
Idk I’ve lived here for nearly 30 years and it’s absolutely news to me that promoting violence is unamerican. Especially in a small town. Motherfuckers in small towns will brag about couch guns while daring the president to come to town. Small town motherfuckers will use gallows as a decoration. These people’s issues with blm protests in a small town isn’t violence it’s black people.

Also they never minded when the ones being rounded up were the gays or the Japanese or native Americans or Latines. But sure you fucking hicks need to be afraid. Fuck off and arm a synagogue instead.

TheDeadGuy, avatar

Small town men are always the cliche bad guy in every movie/tv show for a reason

whereisk, (edited )

“violence” is when I’m not in absolute comfort - not when I shoot people, that’s my right.


For the love of God please just say latinos. You don’t need to police our language.

Latines is better than Latinx which is a monstrous perversion, but spanish is just fine the way it is.


Ive just been skipping all the weird stuff and been calling Latinos laddy nose.


Ah yes, the representative of the Latinos.


This racist asshole grew up in Macon Georgia, just another in a long line of racist, suburban posers.

stopthatgirl7, (edited ) avatar

I read he was from Georgia and had another moment of, “man, why does my home state have to keep embarrassing me like this?”


Seriously. I’ve seen to many people that avoid nice areas because of stupid shit like this. Country music is dog shit but people hear you live in Georgia and assume you’re a good ol boy


Don’t assume everyone from the south is racist though, there are low life shit humans everywhere unfortunately


Sure, but also don’t assume that the amount of racists are the same everywhere.


They’re saying Macon is a suburb and not a rural small town.


Aw downvoted for reminding people that there are decent people on the planet. Reddit2.0 here we go

CeruleanRuin, avatar

He’s getting downvoted for misconstruing the intent of the original remark and jumping straight to the assumption of persecution, as are you. Assuming everyone is against you and whining about downvotes is possibly the most reddit thing ever.


I simply said that not all people are racist lolol

CeruleanRuin, avatar

And that was a non sequitur.


Down voted because you don’t have solid reading comprehension skills here and not because you you’re pointing out that non-racists exist in the south.

And getting upset and then whining about being the victim because you didn’t read the comment correctly, yeah, you’re definitely bringing some Reddit 2.0 vibes here with that.


The post I responded to mentioned a city in Georgia and a long line of racist in the family but some people in bad families do use their brains occasionally and make better decisions, but y’all keep down voting lol


I’m from New Hampshire, the Mississippi of New England.


He’s a supermarket cowboy.


Ooooh I have not heard this one before, I like it. I’ve used cowbro in the past but generally just go for bro-country. Gonna throw supermarket cowboy into the mix.


We poured hot tar and feather on the British when they raised taxes to pay for the war in which we were being defended. What part of our history is “non-violent”


We genocided the people that were here before us, there’s nothing more American.


To pay for the war which we started and we were defended. And continued to need defense even after the war.

I’m happy the Revolutionary War happened, but the more I read of it the more I realize we (Americans) were on the wrong side of it.

Bucket_of_Truth, avatar

The song’s lyrics include the lines: “Cuss out a cop, spit in his face / Stomp on the flag and light it up / Yeah, you think you’re tough / Well, try that in a small town / See how far you make it down the road / Around here, we take care of our own.”

Later, Aldean alludes to a conspiracy theory that the US government intends to round up its citizens: “Got a gun that my granddad gave me / They say one day they’re gonna round up / Well, that shit might fly in the city, good luck.”

Who does he think does the rounding up?


Who does he think gets rounded up? It’s never the plain rural majority folks.


Guns. I’m extremely confident the line is about guns. It is a common fear amongst conservatives and he mentions a gun in the line before.

garretble, avatar

The liberals have been THIS CLOSE to rounding up everyone’s guns for decades now. Somehow they never do it, though. But soon they will! Trust me!


Boo! I’m gonna get your guns! 👹


The context makes it actually sound to me like he is saying he thinks “they” are going to come round up people’s guns, not the people themselves.

stopthatgirl7, avatar

That’s what I thought, too.

The lyrics are not very clear.


The feds, obviously. Feds v cops is one of those city mouse country mouse dichotomies.


That’s a pretty shit take from the guy who was LITERALLY on stage when the Las Vegas shooter started firing into the crowd.


The looming civil war continues to simmer. Shit like this is going to ramp way back up as the election gets closer.

Pratai, (edited )

Ironically, Aldean is an Arabic name. Someone should tell him.


That was very Aldean of you to say.


What, pointing out that a piece of shit racist has a last name of a race he hates?


Haha, sorry man, I am totally in agreement. Was just making a reference to this:




Aldean or Aldean?

tallwookie, avatar


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  • orphiebaby, (edited ) avatar

    There are a lot of types of country and a lot of different singers. Radio USA certainly doesn’t represent all of it.

    It’s like saying you have to be a punk or a lower-class African American to enjoy rap. Rap is surprisingly varied, done by basically all nations and ethnicities, and more-often-than-you’d-think political or otherwise intelligent. Linkin Park (and the spin-off project Fort Minor) is my favorite band, for example; and most of their rap is about politics, introspection, dealing with mental illness, or putting down bad relationships— and the latter can be angry, melancholy, resolved-and-hopeful, forgiving, and anything in between. But I digress.

    A genre is just a genre, and any genre can be smart, skillful, and all-around good.


    Very based.


    Wow, that was a really well thought out and well-constructed comment just to say you're inbred.

    orphiebaby, avatar
    1. Here, have a trophy for winning at internet arguments
    2. With that kind of charisma, you must have a ton of friends
    3. I was born in the suburbs of Chicago and I don’t listen to country (except Neil Diamond, which I argue is partially country even though others disagree)— not that it should even matter. But I say it just to help drive my point home about your stupidity
    4. Check my profile and see how stupid I am, I dare you
    5. If your goal was to look cool to random strangers on the internet, you failed
    tallwookie, avatar


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  • orphiebaby, (edited ) avatar
    1. When a person is saying “all people who like country music are inbred”, they are drawing upon the stigmas of the deep south. Duh.
    2. At the risk of sounding kind of lame, the fact is that you don’t know anything about me or my situation. Yeah, there are ways for me to make money. But online freelancing is really competitive, and all local businesses are too stingy to hire a proofreader/editor unless they have journalism experience. How about you go find a way to make $4000 in a single month in a small town in the US when you have cerebral palsy and sensory integration disorder? Go outside, touch some grass, and consider not insulting and alienating every random person you see on the internet.

    Also, good job cherry-picking the most vulnerable thing I said even though it has nothing to do with “whether or not I’m inbred (a.k.a. ‘dumb’)”. Says a lot about what your goals are

    sweetviolentblush, avatar

    WTF, are you poorshaming?? Gross.

    tallwookie, avatar

    yes I suppose that’s true, there are a lot of generalizations used when it comes to art - in all of its many forms and flavors. country music just has these specific connotations associated with it - crooning about broken trucks, sad laments for the girl that got away (because she was your sister), limited acoustical and rhythmic harmony, etc

    orphiebaby, avatar

    Yee, the most common versions of things aren’t the only versions of those things.

    There’s something called the “animation age ghetto”. It’s a phenomenon where most people assume that animated movies and shows are for kids only; and it has held back the medium a whole lot. Animation is just a method of getting the art out there, and it can have a lot of variation and be very sophisticated. Most of all, it can be about whatever— or for whomever— you want.

    Arotrios, avatar

    You're thinking primarily country pop, and I agree with your assessment - most of it's crap. That being said, if the only country you know is what you've been exposed to on the radio, you're missing out on some amazing musicianship. Since I dig sharing music that breaks (or makes) a mold, here's some country pieces that you might dig:

    "Lee Highway Blues" - Michael Cleveland & Flamekeeper

    Jolene - Dolly Parton

    The Highwayman - Wayland Jennings, Johnny Cash, Willie Nelson, Kris Kristoffersen

    tallwookie, avatar

    I liked the highwayman! and that violin solo on the highway blues was really neat.

    Arotrios, avatar

    Glad you liked! You should check out more bluegrass if you like what Cleveland was playing. If you dig the style on the Highwayman, check out more Johnny Cash - he built an amazing legacy of work, and wasn't afraid of genre jumping - here's him doing a cover of Nine Inch Nails' Hurt.

    tallwookie, avatar

    I’ll check it out, thanks!

    FlyingSquid, avatar

    My go-to country song, and I’m not a big fan of country, is Juice Newton’s Queen of Hearts.


    @Arotrios Going to piggyback here and also recommend an artist called Jelly Roll. Started as a rapper, but has branched into a country/rock sound recently. Vocally very strong, and is open about his issues and how he goes about trying to fix his life up for the better.

    I like his older sound better, but he is still a respectable artist even with the more mainline sound. It has however gotten him radio play, for better or worse.

    @stopthatgirl7 @tallwookie @orphiebaby

    sweetviolentblush, avatar

    Nah there’s definitely more variety to country music than that, but you have to dig for it (try Woody Guthrie for instance). Much like pop music, you have to go past whats popular to find the good stuff


    This is sturgeon’s law. 90% of everything is crap. There’s tons of garbage pop, rock, industrial, etc etc. This is true in books, movies, and other forms of entertainment too's_law

    tallwookie, avatar

    wasnt aware of that, thanks for the link!

    orphiebaby, (edited ) avatar

    Hell yeah I know about Sturgeon’s Law! And its corollaries!

    I believe that taste is subjective, but quality is objective. That’s because I believe that quality is about how effective a work of art is at doing what it set out to do, to its intended audience. And if an aspect of a work of art distracts from that goal or brings the work down, it is of objectively lower quality. However, I want to be clear that I mean that about the audience statistically— individuals of course may be more or less affected or unaffected by individual choices in art.

    Let me give an example for that last part. Most people don’t see anything wrong with many of the choices in Ace Attorney; but I find that series to be ugly, tasteless, and insulting (not to mention extremely autism-unfriendly). The extremely ugly faces for many characters, the bug-eye reactions, the intuition-unfriendly dumbness, the pedophilia, the low-brow, the sexism, the constant harsh flashing and shaking… I believe that if Ace Attorney didn’t make those choices, nobody who currently likes the series would like it less (okay, well, maybe some people in Japan would like it less if you took away their staples of sexism and glorious stupidity; but we can compromise)— instead you’d have a larger appreciative audience if those weren’t issues. So basically, you can make aspects of a work of art better without said aspects (or others) being worse or substantially less-liked.

    Aside: As an autistic person, I really can’t shut off my observation, comparison, or thorough thinking— it’s always going. And one of the effects of that is that high standards come naturally to me. So because I’m always passionate and scrutinizing, I get more angry or more disappointed when things are bad— but also way more excited than most people when things are good. I feel like a lot of people don’t understand me, thinking that I just hate everything; but those people are focusing on when I’m negative and ignoring how giddy I get at other times.

    But I digress. There’s a lot of crap out there; but that makes us who notice all the bad… just that much more appreciative of the things that are genuinely good.

    sweetviolentblush, avatar

    yes thank you, I’m so sick of hearing “rap is crap” from people who’ve only heard a few gangsta rap songs on the radio in the 1990s and assumed that was it. That was all rap had to offer

    gridleaf, avatar

    One of my favourite Fleetwood Mac songs is “That’s Alright” which is undoubtedly a country song, but you’d never catch me listening to anything else you’d call country. Not even close. However, that proves that there are definitely some country songs out there I’d enjoy.

    I used to hate hip-hop and R&B until I dug past the mounds of mainstream trash and found underground artists I really love. These genres are very broad terms with hundreds of sub-genres.

    orphiebaby, avatar

    I found a little R&B I like. Some of R. Kelly, Musiq, and especially Jagged Edge. But I need to find more R&B I like. I love hip-hop too— in concept. I’m struggling to find good artists beyond just a song here and there that I like. Also, I absolutely hate modern mainstream hip-hop. I especially hate autotune.

    I’m pretty white, too. Good music is good music.

    Semi-Hemi-Demigod, avatar

    Y’all dumb motherfuckers ready for a key change?


    Hey, cash and Nelson and Parton and the chicks are country. This is just dumbass country. It’s sorta like how folk could be pa with a banjo or it could be a communist strumming a guitar that says “this machine kills fascists” and singing about how we need to be as brave as the Soviets to free England and France.

    stopthatgirl7, avatar

    Like. The Chicks are awesome. Their “I’m Not Ready to Make Nice” is amazing. So is “Goodbye Earl.” Some country is awesome. Just not this dude.

    I’m Not Ready to Make Nice

    Goodbye Earl


    theres some good modern country but most of the big names dont do anything for me. sturgill simpson is great modern country though imho.



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  • Dankry, avatar

    Try That in a Small Town

    This loser isn’t even from a small town. He grew up in Macon, GA (pop 153k) and currently lives in Nashville (pop 692k).


    That's Modern Country: Artists with manicures and private jets singing about trucks and farm work. Listened to by office workers with trucks that never leave paved roads.

    Dankry, avatar

    Lol that’s a great way of putting it. Everything about it is phony. And most artists that could cross-over have been quick to do so and sever their ties to modern country.


    Relevant Bo Burnham song for those interested

    Dark_Arc, avatar

    As someone from an actual small town, that’s hilarious 😂


    I grew up outside of Jackson MS. Like, wayyy outside. And yeah. It hits pretty close to home.


    Same. Even in my area half the men that think they’re that cool country man image have soft hands and clean trucks.


    I am country enough, and I know exactly what you guys are talking about. But I also want to point out rough, dry hands are weaker & the smarter blue collars try to soften their hands a little. I was working on a combine, and a bolt broke & I ripped the fuck out of my palm. 😂 My dad said, it wouldn’t have hurt nearly as bad if you lotioned your hands. Supple is strong! Advice that goes back millenia, Aesop’s Fable The Oak Tree and the Reed. Similarly…the smartest guys that really care about their trucks keep them clean. Clean trucks last so much longer, and better; dirt & salt & even bird shit can lead to corrosion.

    I know plenty of country folk with a rust bucket truck & they’re happy. If it runs, whatever. Or they run vehicles around in the woods after dark & I see them posting like HAHA I broke down or got stuck!! What a CRAZY, fun adventure I’m on! No thanks, I don’t like expensive repairs or wasted time. Or horrific accidents, or premature death.


    Hear that subtle mandolin?


    Wow I love this. I had no idea he’s the famous country singer from parks and rec!


    You dumb motherfuckers want a keychange?

    Love that song.


    It’s the most cynical art form ever. The average pop country song is just a product; it has zero artistic value. And, it typically reflects a fake culture that has been confected from tropes.

    FuglyDuck, avatar

    office workers with trucks that never leave paved roads

    Not true. They sometimes end up in the ditch after drunken driving.

    CeruleanRuin, avatar

    His mind is a small town.

    FlyingSquid, avatar

    His mind is a ghost town.


    His song literally celebrates violence and the kind of mob mentality that leads to tremendous injustice. Oh, and his music video was filmed on the site of a lynching while it threatens black protesters today. Community? Really?

    stopthatgirl7, avatar

    It tells you exactly who he thinks his “community” is.

    CeruleanRuin, avatar

    It’s dogwhistles all the way down with these folks.

    JonVonBasslake, avatar

    Ah, but you see, dem black folks, them ain’t a part of tha community, dey’re notting but second-class.


    These people are stupid. If you want a gun you will get a gun regardless of law, the same way it’s been forever. Laws are just a false sense of security in America.


    What’s a more tight knit community than a Klan?


    Now do the history of other major powers. Yea. That’s just the history of civilization.

    stopthatgirl7, avatar

    Yeah, but we’re very specially talking about America right now.


    And you’re just going to ignore Mexico and Central America? Because their violence puts the USA to shame.


    Their violence is also largely attributable to the USA’s history of backing fascist coups in them.

    girlfreddy, (edited ) avatar

    Whataboutism at its finest. Par for the course for Muricans who believe they are king of the hill in everything but just can't admit that also includes gun deaths, Black maternal mortality rates, homelessness and healthcare expenditures.

    FlyingSquid, avatar

    Oh, so that makes it okay then.

    stopthatgirl7, avatar

    When we’re discussing an American singer talking about American issues, and reactions by other Americans pointing out American history? Yes. Because it’s not relevant to the discussion at hand. It’s whataboutism and counterproductive. Again, we’re specifically talking about America here. Stay on topic.


    Your whataboutism doesn’t even work here. The USA was born in native American genocide, an international slave trade, and rampant settler colonial capitalism. At least the next time when you’re doing racist dogwhistles on lemmy pick a country that the US 24-hour news cycle wants you to derail about like Russia and China you absolute tool. Blaming the global south was so Cold War ago.

    CeruleanRuin, avatar

    Right, but the point is this has been a hallmark of conquering nations for thousands of years, and the denialism goes hand in hand with it.

    JonVonBasslake, avatar

    Most other nations don’t pretend to be non-violent while people are getting lynched my mobs…


    Japan sits silently in the corner

    Let’s not talk about Nanking.

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