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luthis, in Disney World sued over 'painful wedgie' caused by Typhoon Lagoon slide

Yeah, this is far more than just a ‘painful wedgie.’

I’m getting strong ‘stupid woman sues McDonalds after spilling coffee on herself (except it was like seriously major disfiguring burns but shhh about that)’ vibes from that headline


It says she was instructed on the safety measures to take, but not “why.” Gives strong “you don’t tell me what to do” energy.


Nah bro, more likely it’s ‘well you didn’t say it could seriously injure or kill me so it’s probably not important to listen to.’

This is coincidentally also the framework for how adolescent males navigate the world.


Asking why you have to do something is smart in every case. I ask why I’m asking to do something all the time. If it’s not a valid reason why I should be doing something, I just don’t do it. And if somebody won’t tell you why you’re supposed to be doing something and that’s a giant red flag. So somebody asks you why just tell him


Let it play out in court. If she’s the only one that got injured, and it’s because she intentionally did something wrong, then the court will take that into account.

If people are regularly injured, and she’s just the worst case, and it’s a common problem, then the court will take that into account too.

The media only cares about clicks, so you can’t trust their filter to be fair to the real story.

FuglyDuck, avatar

For the record, the article attributes that to her or her lawyers. They could be lying but in rather doubt it.

The McGuinness’ suit categorizes the experience as a “painful wedgie,” and alleges that she "suffered severe and permanent bodily injury …


The rest of that quote is worth adding

The McGuinness’ suit categorizes the experience as a “painful wedgie,” and alleges that she “suffered severe and permanent bodily injury including severe vaginal lacerations, a full thickness laceration causing Plaintiff’s bowel to protrude through her abdominal wall, and damage to her internal organs.”

fosiacat, in Mike Johnson Admits He and His Son Monitor Each Other's Porn Intake in Resurfaced Video

god these people are fucking weird. so fucking weird.

Illuminostro, (edited )

This is what happens when you’re brainwashed from childhood to believe you’re born evil, anyone not on your “team” is more evil, and you must blindly obey authority.



chemical_cutthroat, avatar

Organized religion destroys who we are or who we can be by inhibiting our actions and decisions out of fear of an intangible parent-figure who shakes a finger at us from thousands of years ago and says “No, no!”

–Kevin Smith, Dogma


Great quote. I can’t talk about Dogma without bringing up that time that Kevin Smith participated in a protest of his own film.

Among the sign-waving attendees was Smith himself, making absolutely not the slightest effort to disguise his appearance or voice.

“I don’t think [Dogma] stands for anything positive,” - Kevin Smith, being interviewed by a news reporter while cheerfully participating in a protest of his film, Dogma.…

Teon, avatar

You spelled weird wrong.
It's spelled, *psycho.


I remember this kind of stuff back from my days as an evangelical Christian…they applaud this kind of nonsense, even though every single one of the users of this kind of software has some way around it. Purity culture craziness.

Th4tGuyII, in Eminem's Mom's Spaghetti Pasta Sauce sells out within hours avatar

I feel like there's a certain irony in someone who grew up poor, likely eating the cheapest tomato sauce available, selling $13 jars of tomato sauce to the very place he grew up in

CarlsIII, in Jan. 6 Rally Organizer Created Her Own Mugshot Because She Felt Left Out

I already knew it was a cult, but wow, it really is a cult

CharlesDarwin, avatar

When do they get to the part where the men in the cult are snipping off their own nuts and buying black Nikes? My fear is that this cult won’t direct their weird tendencies at themselves, but instead, others.

originalfrozenbanana, in Man says police officer had no right to pull him over because she’s on OnlyFans

He can’t respect her because she’s a sex worker and not because she’s a cop? Man talk about being right for the wrong reasons

elbarto777, (edited )

Why would you not respect a person because they’re a sex worker?

Edit: I see it now.


I think the implication is that the cop shouldn't be respected for being a cop, not because she's a sex worker.

Kushan, avatar

One way or another they’re going to fuck you


And it cost you money either way.


I got it now. Thanks.


Swing and a miss!


Lol true! I see my mistake now.


because they likely don’t respect themselves.

HawlSera, in YouTube prankster says he had no idea he was scaring man who shot him

Assume that if you threaten someone, they will in turn assume you are a threat.

TryingToEscapeTarkov, in 'Scripture is very clear': New House Speaker tells Congress God has 'ordained' them

Fuck your religion. Keep that shit out of politics please.

EternalNicodemus, avatar

Lmao, God has nothing to do with those guys💀

Nima, avatar

god isn’t a good guy. he’s a villain. they can have him.

EternalNicodemus, avatar

If you are talking about olympic gods, sure

Tavarin, avatar

Nah, just the Abrahmic god that decided to flood the world and kill nearly everyone on it innocent or not.

EternalNicodemus, avatar

I mean, Noah warned them, so yea-


Hey you’re gonna die, it’s on you now wink

EternalNicodemus, avatar

Not what he said


Where you there? lol

Tavarin, avatar

Noah warned some people, what about the rest of the planet? I’m sure native Americans enjoyed suddenly being drowned with no warning.


Back then “the entire world” was a slang term for you neighborhood.

Tavarin, avatar

Ah yes, because the story clearly talks about Noah easily finding land again because only a small part of the world was flooded.


The whole story was bullshit, however floods throughout history are extremely common. Just look at the Libya flood.

Old tales from the bible were loosely based off of real life, but embellished heavily.

Tavarin, avatar

The whole story was bullshit

No shit, but the story still makes god an evil villain.


“Kill your son.”


“Do it, prove to me that you care more about doing what I say than you do about your own son.”

“Are you serious? That’s horrible.”

“Fucking do it. You want to spend infinite lifetimes in permanent anguish? Kill him. Now. Cut him open on that big flat rock over there. Gut him with a big fuck off knife, like a sword or something. Slice him up.”

“But he’s my son, I live him.”

“Sharpen the knife first then. Kill him, or I kill you, and him, and the rest of your family.”

“Ok, but, ffs, this is insane…”

“Haha I was just foolin, you don’t have to. I was just joshin. Just joshin with ya.”

“Should I… Do you want me to kill my son or…”

“WTF no! I was just messing around. But seriously don’t ever disobey me or you’re fucking done.”


Impractical Deities be like “Okay Sal, now tell him to bring his kid up to the top of the mountain and kill it.”


God douche: It was just a prank dude! Since 7th centru AD!

Nima, avatar

yahweh’s murder count is well over 2 million. he’s pretty much the god of murder.

EternalNicodemus, avatar

Who am I to judge, right?


Nope, talking about the one who told his followers to rip fetuses out of the bellies of pregnant women and smash them against the rocks, and to take any virgin girl children they find as sex slaves


To be clear there is no god. Also to be clear the stories you have about your god describe a poorly written villain who even if it were real, again it isn’t, deserves nothing from humanity except contempt.

EternalNicodemus, avatar

Your opinion, your opinion, yeah


Nope. Fact.

EternalNicodemus, avatar

Yes. Opinion.


No fact. It is factual that your skydaddy doesn’t exist. That being is logically impossible, physically impossible, and we have mountains of evidence against it.

Face the universe, accept your mortality, time to grow up.

EternalNicodemus, avatar

I face a universe where God is the puppeteer and we are his toys lol


What happened to that free will you skydaddy types love so much?

EternalNicodemus, avatar

Who said I am christian? Lol


Oh we are doing this game I see. When did being fucking coy become the highest form of wit?

EternalNicodemus, avatar

Uhm, there’s no game, you are the one replying someone who doesn’t really care

JoeBigelow, avatar

I’m still waiting for the day one of you proves us all wrong and gets a hold of God, maybe gets him on Hannity

EternalNicodemus, (edited ) avatar

Must say the same about evolution lol


So most people don’t believe in the leading scientific theory? Despite it being extensively tested and supported by numerous studies? If you’re open to learning more, I recommend exploring the following resources:……/12.03%3A_Evidence_for_Evolut…

On the other hand, there’s an entirely different perspective regarding the existence of God. You can delve into this topic by visiting Britannica - Existence of God. When you examine these sources, you’ll find that the evidence supporting evolution is rooted in reproducible scientific studies, while arguments for the existence of God often rely on philosophical reasoning, such as the ontological argument. While I can’t disprove this argument, it ultimately hinges on faith rather than concrete empirical evidence."

Anyway, I don’t expect to convince you or anyone else, just wanted to waste some time and further my own understanding of the subject, ignore this if you want.

EternalNicodemus, avatar

I meant must, not most, sorry, also, I can see you are not a nut job like many other users here, just a bit bored lol Evolution is a legit theory and possibility, I am unable to deny that obviously, but it’s more of a “It can technically happen, but will it happen?” thing for me, appreciate the effort you put on your comment tho

JoeBigelow, avatar

Oh is there a widely accepted scientific Theory of God I missed?

EternalNicodemus, avatar

Sadly not lol

twisted28, (edited )

This is where they go entirely off the rails. They conflate fact with belief and opinion when they refuse to accept reality and live in denial

Mr_Blott, in Kanye West told a Jewish Adidas manager to kiss a photo of Hitler "every day"

(now known as Ye)

When I was younger, if a kid tried to give themselves a cool nickname, everyone would do their absolute best to call them anything but that and make up the worst possible names to call them instead.

We should bring that back. I even went to school with a guy called Dungboy


That’s literally his legal name though.

Also: If someone wants to be known by a different name, why deny them? Sure, if it’s offensive or overly complicated or in bad faith no one needs to go along, but I don’t see why someone couldn’t be called Ye.


God you people are boring 😂

If an anti semetic cunt tells you he wants to be called Ye, you call him YeJew ffs


I suggest Yew (pronounced ‘jew’)


Bit insulting to graveyard trees innit


Makes me think of yahweh


Ohh Yeweh is a good one.


Because if they went along with you, then they couldn’t get outraged about ‘dead naming’ people, and they want to keep doing that 🤷🏼


But being trans is not the same as being antisemitic. It’s okay to (socially) punish someone for the latter.

Teon, avatar

[announcer] Introducing Mr. Ye Old News.

Carighan, avatar

Can Ye? Or can Ye not?


YeNo. Like, “should we keep talking about this guy? He’s kind of a moron…” “Yeah, no.”


I support calling Kanye “Dungboy”.

HootinNHollerin, avatar

Like when George Costanza tried to go by T-Bone

theluddite, in 'Scripture is very clear': New House Speaker tells Congress God has 'ordained' them
Szymon, in Man says police officer had no right to pull him over because she’s on OnlyFans

Who the fuck pays $30 to watch an online sex video?


People who want to try out this cool trick

Emperor, avatar

“The police hate this one cool trick”

blackluster117, avatar

It’s meth. The cool trick was meth.


there is nothing more pathetic than paying for pornography. or even being an avid consumer of it. one time a friend of mine told me to follow him on twitter and his entire feed was full of animated fetish porn. lost all respect I had for him. keep that shit to yourself.

solarvector, in YouTube prankster says he had no idea he was scaring man who shot him

It’s sad that this article reads like advertising for a shit head to attract other shit heads (how many times did they call out his show?). He’ll come out of this better off financially.


Right? Why the fuck even mention his channel name or subscribers?

iAmTheTot, avatar

Because they are just reporting on facts that give context the entire situation.


Oh come on, the news hasn’t actually cared about that since they ditched the broadcast regulations by switching to cable.


Because only success matters.

xtremeownage, in End of an era: Zoom tells employees to return to office for work

I mean… as a software developer, Sorry, I will not be returning to the office.

You need me, more than I need you. The market is HOT right now.

Companies will learn, the hard way.


Is the market hot right now? With all the layoffs, the sentiment on blind seems to be don’t try to find a job now

Carighan, avatar

That’s for relatively fresh programmers, and in particular BSc or BA.

If you have years of experience, it’s the opposite, companies fight each other to get you.



The market is HOT right now.**

** Conditions apply.


higher skilled workers are always in higher demand, that’s not really dependent on the market

FlyingSquid, avatar

Depends on the skill. I doubt there are too many experts in punch card computing that are in demand at the moment.


Pretty sure there is a bank somewhere looking for that skill still.


90% of the people who were laid off in December had a new job by February. That timeframe has been consistent across the board.

There is still a huge talent gap and there are still a huge amount of high paying jobs available for folks in software. You may have more trouble getting into the largest orgs, but aim a bit smaller and you can find work pretty quickly.


Exactly. I’m so tried of random folks speculating on how much easier it’s going to be to attract developers. Nothing actually changed folks.

A slightly smaller massive shortage is still just a massive shortage.

HerrLewakaas, avatar

Big tech overhired. There is still a massive number of companies that are in dire need of software devs. They won’t pay 300k though


The layoffs were all from the big tech companies, the small ones are still operating as per usual.


Not necessarily. The ones you HEAR about are from big tech companies, but many small tech companies are also tightening their belts to follow suit.

My evidence is inherently anecdotal, but my current (at the time) and previous companies of 100-ish people both also had (multiple) layoffs – more like 5 people each time rather than thousands, sure, and they never hit the news. I reported mine to, with the evidence that “company X just laid me off,” and they never posted it.


Zoom is one of the big ones, though, relatively.

They pay big tech salaries. So anyone leaving a job at Zoom would definitely be competing against those 150k who we’re laid off this year.


It’s not as great as it was a year or two ago.


That is true.

Two years ago, if I failed to reach out with an offer within 35 hours of finishing the interview, the candidate had already accepted one of the other two offers.

Today it seems like it can take two months for developers to have 3 competing offers. So if I end up needing to hire this year, I’ll have the kind of leverage that lets me take the whole work week to interview every candidate I want to, before making an offer.

The great news for me is that some hiring managers I compete with saw the layoffs and decided it was safe to reveal themselves as assholes. That’s going to make my job (of stealing their top talent) easier for many years to come, because people have long memories.

elscallr, avatar

I’m turning down recruiters pretty much daily, many offering better pay than my current job. I stay where I am because I like the people I work with.



But I have to warn you - you’re playing right into our evil plot of not being shitty bosses. I’ll have to let the secret society of non-asshole managers know that our master plan is progressing.


The tech hiring market is most definitely NOT hot right now. It’s the worst it’s been since the 2008 crisis aftermath.

Obviously there are still things out there but companies are hiring less and the market is flooded with big tech layoffs. Companies are being flooded with applications for available roles.

Startups are also struggling to raise which means there are less new jobs in startups too.


If you’re in STEM it’s really not a problem. I feel for others in auxiliary roles though.


I have over a decade of experience in software engineering and am struggling to find a new job at the moment. Every other time I’ve looked in the past it’s been way easier.

Obviously I could have a job if I wanted, but if you don’t want to compromise on role/pay then things are really tough at the moment.


That’s true. I’ve seen developers wait a month or two for the right offer this year.

In previous years, they usually had 3 mind blowing offers within a week of putting out the word that they’re looking.


Recruiters are still flooding my DMs (and calling me) so yeah, the market is still hot.


It’s hot for you but not for everyone.

Fixbeat, in Elon 'Back to the Office' Musk Called in Remotely to First X All-Hands

Why would anyone want to work for such a tool bag?


Sabotage from the inside. Like the guy that architected the “Death Star”


Bevel Lemelisk? Don’t think he did any sabotage.


No one wants to work for him. He’s just holding visa workers hostage


I won’t be surprised. Do you know of any news articles that confirm this?


While we don’t have official numbers, we do have this…/twitter-employees-on-visas-cant-just-q…

Early in the Twitter takeover, Twitter employees were offered a severance package to quit. H1-B workers can’t just leave because they need their job to stay in the country. We can thus speculate that most of the workers that did leave are US citizens which leaves Twitter with the H1-B workers


I wonder how many of those are still the case now? When he first took over, that was absolutely huge deal, since it’s extremely difficult to find another job as a visa worker. But it’s not impossible and Twitter employees would have very strong resumes. It’s been so long that I suspect many of those who wanted to leave could have found another company willing to sponsor by now.

There’s definitely Musk fanboys in the company. There’s no shortage of people, especially the “tech bro” type, who somehow still adore Musk.


Money. I had some friends at Tesla early on and became millionaires from the stock options.

Twitter. No idea why anyone is left.


I work in manufacturing in the bay area. We hire so many people who are ex-tesla workers. Anyone enchanted by Elon quickly loses their gusto for the job after working there. I’ve heard some horror stories about how they treat their technicians


I know some technicians that are getting interview requests from Tesla, do you have any horror stories I can pass along?

TheBat, avatar

You can’t just tease us like that😡


When I started working, I was dedicated to work and wanted nothing else than to produce lines of code, I just loved it so much. Having a boss that was like this, dedicated and loved hard workers, I’d have loved working for him. Few years later? Fuck that, give me 100% remote, 35h/w with 7 weeks vacations, I’d be truely happy that way!


People probably have to pay rent or some shit

million, in Psychedelic mushrooms and quiet quitting: Psilocybin use tied to working fewer overtime hours avatar

Quiet quitting refers to a phenomenon where employees, particularly in the United States, increasingly prioritize work-life balance over excessive workplace engagement. Instead of going above and beyond their job duties, these employees simply fulfill their basic responsibilities and are often reluctant to work overtime.

I don’t know if there is objective definition on quiet quitting but this one feels off and a little gross to me. You can work your agreed upon hours with no overtime and still do an amazing job. This definition paints folks working full time jobs as slackers because they aren’t doing overtime, which in most cases is going to be free overtime.


Every definition feels gross to me, but I agree this article has a bad slant.


Company propaganda. Definitely has all the ick

snooggums, avatar

Plus, how is doing your job 'quitting'?

Social media terms are always stupid and confusing.


The only time/place I’ve heard “quiet quitting” has been in articles/online. Never from a real person in real life. It’s akin to them trying to make fetch happen.


The people who work for those who call just doing what you're paid for "quiet quitting" should show them what quiet quitting really is by going to lunch one day and never coming back.


The only time I refer to it in real life is when I go to the bathroom for an extended amount of time in the office AKA “quiet shitting” :P


Yep it has been presented as that by the media but real people talking about it usually mean just half-assing your job like you don’t care about it.

“Not going above and beyond” has worked pretty well for me the majority of my career, I just get the job done well and try to remember to do most of what I’m supposed to.


I mean, yeah. It’s a term that was created to make people who aren’t hard working slaves look bad.

sour, avatar

prioritizing your mental health is a "phenomenon"


generalpotato, in Pakistan wants to claim the rights to the name 'India' should country change its name

Hahahaha gotta give it to Pakistan, there’s trolling and then there’s trolling on a global scale. Pakistan aiming and achieving the latter.

Before anybody piles on — I don’t give a fuck about your opinion. I get this because I’m from the region and understand the dynamics between both countries pretty deeply.


Don't know what they would pileon but I am interested to find out


Would you mind informing those of us who do not understand the dynamics of the relationship what happened to make things so bitter? Is it a one or two time event or a series of continuous bitter rivalry?

generalpotato, (edited )

Oh it’s a long complicated history which is worthy of a niche and focus in history within higher education for example.

I suppose you could start at 1947 when Pakistan and India gained independence and even then depending on how you view it, you could claim that the British screwed both sides during the event furthering animosity between Hindus and Muslims in the region. The dream of a Muslim independent state starts at ~1857 when the Mughals who were primarily Muslim ruled over India for about a ~1000yrs lost out to the British which would then become to displace Mughals and rule over India and pillage it’s natural resources, not to say the Mughals weren’t guilty of their own set of atrocities. Again depending on how you look at, you could also consider Mughals invaders to a certain extent when they started gaining influence around ~700s with arrival of delegates of the Ummayad Caliphate and imposed themselves over a local populace that was primarily Hindu and Buddhist which existed in the region for 1000s of years prior with their own rich histories and cultures.

Forwarding back over to after the events of 1947, which lead to the creation of India and Pakistan and present day Bangladesh which was part of Pakistan as well. Bangladesh’s independence from Pakistan, 4 wars between India and Pakistan and regular skirmishes over the territorial dispute of Kashmir later, you have a very complicated and deep history influencing feelings for almost any individual that belongs to the region.

Largely, the people actually love each other and are fascinated by their similarities and differences in cultures, only to be manipulated by their governments for political favors and votes like any other region in the world.

Like all history, there’s numerous takes and narratives on any detail you can pick, so consider this as just one take of it.

Putting a note for further clarity just so we get things technically clear: “The Mughals” as in the actual dynasty didn’t rule India for a thousand years. It was Muslims and their presence in general. The Mughals were a part of the Muslim presence in India which shaped the subcontinent before the British came in.


Well thank you for sharing, I learned something today.


Of course! Happy to help.


Jesse what the fuck are you talking about? The Mughals were a Timurid descendant dynasty who founded the Mughal empire in the 1500s and it was basically gone by the middle of the 18th century.

Early Muslim conquests in India were primarily done by individuals of arabic background.

generalpotato, (edited )


How does anything I’ve written contradict what you’re talking about?

What the fuck are YOU talking about?

Edit: Clearly context isn’t a thing and we’re on the nit pick bandwagon. So here, let’s spell it out. I’m using Mughals as a synonym for Muslim because it’s simpler to understand and paint a picture of what transpired in broad strokes.


Dont do it. You are seriously misrepresenting the situation. Invasions of that kind barely consisted of any significant population exchange. Muslim and non-muslim populace is just about 100% genetically identical.

Its kind of like calling germans nazis. Sure, the nazi rule is still at large in the central of Europe. Hey, its just broad strokes, dude…


Holy fuck. What a leap.

Muslims were invaders. Doesn’t mean the net effect of the invasions were bad for the region in terms of social and economic development. There were legitimate wars between Ummayads and Rajputs.

What the fuck are you on about genetics? This has nothing to do with genetics and the make up of the populace there.


I’m gonna be honest when you mentioned mughals ruling India for 1000 years i did get a bit confused so i get why their nitpicking. But other than that it’s good👍


Thanks for keeping it civil. I amended the post just so it’s clear.



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