applejacks, (edited ) avatar

Yes and no.

We do have mass shootings, but we also live in a country of 330 million (humongous population size), but every mass shooting makes national news, so it seems far worse than it is. Also, most mass shootings are gang violence that get lumped in with what we normally consider “random mass shootings” to pump up the numbers and scare people.

Healthcare could definitely be better, but 67% of Americans are satisfied with their insurance. I would still much prefer a universal healthcare system.

Overall, America definitely has its ups and downs, but a lot of the “AMERICA BAD” rhetoric is just part of a reddit-style circlejerk where people get socially rewarded for trashing it.

Expect this comment to be downvoted from the same crew.

joe, avatar

You skipped over the whole 50% of the population lost the constitutional right to control their own body.

You skipped over a lot of stuff.

America is pretty bad, and we’ll never get better if everyone keeps insisting we’re not that bad.

applejacks, avatar

Do you think we should switch to the abortion laws that most european countries have?

Do you know they are typically stricter than what we have here?

joe, avatar

Stricter than a complete ban?

applejacks, avatar

Where is abortion banned in the US?

joe, avatar

Do you really need me to Google this for you?…/abortion-laws-roe-v-wade.html

applejacks, avatar

This, of course, excludes where the health of the mother is in danger, or in cases of rape and incest.

blanketswithsmallpox, avatar

This is going to be tongue in cheek...

So I can medically treat my body if dying or raped... Good.

Now about abortions lol.

joe, avatar

Dude take 30 seconds and google it. Yes some of these places don’t have exceptions for rape and incest.

Look at you being the chef’s kiss perfect example of what I’m talking about. Why should anyone take your word on how great or not great America is when you’re this misinformed.


State should not have the right to pick and choose like that. Textbook way of taking away people’s liberty.


The only way we’ll improve is if people realize how shitty it is and vote for better reps and better laws.

joe, avatar

I mean, case in point: someone replied to my comment apparently not knowing abortion is banned in places in America. I don’t even understand how that’s possible it was everywhere on the news for months.


See, this just isn’t true. There are a number of states that have the right to abortion enshrined in their constitution. Others are voting to have it added to their constitutions. Just because it was removed nationally, doesn’t mean everyone lost that right.

Granted, it is absolutely a tragedy what is going on in the more backwards states. But things like this make it sound worse than the situation is nationwide. This is the issue the OP has. If you only see the negatives that are reported in the news, it sounds like the US is an absolute hellhole, which is not most people’s lived experience.

joe, avatar

It is true that 50% of the population lost this constitutional right.


There are state CONSTITUTIONS that protect this right, so no it’s not true.

joe, avatar

Dude you’re not going to get through this with shitty wordplay. They did in fact lose a US constitutional right. This isn’t a debatable statement, it is a fact.

What is your end game here?


The point is that people’s QOL is highly dependent on where in the US they live. Local laws have a much bigger impact to people’s quality of life than whatever happens in Washington. I did not lose my constitutional rights to an abortion because I live in a sane place. If I live somewhere like Texas, I would have.

The reason the rest of the world thinks the US is so terrible is that we act like the whole country is impacted the same way by national decisions. Or that all idiotic local laws apply to everyone the same way.

joe, avatar

The whole country is impacted when rights are stripped from anyone. Look at what you’re saying: If some people are living a good life then it can’t be all that bad. Well, Elon Musk is living a pretty swell life so it doesn’t matter how many homeless people die in the street from hunger tonight, right? I know it’s kind of jumping the shark, but your rationale would call America “not that bad” if slavery were still allowed nationally but forbidden, in some states, right?

We should be judged by what those that have allow to happen to those that have not. Take a step back and look at the bigger picture.


I never said that we should let people suffer. You’re the one who needs to take a step back and stop raging.

OPs question is literally: “Are all states in the US that bad.” The answer is no, some states are obviously worse than others. It’s the shitty ones that get all the air time.

joe, avatar

Double check the OPs question.


Are all states is America bad?

This is their question. Read the post.

joe, avatar

That’s probably a typo, read the title.

And speaking of this weak ass defense you’ve got going, let’s take it one step higher. Do you think developing countries should use America as the shining example of what to be? Surely there are better countries in the world to strive to emulate than America.


I think they should take what works and leave what doesn’t. There are a lot of great things about the US, alongside the not so great things. Why shouldn’t other countries emulate the things that are fantastic here (e.g. our national parks/public land programs as one example).

Just like we should look at things that work in other countries and see if they can improve QOL here. Every place in the world has its good qualities and bad. The US isn’t special in that regard.

joe, avatar

Wait… our national parks are the example you came up with?

What about our system do you think qualifies at “working”?


Yes off the top of my head our parks system is emulated world wide and generally the most impressive aspect for visitors of our country.

We also have unparalleled accessibility for people with disabilities. Try to get around Europe in a wheelchair. You won’t have a good time.

It is relatively easy to start a business.

We have the top universities in the world.

We are the best place in terms of medical R&D, as well as scientific research in general

We are above average in gender equality (though there are certainly places that are just as good or better). I wouldn’t want to be a woman in the middle east, for example.

We have the best road connectivity, though obviously quality of those roads could be improved.

We provide more humanitarian aid to foreign countries than anyone else (depending on your perspective this could be good or bad).

Should I go on?

joe, avatar

You should back those things up with more than “because I said so” is what you should do.


These are all easily googleable items.

Or whatever, if you want to believe the US has zero redeeming qualities, then go right ahead. I’m kind of sick of talking to someone who has such a fucking negative outlook.


You can’t lose a human right. Their right to bodily autonomy is being infringed upon, but they still have it, no matter what the government says.

joe, avatar

I appreciate what you mean but the idea that human rights aren’t granted is just a philosophy, not something that actually matches reality.

That is to say, whether I agree with your premise or not doesn’t change reality at all.

mosthated, avatar

Trying to downplay the old gun violence again? There is still this though:…/index.html

And those numbers only go up to 2018. This year, we have already had as many school shootings by June as during the entire year of 2018:…/01

But yeah, I guess some people consider that ‘scare tactics’. smh

applejacks, avatar

Yes, this is exactly what I was talking about.

But yes, don’t let silly facts get in the way of your narrative.…/the-school-shootings-that-werent

This spring the U.S. Education Department reported that in the 2015-2016 school year, “nearly 240 schools … reported at least 1 incident involving a school-related shooting.” The number is far higher than most other estimates.

But NPR reached out to every one of those schools repeatedly over the course of three months and found that more than two-thirds of these reported incidents never happened. Child Trends, a nonpartisan nonprofit research organization, assisted NPR in analyzing data from the government’s Civil Rights Data Collection.

We were able to confirm just 11 reported incidents, either directly with schools or through media reports.

mosthated, avatar

So what about statistics from the Center of Homeland Defense and Security? Probably also just inflated, right?

applejacks, avatar

Do you not realize how much lower those numbers are than what you originally posted?

You are undermining your own claim.

They also include deaths that never happened at schools.

Also from your own link:

The percentage of youth homicides occurring at school remained at less than 3 percent of the total number of youth homicides

From your own data, in 2018, there were 10 homicides of youths in schools.…/school-enrollment.html

On average in America, there are 73.8 million students in school.

That’s a percentage of .0000001%

Very close to your chances of dying from a lightning strike (.0000006%)


Go outside dude. “America bad” is not based on reddit, there are millions of citizens out there who have real issues with the way our country is run, real activist groups doing protests and trying to spread awareness.

All you have to do is open your mind to be able to see these problems (instead of downplaying issues like mass murder) and listen to the people who feel they’ve been disadvantaged

applejacks, avatar

Yes, how dare I look at the actual statistics over listening to people that “feel” a certain way.


Healthcare could definitely be better, but 67% of Americans are satisfied with their insurance.

No offense, but this sounds a bit like asking the congenitally blind if they miss seeing.

applejacks, avatar

I don’t disagree with that.


This is why Trump should get elected so he can Make America Great Again, right guys?

But in all seriousness, I imagine it’s a case of that America is nowhere near as good as some Americans make it out to be, but it’s also not as terrible as the media make it out to be either. You can probably apply this to most of the Western World, really.


You got me at first!! Hovering over that down arrow hahaha


A lot of the ones that make it out to be greater than it is are just wishfully thinking. They imagine a place where they don’t need to make any changes while everything else must conform to their ideals and bend for them. They imagine trump is the answer to this. They typically have the simplest of beliefs and solutions that would fail even the slightest scrutiny.


The US is also extremely huge geographically. Towns are different from each other, and states and just general locations can be different from each other. There is no one place you can say “is America”. Hell, you can have a peaceful family friendly neighborhood, and the next street over could be a drugs and violence.

I agree the media absolutely makes it seem worse than it is. Especially with all the 24/7 news and fear mongering to grab attention.

Hamartiogonic, avatar

I have very mixed feelings about Trump. Obviously, he really isn’t good for any country, so I hope he doesn’t get re-elected. Just throw him in the jail already. Unfortunately, I can’t deny the fact that on some sick and twisted schadenfreude way I also enjoyed watching the first four seasons of the Shitshow. Oh, what a rollercoaster that was.

charonn0, avatar

No, it’s not nearly as bad as depicted.

The USA, for all its faults, remains the standard against which other countries measure themselves (and find themselves lacking). That’s why every embarrassment and mistake gets blasted across the international media.


This is very chauvinistic.

charonn0, avatar

Please explain how I’m incorrect.


You gave an opinion that can’t really be called “correct” or “incorrect.” It’s just chauvinistic.

charonn0, avatar

That’s a cop-out. You’ve accused me of being a chauvinist. Either you have a reason for that or you don’t.

If you do, spill it.

If you don’t, then you’re just hurling insults.


The USA, for all its faults, remains the standard against which other countries measure themselves (and find themselves lacking).

This statement - do you not see how that’s an incredibly arrogant and patronising thing to assert?

charonn0, avatar

Please explain why I’m incorrect.


“What can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence” (Hitchen’s razor), you made the claim.

charonn0, avatar

Actually, I explained my reasoning.


You’re incorrectly assuming that something has to be incorrect to be chauvinistic.

charonn0, avatar

Chauvinism is defined as “excessive or prejudiced support for their own cause or group”. Excess and prejudice are incorrect bases for an opinion.

And if I’m not wrong, then what is your objection?


I am not going to debate over semantics with you.

charonn0, avatar

You already started.


He probably doesn't know what it means


What a condescending, bratty thing to say. You don’t have to belittle people just because you disagree with them. You can have respectful, mature conversation :)


I understand you're coming from a good place, but I disagree. Someone who says stupid and arrogant things should be made fun of. Me included! I don't like being made fun of, but it sure helps me learn.

To paraphrase Asimov, his ignorance is NOT worth just as much as my knowledge.

ExecutiveStapler, avatar

Ah, what a great example of a thought terminating cliche, a statement that does what it says to save you from cognitive dissonance and nuance. You are clearly using chauvinistic as a pejorative, so you need to either justify how they're wrong or take it back and stop muddying the waters with your empty ideological language.

To be clear, I don't necessarily agree with op's statement. The US as a developed nation clearly has more opportunities and advantages than developing nations, but there are other developed nations that meet and sometimes beat the advantages the US brings. I'd argue the US is at least in top 3 of being the most successful nation in diversity and global influence, but other nations have better welfare programs, housing policy, and cultural aspects imo.


You’re reading very far into my use of a word. I used it because its meaning is very applicable here. It’s not “empty ideological language.” It means something similar to “patriotic,” though I didn’t use that word because for some reason in the US patriotism is considered to be a good thing.

This user seems to think the US superior to all other countries. The word’s definition certainly seems to apply:

Militant devotion to and glorification of one’s country; fanatical patriotism.
Prejudiced belief in the superiority of one’s own gender, group, or kind.

charonn0, avatar

This user seems to think the US superior to all other countries

I said no such thing.


Short memory, you said:

The USA, for all its faults, remains the standard against which other countries measure themselves (and find themselves lacking).

charonn0, avatar

How to interpret that sentence:

  1. The USA has its faults
  2. Other countries compare themselves to the USA
  3. THEY find THEMSELVES lacking

How not to interpret that sentence:

  1. The USA is actually superior.
ExecutiveStapler, avatar

I agree you used chauvinistic to mean that, but you then followed it up by saying that you didn't have to justify why what they said is wrong. You do. It's also not the case that what they said was definitionally chauvinistic, although I'll let that slide because it was something similar enough.

Suppose it was the case that one nation was in every way better than all other countries. Shouldn't the citizens of that country be proud of that? Beyond pride, shouldn't they do everything they can to spread their glorious system to the world and bring prosperity to all? That doesn't necessarily mean wars and colonialism, that simply means all soft power efforts to implement systems that show themselves to work. I think the answer to this hypothetical is this nations citizens should feel pride and should spread their system.

The key point here is the United States isn't better than every country in the world, thus Americans shouldn't feel such extreme pride about their country. However, the United States is pretty good. I think some form of pride / patriotism are justified for Americans and even forms of soft power to implement effective policies are justified, but this answer is impossible to reach when you throw out all feel good thoughts about nations as chauvinistic.


Well, for one, when compared to other countries, the United States is pretty consistently lacking no matter what aspect of it you’re measuring. I wouldn’t exactly call that a standard. Maybe a minimum standard?

charonn0, avatar

Could you summarize which datapoints you’d like to hilight?


This is a summary.

charonn0, avatar

I can read Wikipedia anytime. I’m here for a discussion.


I thought that Germany had pretty much displaced us as standard-bearer in Europe's eyes. Would any European care to educate me on that?


That’s why every embarrassment and mistake gets blasted across the international media.

Do you speak languages other than English fluently?

the standard against which other countries measure themselves

What are you basing this on?

charonn0, avatar

What are you basing this on?

As I explained, the international newsworthiness of any American embarrassment and shortcoming.


Do you speak languages other than English fluently?

charonn0, avatar


Are you going to compare your country favorably to the US on that point?


I'm asking because I want to know what you're basing your opinion on.

charonn0, avatar

I direct your attention to my original post.


They’re asking because you’re probably stuck in a media bubble based on the fact that you simply cannot read the opinions of people outside of the US’s sphere of influence.

charonn0, avatar

One wonders they don’t just come out and say so.


One wonders why you won’t answer.

charonn0, avatar

Because it’s not a sincere question asked in good faith. It’s just another attempt to evade addressing anything I actually say in favor of insulting my intelligence.

No, I don’t speak other languages fluently. I speak some Spanish and a little French, and I can cuss you out in Japanese. But English is the only language I speak fluently. And if you were half as sincere as you no doubt are going to claim to be, you’d have realized that I NEVER SAID I AGREED WITH THEM. I only pointed out that they find THEMSELVES lacking.

I answered the OP’s question honestly and accurately to the best of my knowledge, understanding, and perceptions. Which is WAY more than you or any other respondent has done.

So, go ahead. Mock me for only speaking gasp one language! It doesn’t make me wrong.


Imagine for a second that you speak Chinese. You find yourself on a Chinese forum and a Chinese person explains that China is the country against which other countries measure themselves and this is why they are always attacking or criticising China.

You then ask this person if they speak anything other than Chinese, because you want to know if they're basing that opinion only on Chinese media.

But instead of answering the question, and perhaps acknowledging they live in a media bubble, they instead choose to repeatedly avoid answering it, then type out a very long and defensive rant with capital letters.

What would you think of that person?

charonn0, avatar

What would you think of that person?

I’d think they’re wrong. And I’d spend my time explaining why.

But I wouldn’t take their opinion personally; I wouldn’t be upset by it; I wouldn’t feel compelled to question their intelligence, morals, ethics, or motives. I wouldn’t complain that they’re being unfair, chauvinistic, or sheltered.



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  • charonn0, avatar

    Please explain.



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  • charonn0, avatar

    Not just US news, local US news.

    When was the last time a small town in Europe made international headlines?

    You sound like a trump supporter.

    Go fuck yourself.


    If you don’t want to sound like a dumbass, don’t make nonsense statements backed up by your own narrow perspective. See how that fits a trump supporter? Try a little harder next time.


    True that many countries may find themselves lacking to the USA. Americans meanwhile don’t compare themselves to anybody, completely ignoring all the countries which are leaps and bounds ahead of us in terms of social justice & public welfare.

    charonn0, avatar

    Thank you for demonstrating my point.


    You’re just demonstrating the fact that you don’t have a leg to stand on.

    charonn0, avatar

    No, I’m pointing out that even your objection is framed as a comparison between countries.



    charonn0, avatar

    “And” what?


    Apologist propaganda.

    charonn0, avatar

    Butthurt denialism.


    Uh huh. Keep grasping at straws here. You’re really doing well… 🤡


    It’s not just America. It’s the whole world right now.


    Well, I have free healthcare here in my country and no guns.

    But we do have stupid cunts as politicians enacting stupid fucking laws (like the online safety act)

    So eh, kind of.

    Barbarian, avatar

    I feel this in my bones. Same access to healthcare, same lack of guns, different laws, different stupid shit, equally stupid politicians.


    It varies from person to person and place to place. But generally, I would say that America is a pretty good place, but not perfect and has a lot of room for improvement.

    Yes, healthcare is expensive, but we have some government programs to provide cheaper care for certain groups, like the very poor, the elderly, and veterans.

    Violence varies from place to place, but I feel like I live in a safe area, and I have never seen or heard a gun fired at someone in a public place.

    A lot of the bad laws typically involve disenfranchising certain minority groups. I am lucky enough to not be affected by most of this, and a lot of people are fighting back against it by trying to vote in better politicians.


    I have never seen or heard a gun fired at someone in a public place

    Feels weird you have to specify “at someone” and “in a public place”. I’ve never heard a gun fired outside of firing ranges (EU)

    TheHottub, avatar

    American here. Lived in California most of my life just outside LA in suburbs. Ventura as well. Lived in Tennessee for 2 years and Idaho 2. I’ve seen people open carry a few times. I own a gun and I’ve never seen or heard a gun fired outside of a gun range. I’m 40 btw. It’s not that bad here. It’s big and there are a lot of people so the news has tons of opportunities to present the worst of humanity which makes up a small percentage.


    There’s also the fact that US media wants to show this bad stuff because it helps keep people afraid of the world around them and makes them easier to manipulate.

    jwiggler, avatar

    I live in a small city about an hour away from a major city. I’m also an hour away from what I would call the boonies – rural, remote areas where owning guns and open carrying is normal. In fact, I’ve seen open carry around here, in the city, quite a bit. It’s pretty normal around here.

    I heard a shooting happen in the suburbs near my house when I was a kid. It’s what’s considered the “nice” part of town. An old woman walking her dog was killed. I heard the shot through my bedroom window. Only til I moved into the inner part of the city did I witness guns being shot in the city more often. Most of the times you hear pops, it’s fireworks. A couple times, it’s been guns. Those couple times are pretty freaky.

    Every once in awhile I’ll walk past a crime scene downtown, usually something happened like a stabbing the night before. One day I scrolled through reddit and saw a video – a point-blank execution had occured outside the club down the road. That one was disturbing. I think the kid is going to jail for a long time.

    The inner part of this particular city is not as safe as the suburbs, but for the most part you should be okay, as long as you’re not looking to start trouble. When I’m walking around town, especially the immediate area I live, my eyes are open. At night, they’re wide open.


    This would cover things like hunting and/or target practice at a home or private property, so not entirely that weird.


    Live in a suburban area. Several of my neighbors have 5+ acres of land. One of them has a makeshift range, so I hear someone shooting all the time, sometimes for hours on end day after day. I’m not thrilled by it.


    Your neighbor must be rich.


    Them being loaded in more ways than one doesn’t make me feel any better about it. This coming from a gun owning liberal. I don’t just go around shooting it off in my back yard several times a week.


    Overall, no. In most places things are peaceful and nice. In some places there is a lot of crime and squalor. A lot depends on your location, perspective, and luck.

    n0cturnali, avatar

    American Dream isn’t dead. I’m grinding for mine. It’s just definitely harder now.

    rasterweb, avatar

    I don't think my parents or grandparents had to "grind" for the American Dream™. They could afford a house, a car, and raise a family all on one full-time job 50 years ago.

    TheLowestStone, avatar

    They may have had to grind but doing so allowed then to save and achieve their goals. Many people today grind themselves to dust merely to survive.


    A lot of people don’t see what their parents had to deal with, because by the time we are old enough to notice those things, they have already had a chance to work their way upward. Not to say that certain things might not have been easier back then, because in some ways it certainly was. But I hear about how my grandparents worked in a factory or joined the military because it was their only option at the time, and then I hear about how my great grandmother had 8 children to take care of as a single parent, and she walked miles to get to work in her factory job. Things have always been difficult depending on circumstances.


    Working full-time isn’t a grind?

    I’m speaking as someone who supports a family of five and bought a home on one income, btw. I work hard to do it, but I do it.


    I don’t think the “American Dream” ever really existed.


    It’s synonymous with exploitation from what I’ve seen. I don’t live there but the news is unavoidable here.

    donuts, avatar

    Unfortunately there are a lot of people here (and all over the world) who grind their asses off through multiple jobs while sacrificing their entire life, and still don't earn enough to lead a decent life or own anything.

    rasterweb, avatar

    I've lived in the US for over 50 years and yes, in many ways it's really shitty here. I look at how other countries function and wonder why we can't do the same thing. The US is "supposedly" the greatest country in the world and yet, there is so much wrong with it.

    Granted, there are good things too (depending on where you live and your status, of course.)

    NumbersCanBeFun, avatar

    The only reason I didn’t get financially destroyed by the accident I was in, was just because the driver who struck me off my bicycle was 100% at fault and there was no denying it. You can try to say I served in front of you but at the end of the day you struck a bicyclist from behind on the road.

    Anyways, because of laws on how much you can sue for I was capped out. So I didn’t get a ton of money but thankfully they also were forced to cover all my medical expenses along with the payout, which would have easily bankrupted me even with really good insurance if I had to pay that back.


    And America can’t be bothered to build safe bike lanes. I refuse to ride my bike on the road. Anyone who doesn’t like me riding on the sidewalk can fuck off


    The problem is you’d have to tear up a shitton of infrastructure to do it because built-up areas have no room to extend road widths safely to accommodate bike lanes. The driver behind that problem (pun intended) is the car culture and lack of public transportation. They can’t get rid of car lanes to hand them over to walking/biking dedicated areas because there’s too many cars and people that rely upon them to get around. There would never be enough people that would vote for or support such a project. Rural areas DGAF and are too poor to build bicycle infrastructure.

    It’s not that we can’T be bothered, it’s the usual problem of Americans not wanting to pay for anything that they don’t use themselves or that might inconvenience them even though it’s good to get cars off the roads and keep people safe.

    XGC75, avatar

    It's disingenuous to say rural areas are too poor to install public transportation. It's that there's too much to install (too much space) for any given user. Just economics of rural areas. It doesn't make sense unless we can significantly reduce the capital investment and running costs of public transport.


    But riding on the sidewalk is less safe! Not just for pedestrians, for YOU, the cyclist. There are more hazards and less visibility.


    Baseless statement, elaborate

    It’s not more dangerous for pedestrians because I am aware and respectful of them.

    So tell me exactly how it’s more dangerous for me to be on a further-removed pathway, protected by a curb and other objects like light posts.


    Not baseless, data-driven. This isn’t, like, my opinion, and this is the reason it’s illegal for adults to ride on sidewalks in many municipalities.

    There are more obstacles on the sidewalk, and sidewalk is more prone to be uneven. Most bicycle accidents aren’t bike vs. car, but now vs. environment: unexpected bumps or drops, debris, obstacles like poles and tree branches.

    But the real problem is visibility. People step out onto sidewalks not expecting a speeding cyclist, risking collisions. But more importantly for your safety, motorists aren’t expecting you there, either. So when you are going across intersections, they cannot see you –because you’re in the wrong place, and because as you point out, there are streetlights and sign poles and other objects between you– and may turn into you .


    so the only case these apply are when the cyclist isn’t paying attention to their surroundings… which is the real reason it’s dangerous, and when you eliminate that, I would rather have bikes passing next to people than cars passing next to bikes, because the latter is actually deadly when someone does make a mistake


    You can’t anticipate someone stopping out of a storefront or doorway, though, especially not at speed. This is not something you can eliminate.


    Of course you can’t predict the future, and neither can motorists. What you can do is ride at a speed reasonably slow enough that you can react to people, and you can ride on the side of the pathway further from the doorways.

    And like I said already, a bike on person accident at slow speed is favorable to risking my own life or life-changing injury by riding in the street.

    If you’re trying to change my mind, stop trying. For anyone reading this, petition your local government to build safe bike lanes with solid barriers and we won’t have to have this argument.

    ihavenopeopleskills, avatar

    I will give you that. The DC area is incredibly cyclable / walkable and it's nice, considering how scarce and expensive parking is.

    Lemmylefty, avatar

    America is harder to live in the poorer you are, and it’s on a steeper scale than in other industrialized nations because there are fewer and less robust social services, especially health and child care, and declines in union membership have paired with a rapid increase in wealth inequality that is forcing the shrinking middle class downward and stomping on the poor even harder.

    You can live a comfortable life (for now…) if you are firmly middle class and up. Your higher salary than your counterparts in Europe is eaten away at by higher costs, and you deal with risks that they don’t in the form of transportation being car dominated (more accidents and less walking exercise) easy access to guns (the most dangerous being the one in your own home, to you) and less strict food safety laws. Compared to those in Eastern Europe, however, your likelihood of suffering from a foreign attack is drastically lower, not that it was ever very high to begin with.

    One thing that Americans take pride in (and rightly, mind you) and full advantage of is our First Amendment right to not have our speech be curtailed, so a large amount of the bitching about America, and especially in English, is Americans bitching about America(ns). So there’s a cultural element to it that may or may not exceed the truth.

    kersploosh, avatar

    a large amount of the bitching about America, and especially in English, is Americans bitching about America(ns).


    OptimusPhillip, avatar

    J.J. McCullough did a really good video about this fact, I’d definitely recommend it.…

    kersploosh, avatar

    Fantastic video. J.J. completely nails it on multiple topics.


    I would also add that the capitalist class loves to promote the idea if America as the greatest nation on earth because that storyline benefits them. They’ve already won the game and are benefiting from our current system. They don’t want it to change.

    If we admit we have shortcomings–large gap in wealth equality, lack of accessible and affordible health services, piss poor public transportation, unaffordable child care paired with living costs so large 2 incomes are required, poor school funding, pervasive gun violence, and Policing that emphasizes violence, just to name a few-- then we are also acknowedging that we have to change things. Why would those who greatly benefit from our current system want change?


    Why are there “removed” words in your comment?

    TheSpookiestUser, avatar

    I have heard blocks curse words. My account is on and I see no removeds.

    Atemu, avatar

    Quite ironic.


    Poetic really. A meme is born.


    You can’t be serious. I am using

    TheSpookiestUser, avatar

    Can you see the word “bitch”?


    If you’re saying “the B word,” then no, I can’t.

    The server even rejected a post I attempted that addressed this:

    I can’t upload another photo, because Connect says that the image service is “down,” but it rejects with “error: slurs”

    Anyway, this is my last post here. It’s been fun,

    Lemmylefty, avatar

    Oh right, I had heard about that: there’s a filter. I’m not sure what instance it’s on and what words it filters, though.

    I was using the verb version of a word for a female dog.


    It’s and saying bitch is not allowed. I don’t need a nanny instance.


    And certainly not one where you can’t even have a proper discussion about dogs.


    Not removed for me.

    Maybe you have a potty mouth blocking Greasemonkey script or something.


    less strict food safety laws

    I mean, you can’t even make cheese with raw milk in America, but other than that

    DanglingFury, (edited )

    It’s not bad at all (for me), as the other person said it cavaries from person to person. Social media likes to take shots at it but the reality is it’s quite enjoyable. Mass shootings are overblown by the media (they happen, they suck, but they effect like .000001 percent of the population per year, your more likely to be killed by a deer than I vlolved in a mass shooting). Gun crime exists but is mainly in specific poor or inner city areas. The other 99% is pretty safe.

    Healthcare is expensive but if you have a decent job the company pays most of it. The care provided is really good in an emergency response way, but poor for general care.

    Everyone everywhere is very nice, it’s extremely rare to find an exception to this. If you are brown or Muslim then you may find descrimination more often outside the city, but again that’s rare unless you go to a few areas that no one goes to anyway. My friend is Muslim and doesn’t have many issues unless he goes to the airport.

    Stuff is cheap (relatively) compared to elsewhere. You can get a cheap 65" TV for like 350 bucks. Housing is expensive though unless you go to places that are cheap.

    It is corrupt politically. That is going downhill, but day to day it doesn’t effect us much.

    You have to drive everywhere which kind of sucks. Public transport sucks and it’s hard to find places where you can just walk around.

    The air is pretty clean, the food and water is safe to eat and drink, there are plenty of jobs available, there are lots of massive beautiful outdoor spaces, etc.

    donuts, avatar

    The US healthcare system is actually even worse than people think. Employers use it to hold power over us all, and even if you have insurance the prices of everything are extremely inflated (my dad went in for back surgery and the total was $47k usd, but get this, one of the items was a single bag of saline solution----$270!), and many people including myself can't afford health insurance at all so I'm 1 accident or illness away from total financial ruin.

    I genuinely love America and the place where I live. There is a lot to like and there are many places where life is much harder, but the US health system is one of those things that is embarrassingly bad and honestly just scary.

    Aviandelight, avatar

    That’s because American health insurance is not really insurance it’s a discount plan. Any of you remember being forced to sell those overpriced coupon books as fundraisers in school? That’s what American health insurance is. It’s a shitty discount plan/coupon book that you are forced into buying from your employer and the plan itself makes sure you pay as much out of pocket as they can legally get away with.

    j4k3, (edited ) avatar

    At least the coupon book is for products with real prices. Healthcare is a total scam with prices based on who is paying. The entire system is corrupt from top to bottom. The US problem is extreme systemic corruption. It is not individual corruption outside of the billionaire supreme court judges level, it is corporate sponsored corruption on a much larger scale.

    The USA has a tenth of the laws and protections of any other western country. We have had nearly 50 years of a political denial of service attack from a right wing campaign of misdirection and distraction politics. No one can institute reasonable laws and protections when they are constantly battling whatever stupid inflammatory nonsense that hits the congressional floor. This is why the nonsense keeps happening. It is because it controls the conversation. The only purpose is to keep as many loopholes as possible open for the parasitic worthless billionaires that are funding it. The only fix is to force out the billionaires. The only way to accrue billions of dollars is by exploitation and criminal activity. There are no exceptions to this rule. Every billionaire is a criminal evading prosecution.

    elouboub, avatar

    There are lots of worse places to be, but it definitely isn't "namba wan". Remember, it's a country of extremes and superlatives. "Everything" is "always" the "worst" or the "best". There's "never" a middleground.

    Also, out interface with the US is online and the media. Online, people often express their unfiltered opinion or an extreme opinion + behavior, simply because they aren't face to face with others. It feels much less intimate and thus people behave that way. This has been going on long enough that the opinions online have taken a foothold IRL and the US is a good example thereof (from my outside view).

    Also, don't forget, there are many people speaking English and talking about the US that do not actually live there and weigh in on stuff. Some crazy af opinions might not even be coming from a person physically in the US.

    kersploosh, (edited ) avatar

    No. The US has its problems but it’s not the hellhole people like to make it out to be.

    It helps to look at the US in parts rather than as a homogeneous block. The country is huge and varied with 300M people in a land area larger than Europe. Laws can be wildly different from state to state, especially on hot topics like abortion or gun ownership or drug possession. Some states are filthy rich and others are depressingly poor. Some places are perfectly safe and others are dangerous.

    For example, take a look at these maps comparing US states to European countries. Depending on the metric the US can look great or awful compared to Europe.

    zlatiah, (edited ) avatar

    Interesting question...

    As an overall answer: humans are incredibly adaptable, so as a person living in the US, it almost never subjectively feels bad. For goodness' sake, I knew people who lived in Chicago's Hyde Park (one of the most dangerous neighborhoods) and happily biked to work. I personally lived in what people would describe as a "hood" and a "third-world country" for a good year and a half, and honestly felt really safe over there. Because of this, I honestly don't think anyone can give an objective answer solely from their living experiences.

    Objectively, the US is a developed country and is not terrible, but regarding your specific points:

    1. Yes, the government passed shitty laws, and chose to not pass a lot of not-shitty laws.
    2. Yes, there are more mass shootings than the country should have. I'm not going to say why.
    3. Insured healthcare isn't expensive (correction: some stuff are still too expensive even after insurance). However, uninsured healthcare is incredibly expensive, and unfortunately people without employment/self-employed have to purchase their own insurance... which is also stupidly expensive. Also, a lot of things that should be insured aren't.
    4. The different states are certainly different. US politics is very polarized, so heavy-blue and heavy-red states are quite different in their approaches to... many things in life. Whether they are good or bad is up to you.

    I mean, people living in Switzerland complain about their countries all the time, even though almost everyone else in the world envy the way they live... so it is possible that some might be a bit overblown.

    Semi-Hemi-Demigod, avatar

    Insured healthcare isn't expensive.

    Yes it is. I have "good" insurance and it still cost me $3,000 for a few stitches, a CAT scan, and a night in the hospital when I slipped and hit my head. That's on top of the almost $600 a month I'm paying, and the $1200 a month my employer is paying.


    Calling Hyde Park one of Chicago’s most dangerous neighborhoods makes this comment impossible to take seriously.

    For reference, Hyde Park is the neighborhood where President Obama taught law and got his famous haircut. His home was a few blocks outside the neighborhood in Kenwood, one of the richest neighborhoods in the city; also the location of Louis Farrakhan’s mansions and former mayor Rahm Emmanuel’s house.

    You might have already figured this out from the law school thing, but Hyde Park is home to, and dominated by, the University of Chicago, one of the best schools in the world. It’s got buildings by Frank Lloyd Wright and other famous architects. It’s pumped to the gills with historic wealth and private security.

    Muggings are a problem. Gang violence is not. Get real.

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