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TexMexBazooka, in Man says police officer had no right to pull him over because she’s on OnlyFans

“Cool story bro thanks for $30 now get in the fucking car and be quiet”

FuglyDuck, avatar


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  • tsz,

    Is that how you think things work?


    Uh, get arrested, have sex with a monogamous couple! Duh!


    Bro think faketaxi is real.

    Emperor, avatar

    Coming soon to a PornHub near you: Dirty Cops


    Bad girls, bad girls, Watches gonna do when they cum on you


    Hold on. Pornos aren’t a form of documentary?

    BolexForSoup, in 'If the Black players don’t like it here, they should go back to Africa and see how bad it is' - Buffalo Bills owner avatar

    Racism? In my NFL!?

    MelodiousFunk, avatar

    It's more likely than you think.

    BolexForSoup, avatar

    In case my sarcasm wasn’t clear, trust me, I know how bad it is lol


    I believe they thought you were referencing the memes spawnd from this image

    And finished the bit

    BolexForSoup, avatar

    Whoooooops lol


    I never knew the origin. Thank you

    MelodiousFunk, avatar

    You and @BolexForSoup are part of today's 10,000!



    DaveFuckinMorgan, avatar

    Not nearly as common as NFL players that beat the shit out of their wives.

    P34C0CK, in End of an era: Zoom tells employees to return to office for work

    is now asking all employees within 50 miles of a company office to go in at least two days a week on a hybrid schedule.

    I briefly worked for a company that took this approach. The oversight they made was they had 2 offices (different teams in each), but as long as you lived within 50 miles of one of the offices, you had to come in.

    Even if your team was exclusively in office 1, and you lived outside the radius of office 1 BUT were in the radius of office 2…you had to come in to office 2…and teleconference with your team in office 1 🤦


    I’d just move further away lol

    ares35, avatar

    see that little shack about 40 miles away, out town road 37, past the old faded barn and the tree that looks like homer simpson?....

    no. the other barn. the one on the edge of that huge dairy farm.

    yea. that's the one. well, that shack is outhouse at your new office. the office itself is the smaller shack behind it.

    wifi? sure! at the adjacent on-site outdoor gym, there's an old exercise bike hooked up to a generator to power it.


    Or I could move 100 miles to a city? Not living in the middle of nowhere lol

    ren, avatar

    most have contingencies that if you are in the 50, then move out of the 50, that’s on you. You still gotta come in.

    snooggums, avatar

    Even stupider!

    jeffw, (edited )

    You mean my incredibly easy-to-predict life hack was countered before i could even try? I’m shocked… shocked I tell you.

    ikidd, avatar

    Stay where you are and work for a different company. Problem solved.


    I know a lawyer in the Boston suburbs who went full WFH during the pandemic. He loved his job but was upset when his boss pushed for him to come back to the office. Boss said he lived too close to the office in Boston to justify it.

    Lawyer moved to Vermont with his girlfriend and still works fully remote for the same law office.


    I love it that the lawyer literally laywered his way out of having to return to the office.


    Wow that’s next level dumb. My job did something similar. Someone whose team was based out of Texas yet they still made the 2 people from MI go to the MI office. And on separate days “so someone was always available”

    Then the same company closed 75% of their massive building and said the hybrid employees have to share cubes with other people. I’m so glad HR made me permanent remote.


    Was it 50 miles in a straight line or 50 on your odometer?


    50 mile radius of the office address.

    So if your home was 40 miles away but your commute was 55 miles…you still had to go 🙄


    50 miles during a commute is way too far. My employer has pushed for people whose commute would be 1 hour maximum during rush hour to try to come into an office once a week. Where I live it can take an hour to go 10-15 miles during rush hour…


    There’s a guy at my company that lives in Sacramento, and commutes twice a week to go in the office in mountain view. That’s a 4 hour commute with no traffic.

    His entire team is in the San diego office. There’s literally zero point, but I guess his manager isn’t willing or capable of fighting for an exception to the hybrid mandate.


    A friend of mine works for amazon (well, worked). He was fully remote. He moved from seattle to chicago.

    Then they told everyone to go back to the office, lol.


    This happened to me although I don’t work for Amazon.

    I have great fun telling them I don’t even live on the same continent anymore. Somehow they thought it was my fault, despite the fact that they said that it was fully remote.

    PunnyName, in 'You're fine. You're vaccinated': Anti-vax Fox News host goes dead silent after co-host calls her out for vaccine status

    They have to be vaccinated to keep working, despite the bullshit they peddle.

    ZeroCool, avatar

    Yep and the only people unaware of that mandatory vaccination requirement seem to be Fox News’ viewers. So I find this very amusing.


    That's the thing about everyone posting about publication of private fact...there's no private fact here.

    It's been well publicized that Fox required all their employees to get vaccinated in order to continue there.

    If she was there during that time, and she's still working, it's public knowledge that she's vaccinated.


    “but, but, they have to be! Otherwise the man won’t let them get the truth out to us. They’re sacrificing themselves and conforming so we can get THE TRUTH”

    Polydextrous, (edited ) in Evangelicals are now rejecting 'liberal' teachings of Jesus

    …Trump had transformed the political landscape in the U.S. to the point where some Christian conservatives are openly denouncing a central doctrine of their religion as being too “weak” and “liberal” for their liking.

    Trump didn’t transform shit. His views are as old as conservatism. Maybe there was a lull in speaking out about them from about 1975-2001, but they didn’t go away. Trump literally just stumbled ass-first into a convenient landscape with his more plainly outspoken bigotry and hate.

    To attribute all of this to the last 6-8 years is beyond stupid and misses the entire problem.

    And if these people can’t see that, their blind spot to hatred is so big that they can’t see it until someone screams it in their face. Yeah, it’s great someone in the evangelical community is speaking out, but it’s too little way too late. The fascist ideology has firmly rooted its way into American life over the last 30 years. Now that that tree is bearing fruit and it’s falling on people’s heads, speaking out now is like trying to cut down that tree with pruning shears. You assholes that fostered this for so long needed to cut it off way sooner.


    The views and beliefs were always there, trump just galvanized and rallied those with those beliefs.

    But it’s bc of him that the Republican Party is as openly fucking nuts. Some of the Florida GOP congresspeople are fucking wild.


    Trump just enabled people to be proud of their bigotry.

    agent_flounder, avatar

    I think “just” downplays the effect this has had on society for the past several years.


    I appreciate your attempt to bring a longer timescale into conservative christofascism in America but 30 years is still about 300 years too short.

    Remember our earliest colonies were totalitarian theocracies with extreme racial purity beliefs


    Many people don’t realize that the first colonies were founded by Christians that believed the churches in their home county were not being authoritarian enough. The wanted religious freedom, sure, but they wanted the freedom to be theocratic like you said.


    Fully agree. As an ex-Christian, the crusades used to be unimaginable to me. Now I see them as an easy trend line from current events.


    We already did two crusades this century.

    Our correct and just way to live means that when we invade other countries, kill their civilians and take their stuff, it's for their own good because we're bringing the light of christ freedom and democracy. That's totally a crusade.

    I'm quite a fan of freedom and democracy - I wish we had some in the US - but using our noblest ideals to justify bloody wars of plunder is the most christian thing I can imagine.


    Didn’t Bush Jr call his Iraq war a crusade? Yes, he did.

    HuddaBudda, avatar

    One of the most eye opening historical events for me as a christian was the Children's Crusade

    Happened right before the 5th crusade. Basically a bunch of kids and teens got together and believed that God would part the dead sea for them, like Moses did, and allow them to take Jerusalem. Which at the time was considered a reasonable idea.

    They believed in the cause so much, they only sent them with enough supplies to make it there, not a return trip.

    Some of the kids made it to the dead sea, and the sea did not part.

    It is said out of the thousands of kids they sent, only a few returned. With the rest suffering starvation, thirst, drowning, disease, and slavery.

    I still believe in God, and I do have some faith in him, if at the very least like the idea of a Good God being in control of everything.

    Kind of like Santa.

    Not in the sense that I would drink a vat of Kool-aid for him. Warning: Not Safe For Work

    But that I will question my religion and see what I got wrong first, before I challenge the scientific proof. Because if the moral of the story is anything, it's that God works in mysterious ways, but he doesn't part the dead sea anymore.


    Yeah thank God mainstream christians realize they actually hadn’t been following the Bible for decades. Centuries.


    Trump didn’t transform shit

    Picking and choosing what parts of the Bible they want to follow is nearly as old as the religion itself. The first council of Nicea was the first large attempt for Christianity to define itself and create a canon. That happened in 325 AD. Even if we talk only about protestants, denominations are all about what parts of the bible they follow and how they translate the word to doctrine.

    To attribute it to one man is so disingenuous. Christians have been interpreting the Bible in whatever way suits them best for over a millenia.

    athos77, (edited )

    I've read at least three commentaries by [priests/deacons/whatever their particular church calls them but I'm using the generic "priests"] priests who 'nourished' and 'tended' to their 'kind' and 'caring' flocks for decades, who no longer agree with their flock's views and have either left voluntarily or were ousted. Tellingly, all three have relocated to liberal states from the South.

    And all I can think is how "Southern charm" partially rose up after the Civil War, when they just really couldn't tell the Yankees what they actually thought of them, so they went overboard with the faux politeness ('bless your heart'). And the fact that these 'liberal' priests just either never heard or never understood exactly why people were saying their people were bigots indicates a lack of the introspection that they're supposed to have.

    jmk1ng, avatar

    Seriously. This is not in any way new - it’s just that now people feel more comfortable saying the quiet part out loud.

    They don’t actually believe in the teachings of their religion. It’s just a convenient armor they can cloak themselves in to deflect criticism.

    holycrap, in OceanGate co-founder wants to send 1,000 people to a floating colony on Venus by 2050

    As long as they limit the passengers to people with a net worth of 100 million or higher, then I think this should be encouraged.


    That would keep them safe from the giant space goat.


    Now that is a reference from a frood who knows where his towel is!

    carl_dungeon, in Psychedelic mushrooms and quiet quitting: Psilocybin use tied to working fewer overtime hours

    First off, not working overtime isn’t quiet quitting.

    snooggums, avatar

    Quiet quitting is the new 'doing what you were hired to do.'


    Second, the title says overtime hours, but this is overtime minutes, and based on the amount it’ll be rounded down and you won’t even get paid for them.

    Buffalox, in YouTube prankster says he had no idea he was scaring man who shot him

    In opening statements, prosecutors urged jurors to set aside the off-putting nature of Cook’s pranks.

    That’s bullshit, from the way it’s described, the guy was clearly behaving in a not normal and threatening manner.


    I would like to move that all evidence of my client doing anything wrong be struck from the record.


    Hey that argument worked to keep Trump in office…

    No really it did…

    Oy gevalt

    exohuman, in 'If the Black players don’t like it here, they should go back to Africa and see how bad it is' - Buffalo Bills owner avatar

    They view the players as nothing more than entertainment and don’t view them as human.


    This clip refers to university players, grabbed the NFL pays their players, but they still see them as nothing but field workers.

    Haui, avatar

    Honestly, this is nothing but rage bait to me. Every person who makes a remark like this should go to jail for a cool 20 yrs. I had an incident last year with a nonprofit I was working with where people were sharing memes of asian chefs (with text bubbles giving them the stereotypical r to l change) serving bats to unknowing western guests… I asked that this practice is stopped and got publicly humiliated for my „unprofessional demeanor“.

    I can’t tell you how furious I am about racists.

    Furbag, in 'Scripture is very clear': New House Speaker tells Congress God has 'ordained' them

    What is the difference between this guy and a Taliban officer?

    I don’t care how much he enjoys talking about his favorite fairy tale novel, congress is not a book club.

    seaQueue, avatar

    What is the difference between this guy and a Taliban officer?

    That’s an easy mistake to make, this guy’s a Talibangelical


    Zero difference. They’re both the same shade of conservative, far-right, religious fundamentalist.


    Not fair. The Taliban is honest witr his desire to oppress women, minorities and undermine all education. This guys pretends to stand for equality for all while in public


    I too enjoy joking about oppressing women.



    First Timothy


    Didn’t know this guy was an officer.


    Same God, different prophet. So not much really. Except maybe that Taliban don’t ban abortion as far as I’m aware.


    Nope, the Taliban are like christo-fascist fundamentalists in ignoring or intentionally misinterpreting their scriptures to ban abortion.


    Oh, but that’s totally different! You see, their holy book is just a bunch of heathenish drivel, whereas our holy book is the one and only god given truth! How do I know? It says so right here in my holy book!


    I had some bible thumping baptist going door to door tell me almost exactly that. I had time, and decided to amuse myself in engaging these two guys. I talked to them for about 20 mins before they left. I kept asking them to compare their religion to various religions around the world, including eastern relgiions, and was quoting passages from many of them. These guys clearly had never studied anything but their version of christianity. Their only defense was, “But this was written by our lord and savior, Jesus Christ”


    But this was written by our lord and savior, Jesus Christ

    Did they say which part? I’m no theologian, but I don’t remember mentions of any actual writings by Jesus himself.

    wizardbeard, avatar

    The argument usually is that the authors, compilers, and translators were guided by the hand of God. Not specifically that Jesus was sitting down with an inkwell.

    Closest thing is written accounts by the men who traveled with him about Jesus’s actions and statements.


    Oh you have those? Can I see one?


    He didn’t exist so he couldn’t have written anything. If he had existed and was raised in Nazareth he would have been in a village so small that it didn’t even have a place to pray and in a region so backwards that the literacy rate was around 1%. There are no works that people claim that he wrote. Even that was a bridge too far for them. Walking on water was more believable than being literate in that region.

    southsamurai, avatar

    Ehhh, mainly access to clean running water

    TheBat, avatar

    What is the difference between this guy and a Taliban officer?



    Skin tone



    The Taliban are way less hypcrite.


    The irony would be God disliking this guy

    Silverseren, (edited ) in Mia Khalifa fired from Playboy for her pro-Hamas posts after the Israel attack

    "If you can look at the situation and not be on the side of Palestinians, then you are on the wrong side of apartheid and history will show that in time,"

    This post on her part was fine, but the other one...not so much. She should have stuck with this one only, rather than whatever the frick murderous thing that other post was.


    That’s the problem with a lot of the pro Palestine movement, they just can’t help themselves and can’t just stop at demanding rights, but wanting the rights of others removed as well. Western nations just aren’t going up empathize with you if you’re murdering and parading women’s corpses around, or if you’re threatening to kill hostages, many of which are children. As much as you may not like it, there’s a difference optically between dropping a bomb and putting a gun to a child’s head and pulling the trigger cause you didn’t get your way.


    Poor take


    All i get from this post is “genocides fine, its the other stuff we dont like”

    Quite easy to critique a movement you know nothing about I guess.

    MelodiousFunk, avatar

    they just can’t help themselves ... wanting the rights of others removed

    This seems so familiar but I can't quite put my finger on it...


    The irony is so thick, Israel could build a wall around the West Bank with it.


    It’s like she didn’t realize her CEO was Jewish


    Not all jews are zionists and implying so is antisemitic. It’s the same old “dual-loyalty” smear levied against jews for hundreds of years.


    Example #732 of why ethnonationalism is bad.


    Guess this one was though, eh?


    I did not know thank you for letting me know

    applejacks, avatar

    yea, but it’s almost always correct.

    AphoticDev, avatar

    What does being Jewish have to do with Israel? Are you conflating the two? Blaming Jews for what Israel has been doing for decades is pretty anti-semetic.


    Stop putting words in my mouth


    No it’s just that Jews have gotten prickly about anyone criticizing Israel because of how much trouble anti-zionism has had banishing anti-semitism from trying to infiltrate.

    It’s only changed because the Neonazis have absorbed enough evangelicals to decide they like the jews having Israel now because battle of Armageddon and “I know revelations says it is impossible to know when the rapture will happen but I’m gonna try and make it happen anyways like an absolute dumbass!”


    Is there a quote for the other post? I heard it was just paraphrased, so we don’t know what she actually said


    Can someone please tell the freedom fighters in Palestine to flip their phones and film horizontal," she wrote on the platform on Saturday.

    That’s all. If you’re very inattentive or deliberately misinterpreting her words, you’d think that she was endorsing Hamas as “freedom fighters”.

    But if you DO pay attention and know anything, you’ll notice that she never mentions Hamas and know that Hamas aren’t usually the ones filming any of their atrocities. Add her clarification from a few days later and it’s clear that she did NOT endorse Hamas and is the victim of character assassination because she had the temerity to speak up against the apartheid regime:

    I just want to make it clear that this statement in no way shape or form is [inciting] spread of violence," she said. "I specifically said freedom fighters because that’s what the Palestinian citizens are… fighting for freedom every day.


    Holly shit the mental gymnastics here are astounding. You’re just casually assuming that she is some kind of top geopolitical expert.

    VikingHippie, (edited )

    Nope. I’m merely refraining from assuming without evidence that she’s endorsing terrorism.

    You don’t have to be “some kind of top geopolitical expert” to know that Hamas don’t tend to film their atrocities themselves and that oppressed Palestinians very often film the atrocities of the Israeli occupation forces.

    If there’s any mental gymnastics here, it’s in confusing common knowledge for elite geopolitical expertise.


    I think you don’t realise how little knowledge “common knowledge” actually is. Peolple on lemmee arent you’re average joe when it comes to geopolitical knowledge. I am not dismissing her knowledge eitherx but i believe you are overestimating it.


    Yeah because a Lebanese-American public figure who sympathises with the plight of Palestine has NEVER had to answer bad faith arguments equating Hamas with all Palestinians and would thus have NO need for more knowledge about the methods of them than your average inattentive and incurious casual ingester of pro-regime billionaire-owned American news! 🙄


    Reminds me of how planet of the apes was suddenly about antisemitism…


    Can you please tell me how else can you interpret that statement other than her asking for better footage of the atrocities committed by the Hamas?


    Hamas don’t tend to film their own atrocities and they’re not the only ones committing atrocities.

    Israel is also committing atrocities and the oppressed citizens of Palestine are filming a lot of it. THAT’S the footage she asked to be recorded in landscape rather than portrait.

    Perhaps still not in the best taste for a public platform, but it’s a damn sight better than endorsing terrorism like this article and others are incorrectly claiming.


    Why don’t “freedom fighters” don’t “fight” the atrocities rather than film them?

    Keep in mind this was said in the context of the Hamas attack.

    Seems like you people are just whitewashing her.

    VikingHippie, (edited )

    You’re seriously asking why regular unarmed people are documenting human rights abuses rather than physically attack heavily armed soldiers who are in the middle of demonstrating how little Palestinian lives matter to them? Is that what you’re actually asking?

    Also, who says it was said in the context of the latest Hamas atrocity? Judging by the actual words and sentences, it would seem much more likely to be in response to bad video of the retaliatory atrocities of the Israeli oppressors.

    Seems like you’re very eager to tar and feather her for speaking up against your favorite ethnostate.


    Why don’t “freedom fighters” don’t “fight” the atrocities rather than film them?

    those regular civilians should hit the missiles with baseball bats, that’ll show 'em. Much more effective than filming the atrocities being inflicted upon them and spreading the word online!


    She said “freedom fighters”, not “civilians”.


    In the largest apartheid concentration camp on earth, the civilian prisoners who document and expose their oppressors to the world are fighting for their freedom


    there’s no way a thinking person would come to the conclusion you just did


    There’s no way that a rationally thinking person WOULDN’T. How’s the weather in opposite world today?


    its ok, im used to seeing absolutely stupid takes since the weekend so yours isnt exactly a surprise


    Yeah I’M the stupid one, not the arrogant shit for brains whose sole contribution is to do a less intelligent version of Nelson Muntz at people who actually base their arguments on real world context coupled with reading the actual words rather than imagining completely different ones 🙄

    Found a picture of you btw.

    jcit878, (edited )

    that is by far, the lamest insult I have ever received. You should be proud!

    if anyone wants to know, its a picture of a camera. Old mate called me a camera.




    just stick to fapping, you really wanked up your responses, need more practice

    z500, avatar

    I’m confused. Who else is fighting besides Hamas and the IDF?


    There are other kinds of fighting than violence on a grand scale. Regular Palestinians are fighting the apartheid regime in ways big and small every day.

    z500, avatar

    Thanks, that’s pretty much what I figured you’d say. The down vote was a nice touch.


    Yeah, I have this odd quirk of downvoting sealions when they ask bad faith questions with obvious answers that they refuse to accept. I’m kooky like that!


    How do you distinguish between a good faith question and “sealioning”?


    A good faith question is when you’re honestly seeking clarification either because you don’t know something or don’t know what the other person means.

    Sealioning is when you’re “just asking questions” in a manipulative manner with no intention of taking the answers seriously under consideration or making a valid point of your own.

    It’s often used in place of an actual argument when the sea lion knows that their point isn’t strong enough to withstand scrutiny.

    Here’s the origin of the term afaik:


    defining is when you decide or declare that a certain string of words is equivalent to a word.

    distinguishing is when you decide or declare which of two categories a particular thing is in

    I know the definition of these words. I’m asking you distinguish, as you read comments on the internet, which are which kind?


    Subtle, I like it

    simply_surprise, avatar

    The al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigade is the militant wing of Fatah, the al-Quds Brigades are the militant wing of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, the DFLP is also active as the Martyr Omar Al-Qasim Forces.

    It’s not just Hamas.

    z500, avatar

    Thanks, that’s what I was wondering

    simply_surprise, avatar

    Sure thing!


    Keep in mind she was a Lebanese refugee that lived through the conflict between Hezbollah and Israel. I’m not condoning anything she said but she has a somewhat understandable view of the whole situation.


    lived through the conflict between Hezbollah and Israel

    And what about the conflict between actual Lebanon and what became Hezbollah?

    PhlubbaDubba, (edited )

    Dunno why this is getting downvoted, the only Lebanese folks who don’t despise Hazbollah are Hezbollah, and the Iranian dispatched clerics.


    So it justifies murdering children. Got it. We know where you stand!

    spirinolas, (edited )

    Israel just murdered 200 children in 3 days, so far. Was that justified?

    Oh, but they’re Palestinian so they don’t count. Otherwise people like you would have lost their minds decades ago.

    When the Hamas murders children it’s terrorism, it’s an atrocity, it’s inhuman (and I agree).

    When the IDF murders children it’s Tuesday.

    It’s on the news every day. And people like you couldn’t care less.

    Keep chewing on that nice Zionist propaganda. I choose humanity.


    Why can’t we condemn both?

    Hamas committed atrocities and Israel has responded with atrocities. That doesn’t make calling Hamas “freedom fighters” in this context any less deplorable.

    spirinolas, (edited )

    I don’t think she was refering to Hamas as freedom fighters. Everybody was just eager to put it in her mouth (eh).

    Answering your question, yes, we can condemn them both. But in different ways.

    Israel “created” Hamas. You can only push a people so far. The oppression and humiliation, generation after generation is bound to create extreme hate. And that’s how shit like Hamas sprouts. Israel has been breeding that hate for decades.

    But…Hamas actions are still their own. I can live in a world with Israel if Israel changes. But Hamas has to go. But something else will appear if Israel keeps pushing on the Palestinians. Hamas is a symptom.

    The cycle of violence has to be broken. And the one that has the upper hand has to do it to be effective. The 2 state solution is dead. It’s ironic that these 2 peoples can’t live with each other but at the same time they need each other.

    Palestine is too fractured to thrive without Israel. Israel, while it might not seem so, needs to make good with Palestine to consolidate its place in the region. Without that peace Israel is doomed on the long term. When the chips are down and the US is not there to help they will find themselves completely isolated surrounded by hostile countries. And that Israel cannot survive.


    sapere aude, friend

    AgentGrimstone, in US High School Student Loses Scholarship Over Social Media Twerking Video

    Next they’re gonna find out she kissed a boy and expel her.

    FlyingSquid, avatar

    Or they’ll find out she kissed a girl and send her to “conversion therapy.”


    What are you talking about? She has already graduated, so how is the school going to expel her? I believe that ship has already sailed


    You’re right. Why you have to ruin my joke? Why couldn’t you just let me be happy?


    That was a joke? I thought you were taking a jab at that school

    SYLOH, in Kansas Librarians Sue After Being Fired Over Autism Display Mistaken for LGBTQ+ Support

    Even if it was a LGBTQ+ display they should have had First Amendment protection.


    Yeah, I’m not getting enough context and I’m worried we’re about to get into some “you can’t fire us, we don’t love homos” territory…


    Sorry guys, we thought you supported gay people, can you imagine haha


    In their personal lives, sure. For now, anyways.

    As government employees?

    FlyingSquid, avatar

    Why not as government employees? What law prevents government employees from promoting diversity and LGBT+ inclusion?


    The one made by fascists that makes it illegal on a state level, in a state building.

    The one they are legally allowed to enforce because, as a general rule, employers don’t have to let employees do whatever they want.

    FlyingSquid, avatar

    Except it isn’t illegal?


    It’s Kansas.

    Lammy, in Donald Trump campaign raises more than $7m by selling mugshot merchandise

    Dear Americans,

    Please stop.

    dingleberry, in YouTube prankster says he had no idea he was scaring man who shot him

    DoorDash driver 🥲

    How much do you think the poor guy makes? And now he has to pay for a lawyer, lose the job, and probably go to jail. Only so this dipshit can get the right “reaction”.

    And the shooting would’ve been completely justified for a cop.


    I don’t think shooting someone disqualifies you as a door dash driver.


    Being the subject of a public court case might. I wouldn’t be surprised if they terminate his account just to distance themselves from the proceedings.


    Anyone who wasn’t 6’5 would have gotten their asses beat the first or second time they pulled this shit.



    The only reason he got shot is because he was physically imposing enough to skip the normal defensive responses that might have come his way (and/or he specifically (or intentionally) chose victims he knew would be physically threatened by him).


    CORRECT, nice to see there’s actually sane people here!


    “The poor guy” pulled out a gun and shot a stranger on the street. Why is everybody defending him? Do people so vehemently hate prank YouTubers that they would rather just see them executed at this point? This thread is wild.


    Delivery rep work is pretty dangerous, same with Uber drivers and other gig workers. Since you are not an employee, companies have no incentive to ensure your safety. You go to unsafe neighborhoods all the time, and risk of getting jumped in always present. And as I said, cops get leeway for far more egregious shooting, so why should this guy be hanged dry?

    And I’d invite you to watch a few “prankster” videos on YT. Most of these are spoiled brats who are always trying to up the ante video-over-video. There is a deliberate attempt to intimidate and confuse their victims. So yeah, they had it coming.


    Take your meds


    That has zero to do with anything, when somebody does what he did, they have legal reason to fear grave injury or death, which justifies lethal force. Nothing else matters. He said STOP multiple times, backed himself away, multiple times, he TRIED to distance himself from him and he kept coming. The dipshit did this to himself.

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