Why is everyone so giddy about the flooding thay happened at burning man?

Social media seems to be laughing its ass off about this tragedy, is it because the folks at burning man are perceived as frivolous hippies or something? Everyone I’ve ever met who was a regular burning man attendee has been a solid human being with strong morals, personally and financially responsible, a career. Upstanding members of society for sure. I guess all some people know is the sensationalized drugs and sex. A person died. This is a tragedy for an event that brings positivity into the world. Kind of annoyed.


Fuck these rich twats

@douglasg14b@lemmy.world avatar

Apparently middle class Americans are now “rich twats”?


It’s mostly rich twats with a few upper middle class twats.

@simply_surprise@lemmygrad.ml avatar

middle class Americans.

Not a thing


Say it louder for the libs in the back

@WheeGeetheCat@sh.itjust.works avatar

Something ‘middle class’ Americans may want to notice:

When people are living in abject poverty, you are comparatively ‘rich’.

Anger at the ‘rich’ is at an all time high.

The ‘true rich’ are out of reach of the poor.

As income inequality grows, this will get worse.


Burning Man may be the epitome of the many optimistic and maybe naive qualities of the 90s that were co-opted and exploited in the early 2000s, and turned into the very things they were built to protest against - another being the free and open internet

@mysoulishome@lemmy.world avatar

Hot take


You know what isnt a hot take? Think how much pollution the event generated, how much greenhouse gases.

Seems worth it for a party lol.

@mysoulishome@lemmy.world avatar

Ha. When I said hot take I meant that you were dead-on with that take. But I’m downvoted all over this thread for suggestion nuance and compassion…so fuck hipsters they deserve it.


Yes. I watched it happen. The large number of people that go now pay thousands $$ for a plug-n-play camp and don’t contribute their own art (if they even have art). They are not what the festival once stood for.

@stepan@lemmy.ca avatar

Strong MORALS?!?!?


i dont care what happens to rich people


Most of them aren’t rich. They’re middle class. The only reason you think most of them are rich is because of how a lot of the middle class has fallen into poverty. Don’t tear down the people that are still truly middle class.

The truly wealthy are a problem, but they’re a minority at burning man.


It’s all relative. If the poor have gotten poorer, then the “almost rich”, just by virtue of hanging on to their wealth, have edged up into “rich” territory


Sure, if you want the extremely rich people who actually made you poor to write your narrative for them. Save your anger for the people who actually suppress wages and equity. Not people who just managed to carve out a middle class life by doing some job. Middle class people and poor people are much much closer in wealth to each other than middle class and the truly wealthy who rule this country.


I have plenty of anger to go around, there’s no danger of it running out.


Why not be angry at other poor people too then? They deserve it as much as the middle class.


No, they don’t.


They do though. Neither one of them deserves your anger. Be angry at the people who actually set up the system that makes you poor. Not the middle class who has as much to blame as the poor.


The middle class didn’t set up the system, but they love benefiting from it.

But even then, my main gripe with the middle class is their insistence that they’re blameless and they like to pretend they’re on the same side as the poor when they’re constantly supporting policies to keep the poor poorer.


Yes, the middle class benefits some form the current system. We want a system that benefits all. That doesn’t mean breaking the system for the people who live a comfortable life. It means making the system support a comfortable life for all.

And blaming them as a block is really stupid anyway because they don’t all vote lock step. These divisions along non-ideological divides are a silly distraction meant to keep people fighting people who are actually on the same side.


You’re right, and this idiot is falling for the rich people’s bullshit 100%.


These divisions along non-ideological divides are a silly distraction meant to keep people fighting people who are actually on the same side.

Fuck you and your million dollar mortgage and your 2nd car. We are not on the same side. We just have a common enemy.


You’re acting as a pawn for the wealthy ruling class when you think like that.


call me a skeptic but I doubt there is someone here with a million dollar mortgage and multiple cars that’s just sitting around, reading lemmy.

Like what, they’re reading a thread on lemmy on the way to a business meeting in their private car?

Like who are you really yelling at.


That’s the “I’m totally middle class” bullshit that keeps popping up here. The average home price in a lot of cities is inching closer to $1M.

And yes, they’re on lemmy. Especially the tech workers, who probably do the least amount of work per dollar in human history.


But I work in tech and I rent and don’t even own a car.


Git gud


this is 4chan speak.


How do you change a system set up to benefit a class that is completely entrenched around the levers of power, without tearing down the whole rotten structure?


What a useless bullshit excuse to be hateful and averse to any actual solution whatsoever


Never said I was averse to solutions. I can be hateful and also want to fix the problems.


Yeah the real way to fix capitalism is to hate people with 20% more money than you. Great plan.


Now you’re getting it


You’re getting nothing though. Scream at the clouds (except in your case they’re not even rain clouds, they’re actually just people barely better off than you but you’re just too fucking stupid to understand it) if you like, you’re actually helping the rich people keep their advantage


And how is that exactly?


I mean, so far we’ve hated the rich for quite some time now and its not really done much.


I mean the middle class are pretty adverse to the solution as well…


Oh what a cool and hip communist everyone. Look so edgy


How else do you propose to fix a system set up to benefit a certain class, a class which has firmly entrenched itself around the levers of power, without tearing down the whole rotten structure and starting again.

Don’t pretend that you are for the current system for any other reasons than “I’ve got mine, Jack”.


I’m not 14 anymore so I won’t entertain such nonsense wastes of time


Seems like you wasted time telling me you weren’t going to waste time. I guess if that’s the level you are operating at I shouldn’t be suprised that you’re content.


I am not “content” I’m just not a fucking highschooler willing to rehash the same stupid bullshit arguments over and over. Yes, good point about wasting time, further replies will be ignored and you’ll be blocked.

PS no one gives a fuck that you’re a communist.


Man you really didnt waste any more time on this did you?


How else do you propose to fix a system set up to benefit a certain class, a class which has firmly entrenched itself around the levers of power, without tearing down the whole rotten structure and starting again.

Not them but my idea for changing things includes socially engineering different ideas until they corrupt those in power. That’s the only way we can really get to the 1%.


wow imagine needing to take sides…


Might want to seek professional help for that bud.


It’s a rational response to an unjust world, but more importantly I couldn’t afford professional help in any case. Which is, again, the point.


Rational… yup. No you are just a sad little child that can’t grow up


how is it irrational to get angry at worlds injustices?


You’re directing your anger at the wrong people. Pretty fucking irrational to me


If you’re spending upwards of $1000 on a few days you’re probably rich.


It means you’re not poor if you can afford to go on a vacation that costs a few thousand dollars. That’s middle class. People have normalized lowering the standard of living associates with middle class, but being able to spend a few thousand dollars on a vacation is where the middle class should be and used to be.


I’m sure some middle class people can afford to go to burning man. But you’re being wilfully ignorant if you think burning man isn’t catered to the rich. It’s almost purely a status symbol event. It’s definitely where people go to show off their lavish wealth and take pictures for Instagram. I’m pretty sure if they took a survey 80%+ would be wealthy people.

I’m middle class, and I’m spending a couple hundred dollars on my holiday this week, I almost can’t fathom spending thousands living in a tent in a desert.

But you’re right, the middle class has been eroded. What was considered middle class in 1970 would be rich today. That’s just because most people are worse off financially.


Spoken like someone who has no fucking idea what they’re talking about.

DarthBueller, (edited )

Okay, how about this. My anarchist punk middle aged friend who used to go to Burning Man every year stopped going because it was becoming a wealthy shit-show. Not even the orgy dome was enough of a draw to make it worth going.EDIT: I’m not hating on burners, just noting that he observed a change.


Or it’s very important to you and you saved all year. What a weird assumption


Ever heard of budgeting? Saving? Yeah, that’s what people do when they want to take a vacation. Anybody with half a brain can do it. Just takes discipline. Something you clearly don’t have.


If you can afford to set aside such a sum you are part of a group that, going by worldwide averages, is among the richest in the world.


or you could be dumb like me and go into debt to take a trip


What the hell. That classifies almost anyone who goes on vacation as rich.


Like a 3rd of the world live in near starvation, objectively if you can afford a vacation you are in the richest 25% in the world.


Have you considered that the majority of people can’t afford to go on vacations? Heck, in the US most people aren’t even entitled to vacations by law. If they want to rest they have to stop working altogether and pray they are accepted back at their workplace when they return and to not have any emergency and their meager savings last for the entire short break from the grind.

Really, some people have no notion of privilege.


Well, how do you define middle class? Is there a certain income bracket that needs to be met? Or is it the middle slice of 3 equally sliced segments of the US population?

shapis, (edited )
@shapis@lemmy.ml avatar

The way I always thought about it is if you have to do work for a living you are not rich.


What about those of us who are one step below that?

I’m not salary yet but they’re talking about promotion where I would be required as salary which means -less work but I get paid the same and if there is suddenly more work, no over time.

But it pays more over all. And would even put me in a different tax bracket. I’m not there yet. So am I like, teetering on the edge of rich?

What about the cost of living? My rent keeps going up. I can’t be rich if my rent is taking most of my paycheck can I?


Your blatant classism and lack of normal empathy aside, can you provide evidence that most people at burning man are “rich”?


Because it’s a festival in the middle of the desert that’s celebrating being in the middle of the fucking desert.

In high school I remember some of us were actually very taken with the concept, including myself. But as time progressed, it became obvious that it wasn’t about connecting with nature and self reliance.


Yeah if you can afford $400 tickets, camping supplies, and transportation you’re absolutely a part of the 1% /s

All that you’re doing here is contributing to infighting within your own class, which is what actual rich people want – for you to focus your attention anywhere but on them. Hate the 1% if you want but more importantly demand they be treated like the rest of us.


Hate the 1% if you want but more importantly demand they be treated like the rest of us.

Like let them live with constant financial stress?


No like paying taxes. Like going to jail when they break the law. Like levying income-based fines.


Like being gunned down if you’re a person of color


what are you trying to do here? get to the point or go away


lol what, fuck off


Because it’s a festival in the middle of the fucking desert. It’s an utterly ridiculous place to have it and totally extravagant.

They’ll go there claiming there to be going I to some kind of getting away from civilisation, hippie commune thing but the amount of effort and infrastructure to make that environment survivable is ridiculous they actually doing more damage to the environment by being there than if they just stayed in the city.

No one’s glad someone died but their death has nothing to do with the ultimate problem of them all being there, and without being too macabre, people die music festivals all of the time, usually because of drugs. Most music festivals are held in a field, where it’s at least reasonably possible to have basic infrastructure without huge expenses of money and effort.


Some of the worst people I’ve worked with are “burners”.

There’s apparently a private jet at burning man this year that was taking off and landing constantly so that people could fuck on the jet - it’s fall of Rome style excess in a broken world where most people’s basic needs are not met on an enormous scale.

Your statement is fairly tone deaf to the basic objective reality of the “party”, OP. The frustrated people at the bottom are feeling a bit of catharsis in the money burning factory closing for a day while they starve and watch.

@stepan@lemmy.ca avatar

So like “let’s fly on private jets to a nice swiss resort to discuss climate change”

@ricdeh@lemmy.world avatar

So you think it’s okay to laugh at people dying?


Burners by and large are dipshits, but no one reasonable is laughing at anyone dying.


Hot take: fundamentally, yes. The simple fact that people are dying does not render something unfunny.

That said, no one has died yet (well, one person, but that was ruled unrelated to the flooding).


The fact only one person has died speaks pretty well of their community, actually.


How the fuck do you die because it rained and there’s mud? Hows that make their community look good?


Did you miss all the memes about the billionaire dying in the submarine a couple months back? People like laughing at dark humor.


Generally no, but this episode of tough hippie mudder has been great.


Way to confirm you’re actually as bad or worse than any of them morally. 👍


Judge not least. Splinter and timber. Yeah you do you.


Why wouldn’t it be?


Because they love the smell of their own farts?


Most people don’t even think about burning man at all.

And well, the people of the internet tend to be less fond of more wealthy people, like those that can afford to spend thousands to party in the desert. I may not want them to die just because they went to burning man, but I will laugh at the world essentially raining on their parade.

@mysoulishome@lemmy.world avatar

I don’t get it but ok.

@Exusia@lemmy.world avatar

I dislike stupid shit that wealthy people do. People generally also do not sympathize with a nameless faceless entity. “70k people” is not something I can personally relate to. (As opposed to headlines like “kid with cancer” that normally gets sympathy.)

Additionally, there was all the warning signs this festival was going to be a disaster and people spent thousands of dollars on tickets anyway. Much like the submarine these people have to have someone come help them, which yet again, takes for the form of state resources. Once again, the American taxpayer is footing the bill helping save rich people of all ages from their own hubris.


you dont get why people would not be fans of people that exploit other people and the capitalist system to hoard resources that they then waste in rich people gatherings while normal people arent paying rent?

really?you dont get it?


Most people at burning man aren’t wealthy business owners. They’re middle class professionals who can afford to take a vacation.



phoneymouse, (edited )

I’ve been to burning man. I sit a little bit on both sides of the fence having not felt like I totally fit in there when I went, but also understanding the original mindset behind it.

At this point, I feel the backlash against Burning Man generally is a bit overblown. These folks are at a festival (yeah burners, I called it a festival because that’s the word we use for such things in the English language) and they’re having a good time. Who cares. Most folks who go have good intentions and just want to connect and share something. Many artists work for years and months, for free, to have their pieces featured. Some of that art is incredible! My favorite parts though were literally just an astronomy camp where I looked through a pretty big telescope, held some billion year old meteor fragments in my hand, and listened to hours of lectures from science nerds about the cosmos. I also watched a magic show and got fed bacon by some drunk guy at his camp at 7 am who just wanted company. I personally havent drank at burning man, but it is a party. There are all manner of things at burning man, anything you might want and some things you might not… from talks on how to build a sustainable green energy house to orgy tents to camps offering free ice cream and French toast.

On the other hand, burners can take this shit a bit too seriously and get wrapped up in the experience to the point of being annoying. One guy in my camp scolded me for asking too much about his normal life. He was a tech worker and apparently wanted to pretend that he wasn’t when he was at burning man. How ridiculous to think standing in the desert should mean you can’t talk about your actual life. Another time I pulled out my camera (aka phone) to take a photo of some art and some random chick yelled at me to put my phone away. As if we all bought DSLRs and Polaroids for this event because it’s more authentic that way, and as if the folks that did totally aren’t going to go home and put it on Instagram anyway. There were plenty of women just posing on the playa for their photographer “friends.” I doubt they all just put them in a family photo album for the memories.

That said, Burning Man is a unique event and most folks are just trying to share and view some of the most unique art in the world and connect with others. At my age, I generally find most festivals annoying and burning man has plenty of people to be annoyed at, but it is what it is and frankly I don’t know that it deserves more hate than something like Bonaroo or Coachella. At least Burning Man is full of folks trying to be more than mere passive consumers of entertainment. The mandate is for you to be a participant. God forbid you attend an event where you’re asked to do more than consume, but rather give, anything you want or feel others could benefit from.

If there were 10 other events like burning man, I’d say we should look for the best one, but it is the only event like this. That said, as time goes on, it needs to change. Burning the art has to stop, for instance. Also, some of the more snobbish cultural aspects of the event could die off and I wouldn’t cry.

Not sure I’ll ever go back, but its mostly because I’m too old for this shit and seriously get off my lawn. But, I got the idea and, I won’t hate on others who feel drawn to it, unless they’re insufferable.

@mysoulishome@lemmy.world avatar

Thanks for your comment, I appreciate it


Well put. I’ve been twice, 25 years ago and 8 years ago. Some aspects are really cool. Burners can also be insufferable, especially when they make it their entire identity IMO. I will never go back either. Also too old for that shit.


Yeah my SOs mom took us and still goes. We aren’t wealthy and usually get discounts. His mom saves up every year for it. The only thing about it I don’t like is how dirty it is and how hot otherwise it’s really fun and I don’t do drugs or alcohol. Fire shooting giant metal flowerbeds and moving castles.


Aren’t there smaller burning man festivals?


There are many copycats and smaller local versions of the same idea. The idea that it’s the most unique event in the world is marketing BS form the organizers.


there’s definitely a few different ones in Oregon.


The only people who go to that dumb crap in the first place are wealthy whites, the poor and working class don’t have all the money and time in the world to spend $1000’s of dollars on hard drugs and time off work and traveling half way across the country to attend some “hippy” festival that hasn’t actually had hippies at it since the 12th Century BC


That’s why I’m happy when people aren’t able to make it to Cons and Ren Fairs. Bunch of losers with more money than me spending on things I don’t care about.

How dare they. I hope anyone who spends money to have fun has a bad time instead.


In defense of Ren fairs, the best part of them is the camping, and that’s as cheap as you want it to be.


There are certainly weathly people who go, but there are also poor people who work multiple jobs and save up for a year to go as well.

@snausagesinablanket@lemmy.world avatar

It used to be about spirituality and the rest including hard drugs, alcohol, and social media bringing in that crowd has ruined it permanently.


A person died. This is a tragedy for an event that brings positivity into the world. Kind of annoyed.

They could take all the money it costs them and bring a whole lot more positivity into the world but instead choose sex drugs and rock’n’roll in the middle of the desert. If you want to see tragedies these people could prevent just go spend some time in the poorest parts of the city you live in.


By your logic, if you’re a good person but you spend your disposable income on a form of recreation that inefficiently brings positivity to the world, you deserve to be ridiculed and your suffering is justly celebrated.


So you truly believe that all the resources they’re wasting vs the fun they have as a group is a net positive to the world? I hope this year’s fuck up is enough to shut down the event for the foreseeable future and I won’t shed a single tear or have any pity for any of them that gets hurt because of their ridiculous recreation.


Do you know how much money is wasted on the Super Bowl? If there was an earthquake at the Super Bowl and it killed someone would you be there saying “Shouldn’t have wasted that money, serves you right!”


Is the Superbowl happening in the middle of the desert in already muddy conditions even though people were warned it’s not a good idea to go? Sorry I don’t follow football.


You better go find out so you know if they deserve to die or not.

My point is, it doesn’t matter how much you know about a subject. It’s somebody’s life. Somebody lost a loved one that day, and it was a tragedy regardless of how much smarter you are than them.


Do you know how many people in the world die because of the North American lavish lifestyle? A whole fucking lot.


That’s strangely irrelevant to the conversation, but thanks for the fun fact, I guess.


Just pointing out that their death is pretty meaningless in the grand scheme of things especially as these are people that don’t care about the impact of their lifestyle on the life expectancy of people in poor countries (the people make all their stuff they’re addicted to).

Anyway, they put themselves in that shit and pretend it’s about extreme survival (in a 200k$ offroad camper), so tough luck. It’s no more dramatic than the death of a westerner that decided to spend a fortune to go climb the Everest.


Would a resort in the Virgin Islands be more respectable? Sorry their vacation doesn’t look like yours.


Just pointing out that saying they bring positivity in the world is a load of BS as the resource wasted alone means their overall impact is negative to the world.


Are you bringing enough positivity to the world to deserve to be mourned of you were to die in a tragic accident? I would like to know where the line is, whose deaths are worth enough and is it only determined by what they do for fun, or does bringing positivity add to your score?

Kecessa, (edited )

We’re talking about a specific event and it’s impact, talking about it bringing positivity to the world wasn’t my choice, I’m just pointing out that no it’s not something positive if you think about more than just the event itself.


Reminds me of the hippy drum circle episode of south park where they all get stoned and listen to jam bands and declare they are changing the world.


Remember Burning Man 2020-2022 when shit happened?

Remember Fyre festival?

How many times do people have to learn that going out into the middle of nowhere, shit is going to happen?


Everyone I’ve ever met who was a regular burning man attendee has been a solid human being with strong morals, personally and financially responsible, a career.

I think of two people in my past when I think of Burning Man.

One being my ex who got in trouble for punching his ex girlfriend AT burning man. He had to go to court and she got a restraining order against him. There were also witnesses and he almost got kicked out of school for it. He should have been kicked out of school in my opinion.

Anyway. Him and his friends were super trashy. All people who went to Burning Man.

Then there is this girl I use to work with. She was nice. She was extremely pretty. 10/10 instagram model type, not even exaggerated. She was also super late to everything. I waited two hours for her and her friend to meet up at a cafe. That was the last time we hung out. She really came off as someone who gets away with shit just because she’s considered hot.


You perception is fabricated and managed by social media, get off that and you’ll be happier


And the loudest participants outside the burn are tech bros and influencers.


This but all the people shitting on burning man


He says unironically.

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