
Is this surprising given stagnant wages and drastic inflation for the last few years straight?

@0110010001100010@lemmy.world avatar

Don’t forget about the absolutely massive wealth transfer that happened: cnbc.com/…/richest-1percent-amassed-almost-two-th…


Those are here for the same reason…

People act like inflation is the invisible hand of the market, this is capitalism, companies will charge whatever they want to maximize profits, and that rarely results in a lower price.

Like, if you made thingamajigs, and if you made as many as you could (10 million) and sold as much as you could to saturate the market and end up making 10 million, that’s less profit than if you charged $5 a piece and only sold 2 million. Same income, much lower overhead.

So you cut staffing and make 1/5th of what you can because that maximizes profit.

Which is fine until your thingamajig is something that people need like food, water, or shelter. If you’re putting profit over production, then people who can’t afford it have to go without.

It’s literally what’s going on with insulin. This is t a hypothetical, this is what’s been happening for a long time.

It’s just with the same few giant corporations making everything, if just one does, the other 2-4 giant corporations crunch the same numbers and come up with the same plan.

Something that used to be called price fixing is suddenly just “internal analytics”


So… The Chinese real estate model? Overbuild, saturate the market, and suddenly housing is no longer an issue.


wait, all we have to do is make more than what the optimal profit supply/demand curve dictates, and we can get rid of homelessness? maybe do the same with food so no one has to starve?


Yeah, that’s been an option for a long time, we’re just a shit species.


This isn’t inflation. This is greed. Record profits with soul crushing wages. Governments that allow this are complicit. We need heavy windfall taxes


Windfall taxes are reactive and bad policy in general.

What we need is a return to pre-Reagan tax policy. Higher upper tax brackets, corporate taxes, and the closing of loopholes that allow the rich to hide their wealth offshore.


This is the only way

nutsack, (edited )

saying “greed” in the context of capitalism makes no sense. the word doesn’t have meaning because the system is morally agnostic.

edit: its a headless system optimized for profit accumulation as its sole parameter. there’s no systemic incentive for anyone to behave otherwise.


What word do you prefer to use to describe people who hoard more wealth than they or their children can spend in a lifetime while the vast majority of workers are on the edge of financial ruin? Why can’t they be satisfied with just having one mega yacht? One giant mansion? If not “greed” what do you call it?




Oh neo-feudalism! Absolutely charming. No greed involved.


Are you being sarcastic? I’ve seen a lot of sarcasm in my days, and this looks a lot like that. Nah, who’d be sarcastic on the internet without a “/s“? Everyone would just assume you’re not being sarcastic, and then the whole conversation would devolve.

Anyways, I’m not sure how neo-feudalism is charming. Could you expand on that a bit?

@be_excellent_to_each_other@kbin.social avatar

the word doesn’t have meaning because the system is morally agnostic.

The people at the top of it swimming in their Scrooge McDuck piles of money while the rest of us struggle seem pretty fucking greedy to me.


Capitalism is literally a greed system.


there is no such thing as a morally agnostic system, you either agree with or disagree with the outcome of the economic system, it is moral or immoral.


True, a system whose only imperative is personal upside maximization with no consideration for anybody else is morally agnostic if you put aside the moral dimensions of having no consideration for anybody else whilst acting for personal upside maximization.

Same as murder being morally agnostic if you put aside the moral dimensions of killing another human being.

Consider the possibility that you’re confusing familiarity, common use in your environment and even normalization of something with it actually being devoid of a moral component: just because people around you got used to act in some way without questioning such way of acting doesn’t mean it’s morally agnostic: after all, slavery too used to be normal.


The system isn’t morally agnostic dumbass, it literally is greed. It was created for the purpose of greed and it continues funnel all the wealth to the greedy. Loopholes are found around all the rate limiters and speed governors that get designed into the law and federal agencies. They’re trying “company store” tactics again. Fucking child labor is back.

“The system is morally agnostic” imagine the fucking Stockholm Syndrome (yes I’ve heard it’s not actually real stfu)


So many people seem to have mistaken what you said for a defense of capitalism.

I think a better way to say it is that greed isn’t a useful way to explain any particular thing that happens in a capitalist system, because everything that happens in capitalism is driven by greed. Saying one particular problem is caused by greed is like a doctor saying someone’s illness is a symptom of being alive; it’s true, but it explains nothing.


I could have bought a decent house alone, albeit uncomfortably. But I was happy enough in my condo. Now I have a wife and dual income, and we’d have to really stretch for a shitty house on the outskirts. And neither of our wages have changed much.


Wages are not stagnant.


You can see rising median wages for several decades. The covid stimuluses caused a bump but cant expect that level of government spending forever.


that may be true, if you live in the magic no change in cost of living world


This is real earnings, which takes that into account


It went from 335 in 1979 to 365. That’s less than a 9% increase. In 34 years. How do you not see this as stagnant?


This is Real Income. It’s clearly not stagnant. It is clearly increasing.


The advice in that article is primo out of touch and humorous. They give statistics that people’s savings and assets are down X amount, and the first advice is save for an emergency. Running out of savings?! Just save more, five head.


If you stop eating Starbucks and drinking avocado toasts, you will be fine


I love that the guy who penned that gold was one of the world’s richest people, and not that long ago called for increasing unemployment, so that the worker learns his place again.


I am reminded of that quote along the lines of “it is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That is not weakness, that is life.” I did everything right, and had a more than adequate emergency fund.

But then my house vaporized that emergency fund… and only then did COVID happen and I lost my job twice. So that’s roughly three “holy shit thank god we saved for a rainy day” events in three years.

I’m sure I will be in “just save money” mode some day in the future. Lots of shit left to clean up right now though.


I’m a simple man: I see a Star Trek quote, I upvote


I’m a simple man: I see someone point out the Star Trek quote, I upvote


I’m a simple man: I upvote recursive comment threads.








I’m a slightly more complicated man, I had to scroll back up to upvote everyone.


But a man of culture nonetheless!

If you do not already frequent Risa I suggest you join us!

@SuiXi3D@kbin.social avatar

and only then did COVID happen and I lost my job twice. So that’s roughly three “holy shit thank god we saved for a rainy day” events in three years.

You just explained the last three years of my life. I have no savings left. Period. If anything happens to the car, or either one of us loses our jobs, we're done. That's it.


Well, you aren’t “done”. Life continues.
Even when the state conspires against you having shelter from weather when you’re homeless. Life still goes on.
Until it doesnt.

@Naja_Kaouthia@lemmy.world avatar

Ok, yeah! I’ll just set aside the (checks notes) almost nothing I have left after food, rent, utilities, gas, and my exactly two streaming services.


yeah, I'm seeing discretionary spending right there that could be accruing interest instead. and judging by your profile pic I think you know what I'm suggesting.

@Naja_Kaouthia@lemmy.world avatar

Aye aye cap’n 🫡


Not surprising at all.

Corporations made BANK and all the CEOs put it directly into their pockets.


Over here in the, “no fucking shit” category of news…

@HootinNHollerin@sh.itjust.works avatar

No. More. Billionaires. Yank their fucking wealth


Why stop at their wealth?

As someone pointed out to me, round them all up. Throw in them into an island penal colony and let them all go Lord of the Flies on each other.

My suggestion for improvement, was every once awhile, lob some artillery shells at the island. Can’t let those billionaires get comfortable.


I think the worst punishment for the ruling class is to make them part of the working class.

I guarantee you, most of them would rather kill themselves or others than live like us.


they do, generally, jump


I agree, I was pretty pro-guillotine till that was pointed out to me. Redistribute their wealth and tell them where it’s all going too.

“Congratulations Jeff Bezos, you donated $1.3 billion to various labor organizations.” “Congratulations Richard Branson, you donated $1.21 billion to climate change initiatives.” “Congratulations Warren Buffet, you donated $1.14 billion to support low income people.”

Knowing where their money is going to support society in general will fucking kill them. Each of these shit bags all think that they are needed for civilization. Let’s watch them put that delusion to the test on an island penal colony that gets bombarded with artillery shells every once and awhile.


Love it. Lets get it going!


“Gee…you f***ing think?” -Me, single income father of three-

@guyrocket@kbin.social avatar

I'm going for a couple promotions because I hope they'll help me catch up. But I'm not at all sure I'll catch up even if they work out.


I’m in the same boat. Making more money than last year but I’m still down anyway because my dollar doesn’t go very far.

@guyrocket@kbin.social avatar

Feels like running to stand still.


I got a nice bump in salary every year, and then my taxes picked up and it’s all gone. I literally made 1% more than I did four years ago.

I’m seriously considering jumping ship, as it’s the only way to truly increase a salary in my industry.


It’s true of every industry. No company is going to pay you more just for sticking around.


I got a 30% raise last year.


Where are you located? Tax rates are progressive in the US, or are you including a property tax bump or something in your calculation?

@guyrocket@kbin.social avatar

Seems like the grocery bill alone is enough to eat up any increases in pay.

And it seems crazy that shopping around pays better than staying put but that's usually how it is.


They should have been born to billionaire parents. I didn’t think it was necessary at the time and was born to average parents, and while I regret my decision, I don’t think I have the right to complain.


Maybe average parents shouldn’t have had kids to not supply another wage slave to the system?


Uh how is it not higher?

Who are these 20%ers?


I think some people, myself included, managed to stay stable, so that’s probably a big chunk of it. I got a new job in June 2020 that was enough of a raise to make up for inflation, so while I’m not ahead of where I was 3 years ago, I was at least in the same mediocre position I started in. That said, I’ve had $3k in dental bills since July because dental insurance is pretty much a scam, soooo I’m now officially fucked, but I was doing ok.

@PP_BOY_@lemmy.world avatar

I hate to break it to you, but if $3,000 in bills is enough to fuck you, you were never as stable as you thought. Welcome to the 80%


I said I’m not worse off, not that I’m doing well. Stable meant I was basically in the same position at the end of the pandemic as was at the start.


Who are these 20%ers?

LOL, which income quintile do you think?


Well, I currently make more than the average household in my state, solo. So does my gf.

And we can’t afford shit.

So, you tell me? I’m in the top 5% of income in my state. I am doing way worse than I was in 2019. E erything cost double and I dont make double.


What costs double? I track my expenses very closely and have for about a decade and my essentials are up 10% at most, 7% on average. That’s food, transportation, home expenses and cloth. My recreation expenses were actually down or flat.


I feel like sit down restaurants and fast food have gone way up. Maybe not double but it feels like it. Rent is also way up. Again not double but it seems that way. Maybe that’s just my area in South Florida though.

But yeah if you own your own home and cook all of your meals at home, really this inflation hasn’t hit you as hard.


I’m in a similar situation up here in Canada. Back then I could afford a house at a reasonable distance from town, even at current interest rates and with my significantly lower salary. Now I can maybe look at a small bungalow 1h out or more… if I assume I can keep working remotely indefinitely. Groceries just skyrocketed. Had to move in between, with high interest and low vacancy rates, we had to eat a big rent hike despite us moving way out of town.


From the article, emphasis added:

The poorest 40% of households suffered an 8% drop in cash savings and the middle 40% (the U.S. middle class) also saw their bank deposits and other liquid assets topple. Only the wealthiest 20% of households are still enjoying the extra cash they stockpiled during the pandemic, with their savings about 8% above where they were in March 2020.

I’m not disbelieving your personal experience, but the article does indeed say it’s the top quintile who benefited.

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

The poorest 40% of households have cash savings?

What the fuck are my wife and I doing wrong?

CptOblivius, (edited )

A lot of us in healthcare stayed pretty stable. I don’t know of any that did “better”, but other than elective stuff, day to day dropped only a little. About 9-10% of Americans are in healthcare. I do know a lot of delivery services did well too.


And we now have the career experience from working Covid front lines combined with the aftermath of the Great Resignation, making us even more in demand. Yeah, I’m also one of the few doing better financially after Covid than before.

@LibertyLizard@slrpnk.net avatar

Well if your income increased more than inflation you might be fine. For my family this was the case and we have a fixed income mortgage as well so our expenses as a whole have gone up a lot less than inflation. I think this is true for a substantial minority of people.


Spending an extra 8% on groceries just means a bit less to savings? IDK, I kind of feel like the opposite. Economic dooming ahead of an election is as natural as the sunrise, especially when there’s a Democrat in office.

shalafi, (edited )

I may be a 1%er in this context. 49 at the start, had just scored a job paying double salary and benefits both (<-worked hard for this bit, for many years), Habitat for Humanity mortgage (no interest or land taxes), all that.

COVID killed mom (grandma really), got some inheritance, bought a couple of acres of swamp. It’s mine and I play there every weekend. Long story, but the land is a big deal in my life.

Went nuts buying stuff I always wanted and couldn’t afford before inflation really set in. I wouldn’t/couldn’t buy most of that stuff at these prices.

And now I’m about to get paid on the last of the inheritance and pay my little house off.

I know this sort of comment isn’t welcome, but you asked. Dumb luck mostly, and I recognize that.

And speaking of dumb luck, I’m getting married in 2-weeks to the finest woman I’ve ever met. (OK. I made a LOT of effort, but still, lots of luck as well) Been with a lot of women, so I’ve failed a lot, not this time. She’s gushing to her Filipina friends ATM. I don’t speak Tagalog or I might relate a bit of the conversation, all sounds good though. (Nothing private of course.)


Glad things are going well for you. Best of luck.


Comment is welcome! Don’t forget the prenup. Congrats!!


People like me and my wife. Wife is in healthcare and I am in automation. Wife gets as much overtime as she wants and I got several pay raises as suddenly companies found that they couldn’t depend on just buying the same things forever and ran out of workers.

Oh don’t worry I am sure the boot is ready to crush us both like a bug. Just ignoring us for the time being.


So my wife and I are one of them. I’ll call it as it is, we got lucky, and both work in tech.

Now that said, I “rent” (rent in quotes because the amount is almost exactly what the increase in food costs was) out a room to a good friend because she was struggling, and just last week got another friend couch surfing for who knows how long until she can get her feet under her.

@snownyte@kbin.social avatar

Don't eat the rich. Their greed is too fattening.

Kill the rich instead.

@uphillbothways@kbin.social avatar

Compost, grow, consume. Give the earth its tithe.


I don’t think printing money and handing it out helped. But I’m some sort of pariah for pointing out that it may have something to do with inflation.


I’m surprised more people aren’t charmed by the regurgitated WSJ™ propaganalysis and smug victim act.


Evidence shows the government stimulus contributed to only a small portion of the inflation, and the largest portion stemmed from companies using inflation as an excuse to raise prices. I mean, have you looked at individual candy bar prices? They went from under $2 each to over $3 within the last 24 months! Individual soda bottles are getting close to $3 each as well, and don’t get me started on the cost of bags of chips. These are discretionary items and treats that saw a significant jump in price very recently that was far larger than inflation. I’m pretty frugal and my regular bi-weekly(ish) grocery bill has grown from ~$70 to ~$110 in the same period, a growth rate about inline with inflation, but when you look at individual items prices you can see a clear predatory “inflation adjustment”


Why has inflation been worse in other developed countries that did not “print money” then?

@Cap@kbin.social avatar

I canceled all our streaming services and Amazon prime. I canceled my phone service and opted for a $15/month plan (Mint). I buy a cheap phone, about $70 bucks. I asked my wife to stop buying me snack foods at the grocery store to save ~$50/week. All told I think we are not spending ~$300/month that I can now put towards our cars that are starting to break down. Someone said something about savings but I only cultivate dust and stones there.


if your cars are totaled one day, definetely buy a toyota made around 2000-2015. those things are modern but still indestructible. (but definetely don’t cheap out on maintenance, oil is especially important)


lol cars are really expensive

@tb_@lemmy.world avatar

And basically required if you want to have a job in the US…


Especially with the war on work from home that seems to be going on at the moment.

Can’t you guys just apply to work for European companies remotely wouldn’t that be a workaround? I know my company has a few remote American employees and they’re not totally useless.

Patches, (edited )

Most companies would rather not perform the hassle of hiring international workers. Taxes are… Complicated. The only reason it makes sense is to save a shit ton of money - see India.

wesley, (edited )

The other time would be for high demand skills that they can’t staff locally which only applies to certain industries like tech, etc. Even then it usually only makes sense if they’re getting top quality talent in those industries.

I consider myself to be a decent software engineer which is fairly in demand (even with recent layoffs imo), but even then I think I’d have a hard time finding a remote European job.

Oh and let’s not forget that for most engineering positions the salaries are usually lower in European companies. Unless they’d be willing to pay relative to where I live, it would probably mean a pay cut. And I doubt even the benefits would make it worth it given I’d still be living in the US with our private health insurance system, terrible/expensive transportation, etc.

If it offered relocation then that could make it worth it but that’s probably even more difficult to get hired for and has obvious downsides


European salaries are not as high as American salaries.


Don’t feel like you have to do without just because you’re smart enough not to subscribe!

You can stream pretty much anything for free here: fmoviesz.to

Just make sure you have uBlock Origin installed.


Thank you for being a hero


Shhh! Keep it secret, keep it safe


Nah share with everyone.


Ahoy tharr, Matey!


🏴‍☠️ 🦜 🏴 ☠️


Wonderful resource.



Mitch McConnell staring off into space - Good thing Americans had those stimulus checks to live off of for the past 30 months.


Speaking of, where did that money come from?

Did they just print it?

Weird how when it comes to helping the working class, taxing the rich is never an option. But when it comes to helping the ruling class, you can tax the working class and print money.

be_excellent_to_each_other, (edited )
@be_excellent_to_each_other@kbin.social avatar

There is ALWAYS more money available to kill people with. Never so much to help folks with.

@Grayox@lemmy.ml avatar

Unless those folks are corporations.


See bit corporations aren’t poors, they’re people.

@GoofSchmoofer@lemmy.world avatar

Just to add facts to your comment

America spent $8 TRILLION on two wars over 20 years

@be_excellent_to_each_other@kbin.social avatar

And just to add lyrics to your facts

You don't give money to the bums
on a corner with a sign bleeding from their gums
Talking about you don't support a crackhead
What you think happens to the money from your taxes
Shit the governments an addict
With a billion dollar a week kill brown people habit



Sorry, have a complicated day ahead and I'm in a goofy mood as I allow myself to finish this coffee before jumping into it.

@GoofSchmoofer@lemmy.world avatar

Hope your complicated day isn’t overwhelming - I appreciate goofy so thanks :)

@be_excellent_to_each_other@kbin.social avatar

Just busy and a lot of moving parts. Thanks!

(I swear I didn't notice your username until after my prior comment!)


Didn’t it just come from taxes. I know they claim there’s never any money but there’s always money, they just don’t to use any of it.

They’re always claiming they need to raise taxes but they don’t, they just need to spend them. Also possibly maybe they shouldn’t give contracts to their chums as backhanders. Maybe then they get better deals.


But, but, but … how could big politically connected companies ever be able to be competive in the Free Market without subsidies???


Every dollar they can save by not spending on making US citizens lives better can be used to buy another missile or drone. The Ukrainian and Israeli armies have benefitted more from our tax dollars than US citizens have in recent times, it seems.


Clearly that’s your fault for not getting into arms production.


Yes, stop eating avocado toast and start an arms production business by the bootstraps!


I’m all for weakening our second biggest potential enemy, who got into their current situation through an act of baseless aggression, by spending tax money supplying high tech weaponry to an ally willing to spend it’s populations lives in defense of their country and ideals. That is a win-win.

I’m not so much ok with spending tax dollars to support a genocide.


Fair. I will agree that the tax dollars are most certainly better off going to Ukraine over Israel, at least morally speaking.

@BeautifulMind@lemmy.world avatar

Didn’t it just come from taxes.

No, Treasury directed the fed to issue bonds and run those loans through banks and businesses. When Congress spends money, it spends it into existence- it doesn’t have a pool of dollars that people have sent in somewhere. For that matter, when you pay your taxes, the money is used to zero out the bonds (again, in the Fed’s ledger) used to issue it. Remember, money in circulation is (from the POV of the fed) a liability on its books.


Fun fact: more money was printed during the pandemic than in the history of the US. And 80+% of it went to the top 1%.


So, is nobody going to mention the picture of two smiling kayakers chosen to accompany this article?


They are part of the 20%


The kayaks probably survived their chapter 7 bankruptcy liquidation. (jk)


After buying kayaks with their COVID checks, their outdoor gear addiction has spiraled out of control

@be_excellent_to_each_other@kbin.social avatar

They are living out of them.


I took it as they are going up Shit Stream and are about to lose their paddles. 🤣


A global pandemic is bad for the economy. Who woulda thought.

@tb_@lemmy.world avatar

What do you mean? The GDP has only grown (save for like 2-3 quarters).

The rich just saw their chance to become even richer and widen the wealth gap.


When somebody breaks a window, GDP grows. Hence GDP is just a guesstimate towards how the economy is functioning.

@tb_@lemmy.world avatar

Forgive my terrible sources, at least I had something rather than throwing a random claim to the void.


Government spending has propped up GDP during COVID, which is inline with Keynesian economics.

But we are seeing the effects of some of that years later. Is higher interest rates better than a huge depression? Probably.


the problem is that one small group is holing the rest of us hostage, we needed to do the whole spending to ensure people could continue to afford food/housing etc… and that ended up going to everyone, just when it comes to repaying it, the hostage takers threatened to upend the economy if they have to pay it back, so it falls on the rest of us.

record profits as the average American is struggling to get by


Government spending is not the root cause. If that was the case, we would have seen inflation much sooner, since we’ve been in the era of quantitative easing ever since 2008. The fed was starting to raise interest rates even before covid because the post-2008 recovery was turning into an expansion; we are still in that expansion phase, and covid fucked up our supply chains which kick started the inflation that would have accompanied the expansion regardless, but would have been easier to control in normal times.


GDP was clearly propped up by the government during covid. What are you talking about. like 1/3 of Americans workers got laid off lol


I didn’t say the government didn’t spend wildly during covid, I said that spending was not the root cause of our current inflation.


I’m not sure sure what that has to do with the discussion about GDP


Keynesian economics


Are you calling what I commented a random claim or referring to something else?

tb_, (edited )
@tb_@lemmy.world avatar

Yes. No doubt the economy took a hit at the start/height of the pandemic, but using that as a blanket statement to explain the linked article is unsubstantiated.

Could also read the article.

The poorest 40% of households suffered an 8% drop in cash savings and the middle 40% (the U.S. middle class) also saw their bank deposits and other liquid assets topple. Only the wealthiest 20% of households are still enjoying the extra cash they stockpiled during the pandemic, with their savings about 8% above where they were in March 2020.

Given the American wealth distribution in 2023, just the top 10% of people hold 69% of wealth.
The article mentions the top 20% saw their savings increase.
I think it’s fair to extrapolate that America “as a whole” got richer (e.g. the economy is “doing better”), at the small cost of 80-90% of its inhabitants.

The pandemic has been a disaster for the average person, yet the wealthy used it as another opportunity to exploit them.

^(sidenote, “stockpiled” is a very apt descriptor…)

@tb_@lemmy.world avatar

I edited my other reply for a bit more context, in case you missed it.

That said, maybe I misunderstood your claim and with “the economy” you were referring to the prosperity of the average person.

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