
Just a few passages doesn’t even begin to describe it: Source


Reddit for all of its faults and hideous admin team always did have a marvellous sense of humour. Only thing I miss about it.

@jackpot@lemmy.ml avatar

this is such a big chungus pog moment, wholesome 100

@veganpizza69@lemmy.world avatar



there shouldn’t be a fucking bible in a school library anyway, that’s so bonkers. is there also a torah and a quran? BET FUCKING NOT.


Idk what libraries you go to but the ones I know have most religious books


my public highschool library did not feature any religious texts, the regular library has plenty though.


When I was a kid I remember checking out a book from my elementary school library. My brain tells me it was called “Tales of Terror” but I haven’t found anything close with that title. It had butterflies killing people in swarms, rats eating human flesh. It was nuts.

Well, my people found the book. They claimed they could “feel the demons crawling from the book” when they opened it. Half my damn family went to the school and went off about it.

This comment brought that memory back for me because I remember one of them saying, “you got this filth in here but ya ain’t got the bi-buhl?!?”

I’d love to see that book again, if only to see if it was truly as horrible as I remember.


There should be a bible, along with every other religious text they can get their hands on. The problem arises when they ONLY have bibles in the library


And put them in the “fiction” part


Most relegate them to “religious texts” to take the easy way out ¯_(ツ)_/¯

@MyFairJulia@lemmy.world avatar

Well you see, the quran teaches evil and radicalizes children (teaches rules, changing between positive and negative tone, kinda outdated but some generic stuff still applies today) while the bible teaches us how god loves us (teaching overlapping with the quran, different writing though and yahwee is definitely not nice)


Nah fuck that noise. Banning books from libraries is dumb


imho libraries shouldnt have any religious books , if you want to read them either buy it yourself or go to the temple/ mosque / church / synagogue … and I am writing this as a religious person myself


I disagree.

Libraries contain books people want to read.
People want to read religious books.
Libraries should contain religious books.

Libraries should please the reading needs for as many people as possible.

And I am not religious in the slightest.

Btw libraries are a very useful resource for research.


I actually disagree as an atheist. I’m fine with religious books being in a library as long as all religious texts are relegated to the same area and no single religion is given preferential treatment.

They are a part of our culture and history, whether we want it to be or not.


Reddit against religion. Hand me the popcorn.


“Where do I sign up?”


Can people please respect others’ religions? Please? There’s a lot of hate in these comments and it makes me really sad to see this frequently on Lemmy.


What do you expect from a predominantly left-wing social media platform? Respect isn’t in their nature. Being a centralist means seeing both sides of hypocrisy, and whoo boy does the left show a lot more.


They wouldn’t dare call out Islam for something like this or worse :\


I don’t really see it as hypocrasy. While people reporting it are most likely against religion, why woudn’t religious text be a part of the nudity ban?


Sure - Once they start respecting my lack of religion, I’ll get right on it.


Respect is earned


Respect is a word that is used in multiple contexts.




Has someone started reading the other source books? They can’t be perfectly clean either.


Judges:19 where a guy throws his side piece to a crowd that wants to rape him in hopes they’ll be satisfied with raping her instead.


TIL a concubine is a side piece. Somehow that never connected before.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes!!

@FlashMobOfOne@lemmy.world avatar

As they should.




Ah time to quote from Eziekel 23:20…


The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish, and the tyranny of evil…wait…23:20? Oh. Well nevermind then.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

Now I kinda want to hear Sam Jackson say “There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses.”

Also, why the need to specify a distinction between donkey genitals and horse semen? Do horses or donkeys have bigger cocks? Do horses or donkeys cum more? I don’t know, but whoever wrote that passage into the Bible seemed to know.


Is it a donkey thats an infertile crossbreed of a horse and a mule, or is it a mule that’s an infertile crossbreed of a horse and a donkey? I can’t remember off the top of my head but that feels like it could affect the…ahem… emissions


Mules be the cross breed and infertile ones


Oh, well in that case I retract this line of reasoning entirely. Thank you.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

I think it’s a mule that’s an infertile cross between a donkey and a horse.

But we need to also consider that horses were significantly smaller back in those days. People will often say a pony is a smaller breed of horse, but it’s actually more accurate to say a horse is a larger breed of a pony. They bred them to be bigger over the years since that made them able to carry more weight.

So was the Biblical passage saying “well she wasn’t so depraved to want the much larger horse cock, she was at least demure enough to only want donkey cock”? Or was horse cock smaller in those days so was it saying “horse cock wasn’t big enough for her, she desired men with the much larger donkey cock”?

This may have serious theological ramifications and needs more research.


How many angels can dance on the head of a horse cock?


Same size cocks but donkey are smaller so they look bigger. In those days a flaccid bee-dick was the mark of a cool-headed thinking man; clearly capable of controlling their profane lust.

And it’s not that the average horse smell worse than a donkey, their ass is just closer to most people’s nose.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

Ok, so I think we’ve settled the theological debate around the relative size of of horse cock vs. donkey cock.

What about the relative quantity of their emissions?


RIP to my browser history. It looks like it scales with size but donkeys on average are 100-200 mL and horses are more in the 200-400mL. So, you know, up to a can of soda worth worth…

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

Your service to the internet is mildly appreciated!

I just read the whole chapter. It’s all just ancient porn. But there’s a plot hole… So Oholah and Oholibah (the one that liked donkey dick) were sisters, both prostitutes. Oholah is raped and killed by Assyrians. But then later Oholah makes an appearance in the bondage gang bang scene with the drunkards from the desert? WTF, 50 shades of grey is better written that this. Well maybe that’s going too far, but still this is badly written porn.

But I liked this part:

14 “But she carried her prostitution still further. She saw men portrayed on a wall, figures of Chaldeans portrayed in red, 15 with belts around their waists and flowing turbans on their heads; all of them looked like Babylonian chariot officers, natives of Chaldea. 16 As soon as she saw them, she lusted after them and sent messengers to them in Chaldea.

My girl Oholibah hitting up dudes on ancient day Tinder.


Is that the one with Donkeys and Stallions? Hot stuff.




As a Christian person, people hate the truth. They don’t want nothing to learn what is the truth. Even Christian person also hate the truth and ending up the pastor to jail for something he did not commit. Its only aboutgettingr rid of him.

@cedarmesa@lemmy.world avatar

As a staunch believer in dragons and fairies…people just refuse to dwell in reality. See how this statement kinda twists up the brain?


The problem is the question of where is the proof of your beliefs. Most Christian’s tout that the Bible is the truth yet no one can prove the “truth” of the Bible. It’s always a case of “look around you see the blues skies and the trees and the flowers etc. that does not prove god is real, nor does it prove he isn’t.

The fact of the matter is what you want to believe is the truth, the inherit problem is that most Christian’s believe they have to push their beliefs on others whether they want it or not. It even gets as far as stating if you are a specific religion,such as Methodist, baptist etc, you’re not a true believer.

I have found in my 50+ years of living that most people are hateful if you don believe exactly what they do.


You can say the same about the radical side of the LGBT community.

@HiddenLayer5@lemmy.ml avatar

There is a common anecdote about the divide between what is considered the truth in science and religion: An evolutionary biologist and a creationist are in a debate. The moderator asks what would need to happen for them to abandon their beliefs. The evolutionary biologist lists the main pillars of the evolution theory and the formation of life, and that if they are disproved or found contradictory in a credible and replicable way, backed up by other scholars in the field, then they would have no choice but to accept that they were wrong. The creationist simply says “nothing, I know in my heart that it’s the truth because God is all powerful and would never lie to me.”


Hence the paradoxical challenge


You sound like you’re on your way to being incarcerated for touching children without their consent. Please stop touching children without their consent.


Children can’t give consent. So don’t touch children inappropriately ever.




I wouldn’t have a problem if people like you could just mind your own business, but you spend your time rambling incoherently about some “truth”. The only truth about Christians is that they are being manipulated by a group of nutcase fascists.


Found the pastor that likes to diddle little kids 😬


What truth is that?


Bro what is this grammar?


The Davis School District initially removed the Bible from school libraries after a review determined it did include “vulgar” content. But the school board unanimously reversed its decision after a review by an appeal committee determined the text has " significant, serious value for minors which outweighs the violent or vulgar content it contains," the AP reported.

There’s no hypocrisy here.


Selective enforcement is the core of conservative law making.


Broad generalizations like this do nothing but reinforce echochambers.


Sort of, but also, Christianity is a death cult that enables child molesters and promotes hate, so there is not much room for subtly. It is also profoundly lacking in any basis of reality and frankly teaches deranged ideas that harm children’s ability to make rational judgments about reality.

Also a church is the worst kind of echo chamber.


Broadly speaking though, it’s true. Do you have counter examples to offer?


A counter example of what? A conservative law that doesn’t have selective enforcement at its core?


Have you got one?


No, I’m done with this stupid conversation and closer to believing Lemmy is a cesspool echo chamber than before it started. You people are fucking idiots that detract from reasonable discourse and progress on the left.

And by the way, I’m far from conservative, I hate Trump and all the other extremist authoritarian assholes, and I’m starting to realize you lot are almost as stupid as the MAGA fascists.

Downvote me and fuck off.


I don’t know what you want from other people. You’re not obligated to argue with people on the internet, but you started a disagreement that you weren’t willing to back up. Then you baseslessly called everyone idiots and a danger to the left before storming off. Maybe when you have more distance you can learn some lessons. Maybe you can understand where they’re coming from. Maybe you can better articulate what they did to harm the discourse. At the very least, it would be wise to learn to not pick fights you don’t want to actually participate in, for your sake and everyone else’s.


Dude just shut the fuck up and leave Lemmy then. Clearly you aren’t interested in any actual conversation, so why the fuck would we want you here to begin with? Do us the favor of walking away.



Could have just stopped there…

Dark_Arc, (edited )
@Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg avatar

It’s not a broad generalization at all. It’s a widespread pattern of hypocritical and contradictory conservative outrage, statements, and laws.

  • “I should be able to teach kids about the Bible in school, but you can’t teach them about Yoga”
  • “we can’t have vulgar language, oh unless it’s from our religious book”
  • “I can’t make a cake for you because you’re gay and that’s against my religion. What do you mean you won’t make a Christian cake? That’s religious discrimination!”
  • “Happy holidays!??! Happy holidays??! You monster, how dare you wage war on Christmas! We have religious liberty in this country! What do you mean that protects other religions? There’s only one God and one religion!”
  • “It’s totally fine that the polling places in large democratic areas have hours long waits so long as my polling places are quick and easy”
  • “it’s totally fine that a county with 10,000 people has the same number of ballot drop boxes as a country with 3,000,000 people”
  • “marriage is between a man and woman … and may include 17 divorces; they gays can’t have it”
  • “we need to teach kids (i.e., indoctrinate them in the ways of) Jesus not this woke (black history, trans, etc)”
  • “let’s let white kids off with a slap on the wrist while we throw a black kid in jail for smoking a plant”
  • “I can’t believe a president could have such a scandal in the white house as to have had an affair with an assistant! We need to impeach! No, I don’t think extorting an ally for information about an opponent is worthy of an impeachment! Trying to overthrow a legitimate presidental victor with a procedural trick? Nah that’s not worth an impeachment either! Oh but hey, this Biden guy’s son who lost one of his parents and a sibling in a car crash, that lost his brother to cancer, that has a drug problem, called his dad while he was in business meetings to show off… so you know his dad definitely was up to something! We’ve got to impeach him over that! What do you mean that was before he was even president and that’s completely unprecedented?”
  • “We should totally lock her up for those emails! What do you mean the guy screaming that’s son and law did the exact same thing?”
  • “We’re sorry we can’t appoint a supreme court justice just before the election! Psych! We totally can if it’s nominated by OUR president!”
  • "We need law and order in this country! What do you mean Trump broke the law? Nah, I’m not hearing it; this is clearly a partisan witch hunt and the majority conservative staff of the FBI is out to get conservatives! Oh but we’ll DEFINITELY weaponize the federal government and go after our political rivals full steam if we get the presidency in 2024"
  • “I believe abortion is amoral, that’s why I hid the fact that my ex/current lovers have had one”
  • “I believe homosexuality is amoral, that’s why I am one in the closet”
  • “we’re going to be the party of health care, but don’t watch as we strip you of your federal protections for your health care”
  • “we’re the party of the little man, but don’t watch as we cut taxes for the rich (and you but make sure that expires under the next term (probably while the Democrats are in power)”
  • “the national debt is an outage! Oh let’s spend as much as Obama did in half the time! Oh Biden is in power again, spending is out of control!”
  • “the problem isn’t guns it’s mental health, but we’re not going to do anything about that either! Must be because the kids aren’t in church, the gays, video games, or hey look over there, a squirrel!”
  • “climate change? Nah. It’s not real. Okay maybe it is, but it doesn’t matter because look at China! Oh we could make a dent and get the ball rolling? Well, it’s too late anyways, we should’ve been building nuclear plants! What do you mean I just made that up? Clearly I’ve been trying to solve this via nuclear the whole time, and it’s not another dog whistle! Oh and btw all of my top presidential candidates say they don’t believe in man made climate change! But yeah, totally serious about this issue!!”

… and that’s just off the top of my head. If you’re a conservative, wake up, your party is a mess.


Spoiler: he’ll completely ignore this comment and just continue to go on saying that all criticisms of conservatives are baseless and unproductive


Don’t put words in my mouth or accuse my of something you made up in your mind.


I don’t need to put any words into your mouth, your reply to the comment was to ignore all the real, objectively true examples and just claim that despite the fact that they’re the actions of real conservative policy makers, that they somehow have nothing to do with real conservative policy

You ignore the faults of real world conservatism, holding up this idealistic version of conservatism you have in your head as “real” conservatism. Ill bet you also hold that conservatism has nothing to do with anti-LGBT+, despite their policy makers constantly making anti-LGBT+ policy decisions


You’re completely ignorant of who I am and you’re reinforcing my initial point that we should be careful about creating an echochamber.


And you’re reinforcing mine by continuing to not actually address any of the actual points.

Pointing out actual, provable examples of selective enforcement by conservatives isn’t an “echo chamber” it’s discussing real world politics

Ultimately it looks from my perspective like you’re falling into the classic trap of just assuming that when a lot of people disagree with you, that they’re just mindlessly repeating talking points - rather than ever considering that your own view might be skewed. Further reinforced by the fact that you steadfastly refuse to actually talk about the issue, and instead just keep deflecting and crying “ECHO CHAMBER”.

And no, I have no idea who you are, why should I care though? This is a discussion about conservative politics, not you or your feelings.


You’re trying to say “there are many examples of selective enforcement in conservative laws” and I’m saying “yeah, no shit, I agree with you”

Meanwhile I’m being attacked for saying it’s important to be reasonable, demonstrating the echo chamber I’m talking about.


So if you agree that what’s being said is factual, then what exactly is the concern here regarding “echo chambers”?

A echo chamber is dangerous when people are spreading misinformation, a group of people acknowledging a very real negative aspect of a major political party is in no way “echo chamber” type behavior.

Now if we were saying “all conservative voters and politicians are Nazis”, id agree with you that caution should be given about echo chambers, but cautioning about echo chambers when objective facts are being discussed comes across much more as you trying to deflect away from facts you don’t like being discussed.

Would it help you if we also talked some trash about democrats?

Biden is too old for office

Most elected democrats are hypocrites, at least to some extent

Virtually every politician, including the left leaning ones, in the US are corrupt to som extent, and usually to a severe degree

There? Are you satisfied that we’re not an echo chamber?


Not denying that Biden is very old and that any vote for him carries a material probability that it also elects the VP for president, the vast majority of politicians are very old in the USA


The concern is that you said “conservatives”, not “what’s popular amongst conservative politicians”, or “what’s popular amongst conservative media”, or even “most”. You just said conservatives, that is villifying all people by nature of a describing themselves by a very broad term(or even someone else ascribing it to them). Their initial complaint was generalization and you attacked them with evidence of it being true for some conservatives.


Who elects conservative politicians?

Who consumes conservative media?

Every person who votes conservative is guilty of the behavior I describe because - As pointed out above - they vote in the politicians who do these things

You can’t vote a politician into power and then not take responsibility for their actions


Every person who votes conservative is guilty of the behavior I describe because - As pointed out above - they vote in the politicians who do these things

Then essentially every American who votes is guilty of drone bombing civilians because presidents from Republicans and Democrats did it.


Except that I that example, as you say - they have no actual choice in the matter because as you say it doesn’t matter who they vote for. That being said, I think we all do bear some small share of the responsibility for the atrocities our country has committed, if only because we benefit from them - but that’s a whole other debate.

My point is that every conservative has a very easy choice each election - support the conservative party, or oppose them. If they choose the former, that’s their right, but theyre responsible for having made that decision, and don’t get to pretend that all the terrible shit the GOP is doing, all the way up to it’s ongoing attempts to subvert the election process and undermine the justice system, is somehow not their responsibility, despite voting for it.

And in the interest of fairness, the same goes for the Dems. I bare some sense of responsibility for Biden’s union busting of the railworkers strike last year for having voted for him. That’s how it works. But I think any rational person looking at the two parties from a utilitarian standpoint of ethics can see pretty easily that the evils of the GOP vastly outweighs that of the Democratic party


Except that I that example, as you say - they have no actual choice in the matter because as you say it doesn’t matter who they vote for.

No you can vote for the non-evil, like I do. But I understand that it is a mature decision to vote who you see as the lesser evil with a chance.

That being said, I think we all do bear some small share of the responsibility for the atrocities our country has committed, if only because we benefit from them

No, not at all? If I am one of two plumbers in a town and someone randomly kills the other plumber I profit from that, but I have 0 responsibility for the murder.

the GOP is doing, all the way up to it’s ongoing attempts to subvert the election process and undermine the justice system, is somehow not their responsibility, despite voting for it.

There is some responsibility, but not exactly the same as if you were a perpetrator yourself.

But I think any rational person looking at the two parties from a utilitarian standpoint of ethics can see pretty easily that the evils of the GOP vastly outweighs that of the Democratic party

Most people are not utilitarian, or at least I hope they aren’t.


But I understand that it is a mature decision to vote who you see as the lesser evil with a chance.

Idk if I’m having a stroke, or you are - but this sentence makes no sense to me - though I think I can guess at your point from context, and I broadly agree - at least up until the point that you claim that voting for the “lesser evil” exonerates you of any responsibility for the actions of the party you voted for.

No, not at all? If I am one of two plumbers in a town and someone randomly kills the other plumber I profit from that, but I have 0 responsibility for the murder

Except in that example, you didn’t help give power to the murderer, whereas for the actions of our government, we do.

There is some responsibility, but not exactly the same as if you were a perpetrator yourself.

Not exactly the same, no - I agree. I the same way that if you came across an ongoing hate crime on the street and cheered on the perpetrator you wouldn’t bear the same responsibility as the actual perpetrator, but it still makes you evil in my opinion.

Most people are not utilitarian, or at least I hope they aren’t.

I disagree, I think most people’s natural approach to ethics (when they bother with it at all) is to compare the net harm vs the net good of the action their trying to weigh. That’s literally how we teach children the difference between right and wrong - we ask them to consider the consequences of their actions, and whether those consequences are good or bad).

Either way - I think it’s clear you’re not changing your mind on this, and I’m just repeating myself, so unless you have some novel point to raise I’m done arguing about it. Feel free to continue to distance your decisions with their consequences for others if you prefer (lord knows most people do, unless those consequences are bad for themselves)


Don’t put words in my mouth or accuse my of something you made up in your mind.

Translation: I don’t have an argument for any of the things posted so I’m going to accuse a random person of something instead


Ok fuck you too ignorant jackass.


No dude, fuck you and your weasel words and moving goalpost. You made a shit comment and got proven wrong. Now’s the time to gracefully take the L; anything else just makes you look like a jackass.


Lol, you prove my point more eloquently than I could have on my own. Well done, and keep getting mad at strangers online it’s probably the best part of your life.


I mean they just said don’t generalize, not that there isn’t widespread hypocrisy.

@Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg avatar

I’ll be honest, the point was less for him and more for lurkers, that might not pay as much attention and might benefit from an outline. I gave up on changing the mind of the person I’m replying to on the internet a long time ago (if it happens great!) … but I want to challenge and cut through the “noise” for the casual observer.


That’s the only single reason I debunk conservatives with some of their tactics thrown back at them. In a forum, I’m pretty much am blocked by nearly every conservatives there.


He didn’t say that, he criticized generalizing conservatives. I know conservatives who don’t care to block books from school libraries, or block trans students from going to bathrooms in their identified gender- or most of the other “culture war” arguments.


If they feel that way, then why do they vote politicians into power who do those things?

You don’t get to vote evil people into power and then say “oh no, I don’t support the evil stuff, I just care about the lower taxes”


Because they at least agree with some of their messaging rather than agree with none of it.


Yeah and my response to that would be the last sentence of my comment.


Why don’t you? Can’t you say: I support the ACA but not drone bombing schools?


Yes but until they start actively opposing those policies and demanding their politicians do the same, they are still complicit with these policies as their votes are what enable them. Whether or not they personally believe these things is entirely irrelevant. All that matters are the actions and policies, and every conservative voter is this complicit.


Unfortunately people have different priorities than you or I, I guarantee a politician you have voted for has done something you oppose, and you may have still supported them. That’s because you care more about their other policies.


False equivalency.

“We should focus more on corporate taxes rather than individual taxes” is an opinion; “gay people shouldn’t have rights” isn’t an opinion, it’s hate.

Don’t try to pretend these are on the same level. Supporting American conservatism requires a level of moral bankruptcy.

aidan, (edited )

Both are opinion, something being abhorrent doesn’t make it not an opinion. Opinions can be hateful.


Yes but I don’t have to respect those opinions enough to validate them by acknowledging them. If those are your “opinions” then you’re a monster and you can fuck off. Don’t expect any respect from me; we need less kid gloves and more people calling out assholes in the world.


Being very wrong doesn’t make someone evil. If someone genuinely believes something like that and isn’t just saying it be edgy, I’d try to convince them out of it. Just like a flat earther, they believe something that I believe is very wrong.


I never signed up to be the social caretaker of the world. If they’re adults, I assume they’ve had plenty of opportunity to learn. I’ve devoted way to much of my life already to trying to educate the vile sort of people that vote conservative, I’m fucking done with it. They can go get the kid gloves treatment from their imaginary “tolerant left,” this fucking leftist is done with them.

And before you say “but how will things ever change if we don’t educate them?”:

First, again that’s not my job. But more importantly, education is only *one" weapon of change, not the only in our arsenal. We’ve forgotten how powerful rightly-applied shame can be.

@stopthatgirl7@kbin.social avatar

I fricking hate how we’re expected to gently explain in soothing voices and educate and be understanding of people who damn well want us dead and who wouldn’t even extend someone on the left the courtesy of even pissing on them if they were on fire. We’re supposed to extend them every grace and courtesy while they’re not expected to do the same to us.


You don’t have to do what I do. But that doesn’t make their wrong opinions not opinions.


Hey dude, your opinion is wrong.


Yeah, “wrong” when judging someone’s opinion is inherently opinionated so it’s redundant for me to say “in my opinion your opinion is wrong”


Yeah… I agree. None of that makes selective enforcement the core of conservative laws.


I agree those are bad examples.

Better examples:

Phillando Castile. All for gun rights until a black man is shot while legally owning a gun. One could run down the list of black people (and children) who have been murdered by the police because they “thought there was a gun”. Guns are legal and they’re quite vocal about supporting the right to bear arms (but only if you look white).

Jan 6. All for upholding law and order and obeying the police until they don’t get what they want. They lied about the cities in this country being destroyed during the Floyd uprisings as if America was gone.

All of the anti-trans laws passed are to “protect children” and yet they have not gone after any of the abuse scandals in churches or law enforcement.

Build the wall. Enforced only against black and brown people at the southern border.

How about holding the supreme court seat for a year?

We could continue but I’ll just boil it down with a pithy quote: there are those who the law must protect but does not bind and there are those that the law must bind but not protect. That is the conservative idea. Go read the only moral abortion is my abortion with that statement in mind and it’ll make sense.


Phillando Castile.

I haven’t heard that case, can you show some examples of “conservative” outrage?

And I feel like it’s probably not race related seeing as conservatives were some of the first people to criticize the police in the Brenna Taylor case(a post about her boyfriends trial is still the top post on r/progun). Some conservatives also defended Andrew Coffee IV.

Jan 6. All for upholding law and order and obeying the police until they don’t get what they want.

From their perspective(by the way me explaining someone’s perspective doesn’t mean I agree with it at all like most of the people on this site seem to think!!!) their is a coup happening by the elites so they are going in to uphold the law and put in the rightfully elected(again in their mind) president.

All of the anti-trans laws passed are to “protect children” and yet they have not gone after any of the abuse scandals in churches or law enforcement.

Can you site any they defended recently?

Build the wall. Enforced only against black and brown people at the southern border.

I don’t see how that’s hypocritical.

How about holding the supreme court seat for a year?

IIRC not illegal- but against tradition


Love it

Dark_Arc, (edited )
@Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg avatar

I’d argue it does, conservative lawmaking has consistently operated with a distinct understanding (and execution) that shows “this applies to them not us.” I’d love for conservative law makers to do what they say and say what they mean. However, they won’t and thus can’t build a coalition that gets them elected by being honest about their policy goals.

Conservative law making in the US has become at its core “outrage politics” (and that depends on selectively enforcing ideals, policies, and laws/antagonizing part of the population). I don’t make generalizations lightly, but this is the core and fundamental piece holding the Republican party together, and it’s an awful state of affairs.

This can be further demonstrated by Vivek Ramaswamy climbing in the polls despite, as Chris Christie put it, “sounding like ChatGPT.”


I’m done with this conversation, you lot are ignorant, loud, and preventing actual progress and critical discourse.

You want to talk about outrage politics? You morons are outrage politics. Fuck off.

@Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg avatar

K. When you figure out what discourse you want to have come back without an empty argument.

You’ve just proven everyone else’s point that wrote you off. You’ve made no supportive arguments for your position and resorted to an opaque moral high ground where everyone else is an idiot.


Bruh, you are the literal embodiment of the issue plaguing the USA in this historical period: you say you are ready to have a discussion and then, once somebody engages you with actual facts in his hands, you attack your interlocutor with the most vapid point without replying to his considerations.

Furthermore I’ve been taught that there are two possible sides when tackling a problem: you can either be part of the problem or part of its solution.

As far as I see nowadays republicans are ALL part of a problem called “political extremism”. If you vote for the party which is presenting an autocrat and a crybaby as it’s frontrunner for the past and upcoming elections you don’t get to be offended when someone calls you out for that. If you are not voting democrat you are actively choosing to be ruled by a tiny minority which sees it’s religion as the only viable solution to all the (made up) problems they see in the modern world. Should you vote democrat, on the other hand, the worst which may happen is that you’ll loose some purchasing power when the world has been facing a pandemic and a regional war at the gates of Europe.

If your choice is to actively vote for the first option I’ve news from you: you are an enemy of the people and of democracy, don’t be surprised when people will treat you as such in your future interactions with tem


Why vote democrat though? Supposedly the US does have or allow other political parties to be formed. If they can organize themselves, diversifying the local state political pool should not be a problem at least.


I think you just proved their point…


You are a machine!


You definitely win the internet with this comment.


Excellent summary. Maybe add:“That slut next door should not have an abortion, she should have kept her legs closed. My daughter‘s abortion? That‘s totally different, it would have ruined her career“


Time to start giving the kids leaflets that highlight all the Communist teachings of Christ. Use The Bible to radicalize the youth!

Betcha they yank the book, tout suite.


They’d just lie and say the pamphlets are twisting Jesus’ words and use that as a pretext to ban the pamphlets.

Cognitive dissonance is a helluva drug


They would also use it as an excuse to try and teach the Bible in schools. Ya know, to correct the misinformation in those pamphlets.


Well, church leaders have been reporting that the sermon on the mount (or whatever) is being criticized as woke. Maybe there’s something to this idea after all.


Porn just needs some inspirational quotes to go along with it.


Fuck yeah, spread it

@CosmicCleric@lemmy.world avatar

Porn just needs some inspirational quotes to go along with it.

Love thy Neighbor, as you would love yourself.


Love thy Neighbor, as you would love yourself: ferociously.


does the law allow a school board to override the law? That seems odd.


TBF understanding that horses are known for their voluminous ejaculation is critical knowledge for children.


God is a brony confirmed


We all knew they were gonna figure out a way that the law doesn’t apply to them and the stuff they like. That’s like the fundamental constant of conservatives, it’s different when we do it because we’re not those people.


“Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.” –Francis M. Wilhoit

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