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some_guy, in Oliver Anthony - Rich Men North of Richmond

What’s unfortunate is that he’s a great songwriter and has a fantastic voice. Then he goes and uses those gifts to write a song signaling to the most wretched among us.

Also, this is blowing up because far-right agitators like Matt Walsh and co. timed a coordinated promotion. The only part that’s “true” is that everything sucks. The real reasons aren’t in the song.

Ram_The_Manparts, avatar

Yup, it’s so obviously astroturfed it’s not even funny

Ram_The_Manparts, in Oliver Anthony - Rich Men North of Richmond avatar

Lmao this guy is such a fucking clown.

Sure buddy, it’s definitely fat people on welfare who are holding you back on your 90 acres of property, dipshit picard


I’m pretty sure he’s not hating on welfare as a whole, just people who are using it who don’t need it. I know a handful of people who under report earnings just so they can get food stamps and take advantage of other government programs.

Ram_The_Manparts, avatar

I know a handful of people who under report earnings just so they can get food stamps and take advantage of other government programs.

Good for them. Get that bag.


I was trying to figure out why you were such a POS, then I noticed you’re from hexabear. Just gonna block you real quick.


He’s right though, the song is basically saying “life is hard for conservative cishet white men because of the got dang politicians taxing us”, and that’s a fundamentally reactionary view of the world.

If you want recommendations for good, actually working class country songs, might I recommend Woodie Guthrie? Or Peggy Seeger? They’re a little more on the folk side, but they’re really good.


I lean about as far left as you can go and the song resonates with me. I thought the song was a little deeper, talking about how the rich men (I’m assuming politicians) aren’t looking out for people. I feel like saying the song is only about taxes is taking a lot away from it. He talks on important issues like homelessness, male suicide rates, and that no one pays a living wage.

Ram_The_Manparts, avatar

I lean about as far left as you can go

Oh here we go che-smile

purahna, avatar

I’m pretty sure he’s not hating on welfare as a whole, just people who are using it who don’t need it

I lean about as far left as you can go

you know there are people who think everyone should have welfare, right? And that they’re dramatically to the left of you?


Oh yes, I’m a major supporter of UBI.

Edit: I’m not hating on people who use welfare, earlier I just stated what I thought he meant in his song by the phrase “milking welfare” to mean people who do not currently need it, using it.


Yang Gang, then?


No, not because his ideas and beliefs don’t align with mine. In fact a lot of what I have seen does fall in line with mine, but because I haven’t actually read up on most of his ideas in detail, I’ve just casually heard about them.

Edit: lmao I thought you meant Andrew Yang before I googled that term


As far left as you can go, huh? I’d suggest trying to push that envelope a little bit. Instead of being disappointed/mad/sad that rich people aren’t looking out for other people, try asking why rich people exist in the first place? Where did their wealth come from? And should they be allowed to keep it?


I don’t know why other people are giving you a hard time. I’m about as far left as you can go as well. This is absolutely a far-left song. This is the kind of thing Mao would have played when liquidating landlords or Stalin would have used as a soundtrack to confiscating Kulak farms.

This is probably the anthem of the far left and I’m glad you, as a fellow far leftist, enjoy it.

Ram_The_Manparts, avatar

I lean about as far left as you can go

Thoughts on Ukraine?


I fully support Ukraine.

Edit: Also, any thoughts on why everyone from hexabear so confrontational ?


I fully support Ukraine


We’re battle-hardened Reddit veterans, the bad-faith tankie discourse does things to a mfer.

Ram_The_Manparts, avatar

Edit: Also, any thoughts on why everyone from hexabear so confrontational ?

Simply pointing out that the song you’ve posted is based on nonsense is not “confrontational”

purahna, avatar

hang on, I get it but we have an opportunity to make some inroads here, immediately dragging up the most controversial possible issue doesn’t really serve us

Semi-Hemi-Demigod, avatar

This seems like a good time to post some of my favorite Woody Guthrie songs:

All You Fascists Bound To Lose

Miss Pavlichenko

Ram_The_Manparts, avatar

God forbid you’d ever have to deal with the truth of how the world works.

purahna, avatar

Consider this perspective: People work for seven, ten, fifteen dollars an hour. The companies they work for - Walmart, Kroger, Amazon, McDonalds - have a bottom line that amounts to hundreds of dollars per employee hour. Welfare is paid for by taxes that everyone pays (except corporations, who have the lowest tax rates of any entity, including the poor) and inflates the effective income of these low wage folks to maybe twenty an hour.

Through this lens, welfare transfers income from middle and lower class people to only lower class people to keep them barely floating above destitution, while most of the actual profits that the working classes produce with their labor go into corporate coffers, upper class stock holders, and executive’s pockets. Welfare is a corporate bailout because it means corporations can pay less to workers and the difference is made up for by the working class.

When we think like this, there are 2 very natural conclusions:

  1. Anything that anyone can get through welfare is legitimate, because anyone eligible for it is so screwed over by corporations that they deserve whatever they can get
  2. Welfare as a system is built to favor the rich, and ultimately needs to be replaced by a system that favors the poor and funds the necessities of everyone from those who have benefitted the most from everyone else’s work (corporations and the wealthy)

And he lives in a camper on that 90 acres, so it’s not like he’s living some extravagant life on his land.

Ram_The_Manparts, avatar

Meanwhile, there are people who own nothing but the clothes they wear and sleep on the streets.

Fuck this guy.


He literally talks about that in this song. You should try forming a new habit, one where you educate yourself before you speak.

Ram_The_Manparts, avatar

“Fat people on welfare are oppressing me on my 90 acres of land”

purahna, avatar…/2065396588_zpid/

Here’s 54 acres of undeveloped land in the town he lives in for $475K. He could parcel his 90 acres ($792k at this rate, and by far not the most expensive lot per acre I found when browsing), build a 5000 sq. foot home with a 3 car garage with 100% contractor labor, and keep 20 acres to have it on.


It’s about $169 sq/ft to build in Richmond. A 5000 sq/ft home would run you $845,000, without the garage. So no, he couldn’t do that.

purahna, avatar

Sorry, you’re right, he could only own a 3,000 sq. ft. three car garage home on his 20 acres. Definitely much more working class.


That is more than your typical working class individual but what was the overall point you were trying to make? He currently lives in a camper, he could sell it all and have a decent home but he hasn’t. Are you implying he’s only posing as a working class man because of the potential wealth he has in his land? I’m just not understanding the point you are chasing after here.

Ram_The_Manparts, avatar

Are you implying he’s only posing as a working class man because of the potential wealth he has in his land?


Ram_The_Manparts, avatar

Just take the L ffs

SinningStromgald, in Johnny Cash - Hurt (2002)

I say this is the best version of “Hurt”.

Dave, avatar

I think it’s ok to like both (the NIN original and this one). They are almost like different genres of music though.


Definitely a different genre is this choir arrangement. I really like it, but I don’t know my ranking of versions over all.

Dave, avatar

Wow, that’s really well done! I haven’t heard that before.


That’s almost Gregorian chant like in execution. Very cool interpretation. Somehow though I feel they lost the penitent feelings the original and Cash versions have. They almost flipped to a Zen/meditative kinda song instead. Introspective but in a different way.


Totally okay to like both (I do!). I just contend the Cash version is best.


NiN is still the best in my opinion. I like the complexity and layering and the sounds used. Cash's cover is fine.


I believe that Trent Reznor liked Cash's version so much that upon hearing it, he stated that it's Johnny Cash's song now.


That's not exactly what he said or meant. If he really thought it was Cash's song now he wouldn't close EVERY SINGLE SHOW with it.

I wish NIN would let go of this song. There are much better songs in their catalog to close shows with.

Alto, avatar

Not necessarily. Bob Dylan said something to the same effect regarding All Along the Watchtower and Jimi Hendrix and still played it.


As I recall Trent Reznor said that himself.about this version. Specifically that while he wrote it, after this rendition it's not his song anymore.


This is a common misquote, Trent never said that Johnny’s was better. He simply said that what he was hearing wasn’t his song anymore.

Basically just expressing how impressed he was that Johnny Cash really made it his own, and didn’t just do a simple cover.


In my opinion it’s significantly worse and only known because it’s Johnny Cash. He’s hardly singing and sounds bored half the time…compared to Trent reznor who sings passionately and varied. I’m not the biggest NIN fan but I think the original’s instrumental part is way more musically interesting to me, too. To each their own of course but I’m always surprised to see how many people love this version

Downcount, in Portishead - Wandering Star

This track is on autoplay in my head the moment I read its title.

watson387, in Faith No More - Epic (1989) avatar

Who the fuck downvotes Mike Patton?


I’ve had a crush on him sense I was a kid. This song is one of the best, late 80s style. Damn it was so sexy.



Alto, avatar

They made a spelling error, GET THEM


The point is to let them know so they can fix it, not about shaming anyone.

moody, in Portishead - Wandering Star

I used to have this album playing on a loop back in the day.


This song is like a Time Machine to the mid nineties for me.

velox_vulnus, (edited ) in The Beatles Release Their Final Song, "Now and Then": Hear the Song and Watch the Music Video Directed by Peter Jackson | Open Culture avatar


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  • Flaky, avatar

    I quite liked the composition but the whole “old vocals with new production” was throwing me off a bit ngl

    DigitalTraveler42, in Oliver Anthony - Rich Men North of Richmond

    Oh yay, the guy being astroturfed and loved by mask off fascists like Matt Walsh.

    This shit is garbage

    TanakaAsuka, in Oliver Anthony - Rich Men North of Richmond

    This astro turfed guy again? Yikes

    Jackcooper, in Johnny Cash - Hurt (2002)

    His wife and then he died within a year of making this video. Makes me cry.

    ChihuahuaOfDoom, in Pink Floyd - On the Turning Away (1987)

    This is my favorite Pink Floyd song not on Dark Side of the Moon or Wish You Were Here.


    It’s a really good album imo

    harsh3466, in Fatboy Slim ft. Bootsy Collins - Weapon Of Choice

    Fucking love this song and video

    a_seattle_ian, in Rodriguez, Detroit Singer Behind “Sugar Man,” Dies at 81

    Classic tail of an great artist who got fucked by the music industry…


    Did he get fucked or just didn’t take off in the states initially?

    Much of success is about luck, just because you’re good and work hard doesn’t ever mean youll “make it”.

    Lucky of the bootleg copies, otherwise many of us probably wouldnt have got to hear him. Great artist!


    Based on my memory, like a lot of musicians in the “good old days”, the record label cut him out of everything and actively hid royalties from him. The documentary “Searching for Sugar Man” goes into more details. As i recall they find the producer but can’t find the money. Great Doc check it out. Also found this " One of the dramatic highlights of the film is when the interviewer confronts Clarence Avant, the label’s owner. “What happened to all of the royalties?” the interviewer asks. Avant becomes visibly agitated and is unable to offer a satisfactory answer to the question. "

    a_seattle_ian, (edited )

    BUT, the “record deals” often were so bad that they didn’t have to hide anything they just structured them in a way that wasn’t very advantageous to the artist and Pay to Play and access to distribution channels meant you you didn’t have a lot of other options. Some tried to work around the system but you probably have never heard of them. A good example that comes to mind is Greg Sage of the Wipers. Youth Of America - The Wipers (1981)


    Interestingly an other band that went to insane length to get around the US music system was a band that found an audience in Germany. :-) Dead Moon LIVE at Stuttgart (‎Germany) 23 08 1990


    I’ve seen the film when it came out and was listening to Rodriguez before it came out, but my memory must be failing me, as I thought he only sold like 10 albums in the US and hence no royalties, but how he got famous was bootlegged tapes and records in South Africa.


    I think that also happened…and maybe the royalties issue wasn’t as black and white as I thought.

    What Likely Happened to the Royalties for “Sugar Man”?

    It’s a tuff biz. I don’t think you were wrong, luck has a lot to do with it and the bootlegging certainly helped.


    “In conclusion, while there may have been duplicity at Sussex, most likely the reason why Rodriguez never got paid royalties is because there were no royalties to be paid”

    That was the heart warming thing for me, he never sold out and never knew he was famous. We all would like to imagine ourselves as such, and we’d never know the difference :)


    No, he got right fucked. I’ll second the documentary *Searching for the Sugarman.”

    It’s really good and I don’t want to spoil too much if you want to watch it, but I could give you the Cliff notes if you want.

    Ceronis, avatar


    By "luck" I'm assuming you mean "nepotism", yes?

    It doesn't matter how lucky, talented, or hard working you are. We've known that the American music "industry" is an oligopoly for decades, now. Let's not nurture the notion that it's open for talented people to join off their merits.


    Bit too much of a generalisation for me that one, but I get your underlying point.

    RadButNotAChad, in Propagandhi - Haille Sellasse, Up Your Ass

    My girlfriend did not believe me at first that John K Samson was in Propagandhi.

    stormtrooper, in Dio - Holy Diver (1983)

    As much as I love this song, the intro is a bit long and slows down the pace when in a playlist. So I like the killswitch engage version as well. But nothing beats Dio. Fuck yeah


    I remember I cut the intro from the song… ahh those were the days when I used download media (?

    I don’t know if there is a short version in Spotify or alike.

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