example of a “No True Scotsman” fallacy. Well done! Bit of a shame you’re trying to use it in an actual debate, but you do you.


Actually, as someone who doesn’t have a strong stance either way, maybe I’ll just block you.

ZeroCool, avatar

k bye


This is like the claim that humans are addicted to oxygen.

HeyThisIsntTheYMCA, avatar

I have some friends who are adamant anti gun folk and I get that. It’s what the numbers say is ideal. I used to be pro gun (grew up in a very conservative cult), then anti gun, now I’m somewhere in the middle with “yeah it would be better to reduce the amount of guns but this is kind of where we’re at” and feel like a more pragmatic approach to getting us towards a gun free utopia (read: idealized society that can never be achieved) is probably best. Unfortunately it requires national cooperation and my country, uh, that is not what they do. On a personal level tho I somehow have become the person who gets to inherit all the guns in the family and except for the cool, inoperable civil war rifle we’ve had them all destroyed. That thing’s a show piece though. It’s a historical paperweight. It’s more dangerous as a club (even the bayonette is dull) than as a gun.


The key word there is “seemed”


I just want to live long enough to enter a situation where I can legally kill someone with my 1911😔


Dafuq? You want to murder somebody?

Yes officer this guy right here…


Guess sarcasm is hard to do over text😔


Yes, that is why a responsible internet commenter adds the “/s” tag to their sarcastic comments


But that just feels… cowardly

clegko, avatar
detalferous, in YouTube prankster says he had no idea he was scaring man who shot him

This channel needs to be de monetized

canthidium, avatar

Very much so. YT should demonetize all “prank” channels. It’s just bullying/terrorizing.


For the lazy if people want to report his videos. He literally has shit like “Taking people’s groceries”, “Aggressively X”, “Accusing people of stealing pets”, etc. in the titles,

Almost all of them are against Youtube ToS.

Krankite, in Pakistan wants to claim the rights to the name 'India' should country change its name

India no longer planning to change its name out of spite. Still England fault.

reflex, in Mike Johnson Admits He and His Son Monitor Each Other's Porn Intake in Resurfaced Video avatar

he installed “accountability software” called Covenant Eyes on his devices in order to abstain from internet porn

Covenant Eyes sounds like some Handmaid's Tale shit.


Under his eye.

reflex, avatar

Under his eye.

Praise be.


Hey, I have a local cult that uses that software.

They also like to pack a bunch of students into one apartment and then charge each of them $700*/month in rent.

*(Don’t take my word on the numbers.)


Oh wow, I didn’t know Xenos Church changed their name. Trying to mask themselves with a name change.


They also use a bunch of other names for smaller groups that are really part of Xenos. They know the reputation follows them.


It must be so easy to con right wing religious fanatics.

Serinus, (edited )

Their tactics are pretty good and could get a lot of people, really. They do what’s called “love bombing”. One of them will befriend you, and invite you somewhere. You won’t realize you’re being targeted for recruitment. For that outing, the goal of nearly everyone there will be to make sure YOU are having a good time and feel accepted.

They’ll try to draw you in deeper, maybe try to get you to go to a Bible study (even if you aren’t religious.) If you have other friends, they’ll either try to draw them in with you, or they’ll do what they can to distance you from them. Even something as simple as hearing you have plans and then inviting you somewhere else on that day.

Eventually they’ll push a little harder on trying to get you to conform. If that goes well, they’ll try to get you to move in. At that point it’s a lot harder to extract yourself. They’ll try to keep you so busy with activities that you don’t have time for anything else.

During all this, they’ll try to get you to share personal things. It’s okay to talk about your sins, that’s how you get past them.

Past that point, if you try to extract they’ll start to use those things against you. Did you tell them about child abuse or pictures or something about a boyfriend/girlfriend? As discouragement from dissidence, they’ll hold meetings where they discuss those things as a topic. They have spyware on your phone at this point, so they may share anything embarrassing there they can find. They’ll threaten to tell your parents all the sins you’ve admitted.

It’s pretty insidious.


How could anyone be so evil. That’s fucking crazy.


I swear, every week I see an article that makes me say, “oh shit, The Handmaid’s Tale is starting”


Next step up from using confession material for blackmailing parishioners

A_Random_Idiot, in YouTube prankster says he had no idea he was scaring man who shot him

Cook said he continues to make the videos and earns $2,000 or $3,000 a month. His subscriber base increased from 39,000 before the shooting to 55,000 after.

and thats everything thats wrong with society right here.

Him getting shot is just giving him more fame, more money and more excuses to continue doing this shit.


That could be short term. Oftentimes I hear about these people getting more followers, but then I don’t hear about them ever again. There are exceptions to that obviously, but I’m not entirely certain on how many retain that fame.

Subscribers is a big number for YouTubers, but if I’m not mistaken, views for videos is still more important. And I wonder how easy it will be to continue making this kind of content a) after suffering an injury like this which will put him out of commission for a while and likely prevent him from doing particular stunts, and b) with the general hesitancy to approach people that this altercation will hopefully instill. So he could be looking at paying actors (would go poorly) or making his pranks more tame (would go poorly).


Articles shouldn’t be blowing up his channel when covering this case, he makes a living harassing random strangers


I’m not really addressing that facet of the topic, I was addressing whether those subs would be enough to keep his career afloat. But for the record, I’m not going to be subscribing as I also do not appreciate his behavior.


Except around here you get two in the chest and one in the head.


I think it’s about not missing his final prank. 2 month later: idiot got shot again. Darwin wins

cyborganism, in Man thrusts American flag through another man’s head at Sonic, Oklahoma cops say

Witnesses told police they saw a man, identified as Clinton Collins, “charge at the victim and stab him with the flagpole through his head,” the release said. “That’s what he gets,” Collins said, witnesses told police. “He deserved it.” Collins was taken into custody immediately, police said. It took longer to help the victim, whose injuries put firefighters in a delicate predicament, according to police. “The pole entered the victim’s head beneath his jaw and exited the other side of his head near his right temple area,” the release said. “The American Flag was still attached (to) the pole at the time.” Due to the size of the pole, firefighters had to cut part of it off for the victim to fit into an ambulance, police said.

Fucking hell… That poor guy.

That psychopath needs help.


Okay, I’ll say it. His name is very ironic, guessing he’s a republican. Maybe all his insecurities came from there?

Poor, poor victim. Nobody deserves that.

BluJay320, in 'Scripture is very clear': New House Speaker tells Congress God has 'ordained' them avatar

Dude really pulled the “divine right” card huh?

seaQueue, avatar

The French invented a wonderful device to cure sufferers of the divine right delusion:


Leaders claiming divinity leave the proletariat no choice but to demand proof

seaQueue, avatar

Fortunately it’s a testable hypothesis

BluJay320, avatar

If the head comes off, your claim is coiffe


It’s spelled covfefe

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