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fosiacat, in Mike Johnson Admits He and His Son Monitor Each Other's Porn Intake in Resurfaced Video

god these people are fucking weird. so fucking weird.

Illuminostro, (edited )

This is what happens when you’re brainwashed from childhood to believe you’re born evil, anyone not on your “team” is more evil, and you must blindly obey authority.



chemical_cutthroat, avatar

Organized religion destroys who we are or who we can be by inhibiting our actions and decisions out of fear of an intangible parent-figure who shakes a finger at us from thousands of years ago and says “No, no!”

–Kevin Smith, Dogma


Great quote. I can’t talk about Dogma without bringing up that time that Kevin Smith participated in a protest of his own film.

Among the sign-waving attendees was Smith himself, making absolutely not the slightest effort to disguise his appearance or voice.

“I don’t think [Dogma] stands for anything positive,” - Kevin Smith, being interviewed by a news reporter while cheerfully participating in a protest of his film, Dogma.…

Teon, avatar

You spelled weird wrong.
It's spelled, *psycho.


I remember this kind of stuff back from my days as an evangelical Christian…they applaud this kind of nonsense, even though every single one of the users of this kind of software has some way around it. Purity culture craziness.

Spacebar, in Man Gets 100 Years for Accidentally Killing His 8-Year-Old Daughter While Trying to Shoot His 18-Year-Old Son avatar

Fuck guns


Fuck religion, alcohol, politics, financial inequality, unaffordable health care and brain dead sports fans.


I could marry you


Yes, but fuck guns extra hard.

EternalNicodemus, avatar

Religion is kinda fire ngl


Zoroastrianism is pretty dope.

Caligvla, avatar

I’m more of a sun worshiper kind of guy, but I don’t presume on our friendship, so I only pray to Joe Pesci.

cjoll4, avatar

For years, I’d asked God to do something about my noisy neighbor with the barking dog. Joe Pesci straightened that cocksucker out with one visit.


If you define “fire” as “a tool to oppress people” then sure.


For manipulating and controlling armies of citizens, yes, it’s straight up white phosphorous!

uis, avatar

But fuck politics IS politics. Fuck everything else is politics too.


Those too.

Except politics, that makes no sense. Politics is literally public debate. You don’t like people trying to solve their problems through open discourse?


I was thinking about most of the bullshit that is part of politics in a more broad sense, I suppose. It would be the hate filled vitriol that keeps spewing out of the mouths of politicians, that I refer to. It’s also lightly referencing how political wrangling has caused endless years of pain in some cases.

To summarize, anything negative you can associate with political dysfunction is what I meant. Putting in a full summary into my short quip probably wasn’t ideal, but since we are talking about it now, cool. Still, it wasn’t initially clear, so it is totally fair to question.

(Politics can refer to actions taken while governing which can relate to debate or discussion: “His decision to arrest the man was purely a political choice.” In that context, an action is taken because of past (or future) debate. Politics, aside from its proper definition, is a little flexible in its use, proper or not. “Political correctness” is a weird usage in that regard as it encompasses an assumed standard.)


All right, I just still think that it’s an empty statement- “I dislike the bad side of X” isn’t exactly stating much, while being actively used as a normative soundbite, something everyone can agree to disagree on while at the same time favoring the position that “all sides are equal, nothing you do matters, everyone is malicious”, which is pretty cynical. Not arguing a case against you or anything, I’m just arguing out loud I guess, but I see these semantic tricks being played out in media that are very obvious when you know what to look for, that manage to infect swathes of people, by far the majority of everyone around me.

So there’s that.

remotelove, (edited )

Totally cool, and you ain’t wrong. The way I explained my use of the word “politics” was correct. However, your last explanation may have been my subconscious intent. A very peculiar freudian slip, as it were.


Seems kinda dangerous.

crypticthree, in Bored ape NFT event attendees get their faces burned by event lighting

I’m guessing they didn’t hire an event lighting company and did it themselves. No one I know in the industry would do that.

FoundTheVegan, avatar

The invisible hand of the free market blinded me.


This is why I don’t go out anymore.

stolid_agnostic, in Man Gets 100 Years for Accidentally Killing His 8-Year-Old Daughter While Trying to Shoot His 18-Year-Old Son

This is what libertarian thought does to a person. People lose all sense of perspective.


It’s like gaslighting yourself. Huffing it hard. I honestly think it has to do with lower intelligence. You simplify things until they make sense to you, regardless if they make sense in actual reality, because you’re too stupid to comprehend anything more complex than racist Disney cartoons from the 30’s.


There’s an amazing book. Combatting Cult Mind Control, but even intelligent people fall for this bullshit because it’s all emotional manipulation.


To a higher or a lesser degree, sure. I’m just saying, the statistics are firmly skewed in one direction.


I think a lot of it is clever people who for whatever reason learned to fear thinking and all their brain mass has evolved to help them justify not doing it


Virtually every libertarian I know thinks that he’s a fucking genius, especially the really stupid ones.

Stanard, in Man Gets 100 Years for Accidentally Killing His 8-Year-Old Daughter While Trying to Shoot His 18-Year-Old Son

A quote from the judge according to the article:

“I just can’t believe being evicted would justify picking up a handgun in that small of a space with children present”

What I find particularly concerning about this is that this implies that being evicted would justify picking up a handgun provided you’re not in an enclosed space with children present. Why in the actual fuck would there be any further qualification after “I just can’t believe being evicted would justify picking up a handgun”. Full stop. You’re being evicted. You fucked up. Firearms don’t belong in that conversation at all with the only possible exception I can think of being if you are being directly and illegally threatened with a firearm.



Another way to look it at is that there are situations in which picking up a handgun in a small space with children present is justified; however, being evicted is not one of them.

qnick, avatar

Isn’t that the story of Palestine?


I can fully see your inference, but don’t believe that the judge meant it that way. This was more lamenting the senselessness of the entire situation.


They were just listing all of the reasons why it was a bad idea, not qualifying each reason as “okay if the other ones didn’t occur”.


Look, if it’s an enclosed space with children present it’s okay as long as the rent has been paid in full.

pomodoro_longbreak, avatar

Agree to disagree

mysoulishome, in Bored ape NFT event attendees get their faces burned by event lighting avatar

I was thinking Concerned Ape, the dev of Stardew Valley…and I was concerned

TheCheddarCheese, avatar

does he even host any events?

mysoulishome, avatar

No, but I barely recall what bored ape is or how it is culturally relevant…which is why I thought of it


how it is culturally relevant

It’s a fine example of modern idiocy.


if you give relevancy to idiocy, it’s not my problem


What is with all the “not my problem” replies all of a sudden. This is a sad troll effort.


what do you mean? I haven’t seen one myself yet. It’s just a common expression.

I don’t think that comment is trolling, just a bit low effort post. But that’s nothing rare in Lemmy/Reddit.


I have received something like 5 different replies to separate replies of my own, from new accounts with only one comment, all of which end with “not my problem.” It’s almost like a bot keyed off that phrase from my reply in a privacy community post, or there are some butthurt people with too much time on their hands.


It sounds like a weirdly specific thing for a bot to do.

It could be a case of the Baader–Meinhof phenomenon:

Frequency illusion, also known as the Baader–Meinhof phenomenon or frequency bias, is a cognitive bias referring to the tendency to notice something more often after noticing it for the first time, leading to the belief that it has an increased frequency of occurrence.The illusion is a result of increased awareness of a phrase, idea, or object – for example, hearing a song more often or seeing red cars everywhere.

mateomaui, (edited )

I was just informed that someone is following me around downvoting everything, which is hilarious since my instance has downvotes disabled. It’s definitely some idiot or a group of them.

edit: also, its adorable that you suggest it’s all in my head, it’s not. I have the receipts. And the fact they are all coming from new accounts with only the one comment each is pretty obvious.


Oh that’s bad. Good luck getting rid of them.

I personally find downvotes useful because there are a lot of low quality comments and content. Downvotes help me (and others) to avoid seeing them. Thus not wasting time with uninteresting posts or comments. But you aren’t supposed to downvote everything that someone says.


Not that bad, the block feature works great.

I place zero value on downvotes because they’re used as a weapon, such as right now for me if my instance actually logged them, or as a harassment strat against lgtbq individuals, etc, and they have the potential and often do hide perfectly valid solutions in help threads because someone suggested an unorthodox method for a specific case that gets downvoted to oblivion because that solution didn’t toe the line with everyone else’s preferred one.

So feel free to engage with that, I’m not.


Sorry pal I’m gonna have to give you a downvote for this, lol.

Downvotes are incredibly valid. They mean “not only do I not approve of this content, I think it’s actively bad”. Simply not upvoting and moving on is the shrug of the internet. I probably give out 50x the upvotes as I do downvotes, but when I do serve one up it’s usually because the comment outright promotes misinformation.

Look at the current state of YouTube sans downvotes. You used to be able to look at the ratio to tell if a video wasn’t even worth looking at. Now, you see oh, 100k people liked this. But what if 200k disliked it and it’s actually hot garbage? Oh, we’ll never know!

Removing downvotes is just an attempt to drive “engagement” over quality, part of the downward slide of the internet.

Note: I didn’t actually give you the downvote, lol. A valid discussion or debate should not earn a downvote. I don’t agree with your take, but it’s not trash.


I’m not reading all that, congrats on having some opinion.


And you wonder why your comments are collecting downvotes.


I don’t wonder at all because I don’t see downvotes or care about them, advantages of being on a downvote disabled server. Y’all can circle jerk and I can ignore it.


how it is culturally relevant

That’s the neat part: it isn’t.


Ditto, after that talk about the TV show. I was like man, how far has he fallen.

mysoulishome, avatar

I think if he sold NFT’s I would just about lose all faith in mankind. Now when the hell is haunted chocolatier coming…


Selling NFTs is some JojaMart shit. Concerned Ape would never.

mysoulishome, avatar


uis, in Man Gets 100 Years for Accidentally Killing His 8-Year-Old Daughter While Trying to Shoot His 18-Year-Old Son avatar

But of course when corporations do this, they are not dissolved or closed for 100 years.


A corporation shot an 8 year old while trying to shoot an 18 year old? Corporations suck and I’m not defending them in any way, but it seems like a weird comparison to make.

uis, avatar



Amazon shot an 8 y.o.? Source please.


I mean, there’s that whole Banana hit squad thing. Also all those Amazonian tribes murdered for their land to deforest. That’s some corporate bs that didn’t get anyone closed or punished. Not exactly the same, but close enough.


Chiquita. Banana republics. Check them death tolls.

HawlSera, in Mike Johnson Admits He and His Son Monitor Each Other's Porn Intake in Resurfaced Video

Nothing creepy about that

someguy3, in Say what? Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis honors transgender woman who leads diversity seminars.

Need that “I didn’t know” soundtrack.

ElBarto, in Say what? Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis honors transgender woman who leads diversity seminars. avatar

Ok, so we know his type now.

elbucho, in Man Gets 100 Years for Accidentally Killing His 8-Year-Old Daughter While Trying to Shoot His 18-Year-Old Son

So this article makes it seem like he’s got dementia and was under the spell of a delusion when shooting his partner & daughter. But it’s written so vaguely that it’s hard to know for sure. So I found another article that seems to be much more clear about what happened:…/ar-AA1jkw2q

TL;DR: 66-year-old man is in rough shape; has Hepatitis B, Emphysema, and COPD, and needs an oxygen tank. His partner (a much younger woman), their daughter together (8 years old), and his son from a previous marriage (18) all came to his house. The article doesn’t say what happened in the conversation, but he apparently became enraged thinking they were trying to get him out of the house. My guess is that they were trying to get him to go into a care facility due to his many, many ailments.

Dude saw red, grabbed a gun, and started blasting. Shot his partner, then tried shooting his son, missed, and hit his 8-year-old daughter in the back as she was running away from him.

So it sounds much less like dementia (though that could still very well be a factor), and more like a miserable piece of shit reaching for a gun first to solve all of his problems.


Paradoxically he ended up in a sort of care facility. Some “care” but maybe not the care he needed


Honestly, the facto that he could have had dementia and still could access a gun is not really the better option, is it?


I’m not saying it’s better or worse, just that it would be a different story. Dementia changes people. My grandmother went through it; she was an incredibly sweet person before Alzheimer’s, and then once she started sunsetting, she became vindictive and paranoid. Thought people were plotting against her or trying to poison her.

I posted this update because the original article was really badly written, and it was hard to figure out what actually happened.


I think a lot of people commenting have been fortunate enough to not have a loved one, or even someone they are close to succumb to these ailments. I’ve had a relative and two older ladies I grew up with pass away as completely different people than they were during the 30+ years I knew them. The hatred, vitriol, unhinged, and unprompted behavior was gut wrenching. Their sadly wasn’t much of a support system other than what they could get with Medicare and the community of people that only stuck around due to who they were rather than what they had become. It rocked my world and was life changing on my outlook on a great number of things to see in person how the most loving, sweet, caring people I could ever imagine knowing turn into monsters. Two of these women would start baking cookies for us kids growing up if we stopped by unannounced and loved nothing more than an unprompted visit turned to an evening of cards. Their last 3-5 years of life was not who they were, it was a disease, and it was scary.


It can be both, though. He could be a sack of shit who is now going through dementia.

Rhoeri, avatar

In other worlds….



I mean, of course it’s related to mental health, no psychopathic idiot has ever owned a gun and misused it.

ElBarto, in Man Gets 100 Years for Accidentally Killing His 8-Year-Old Daughter While Trying to Shoot His 18-Year-Old Son avatar

Is that pixel?

mateomaui, in Man Gets 100 Years for Accidentally Killing His 8-Year-Old Daughter While Trying to Shoot His 18-Year-Old Son


Valez believed that two women had come to the house to evict him and he lost his temper

so… how did that relate to his partner and son?

so confused


daughter in law and his partner were the two women maybe?

article is kinda bad

yet another shining example of the kind of quality republican needed to prove the value of the second amendment

ObviouslyNotBanana, avatar

But he tried to shoot his son? Lmao


so I live around stupid fuckers like this in the deep south

he never intended to kill any of them, he was trying to run them off and was probably not thinking about consequences at all

betting he was also drunk


never intended to kill any of them

“He told police he shot his partner, Heather Hall, until she fell to the ground”

idk, seems like intent to me


probably legally but again stupid + drunk and angry with zero thought beyond the moment

something like ‘they’re not gonna kick me off my own property’ drunk as fuck and was interviewed in shock

I know someone that shot at his own mom cause she wouldn’t give him 20$, they got in a fight and she told him something like ‘shoot me if you don’t believe me I don’t have it’

stupid + redneck + drugs and anger


goddamn I guess it’s gotten crazier since I was last in that region


meth, it’s a fucking mess over lots of rural America and not just the south


yep, that part I knew, unfortunately

Carighan, avatar

Just wanted to make her sit down, duh. If all you have is a gun, every problem becomes a target.


Maybe his intention was just to clear the view, not to kill anyone. He’s allowed to clear the view in his home, right? Anything above waist height has to go, I’ve felt the same many a time polishing my SMG in the garage. Alas, I have neither wife, kids, nor visitors to obstruct my view, for unrelated reasons.

mateomaui, (edited )

With enough drugs or alcohol involved, this makes sense.


Oh, alcohol and drugs are always involved, very much always.


If you can’t see how this happened without blaming it on drugs, it’s not my problem


This one’s actually pretty funny. I’ll upvote it.

Seriously tho, grow up, you immature twat(s).


I am also going to bet he’s a racist piece of shit and hardline Trump supporter, but that is neither here nor there.


Daughter-in-law? Where’s that coming from?


nope I’m stupid and misread it, totally baby momma not daughter in law

so no clue who the two ladies are

daughter and baby momma?


ok, back to “so confused”


Let me clear it up. Person 1: Sister / baby-mamma / uncle.

Person 2: Daughter in law/ nephew/ grandmother.

Family relations are kinda interesting in that part of the world.


The two ladies are presumably people who have bothered him about evicting him before. Or they were all in his head.

He mistook his son and baby momma for two ladies, and in shooting at them, he hit neither of them, hitting the child instead.

Hope that clears it up.

FuglyDuck, avatar

Republicans prove the value of the second amendment everytime they open their mouths.

Trump is the greatest argument I’ve seen for it.

(Just… for the record… I’m generally pro gun control.)


like I’m on pure face value argument pro self defense and having a gun if someone is breaking into my house

but imagine your daughter is this bozos baby momma


I’ve got bad news for you buddy, second amendment or not, the side who’s got the army behind them wins. You can have whatever shiny gun you like, you won’t even see the drone that blows you up.

FuglyDuck, avatar

You’re right. If the military comes down on a side, that side probably wins.

You assume that a) such a hypothetical starts with the military and b) I was talking about all out war to start with.

There’s a very large spectrum here.


In what scenario does the military not pick sides? No matter if it’s from the get go or not.

All out civil war? Same scenario, military gets involved? The side they’re on will be told to hide, they’ll shoot anyone walking around with a gun and it will come from the sky.

The second amendment was written at a time when it made sense, with today’s military it doesn’t make any anymore and it achieves the opposite of what was intended, putting people in danger instead of keeping them safe.

FuglyDuck, avatar

In the scenario where they fracture in command- most likely that’ll be a regional thing at the base level

Politics has been more easily explained throughout American history as “north” vs “south”. In addition to the regular army, there’s all the nat guards that’ll probably go with their states.

norbert, avatar

I'll be sure to let North Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, and most recently Gaza know your thoughts on it, buddy.


Didn’t know they had the second amendment over there.

norbert, avatar

Not only do they not have the 2A, they don't need it, guns are plentiful and cheap and somehow ignorant farmers who live in caves and huts keep using them to resist drones and smart bombs.

I'm not advocating for 0 gun regulations, I'm pointing out the "the side with the bigger guns wins" argument is stupid and provably false.


What you’re ignoring for the sake of your argument is that the army would be on its own turf instead of going somewhere where they don’t know the land and there’s a big difference between Americans with guns and foreign militias backed by other countries. Also, don’t look up the death rate of Afghans vs foreigners in the 2000s war because it doesn’t look good for the Afghans.

Don’t know why you would bring up Vietnam, drones weren’t a thing back then, today the military wouldn’t even have to get off base to fuck up the opposing side.

norbert, (edited ) avatar

If the military today wouldn't even have to get off base to fuck up the opposing side (proven false in recent conflicts btw) why does it matter if they're on their turf? Your own reasoning doesn't make any sense and ignores a ton of conflicts. You mentioned Afghanistan, who's in charge there now, is it the US?

The statement wasn't about how many people on whichever side die, but that pretending that "You don't need a gun to defend yourself because the federal government has missles" is an extremely poor, provably false argument. I support stronger gun laws, it's just a really bad take.


It makes sense because they have maps of everything, that’s a huge technical advantage over invading a country where no one but the locals know the terrain.

norbert, avatar

They have satellites and drones that can map everything relatively quickly, recon isn't the hard part. Topographical data doesn't win hearts and minds.

Like I said, I'm not against gun control though. I just feel like blanket "no guns!" statements aren't really productive to the conversation. It'd be like trying to discuss abortion with a Christian and demanding "abortions on demand up to 10 months no questions asked!"

It's just such a dismissive, "my way or the highway" take that it makes reasonable discussion impossible and guarantees gridlock.


Satellites don’t let you map tunnels and caves, that’s the difference with fighting in the USA vs in Afghanistan or Iraq or Gaza, in the USA towns have maps of their underground and of all the buildings and heck, authorities have files on the people most likely to be armed and dangerous.


The thing is, people think it will come down to armed conflict. It won’t. It’s much easier duping people into believing the Fuhrer and have them join the movement instead. It has worked innumerable times in history, and is literally what is happening right now and has been going for decades- half the nation willingly votes in tyrants, under the rationale that the non-tyrants will take away the citizens’ rights to defend against being ruled by tyrants.

Flbprprprprprprprblpr is my state of mind since around the turn of the century.


Man did his patriotic duty, shooting his useless kids. Semper fi.

BigMacHole, in Man Gets 100 Years for Accidentally Killing His 8-Year-Old Daughter While Trying to Shoot His 18-Year-Old Son

Why didn’t the 8 year old have a gun to defend herself with? That’s the only thing that could have saved her life!

Rhoeri, avatar

The people downvoting you are the same people that argue that if we arm more people, we can solve the gun problem. And each downvote is an acknowledgement that their argument is garbage.


It’s the weather. The cause of gun violence is the weather. You learned it here first, folks. Weather = gun violence.

wizardbeard, avatar

Or maybe it’s people that think this sort of rhetoric is tasteless when talking about an event where a kid died.

Yes, the man should never have had access to a firearm. But a child died for having the misfortune to be born to this sack of shit. That’s the takeaway here. Not some opportunity to try and stick it to the strawmen in your head.

These sort of “hot takes” are nothing more then mental masturbation, looking for validation from people who already share your own beliefs.

Seriously take a step back and think about the fact that you just built up some fucking narrative to place yourself as the hero against a horde of people lesser than yourself. That’s your response to this news.

You sure showed all the pro gun jackasses! They definitely are bothered by your post and absolutely seething! Whatever makes you feel like you’ve done the superior thing and that you think the right things to think.

Your views aren’t wrong, you’re just being a tool.

A child is dead, and you’re more invested in finding a way to feel superior to others than anything else. Fuck everything about that.


This is incorrect : she was accidentally shot by a good guy with a gun, who missed and shot the wrong person.


lntl, in Woman slams selfish paragliders who 'made her think Hamas were invading Doncaster'

how does this get covered?

there’s a fella that lives in an alley near me that is always saying weird things, can we get a reporter over here and publish a story?


If you call the Daily Mirror they probably will.


It’s ragebait.

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