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kava, in Is America Really That Bad?

America is a country with over 300 million people and it’s bigger than Western Europe. There’s going to be a lot of variance. Someone growing up wealthy in San Fransisco is going to live in a different America than someone growing up with a single waitress mother in Louisiana.

The average homicide rate in the US is 5 per 100,000. The town of Boca Raton, FL has a homicide rate of 1 (less than half of the European average of 2.5) and Baltimore / St Louis / New Orleans can sometimes reach 30+ on bad years (worse than some Brazilian and Mexican cities).

When you ask about the shitty laws, we have to remember that the US is almost like 50 different countries in one. Every single state you will have a different experience as well. In Illinois school districts kids in elementary school may take home school laptops free of charge. In Panhandle Florida the kids aren’t getting that.

In Florida you can go to a one of the many kava bars or smoke shops and purchase a kilogram of kratom. If you drive through Louisiana with that kratom you can get charged with a felony comparable to being caught with heroin.

Do you get what I’m saying? There are many different Americas - even in the same geographical area. In SE Florida there are a wild mix of different ethnicities and cultures. There are Haitians, Jews, Cubans, Puerto Ricans, Brazilians, Vietnamese, Jamaicans…

You can live in the same city but have a totally different experience. The Brazilians may hang out with mainly other Brazilians and go to the Brazilian restaraunts / clubs / grocery stores and not ever go to the Jewish deli that all the Jews love as a staple of the town. It’s like you walk around the same area and depending on the cultural lens you put on, you experience a different reality.


I think America is a good country to live in. Why? Because it’s better than the vast majority of the world. You earn more money. You are safer. You have more opportunities and there’s better infrastructure, healthcare, etc than in vast majority of the world.

Yes, there are serious problems. Wealth inequality is splitting the country in two. Healthcare is expensive. There’s an opioid epidemic. We have high rates of gun violence. Etc etc

But having come from a relatively well-off third world country, I’ve seen the difference in QOL first hand and it’s massive. America is a good place to live.

Bigs, (edited ) avatar

This, y'all. One of the things I think a lot of younger travelers fail to realize is that the US is not a meme. It's huge and full of people with thoughts, hopes, regrets etc. just like everyone else.

Maybe there are better places to live or visit, but the US is pretty easy and most folks I've met are genuinely nice when they realize you might need help.

Edit: try to avoid police and if you encounter them play that foreign visitor thing up or make your English really bad. A lot of them are former soldiers that served in the middle east. They default to a pretty aggressive demeanor because that's what we did to them. Your safety won't be a concern, but they can waste lot of your time.


Although I agree with most of your comment, saying your safety won’t be a concern when dealing with the police is flat out wrong.


US is almost like 50 different countries in one.

While this is obviously true, it's important to note that the US certainly isn't unique in this regard. Non-Americans often underestimate how diverse the US is. Americans often underestimate how diverse other countries are.


Of course variance in terms of culture, demographics, and industry in even small countries can be massive. My home city in Southern Brazil of almost 1 milliom population has less than 1% black population. Last time I visited for 2 weeks I didn’t see a single black person. This surprises some people because of the perception of Brazil and the fact they imported more slaves than any other country in the America’s.

So yes, I’m not claiming US is uniquely diverse. It’s just unusually large so it has large amounts of diversity due to geographic distance and total population + historic & current immigration.

However what I was trying to say by 50 different countries is that the laws can vary wildly from state to state. It is something that isn’t common in other countries. Of course there are other counties with strong federated systems where the provincial-level governments have strong autonomy (Germany and Switzerland come to mind) I think these types of countries are uncommon.

For example in Brazil no state regulates specific substances. That’s a power for the federal government. So if you buy a substance that’s legal in one state, you can safely bring it anywhere in Brazil. However in US this is not the case. I have the example of kratom, but Marijuana is another one.

This is what I was trying to say by 50 different countries. They aren’t actually countries but in some ways they have just as much if not more autonomy than countries, besides of course foreign policy decisions. But look at California for example. It’s economy is bigger than most countries in the world.

Hyperreality, (edited )

Off the top of my head and IRC:

  • Belgium (different languages, laws, educational systems, public broadcasters per language region, taxation, etc.)
  • UK (different laws in Scotland, different laws in Northern Ireland, education policy, etc.)
  • Spain (autonomous regions with their own languages, seperate civil law in Catalunya, tax collection in the Basque country, etc.)
  • Canada (IRC Quebec has a Napoleonic inspired civil law system, whereas the rest of Canada uses common law similar to that found in the US and UK. TLDR one legal system uses precedent, the other doesn't. )
  • China (the unofficial city tier system, Xinjiang, Tibet, etc.)
  • Russia (autonomous regions in the far east, Kadyrov/Chechnya: strict alcohol prohibition and possibly years in jail, etc.)
  • India (IRC autonomous administrative divisions can make their own laws, tribe/caste based laws/tribunals, Jammu and Kashmir which until quite recently had its own seperate consitution and for example Indians from other regions weren't allowed to buy land or property there.)

The problem is that as a foreigner, you're usually ignorant about all these things. Whether it's a Brit who thinks all Americans are Yankees, an American who thinks all Brits are English, a Scotsman who thinks Spanish and Castellano are synonymous, or a Spaniard who goes to Belgium expecting to speak French everywhere.


According to etymonline, Yankee has been used to refer to different sets of Americans by different people for hundreds of years.

1683, a name applied disparagingly by Dutch settlers in New Amsterdam (New York) to English colonists in neighboring Connecticut. … In English a term of contempt (1750s) before its use as a general term for “native of New England” (1765); during the American Revolution it became a disparaging British word for all American natives or inhabitants. Contrasted with southerner by 1828. Shortened form Yank in reference to “an American” first recorded 1778.

The British calling someone from Texas a Yankee isn’t really any more right or wrong than someone from Texas calling someone from Pennsylvania a Yankee. Words can have contextual meanings.

pancakes, avatar

I think the main thing is that people often hear bad things about the US because they’re comparing it to other developed countries. Like I wouldn’t want to live there because I live in a different developed country, but I would take living in the US over a good 80% of other countries.


You have more opportunities and there’s better infrastructure, healthcare, etc than in vast majority of the world.



Think of most of the world. We’re talking Africa, India, China, Ukraine, Russia, Middle East, South America, etc.

Obviously Europe has a one-up on healthcare and infrastructure and probably China has a one-up on infrastructure… but generally speaking it is still a 1st world country.


Americans underestimate the rest of the world quite a bit huh?


I’m not American if you’re trying to imply I don’t know the names of most countries in the world.

Fredselfish, in What reason could Zuckerberg and Meta possibly have for wanting to create a federated social media site? avatar

I think they want to destroy it. They don’t want us to have freedom away from their data collection and ad bombardments.

Best way to do so is to get in. Some one posted an article about what they want to do.

Here the article…

This is why Mete wants in.


The bright side is that given the open nature of decentralized networks, nobody is forced to use whatever Meta shits out.


Yeah but people will. And the article explains how this can lead to the “death” of the open-protocol version.


It seems so weird though. The fediverse is small. Extremely small. They are taking on Twitter. A million users on mastodon doesn’t matter when Twitter has 250 million.


If their reaction is this strong even though fediverse is this small, it means we have something incredible and should fight for it and prevent coporations from gaining ANY influence over it. I doubt we will get any more chances if we blow this one.


I agree that fediverse is only a few million. But the fediverse is also highly populated with refugees from twitter and reddit at the moment, who just want another stable and popular social platform similar to what they’ve always used.

If anything, the fediverse will have people with stronger opinions: either they’re willing to change social media because of a couple bad changes (and aren’t too attached to the fediverse), or they’re hardcore fediverse fans who are less likely to move to threads than your average twitter user.

If we assume it to be a 50% split, then meta has a chance at stealing half the fediverse by promising a larger user base, thus more content, but on the false premise that Threads will be backwards compatible with the fediverse forever.


Twitter’s user count doesn’t even register to Facebook, either. They’re trying to be the only option


Holy shit thanks for the link. That’s a very good write up explaining why we should be very wary of Meta’s intents. And the wiki page link was gold. Fuckers truly want to Embrace and Extinguish.

Fredselfish, avatar

You’re welcome. I thought it was a greart write up and help me understand what was going on as well.

Mateng, avatar

Yes, a very good article. I have the feeling I have another peace of the puzzle now.


There was a big Lemmy discussion about that article 2 weeks ago too:


I remember that. So the question begs how does the current federated ecosystem stay away from that? Never trust any company if they say they want to work together?

surewhynotlem, in How do you get the dry boogers out if you don’t pick your nose?

Are we still keeping up the farce that we don’t pick noses? It’s 2023, I think we can stop, and just be human.

Now, be clean about it, but just do it.

Kolanaki, avatar

Now, be clean about it

Eat them, don’t wipe them. 😤

Resistentialism, (edited )


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  • emmanuel_car,

    It is theorised that there are health benefits, and we may have even evolved sweet mucous to encourage consumption!




    Piss would eventually be toxic since you would accumulate the excess salts or other compounds your body is flushing out.

    Run it through a solar still first.


    Stop trying to normalize drinking your own urine Bear Gryls

    squiblet, avatar

    There’s a saying that everyone picks their noses, but what you do with it is a measure of your character.

    pwnicholson, avatar

    You can pick your friends and you can pick your nose, but you can’t pick your friend’s nose.

    Or my favorite variation: You can pick your friends and you can pick your nose, but you can’t wipe your friends on the underside of the car seat.

    FuglyDuck, avatar

    you clearly need better friends.


    (or)… but you can’t wipe your friends off on your saddle.


    You cant roll your friends up into little green balls and fling em across the room.


    I flick them. In the trash can or out the window if in the car.


    Pick it lick it roll it flick it

    DeadNinja, avatar

    It depends on the booger itself. If it’s a dry one, I just pinch it into a ball and flick it across the room. If it’s one of those wet, sticky, semi-solid ones, I rub it between my thumb and index finger until most of the moisture is removed and the booger is determined to be flickable without being a little bastard and just sticking to one of my nails.



    DeadNinja, avatar

    Yucky enough ? :-D


    I can’t believe you would do that. 😬

    The moisture has most of the flavour.


    🎵 Pick it, lick it, roll it, flick it, show me how good you are 🎵


    Frugal is a good character trait…

    treadful, avatar

    I picked my nose immediately after reading the title.


    I also picked your nose immediately after reading the title.

    treadful, avatar

    Appreciate you


    There are boogers all over the bathroom wall. I get it, it’s a sawmill but Jesus it’s disgusting.

    WhoRoger, in How did become more popular than avatar actively asked people to sign up elsewhere. They have a small server and aren’t meant to be a general instance. is run by people who have one of the larger Mastodon servers, and actively advertises to be open and neutral.

    SwallowsDick, (edited )

    It’s also presented as the default on most apps, I believe


    That’s a big one. People tend to go with the default


    That’s why the apps on the official stores are so important. Convenience wins.


    Rule of the defaults. Most people use whatever the default is. That’s why there is always a push to he the default thing. Microsoft pushes edge on their stuff, Google pushes chrome, apps pushes safari, etc.

    ProvokedGamer, avatar

    That’s also why Google pays Apple $20 billion annually to be Safari’s default search engine. Most people can’t be bothered to change their defaults/don’t want to after having it as their default for so long.

    dukethorion, avatar

    That’s a problem that will reveal itself later. Decentralization goes away when everyone flocks to one server. Turns into Reddit 2.0

    Drunemeton, avatar

    It’s also the devs server and they have Lemmy code to write. Can’t be spending time moderating.


    And the other stuff

    morrowind, avatar

    This is the correct answer. The devs have been saying this for years but new users often weren’t aware of this and saw it as the default instance. It’s good to see that’s changed.

    ForgetReddit, in What are the connotations of Joe Rogan?

    Joe Rogan is a clueless buffoon, and admits such, and leans libertarian. He also thinks he’s a neutral philosopher and doesn’t recognize his subjectivity.

    A lot of uneducated people think they’re enlightened by listening to him but most of the time the show’s material is not really based in reality.


    could you give a few examples? This person was listening to something about Joe Biden


    His recent viral moment discussing Biden was about how he’s no longer lucid, and shouldn’t be let to run for a second term. His guest was trying to say how much worse trump was, but Rogan doesn’t really think either ought to be president in 2024.


    any chance you could give a time period for this? was this a few months ago? this might have been what they were listening to


    The most recent viral moment I can remember is the Bill Maher episode from Sept 2

    Here it is, jumping in talking about Biden


    thank you!


    You’ll see him try to criticize Biden but Maher doesn’t let him, because he just keeps going back to how much worse trump is. While probably correct, Rogan just wanted to dump on the prez without talking about trump, and Maher can’t seem to do that.


    Because that’s always what Joe wants to do. Maher bringing up Trump was a breath of fresh air and a conversation Joe has tried to avoid.


    Wow… Maher on Rogan.

    That’s such a mass of overconfidence bias in one place that it seems like they should’ve collapsed into some sort of Dunning-Kruger singularity.

    magnor, avatar

    Yeah, that feedback loop is so intense it should be able to accelerate matter past the speed of light.


    Wow… Maher on Rogan.

    Can we pause and talk about how Maher is wearing a fucking Family Guy Star Wars shirt.


    Indeed. It’s like the world championship of cosplaying as a smart person.


    He’s pushed pseudoscience from ice baths to loonie egypt bullcrap to just about all of the facebook posts your grandpa shares around with no critical thinking at all, conspiracy theories, discouraged young people from getting the vaccine, given a blank check of a platform with no opposition or fact checking to climate skepticism, transgender hate in sports, made LOTS of racist comments that just keep popping up, liberal use of the n word, fearmongering some slippery slopes about “the wokes”


    He’s a “libertarian” in the sense that like most libertarians…

    he’s a conservative that’s too afraid to commit to the bit.


    Libertarian has become just a code word for pushing conservative views to people who dismiss conservatives.

    wjrii, avatar

    Mostly agreed. It's also a label that conservatives who are not evangelical Christians and/or like drugs will apply to themselves. In that one sense, they can sometimes be easier to deal with on a day-to-day basis, but their entire political mindest is still a variation on "I got mine, fuck everybody else."

    There's usually a healthy added spice of "and particularly fuck anybody who thinks studying a lot in college and putting in long hours at a finance-bro job where everybody looks like me means anything other than I'm a self-made man."

    robolemmy, in How do I tame my frustration toward my aging parents? avatar

    Speaking as a 57 year old, it seems odd that they’re both having cognitive problems. As you might guess, most of my friends are around my age and literally zero of them are in any kind of decline like that.

    Out of curiosity, do your parents have a carbon monoxide monitor in their home? IANAD but it’s my understanding that long term, low level CO poisoning can lead to symptoms like you’re describing.


    Simple iron deficiency can also lead to rapid mental decline, and is very easily remedied.

    Montagge, avatar

    Good to know because my well water is full of iron


    Iron deficiency isn’t just caused by not consuming enough iron, it can also be caused by your body not being able to absorb iron for one reason or another.


    My blood is full of it, I’ll be fine.


    Or B12 deficiency?


    B12 deficiency causes iron deficiency


    No, b12 deficiency causes anaemia, not iron deficiency. it’s also independently a cause of nerve degradation and cognitive issues, much moreso than just iron deficiency. However it’d also be a little odd for two people in a couple to both get it at the same time.


    Yeah that's the part that jumps out of this scenario. 57 and 63 is generally way too young to be seeing significant age related cognitive decline. Both of them having worsening cognition + worsening mood problems sure sounds like an environmental toxin. Lead poisoning is a likely culprit. I would get them to a doctor to test them for heavy metals and other common harmful environmental materials.

    robolemmy, avatar

    Agreed… doctor up, hit the gym, eat some veggies.

    Seriously though OP, if they haven’t seen a doctor, try to get them to go get tested for environmental toxins and nutritional deficiencies. Some of this stuff can clear up like magic once you’ve identified the problem.

    AA5B, (edited )

    Yeah, OP really ought to consider whether they’re having medical issues. As I started reading the description, I was expecting to chime in based on similar situation with my Mom. I love her very much but she can be frustrating to deal with, for similar reasons.

    … then OP gave the age. I’m 57. My Mom is 83 having these issues


    This should be top comment. My wife and I are similar ages, and many of my employees are as old or older - I’ve never known anyone with that kind of decline around 60. If it was just one parent, I’d suspect early onset dementia, but two at the same time? Something is going on there.


    You would hope. But it’s also entirely possible we have an unreliable narrator posting on the internet about their hyperbolic perspective and are just angry at their parents for taking their phone away and grounding them for setting the dog on fire again.

    whenigrowup356, in Why do we not eat pig or cow?

    My understanding is that the difference in terms goes back to the Norman invasion, which is when a ton of French-based terms for things were carried over.

    The peasants referred to everything as the name of the animal but the French nobles referred to it as porc, boeuf, etc. This is also where we got the words for venison, mutton, veal, poultry, and also apparently pheasant

    monsterlynn, avatar

    @whenigrowup356 Yup. And then you have the New World animals where we use the name of the animal for both the animal and the meat, like buffalo.


    neuromancer, avatar


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  • ymhr,

    They are actually different (but similar) animals, from different continents.


    I think you’re technically right, but most Americans call bison buffalo, even though they’re different animals.


    And then we have foods like Buffalo wings. English is fun.

    Butters, avatar

    I thought this was named after the city.

    Like a Chicago dog.

    BLAMM, avatar

    Buffalo wings are named for Buffalo, NY, where they were invented.


    I know.

    Spliffman1, avatar

    And what was the city named after?

    BLAMM, avatar

    The city was named after the Buffalo River. The origin of the river’s name is uncertain, but it is most likely named after the animal.


    Buffalo in english is a weird word, because it’s an animal, a city and an action, which is why the phrase “Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo” is one of the weirdest things I’ve ever heard, but completely correct english.


    To add to this, the rich (i.e., French-speaking) consumed the most butchered meat, by far. So, it came to be that butchered meat for sale would be labeled in French, while the live animals, which were tended by (English-speaking) peasents retained their English names.


    I guess the reason why it is “chicken” and not “poulet” or something, is because chicken was allready the poor man’s meat back than?


    From what I can work out, yep it seems that way. Pork and beef were too expensive for the peasants so they just referred to them as the animals they were raising, but chickens were actually on their menu so we ended up keeping the animal words for it. We still got the word for pullet (young hen) though.

    I just read a theory that poisson, french for fish, didn’t come over because it sounded too much like poison, but who knows if that’s true lol.


    We do have “poultry” as a catch-all for domestic birds. Not exactly the same as beef/cow, but definitely has a Norman connection.


    Piggybacking off of this, “venison” comes from a Latin word meaning “to hunt” and was originally used as more of a catch-all term for game meats. You might have deer venison, boar venison, rabbit venison, etc. Over time it came to mostly be used to refer to deer


    My country had not been invaded by the Normans and we speak completely different language, yet we don’t call it pig or cow either.


    If you don’t mind my asking, which language is yours?

    It’s an interesting question to ponder which different languages ended up with distinction words for the meat vs the living animal, and maybe what that says about the culture.

    The distinction is not a feature of French, from what I understand, and English ending up with this distinction seems to have been entirely accidental.


    It’s Czech. It also applies to Slovakian.


    My country also has not been invaded by the Normans but we call pig a pig and cow a cow.


    Where are you from, if you don’t mind me asking?


    South-Eastern EU. Not going any more particular than that :)


    Ok, no problém.

    Snapz, in Why is everyone so giddy about the flooding thay happened at burning man?

    Some of the worst people I’ve worked with are “burners”.

    There’s apparently a private jet at burning man this year that was taking off and landing constantly so that people could fuck on the jet - it’s fall of Rome style excess in a broken world where most people’s basic needs are not met on an enormous scale.

    Your statement is fairly tone deaf to the basic objective reality of the “party”, OP. The frustrated people at the bottom are feeling a bit of catharsis in the money burning factory closing for a day while they starve and watch.

    stepan, avatar

    So like “let’s fly on private jets to a nice swiss resort to discuss climate change”

    ricdeh, avatar

    So you think it’s okay to laugh at people dying?


    Burners by and large are dipshits, but no one reasonable is laughing at anyone dying.


    Hot take: fundamentally, yes. The simple fact that people are dying does not render something unfunny.

    That said, no one has died yet (well, one person, but that was ruled unrelated to the flooding).


    The fact only one person has died speaks pretty well of their community, actually.


    How the fuck do you die because it rained and there’s mud? Hows that make their community look good?


    Did you miss all the memes about the billionaire dying in the submarine a couple months back? People like laughing at dark humor.


    Generally no, but this episode of tough hippie mudder has been great.


    Way to confirm you’re actually as bad or worse than any of them morally. 👍


    Judge not least. Splinter and timber. Yeah you do you.


    Why wouldn’t it be?

    DrQuint, (edited ) in what are .webp files and why has my online experience been plagued by them?

    You only dislike it because whatever bad app you’re using to share them on doesn’t support them.

    Stop being the gullible fool and start hating the apps not the file format.

    Edit: I also spot your .gif favouritism in there. .gif is an archaic and wasteful format, and asking for it is the same as looking at your car and whining that the fuel has no lead.


    Why are you so mad? Those are just file formats




    Why’s man so vexed about file formats? Chill

    Sir_Kevin, avatar

    Because GIF is horrible for 90% of what it’s used for these days.


    lol hates file format like it owes him money

    ezchili, (edited )

    Everytime a post gets displayed on a screen, it got transferred over a dozen routers, parsed by a network card, decoded byte by byte to get each pixel’s color and then displayed on screen

    Transferring and decoding all that extra data on millions of computers isn’t free

    When you make an instagram post that gets seen by millions of people it’s absolutely not negligible to use webp vs a jpg and choosing one over the other because you’re just… used to the extension? is downright getting unacceptable if you are at least a lil tech savvy

    People need to start using newer file format for real now. It’s been 20 years


    …PNGs took about twenty-five years to achieve ubiquitous support across consumer software…

    twistedtxb, avatar

    The fact that GIF is still a thing in 2023 is baffling

    IanM32, avatar

    The terminology is sticking around longer than the format, too! Love me some (webm/H265) gifs.


    The fact that GIF is still a thing in 2023 is baffling

    As opposed to what widely supported animated image format?

    AdlachGyfiawn, (edited ) avatar

    mp4? Imgur doesn’t even bother hosting gifs—it automatically converts any you upload to mp4 because gifs are incredibly storage-inefficient.


    mp4 is a video format, the key differences with animated images being autoplay, looping and maybe transparency.


    The point is the browser just plays the mp4 with autoplay and looping and then people call them GIFs when they aren’t. The only time you are looking at an actual GIF file is when the quality is atrocious and the colors are messed up because it needed to be dithered.


    Yes, but if you tried to share that mp4 on other platforms it would be treated as a video, and that’s why gifs are still relevant.


    funny enough, not true. try saving a video as mp4 but not too long and without sound (!) and it will be treated exactly like gifs on those platforms.


    I tried it on these platforms:

    • Twitter: it works
    • Mastodon: it works
    • tumblr: it works
    • Reddit: it doesn’t loop, video must be at least 2 seconds in length, not allowed in comments
    • Discord: not autoplay, no loop
    • Lemmy: no video hosting

    sometimes afaik you could still have success renaming the file to .gif or .gifv I think? Telegram and Whatsapp should also work afaik.

    twistedtxb, avatar

    APNG, WebP, AVIF, WebM. Not sure about JpegXL

    GIF is size and ressource heavy


    Of all the formats you mentioned these are supported on popular platforms:

    • Twitter: gif
    • Discord: gif
    • Mastodon: gif
    • Reddit: gif, apng
    • Tumblr: gif, webp
    • Lemmy: gif, apng, webp

    That’s why gifs are still a thing.


    This is circular reasoning. They are wondering why gif is still a thing precisely because it’s so supported while other formats that are better aren’t and you are answering that it is because it’s supported while other formats aren’t.

    ram, (edited )

    In that case the only people that can answer the question are the engineers from those platforms.


    It’s called an industry standard. We’re using the same bolting in mechanic for ages. Only in computer science do things have to change every year…


    Because it’s old and easy to handle. Yes it’s wasteful if you convert whole videos, but really anything under 10s with low rez is easily handleable by pretty much anything. Gif was the first animated format and that’s why it’s big. Also early internet forum days were absolutely plastered with pixelart gifs that ran for minutes and barely swalloed 100kb. You can get a lot of bang for your buck if you save on pixels and framerate. But ofc a 60fps render of some 4k bluray clip will eat your memory. Contrast that with 16×32 px gif that runs at 8fps.

    Aceticon, (edited )

    GIF is big because it uses dictionary compression (pixel colors are mapped to a lookup table and then combinations of bits of increasing length are assigned to each table entry, the shortest combinations going for the most used colors, the longuest for the least used ones) which is great for stuff with clear (not-aliased) lines, a limited number of colors and large areas with just one flat color (such as drawings) but really bad for actual pictures (anything real world or imitating it, with natural shading).

    I believe GIF still beats all or most other formats (except, for larger images, the actual vector graphics formats used in the programs with which such drawings are made nowadays) for things like drawings. (That said, I think PNG has a mode that does the same kind of compression, used for stuff like the little lemmy icon next to our nicknames here)

    Animation on top if it was a bit of a hack due to the header format allowing multiple images in the same file, so it’s really just a slideshow that has no video-oriented compression (i.e. each image is compressed individually and stored whole even if it’s pretty much the last image with but a handful of pixels changed), hence why it’s big when used for animation.

    The kind of compression used in stuff like JPEG is based on the frequency of how each color channel changes across a block of pixels - which was 8x8 in the original JPEG - (i.e. it tries to match each block in the image to a sum of waves of different frequencies) which is much better for natural images, but loses information as a perfect match is usually impossible, and video compression methods have all sorts of intermediate frame compression techniques, the most basic of which is “this frame is the last frame with block such and such intact or moved around X pixels plus here’s a bunch of entirelly new pixels” which usually is a lot better than compressing each image individually and storing it, not taking in account previous or subsequent images.

    PS: I learned this stuff back at Uni, almost 3 decades ago, which shows you just how old this stuff is.


    It’s pronounced GIF


    Is that GIF as in GIF, or GIF as in GIF?




    If I remember it correctly you can’t rally beat a good dictionary encoding with wavelet compression for certain kinds of image such as drawings, cartoons and in general images with no or flat shading.

    (Might be a bit outdated on that believe as I don’t really know what compression algorithms are used in JPEG-XL or WebP)

    Further, GIF is lossless compression, so that means your drawing compressed with it will be much smaller and after decompression you still have the same image exactly, pixel by pixel.

    That said, most drawings nowadays being digitally created with vector drawing apps means that an even better format is whatever native vector graphics format used by the app as that can scale to whatever size you want.


    The guy clearly isn’t familiar with a lot of image formats and is trying to find out about them by asking, a perfectly reasonable thing to do, and in a special community called no stupid questions, no less.

    You don’t need to call anyone a gullible fool and furthermore you’ve not actually helped to answer the question “what is webp”, at all. What are you trying to achieve with this pointless aggression? If you wanted one less “gullible fool” you’d have to answer the question and educate, at best you’ve sown confusion.


    What are you trying to achieve with this pointless aggression?

    Some people in the tech community just seem to have this weird superiority complex for some reason. They think they’re smarter than everyone else and look down on the normies, meaning they come off… Like this guy. It’s like they put all of their skill points into INT and none of them into WIS.

    Pyroglyph, avatar

    I feel like this answer is somewhat warranted because OP seems to have already made up their mind that it’s bad. They referred to it as a “plague” and “filthy” despite not knowing what it even is. This comes across as a lack of interest in the actual answer and more just using this post as a platform to rant about it (despite knowing nothing about it).

    It’s not unreasonable to ask everyone here to word their questions politely (or at least neutrally). This is somewhat aggressive, so I think an equally aggressive answer is perfectly suitable.


    Ok so I’m going to be making a lot of assumptions here but I think that OP’s language was hyperbolic and over the top because it was tongue in cheek and trying express frustration with what to them is an inexplicable roadblock to their normal web use, whilst also genuinely trying to figure out why such an obstacle would be put in place. Until they get the necessary information they’ll never see it as anything else. Looking at it that way the kind of nerd rage response devoid of the necessary context or pertinent information for the person it’s directed seemed as inappropriatenas it was counterproductive.

    That said, those are just assumptions I made based on the tenor of OP’s speech and I guess you could argue I didn’t extend the same benefit of the doubt to his respondent. I don’t think that matters much though, it’s still utterly pointless bloviating at someone who just clearly doesn’t understand.


    this is nostupidquestions, not /g/. take your meds


    You don’t need to call them names lmao see the comm


    Chill the hell out, maybe light one up if need be. Many people don’t have the option of choosing thier own app.


    Neither have they the choice of what format others use. The point here was that the apps are to blame for not supporting the format, not the format for not being supported. It’s a common format nowadays.

    Zarxrax, in Do people just not use the YouTube subscription feed?

    I use the subscription feed and it’s how I’ve always used YouTube. I certainly don’t want it giving me random notifications. It’s not like I need to drop what I’m doing during the day just because someone published a video. When I want to watch videos, I’ll go check my subscriptions.

    Bishma, avatar

    Agreed. In my mind every notification is a chore to be dealt with, and I’m not going to let Youtube assign me chores.


    I turned off notifications for everything outside text messages a couple of years ago and I could physically feel the anxiety going away. I hate this trend of notifications for the smallest things.

    LUHG_HANI, avatar



    Reverify our distance to target.


    One ping only


    I’ve like newpipe because it’s just a clean experience of only my subscription feed. I’ve hated any page other than subscription on YouTube, since I can’t even stand most of the thumbnails and I don’t endlessly use YouTube. Don’t even check out most of the videos in my own feed, so don’t need all the additional clutter YouTube shows now days.

    cyberic, avatar

    If you want a desktop experience, I recommend the Unhook extension/addon for major browsers.


    There’s a YouTube setting to send you a digest each day instead of each bell as a notification.

    somedaysoon, avatar

    This. There is no way in hell I would want to be notified of a YouTube video dropping. I’ll watch when I want to watch, and it’s always the subscription feed that I go for. I will scroll back to the previous spot that I had watched and go through the feed from there to see if there is anything worth watching. If no one has posted for awhile and there is nothing new to watch in my subscription feed, then I’ll go to the Home feed and look at recommened videos, but 90% of the time I’m only going to check the subscription feeds.

    ReVanced Manager on mobile, and SmartTubeNext on my TVs.

    fidodo, in So how long until the Fediverse is monetized?

    The fediverse is not a single database or server. It’s a protocol and standard that’s distributed by design. The fediverse as a whole cannot be centrally monetized, just like email can’t be monetized. A single provider could potentially choose to try to monetize either by requiring a subscription or showing ads, exactly like email providers do, but if you ever feel like they’ve stopped providing a good service you can just switch to another instance just like you can switch to another email provider.

    Unlike a centralized service like Reddit, you’re not locked into a monopoly. Switching instances does not lock you out of the system as a whole, just like you can still receive email if you switch to another provider. With Reddit you can only access the platform through Reddit because it’s a closed source centralized monopoly.

    One thing the fediverse seems to lack as far as I can tell is a way to link accounts, like how you can set up forwarding with email, which helps you switch providers. But the protocol and standard is still being developed so maybe that’s something that can happen in the future


    A point of caution:

    A large company absolutely could come in and absorb the majority of lemmy traffic and build proprietary code and features on top of the main protocol, eventually making the open source protocol obsolete and supplanting it as a paid/closed-source service. It has been done repeatedly by tech companies, and it is the main reason many people distrust Meta’s interest in joining the fediverse.

    For all the reasons you just mentioned, we should fight tooth and nail against that from happening, but we should at least be aware of the threat.


    I haven’t read a ton about it, but isn’t this what Meta is potentially going to do with Thread?


    That is the worry, yes. There’s very little incentive for them to join the fediverse as a for-profit company otherwise.

    s4if, avatar

    I think there are benefit of killing twitter, mocking el*n and skirting europe regulation on moderation laws. But the worry is there, I hope the devs stand their ground and rejecting any doubious modification from meta on fediverse protocols.

    fiah, avatar

    standing our ground means defederating any and all meta servers as soon as they’re identified

    matt, avatar

    I’d be surprised if there’s more than one Meta instance, as “multiple instances” tends to make the UX more confusing for those who are unaware of it. So it shouldn’t be hard.


    Please don’t start obfuscating words. Elon.


    What’s the background on this?


    Zuck did an interview talking about how they were looking at doing a spinoff of Instagram, using Fediverse, for text based social media. Basically a competitor to Twitter. Rumor mill says it’s call Thread, or maybe he said that in the interview, I can’t remember.


    I deleted the wrong comment, but responding here. I was thinking Thread like the home automation standard all the big companies are doing together. Figured Facebook was in on that. I did hear about the Fediverse entry though, just missed the name (which I bet they won’t use).


    What’s the background on this?


    Zuck did an interview talking about how they were looking at doing a spinoff of Instagram, using Fediverse, for text based social media. Basically a competitor to Twitter. Rumor mill says it’s call Thread, or maybe he said that in the interview, I can’t remember.


    Yeah that’s a great point. I think it would be hard to fully lock other clients out, but you could have an early internet style situation where you had some websites not supporting all browsers.

    Merulox, avatar

    Sounds like Microsoft’s embrace, extend, and extinguish


    Incidentally, Google is kinda doing this with email.

    If you run your own email server for your business, they will rate limit you under the guise of spam protection, even if your emails are never caught in their spam filters. Some business reported up to 12 hour delays on their emails being delievered. They want everyone to use preferably their own service, or at least another major giant’s, so they can push the smaller players out of the market.

    slinkie, in What happened to online computer games?

    I think you might be talking about Flash games. Here’s an article that summarizes Flash and what happened to it:


    Interesting. So, I gather that what happened was iPhones and changes to coding languages (HTML5) which didn’t require an extra on the system (a plug in) to do it’s thing.

    But then… Why didn’t the games transition with it then? Why didn’t people rewrite that style of game to play with the new technology?


    Flash was a wholistic platform. You could draw, animate, script, play video, compile, etc within a single comprehensive editor. HTML5 + JS was only the low level technology. There was no tooling supplied when the transition happened.

    There have been some attempts to recreate the Flash ecosystem since then but they haven’t picked up steam.

    Also, there was not any system for porting your existing stuff over to the new tech. Adobe abandoned Flash so you were left to figure it out on your own. These days Flash games can actually be emulated using the modern technology so porting is fairly feasible. But again people have already moved on.


    A good chunk of games DID change with it. The Unity engine makes it very simple to design games for Web. But it’s also easy to make those simple games for mobile instead, which has fewer restrictions abd is more prolific. In fact, a good chunk of the bigger flash game companies migrated to mobile. There’s just little demand for a web game when I can create a mobile one, monetize it more easily, and reach a larger audience by making it for mobile instead


    Lots of animators and indie creators making games today honed their skills as teens programming in Flash as well. Now that the platform is not around kids just jump straight into Unity, or any of the other purpose made apps to animate and make games. Like GameMaker, RPGmaker, Krita, Blender, etc. There’s just a more varied plethora of options than back then. Which means the things they create are more spread out in social media outlets than centralized under a single webpage.


    Most of the successful games moved to Mobile. In particular Miniclip is almost exclusively a mobile games company now and still makes games like 8 ball pool

    sugarfree, avatar

    The demand shifted towards mobile games, which is also where the Flash developers went.

    Ottomateeverything, (edited )

    So, I gather that what happened was iPhones and changes to coding languages (HTML5) which didn’t require an extra on the system (a plug in) to do it’s thing.

    … Sort of. That’s a bit of an oversimplification and iPhone-centric, but generally the right idea.

    I’d slightly shift this and say it’s more that flash and Java had many known problems and were janky solutions to the limits of HTML of the day. They were continued to be supported by browsers because they were needed for certain tasks beyond games that were actually important. Games were just a secondary thing that were allowed to exist because the tech was there for other problems.

    At the time, more “serious” games were mostly local installs outside your browser, and browser games were more “casual” and for the less technically inclined general audience. The main exception here was Runescape, and a couple others like Wizard 101 etc.

    But then smartphones started becoming more popular, and they just could not run flash/Java effectively. They were inefficient from a performance standpoint, and smartphones were very behind in performance and it just didn’t work well. In the early days, many Android phones would run bits of flash/Java, sometimes requiring custom browsers, but it just wasn’t very performant.

    Then HTML5 came along, solved most of the gaps in existing HTML tech, and the need for flash and Java greatly decreased. Because of the performance problems and security vulnerabilities, the industry as a whole basically gave up on them. There was no need beyond supporting games, as the functional shortcomings were covered, and HTML5 did somewhat support the same game tech, but it would take massive rewrites to get back there and there was basically no tooling. Adobe had spent over a decade building different Flash tools and people were being dumped to lower level tech with zero years of tooling development. Then came WebGL and some other tech… But nothing really made a good grip on the market.

    Unity and some other projects allowed easier compilation to HTML5 and WebGL over the years, so this was definitely still possible but simultaneously the interest was plummeting so there wasn’t much point.

    Much of the popularity of web based games back in their day was you could just tell someone a URL and they could go play it on their home computer. Their allure was their accessibility, not the tech. The desire for high tech games was won over by standalone desktop games. But those were harder to find, required going to a store, making a purchase, bringing a CD home, installing said game, having the hardware to run it, etc.

    But at the time of the death of Flash and Java, everyone carried a smartphone. They all had app stores and could just search the app store once, install the game, and have it easily accessible on their device, running at native performance. Console gaming had become commonplace. PC gaming was fairly common, with pre-built gaming PCs being a thing. Now Steam existed and you didn’t have to go to a store or understand install processes. Every competing tech to web games was way more accessible. Smartphone tech better covered “gaming for the general populace”.

    What would be the point of a web game at that point? Fewer people have desktops so your market is smaller. If you’re aiming for people’s smartphones, doing stuff natively to two platforms is higher performance and easier to deal with. Console gaming is more common. PC gaming is a stable market. OK top of that, there’s way less money in web based gaming. Stores like steam and console game stores have the expectation of spending money and an easy way to do so. Smartphones have native IAP support to make it easy to spend money on microtransactions. Web has… Enter your payment information into that websites payment processor they have to integrate, which feels less safe to the user and requires more work from the developer than the alternatives on console/pc/mobile.

    There’s just no market for web based gaming anymore when people have so many more options available that are easy to access - what’s the purpose of building a web based game at that point?


    I’m going to be honest I didn’t read most of this but people do make browser games and they are very advanced. I work IT in a school and play the games I ban for a few minutes for uh, research, and I’ve basically played CS 1.6 in browser. I just played 1v1 fortnite clone where you could build. Check this open world need for speed knock off, even has mobile support:


    Nothing I wrote claimed they don’t exist, but they’re much less common place than they used to be. My post was explaining why that is, as asked by the OP.

    Yes, tech has grown and there’s more possibility, but there’s just a far far smaller market if them than there l used to be.


    Are you sure there is a far far smaller market? More kids than ever have devices. Not just phones or consoles, tons and tons of kids are provided chromebooks or windows laptops that they have 24/7 access to. I’ve blocked hundreds of sites that make it through the filter, with many sites explicitly designed to bypass school filtering. There are even widespread game trends like agar or slither games, with dozens of iterations. We grew up and have other options, but kids are playing these for hours a day.

    originalucifer, avatar

    people didnt want to spend an inordinate amount of time rewriting their entire application/game from scratch. the return on supporting an insecure, proprietary platform like Flash wasnt there.

    sorebuttfromsitting, in Why does “come here” bother me so much?

    you need to talk to your partner and go to counseling forthwith.


    Not OP here, what do I do if this is my mother?

    TheOtterITGuy, avatar

    Talk to them and go to counselling if it can’t be solved with a chat


    Talk to your mother and go to counseling, or don’t talk to your mother and go to counseling


    LOL wish I knew, because my mom makes this look silly. it would take three novels to explain. I went down to visit recently, and my sister and aunt were there, bless them, lovely people. Best advice I got is look out for those you care about. If you’re the only one left, then focus on you.


    Had the same problem with my mum and she did not take my complaints serious in the slightest. Especially with the pandemic, she got so used to just calling me whenever.

    I’m not fully convinced this couldn’t be solved in a less nuclear way, especially if you don’t have my mum, but I ended up resolving that issue, along with many others, by moving out.

    ChunkMcHorkle, avatar

    Depends roughly on how old you are. Take these age ranges with a grain of salt, but:

    If you’re young, as in college age or younger, and still living under her roof, pick your battles but chances are excellent you’ll get up at least some of the time just to preserve the free or discounted rent situation.

    If you’re between college age and retirement age, you’ll either work it out with her as a mostly-equal adult OR you’ll go fully passive-aggressive, sit-on-my-ass, you-come-to-me – until you move the fuck out. (Why are you still there, anyway? Setbacks are one thing, but if it looks like a forever thing, take a moment and reconsider your life choices.)

    If you’re over retirement age, you’ll hop up like Almighty God herself was calling you, because now your mom is very old and very frail and very forgetful, and you REALLY don’t want to have the cops calling you because they just found her wandering around the intersection in front of the Walmart a couple miles down the road, so you hop off your ass NOW if you even think you hear her call out.


    Then you should divorce immediately

    capt_wolf, avatar

    As a counselor, there’s very clearly some serious internalizing going on.

    OP, you might want to start asking yourself questions like, “Why does it REALLY bother me so much?” No offense, seriously not attacking, but your post raises some concerning flags. Counselling may be a good recommendation, because it seems there’s more going on here than is being told.


    This… doesn’t sound like something a counsellor would say.


    kapow, you figured it out


    As a counselor, of course YOU’LL recommend counseling. Which in this case is maybe a good idea, but also, it’s totally normal for spouses to have pet peeves with one another and it doesn’t necessarily indicate an issue in the relationship.

    Source: married for 25 years


    Nono, you got it wrong. They need to have counseling AND hopefully a divorce ASAP. OP should also delete Facebook and hit the gym.


    Don’t forget to lawyer up


    OP should also delete Facebook and hit the gym.

    Well, it’s safe to recommend those to anybody. Also drink plenty of liquids, preferably water, and don’t forget to breath.


    Oh no, r/RelationshipAdvice has made its way to Lemmy

    c0mbatbag3l, avatar

    I’m pretty sure he’s being sarcastic and making fun of this behavior.


    Now that we’re free from Reddit’s shackles we should up the ante, we need a new relationship ending mantra. Like “delete your hard drive, hire a mercenary squad, and hit the Instagram filters.”


    Delete your search history, dig a grave, and hit the axe throwing range


    I think it bothers me on a couple levels. 1- I feel he keeps me in unnecessary suspense and that’s unpleasant. 2- he participates in a lot of behaviours that are self satisfying. If I’m out he will call and ask what time I’ll be home and a thousand other questions no one else would ever ask, just because he was wondering, and he wanted those wonderings satisfied. It can’t wait until I get home, it must be the second he wonders about it. 3-he thinks I have the answers to all questions, and if I don’t know he expects I’ll be the one to find the answer instead of just googling it like a normal person.

    I’m annoyed because it’s constant and habitual and anything that repeats that you find mildly annoying 5x a day for 15 years will inevitably become infuriating instead. Imagine if someone just poked you in the side 5x a day for 15 years. It doesn’t hurt. Doesn’t really affect your day. It’s just annoying and pointless. But after a while you’ll just snap and scream “why the fuck are you poking me ! Stop touching me!”

    It’s like that.


    Maybe ask him to switch it up? “Come check this out” for something interesting, “Come here” for something he needs help with (broken glass, for example), and “I need you, now” for emergencies.

    As far as the “wondering” questions go it seems like part curiosity, part control. My dad used to do it to my mom sometimes (he has super early signs of dementia), but my mom shut it down with: she’s her own person and she’s not going to stop living her life and reporting to him when he gets anxious that she’s not home. It may sound cruel but he’s also not calling/texting randomly when one of her church meetings goes longer than expected. This one is more like setting boundaries for when you want to be autonomous without having to worry about answering him immediately.

    Side note: I’m just a musician, not a therapist, so take what I say as you will.


    Come on, it’s obvious why it bothers them so much. As it should, that’s extremely annoying. If the partner wants to show something, they can come over to you, not call you.

    norske, in What happened to NSFL?

    I really want a NSFL tag. I very much do not want to see gore. There are other buckets of things that I’d like to be tagged for ease of filtering. Yiff and Furry art. I fully support those that do want to enjoy that content, I’d just like to be able to filter easier.

    Ghostalmedia, (edited ) in Is it possible to make my data worthless? avatar

    E-commerce vet here. It’s easier just to try and not give out that data and to pay to have it scrubbed. But, this thought experiment is fun, so here’s how you’d make your targeting data complete trash.


    The most valuable thing about your data is your behavior and demographic characteristics, not your identity.

    When you fill out forms, pretend your gender, race, and age is fluid. Also, pretend you’re nomadic. Then behave erratic as fuck online - pay for bibles, butt plugs, taxidermy, and PETA donations

    Your data will be absolute trash. You’ll also be miserable because you’re going to be visiting the Amazon drop off center with gag balls and porcelain Jesus figurines every week.

    NegativeLookBehind, avatar

    Your comment is fucking gold. Thank you.

    HeyThisIsntTheYMCA, avatar

    Maybe you should plan better and get the ball gags in Jesus’s size so you can drop them off at the local cult

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