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Semi-Hemi-Demigod, in Chevron boss says the $300 billion oil giant has changed life on Earth for the better: ‘We’re not selling a product that is evil’ avatar

Petrochemicals and the energy from fossil fuels did provide the needed food and energy to boost our standard of living.


By the time we knew they were affecting the climate, we had the technology to move off of them and didn't because of assholes like this.


we had the technology to move off of them

We still don't have the technology to move of them. Energy storage is severely lacking.

Semi-Hemi-Demigod, avatar

I bet if we had started the process in the 1970s like Carter wanted we'd be a lot further along by now.


It's possible, but it's not like technology halted in that time and there has been a big energy independence drive regardless of Reagan.

The harsh truth is that we still need fossil fuels today.

We're probably going to need them for decades to come, even if we have massive green energy drives.

Semi-Hemi-Demigod, avatar

big energy independence drive

This is a great weasel word. "Energy independence." Like we're going to hook cables up to George Washington and run on carbon-neutral Freedom Juice.™

"Energy independence" still means using fossil fuels. Just maybe different ones like natural gas instead of coal. There's less emissions, sure, but it's not anything like what Carter envisioned: Solar power stations in LEO, beaming gigawatts of carbon neutral power down from space.


Carter also embraced nuclear energy, IIRC. Meanwhile, you’ve got California trying desperately to shut down Diablo Canyon but kicking the can down the road every two years because, surprise surprise, energy demand went up and they can’t afford to take DCNP offline. As I recall, DCNP’s reactor core was due for decommissioning twelve years ago, we just keep stringing it along like “c’mon bro, just two more years, I swear I’ll shut you down then. We won’t need your 2,000 gigawatts by then, bro, I promise, c’mon bro, please don’t fuck up on me, just hold on for two more years”. It’s stupid. We could’ve replaced the goddamn reactor by now, but we gotta play stupid games and win stupid prizes.

Semi-Hemi-Demigod, avatar

Carter also embraced nuclear energy, IIRC.

Carter specifically avoided nuclear energy. He was involved in a nuclear accident, so he knew the risks and favored building massive solar panels.

To quote the linked article: "The project was not continued with the change in administrations after the 1980 United States elections."

That fucker Reagan also took Carter's solar panels off the White House.

HeyThisIsntTheYMCA, avatar

3 mile island happened at the end of his tenure, but yeah

Semi-Hemi-Demigod, avatar

Actually, his anti-nuclear stance started when he was in the Navy working on nuclear reactors. In 1952 a Canadian reactor melted down and he was on the team that fixed it.


And suffered radiation poisoning for months, if not years, after. An actual hero rather than a B movie star.


"Energy independence" still means

It also meant reducing imports of oil by being more efficient and investing in green tech by lots of parties across the country.

Semi-Hemi-Demigod, avatar

green tech

Green tech like clean coal? Green tech like fracking to get natural gas? Which "green" tech are we talking about here?


Green tech like wind, hydro, solar, and geothermal. The big deal was the fact you don't need to import oil to run them.

Semi-Hemi-Demigod, avatar

The US is the largest producer of both crude oil and natural gas in the world. That's what they mean when they say "energy independence:" Not importing foreign oil.


It is today after a massive fracking boom that largely happened independent of the big oil companies (they're starting to go gobble up the fracking pioneers nowadays).

But up until then nobody was sure of what to do and every independence was a pipe dream. That effort absolutely came with investment into green energy.

Semi-Hemi-Demigod, avatar

So energy independence was a pipe dream until we had a massive boom in the production of a fossil fuel.

And that is apparently "green energy."


And that is apparently "green energy."

No, but the investments into stuff like geothermal was.

Read this:

Semi-Hemi-Demigod, avatar

You mean the document that starts off with "Expanding Refining Capacity," "Domestic Production Of Oil From ANWR," "Natural Gas Offers New Opportunities," and "Make Clean Use Of Our Coal Supply?"

The one that crows about $1.9 billion over 10 years for clean energy, but also mentions $52 billion in investment in coal?

That document on "green energy?"


Keep reading.

This is literally Bush - Republican president - creating green energy incentives and promoting nuclear power.

Energy independence movement absolutely included green energy, even if you are too blinded by the other stuff to see it.

HeyThisIsntTheYMCA, avatar

I had a professor who was intimately involved in the Texas wind farms built under this program. So yeah, renewable energy (I read an article on hydrogen sourcing the other day and colors confuse me now) was definitely part of it.


If this was truly what Carter envisioned, then he was an unbelievable moron. “Sunsats”, are not practical or environmentally efficient. The mere fact that you have to place and maintain them via spacelaunch is a huge penalty, then you have to account for radiation loss to the atmosphere.


False equivalence. If we had been working towards this goal since the 70s then more focus, both financial and science/engineering, would have been put into it and progress we’re making now might have happened 20 or 30 years ago.

Oil companies did everything they could to stop it, instead of positioning themselves as research leaders they went for short term profits. After all, they swam in pools of money for the rest of their lives and we’ll all be here when all the crops die and the mountains become the shores.

So anyway, that’s why I love communism now.


that’s why I love communism now

Imagine the Republicans controlling not only the government funding but also private funding. That's what you'd get under communism.

Or imagine lowest common denominator tragedy of the commons with cheap fuel ousting all other forms of energy with no state to stop it.

Communism is a stupid ideal that doesn't work in the real world.

xigoi, avatar

So anyway, that’s why I love communism now.

Ah yes, the Soviet Union was well-known for its production of renewable power.

Tavarin, avatar

The Soviet Union never transitioned to communism, they stopped at an authoritarian state.


“Instead of positioning themselves as research leaders”

Why would they? If researching new ways of replacing oil is in everyone’s benefit then why does it fall on oil companies to do it? And not also everyone else?


Just how much money has been spent on fossil fuel extraction that could have been spent of tech development instead?


We had the technology to start. Photovoltaic panels, windmills, etc aren’t new technology; the Carter administration actually installed photovoltaics on the white house and they stayed there until three guesses which president (yep, Reagan) took them down. Florida voted to start building a high speed rail project in their state (which would have decreased interstate and short-haul airline dependency, thereby decreasing oil dependency) and it was going to happen until Mr. State’s Rights himself, Ronald Reagan, blocked any state from launching a high speed rail initiative. More people believed in global warming and climate change in the 90’s than now, but in the 2000’s, the small government W Bush administration forbade government officials from talking about climate change, gutted government research on climate change, and collaborated with big oil lobbyists on pivoting to using softer, more nebulous terms to address global warming (this is actually where the widespread use of ‘climate change’ comes from). We’ve basically kicked the can down the road for forty years and only started taking it kinda seriously in the last ten or fifteen. If we’d been developing and implementing these technologies gradually over the last fifty years, it would have been a lot less painful and we’d have made a lot more progress for a lot more value on the money spent. Since we’re trying to speedrun the last fifty years of implementation and development into the last decade or so, that’s going to be really economically painful and not nearly as smooth as it would have been under the long implementation. But, it’s gotta get done, or we’re going to keep fucking up the same ecology we depend on to stay alive, getting in endless wars, and giving money to jackass countries to feed our voluntary fossil fuel addiction.

As for storage, that’s not an unsolvable problem. Probably the most practical solution is a nuclear fission backbone, imo, but there’s several approaches that are in various stages of development and viability.


Photovoltaic panels, windmills, etc aren’t new technology

The big modern efficient and cheap ones are.

More people believed in global warming and climate change in the 90’s than now

I'm looking at a Gallup poll showing 30 percent of Americans worried about global warming in 1990.

Modern day is 61 percent.

collaborated with big oil lobbyists on pivoting to using softer, more nebulous terms to address global warming

Which is a good idea because you get idiots showing up in Congress with a snowball, and was not a term just created out of thin air by big oil.

If we’d been developing and implementing these technologies gradually over the last fifty years,

We have been. Technology and it's development rarely is some targeted thing. Big projects that get results tend to happen only once the base work has been completed and the investment will show hefty returns. The Manhattan project didn't happen until the means to create nuclear power was discovered, for example.

As another big example, most of our ability to have electric cars? It's thanks to cell phone battery research.

Without question these oil companies have stood in the way of progress, but don't think even for a second that we would be in some magic fantasy land if it weren't for them.

All things match along and very frequently the decisions we made are much less impactful than you would think.


OTOH, demand for something generally increases the amount of funding available for developing the technology associated with that thing. Yes, we’re more advanced now than we were in the 70s, but we probably lost a solid twenty-thirty years of demand-driven gradual progress due to regressive administrations prioritizing and subsidizing fossil dependency.

Semi-Hemi-Demigod, avatar

demand for something generally increases the amount of funding available for developing the technology associated with that thing

As evidence of this, take note of the dramatic decline in the price of photovoltaic power since people actually started investing in it in 2009.

I imagine we'd have had that sort of drop in the late 1980s if we didn't elect the senile movie star.


We can imagine as much as we like. The technology and manufacturing processes simply didn’t exist back then.


Isn’t big oil holding and not using a bunch of battery patents leaving us with limited options for what they can be made of?


Definitely not. They apparently had a nimh patent but it expired and that battery tech is old news in the modern day.


The sad part is that he may be right because the urgency to transition off fossils is lost in our desire not to be inconvenienced. Don’t mention the bribes (some call them donations) to political parties, candidates and Supreme Court judges.

prettybunnys, in Newsmax Host Rails Against ‘Lizard People,’ Asks Viewers ‘You Think I’m Crazy?’

In case anyone wonders, lizard people means “the Jews” in context.

They don’t actually think there are lizard people, they’re just extra othering Jewish people.


One thing I’ve learned is that conspiracy theorists always seem to end up at racism.

_haha_oh_wow_, avatar

They didn't always seem so racist, but these days, yeah.

downpunxx, avatar

"oh really? how nice it must be to live in a world completely divorced from noticing literally anything when it comes to Jews, conspiracy theorists, antisemitism, and genocide" ~ Jews for the last 3500 years


When exactly are you thinking of? I’ve noticed quite a bit lately that people like to fantasize about a past that never existed.


They were racist, but they hid it better, or maybe you didn’t know any personally, as to see it firsthand.


Some people indulge in conspiracies for fun. “Lizard people” just meant rich people who can’t relate to regular people problems. Zuckerberg is the poster boy for unrelatable rich person. His Smoke Meat stream would have been called farfetched if it was fiction.

I don’t really believe he’s a lizard person, but he would fit right in as a Star Trek alien.


And antisemitism


I think you’d be surprised at how many do mean, and believe in actual lizard people.

HeartyBeast, avatar

Yeh, ISTR recall that David Icke believes the Royals are lizards. Ah - yep ...


The intersection of the people who believe in actual lizard people and those people who believe “Jewish people are lizard people” is probably 1:1


Oddly the guy mentioned, Klaus Schwab, is not Jewish.


Oh, all this time I thought they were believing in actual lizard people.

How do they know, like how do racists exchange this information if they never openly mention jews?


Some of them are definitely still talking about actual lizard people, like they think live in the centre of the earth, came from space, etc.

Regarding how dog whistles spread I’m really not sure. I know I’ve been oblivious to some too.


Except it doesn’t always mean Jewish people as Queen Elizabeth II was supposed to be one and she isn’t Jewish.

Klaus Schwab is Catholic and his parents moved to Nazi Germany so it is unlikely that he is Jewish.


Not saying that it’s necessarily what’s going on there, but there’s a certain subset of insane white supremacist conspiracy theories that thinks that Christianity is a Jewish conspiracy to make their beliefs more palatable to the masses and spread their influence or something along those lines. It’spart of the reason some white supremacists are into norse paganism and such. You’ll also get bullshit about the “wrong” branches of Christianity being controlled by the Jews, etc.

It’s all completely insane of course, but I guess there’s something that almost approaches logic to it, it’s kind of weird for people who are so proud of being white to follow the teachings of a middle eastern religion.

There’s a pretty interesting rabbit hole to go down with the various factions of white supremacist assholes, while they’re all pretty much the same in all the ways that matter to any of us who aren’t pieces of shit, under the surface there’s actually a lot of different little philosophical differences, and for a long time they really struggled to put together a united movement.


Hah, little do you know that she was only wearing that crown to hide her yarmulke…


That was likely where it originated.

But no, a ton of them today legit mean reptilian people. Like they’ll get all excited about YouTube videos where there’s a reflection in a celebrity’s eyes from their reptilian eye or some crap.

And then this has since further devolved into modern theories around clones and skinsuits and people pretending to be other people.

Entire threads dedicated to examining moles between photographs to point out how it’s really a different person.

Social media effectively constricting our functional difference has turned us into John B Calhoun’s rats.

mrcleanup, in Man says police officer had no right to pull him over because she’s on OnlyFans

Narrator: she could, in fact, arrest him.


You could make a documentary about this.

keeb420, in Jan. 6 Rally Organizer Created Her Own Mugshot Because She Felt Left Out

“I’m not…for the time being, but I stand with them! They are coming for all of us, eventually."

Rofl yeah when you are part of a conspiracy to commit a coup you deserve to be rounded up and jailed til trial.


Trump will surely pay her bail for being so loyal

Brunbrun6766, avatar

They’re coming for all of us! No shit, you committed crimes, people tend to get got for those

Kalkaline, in Elon 'Back to the Office' Musk Called in Remotely to First X All-Hands avatar

What a little piss baby

Spacebar, in Man Gets 100 Years for Accidentally Killing His 8-Year-Old Daughter While Trying to Shoot His 18-Year-Old Son avatar

Fuck guns


Fuck religion, alcohol, politics, financial inequality, unaffordable health care and brain dead sports fans.


I could marry you


Yes, but fuck guns extra hard.

EternalNicodemus, avatar

Religion is kinda fire ngl


Zoroastrianism is pretty dope.

Caligvla, avatar

I’m more of a sun worshiper kind of guy, but I don’t presume on our friendship, so I only pray to Joe Pesci.

cjoll4, avatar

For years, I’d asked God to do something about my noisy neighbor with the barking dog. Joe Pesci straightened that cocksucker out with one visit.


If you define “fire” as “a tool to oppress people” then sure.


For manipulating and controlling armies of citizens, yes, it’s straight up white phosphorous!

uis, avatar

But fuck politics IS politics. Fuck everything else is politics too.


Those too.

Except politics, that makes no sense. Politics is literally public debate. You don’t like people trying to solve their problems through open discourse?


I was thinking about most of the bullshit that is part of politics in a more broad sense, I suppose. It would be the hate filled vitriol that keeps spewing out of the mouths of politicians, that I refer to. It’s also lightly referencing how political wrangling has caused endless years of pain in some cases.

To summarize, anything negative you can associate with political dysfunction is what I meant. Putting in a full summary into my short quip probably wasn’t ideal, but since we are talking about it now, cool. Still, it wasn’t initially clear, so it is totally fair to question.

(Politics can refer to actions taken while governing which can relate to debate or discussion: “His decision to arrest the man was purely a political choice.” In that context, an action is taken because of past (or future) debate. Politics, aside from its proper definition, is a little flexible in its use, proper or not. “Political correctness” is a weird usage in that regard as it encompasses an assumed standard.)


All right, I just still think that it’s an empty statement- “I dislike the bad side of X” isn’t exactly stating much, while being actively used as a normative soundbite, something everyone can agree to disagree on while at the same time favoring the position that “all sides are equal, nothing you do matters, everyone is malicious”, which is pretty cynical. Not arguing a case against you or anything, I’m just arguing out loud I guess, but I see these semantic tricks being played out in media that are very obvious when you know what to look for, that manage to infect swathes of people, by far the majority of everyone around me.

So there’s that.

remotelove, (edited )

Totally cool, and you ain’t wrong. The way I explained my use of the word “politics” was correct. However, your last explanation may have been my subconscious intent. A very peculiar freudian slip, as it were.


Seems kinda dangerous.

MudSkipperKisser, in Man Gets 100 Years for Accidentally Killing His 8-Year-Old Daughter While Trying to Shoot His 18-Year-Old Son

It’s okay, just now on the news I saw that a man successfully shot and killed his 21 year old son, so the universe is now balanced.


clearly this 8 year old and that 21 year old should have been packing


Obviously. The solution is always more guns.


the only thing that can stop a bad senior with a gun is a good toddler with a gun


Caught’em slipping.


Not really. Going to need a 8yo girl to shoot a boomer now

Wirrvogel, avatar

Will two 5 y.o. that shot their grandmothers by accident do?


Probably be fiddled by a priest and write a tell all novel about it.

Goddamn, am I disenfranchised.l

There was a time you could write a scifi story about aliens who made contact, but they spoke via drugs.

I’m just bitter, I guess.


I mean at least let’s enjoy what few benefits comes of sauteeing society in arms.

Seasoned_Greetings, in US High School Student Loses Scholarship Over Social Media Twerking Video

It appears that the principal is backpedaling really hard. Even so, the kid still lost out on the scholarship because she missed the deadline to apply through the school.

The mother said in response to the principal’s apology,

“It’s too little, too late. I even told him on the phone conversation when he made it to us at noon today asking us to come into the office and he mentioned reinstating the scholarship, I let him know that the scholarship deadline was done, and the damage that he’s done to her is done. I also told him I gave them the opportunity when I came in there at 7 o’ clock the next morning, to try and rectify the situation at that point. Now, with somebody holding his hand forcing him to do something, an apology being enforced it’s too late,” said Rachel Timonet

EmperorHenry, avatar

Fuck the school system! It’s never been about educating children. It’s only about conditioning children to blindly accept what they’re told by authority.


From my experience, if people are not assholes, there is always a way. I’ve been accepted to a school when I missed the deadline by two weeks regardless.

Unless the school system in the USA is strict and non-negotiable.


Wow, when you watch the video is even more benign than this thread headline. It’s just plain dancing, nothing remotely scandalous.

Asafum, in 'Scripture is very clear': New House Speaker tells Congress God has 'ordained' them

“I believe that Scripture, the Bible is very clear that God is the one that raises up those in authority.”

Oh, so since God raised Biden to Authority that means you’re going to respect God’s plan right?

Lol… Yeah… You’ll all continue to pay lip service to the Bible as long as it serves your purpose.


I move to change

pay lip service to to manipulate and contort

Especially considering religious leaders are taking Jesus OUT if their sermons because he is too liberal for them.

Eh_I, avatar

If you take Jesus out aren’t you just back to Judaism?


I read this as a Judas joke which I loved, hopefully I wasn’t correct or my comment is dumb for pointing out the obvious. Lol


I think they are aiming to be left with capitalism.


You still have Paul?


Gods I hate that guy. Why so many people don’t question why they should listen uncritically to the guy who hit his head on a rock and hallucinated Jesus and used the whole thing as a thinly veiled reason to tell people how to behave is just…


I am sorry but I think you are a woman and I don’t permit you to preach or led me. Go ask your husband at home to explain it to you.

Now if you ask me I have a convoluted manifesto to write about the humanity of Jesus that proves that I can eat bacon. Let me send you 90 letters on the topic.


Ah well, half right. I definitely have a husband but am also not a woman so I think I am probably disqualified from discourse on other stupid rules that Paul completely made up.

You got any extra bacon to share though?


Ah well, half right. I definitely have a husband but am also not a woman

Bad news about that. He singled out the LGBT freaken twice for hell fire. Lived in a world where slaves could be executed on a whim and this is the group he decided to go after.

You got any extra bacon to share though?

I would but Paul told me I would die if I didn’t give him all my bacon.


Funny how there isn’t actually a hell in the whole book. I mean it mentions a parable but Gehenna is just a real place on earth where they disposed of trash. No mention of burning eternally, just burning the once and then done. Not so bad really. You’d have to be one of those pagan bastards who believe in like Hades or Nifelheim to believe someone would be tortured eternally after they die if we just go with the main book and not all centuries of later fanfic add ons…

Also depending on whether or not all that “washing of feet” was as potentially euphemistic as the phrase is used in other places in the book Jesus probably banged a whole lot of dudes at his big party.

Paul as a pretty obvious sex repulsed asexual wasn’t big on anybody banging anybody. He was like “If you really have to then like… Just your wife I guess but even then ew.”


Yeah. This sort of talk in a lot of organized religion is a well-established cue to the listener that they can shut off their critical thinking. The intended audience is accustomed to hearing it and welcomes it, because they have the same goal as the one who says it: to have the thing they want be right.

So their minds don’t start extrapolating to see if the words hold up to scrutiny. That’s the last thing they’d want to do.


What do you expect when your government is comprised of a bunch of greedy scummy lawyers.

They will say literally anything to get power. Speech is rhetoric and they care nothing about reality.

Nahvi, in YouTube prankster says he had no idea he was scaring man who shot him

Your honor, we the members of the jury request additional information regarding local harassment and assault laws related to the 6’5" self-described “goon” so that we may recommend charges.

Additionally, we recommend the charges against the defendant be reduced to misdemeanor reckless discharge of a firearm.

This kid learned nothing from being shot. He still thinks it is okay to bully random strangers, and is already planning his next prank. If your friends like pranks and you play pranks on each other that is fine.

If you get in someone’s face and start demanding they stop thinking of your privates, especially after repeated warnings to back up, then you are inciting violence and sometimes it is going to succeed.


He also fails to recognize how intimidating his height can be to people. I’m not surprised the door dash driver reacted the way he did. This kid is a menace.


Yeah I’m around his height and have light footsteps, I startle people at work accidentally all the time. People don’t like being loomed over out of the blue, if you’re 6’5 you should already know this.


He does know it. He uses it on purpose and then feigns ignorance.


Yup. I’d love to see an analysis of his victims. How many 6’5" grown adult men of reasonable physical build does he try this shit on? Maybe a nice histogram of height vs. prank count. I wonder where the data points will end; hmmm?


I’m sure he recognizes it and enjoys the control.

BigMacHole, in Man Gets 100 Years for Accidentally Killing His 8-Year-Old Daughter While Trying to Shoot His 18-Year-Old Son

Why didn’t the 8 year old have a gun to defend herself with? That’s the only thing that could have saved her life!

Rhoeri, avatar

The people downvoting you are the same people that argue that if we arm more people, we can solve the gun problem. And each downvote is an acknowledgement that their argument is garbage.


It’s the weather. The cause of gun violence is the weather. You learned it here first, folks. Weather = gun violence.

wizardbeard, avatar

Or maybe it’s people that think this sort of rhetoric is tasteless when talking about an event where a kid died.

Yes, the man should never have had access to a firearm. But a child died for having the misfortune to be born to this sack of shit. That’s the takeaway here. Not some opportunity to try and stick it to the strawmen in your head.

These sort of “hot takes” are nothing more then mental masturbation, looking for validation from people who already share your own beliefs.

Seriously take a step back and think about the fact that you just built up some fucking narrative to place yourself as the hero against a horde of people lesser than yourself. That’s your response to this news.

You sure showed all the pro gun jackasses! They definitely are bothered by your post and absolutely seething! Whatever makes you feel like you’ve done the superior thing and that you think the right things to think.

Your views aren’t wrong, you’re just being a tool.

A child is dead, and you’re more invested in finding a way to feel superior to others than anything else. Fuck everything about that.


This is incorrect : she was accidentally shot by a good guy with a gun, who missed and shot the wrong person.


WarmSoda, in Space drugs factory denied reentry to Earth

This is actually pretty interesting.

On June 30, its first drug-manufacturing experiment succeeded in growing crystals of the drug ritonavir, which is used for the treatment of HIV, in orbit. The microgravity environment provides some benefits that could make for better production in space, overall reducing gravity-induced defects. Protein crystals made in space form larger and more perfect crystals than those created on Earth, according to NASA.

Unfortunately there’s no info on why it’s being denied reentry. (But my money is on the long standing secret policy of the dark world government lizard cat people to not cure space aids)(I also don’t have any money)


A spokesperson from the FAA told TechCrunch in an emailed statement that the company’s request was not granted at this time “due to the overall safety, risk and impact analysis.”

That could mean so many different things.


Occam’s razor: They don’t want a sattelite with an new compound with unknown effects to go down in someones backyard.


And I wouldn’t doubt that that played a huge role in the decision, but I’m curious as to what, if anything, changed between when they created the mission profile /launched it, and now. Did they not get some basic permit to launch it that also included the entry plan, which was approved?

That’s what I’m unsure of.


I think they’re more worried about it landing on someone’s head.


I mean it could hit an F-35


Nah, they’re probably afraid subject else would get to it first and steal trade secrets. The Greed Principle overrides Occam’s Razor.


Could just explicitly mean impact analysis, like we’re not cool with what happens if the parachute burns up or fails to deploy.


Yep, definitely an option. I guess I’m just confused as to why this is just now a problem and they didn’t have a plan from the beginning. Or if they did, what changed?


Right? Like was the kickstarter only partially funded ;-)


Hey leave the kitties out of this


Man I really enjoyed Inside Job, I hope they get to finish the storyline.


Is there precedent for shows that Netflix canceled getting a chance to finish their storylines?

Skullgrid, avatar

they go to Adult Swim


Sense8 eventually got a movie-length series finale to resolve the cliffhanger ending after the show was cancelled after season 2 was completed (in expectation of a season 3 being released)


I don’t believe there’s much of a track record for private crafts reentering from orbit, intending to be recovered. Most private crafts like communication satellites breakup on reentry and don’t pose much of a risk to ground population. This station was designed specifically to survive reentry intact. I’m not sure what kind of deorbit equipment that station has but I would guess that’s what the FAA is concerned with. Any failure of navigation or propulsion during deorbit could result in the station losing control which would have it crashing down in some unpredictable point and time along its 25,000 mile path over ground. Undoubtedly there are some large populations below the orbit of this station


To paraphrase the CEO they are de-orbiting a 1986 Toyota Corolla. So if you try any course correction over about 80 Mph it’s just going to crash ;-)

Ensign_Crab, in Wedding officiant accidentally shoots own grandson after trying to get guests’ attention

Every gun owner thinks they’re a responsible gun owner.


Well, to be fair, this guy was responsible… responsible for shooting his own grandson in the shoulder.


Yeah, as a gun owner, I try to avoid other gun owners. I went to have my my rifle scope bore sighted for the hunting season today. The guy at the counter picked up my rifle and flagged everyone in the damn store with it. I asked him to set it back in the case and left. I knew the gun was clear, and an employee cleared it when I came in, but you still don’t do that, period. Now that I think about it, the guy didn’t even clear it before picking it up and flagging everyone with it.

kersploosh, avatar

as a gun owner, I try to avoid other gun owners.


I once watched a range safety officer finish his shift, then step up to the firing line with his own handgun and promptly point the muzzle down the line at me while chambering the first round. I packed up and left, and haven’t been back.


It’s really crazy how cavalier folks are around firearms. It only takes one lapse in judgement or attention to drastically change lives forever.

Cabrio, in YouTube prankster says he had no idea he was scaring man who shot him

Damn, he missed.


He eliminated the threat. That I can agree with. Training says shot center of mass until the threat is gone.

Unlike you and all your upvoters, I’m glad the shit bag is still alive.

I’m glad the real victim didn’t so something stupid (but maybe understandable in a high-enough threat posture) of shooting again; that would have made his defense much more difficult.

One shot was all that was needed. Heck even if he had missed, that would likely have been all that was needed since I assume (a risk I know) fuck bag prankster has at least enough self-preservation brain cells to un-ass from the scene once the loud bangs start to happen.


I’m glad Cook didn’t die for Colie’s sake. Killing somebody is majorly traumatizing even in self defense.

Hanabie, in Donald Trump campaign raises more than $7m by selling mugshot merchandise avatar

A presidential candidate selling his mugshots to fund his campaign. Things are getting crazier and crazier in the USA as time goes by.


Feels like US actually deserves trump…

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