
This is horrifying. I know abuse of power is nothing new, especially in education and law enforcement, but people find new lows every day it seems. I’m glad others were there to step up and help.


It sounds like the individual responsible, Palm Grove Elementary School Principal Myrta Garza could still be a threat to additional students though. I know it’s Texas but there has to be some group there that can investigate this individual.



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  • ZeroCool, avatar

    If you insist on spamming this lie over and over I’m going to keep replying with the actual facts. There is nothing wrong with The Texas Observer.

    Overall, we rate the Texas Observer Left Biased based on story selection and political positions that mostly favor the left. We also rate them High for factual reporting due to proper sourcing and a clean fact-check record.

    Failed Fact Checks:

    None in the Last 5 years

    stopthatgirl7, avatar

    What, exactly, makes the site “propaganda”? It leans left, but they make no bones about that and are open that they are a progressive-leaning news site.

    ZeroCool, avatar

    Why Was This 11-Year-Old Brownsville ISD Honor Student Put in Solitary For Three Days?

    Because it’s Texas. The answer is always because it’s Texas… Well, okay. Sometimes it’s Florida too.



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  • Deceptichum, avatar

    After a look at other articles, I’m happy to say the site is fine.


    What about this article do you find to be not credible?

    ZeroCool, avatar

    There is nothing wrong with The Texas Observer.

    Overall, we rate the Texas Observer Left Biased based on story selection and political positions that mostly favor the left. We also rate them High for factual reporting due to proper sourcing and a clean fact-check record.

    Failed Fact Checks:

    None in the Last 5 years


    This is a serious over-generalization. Brownsville and the RGV vote reliably Democratic, and abuse of authority situations, involving school districts, criminal justice systems, and the police, et al, absolutely happen all over the country.


    Yeah there’s some good people in Texas. That doesn’t change the fact that, for the most part, the entire state is a disgusting shit hole that is one of the biggest embarrassments in America.


    That doesn’t change the fact that, for the most part, the entire state is a disgusting shit hole

    There are some shitty parts of Texas for sure, but “for the most part?” You don’t know this state dude. Texas reliably votes like 55% Republican and 45% Democratic, and there are tons of awesome people, beautiful scenery, and multicultural urban centers here. The state is gerrymandered to hell though


    Which leads to a republican supermajority and governor and a shithole state.

    protist, (edited )

    Sorry, didn’t realize y’all only think in black and white like children. Fuck the most diverse large city in the country, right? And the most Hispanic large city in the country? Fuck those motherfuckers. Shitholes, all of them and every person in them


    You seem to be reading things into comments that aren't there. Texas is a shithole because of the government running the State, not the people suffering through it.

    I'm failing to see where anyone is blaming them for the shit their republican government is doing.

    captsneeze, (edited )

    I’ll make this more extreme as a means of illustrating the point everyone else seems to be trying to get across…

    Russia is a nation full of parents who love their children, artists and musicians creating interesting and new art, and rebels developing creative and novel approaches for resisting their fascist government. But, when people say that “Russia sucks”, those aren’t the reasons.

    Nudding, (edited )

    Actually fuck the US in general. Y’all still have slavery lol.


    Are your women fleeing? Hmmm.


    No? I don’t know a single woman fleeing. I’ve had 3 trans friends/coworkers who have fled for sure, and I don’t blame them one bit given the political climate here, even though their local communities are extremely supportive of them. But no, not a single woman. Where are you getting your information? Hmmm?


    You personally know 3 people who have had to flee the state. That’s JUST PEOPLE YOU KNOW. And you STILL say the state is a good place for the most part.

    This is straight up Stockholm syndrome my man.

    ZeroCool, (edited ) avatar

    “Everyone needs to stop being mean to Texas! Texas is a great place to live (as long as you’re a cishet white male)!”

    this, avatar

    Well, I’m a cishet white male and I still didn’t like living in Texas. I had to drive like 3-4 hours to get anywhere and back home, its hot, no winter for the most part(and when there was, any plans I had that involved leaving the house had to be canceled), power grid is shit and has way too many rolling blackouts. Internet service was abysmal, hot trash. The MAX speed I could get was like 10Mbps down. And then there’s the political climate… Yea fuck that I’m never moving back.


    I also had a similar experience in Texas.


    Bruh I live here. And I as a woman cannot WAIT to get out. It’s not great, and we shouldn’t pretend like it is. And I’m fortunate enough to be stuck in a pretty blue area. I just gotta finish serving my contract and then I’m running for the blue states ASAP.


    Not cis but I wish I could escape. My mental state is too fucked though.


    dude it’s not just transfolk, tons of women are making the sensible choice not to have to deliver dead babies in parking lots; same for OBGYNs and pediatricians who don’t want to fetter their practice with patient risking dogma.


    Bruh, as someone who spent over ten years in Texas and got out, you are lying to yourself. Everyone i know that still lives there wants to get out but can’t for one reason or another.


    You have to go back to Ann Richards and the 90s to find actual bipartisainship in texas man. I miss a lot of the people and the food especially, but fuck that state went bonkers after GWB and only gets more nuts. Fuck they pardoned Ken Paxton.

    Fuckfuckmyfuckingass, avatar

    Just cuz you vote Democrat, doesn’t mean you’re a good person.


    Can confirm, I vote Democrat and I’m still an asshole


    Did you used to order sloppy steaks?


    Fucking degenerate probably put ketchup on it.


    Everyone knows you put water on sloppy steaks, and I also used to be a piece of shit.


    Either that or the chicken spaghetti at Chickelinni’s


    Democrats are frequently still racist, obedience-loving sacks of shit, they’re just the lesser of two evils in a system where the greater of two evils is a pack of utterly cynical greed-as-a-virtue actual fascists.


    They’re the same people.


    Was in the RGV right before Trump was elected - and again during the Beto-Cruz fight - the amount of support for conservatives there is MIND BOGGLING. I kept asking ‘how the fuck are so many latinos in the can for Cruz and Trump?’ I do not understand, especially around Harlingen and the other ‘towns’ down there.


    Texas is filled with bullies and pussies, both overlap


    Real answer? America.


    I’m sorry but that Principal is an absolute cunt. She was targeting that kid, regardless if he did or didn’t do anything wrong…



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  • Deceptichum, avatar

    I’ve just had a quick look at the front page and it seems pretty normal for a smaller independent paper?

    Nothing outrageous or tabloidesque that I saw?

    stopthatgirl7, avatar

    It’s not a tabloid site, so I don’t know what you’re so irritated about?


    There were articles criticizing Abbott and the draconian abortion laws, as well as promoting climate change acknowledgement from my quick view of their front page.

    That's probably what's infuriating the OP.

    stopthatgirl7, avatar

    Ahh, that would explain it.


    That’s such a weird and Lemmy thing to say.

    Where is the evidence? Just because it’s liberal doesn’t mean you should believe it.

    The rest of that site is complete propaganda.

    stopthatgirl7, avatar

    Please point out the propaganda. Be specific.

    ZeroCool, avatar

    There is nothing wrong with The Texas Observer.

    Overall, we rate the Texas Observer Left Biased based on story selection and political positions that mostly favor the left. We also rate them High for factual reporting due to proper sourcing and a clean fact-check record.

    Failed Fact Checks:

    None in the Last 5 years

    PetDinosaurs, (edited )


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  • ZeroCool, (edited ) avatar

    I already decided to delete my other comments about this when somebody decided to think that I asked that because of some weird reason I won’t repeat after I even predicted it.

    You were spamming comments claiming the source is not reputable and propaganda because you don’t like other articles you saw on the website. Those claims are patently false. Now you’re just straight up lying about your previous comments while still repeating the lie that this is not a reputable source, so allow me to repeat myself: There is nothing wrong with The Texas Observer.

    Overall, we rate the Texas Observer Left Biased based on story selection and political positions that mostly favor the left. We also rate them High for factual reporting due to proper sourcing and a clean fact-check record.

    Failed Fact Checks:

    None in the Last 5 years


    Another source would help your argument.

    It would make me sad that it happened, but why is there no other source?

    ZeroCool, (edited ) avatar

    Another source would help your argument.

    My “argument” has never been anything beyond establishing the fact that The Texas Observer is a reputable source with a clean fact check record. I already provided evidence backing that up for you four separate times. You are not here in good faith, demonstrated by the fact that you’re deleting all your comments and lying about what you said in an attempt to make yourself sound more reasonable, and now you’re just flat out sealioning.


    Is asking for more evidence when a really small group is the only source for a really attention grabbing story actually sea lioning?


    Yes and your blatant misrepresentation of your own comments doesn't help your case either. Neither do all your self-deleted comments after being called out for your BS.

    It's local news and like most local news isn't covered elsewhere.


    Please. I’ll shut up and be horribly ashamed if you find me another source for this story.

    snowe, avatar

    They’re looking for someone to confirm their biases, not actually looking for the truth. It’s pretty clear by their responses that all they’ll accept is someone stating that they’re a far left org.

    stopthatgirl7, avatar

    I pointed out that it’s an openly left-leaning news site, and they just completely ignored me. Possibly because I at the same time asked them to explain what exactly made it “propaganda,” and they’ve been avoiding doing that like the plague.

    ZeroCool, avatar

    We’re done here. Bark elsewhere sealion.


    Any other source. Please. Ask yourself why there’s not any other source.


    Deceptichum, avatar

    Because it’s a story that just broke about a kid in a small town.

    Give it some time to filter out more. In the meantime we have a credible source providing us with this, which already counts for everything.


    Please. Ask yourself why a publication with an unblemished five year record would choose for this to be the combo breaker.



    If you think this is true, shout it from the mountains.

    It’s incredibly attention grabbing and needs to be headlines tomorrow.


    We are, we upvoted it. Your harping on about another source is just noise. Go away.

    killeronthecorner, avatar

    You seem incensed so why don’t you take the lead?

    Can you show me evidence of where you’re shouting about this? Why should I believe your shouting is coming from a reputable source? I can’t find a single other person making the requests for evidence that you’ve made in this thread, etc. Ad inf.


    Because Brownsville is a city of less than 200k people? Do you know about the treatment center in Rochester, MN that was declared a public nuisance? Find me a new source please, I don’t trust the Post Bulletin for vague unspecified reasons


    Dude. Your behavior here is really weird. People are responding to your unhinged flailing and trying to explain why the one source we currently have appears to be reputable. They are giving you reasons to believe that this source is very likely to be telling the truth while you wait for confirmation from other sources. You appear to have gone from a possibility you’ve identified (the possibility that this article is all made up) and inflated the probability of that being true to crazytown levels.

    You seem to see conspiracy in the lack of a second source. There is a much more mundane explanation for the lack of that source you desperately need: this story just broke today (Friday). It takes a reputable source more than an hour or two to do their own research and verification and write their own article. Give it time. Yes, verifying news through multiple sources is a good thing. Yes, when there is more published about this, we will be better equipped to judge the accuracy of this article. But you seem to think journalism happens automatically and instantly.


    The Texas Observer is a reputable site. It’s one of the last surviving papers in Texas with actual investigative journalists.

    jordanlund, avatar

    Texas Observer isn’t reputable? 🤔…/texas-observer-media-bias

    “We also rate them High for factual reporting due to proper sourcing and a clean fact-check record.”


    Please. Any other source.

    Any one that doesn’t cite this.

    It’s so sad to me that that the fact that this is not corroborated anywhere else is getting me down voted.

    stopthatgirl7, avatar

    That’s not what’s getting you downvoted.

    Please sealion elsewhere.


    Please. Just another source.

    Why are you ok with this being the only source.

    I get the sea lioning accusation, but this is so far fetched and is only reported here and by places and people that cite this.

    jordanlund, avatar

    Local news typically only ever has one source, but again, there is no problem with this one. They are a known, reputable, accurate, sourced, fact checked, news organization.

    You have yet to articulate your problem with them and as near as anyone else can tell, THERE IS NO PROBLEM WITH THEM.


    Then please forward this to everyone you can.

    You and I both agree that this is horrific.

    If it’s true, it should be national news shortly.

    jordanlund, avatar

    I’m sure it will be, but you need to brace yourself for other orgs referencing the Texas Observer. That part is already happening, and again, nothing wrong with TO as a source.…/3215619163503-this-11-year-old-br…

    stopthatgirl7, avatar

    I think you got called out for all your attempts to discredit a very reputable source, and now you’re focusing on “only one source” as a way to save face and look like you had a legitimate point from the start, when you didn’t. Just take the L.


    As others have pointed out to you repeatedly, the Texas Observer is a perfectly fine news source that has passed fact checking flawlessly for at least the last 5 years.

    So stop spamming.


    Please. Another source.

    No more arguments about why you think this is a good source.

    Another source.

    Please. That’s the answer.

    It should be easy. This is a horrific story. It should be easy to find other sources.


    As many others have pointed out, you're arguing in bad faith.

    Everyone knows damn well that a local story in a local newspaper will not have another source until maybe a national source picks it up, and guess what, those national sources will look at the fact that the Texas Observer is a fully trustworthy source who did the legwork on this story, and they will link back to it.

    It's a 100% true, horrific story.

    Or do you not believe that cops would do this sort of thing repeatedly in several states. Here's a selection of past stories on teens, and young teens at that, put in solitary for way longer than should ever be allowed. Watch out for the 13-year-old who committed suicide because of it, that one is a rough read.

    Cops are fucking bastards. They love to power trip, and they love to put people in solitary.


    None of those are this story.


    Didn't read a single word I wrote, did you?


    😭pLEasE! anOThER SOuRce!! 😭

    stopthatgirl7, (edited ) avatar

    First you claimed it was a “tabloid,” then you said it was “propaganda.” You’ve ignored people pointing out it’s a reputable site and asking you to explain why you think it’s propaganda. Please explain, exactly, why you think this site is not reputable and is “propaganda.”

    ZeroCool, (edited ) avatar

    Funny how they’ve spent hours replying and arguing with everyone else in this thread but will not answer this simple question.


    Sealions gotta sealion ya know.

    agent_flounder, avatar

    Let’s see if any major outlets pick it up over the next day or two.


    Really that’s all I’m asking.

    The fact that it’s been several hours since the original post and nothing but the post comes up for “child solitary confinement” should be reasonably telling.

    stopthatgirl7, avatar

    Really that’s all I’m asking.

    It’s not, and we all know it. You’re trying to find another way to discredit a source you’ve got a grudge against. First you called it a tabloid, then you insisted it was “propaganda,” and when no one agreed with you on either one, you settled on it’s not credible because it’s the only source. Just stop.

    Dark_Arc, avatar

    Yeah it’s definitely sus. I went looking for some other stories that were regional news where I live and found other regional news papers also picking things up. It is a bit odd nobody else had run this story; it’s possibly an exclusive others are still trying to catch up on.


    What is wrong with you?

    RecursiveParadox, avatar

    The author is on Mastodon, and I just sent her a message about this Lemmy post. So, I suppose we’ll see.

    I personally think you are wrong since the original source is reputable. BUT I too find it a bit odd no one else seems to have picked up on this sensational piece.

    If nothing else, perhaps we can use your doubt to raise awareness of this story.

    be_excellent_to_each_other, (edited ) avatar

    Well kbin doesn't federate downvotes, but having a peek at the Lemmy side was pretty satisfying. What a fucking disingenuous tantrum throughout this thread and repeated failure to acknowledge that this source you have impunged is rated quite highly by independent fact checkers.

    Will you continue to delete and edit your comments, or stand by your words? I dunno, you're getting blocked now, which I recommend everyone else also do.


    Sounds like a little overachiever who is pretty mature for his age, up against a Karen principal who is annoyed by the kid instead of encouraging him.


    Yes. This is heartbreaking.

    Timothy says that because of his father, he wants to be an oncologist when he grows up, although his mom laughs about how everyone else thinks her son should be a lawyer since he likes to argue so much. His father taught him how to speak up and advocate for himself.


    Wants to be an oncologist because his father died from blood cancer… So tragic.


    Even worse than that really. She’s a principal who should’ve been fired, but instead they swapped her and the counselor from her school with the one in this one. Yes, drag the overperforming school down instead of outright replacing the staff of the underperforming one. brilliant move.

    He asked her on day one where the old counselor was and she took that as an insult (because she knows she’s shit) instead of a genuine question like an 11yo would have because what fuckin 11yo, no matter how gifted, is tracking the staff moves of their school district?!


    Uhhh, this wasn’t just the principal. Thankfully the judge had some common sense.

    Cameron County prosecutors pushed for Class C felony charges of “terroristic threat” and argued for two more weeks of detention. Instead, Judge Adela Kowalski-Garza ordered a safety risk evaluation and conditional release home until his hearing November 8.


    “Gee, I wonder why kids these days don’t trust law enforcement!”

    FuglyDuck, avatar

    Uh. I could have sworn Delores Umbridge was supposed to be short…


    Put this principal behind bars for child abuse. And take the police and everyone involved on that side along, too. They would make a nice chain gang.


    If you in America ig you can sue her for random shit. She’ll lose money, that a principle doesn’t have, in lawyers.

    Do it


    So why is that bitch of a principal not dead or in jail yet?


    Every monster who participated in putting an 11 year old in police solitary confinement should not keep their job and should face lawsuits.

    Zombiepirate, avatar

    Cameron County prosecutors pushed for Class C felony charges of “terroristic threat” and argued for two more weeks of detention.

    Every authoritarian here is a power-tripping coward. Abusing a prepubescent child because they didn’t get the respect they demanded is the weakest and most craven thing someone can do.


    So they tortured a child.


    Well, it was not a fetus anymore…


    There was no evidence he made any kind of threat against the principal other than heresay by other students?

    What the hell.

    That principal is an insecure power tripping loser.


    This happens all the time

    Some rich girl with lawyer parents accused me of making a death threat. I was suspended for a day.

    Schools don’t give a shit, they are so damn paranoid that any accusation is true and any mention of the word “gun” or “knife” is immediately disciplined.

    Sometimes I feel like it’s a self fulfilling prophecy. The stereotypical weird quiet kid gets bullied for being a “school shooter”, the school either disciplines him or treats him like one (checking their bag every morning and snooping through their phone and online activity) and the kid is totally isolated because there’s zero sympathy for him. Everyone bullies him and the school treats him as a threat. You can only pressure a being so much before they lash out.

    I would know cause that was pretty much me until I dropped out.


    The contact info for the district’s internal audit:

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