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Linkerbaan, in Virgin AK Clone vs Chad Western Firearm

Someone remind the Taliban can’t possibly beat America with their junk weaponry and should retroactively surrender

RealFknNito, avatar

Ah yeah, they won because of superior firepower and not extremely defensible, mountainous terrain, and knowledge of local complex cave systems.

gosling, avatar

That’s a lot of words to admit “superior” guns don’t make you superior

nuke, (edited )

Motherfucker this is NCD. Of course superior guns make you superior. Get the fuck out of here with that bullshit


this is why ukraine is winning, bullpup ak > ak

ThatWeirdGuy1001, avatar

Yeah we just knew we couldn’t level the mountains without coming off as the warmongering aggressors we are.

If we let go of all rules for war we would have just carpet bombed the entire place until everyone was dead.

But because civilians are a thing we (generally I’m not saying America is a good example of not committing war crimes) don’t do things like that.


It doesnt help that even carpet bombing the mountains would be extremely ineffective. Those tunnels run deep man, deeper than anyone thinks. Now we’re wasting a lot more on bombs only to have them escape anyways.

Tar_alcaran, in top text

The problem is that everyone wants shells now, and nobody wants shells in 10 years.

Nobody is going to build a new production line in a new factory just to mothball it in a few years when demand falls off.


Sounds like a business that shouldn’t be privately owned but just be a part of the military.


Either by paying up and shutting up or by owning the factories themselves you’d lose a bunch of money, so not sure that’s the way to tackle it


I mean, paying billions for things that will probably never be used in any meaningful capacity is not a foreign concept to the military. They do it all the time.


That is literally the BEST case outcome for military spending.


It’s second best. The best is not paying and never needing it.


With climate change related conflicts (especially water conflicts) rising exponentially, I don’t think there’s going to be a shortage of demand for ammunition any time soon.

J2w4A8, in It's even funnier the second time it happend avatar

my brain cannot comprehend whatever the hell this says


a radio equipped american buoy off the coast of north korea picked up an unencrypted north korean rocket abort signal

meaning us can abort north korean rockets


Rockets are the only thing we can still abort


Pretty soon we will have to raise those rockets to adulthood whether we like it or not


The issue is that explosions are cool, and it would be unethical to abort something that cool, so the question then becomes: when does the explosion start?

Some say it begins at the moment of detonation, while idiots who don’t understand what explosions are insist it starts the moment the rocket is assembled at the factory


I’d say it is equally moronic to disclose that they aren’t encrypted 🤦‍♂️


Maybe the CIA (or whatever three letter agency is in charge of that OP) is tired of messing with the abort signal and want to try taking out the rockets in flight?

Or maybe, this being the internet it’s all false but now the NK is looking for bouys double time

DigitalTraveler42, in Prigozhin you were the chosen one

TFW you call a guy who idolized the Nazis enough to name his mercenaries “Wagner group” in their honor and recruited Nazis, psychopaths, and even cannibals for that group, “the chosen one”.

Rest in piss prigozhan.

skillissuer, avatar

as a cherry on top the og wagner, dmitri utkin was also abroad and he’s confirmed dead by now


Wonder if the swastika tattoo on his skin looked like a helicopter when he was falling through the skies.


I wonder if it burned like hitler in the crash


I thought Hitler killed himself.


They burned the body and threw the ashes in a river so no one would run around with bone relics.

KrimsonBun, avatar

yooo he’s dead?

fist_of_fartitude, avatar

he was on a plane that crashed in Russia today, possibly because it collided with a a2a missile.

Zoidsberg, avatar

collided with a a2a missile

I didn’t shoot him, officer. His body just collided with my bullet.


It really sounds like the newspeak russian media uses. Like, the explosions are called “loud claps”, helicopter crashes have been called “hard landing” etc


I’m just going to launch missiles in this direction, if you get hit, that’s your fault!


Also they were/are moving away from Ukraine to go do war crimes 24/7 in Africa

downpunxx, in rest in piss avatar

Man, I was sure when he was pushing for Moscow shooting down MOD copters, and just motoring, he was actually gonna fucking do it. The man was a monster but he could have etched his place in history taking down a bigger threat to the world, and ending Putin once and for all, he had the momentum caught them off guard, and was seriously making a run at it, then he just fucking quit. I think my heart broke a little bit.

skillissuer, avatar

you don’t take 16M city with 2500 troops, tf was he thinking


He was expecting people to join him.

A Nazi marching on Moscow.


If he had pushed harder and recruited along the way with huge sign up bonuses he may have been somewhat successful. He probably could have taken Moscow… but then he would eventually have to endure a siege after that, which he definitely wouldn’t have won.


You don’t need to take the whole city, just Putin. And he didn’t have many defenses. Russia is very apathetic to who is in charge, they have been trained to uncritically support whoever looks like they’re in charge.

nuke, in Germany doubling down on the frigate meme with the class that went into production today

False equivalency, the Moskva is a submarine.

Jaysyn, in Hamas supporter fucked hard publicly [18+] avatar

Does she not understand that they'd behead her, supporter or not?


This is very common but so weird. Like lgbtq+ supporting communism, tards supporting nazism etc, brother they wont and historically speaking haven’t hesitated on camping you day 1.

What is wrong with these people


What the fuck kind of smooth brained kindergarten thinking is this? Get a grown up to read you a book or two mate


So, which one are you mate?



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  • SaakoPaahtaa,

    For the anger and bitterness imma put you under the commie subsection of fascism.

    Terms and conditions apply


    54% of Americans read at less than a 6th grade level and fuck me if this parade of drooling, sister-fucking morons hasn’t proven it.


    Lmao, not even an american but alright. Reading books has taught me that ethnic cleansings and mass murders of eg. sexual minorities is an inherent, unbreakable part of communism, intrinsic to its ideology.

    But sure let’s just forget reality if it defies what you believe in


    Got a reference there bud, or are you just talking out your arse?


    Any history book on the topic really. Honestly I’d recommend you to read anything, you seem to lack in basic knowledge on the subject matter


    Ah cool so you really are just a dumbfuck then


    Most devastating and imaginative tankie insult


    There is nothing inharently anti-lgbtq about communism. There is with fascism. Fascism relies on a cultural mythology to appeals to some form of purity, which usually won’t include LGBTQ+ people because that’s relatively recently accepted.

    Communism doesn’t have any of that. It may include it on a case-by-case basis, but so do capitalist nations and democracies. Just look at the US for that.

    I’m tired of the very basic “communism bad” takes. I thought we were done with that. You can build an argument against it if you want to. It’s not hard. Just saying it’s a boogeyman who causes all the problems isn’t one though


    Case-to-case, as in, all cases? It’s not my fault all commie regimes act like fascist ones, with the only difference being pretending to be scared of money yet using it

    Cethin, (edited )

    Pretty much every communist group has been undermined by the US. Cuba has done pretty well for itself despite not being able to trade almost at all, for example. There has never been a communist nation that has been free to experiment without US intervention. Of course they all fail. (I wonder why the US is so scared of it succeeding if “it’s always doomed to fail?”)


    every communist group has been undermined by the US.

    And honestly, thank God for that. US and especially CIA have saved perhaps even millions of lives doing that.

    Cuba has done pretty well for itself despite not being able to trade almost at all, for example.

    Gotta hand it out to Cubans, credit where credit is due. Also Cubans have only genocided a little, though it is an interesting thought experiment to have if Cuba was situated in-land with considerable minorities.

    But then we have countries like N.Korea which actively trade with the world thru china yet are shitholes. Or china itself, which was a such a shithole it legitimately had to abandon every part of the economic-portion of communism (but still of course kept the totalitarianism and genocide intrinsic to communism) to make itself stay afloat.

    Cethin, (edited )…/1954_Guatemalan_coup_d'état

    The CIA destroyed a democracy that was empowering the people partially out of fear of communism and partially because the United Fruit Company (now Chiquita, aka basically the only company that sells all of the bananas) wouldn’t have been able to exploit the labor as effectively.

    This is only one example of what looks like a very beneficial communist country coming into power and, having almost no ethical issues, being destroyed by the US. This is not a country people point to about communism being evil, obviously. The issue is the only ones that can survive the US intervention need to be much stronger. This almost requires a central dictatorship, and possibly cultural hegemony. I’m not saying these are good things. I’m saying survivorship bias has made you think it’s the way things need to be, which isn’t true but is useful for capitalists to tell you.

    Edit to add: The dictatorship that followed (which the US didn’t oppose because it supported their economic interests) committed a genocide of the Mayan people.


    The CIA destroyed a democracy that was empowering the people partially out of fear of communism

    Good. Didn’t read rest of it.


    Of course you didn’t, and as such your opinion isn’t valid. An opinion made from ignorance isn’t one anyone should listen to.

    Chariotwheel, in Vatniks be like, then f**k around and find out

    Woke: NATO tanks

    Very literally broke: Russian tanks

    Chainweasel, in I just bought this book. What can I expect to find there?

    The best summary I can come up with is:

    “The best way to not lose a war is to not start a war, dumbass”



    MajesticSloth, avatar

    I’ve never lost a war by following this advice. Also, am still a dumbass.

    Draegur, in All quiet in the Middle East

    hey now, cheer up, bud,

    things ain’t nearly as bad as

    …they’re about to be.


    Old Soviet joke.

    Yesterday was bad, but today is better than tomorrow.

    bradorsomething, in You don't need to watch my six. It's already covered

    A number of you are concerned about the recoil - I feel you misunderstand the nature of this weapon. A trained user can launch the plug at high speed to wound the target, using a specialized liquid propellent. At this point the sabot round is deployed, penetrating any hardening or armor. The CIA called this codename Dying Rhea, after the original name Henry Kissenger was found to be already in use.


    Guess they can rename it now.

    PugJesus, avatar


    skillissuer, avatar

    yeah some 12h ago


    The only pig fucker I know working in foreign relations is British.


    Onion grade comment

    eestileib, in rest in piss

    Ah, so THAT’S what air defense doing.


    Ukrainian planes scary, they likey civilian planes

    _haha_oh_wow_, in JONG-UUUUUN, WHERE IS THE AMMUNITION? avatar

    I pretty much never say this, but good job North Korea!


    You know how some people browse others comments during an argument…this one is totally going to be weaponized by someone who you get into a discussion with…

    _haha_oh_wow_, avatar

    I haven’t really run into that on Lemmy so far, but yeah, probably.

    Rednax, in It's only taken it's first flight and look at what Winnie the Xi's propaganda machine is already producing.

    It doesn’t even make sense. Hypersonic missiles are good at being hard to take down themselves. But you don’t need that to take down an aircraft. You need super sensitive radar systems, since the claim is that these aircraft reflect about as much energy as a bumblebee would.

    at_an_angle, avatar

    Buzzwords are all that matters.

    Also, too much of a credible point.


    these aircraft reflect about as much energy as a bumblebee would.

    That is truly amazing.


    This how we get echolocating missiles.


    Put a bat in the missile and let’s give Project Orcon another go


    Radar is echolocation with EM waves (low frequency light) instead of sound waves. And there are already plenty of radar guided missiles.


    I meant to put ears on the missile. I’m sure the plane is still plenty loud.


    That is called passive sonar. I suspect that it is kinda hard to hear from the missile. Anything behind you is certainly not hearable, since the missile goes faster than sound. I have no idea if you could measure the sound coming from the front. You also have to take into account that you are chasing an after image, since the plane is also faster than sound. But torpedoes use this, so the idea is valid.


    Those are likely quite valid points. This being noncredible defense they have no place here.


    Do note that the this claim comes from the same people who don’t hand out any actual specs and always fly with an additional reflector. The latter makes it easy for radars to see them again. This is helpful in allied airspace, but it also makes it impossible to verify the claim.

    Also note that modern radars are sensitive to how fast an object approaches (or leaves) the radar. Bumblebees don’t break the soundbarrier usually, so it is possible to see these planes, but you do have to tweak your radar for it. (Hence why the US doesn’t give specs.)


    Also note that modern radars are sensitive to how fast an object approaches (or leaves) the radar. Bumblebees don’t break the soundbarrier usually, so it is possible to see these planes, but you do have to tweak your radar for it. (Hence why the US doesn’t give specs.)

    You are talking about Doppler processing. Basically you can filter out all the things that are not moving fast based on how much the frequency is compressed and lower your noise floor. You will still have other noise sources but minimizing clutter will help, if the return is below other noise sources you still will not be able to detect it.


    Correct. But integrating over multiple pulses, and using the latest Tx and Rx modules, sensitivity is not the problem anymore. Radars can easily see every damn bumblebee in a 100km radius. The problem is filtering data, so that processing and/or the user is not overloaded. For example, if you track every single bird with a radar that has a 100km radius, you will not be able to see anything on the operator screen other than birds.

    Doppler is easy to filter on early in the processing stage. Meaning that if you can detect the aircraft, you can still separate it from all other bumblee like objects. Clutter tends not to move that fast.


    Doppler processing eliminates clutter it doesn’t eliminate EMI, thermal noise, or atmospheric issues.

    China’s 366 radar can detect 0.1 sq meter targets at 20km. It’s China’s most modern radar and it’s not close to 100km detection range for LO aircraft.

    Play around with the radar range equation.
    For a 100km detection range. 1 MW of output power, 30 dB antenna gain, 1Ghz Tx frequency, radar cross sectional area 0.1 m sq, minimum detection signal 0.005 nano watts.

    On low power systems where you can have much lower internal emi, -100 dB (0.1 nano watts) is as low as you can get outdoors.


    So they just need to build an aircraft that moves at the same speed and height as a bumblebee. Bam ! Undetectable killing machine.


    You’d be surprised the velocity you get from the return on a bird’s flapping wing. Also the Doppler ambiguity smears with SNR, so you’ll see a bird as something moving between 30 and 300mph at the edge of sensitivity.


    Most state of the art SAMs are technically hypersonic.


    Interesting. I did not know that!


    It’s not that impressive… a bumblebee can emit the same small radar signature as well.

    PugJesus, in Please see the chart avatar

    "A new government has already been decided upon"

    If only. The Gaza Strip is one of the handful of regions that could actually benefit from US regime change. Not because we're good at it, but because the strip is so monumentally fucked as it is.


    The only way I think we could honestly do worse is if we built gas chambers or nuked them. I’m sure the US government will find a new way to fuck it up though.


    I’m expecting them to support a new “legitimate” government which will turn out to be worse than ISIL and join up with aliens to commit a multidimensional extermination of humans.


    The Monkey’s Paw curls. First contact is with an alien race with technology beyond our wildest dreams and the ability to solve all our problems. However, it turns out they were the inspiration for Christianity and due to a very crucial passage of the Bible describing a ritual to be registered in their database of “saved souls” having been lost to time, no one is saved.


    Can we speed this one up? Thanks.


    Pretty sure they’re pushing to give the Palestinian Authority back the influence they lost.

    kersploosh, avatar

    If the US can become the common enemy that finally unites all the various factions then that seems like a real improvement for the region. Maybe not for the US, though.


    I don’t think there is any entity alive big or small that could find a way to bring peace to the middle east.

    InEnduringGrowStrong, avatar

    Living anywhere near holy land is such a curse.


    “Holy” land.

    Man, religion is a cancer on this planet.

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