Do you feel this place has gotten more.. reddit-y lately?

Of course, that’s to be expected, with people migrating from Reddit and all, but the title is kind of badly worded.

Feel there’s a lot more argumentative and just kind of… angry users on here. (have you seen Sync fans biting everyone’s asses over saying money should be spent funding instances and not an app?)

Live laugh love Lemmy though :)

sanguinepar, avatar

Feel there’s a lot more argumentative and just kind of… angry users on here. (have you seen Sync fans biting everyone’s asses over saying money should be spent funding instances and not an app?)

Just on that particular point, part of the problem is the range of quite-to-extremely hostile comments towards the dev.

Those of us who’ve used Sync for years know (as well can be known, at least) that the guy is solid and trustworthy - and the way some people have been talking about him and his motives is both unfair and inaccurate. It’s natural that there’s going to be pushback on that sort of thing.

Which isn’t to say that the prices can’t be queried or criticised of course, I was slightly surprised myself initially (although given how much I’ve used Sync over the years for very little outlay, it doesn’t bother me as much).

But when it goes beyond questioning the prices, and moves into unfounded criticism of his character and integrity, that’s too much IMO.

lynny, avatar

Yes. Politically militant people are becoming more common. This time last month people seemed to have been much more agreeable even if they didn’t agree with you.

legion, avatar

Well, when I look at the All communities list, I’m not yet seeing an endless flood of groups with “_irl”, “circlejerk”, or groups for every single damn anime in existence.

So, thankfully, it’s not feeling too Reddit just yet.


groups for every single damn anime in existence.

Subreddits for small niche interests is the thing I miss most from reddit and the only thing I return for now and then. Maybe I don’t care for those singular anime, but I’m glad the people that do have/had it available to them.

Right now I can’t watch twitch whole working so the only places to get a quick update on evo (what many consider to be the biggest fighting game tournament yearly, happening now) are reddit and twitter. Not great imo.

legion, avatar

I get that, but the anime subs were just so absurdly numerous. I just wanted to browse /r/all without having the entire page be anime and “weeb” stuff. I would click to filter out subs over and over and over again, which would help for a while, but eventually /r/all would be flooded with a new batch of anime subs. All I wanted was a “filter out all anime subs” checkbox in the settings.

I think part of what annoyed me about the anime subs also is how much of it was the lowest of low-effort content (which was the same state of affairs for the “irl” and “circlejerk” subs, hence why I disliked them just as much). If I skimmed /r/all and came across thoughtful discussions about subjects that didn’t interest me, that never bothered me. But a screenful of crappy image posts never failed to annoy me.

I’m not arguing that the subs didn’t have a right to exist or anything, all I’m saying is that I personally found them annoying, wanted to not see them, and have enjoyed the fact that I’m not seeing so much of that same content now that I’m browsing Lemmy instead.


The way we used the service is different I guess. /r/all always had too much garbage for me to enjoy. I just subbed to whatever I was interested in and never had to worry about nonsense subreddits.


The lack of bots help. Honestly I wasn’t sure how many posts on the old site were made by actual people anymore (or just hired propagandists/“advertisers”) .

My last scroll through the front page had the stink of CHATGPT + paid posters/reposters on it and the comments were just repeated deja vu.


I’m already having Reddit style debates so definitely


Too many bad faith weirdos

The ratio of good discussions to that noise is pretty good though


With online discussion, there always will be. The only really thing you can do is to know when is the best time to abort a conversation. Especially in Reddit-like social media, when one person is getting downvotes then they are assumed to be wrong, then the hive mind brain kicks in.


Yeah, for sure

Know when to stop, and also just knowing when not to comment in the first place honestly

I’ve found myself swiping to reply to a comment and just realizing it’s a waste of time when i could be contributing to an actually good discussion instead


“Never miss a good chance to shut up” - Mark Twain (probably)

This is some advice I definitely need to work on practicing better lol


Your comment history has determined that was a lie.




It comes down to the heavy lifting the mods do. They are way too under appreciated back on reddit and here too. People think they can self police themselves and that other people will follow, but it’s the mods who set and maintain the type of tone they want for the community. People here aren’t anymore special than any other social media, so moderated communities and instances becomes important for those that arent happy with the outcomes of more lax moderation environments once they see users aren’t behaving the way they’d like them to.


This isn’t a Reddit problem, it’s a human problem. The more people who join, the more trolls, edge lords, and just plain assholes will show their ugly heads. Instead of lamenting the “Reddit like” nature and jumping ship, I’d say just work on tailoring your experience. Stop browsing All, subscribe to the communities you enjoy, and block or ignore the instances and people you don’t want to see. We have the ability to tailor this experience to our liking, it just takes a bit of effort. And above all, just keep being positive and encouraging to others and that will spread around.


Yes, posted under a video tbag maybe a guy shouldn’t get beaten to tears fir stealing cigarettes from 7/11 and I got massdownvited while someone saying they were glad the employee broke company policy of just leaving the fucking guy alone, because they don’t want the liability and the losses are negligible.

Like he’s stealing from a big Corp tbag steals from it’s workers, WHO CARES?! I certainly wouldn’t care enough to beat a man with a board!


I agree but FYI franchises might have a brand on the front door but regular people own and operate them.

So like, idk the whole story, but in the vid, the camera man was asking the stick-weilding guy if the dudes been stealing from him for a while. 7/11 doesn’t protect/reimburse store owners for theft.

But yeah, the dude holding him down coulda just held him til cops got there. Is gross that it was so highly upvotes and celebrated.


Reddit migrant here. I actually much prefer the conversations here. Comment threads are still small enough to be manageable, people seem more patient and helpful, and overall, it’s less toxic.

As for the Sync drama, I’m perfectly happy with Connect, but I’m looking forward to Boost, which was my Reddit app of choice.

1984, avatar

Mine too. There are so many clients now though, we will see how it compares. I’m still on Liftoff since it just feels the most right to me.


There’s a lot of people saying

“Can we not do that reddit thing here?”

Like it or hate it, reddit is a monolithic cultural icon. The things you think are “reddit” things are part of one of the most popular internet cultures of all time.

Have you not heard of Barbara Streisand? As reddit fractures, it’s culture will bleed into every corner of the web their users occupy.

You will not contain a culture with your opinions or words. Your options are:

Accept it. Bite your tongue. Downvote. Don’t engage.


Be miserable.

For the love of God, stop complaining about it and trying to control it. Barbra Streisand.


This is sad and defeatist

Sure people will do people things but we have a chance to make communities that don’t put up with that kind of bullshit, and we should


Ok so you choose be miserable.

Good luck.

Third option: go elsewhere.

Caveat: it will follow you there too.




You can push for change and foster a different type of environment without being miserable.


Doing anything futile will generally make people miserable.



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  • NightOwl,

    It’s intersting that the very first paid app that I can recall for lemmy, kbin, or Mastodon is one that showed up with ad integration. Kind of intersting for platforms that don’t have ads to begin with.

    keegomatic, avatar

    In my experience, this has always been a problem after a forum grows beyond a certain size. It’s not really a Reddit-exclusive thing. It’s also not related to karma/reputation-tracking, IMO.

    Early adopters of a small, somewhat empty community are people who want to grow the community and encourage posting. Discussion is bright and careful in certain ways because it’s usually just a few commenters interacting with each other who all want the same thing.

    Once a community grows big enough to support lurkers and a variety of topics, with multifaceted discussion happening naturally, you have a familiar effect happen: you know how people are disproportionately more likely to review a product or business if they had a negative experience than a positive one? Well, in a similar way, when there’s enough content to lurk (and not be one of the early enthusiasts who post in spite of a lack of content, as a duty to help the community grow), then lurkers are more likely to come out of the woodwork and join a discussion when they see something they disagree with or feel strongly about.

    Honestly, though, it has a few silver linings. I grew up learning a lot from arguments online in various places. Sometimes they are handled well and sometimes they are handled poorly by the participants. Learn from both. It’s great to see two sides of an issue, even a petty one. It can teach you a ton about how to behave well, how to actually persuade someone on a topic, and how to avoid conflict in the first place. It can also teach you about a controversial topic you knew little about, and spark your curiosity to learn more (if only to refute something with citations) and sometimes change your opinion altogether.

    The healthy/toxic dichotomy starts in your own mind. You can’t control others, but you can control yourself. So find those little positive nuggets where you can.

    Black_Gulaman, avatar

    Well said, I do hate to see discord between users, but what is a forum if everyone has one mind and there’s no discussion to be had. Civility is key to open people’s minds to your own view. And yours to theirs.


    Us old greybeards remember this as “Eternal September”,.when AOL users were let off the leash.

    Definitelynot a Reddit problem this is humanity at its core.


    This is Barbara Striesand.

    As older lemmy users try to reject the reddit influence, it will become the modus operandi.

    Ever raised a kid? 😁


    I just wanted to read some Strange Planet and Extra Fabulous Comics… Maybe a little Pizzacake… See what the latest memes are… I had no idea what Barbieheimer was until CNN told me…

    I haven’t used Reddit in a good couple of months, but there are some things I miss. Anyway, I promise not to reply to anything with “This”…






    Beans were popular a couple weeks ago. I see more random memes than reddit, it’s still a wild wild west of funny memes.



    nexguy, avatar

    It’s getting more peoply. Just the way people are.


    How dare they! Everyone must arrive completely free of bias and judgement, nice, and open-minded.


    It’s an unattainable ideal yes. But it’s okay to lament the decline in behavior as a social web service grows. Perhaps as a reminder to everyone to try to be better.

    Izzy, avatar

    I think one of the problem is all the influx of apps and webUIs that display “karma” also known as points as a total. Now people are starting to follow some kind of mental herd of saying the right thing to not get downvoted.


    I remember thinking karma was a neat system when I joined Reddit, but it only ended up creating a toxic atmosphere.

    I get that a score system might be valuable for posts themselves, but I wish we didn’t have them on individual profiles…

    Black_Gulaman, avatar

    As a rule applied to myself, disabling of showing vote numbers is one of the settings I activate.

    And make it a point to not look at “points” displayed by the app.


    OP in this thread trying to tell me off because I caught a few downvotes like it’s not the most reddit shit in this whole thread.

    I also do not display scores. Just toxic, creates echo chambers.

    Black_Gulaman, avatar

    Yeah it also creates fake opinions. People posting shit that agrees to what the majority says just to get a few more up votes. And dissent means being ostracized by being handed a mass down vote


    I’m a Reddit migrant, so I’ve been pleasantly surprised about how positive everyone is in here. I don’t doubt we’ve gotten more Reddity as awful, terrible, jackwagons like me have joined (uhm. giggle) but you guys still have an atmosphere that’s 100x better than Reddit. My only complaint are the minor details about missing features etc that I know will be resolved in time.

    So… I guess that didn’t answer your question directly, but indirectly while it may have gotten more Reddity, it’s still a long way away from being Reddit. I hope that continues.


    It’s less toxic here.


    Definitely way less toxic. Even though I’m still mostly a lurker, I’m at ease to stop and make comments without feeling that usual Reddit pressure.


    Don’t look at political communities

    mihnt, (edited ) avatar

    I've just blocked them all. Just the clickbaity titles gets me annoyed. Let alone the comments.

    applejacks, avatar

    I see they’ve already started practicing the “mass downvote anything I disagree with” routine.

    heveysetter, (edited )

    Literally my socialism subreddit some people randomly dowmvote my stuff for no reason, it makes me upset honestly because they don’t even comment why

    applejacks, avatar

    Lmao imagine thinking you’re being suppressed in anyway for having far left views on lemmy

    applejacks, avatar

    Actually I take that back, your posts are kinda based.


    I had the impression reddit was overall less toxic compared to other social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter. I always thought that it was the “community” aspect of reddit responsible for this. People want to belong to a community and are generally less toxic towards fellow community members.

    Maybe I was lucky in my community selection?

    That said, I’m happy to be here instead of reddit… It certainly feels a lot more welcoming!


    Maybe I was lucky in my community selection?

    Probably, but I’d also agree anyway that it was generally less toxic than the major social media platforms. But I’d also say Lemmy/Kbin seems substantially less toxic than even Reddit.

    justlookingfordragon, avatar

    Maybe I was lucky in my community selection?

    It absolutely depends on the communities in question. I’ve been an active member of the ‘Breath of the Wild’ sub for years and even tho there was of course still the occasional troll / bot, the sub as a whole was positively wholesome. At the same time I occasionally posted in a Pokémon-related sub of similar size, and even simple, innocent questions were mass-downvoted, insults thrown left and right for the most basic and irrelevant reasons, and they had so many scammers that they needed to keep a list of “trustworthy users” for online trades.

    I will not directly link examples to avoid giving reddit free traffic, but one particularily striking example were posts made by people who didn’t like the games in question:

    • “I don’t really like BotW”

    Topmost answer: “That’s okay. Keep in mind that BotW is very different from former Zelda games and the new formula isn’t everone’s cup of tea. If it is [XYZ] that bothers you, there are these in-game solutions to make your life easier: (listed those things) …and if you are looking for a more Zelda-esque experience, there are these games: (list with alternatives and explanations about how they’re different plus the pros and cons of those games)”

    • “I don’t really like Pokémon Sword/Shield”

    Topmost answer: “Get fucked”

    PS: Sadly that sub went down the drain in the meantime as the “wholesome” people seem to have left and what remains of the former community are the trolls, bots and jerks. It honestly saddens me a bit, but at the same time I’m glad that I jumped ship before it happened.


    Zelda is a game where you help others through your courage and the kindness in your heart and save the world. Pokemon is a game where you command a small army of nonsentient creatures to fight and be injured for you so you can call yourself the best. Of course one of those games is going to have a more toxic community.

    justlookingfordragon, avatar

    You know, that’s actually a fair point. Especially since one of them also heavily relies on online competitions against the rest of the world, where you need to be as aggressive and brutal as possible to even survive the first few rounds. That is bound to promote and reward a specific mindset over time …


    It’s the same reason why the community for Undertale, the game where the moral is that children who are beaten shouldn’t hit back, is full of pedos


    Agreed. Also a Reddit migrant, and I feel like even if it’s changed here since our mini exodus (which I believe), I’m still finding it much more pleasant than Reddit.

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