
What is a pansexual?

DarkGamer, avatar

If only they addressed that in the article...

“I am pansexual,” he says, meaning that he is attracted to persons regardless of their sex or gender.
Brady puts it another way: “Bisexual — with an open mind!” he says with a chuckle.

Oh wait they did. Read the article.

MooseGas, avatar

What is a close-minded bisexual?

RaulitoElLobito, avatar


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  • Earthwormjim91,

    A closed minded bisexual would be someone that is only attracted to cisgender people of either sex. So only females that identify as women and males that identify as men.

    A pansexual person can be attracted to females that identify as women, men, neither, both, etc. Same with males that identify as men, women, neither, both, etc.


    When he said "open mind" it was a joke. You don't choose who you're sexually attracted to. If you're not attracted to trans people, that's fine and is no reflection on whether or not you're a bigot.

    You may know this, but I've run into several who don't, so I want to clarify.


    Bisexuality isn’t transphobic. Transphobes are transphobic.


    Good lord, not being sexually attracted to trans folks is not transphobia.

    Laffytaffer, (edited )

    If you’re refusing to date someone solely because they’re trans, then yeah it kinda is. Things like genital preference, the person “passing”, etc are preferences you’re certainly allowed to have, but are going to apply on a case by case basis. If you’re otherwise attracted to someone and the only deal breaker is the fact that they’re trans, that’s by definition a prejudice against trans people.

    Edit: listen nobody is forcing yall to date a trans person. What I’m saying is that most valid hang ups someone might have don’t apply to every trans person, there’s gonna be trans people with the junk/body type/voice/whatever else that you’re into. So refusing to date someone just because they’re trans is the prejudiced part, not whatever personal preference you have that’s gonna stop you from dating some or most trans folks.


    No? If you’re a cis straight person, you’re going to be attracted to people of the other gender. For most people, this is both attraction to the behaviour (attracted to femininity or masculinity respectively), and the attraction to the specific gentials.

    If I was 100% in that cis straight guy box, then for a female trans person to meet those requirements, they’d have to be fairly indistingishable from a cis female. That’s very rare, for example most people would not have had a vaginoplasty. If I was to date a trans guy, then I’d personally be put off by the masculinity, even if they had the genitalia I was into.

    Personally, I’m not 100% straight because I’m more flexibile with the genitalia, so long as they have that femininity. But I 100% understand why other people wouldn’t date a trans person because they’re trans, even if they were fine being friends with them. After all, I wouldn’t date a guy even though I’m fine being friends with them, that doesn’t make me homophobic.


    Of course went down right as I finished writing my response and made me lose everything lmao

    Anyhow none of what you said contradicts the point I’m trying to make, which I’ve evidently failed miserably at making even with an edit.

    I’m not saying you have to go out and get a trans girlfriend. What I’m trying to get at is that, as you noted, it’s possible for a trans woman to meet the requirements a cishet man might have for traits such as genitals, personality, voice, height, body type, etc. This hypothetical cishet dude doesn’t have to be attracted to every trans woman, just like how it would be insane if he was attracted to every cis woman. But if that perfect trans woman showed up, who meets every possible requirement for the guy, and he still doesn’t want to date her because she’s trans, then that is prejudice against trans people.

    There’s probably going to still be a disconnect on this despite my best efforts and this whole thing will probably get slammed with downvotes too. I’m rephrasing an argument based off of what I mostly remember saying in my original reply to this before world shit the bed, and plus this is a conversation about LGBT people happening in a comment section full of (presumably) cishet people. Getting within 1000 yards of the possibility that they aren’t perfect allies with absolutely no internalized bias or prejudice is going to get people defensive. But hell, I’m several letters in LGBT and I’ve got internalized homophobia and transphobia that I’m trying to sort out, the point I’m trying to make here wasn’t an easy one for me to consider either when it was said by someone way smarter than me.

    Velociraptor, avatar

    Hey there. Trans person here to tell you that you are just straight up wrong. We haven’t been fighting for rights for years so people can backtrack on the basic rules of sexuality out of misplaced identity zealotry. The whole point of most queer dialogue is that you can’t control who you’re attracted to. Magically changing that is actually just another way to harm trans people in the eyes of potential cis allies.


    Hello, other trans person here questioning what part of my statement gave you the impression that I’m saying you have control over who you’re attracted to. The entire idea I’ve said several times now is that if your attraction to someone is only overridden by the fact that they’re trans rather than any actual physical or emotional traits they have, then at that point there’s nothing to do with your sexual, emotional, or physical attraction to someone and just boils down to a prejudice against trans people. Any trait that might actually determine someone’s attraction towards a person is not a single shared trait that all of us have.

    If you think that a relationship is the line where that prejudice is considered okay, that’s for you to decide and I wont stop you. Everyone is going to have prejudices regarding potential partners, I’m married but personally wouldn’t have dated someone with even vaguely conservative views for instance. But whether it makes cis people uncomfortable or not, it is prejudiced to ignore all attraction towards us just because we’re trans and for no other reason.

    Velociraptor, avatar

    Human sexuality is itself prejudiced. That’s the whole point of the queer movement. You are claiming that sexual attraction is never allowed to stop once it starts, but people do that all the freaking time over the most mundane reasons. The dealbreaker is absolutely allowed to be genitalia - it can also be a mole or an odor or a nose that you decide reminds you too much of someone who caused trauma or whatever. People are allowed their fluidity, especially once you start moving into less sex positive spaces. It is very much you saying we can control attraction to deny how sexuality operates.


    Bigotry is when you attack a person with prejudice. It’s not if a person just doesn’t date a person. No one is owed sex. Not getting sex is not a prejudice nor is it oppression.

    And if a person didn’t go the distance to attack people they simply aren’t attracted to, attacking someone by calling them prejudiced just cuz they won’t have sex with someone is an incorrect use of the meaning of that word. This breaches on being malicious with intent to harass.


    Evidently there’s something wrong with my word choice of “prejudice” because that word choice really seems to be the part everyone’s getting pissed over. Do you have any suggestion for a more appropriate word choice because you seem to at least kinda get what I’m trying to say.


    Being bisexual doesn’t mean you can’t be attracted to trans folks though.


    Fucking preach. I’m bisexual and I’m attracted to anyone my brain and heart click with. Which is very few people. Luckily I found another me to date, then marry, and be togevva foreva with.

    Bi = 2

    Bisexual = attracted to people of the other sex AND my own = 2

    So many people don’t get that.


    Well yes, we get that but some people are non binary.


    I’m bisexual. Those people would either

    1. Be the same sex as me
    2. Be a different sex than I am

    So they’re included.


    That’s fair, and it’s also fair if someone else identifies as pansexual.


    Are we now going to see biphobia from trans people too? Fuckin A. As you were, we are used to it.


    Going to? They have always been here, but like the rise of TERFs or Cubans in Florida, now that a lot of the LGBTQ spectrum has gotten some progress–enough that the T part of that list is being addressed–some people are gonna play the “got mine, fuck you” game.

    It’s a good reminder that even people who agree with 99% of what you do can still be assholes somewhere deep down in their cold hearts.

    slashasdf, avatar

    People don’t choose who they are attracted to, there’s nothing transphobic about not being attracted to trans people


    Trans women are female. Trans men are male.


    Only eats at a restaurant that has at least one Michelin Star, wears only black socks, listens only to music that was popular when they were between the ages of 12-18 years old, insists that video games and cartoons peaked when they were age 22.

    JackbyDev, (edited )

    It really gets under my skin when folks frame bisexuality as bigoted pansexuality.

    Edit: I’m not saying he wasn’t making a lighthearted joke and I’m not even really saying he shouldn’t have said it. I’m just sad that for a lot of people this may be the first time they hear about pansexuality and assume it means that people who say they’re bi are transphobic, enbyphobic, or something else.


    Yeah tons of people use the label “bisexual” even though by strict definition they might actually be pan. And that’s totally fine, you don’t always have to use the most specific terminology.


    I’m not a pansexual because I refuse to fuck people with green skin, regardless of gender status.


    What about an olive hue to their skin complexion? Why do you love everyone except Mediterranean people?


    They don’t appreciate your absurd twist of the term olive complexion, but I do.

    And it’s because the Mediterraneans won’t nut up and reestablish the Phoenician Empire.


    We all have our types I guess.

    lemonadebunny, avatar

    Exactly. Unfuckable.

    Sulley tho…

    SSX, avatar

    I probably lean harder pan than bi, but the bi flag is too nice to not like it.


    Should be the other way around. bi means two, which makes sense. pan means a fucking cooking pan, how does that make sense


    *word-forming element meaning “all, every, whole, all-inclusive,” from Greek pan-, combining form of pas (neuter pan, masculine and neuter genitive pantos) “all,” from PIE pant- “all” (with derivatives found only in Greek and Tocharian).


    Well tell the CEO of Greek that I use a stove pan everyday and their language is wrong

    girlfreddy, avatar

    @mojo @can

    You first.



    hikaru755, avatar

    Good luck trying to eradicate every word with multiple meanings from the English language, I guess


    For those who might not have the best English:

    slashasdf, avatar

    Wait, you can read articles?


    So somebody wanted to broaden their understanding by asking a simple question and you decided to be a dick?

    Maybe they didn’t have time to read the article and thought somebody would help.


    The previous comment getting so many votes is saddening on lemmy. Someone asked a question that wasn’t bigoted and instead of taking the opportunity to educate another human they took the time to quote the article and type up a reply that was dismissive. These types of issues can only be resolved with education and someone taking the extra time to put someone else down is definitely not an ally.


    Right. I personally struggle with a lot of the “terms” these days - not because I think they are wrong, only because I don’t always understand what they mean.

    On Reddit, when I saw them used, I would ask for clarification and I’d learn something.

    Being dismissive to people trying to learn isn’t going to bring them into the ally space.

    ThePantser, avatar

    Lover of cookware

    sidhant, (edited )


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  • Laffytaffer,

    Pansexuality is broader than bisexuality, and people who identify as pansexual may be attracted to people of all genders. Bisexuality is the attraction to two or more genders, but not necessarily all.

    The terms broadly overlap, but the distinction matters to some people and that’s okay.


    To clarify, most people had no idea what bisexual was before David Bowie put a label on it in the late 70s and I doubt people who are calling themselves bisexual are doing it to be exclusionary. Shit, people still have trouble admitting the Starman liked women and men to this day and the guy was dumped by the love of his life for that revelation.


    I know we don’t use this term much here but

    Hella based.



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  • Laffytaffer,

    Two or more. If you’re really dead set on saying bisexuality is inherently sexist or transphobic, that’s your own thing to deal with. I don’t get the sense that this is in good faith.


    17 plus genders? Amateur numbers.…/why-this-fungus-has-over-2…


    Every time you complain, we add 5 more.


    Or just read the article before you post something so ignorant.


    The definition I originally came across is a pansexual person is not attracted by gender but by the personality. So no rules or restrictions on sex organs or gender identity or presentation. It’s really attraction to the person underneath above all else.


    don’t mean to be ignorant but how is that not just a word for non-superficial bisexual?

    Mozingo, avatar

    From what I can tell bisexual can mean a couple of things depending on who you ask. Either an attraction to two genders eg. cis men and women, or perhaps an attraction to multiple but not all genders. Pansexual on the other hand means an attraction to all, including trans or nonbinary people, etc.


    The “bi” part of bisexual implies a gender binary. Some people like that, some people don’t. Pansexual is just an alternative that is explicit in its attraction to non-binary people. Some people aren’t attracted to non-binary people, and use bisexual as a label to specifically mean only an attraction to men and women. Other people who might be described as pansexual describe themselves as bisexual simply because it is a more well known word. It all varies.

    “Non superficial bisexual” isn’t the worst definition of pansexual, but saying pansexual is shorter.


    makes sense, thanks


    Humanity is a sexually dimorphic species. There is only male and female.


    I’ve always felt that bi = people of my sex or people of the other sex. Nothing about the word “bisexual” implies any gender to me, it just means I’m not explicitly gay or straight!


    Allow me to be more clear about why I said that.

    It is mostly because of the words themselves. The “bi” prefix means 2, or twice, etc. That would mean the word bisexual literally means “twice sexual”. Sexuality is inherently related to gender because it is a quality defined by relationships between people’s genders, and bisexual thus (literally, but often not functionally) means a person who is sexually attracted to two genders.

    The “pan” prefix on the other hand, means all, or including everything. Thus we can assume pansexual to (literally) mean a person who is sexually attracted to any and every gender that there is or could be.


    The “pan” prefix on the other hand, means all, or including everything. Thus we can assume pansexual to (literally) mean a person who is sexually attracted to any and every gender that there is or could be.

    The “pan” prefix on the other hand, means all, or including everything. Thus we can assume pansexual to (literally) mean a person who is can be sexually attracted to any and every gender that there is or could be.___

    Hetero, bi, and gay people are not attracted to any or every of their preferred gender. It’s a small difference in language but I think pansexuals would agree that phrasing it as “is sexually attracted to any and every gender” implies pansexuals are out there trying to bang anything with a pulse whereas the truth is just that gender or sexuality are not barriers to them. I guess it would be more accurate to say “pansexuals are sexually attracted to partners independent of sex and/or gender identity”?

    This is probably oversimplified, but maybe helpful:

    Straight - consider themselves sexually attracted to opposite gender/sex

    Gay - consider themselves sexually attacted to same gender/sex

    Bi - consider themselves sexually attracted to either gender/sex

    Pan - consider themselves sexually attracted


    I agree that pansexuality doesn’t mean an attraction to every individual of every gender, yes. I should have been more direct in how I said this part, but when I say “a person who is sexually attracted to every gender that there is or could be” I am just trying to communicate what you said. I suppose I would personally see a distinction between “attraction to a gender” and “attraction to a person of said gender”, where the prior means overall sexual compatibility with that gender, and the latter means a literal instance of someone feeling attracted to someone else. But I can see how there isn’t any actual clear distinction between the two, I should say it different.

    sweetviolentblush, (edited ) avatar



    I feel as a straight man with few connections to the LGBT community that I should be able to define the differences between Pan and Bi


    The “bi” part of bisexual implies a gender binary

    No. Historically it kind of did, but the definition has evolved since the existence of non-binary started to be widely accepted in LGBT+ circles. Now it just means attracted to more than one gender. Pansexual is a subcategory of bisexual.


    The way I (a bisexual) have always interpreted the difference is that pansexuals feel the same attraction to all genders and that bisexuals feel different attraction to different genders. I identify as bi because I definitely feel different kinds of attractions towards men, women and enby’s.


    I’d assume people that are bi are attracted to biological males and biological females, but not necessarily transsexuals or anything else on the sexuality/gender spectrum.

    sweetviolentblush, avatar

    Sorry, that’s incorrect. Bisexuals are attracted to more than one gender, and thats any of the genders on the gender spectrum. Pansexuals are less specific; most define it as gender not being the primary part of their attraction. Some pansexuals are only interested in certain genders, others consider themselves open to any gender. The overlap for these two terms is pretty big, but there are a few differences nonetheless.

    “Bisexuality is a whole, fluid identity. Do not assume that bisexuality is binary or duogamous in nature: that we have “two” sides or that we must be involved simultaneously with both genders to be fulfilled human beings. In fact, don’t assume that there are only two genders. Do not mistake our fluidity for confusion, irresponsibility, or an inability to commit. Do not equate promiscuity, infidelity, or unsafe sexual behavior with bisexuality. Those are human traits that cross all sexual orientations.” (The Bisexual Manifesto, Bay Area Bisexual Network, c. 1990)


    I’m pansexual.
    In doing my research, both with myself and just with the world, I couldn’t say if I was bisexual, because I had to really see what that was, especially because I really have not gotten a chance to act on anything. So, I came to pansexual because — and I know that I’m completely messing up the dictionary meaning — but to me, pan means being able to be attracted to anyone who identifies as gay, straight, bi, transsexual or non-binary. Being able to be attracted across the board. And, I think, at least for me for right now, that is the proper place. I took pan to mean that not only can I be attracted to any of these people or types physically, but I could be attracted to the person that is there.

    TheHottub, avatar

    Universal Boner Donor.


    I would never have guessed this, and yet I am also in no way surprised.


    I don’t think I’ve ever been surprised when someone came out, aside from a couple of friends when I was much younger.

    KLISHDFSDF, avatar

    is the word removed banned? why am I seeing removed here often?

    Edit: Seems you can’t say b*tch. TIL.


    Test: bitch


    Your bitch has been approved


    Ty, bitch.


    It’s bitch city up in here. Bitch city

    FlyingSquid, avatar

    “I said, biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitch…”


    I read earlier that .ml instance censors certain words


    Did the mods specify why?


    No, I’m sorry it was a user explaining why they left .ml and I don’t know how to find that post again.

    If I had to guess it’s because that instance was created by CCP supporters and have some stricter rules.


    Is the CCP in the room with us right now?

    can, has a word filter. Sign up somewhere else if you don’t mind words.

    KLISHDFSDF, avatar

    oof. I don’t mind words, any way to see if an instance doesn’t ban them?




    I’ve been banned several times with zero warning or clue what I said. It’s kind they’ve taken every single one of those obnoxious power mods from Reddit and given them free rein here.


    So… you’re saying you are ban evading?


    @BanMeAgainIWontStop be like:

    (chuckles) I’m in danger.


    I’d only be in danger if there were something of value to lose. I’ll be back sounding off and voicing my opinion in less than 2 minutes.


    Have you seen my user name? Admins can’t even keep this place up. They most certainly don’t have automation around ip blacklisting and any real income for proper waf/edge protection. Even if they did the vast majority of the other instances wouldn’t have that either. Not even Reddit effectively stops individual ban evaders, only large scale attacks.

    You all like to pretend you’ve somehow found some guy who doesn’t understand what’s up, while ignoring the name 🤣.

    This place is going to be overrun by power mods. Just wait and see.


    Very cool! I’m very happy for you that ban evading works so great for you.

    I_Miss_Daniel, avatar

    Possibly clients will offer the option to filter net-negative comments so we just don't see 'em..


    Just go back to Reddit. Simple.


    Naw, I’m actually interested in this place succeding. However, it’s painfully obvious this platform has scalability issues (moderation, privacy, and technology). So I’ll keep sounding off for at least a short time while this experiment plays out.

    ijeff, avatar

    That’s a filter.


    Why is it news that a ‘celebrity’ is identifying with the most celebrated people group in the U.S.?


    As a person who belongs to “the most celebrated people group in the US”, I think it’s important for people like me to see ourselves represented in the world. We are a minority, so it’s noteworthy when a public figure comes out.

    And idk man I don’t feel celebrated all that much in the US. Every week I see religious protestors outside the gay bar in my city with signs saying that I’m going to burn in hell for all eternity. I’ve been called a removed more times than I can count for simply holding another man’s hand while walking down the street. I’ve been fired from a job waiting tables because the manager saw my boyfriend pick me up.

    Maybe your perspective, as someone who does not live every day of their life as a member of this community, is different. You might see the push to advocate for acceptance of LGBT+ people as “celebrating” them. It is not. It’s tolerance, and we still don’t even have that.


    Man, I hate when people call me a "removed"


    It’s ok to use self referential slurs. They’re our words 😌


    As a person who belongs to “the most celebrated people group in the US”, I think it’s important for people like me to see ourselves represented in the world.

    I’m Filipino, I’d like to see more people ‘like me’ represented, but biden just cares about flying the pride flag and ignoring actual minorities


    Ok I’m just gonna move right past the “actual minorities” thing because… yikes. I hope that just came across wrong because it sounds incredibly insensitive

    I think representation is important for all minorities and I can empathize with wishing our elected politicians would do more. Biden has done a lot during his term to support the LGBT community, but obviously there is a lot more that needs to be done. He has promised to pass a bill reaffirming the rights of LGBT people after the recent Supreme Court case. That would be huge but we will have to see if Republicans in Congress prevent it from passing, as they’ve done with countless other progressive proposals.

    Here is some of the other work he’s done to support LBGT people. Hope you see that he’s paying far more than just lip service…/president-bidens-pro-lgbtq-timeline



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  • Rom,

    Are you really trying to pretend like conservatives aren’t constantly calling LGBTQ+ people groomers and pedophiles? Seriously?


    I’m saying that LGBTQIA2S+ folks are the most celebrated folk in America.


    And I’m saying you’re full of shit.


    We just had a whole month dedicated to how great LGBTQIA2S+KM

    Rom, (edited )

    And we also have shitheads threatening people’s over pride themed merchandise. We still have legislators enacting laws that attack trans people.

    The fact that losers like you can’t stop crying about the existence of queer people is why pride is necessary.

    Maajmaaj, avatar

    Bitch I’m double oppressed, fuck is you talking about? It’s great for me to see a fellow black pansexual male that I grew up watching on TV (abc family who’s line is it anyway marathons) come out of the closet. Cis het black people can be stiflingly homophobic to their own skinfolk. And on top of that, black LGBT people have to deal with the racism and homophobia and prejudice of the rest of the country/world.

    SSX, avatar

    Your valid as fuck bro, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

    -Bisexual Dude

    AceCephalon, avatar

    And both of you are very much valid, as well as anyone should be. Differences of sexuality makes no person lesser for them. So what if someone is attracted or not attracted to any specific thing? We’re all people nonetheless.

    • An Asexual and Aromantic Person

    Bitch I’m double oppressed,

    Imagine thinking someone is inherently oppressed for being born.

    Maajmaaj, avatar

    …I thought about explaining systemic racism, the school to prison pipeline, etc. But telling you to go fuck yourself is much faster.

    Go fuck yourself.


    Good call. The brain rot in that person is too far gone, best to expend your effort elsewhere.


    Exactly, you can’t explain any reason why someone would inherently be oppressed. You just use it as an excuse.

    Maajmaaj, (edited ) avatar

    I’m black and pansexual. You have poor reading comprehension, no life, and a microdick. I’m not going to let you sit here and tweak your nipples while you attempt to piss off kind folks with your shitty takes. you’ll be blocked shortly after your next response or in the next 5 minutes, which ever comes first.

    Edit: I just remembered it’s not my responsibility to educate your dumbass. That’s your job. Byee


    Buddy, a supreme court justice recently said they should reconsider gay marriage.


    Oh no, one supreme court justice said they want to revisit a case, the horror!


    Yes, in the wake of stripping women of abortion rights saying they should consider doing the same for gay marriage is a horror. Are you fucking kidding me?


    Unless they came out as a white middle aged Christian male I have no idea how you can possible actually think this.


    When was the last time you saw a white pride flag hanging up outside the white house?


    I see trump flags and blue lives matter flags everywhere what are you talking about?


    Where did biden hang up any trump lags or blue lives matter flags??


    They don’t need flags. They’re already massively privileged compared to most group.


    See right there, everything you stick up for and all your flags are necessary to put on the white house.

    But if it’s any flag you disagree with, it’s because they are somehow so privileged that they shouldn’t be represented? You have no principles to support your opinions, only how you feel.


    Imagine being this stupid.


    Imagine having no argument against it, so you just attack the individual.


    Imagine not wanting to waste my time.


    why do I care this person wants to fuck pans


    Sexy, sexy pans…


    Can you both keep a lid on it?

    I_Miss_Daniel, avatar

    Oh no. It's Lucas with the lid off!


    I can understand if it’s cast iron


    Cast iron, non-stick, ceramic. I just can’t get enough. Don’t get me started with the Asian beauty, wok. Not strictly a pan but look at those curves


    Jesus this comment thread.

    Piecemakers3Dprints, avatar

    And also with you, my child.

    (did I do that right?)

    I_Miss_Daniel, avatar

    Peas be with you.

    In the pan.

    The sauce pan.


    The very first time I saw Brady on tv (circa 2000) I was watching whatever it was with my mom and we both presumed he was gay then and there. It was a little interesting just because there were so few evidently gay people on tv at the time in such prominent roles.

    But yeah…

    “Bisexual — with an open mind!”
    seems about right too.

    I think (hope) that hundreds of years from now, most of the human species will achieve this higher form of love and acceptance. It’s so silly to not freely love whom you love.

    They seem like a lovely family :)

    Also… looks like Redditors are starting to flood it here with their uber-insightful commentary.


    Bah. Not my deal.

    But you be your best you, and of course Wayne Brady should be his best him.


    I know shouldn’t, but whenever I hear pansexual, I hear Jay of Jay and Silent Bob screaming “I’ll fuck anything that moves!” in my head.

    aceshigh, avatar

    my love for you is like a truck


    Do you like to making fuck?

    I_Miss_Daniel, avatar

    And I just think of cookware.



    snooggums, avatar

    Fancy bisexual.

    aceshigh, avatar

    good for him for feeling comfortable being authentic in the public eye. i’m still working on uncovering my True self.


    And everyone else is a Wayne Brady sexual. This works out.

    FlyingSquid, avatar

    Good for him. That said, he is the most low-energy game show host I have ever seen. When my daughter was first born, we didn’t have much to do, so we would watch daytime TV and his hosting on Let’s Make a Deal is just terrible (if he’s still doing it). It sounded like he was bored and didn’t want to be there every episode.

    Sorry, I had to rant about Wayne Brady for a second.


    Did you just call Wayne Brady a bitch??

    FlyingSquid, avatar

    No, no choking will be happening.


    I wonder if it’s just bad direction? Wayne Brady is one of the funniest people I’ve seen on TV - but I haven’t seen him hosting anything. So it can’t be him. It has to be someone directing him.

    FlyingSquid, avatar

    Yeah, he was really funny on Whose Line, but wow is he awful as a game show host. I don’t know why, but he is terrible.


    Agreed. He can sing jokes on the spot and dance anyone into a corner if left to his own devices. Bad acting isn’t coming from him. It would have to be stamped out by someone else


    He has a certain energy. I’d call it smooth energy.

    It’s fantastic, but smooth energy doesn’t work for game shows.


    I saw one episode, but now that you mention it, yeah that’s the vibe I got as well. It felt like he was trying to emulate Howie, but it might have just been really boring.

    Ryan213, avatar

    I thought this was from The Onion.

    wesker, avatar

    It’s People magazine, so it’s close enough.


    People are like onions?


    Well…they do both have layers


    And they both make me cry when I chop them up…

    wolandark, avatar



    Oh no, do yourself a favor and look up “who’s line is it anyway” especially the ones with Wayne Brady. Such a fun show!

    I know he’s done other stuff, but that show is great lol


    He’s also on maybe the most quoted Dave Chappelle episode of all time


    Fuck your couch?


    Nah the other one!


    When keeping it real goes wrong?


    What did the five fingers say to the face?



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