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IamSparticles, in 81% of full-time workers want a 4-day work week – and they're willing to make sacrifices to get it

My team at work recently instituted a “flex time” Friday policy. Basically, as long as we’re maintaining productivity we aren’t expected to work on Fridays. A lot of us still work half days to keep up but it’s nice to know that if I work a little more earlier in the week I can just take a three day weekend.


Fuck that sounds nice, I’m trying to sell my boss on changing to a 4-10h day work week, and he hasn’t said No yet, so we might be getting somewhere


FWIW every study on the subject shows that, for typical office work, four 10hour work days is not more productive than four 8hour work days, and both are at least 90% as productive as five 8hour workdays. People tend to fill the time with the production they need to get done.

Unless you’re working on a production line in manufacturing.


Ah interesting. I too have instituted a flex time Friday.

So far my company hasn’t seemed to notice


I dread the day my manager calls me in to talk about the flex time Friday


Eh as long as the tickets keep on chugging along, there should be no problem.


My boss doesn’t work on Fridays and I’m starting to push for this flex setup. I’ll check my emails and do the hour or two of work that might come in those days, but I want to do it from home while getting my household chores done before the weekend.


This is the way to go. What’s crazy is your productivity and efficiency is probably the same or better since you can have a softer reset with the weekend.


What is stopping your employer from giving you so much work that you are forced to work on Fridays so your employer only has to pretend the policy works?


That’s not how most jobs that can offer “flex time” function. The employer literally cannot just “invent” work to do.

IamSparticles, (edited )

We use a bottom-up work planning system (scrum). We have a backlog of work items that we (the people doing the work) assign point values to based on how complex we think the work is. Management knows about how many points of work we can complete in a 2 week period, and they decide what items they want done this work period based on their priorities. If we don’t get something done, it slips to the next 2 week sprint. If we get everything done and still have time, we pull additional items from the backlog. So long as the number of points we complete every 2 weeks stays relatively steady they are happy.

I know it’s hard to believe, because I’ve worked other places where it wasn’t like this. But some employers really do respect their employees and try to treat them with dignity and respect.

I will say that occasionally we have looming deadlines and more work to get done than we can normally do. When that happens we will be asked to dig in and work extra hours to get things done. It sucks but it’s also pretty rare. I’ve been with the company for going on 9 years and I think it has happened 3 times, for limited periods, and afterwards management will make it up by giving us time off as compensation. Most of us like working here enough that we don’t mind the occasional brief crunch.

traveler, in Two brands suspend advertising on X after their ads appeared next to pro-Nazi content

When does Lemmy start banning communist content as well? It’s equality as bad as nazism

ghost_of_faso2, avatar

ban this guy instead hes worse than both combined



ghost_of_faso2, avatar


anti-communists breathing air challenge (impossible)


Being anti-nazi = anti-communism = anti-fascism.

They’re all the same shit, just with a different smell to them.

ghost_of_faso2, avatar
NXTR, avatar

This is so incredibly inaccurate. Nazi’s killed communists before coming for other groups. In fact, communists were one of the largest roadblocks to Nazi’s gaining power so they were one of the first groups be be targeted and eliminated. Despite what the name of the National Social German Workers’ Party might have you assume, the Nazi party were very much capitalists. They deregulated, supported business owners, squashed unions and even privatized public industries. All of these are hallmarks of capitalism. The one thing I will agree with is being anti-fascist means being anti-nazi, however this doesn’t work the other way around. Equating communism with either fascism or nazism is asinine. Comparing fascism and nazism to neoliberalism would be much closer to an apt comparison.


Who is Lemmy to you? What would a ban look like to you?


Instances should ban other instances with heavy communist content and users that advertise the communist ideology, just like they’re most likely doing to nazism and other harmful ideologies.


m2c: no one should get banned for sharing his ideas. There’s a right to hate without exercising violence.


These are both ideologies that pray on the weak minded and on their life issues. Oddly they began in the same way, they both hate someone because they were wealthy while some in society were passing through difficulties. In case of nazis they hated on the jews, in case of communists they hate on everyone that has any money at all.

ghost_of_faso2, avatar

In case of nazis they hated on the jews, in case of communists they hate on everyone that has any money at all.

I think you mean landlords, and those two groups are not the same


Yeah yeah you already make your point, go back to the gulag.

ghost_of_faso2, avatar

my point being you have no idea what the fuck you’re talking about, liberalism (which im assuming you are) has historically killed more people than communism and further more is activelly still killing millions of people in modern wars and trade embargos


And capitalism, and the resulting lack of basic medical care in America despite us spending the most money per capita on it, killed my son and my dad. Go fuck yourself with a piece of rusty rebar you inhuman piece of shit. Tired of trying to have good faith arguments with folks like you. I’m ready to just start shooting on sight


Even attempting to draw a parallel like that between race/ethnicity and material wealth is a fairly questionable take to most rational people I’d say, or at least hope.


They did it and with success. Sadly when people are having a hard time they will be always search for someone to blame, and that’s why those populist nazis/communists/socialists/fascists come in.

They always blame the problems on a specific class of people, then they present themselves as the “solution”.

Trump did the same with the mexicans, and it worked.

ghost_of_faso2, avatar

They always blame the problems on a specific class of people, then they present themselves as the “solution”.

seems like it worked out quite well for a certain group, i wonder which


You may have misunderstood my comment; it was intended to suggest that I strongly question your values and priorities because you’re attempting to equate something as innate as race with material wealth. I’d go further to say that your conflating communism and socialism with nazism and fascism is merely ideological drivel.

ghost_of_faso2, avatar

The fact they seem to think communism, a ideology with scientific princables at its core and advocated for by Einstein reproduces by preying on the ‘weak minded’ clearly tells me how they view neuro-divergent people who dare to ask for representation too.


what the hell are you talking about? Victor d’Hupay was an aristocrat. John Goodwyn Barmby was a Chartist, one of whose literal tenets is “pay persons of modest means if they have to serve the interests of the nation”. Thomas Moore was the Lord High Chancellor to Henry VIII. Charles Fourier was the equivalent of a millionaire at age 9. Marx was a lawyer. Engels was the son of a wealthy mill owners. William Morris was the son of what today we’d call a Wall Street fatcat. Kropotkin’s family owned serfs.

Nearly everyone involved in suffrage movements started wealthy and observed the treatment of the poor and was moved to do something about it.

ghost_of_faso2, avatar

the politics understander has logged on watch out everyone


Thank you for making my point, your instance for example would be one of the ones being blocked from normal instances.


Yeah Lemmygrad and Hexbear are garbage. They’re not fully about communism though, they’re designed to look like communism and support the CCP (and Kremlin).

Exploding Heads is just as bad on the other end of the spectrum. They’re ruining Lemmy, I’d be ashamed to recommend it to anyone with all the authoritarian propaganda.


Like defederating from several tankie instances and the active discussion about defederating from additional communist instances?

Is that thing that is already happening the thing you want to happen or are there some additional things you want?

Puppy, avatar

Is communism in the room with you at the moment?


What do you think communism is?

Because the internet itself functions based on the ideals of Communism… Literally.

Who designed the internet?

Did they make everyone pay for it?

Who designs and maintains the protocols the internet uses to communicate with?

Do they charge licensing fees for you to use them?

Who writes the encryption algorithms that make HTTPS actually secure?

Are they open source?

Can you use them without paying a licensing fee?

Who designs and maintains the HTML specification?


Video codecs that make YouTube function without royalties?

Communism is EVERYWHERE, and it’s glorious. Why do you so utterly fail to understand what it even is?


Ah yes, the ultimate form of communism: VENTURE CAPITALISM.

And I think you need to investigate how a lot of open source gets funded (if it does at all) and why. It’s definitely not communism and in some cases, it’s a worse model than even capitalism.



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  • steltek,

    Because the internet itself functions based on the ideals of Communism… Literally.

    There are many moving pieces to “the Internet”. Literally none fundamentally work based on Communism. Any “free work” is a fancy version of Black Friday doorbuster sales.

    Who designed the internet?

    The United States military and research universities. Universities fund research to attract prestige, patentable technology, court donations, etc.

    Did they make everyone pay for it?

    The early Internet was not available, period. For pay or not. Al Gore as Senator, pushed for it to open it for commercial exploitation and commercial ISP’s began. Unless you had 500 hours of free AOL dialup, you were paying for it.

    Who designs and maintains the protocols the internet uses to communicate with?

    Cisco, IBM, Google, AWS, and others hire engineers to sit on the IETF, w3c, etc committees. They publish protocols so their employers can sell new products or maintain marketshare. As a side gig, they also review and approve protocols like ActivityPub.

    Do they charge licensing fees for you to use them?

    No, the expense is recouped when companies buy products that are built around those products.

    Who writes the encryption algorithms that make HTTPS actually secure?

    RSA is a multi-billion dollar security company. HTTPS certificates are products that you purchase from Certificate Authorities. Let’s Encrypt is funded by commercial companies to ensure consumer confidence in their main products.

    Are they open source?

    Sure. The algorithms are also reviewed and approved by NIST, a Communist agency run by the Communist country, the United States of America. You generally do not commercially use use an algorithm if it has not been approved by NIST.

    Can you use them without paying a licensing fee?

    Yes. Again, the expense is recouped when companies buy products that are built around those products.

    Who designs and maintains the HTML specification?

    Google, Apple, Mozilla, etc.


    As above.

    Video codecs that make YouTube function without royalties?

    Streaming services are communism now?

    Communism is EVERYWHERE, and it’s glorious. Why do you so utterly fail to understand what it even is?

    The misunderstanding is yours.


    Bahahahaha you literally do not understand what communism is…

    Do you think all those corporations contributing to the OPEN STANDARDS are paying each other to work on the open standards?!


    You remind me of a quote: “Libertarians are like house cats: absolutely convinced of their fierce independence while utterly dependent on a system they don’t appreciate or understand.”


    I am not a libertarian.


    Whatabout what your mom does, down by the docks at night?


    You’re confusing communism with Bolshevism and Soviet communism

    magnetosphere, in For 30 years, a memorial to Nazi collaborators sat largely unnoticed just outside Philadelphia. Now it’s drawing outrage. avatar

    The only thing more surprising than this monument’s existence is the fact that it took thirty years for people to actually notice and start making an issue of it.


    I’m not really surprised. The text is Cyrillic, not something most Americans can read, and it says:

    1st Ukrainian division
    To the warriors for the freedom of Ukraine

    Nothing about the SS unit, only the dates 1943-1945 and the shield of the lion and crowns. It’s not explicit.


    If you know much history, the dates and Ukrainian symbols, along with the cross should set off alarm bells.


    It’s in a Ukrainian Catholic cemetery, so I’d expect a majority of visitors could read Ukrainian.


    I mean, it’s clearly nazi symbolism without having to understand the text.


    Also, it’s a monument to Ukrainian soldiers who fought for the German endorsed military of Ukraine, serving with the SS. It’s a more complex story than just celebrating Nazi collaboration, because while they were definitely collaborators with the Nazis, they were doing so because they wanted a free and independent Ukraine and wanted to fight the USSR.

    So, they’re recognizing these soldiers because they fought for Ukrainian independence, not because the people supporting Ukrainian independence at the time were the Germans.


    Naaah, the subtlies of history require thinking


    They also willingly participated in mass murders of civilian population (Jewish and Polish). By “free and independent” the narrative also stuffs this.

    So no, whoever put that there knew very well whom they are celebrating. They are just fine with ethnic cleansing for some perceived benefit of their nation.

    Which can be shortened to “a memorial to Nazi collaborators”, which is the title.


    Except they’re not celebrating Nazi collaboration. They’re recognizing people who fought and died for Ukrainian independence. However tainted that struggle is by the people they fought for and with, and even sometimes the actions of those armies, it’s not them celebrating or recognizing Nazi collaboration. It’s a recognition of the fight for independence.

    To me, this is like recognizing Thomas Jefferson’s contributions to the founding of the US. Is someone who makes that recognition endorsing slavery and rape? No, they’re not. Because he’s a more complicated historical figure than just a random slaver and rapist, and it’s hard to tell the story of the foundation of the US without talking about his positive contributions.


    I’m as anti-NAZI as the next guy, but I swear some people have no idea of the nuances of history. I am sure we will start to get a rash of people protesting against Finland soon. We sided with the Soviets because of the convenience of a common enemy, AFTER they had invaded and partitioned and annexed half of Poland right beside the NAZI Germany. The invasion of Poland is what kicked off WWII btw. After the war, the West almost immediately entered into the Cold War with the USSR.

    I get it, this is an SS squad, and they contributed to atrocities of NAZI Germany, but I can understand some Ukrainians considering them to be freedom fighters against the Soviets, especially in 2023. It is also a memorial in a church cemetery, and not a statue of Lee in the middle of a town square. A debate is warranted, but I hope some people will learn a little bit more about how history is not black and white with the conversation.


    This is about one particular unit with history of war crimes. Different national legions of Wehrmacht and even Waffen SS have different record. I’m aware of some not so bad.

    but I can understand some Ukrainians considering them to be freedom fighters against the Soviets, especially in 2023

    I can agree that some “forest brothers” in1960s really were freedom fighters. But these guys - sure as hell not.


    And Zelenskyy agrees with you. Any part they had in torching Polish villages or other atrocities are horrendous.

    To be honest, i am a bit conflcted about it all. This wasn’t a statue put up to help bolster segregation 100 years after the fact, and I just wanted to point out that the Ukrainian struggle for independence has been ongoing and real, regardless of how ugly it may look. It is stuff like this that is fueling the propaganda of Russian’s invasion as an attempt to de-nazify Ukraine.


    It is stuff like this that is fueling the propaganda of Russian’s invasion as an attempt to de-nazify Ukraine.

    Wanted to say that nah, that’s not really a working mechanism… But suppose some people buy it. What even then, we should just whitewash crimes because recognizing them may strengthen propaganda in some particular case?


    Hope not, but de-nazifing Ukraine is still a prevalent talking point. It is also interesting to me this monument is only becoming an issue now.

    War is hell and there are evils always perpetuated on both sides (and i hate both sides arguments! Sorry!). I do believe intentions are important too, especially as in war people usually need to choose between the lesser of evils, which again comes with their own perspective. Being told as a Ukrainian you would only “fight the Bolsheviks” seems like it could have seen as a pretty good deal, especially when combined with the naive thought that supporting the Nazi effort could lead to an independent Ukraine. Again, naive but understandable. When focused on that perspective, and with consideration that they were separated from much of the rest of the SS in being charged with war crimes, I am a little more sympathetic. How many towns and villages did the US burn in WWII and in other wars? Sherman’s March to the Sea? Should we tear down those memorials too? I’d rather not know some of the shit my father did in the Vietnam War on behalf of the US government, but I can’t bring myself to curse his service. He just married an amazing Ukrainian woman a few years ago too…

    It’s easy to just jump to conclusions. No, don’t whitewash history, but having a more nuanced perspective I think is important. To be clear, I would be right there with a pitchfork if this was a monument to the Dirlewanger or Kaminski Brigades.


    OK, I agree.


    Finland was a democratic country that the Soviet Union invaded, and they cooperated with the later Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union.

    That seems more akin to the US allying with Stalin against Germany. They were allies of strategic convenience and it didn’t mean that the US approved of Stalin, gulags, etc.

    By contrast, this was a group in German- occupied Ukraine who enlisted in the literal SS. History isn’t black and white, but at best this is a very dark shade of grey.


    I can’t say anything about Graeco-Catholic or just Catholic Ukrainians in the USA, but most Ukrainians from ex-USSR I’ve met celebrate both. They’re just kinda modest with the Nazi part, but they are fine with it, and see it as something naughty all big boys have done, not to boast about, but important. They do have a problem as a nation.

    WHYAREWEALLCAPS, in Nearly 240,000 Chicagoans living on less than $19 a day

    Conservatives: Lazy welfare queens and druggies! They just don't want to work! They chose to be this way! They should all be arrested and/or executed.

    Progressives: throws money vaguely in that direction without direction Look we're helping! We're doing all we can.

    Leftists: This is the fault of the capitalist system run by an ownership class!

    Those of us who've been homeless or near homeless and those genuinely dedicated to helping the homeless: We need a comprehensive approach that takes all the challenges that cause homelessness into account and addresses them as a whole and in a meaningful way to create a long term sustainable solution.

    Conservatives, Progressives, and Leftists to us: Shut the fuck up! What do you know about any of this? We'll figure it out! Now shut the fuck up!


    This is a weird take to me. One of the groups is not like the other two in your own example. It is obvious that there is a huge wealth gap driven by unregulated capitalism which is contributing to the problem, and multiple studies have shown that homeless people that receive free money (i.e. a universal basic income) use that money to stop being homeless.

    Jaysyn, in How Did That Flagrantly Illegal Raid on a Kansas Newspaper Happen? The Editor Has an Idea. avatar

    I hope they bankrupt the town.


    But does that actually hurt the ones responsible?

    Alto, avatar

    Yet another case of the taxpayer getting fucked by corrupt cops.


    The town is responsible for the employees they hire and the behaviors they allow.

    Alto, avatar

    I think you vastly overestimate the amount of control the average citizen has in keeping those people there, especially in small towns like that

    athos77, (edited )

    While there's inevitably going to be a lot of finger-pointing, the main "villains" seem to be the sheriff (who seems to be retaliating against what he perceives as "newspaper overreach", and maybe because it might give him the opportunity to find out who was passing along the sexual misconduct allegations), the judge (who seems to have just rubber-stamped the search warrant, with good ol' boy network assurances that the paperwork would follow later on), and maybe the DA - I'm not sure if s/he was involved in this clusterfuck.

    But the thing is, all three of them are public officials. And they're going to claim qualified immunity:

    Qualified immunity is a judge-made legal protection that shields government officials from claims of unconstitutional conduct. It is a unique and specialized defense available only to government actors and can, if applied, allow those actors to avoid responsibility for constitutional violations.

    Qualified Immunity has been thrust into the spotlight in cases of misconduct by law enforcement. When sued for constitutional violations, police officers frequently claim qualified immunity applies and therefore the case should be dismissed. [per the Kansas ACLU]

    Puzzle_Sluts_4Ever, in More Americans support striking auto workers than car companies, an AP-NORC poll shows

    I want to believe but…

    The reason why SAG and the WGA got such strong support is that they largely used social media to build up support. Folk like Adam Conniver were actively doing the rounds on a LOT of media (and gaming) podcasts to explain what was going on and why the gang were going to play KOTOR instead of continuing to watch Star Wars and so forth. And I am sure stuff like the Always Sunny podcast and Scrubs re-watch had similar messages from the actors who hosted it. Which is in stark contrast to the last round where it was “Well, Lost and Breaking Bad are never coming back”

    For the auto workers? I wonder how much of that is support versus apathy and general disdain for c-suites. Like, I support the auto workers. I also am under no illusions that their strike has any meaningful impact on me since I am not buying a new car until at least next year (when the EVs I want are native NACS and have rear window wipers).

    Desistance, (edited )

    SAG/WGA controls the creation of near endless amounts of original content. Without them, studios lose nearly a trillion dollars in potential revenue.

    UAW members assemble for the big 3 automakers and can lock down any plant they choose causing billions in losses. Same goes for Unifor in Canada and the unions in Mexico.

    They really don’t need public support. But then the public itself is not getting paid either. So it’s very easy to sympathize with fellow underpaid workers.

    Puzzle_Sluts_4Ever, (edited )

    No, you very much do need public support.

    Because studios and automakers have deep pockets and can weather a storm. Whereas workers and the actors not getting paid tom cruise money more or less can’t. Which is where donations to fund, helping out with food at the picket line, etc help. It stretches the union’s coffers a lot.

    But also? Public backlash was a big factor for the last rounds of hollywood strikes. Some of it was people getting pissed off their shows weren’t on. But it was also acceptance of an environment where the scabs (sanctioned and unsanctioned) made off like gangsters.

    As much as I love Conan’s work, a lot of his massive popularity boost was how he handled being contractually obligated to put on a show. I think he and Letterman handled it well (Leno was a disphit as always), but they definitely benefited.

    But also? joss whedon and other creators who found “loopholes” similarly benefited. For crying out loud, a shitty, rather creepy, musical about fridging a girl on youtube was the most popular thing on the planet for a month or so.

    And both of those eroded support within the union. Because, is it REALLY worth fighting a bit longer when someone else is getting set up for life by getting their scab on? And there were no negative repercussions.

    Which is why SAG/WGA, through social media, went scorched earth on people like Stephen Amell and Drew Barrymore.

    And this is true for all strikes. If your local starbucks is striking and everyone is getting pissed off they can’t get their coffee or angry that the sidewalk is blocked? That makes it clear to management that they can wait it out and will likely see a burst in customer traffic when it is over.


    Autoworkers I think have their own advantage in the form of the decades of media narrative about the rust belt and offshoring of auto-manifacturing jobs

    _dev_null, avatar

    I also am under no illusions that their strike has any meaningful impact on me since I am not buying a new car until at least next year

    A disruption in the plants starting now can very much affect vehicle prices next year. Prices at the dealers still haven’t normalized since the pandemic vehicle shortage era, and the dealers would love even more of an excuse to keep prices artificially high.

    OldWoodFrame, in Oregon's first-in-the-nation drug decriminalization law faces growing pushback amid fentanyl crisis

    And of course nobody even contemplating the idea that they underfunded the resources invested in recovery and that’s the change they need to make.

    Moobythegoldensock, in Osama bin Laden's 'Letter to America' Goes Viral 21 Years Later -- on TikTok

    Here’s an archived version:…/theobserver

    He raises some fair points about the shitty things the US has done in the Middle East and our continued unwavering support of Israel. But we can’t just Ctrl-Z 80 years of history and ignore that State of Israel now exists and will have to coexist with Palestine. He lost me when he started whining that no one would let him implement Shariah law.

    The rest of it is tired antisemitic conspiracies along with calling on the US to convert to Islam and enshrine Shariah law into the Constitution. Thanks but no thanks: we already have enough religious nutjobs trying to turn the country into a theocracy and we don’t need more.

    IWantToFuckSpez, in Woman who fled Saudi Arabia with daughter wins court battle to stay in US

    She's still at risk in the US. These rich Saudi families will not hesitate to send their goons to the US.

    girlfreddy, in Top German journalist received €600,000 from Putin ally, leak reveals avatar

    Seipel, who secured the first television interview with the NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden after his arrival in Moscow in 2014, has faced accusations of being too pro-Russia. In a 2021 German radio broadcast, he denied receiving money from Russia in return for favourable reporting. When asked by the presenter whether he had taken payments, he responded: “Have you lost the plot? No!”.

    He lied. His career is done.

    merthyr1831, in ‘Acts of terrorism’ across Washington as 4 election offices get white powder in mail

    you know it’s some cop lover considering they think fentanyl powder kills people on contact


    I checked, and while you can’t absorb it through your skin, it does look like it’s possible to accidentally inhale a lethal dose.


    You could, but you’d have to have a lot of it blown airborne. you’d have to have it blown in your face to realistically inhale any of it.

    Anthrax and other effective mail-delivered substances were dangerous since they were much more airborne or were hard to properly ensure is cleaned off your person. Fentanyl won’t be ingested if it gets on your clothes or a trace remains on your hands, but invisible, long-lasting bacterium spores? Lethal.

    devz0r, in Christian photographer wins right to discriminate against LGBTQ+ couples

    I disagree with him, and I think he's bigoted. But I don't think anyone has the right to his labor and that he should be legally forced to photograph things that he doesn't want to photograph. And it's not like photography is a business that anyone can corner the market of in a small town or anything like that, all you need is a camera. It's the most common side hustle I see people try.

    dumdum666, (edited ) in DOJ announces arrests in ‘high-end brothel network’ used by elected officials, military officers and others

    I really don’t understand the way the US works in regards to „bought“ sex… on the one hand prostitution is illegal (with the exception of Las Vegas parts of Nevada) and as soon as you point a camera on the paid fucking it is called PORN and it is still a multi billion dollar industry.

    You guys are weird

    Edit: changed the Las Vegas part


    It’s very bizarre. Kinda shocking the gov’t hasn’t figured out the massive amount of tax revenue behind the legalization of sex workers.

    dumdum666, (edited )

    Works in other countries at least. Here in Germany they just pay income tax, like everyone else. Actually they are freelancers usually…

    On the other hand, Germany is still a bit backwards regarding cannabis legalization… but we are working on it.


    How is the trafficking in Germany?


    Illegal income is taxed, technically, but paying that tax would also basically be a confession. That’s how they got mobsters back in the day. So there ends up not being any when you’re right and there absolutely could be good tax revenue there

    Hell, it’s not federally banned, so it’s just states not being willing.


    What’s weird is that loophole exists and people don’t abuse it.

    Like, I get the streetwalkers selling $10 BJs dont, but for “high end” organizations like this, just stick an old school camcorder in the room and let the John keep whatever grainy unidentifiable footage they make during the encounter.

    If you’re ever investigated, you’re in the clear. If not, then no one even has to know.

    roguetrick, (edited )

    I bet employment fraud would have a bigger jail sentence than prostitution.

    ubermeisters, (edited ) avatar

    Pretty sure the forms required for filming adult entertainment include personally identifiable information, so no, it’s not just ‘add a camera and now it’s porn’.


    Nah. A group tried this in Pensacola and got busted. Can’t remember the details, but they were trying to pass prostitution off as pr0n because camera. Didn’t fly.

    teft, avatar

    Prostitution isn’t legal in Vegas. Parts of Nevada yes, but in Clark county where Las Vegas is located prostitution is illegal.


    That’s more insane than what the original comment pointed out.

    squiblet, avatar

    There are porn producers who do such a crappy job that I’d swear they only film so they have legal access to prostitution.


    Like 90% of OF “fan meets” are filmed fucks because it’s actually prostitution. Pretty sad they can’t be honest because some people had weir hangups hundreds of years ago


    Go on any hookup app or site and you’ll see plenty of “content creators” willing to meet up and “make content.”


    It started a few centuries ago when this annoying group of people known as Puritans were expelled from their home country and sailed to north America.

    The natives saved them from starvation and today still impose their beliefs and values on everybody. These hypocritical laws is but one example


    Basically all the founders and settlers were groups who were too weird for Europe lol

    Palerider, avatar

    I don’t believe they were expelled?

    I might be wrong…


    It’s easy to get confused because a lot of people who left England did so because they had no other prospects or no other choice, in the case of criminals or financial delinquents.

    Reading up on the founding of the US is a doozy. Essentially, all the rejects of England sailed to the ‘New World’ because there was more opportunity for them there than at home.

    The ones who had it good stayed in England.

    driving_crooner, (edited ) avatar

    They were not expelled from anywhere. They wanted to impose their religious doctrine on everyone else but every government keep telling them to fuck off.


    The Puritans were a small sect, just looking for the religious freedom to punish the best majority of people who didn’t believe the Puritans’ theology. Their notion of “religious freedom” is similar to the U.S. Catholic bishops’ notion. It’s a violation of religious freedom when people can make their own choices, and don’t have to obey a hierarchy.

    Uranium3006, avatar

    Not las Vegas, rural parts of Nevada


    It’s called the “First Amendment,” and you’ll find it can be used to justify/unjustify all sorts of things depending on the current government in power.

    GR4VY, in DOJ announces arrests in ‘high-end brothel network’ used by elected officials, military officers and others

    I’m assuming they’re arresting the sex workers and not the politicians and military officials?


    3 individuals sounds like just the pimps.


    They’d probably have to confirm identities to arrest those folks, and also prove they aren’t just getting name-dropped.

    Just grabbing the pimps and workers is a lot easier and less case intense


    Hopefully neither, and they’ll arrest the organizers/pimps/etc.

    sex workers and clients should be the lowest priority.


    You know what they say about hoping, you can hope in one hand and bang an escort in the other hand and see which hand fills up quicker.

    killeronthecorner, avatar

    My hand hurts

    cman6, in London Gaza rally: Rishi Sunak vows to hold Met chief 'accountable' over march

    All this hysteria in the news about the protest has motivated me even MORE to join on Saturday!


    That’s the point, I think?


    Maybe… I mean that would be great! Sunak/Braverman come out with some faux rage about the protests and accidentally increase support for them!


    Lol, yeah probably not like that. But that’s one sort of conspiracy theory I suppose.


    And what will your sign read?

    • „Stop firing rockets at civilians and hospitals in Israel“
    • „release all hostages“
    • „stop using civilians as human shields“
    • „stop stealing fuel from hospitals“
    • „do not criminalize homosexuals“
    • „do not bake babies“
    • „don’t rape“

    thousands of dead civilians including children missing from your list, curious

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