
Sweeeeet Sweeeeet Victory!!

ilex, avatar

Why 22 years? I tried reading the article, but they only showed two sentences at a time separated by full screen ads.

Why is this guy 22 years and others 1-3 years?


Seditious conspiracy comes with a max 20 years sentence (for one charge). Most people that day were caught up in the events as they unfolded without thinking through their actions and understanding what they were doing, to various degrees. They didn’t wake up that day to start a coup but they did follow along with it, thus they were guilty but given leniency and their sentences were greatly reduced to reflect that. Those people got their 1-3 years for partaking.

Unlike those individuals this guy didn’t just wake up knowing a coup would happen that day, he actually organized it. Through his direction actions and that of his co-conspirators the events of January 6th unfolded thanks to his efforts. Him and his co-conspirators who organized and created this coup are indirectly responsible for the violence that followed that day. So his sentencing wasn’t lenient because of his leadership role coupled with the violence that occured he was given a stronger sentence.

ilex, avatar

In the off chance you know - The fucker who planted shitty bombs in the important rooms - is he considered an opportunist or part of the group? Is the insanity of almost-bombing the entirety of Congress considered part of the “coup attempt”?

I don’t remember most details. I only remember bombs were found, but they weren’t very good bombs.


I imagine they would have to be part of the conspiracy to have planted them when they did otherwise it would be a really big coincidence. Also I am not 100% sure of everything that happened but it looks like they were planted at the DNC and RNC HQ’s so I don’t think they would have affected Congress. Also, from looking at some information from the FBI it looks like these devices were never intended to go off but instead possibly used for diversions.

It’s also possible they just never had a chance to use them as things didn’t go according to their plans that day.

CurlyMoustache, avatar

Firefox and uBlock Origin. Works on desktop and Android 👍


I’m skeptical that the informant will serve that sentence.

charonn0, avatar

May he die from an embarrassing and uncomfortable medical condition exactly 5 minutes before release.


Something already rotted his brain years ago. Idk if he’d even notice.




Stand back and pick up the soap, nutty. I hope they send him to wherever they lock up the Bloods and Crips gang members they arrest, maybe he can explain to them how he’s not a racist.


I don’t think it’s helpful to society to joke about prison rape. We shouldn’t make light of such atrocities.

IchNichtenLichten, avatar

It’s such a weird thing, we can still joke about rape - but only if it’s happening to men in prison.


imho it’s the perfect intersection of “I don’t care if shitty things happen to people I hate” and “rape on men isn’t as bad”.

Kinda like ppl who exclusively misgender asshole trans folks on purpose?

Plus some irony 'cause the guy’s a massive homophobe.

Note that I’m not saying the dude’s underserving the hate coming his way. He worked extra hard to earn every picogram of it.


Oh fuck off Nazis deserve worse


What’s even better is him thinking he’s not going to be in prison long because Trump is going to win the next election and pardon him. My brother, there’s a greater chance of Trump becoming your cell mate.


Yeah… Even if Trump wins there’s no way he remembers or cares about anyone involved in Jan 6.

These guys are way more screwed than they realize.


It’s true he doesn’t give a damn about these people but they’re useful for his scam. He’s already said he’ll pardon people and will continue to say it because it suits the narrative he’s pushing and what his base wants to hear.

The problem is he is toxic and will only get more so as his legal issues turn into jail time so it’s unlikely he’ll win election. If he were smart he’d drop out and secure a pardon from a more electable GOP nominee in return for endorsement. But he won’t. So it seems that these proud boy / oathkeeper idiots are likely to be spending a long time behind bars.


Trump is a narcissist who cares about image and the cheers of crowds. If pardoning J6 traitors gets him that, he will do it.


I agree with you, but I don’t believe there’s going to be any sort of crowd clamoring for J6 rioters to be pardoned. The issue is early on, a LOT of right wing media decided that J6 was a false flag. There’s just not going to be many people beyond family members of J6 rioters that want them pardoned.


I bet Trump thinks about them a bit. Every day Trump isn’t in the White House he is reminded that they are failures. Zero surprise if they never get parole if Trump makes the WH.


That would be the ultimate punishment for both of them. They have to deal with each other for the next 22 years.

FlashMobOfOne, avatar

Unfortunately, it could happen.

Most of the country is dealing with a 30% to 50% cost of living increase, and they’re going to blame Biden for it. Trump got elected the first time because 6,000,000 were foreclosed upon when Obama was president.


It’s possible, but as much as people are exhausted with Biden, nothing would get blue to turn out to vote like another chance of Trump. Blue would vote for a tent full of mosquitoes if it meant voting against Trump. Trump supporters have gotten more fanatical, not more numerous. Some of my own family members are currently in orange pill recovery. Not to mention all the Reds that died of COVID denial. Then you factor in young people now eligible to vote skewing blue. The only person I think Trump could beat honestly would be Hillary. Red would show up to vote against her if not for Trump.


While I agree with most of that, I thought it was shown recently that younger people are skewing right. Internet propaganda has been super effective lately it seems :/


Glad to know I was mistaken!


Maybe it’s the bubble I’m in, but I’ve seen the opposite in the news. Between climate, school shootings, minimum wage, student loan forgiveness, abortion rights, and marijuana legalization, one party at least acts progressive, while the other actively tries to block change. I’m not sure which conservative talking points are resonating with the majority of young people.

FlashMobOfOne, avatar

That was the argument people made for Hillary’s certain victory on Election Day, that the notion of Trump being elected would mean a huge Democratic turnout.

Thing is, people aren’t going to give a shit who the candidate of change is when they can’t afford their grocery bills, and Trump isn’t going to have to lie about how little Biden has done to alleviate people’s poverty.


I didn’t vote when it was Hillary or Tbag. I hated both. But I’ll keep voting to protect against him happening again. It’s exactly what the dems are counting on, and it’s unfortunately working on me.

Still waiting to see who I’ll vote for in primaries, though. My vote only counts there in my state.

FlashMobOfOne, avatar

It’s good to vote, for sure.

I’ll be voting Green myself.


A green vote is no different than a Trump vote


A green vote is a green vote.

A libertarian vote is a libertarian vote.

An independent vote is an indepdent vote.

How about we get better candidates from both mainstream parties if they actually want swing voters, rather than painting their opposition as a bunch of shitbags. (Mind you, both parties are shitbags who force unpopular policies).


Ideally that would be in the case, but in reality with FPTP your vote for Green has the same effect as a vote for Trump. I'm much farther left than the Dems, but until we have a revolution that's just how it is.


So what was your hatred of Hillary based on out of curiosity?


I recall that she supported some regulation of the internet that I considered harmful. I can’t recall the specifics anymore.


I ask because the republicans viewed her as a threat from the time she was first lady (she wanted universal healthcare - which she almost got, but the rightwing defeated her by talking about a republican vision/plan for an individual mandate, which was basically obamacare, she talked about women’s rights, she was pulling her husband to the left on some issues, etc). They knew she had the type of balls to run for president and the Hillary hate propaganda machine has been running strong for over 20+ years, because they were scared she would win. That’s why I’m wondering what got you to hate her - what tactic of their hate machine do you think worked on you?

Edit - and I hope you understand conservatives would destroy the internet as it is, and they have been trying


It wasn’t any tactic they used. I read an article where she talked about policy she wanted implemented during her first term that I thought showed a basic misunderstanding of the internet. Unfortunately, I can’t remember what it was to share. But I didn’t think Trump stood any chance of winning so I withheld my vote and have regretted that ever since.


I’m not saying it won’t be close. My parents who voted for him complain about how often they get asked to donate to his campaign slash legal fund. I don’t think that’s a great look if it’s about grocery money.

I remember 2016. Bernie bros felt maybe rightfully so that he got shafted in the primary. Many didn’t turn out. Trump as obvious of a con man as he was to us, was a successful business man to many centrist voters. I think that illusion has mostly faded. On top of that people on the right were programmed to hate Hillary since the 90s. The vitriol for Trump now is the best shot Biden has, and I think it’s enough.


I would vote for a bathtub full of scorpions and vipers before I vote for Trump


that’s maybe part of the reason Trump got elected but that’s not the main reason by a long shot

ObviouslyNotBanana, avatar

What an achievement. He should be a proud boy.

obinice, avatar

Traitors only get 20 years? Dang, soft punishment for treason, but at least it’s something eh.


“Only” 20 years? There can be whatever number and people will still say it is too little


Historically, people who attempt to overthrow their government get death. Hell, they still execute Guy Fawkes symbolically every year. And all we do is put them up in prison for 20 years? We’ve gone soft.


they still execute Guy Fawkes symbolically every year. And all we do is put them up in prison for 20 years

Yeah but in reality the UK doesn’t have the death penalty for any crime anymore, including treason.

Meanwhile the US regularly executes people for a single murder.


Which is why it’s bullshit that someone who attempted to overthrow the government just gets 20 years.


Or you use your energy to advocate for less draconian punishments instead of demanding more


I do, insurrection is the only crime I believe should merit the death penalty. Nothing else is even close to how dangerous that is. A murderer may kill a couple of dozen people at most, if someone overthrows the government, that could lead to death for millions and a shifting of history for decades if not centuries. That should be the only capital crime.


Since we always did it wrong we have to continue to do so?


I dunno if they could start such a Guy Fawkes tradition after V for Vendetta came out.


Yes, and civilized societies are trying to get away from that kind of barbarism.

Also it’s not as if it’s 20+ years in a (Insert name of progressive European country) prison. It’s going to be a hell.

Finally, no risk of martyrdom. Just saying.


Don’t think you understand what 20 years in prison looks like.

I don’t either, but it sure would ruin my life


Guys losing 1/3 of his adult life, and won’t get out of prison before his 60s. I’m extremely anti-j6, but 22 years seems like a nice hefty sentance to me


If Trump gets the WH again, he’ll probably pardon all of these fools.

TheGiantKorean, avatar

I think the prosecutor recommended 40.



capt_wolf, avatar

Waiting for Trump to be all “When we retake what’s rightfully ours, I’ll make sure those who were wrongly imprisoned by Crooked Joe Biden are exonerated as the patriots they are!”


Those in prison can’t vote so Trump will just write them off as useless.

qwrty, avatar

He wouldn’t say it for them, but for his main voter base: Conservatives, the alt-right, and anyone sympathetic to either.


Is there even an alt right anymore? It was just a charade as the entire party showed it’s true colors.


Why would a dictator care about votes? If he gets elected again he’ll want foot-soldiers, not voters.


Federal informant, and still get 22 years?? Congrats on playing yourself, Ricky!


That’s a long time to fester in a place where they love rats.


My understanding was that the informant bit didn’t really help him out because he stopped being an informant and then the January 6th riots happened.

So he’d stopped supplying them with information before he then committed treason. So it isn’t as if they just weren’t appreciative of the information supplied, the information supplied had nothing to do with why he was arrested.


Interesting. I thought that he had got himself arrested on minor charges before the 6th, to have an excuse not to be there. I assumed that was encouraged by the FBI. Sounds like he was hedging his bets, and lost it all anyway. Either way, I’m laughing at him!


Supposedly it’s a lower sentence than the sentencing guidelines allow (according to others in this thread anyway.) So maybe it did count.

That said, Chairman of the Proud Boys? There’s a limit to what “I was cooperating with the FBI the whole time” can buy you if you’re the reason the crimes are being committed.


Blows my mind that despite no other action being taken to prevent the US Capitol attack, someone somewhere pulled a string to nab Tarrio on possession of an extended mag (which he had sold to another attendee) and hold him through 1/6. I thought the whole thing might be called off after that, but even so some agent of chaos cut the head off of the operation with one swift stroke - apparently doing so in defiance of the larger state security apparatus. They still tried to carry out the tunnel assassination plan according to the investigation records. How did so many points of contact simply get defused without violence or arrest? What the hell actually happened behind the scenes of all of this?



Pretty sure he livestreamed stealing a flag from a historic church and then burning it on their steps… Then he came back to DC and kept announcing where he was on Twitter.

The gun magazine he just had on him, and because he’s a dumbass he said he only had it to sell to someone.

You make it out to be a brilliant police sting, when it was the bare minimum of competence.


Pretty sure he livestreamed stealing a flag from a historic church and then burning it on their steps…

And yet he wasn’t arrested then or for that reason, according to the reporting on the day of the arrest. That charge was added after he was booked.

The gun magazine he just had on him

This was specifically cited as the reason he was picked up on 1/4 according to the article that I first read about it from. I doubt he was wearing it visibly strapped to him without a rifle for it, but I guess that could have been the case.

You make it out to be a brilliant police sting

I think it’s more likely a career bootlicker didn’t like their boss and screwed over 1/6, than police having ever done anything worth calling brilliant.

Dark_Arc, avatar

Think we all need some more context. Tunnel assassination plan? Points of contact diffused?

AyyLMAO, (edited )

Sure - the right wing militias (and Roger Stone) had formed a plan to trap the congress members in the tunnels that connect the federal buildings in DC so that they could kill them. The Oath Keepers were also involved in this plan, which was revealed as evidence in various court proceedings. The OK and PB trials were extremely damning.

Even without Tarrio present, the Proud Boys were involved in preventing police from sealing off various tunnel entrances. Some militia individuals entered the tunnels in accordance with those same plans. The tunnels were also occupied by military personnel at that time. So there were various groups of individuals at various locations interacting with security forces (‘points of contact’) involved in compromising the security of the congress members, yet the only blood shed was the AF lady who tried crawling through the broken window in the door to the chamber.

foxymulder, avatar

holy shit




Aparently not all BLM.


Didn’t you hear? The point is that ALL lives matter! /s lol you moron


Oh as long as the politics are correct. That’s right.


Muh politics. Waaaaaaaah. GFYS


Has nothing to do with being free from committing crimes, numbnuts


Nothing criminal with a fiesty but mostly peaceful protest.


Lol, you’re delusional.


6 deaths == fiesty and mostly peaceful. Are you fucking retarded?


Domestic terrorists attempting to overthrow an election by attacking the nation’s capitol. Very feisty. The person is either a moron or a troll.

FlyingSquid, avatar

He’s still alive. Unlike what you can say for a lot of black people who encounter the cops.

Yes, his life does matter. He’s just no longer entitled to his freedom.

So your little gotcha doesn’t work. At all.


Lol drat! The technicalities!

FlyingSquid, avatar

That’s not a technicality. His life is in no danger from police whatsoever. BLM is about the police’s response to black people and how little their lives are valued.


I thought it was about rich black women fleecing the public to buy mansions in white neighborhoods.

FlyingSquid, avatar

That would be because you’re a racist.


racist? hell, I admire those women!

FlyingSquid, avatar

Yeah, nice try. Your snark doesn’t make you any less of a racist when you are tarring an entire movement, an entire race of people, with the actions of one or two people.


Well darn it. I guess I’m in good company with the Democrats then since the BLM website still has donations set up through ACTBlue.

FlyingSquid, avatar

That is irrelevant to my comment.


c’est la vie

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