Elon Musk ‘committed evil’ with Starlink order, says Ukrainian official

Ukrainian presidential adviser says deaths of civilians ‘the price of a cocktail of ignorance and big ego’

A senior Ukrainian official has accused Elon Musk of “committing evil” after a new biography revealed details about how the business magnate ordered his Starlink satellite communications network to be turned off near the Crimean coast last year to hobble a Ukrainian drone attack on Russian warships.

In a statement on X, the social media platform formerly known as Twitter, which Musk owns, the Ukrainian presidential adviser Mykhailo Podolyak wrote that Musk’s interference led to the deaths of civilians, calling them “the price of a cocktail of ignorance and big ego”.

“By not allowing Ukrainian drones to destroy part of the Russian fleet via Starlink interference, @elonmusk allowed this fleet to fire Kalibr missiles at Ukrainian cities. As a result, civilians, and children are being killed,” Podolyak wrote.

“Why do some people so desperately want to defend war criminals and their desire to commit murder? And do they now realise that they are committing evil and encouraging evil?”

Musk defended his decision, saying he did not want his SpaceX company to be “explicitly complicit in a major act of war and conflict escalation”.

CNN on Thursday quoted an excerpt from the biography Elon Musk by Walter Isaacson, which described how armed submarine drones were approaching a Russian fleet near the Crimean coast when they “lost connectivity and washed ashore harmlessly”.

The biography, due out on Tuesday, alleges Musk ordered Starlink engineers to turn off the service in the area of the attack because of his concern that Vladimir Putin would respond with nuclear weapons to a Ukrainian attack on Russian-occupied Crimea.

Musk, who is also the CEO of the Tesla electric car company and SpaceX rocket and spacecraft manufacturer, initially agreed to supply Starlink hardware to Ukraine after Russia’s full-scale invasion disrupted Ukrainian communications. But he reportedly had second thoughts after Kyiv succeeded in repelling the initial Russian assault and began to counterattack.

Musk has previously been embroiled in a social media spat with Ukrainian officials including the president, Volodymyr Zelenskiy, over his ideas for ending Russia’s invasion.

In October last year, Musk proposed a peace deal involving re-running under UN supervision annexation referendums in Moscow-occupied Ukrainian regions, acknowledging Russian sovereignty over the Crimean peninsula and giving Ukraine a neutral status.

“Preliminary analysis suggests that the reach and influence of Kremlin-backed accounts has grown further in the first half of 2023, driven in particular by the dismantling of Twitter’s safety standards.

The EU has also accused Musk’s X of allowing Russian propaganda about Ukraine to spread on its website.

A study released last week by the European Commission, the governing body of the European Union, found that “the reach and influence of Kremlin-backed accounts has grown further in the first half of 2023.”

The study said that the increased reach of Russian propaganda online was “largely driven by Twitter, where engagement grew by 36% after CEO Elon Musk decided to lift mitigation measures on Kremlin-backed accounts”.

Musk on Friday attempted to refute the EU study, writing on his social media platform: “Where is all this pro-Russian propaganda? We don’t see it.”

archive: https://archive.ph/wip/ENe3P


so that’s what i missed


I like to think that there may be a Ukrainian sniper already on American soil. I hope he/she can somehow manage to get a gun.


In america? No way. I heard they actively dislike guns. /s


No way Americans can own guns…


You have to throw him out a window in the most ironic false flag attack ever.


Getting a gun on US soil is trivial, especially if you look European. They could purchase a 30-06 at just about any Courthouse Days without even showing ID.


I never did like Elon


Musk? Evil?? I’m shocked. SHOCKED!

Honestly, how do people think he managed to hoard more money than anyone alive? By being kind? LOL


What a complete jackass Elon is.


Everybody loved him when he was saving humanity by inventing the electric car and bringing humans to mars but he makes one wartime decision to avert nuclear war and everybody turns on him. It just goes to show that our lazy society doesn’t value job creators and innovators.

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

I didn’t love him then either. I guess I’m not part of everybody.


I had to go through your post history to see that this is satire. I hope to god it’s satire at least.


Weak bait mate, try to be more convincing next time.


I don’t think he’s ever invented anything. Certainly not the electric car.


Just asking, does anybody still like this cunt?

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

Sadly, he has a bunch of dedicated fanboys on his precious website.

@ZeroCool@feddit.ch avatar

They’re all over reddit too. There’s nothing more pathetic than witnessing a thread get brigaded by a bunch of Muskrats. Imagine living vicariously though the immature twitter antics of a white supremacist billionaire. They’re clowns.


Other dumb cunts do, but not as many as before


A few right wingers.


The general public does. Check out YouTube’s front page while you’re logged out sometime. At any given moment, you’ll more than likely find at least one video full of simps singing their praises to Musk in the comments. The title is usually something like “Elon’s brilliant new idea will make such and such obsolete!”. It’s disgusting how many people see him as genius who can do no wrong.

@Grant_M@lemmy.ca avatar

Half ruzzian/RW botnets, half morons.


Turns out if you’re rich enough, you get to try out the trolly problem in real life and then brag about it in your biography.


That needs to be the meme that goes around.


I can’t be the only person who wondered “what’s his real motive” when he volunteered these for free, knowing much of what he is known for. I guess people he’s visited in DC have benefitted as well, because surely they knew this wouldn’t go well, right?

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

Elon Musk is an attention starved and has the mentality of an impulsive spoiled child. Slava Ukraini was trending, so he wanted to insert himself into it to get attention. Probably thought Ukraine would lose so he gets a little attention for trying to help these guys fighting the good fight before they were ultimately crushed by Russia.

But that didn’t happen. Ukraine continues on and what he thought of as a little in the moment publicity stunt obligated him to helping Ukraine. While most people would happy with the result, but scared little child Elon Musk felt he was in over his head. And being the impulsive child he is, started doing impulsive shit and interfered in an active military conflict, compromising an ally’s mission.

It’s hard to say how much DC is in the know. It is a new tech, glitches happen, so they might not have suspected Musk was the glitch in the system.


Lots of warmongers here who call themselves left libs… do we want a nuclear war? Raise your hand if you supported the iraq war and also voted biden.


I tend to feel sympathy for defenders. I was happy to see that one helicopter get shit down in Desert Storm 2, I think we should never have gone to Afghanistan and I think Russia should never have attacked Kiev. It seems consistent to me.


Do you not believe that a country should be helped to defend themselves after getting invaded?


So your saying we should all surrender to a nuclear dictator cuz he might nuke us? Sure! Go ahead and take Alaska and Canada! We wouldn’t want to start a nuclear war now would we?

Fucking idiot. Self defense is not warmongering.

@0Xero0@lemmy.world avatar

the fucking little cunt is dying to lick Putin’s tiny shit covered dick that much? If he wants it then the brat should have gone the front lines so the ruZZian invaders can take his ass to his naZis fuhrer


Elon Musk is skirting with making StarLink one of the first nationalized companies in the US in a long time. Lets hope its a domino for all ISPs.

jk i hear spectrum and at&t are merging to one company to be called “lmao, get fucked america”


If you want to take his technology to wage foreign wars then do it.

If you’d rather just rely on a private citizens to provide vital military infrastructure to your allies then deal with the fact that private citizens are prone to such behaviors as acting in their own best interest.


What? Do you think Ratheon gets to dictate who’s children we kill with their bombs?


That’s a really awful comparison and not just because you misspelled Raytheon.

Go look up what a strawman argument is.


Not OP but I’d rather have our gov, who is bound by certain rules and regs and SHOULD be serving the people, operate this than one person who only has his own interests in mind.

1 billionaire shouldn’t be able to control the world.


Just think of how much money was saved by letting Musk provide vital defense infrastructure for free.

Sure, Musk is a piece of shit, but when you don’t want to pay for a babysitter and a deranged cannibal offers to watch your child for free, is it really entirely the cannibals fault when he eats your baby despite him totally promising not to.


The Air Force said in its contract justification document, cited in the reports, that the deal involves Starlink supporting US military bases in Europe and Africa with fixed-site and portable satellite internet services.

The contract was for US military bases, not for facilitating offensive strikes. So this was expected au gratis.

@ZeroCool@feddit.ch avatar

by letting Musk provide vital defense infrastructure for free.

He’s not providing it for free. You clearly don’t have any idea what you’re talking about.


Article is pretty clear about it being for US military bases, not offensive operations. Which is a very significant restriction.

Initially it was offered without cost as humanitarian aid. When they expanded on the use of it to include military operations, Elon (rightfully) attached a price tag to it. When they wanted to use outside of the scope of the services they contracted it for Elon said no. Once again another reason infrastructure shouldn’t be provided by private citizens.


Is it similar to the ad hominem in your comment?

Hey look, we both used big words to dodge the point while implicitly impugning the integrity of our adversary! Twinsies!


I was pretty direct to the point with my comment. Sorry you got touchy about me correcting your spelling.

It’s not he was sitting there one and his Elon senses started tingling and he suddenly disabled Starlink without warning. They made a request to broaden the usage area and he inferred what they were trying to do and denies it because of the what he felt was a risk he didn’t want to take. The whole Pearl Harbour 2.0 potentially escalating into a nuclear conflict, which is more likely than people are willing to give him credit for.

Whether you agree or disagree with his decision, the issue here isn’t which side he choose, it is the fact he was given the capability to make that choice.

Your turn to explain how this situation is similar to a US arms manufacturer choosing which child has their bombs dropped on it.


Seems like a joyless exercise in frivolity, attempting to teach you why these decisions are matters for the state department and not Daddy Musk. So I’ll pass.

Thank you so much for the opportunity, though!


Won’t? Or can’t?

The fact that your post agrees with my point makes believe it is the latter and you’re just a “eLoN bAd hE b0rKeD tWitUr” moron.


The timing is the issue. If Musk had disallowed use of Starlink for drone control from the start, then that’s one thing.

If he had notified the Ukraine Armed forces that he was going to do it ahead of time, that would have been best.

However, he ordered that their access be disrupted while an attack on the Russian Navy was going to take place. Meaning Starlink access was cut just at the worst time and caused the drones to simply wash ashore.

That same Navy has been causing thousands of civilian casualties.

How Musk knew Ukraine was going to launch an attack but hadn’t hit their targets yet is another concerning fact.

CNN on Thursday quoted an excerpt from the biography Elon Musk by Walter Isaacson, which described how armed submarine drones were approaching a Russian fleet near the Crimean coast when they “lost connectivity and washed ashore harmlessly”.

The biography, due out on Tuesday, alleges Musk ordered Starlink engineers to turn off the service in the area of the attack because of his concern that Vladimir Putin would respond with nuclear weapons to a Ukrainian attack on Russian-occupied Crimea.

It would be the difference between GM shutting down your car remotely when it’s parked after sending you notice vs GM shutting off your car when you’re at highway speeds and taking an exit.


Ukraine. Southeast Montana. Doesn’t matter.

Aiding and abetting governments hostile to the US and its allies is treason. Musk is a fraud, a traitor and deserves to be imprisoned.


Southeast Montana?


How dare Elon Musk not be complicit in an act of war! Harumph, I say!

@BeefDaddySupreme@lemmy.world avatar

I see you’ve upset the collective.


Do you think you're smart labeling self defense an act of war?

Next time you see somebody getting bullied be sure to step in and tell them to stop engaging in bullying.

@BeefDaddySupreme@lemmy.world avatar

So was the bomb dropped on Hiroshima an act of war or self defense? Bullying≠two nations at war. The aggressor doesn’t matter.


Whatabouism denied. Stay on topic or fuck off.

@BeefDaddySupreme@lemmy.world avatar

I compared military action to military action per the terms layed out. I didn’t call the use of the system military action the others did. Buzz word use denied,come up with a point or fuck off.


Lol u mad

@BeefDaddySupreme@lemmy.world avatar

Bro so are you lol

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

Are you actually comparing allowing a military to use satellite internet to using an atomic bomb?

@BeefDaddySupreme@lemmy.world avatar

I compared military action to military action per the terms layed out. I didn’t call the use of the system military action the others did.


Hiroshima was wrong because it attacked civilians. This was an attack on a threatening military site. Those warships they were striking now have potential to kill Ukraine civilians.

Military targets are always fair game in war. Civilian cities are not. Your comparison is not the same

@BeefDaddySupreme@lemmy.world avatar

See there, that’s actual response based with some intellect. I certainly would agree that the target is important, but then the rules of war arbitrary and war eventually will lead to total warfare given enough time where military and civilian targets are acceptable. I only make this claim as even the good guys will eventually hit civilian targets.


Eventually yes, and depending on the scenario it deserves the criticism. But this was an attack on a warship that was in open waters. The chance to hit a civilian was very slim.

War will escalate. Total warfare is probably inevitable already. Russia attacked Ukraine. Any retaliation on a military target is acceptable until Russia forfeits everything Ukraine lost and pays reparations to rebuild what they destroyed.

Personally I think this will escalate to NATO eventually. I don’t want it to, but Russia is pushing its boundaries further and scaring a lot of people. At some point someone is going to have to declare war on Russia instead of waiting for Russia to do the same to them. People will die. It’s unfortunate. I wish it wouldn’t happen but I don’t think Russia will let it not happen. And the ball is in Russia’s court because the bar for not killing people is “don’t invade other countries” which is a pretty low bar to set.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

He’s complicit for the Ukrainian lives lost because those warships are still operational.

Interesting that people claiming to be for peace think destroying weapons used to kill people would be a bad thing.


Musk defended his decision, saying he did not want his SpaceX company to be “explicitly complicit in a major act of war and conflict escalation”.

So, in the classic trolley problem, Elon’s choice is to remove the track switch that his company produced so that no one else could use it to make a choice.

“Sorry, guys. Looks like those innocent civilians tied to the tracks are going to have to die so that I am not tangentially and tenuously responsible for your choice to save them in exchange for the deaths of Russian soldiers attacking your sovereign lands and people (cough and lose money from the Kremlin as a result cough)”

There’s no “right” answer to the trolley problem. But there are definitely wrong ones.

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