Manhunt underway for ‘extremely dangerous’ convicted felon suspected of killing a 26-year-old female tech CEO in Baltimore

Baltimore police are scrambling to find an “extremely dangerous” man suspected of murdering 26-year-old tech CEO Pava LaPere, who was found dead in an apartment building on Monday.

The suspect, 32-year-old Jason Dean Billingsley, should be considered armed and dangerous as he is wanted on charges of first-degree murder, assault and other offenses, acting Baltimore Police Commissioner Richard Worley said Tuesday.

LaPere, co-founder of the small startup EcoMap Technologies, was reported missing Monday morning, police said. Hours later, police were called to a downtown apartment building, where LaPere was discovered with signs of blunt-force trauma to her head, Worley said.


Was she a billionaire?


Why is it so important to cover her career in detail? Every article I see talks about it as it it were important.


Serving 30 years, released after 7…


With all the bleeding-hearts on Lemmy who think we should be coddling criminals, I’m not shocked he was released after serving just 1/4 of his sentence. Clearly he was rehabilitated!1!!! Oh wait. No he wasn’t.


That has more to do with the US justice system being focused on punishment than rehabilitation. You have to release people at some point, and when you do you want criminals to be better people.

Also this guy having received a 40 years punishment sounds like he had some weed on him, perhaps? Prison times in the US can be insanely high for relatively small offenses


Per the article, multiple assaults and sexual assaults over time.

dingus, avatar

This just in: US prisons aren’t interested in rehabilitating the people held in them.

Maybe you should research criminal justice in other countries and how they avoid the same recidivism rates as we have before spouting dumb fucking boot licking garbage like this.



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  • dingus, avatar


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  • Hazdaz,

    People that defend criminals are the lowest of the low. Pathetic.

    dingus, avatar


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  • Ravaja,

    Ignorant fucking take

    dingus, (edited ) avatar

    Everything about this is ignorant.

    1. Billingsley hasn’t even been arrested. He is a suspect. I guess because he has a criminal past, he’s no longer deserving of a fair trial, according to this guy.
    2. US isn’t interested in rehabilitating people and having them become productive members of society when they leave. Why? Because we never abolished slavery, just required that someone had to be jailed first to be able to be used as slave labor. This is why you have private prisons, etc. It’s profitable to have prisoners. This means you have a lot of people coming out of the system continuing to commit criminal acts, they learned more about crime while inside, not less.
    3. I guess all Public Defenders and Defense Attorneys in general are the “lowest of the low” and “pathetic.” Because apparently no one in the history of the US has ever had the law turned against them unfairly. Cops definitely don’t do things like arresting people for “resisting arrest” with no other charges.

    This guy is just some angry asshole who can’t be fucked to understand how you actually rehabilitate people. He’s only interested in punishment. Which… last I checked, doesn’t work very well on it’s own in changing/rehabilitating people.

    As much as it is cathartic to punch idiots in the face (Nazis for example), it does very little to change the mind of the individual punched, and is more likely to make themselves convinced they’re a victim. Violence/Punishment doesn’t teach people shit, it just makes them more sure they’re right. This is how our jails and prisons work.


    It’s funny you say that because it’s his constitutional right to be defended and if he isn’t he’ll walk free.


    …supposed to

    Can you just sniff paint in your own home and stay away from reasonable people?

    _haha_oh_wow_, avatar

    You know damn well they won’t research shit lol

    Uranium3006, avatar

    When you have for profit prisons, recidivism is repeat customers


    This just in: prisoners aren’t interested in being rehabilitated.

    The main goal of prisons is to protect society from criminals by removing them and deterring others from committing crimes through fear of punishment.


    As usual, conservatives have the brain power of a dead snail.

    GlitzyArmrest, avatar

    It’s almost like the US prison system isn’t meant to rehabilitate and instead is meant to control the lower class and imprison the ‘right’ people.


    Right that sucks but is also the reason we shouldn’t be letting them out.

    dingus, avatar

    So because our criminal justice system is so terrible, instead of changing anything about it, we just need to… *checks notes… keep people locked up indefinitely.

    Man, I hope you’re never railroaded with a false charge by cops and get what you want out of that. Locked up indefinitely over some made up bullshit because you yourself were like “Nah, we shouldn’t release criminals, because our justice system is fucked.”

    This is some Olympic level mental fucking gymnastics here.


    No. My point was don’t let them out until it’s fixed. No gymnastics required. I didn’t say anywhere not to change things. Just don’t release people that haven’t been rehabilitated or even served their entire sentence.

    GlitzyArmrest, avatar

    You: “The system is broken, so we shouldn’t let anyone out.”

    Man, I hope you never get busted for a crime you did or did not commit, seeing as you believe we should throw away the key like that. Would be a shame if the reason you weren’t able to get out was because of people like you saying that BS.


    If you put bad people in and do nothing to fix them you get bad people out. That’s what this post is about. Wrongful convictions are also unfortunate but that’s a separate issue. This guy was convicted and had a 30 year sentence not rehabilitated and released after 7. Now another woman is dead.

    GlitzyArmrest, avatar

    It may be a separate issue for you, but if you’re advocating for throwing away the key like you are, you are advocating for people that were wrongfully convicted to continue be locked up. That’s the whole point, and it went right over your head.


    Are more people wrongfully convicted than shitty ones? If not unfortunately blindly releasing people from prison will do more harm then good. I’m all for reforming the system but just letting convicted rapists/murderers go free with no rehabilitation isn’t the way to go.


    The idea that imprisonment is for rehabilitation is fucking stupid and new.

    Prison may rehabilitate some people, and those people should have the means to seek that rehabilitation if they want to.

    The main goal of prisons is to protect society from criminals by removing them and deterring others from committing crimes through fear of punishment.

    I swear, some people just say dumb shit to see if it catches on. Unfortunately, ‘prisons are for rehab’ is just as stupid as calling people latinx.

    I think it’d be hilarious if some right-wing troll just floated the idea to see how many fools would pick up on it.


    Norway enters the chat.


    What about it?

    The only difference between Norway and the US is their prison system?


    Norway has demonstrated that rehabilitating prisoners leads to less crime than just punishing them. Who would be against that?


    Who would be against that?

    People who realize there are more differences between Norwegian society and American than just how they treat their prisoners.

    Norway didn’t ‘prove’ your point. Sorry you think they did.


    I’ve provided evidence to back up my position. What have you provided except your opinion?


    What do you mean ‘my opinion’?

    It’s a fact that there are more differences between Norway and the US than how they treat their prisoners. Do you think these differences may impact the recidivism rate of prisoners in either nation?


    I’m addressing your main point, which was:

    The main goal of prisons is to protect society from criminals by removing them and deterring others from committing crimes through fear of punishment.

    My point is that deterrence has been proven to be a poor tool to reduce crime. Rehabilitation has been proven to be a relatively more successful tool to reduce recidivism.

    The Norwegian approach to prisoners is one piece of evidence in support of this. Here’s some more (non-Norwegian) evidence:…/fear-punishment-deterrence


    Of course there are other differences between the US and Norway, but that doesn’t change the validity of what I’m saying. If you want to argue that deterrence works, back it up with some evidence.


    You didn’t answer my question.

    Do you think these differences may impact the recidivism rate of prisoners in either nation? Yes or no.


    Your question is vague and unanswerable as you haven’t clarified what “these differences” are, so their impact on recidivism can’t be determined.

    What I do know is that rehabilitation has been shown to reduce recidivism more than sanctions/supervision. Here’s a meta-analysis for you. It looks like at least some of this data is from the US.

    “Supervision and sanctions, at best, show modest mean reductions in recidivism and, in some instances, have the opposite effect and increase re-offense rates. The mean recidivism effects found in studies of rehabilitation treatment, by comparison, are consistently positive and relatively large.”…/The-Effectiveness-of-Correctio…

    What evidence do you have that deterrence and supervision are more effective at reducing crime than rehabilitation?


    Lol, okay. I have my answer.

    You know there are other factors that influence the recidivism rate for both countries, but you’re ashamed to admit it because you know it detracts from your point.

    Glad we can clear that up. Have a nice day.


    You know there are other factors that influence the recidivism rate for both countries, but you’re ashamed to admit it because you know it detracts from your point.

    You are ascribing a position to me that I don’t have.

    1. Confounding factors exist in all studies. They don’t invalidate the results, but you have to control for them. All well designed studies do this. Why on earth would I think that they don’t exist?
    2. You just won’t clarify what factors you want to talk about. Be specific and let’s see what research there is on it. Pointing to undefined factors and saying ‘…but other stuff!’ isn’t an argument in favor of your point, which was that “The main goal of prisons is to protect society from criminals by removing them and deterring others from committing crimes through fear of punishment.”

    Nor have you provided any evidence for your point while I have provided links to several studies. Pony up some evidence for your argument or be prepared to learn and grow. Or remain stubbornly wedded to your incorrect opinion. Makes no difference to me.


    You are ascribing a position to me that I don’t have.

    Then admit it? It’s not that difficult.

    “Yes, there are other factors that influence each nation’s recidivism rate.” See how easy and unambiguous that was? But instead you tried to take the sly road of saying I “didn’t mention what those differences are.” I shouldn’t need to. That isn’t my point. Lol.

    Why on earth would I think that they don’t exist?

    Like I said, you know they exist but clearly want to avoid admitting it because it detracts from your point.

    You just won’t clarify what factors you want to talk about. Be specific and let’s see what research there is on it.

    I don’t need to. Once we establish that the are other factors (finally), then I can ask you why you believe Norway’s prison system significantly outweighs their impact on prisoner recidivism.

    See how simple and easy discussion can be when you’re not afraid to say what you mean?


    You’re funny. Clearly you aren’t interested in having a good faith debate about facts, but just to troll.

    I wonder who you work for? Russia maybe? Judging by your post history, you have some agenda here. Think I’ll watch and see.


    Lol, what?

    Sorry normal conversation is too much for you to handle. Maybe you should learn to interact with people who don’t always believe what you say without scrutiny.

    Clearly you aren’t interested in having a good faith debate

    Funny how you say that when you’re the one who’s afraid to answer basic questions because you know they hurt your argument.


    You sound like Ben Shapiro you fucking moron


    Err… what?

    Do you say that about everything you don’t like?


    Hahahahaha I don’t bc that wouldn’t make sense!

    Do you always validate the very statements from which you’re trying to deflect by acting them out in real time?

    (E. G. you didn’t acknowledge you were being like BS. And then, like BS, drew a false correlation to what I was saying and shifted the subject. Much like BS, the subject matter itself being the “opponent’s” “tactics.”)



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  • Bluetreefrog,

    “The United States suffers from among the highest crime and recidivism rates in the world. This is in part due to its focus on retribution as the purpose of punishment and its high sentencing structure. Norway, on the other hand, has some of the lowest crime and recidivism rates and boasts Halden prison, which has been hailed as the world’s most humane prison. In Halden and other prisons, the Norwegian penal system applies the principle of normality. Under the principle of normality, Norway seeks the reintegration of its offenders into society. Its prisoners suffer fewer of the negative, unintended side effects of prison that isolate the prisoner from society, reinforce bad habits, and make reintegration upon release nearly impossible. This Comment proposes that the United States could reduce its high crime and recidivism rates with a penological approach that bridges that of the two countries—a rehabilitative retributivism. The United States can keep its focus on retribution while at the same time making sure that its punishment does not swell to include those negative side effects. By reducing its sentencing structures and incorporating the principle of normality into its retributive goal, the United States could better ensure that prisoners return to society as productive members, and it could experience lower crime and recidivism rates as a result.”…/viewcontent.cgi?…


    " Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla lobortis auctor nunc, vel scelerisque nisi aliquet ac. Quisque quis sem quis ligula maximus finibus eu eu leo. Mauris eu tempor lacus. Aliquam a odio nec mauris volutpat tincidunt sed at augue. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Aenean bibendum, massa ac vestibulum euismod, metus eros ullamcorper sem, vel porta eros turpis quis urna. Morbi hendrerit porttitor orci quis vulputate. Vestibulum vel elementum lorem. Quisque ut nibh ipsum. Nunc aliquet maximus nunc. Vestibulum vitae nisl non mi sollicitudin luctus ut sit amet lectus. Fusce ac est nec magna maximus fringilla vitae non nisl. Fusce aliquam iaculis magna quis hendrerit. Quisque ac ipsum eget ante finibus eleifend lacinia faucibus tortor. Suspendisse hendrerit diam non velit lacinia, eget luctus sapien fringilla. Ut ante mauris, convallis id ante in, venenatis feugiat justo.

    Fusce vulputate euismod nunc, sit amet mollis augue tincidunt nec. Vivamus tincidunt justo turpis, eu aliquet mi varius vitae. Praesent eu egestas lacus. Morbi facilisis augue quis metus semper, quis fringilla arcu iaculis. Nulla massa augue, sodales scelerisque tempus vel, tincidunt non nibh. Nam fermentum quam id mollis ullamcorper. Donec feugiat mi ac semper dignissim. Vivamus lacinia tempor nulla at varius."


    Weak response. Play the ball, not the person.


    Lol, what?


    You are a trash human


    Right. Now we see how you react when backed into a corner.


    Hahahahaha dude I was probably shitting btwn meetings in my real adult life laughing at you, while writing you. You’re clearly paradigms above me Big Dog. I didn’t even know I was in a conflict in my life but apparently I was cornered.

    While we’re at it… dayum! I’m triggered!


    Lol, calm down.


    You really think the people who want a better prison system are also advocating for something like this to happen?

    You have to be bashing your head against a wall and licking lead pipes in order to kill enough brain cells to start believing this.


    Conservatives aren’t human.


    He was sentenced to 14 years, this article is trash.


    Tbf, we do need some more CEO murderers…


    What the fuck is wrong with you?

    Fried_out_Kombi, avatar

    It’s what happens when someone hates capitalism so much and hasn’t touched grass in so long that they cheer on the brutal murder of small business owners. Prime example of your brain on extreme black-and-white thinking.



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  • Fried_out_Kombi, avatar

    It’s one thing that’s super frustrating about a lot of online left-wing populism — so much focus on villainizing and punishing individuals and not nearly enough on fixing the systemic issues via good policy. Hate landlords? Talk about eliminating the housing crisis to eliminate their power over you. Hate your boss? Talk about improving safety nets and overall prosperity to reduce their power over you. Hate corporations? Talk about eliminating monopolism, reducing barriers to entry, and increasing competition so they have less power over you. Villainizing and punishing individuals feels good, but it does nothing to eliminate the underlying economic power dynamics.


    My dude, they were “CEO” of a startup. The company is so small, they don’t even have a wikipedia page.


    Linkedin says 11-50 employees. This isn’t “big tech CEO”, this is “small business startup owner”.


    ‘26yo woman who is founder and CEO of a startup’ doesn’t even say anything negative about her character. This is underserved brutality.


    Lemmy moment

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