The Spotify Car Thing cost $100, but I can't use it anymore.

EDIT: The only reason why I still had it at this point was because I could use it with other apps. However, now that my Spotify Subscription is cancelled, it doesn’t work with anything. It’s mildly infuriating because today, I can’t still use it with other apps like I was able to yesterday.

Please don’t make the same mistake I made. No one should buy this.

c0mbatbag3l, avatar

Wait, so let me get this straight.

You purchased a device that presumably has no local storage and are upset that it needs you to login to a server that can then stream you the music?

Or is this an issue of not having a paid account?

I guess Spotify didn’t realize someone who didn’t pay for Spotify would be likely to pay 100 bucks for a device to stream Spotify, and in most cases I’d say they’re probably right.


upset that it needs you to login to a specific server before it will let you stream music from other unrelated servers



Must be nice to be privileged

c0mbatbag3l, avatar

If you can drop 100 bucks on a random bullshit device instead of just using your phone or something then you’re the privileged one.

Reduce and reuse was just a way of life for some of us.

Plus it was on the marketing, not much to be done there unless you just can’t read.


I pay for a family account, but apparently that’s not the same as a premium account. I’d have the same problem using this device without having to upgrade my Spotify account.


family accounts work with it


Fuck streaming. Return to a big dumb pile of MP3s.


This is absurdly difficult if you want to actually pay for individual mp3s. It’s like they want you to pirate


Nice weather we’re having.


I know, right? A bit hot in some parts of the world, but in general, things seem nice.


You wouldn’t download a storm cell.




The first generation iPod topped out at 40GB. It’s felt like that for a long time, matey

teclo, avatar

I found my first gen iPod last week, the gen 1 with the spinning wheel and firewire maxed at 5 gig.


Those had the cutest mini hard drive.

usualsuspect191, (edited )

I still buy CDs and rip them. All the music I want on my phone ready to play from headphones or the car


I just bought a CD player a few weeks ago. It’s not very good (it’s a combination CD player/alarm clock, and the speakers are crap) but it’s nice being able to just put a disc in and press “play” instead of booting up one of my game consoles or plugging in my USB optical drive. I’ve started hitting up second-hand stores for CDs to play with it.


That must be expensive as fuck.


I think Spotify is 12€ p month. Let’s say 10€. A new album costs about 10€ digital or 15-20€ as a CD.

So you could buy a new album every month and build up a catalogue.

I buy them used for about 2,50€ an album.


I don’t always want an album though. Sometimes I just like one song on an album.

Spotify is just so convenient. I have over 5000 liked songs on there.


I just download from youtube with yt-dlp or using blackhole app to import spotify playlist or using some telegram bot to download songs from spptify links.

Convenience is because you have been using it and made your liked playlist there. I download the songs I like and play it locally because that is even more convenient to turn of mobile data or put airplane mode on and play song with much longer battery life and no other app notifications. Also you can play it on any device with the added benefit of not getting tracked and getting advertisements


You can also have offline mode on Spotify, my desktop has downloaded all 5000+ songs.

Also yt-dlp is just piracy with extra steps. Might as well pirate the music to get it in good quality.


Offline mode on spotify is local media with extra steps. Offline mode is premium only. Also you still get tracked with the proprietary app. Spotify songs cannot be played in your favourite music player, device or whatever. I can copy some songs into sdcard to play it on an old speaker set.

Pirated music gets more convenient than what you paid for. Moreover, restricting saving and sharing media is kinda dumb and does not actually hurt artists or their revenue


Offline mode on spotify is local media with extra steps.

It’s really less steps. I don’t have to do anything other than click a single button once.

Pirated music gets more convenient than what you paid for.

It really doesn’t. I like piracy, and I have a Plex server with around 6 TB of media but pirating music on a large scale is just annoying as fuck and my PC would have to be on all the time for my phone to access all my Music. My phone obviously can’t fit 5000+ songs.

I even have Radarr, Sonarr, and Bazarr; and I am of a few private trackers. So I am not unfamiliar with piracy.


All I play is 75 songs mp3s and i pkay it in shuffle. When i really like a song i downloads it. I really hate having to load every songs from internet to play it, everytime. Still having to load from your pc is easier than having to load from internet, for me. Also you get tracked online, always. Offline doesnt work for non premium.

Btw 5000+ songs with each 10mb file size would be 50gb and you could fit it in phone


Yeah, I know I technically could. But I don’t want too since I want to have other stuff on it.

And I don’t give a shit about non-premium, it’s unbearable anyways.

Also, if I am going through the trouble of downloading music (I have a few albums on my server), I am downloading FLAC files.


You wouldn’t get flac like quality with spotify so why worry about flac?

And I don’t give a shit about non-premium, it’s unbearable anyways.

So comes downloading. Non premium is unbearable. I also use xManager for the spotify when i do use it.

Moreover you haven’t addressed online tracking yet


Yeah, I love streaming for music. About $10 a month and I get seemingly every song I’ve ever looked up. Streaming video has a lot of problems with fragmentation, but music doesn’t seem to have nearly as bad of an issue. I use YTM and have never not found what I wanted to listen to. $10 is like the price of a single CD (or was – it’s been well over a decade since I’ve even looked at the price of CDs).

I’ve also listened to a lot of full albums on streaming (it’s often what I do when I discover a new artist that I like) and there’s never an album that I’d want to buy every song from. My music tastes are also very diverse. My liked songs are full of tons of songs that may as well be one hit wonders to me. That doesn’t translate well to buying CDs.


I stopped listening to music, radio or nothing. I’m tired of being constantly stimulated, I desire peace and quiet


I actually really love the idea of spotify, but their execution is fucked. Joe Rogan’s getting billions and musicians who make up the overwhelming majority of the plays get microscopic returns per play. That’s bullshit.


Instructions unclear burning 8 track tapes.

oryx, avatar

Why would you even buy this? Literally just buy a phone mount and use your phone. This thing was a textbook example of a useless product.


Seriously, what does this do that a phone doesn’t? Am I missing something? Even early Android/iOS devices could run Spotify in their time (although not always anymore). What does this do?


It has volume button. Idk


Whenever I’m driving, my phone is almost permanently mounted as a GPS. I also own the car thingy, it has very intuitive hardware buttons and a dial on top of being touch screen. This way I can leave my phone on the GPS screen and adjust Spotify controls on the car thingy without taking attention of the road.

The only real shitty thing I would argue is that you NEED Spotify premium not just to control your Spotify, but also to control youtube/mp3 player/ any other media that you would want to play through your phone.


very intuitive hardware buttons

Now there is an actually sensible product: A phone holder with nice hardware buttons, exposed to the phone as a USB keyboard.


I’ve got a bluetooth steering wheel control (add on for ~$15) that adds play, pause, volume control, and next/previous track.


Image Transcription:

A photo of a Spotify Car Thing with the text displaying on the screen under the Spotify logo: “Need a Premium account To use Car Thing you need to be logged in to a Spotify Premium or Premium Family account on your phone.”

[I am a human, if I’ve made a mistake please let me know. Please consider providing alt-text for ease of use. Thank you. 💜]


Hi transcript gpt


Hello Android 009.

eager_eagle, avatar

Good human


Thank you, fellow human 🤖


Sucks but that’s what happens when you support capitalism. 🏴‍☠️🦜⛵


Sell it and buy an Android Auto/CarPlay head unit. Then use Spotify in that. In my opinion, it’s a much better experience.

elscallr, avatar

I just use a Bluetooth -> aux adapter and my phone on a mount. Never wanted a screen on my dash.


Which is fine for the majority. However, if you like to pump the volume or care about quality, bluetooth is very lacking. AA/ACP works over either USB or wifi, and the quality is muuuuch better.


Even USB-C is lacking as far as volume is concerned. I recently had to upgrade my 8-year-old phone to a new model that only has USB-C and no audio jack. My car has an aux-in plug and I got an adapter for the new phone, but the max volume is only about half what the old phone was. How the fuck am I supposed to destroy my hearing with USB-C?

elscallr, avatar

The limitation on volume is mildly irritating, but I only notice it every once in a while.

Deadful, avatar

When playing music from USB-C the audio precessing is happening in the adapter, not the phone. You may want to get a different/better adapter and that should solve your problem with low volume.

This one from Amazon sounds good, gets crazy loud, and is very inexpensive:

USB Type C to 3.5mm Female Headphone Jack Adapter

elscallr, avatar

Then they should build an adapter that doesn’t need a UI. I’d use it. Maybe I’ll build it… WPS makes one button wifi connections an option.


Which Bluetooth audio code are you referring to? I doubt those would be “much better”


How do you watch porn then?

elscallr, avatar

In my car?


Where else would you watch it? 🧐

airportline, avatar

Doing this


Do you have any suggestions on which one of those to get? There are so many choices but they all have very bad English in their descriptions or spam Instagram ads so I don’t trust them

Burp, avatar

But a Sony, rca, jvc, boss, kenwood, pioneer, jbl.


Oh boo giving hoo. You bought a product that requires a subscription and has since the start.


Flash it


Thus makes me kind of glad I still use pandora premium instead. I debated getting Spotify premium again but f that.

Dozzi92, avatar

This does? Did you have a Car Thing?

Spotify to me is a far, far superior product. Sure Pandora paved the way, but it’s Chrome to Netscape Navigator at this point.


I’ve always had a better experience with pandora anyways. It’s a matter of preference too. Not saying people can’t enjoy Spotify, I just don’t.


That’s painful. Chargeback on credit card if Spotify doesn’t take that back.

Although why would you need something like this if you have a phone + aux cord + adapter/dongle?

SexualPolytope, avatar

Honestly, what else did you expect? Lifetime Spotify Premium for $100? It was a shit product ever since it was launched. You bought it, it’s on you.

uis, avatar

Ah, yes. You are at fault, not the corporate greed.


Both consumer and corporate were greedy


yeah, it’s just access to a website. it’s not like they pay artists shit


I would have expected that the ad supported Spotify would have still worked. There is still a free tier.

SexualPolytope, avatar

I guess that’s a fair expectation.

ScrollinMyDayAway, (edited )

I cancelled my paid Spotify account because I can’t get them to stop fucking recommending Joe Rogan to me.


I’m moments away from canceling. Splash screens of some bullshit podcast or something I don’t want to see. Getting fed up.

uis, avatar

Get on board, sail the seas


Search for Github SpotDL And Navidrome

No need to sail them seas, but maybe still use a vpn, just on case. Fun fact i heard from a friend of a friend: Youtube starts rate limiting after 50,000 audio-only video downloads, until you have a new IP.


I am skeptical of the quality of audio on YouTube. And of full album tracks running together properly.

Am I wrong?

SexualPolytope, avatar

I’ve also noticed that sometimes it downloads the wrong versions of songs. While my Spotify playlist has the album version of a song, it might sometimes download a live performance audio or a reprise version.


It’s free. You’re getting “free” quality. Actual quality anything costs money or requires theft.


Im not audiophile so I scrape audio with newpipe. Downloaded and stream quality are indistinguishably satisfactory.


ive donated to slsk. I like the song radio and album radio features of spotify, found one of my favorite bands that way


I have hundreds upon hundreds of songs in my Spotify music library. Downloading them one by one sounds like hell. And then I wouldn’t be discovering new music either.


If you want to move them elsewhere(or even just get a csv export of them) there are apps for that. will let you pay a one time fee to do it to as many services as you want, it’s a bit slow but it’ll get there eventually.

seitanic, avatar

Renting music sounds like hell to me. If the songs can’t exist as files on my computer (Opus, Ogg, MP3, etc.) then I’m out.


leave em sail the seas or tidal for the same price you get better audio so win win in my book either way


plus you’re supporting jigga


Really? Where out of curiosity? I’ve never experienced that.


On PC. Keep (kept) it in a separate window while working.


Never had issues with that either tbh. I guess the algo just picked up on something for you. That’s annoying.


White guy late 50’s? What algo would ever target me?


Allegedly, YouTube Music is about to shove podcasts in our faces with a soon to come update.

I’m leaving YTM if they do that. I’ll go back to ☠️⚓⛵ and using locally available music.


If you have an android, just download blackplayer and use a YT link to mp3 site to get whatever music you want.


Time to give Napster a shot!


Is Limewire still a thing?


I’m gonna go pull my fucking LPs out of the attic.


Not as the software it was, but frostwire is still kicking

EDIT: correction, frostwire is now a BitTorrent client

Looks like there are still Gnutella clients out there though


No but direct downloads are all the rage. Here are my two favorite sites for free music. Every track is available in either 320k MP3, or FLAC lossless. So they’re even better than Limewire ever was: (FYI don’t use punctuation in your queries or it breaks the search on this one)


If you want a virus and to not be able to download anything, sure.


You want SoulSeek. I swear it’s not a dating app


Don’t think so. Soulseek on the other hand…




It’s kind of a joke, but Napster is actually trying to get back into it. They hired the guy in charge of music from Roblox to be CEO


I’ve been pretty happy with YouTube music. I got legacied in due to Google Music shutting down and thought I would hate it, but I’ve had zero complaints. Plus, it comes with free YouTube Premium, so I haven’t seen an ad in years.


I have so many complaints, Google Play music was fine. It did exactly what I wanted it to.

YouTube music is like an alien looked at that app, and tried to recreate it exclusively by smashing it’s forehead against a keyboard until an app that started most of the time came out.


It’s definitely not Google play music, but I treat it a bit like Pandora twenty years ago and it’s ok for that.


I would actually argue that Google Play Music was the best music streaming app that I’ve used. It was great being able to upload music from CDs of small local bands and have it right in there with the other streaming music.

Just today I had a hankering to listen to a specific song through my android auto, and instead of just being able to verbally ask the unit for that song, or even being able to search through the atrocity that is the YouTube Music interface on my head unit, I had to pull over, pull out my phone, search for the band, then click the uploads tab (because uploaded music does not show with the regular search results) and then click the song to get it to play.


It’s not optimal, and I would like for uploaded music to just show up in the regular search, but there is a top navigation bar where you can just switch between where to search (uploads being one of the options). Also YTM has the upside of showing YouTube uploads as well, I could always find obscure bonus EPs that only came with the physical CD because someone uploaded it, which is really handy


Yes and the glorious “playing near you” feature of Play Music. That made the best recommendations for local shows, and I mean local, within a few miles, not just bands I’d listened to but always relevant and often small shows! That feature, I found several new bands I liked that way and good live music. YouTube has nothing like that. Also interface not as intuitive, more cluttered. My kids like it better because they do like having the videos available, but as I do not give a fuck about that but do like live music this is still not as good as the Play Music.


YouTube music is like an alien looked at that app, and tried to recreate it exclusively by smashing it’s forehead against a keyboard until an app that started most of the time came out.

You think they that much care and attention into the app?

But seriously, yeah, I had pretty much the same experience -Google Play Music just worked beautifully, whereas YouTube Music was a steaming turd on Android. I gave up after six months and two phones and went to Deezer, never looked back


I’m still pissed ytm no longer allowed me to view playlist songs like it would in gpm


I would say the same myself. They don’t do the worst job for music discovery either which is important to me. Amazon Music drove me nuts constantly recommending Cage the Elephant and other well-known (profitable) artists instead of obscure music similar to my tastes.


The algorithm on YT music is vastly superior to Spotify for new discoveries

Oh, you used to listen to Metallica back in the day?

YT music - Here, you’d probably like Shaka Ponk, Gin Wigmore and Royal Blood

Spotify - hAvE YoU hEarD of A bANd cAllEd KiSs?


Same. Honestly, I expected YTM to make things worse. That’s usually how those kinda things go. But it actually did get better for me. I jumped to Google Play Music because it had better selection than Spotify (at least back then). YTM kept that, but fixed the issues I was having with the desktop browser player sometimes getting stuck. And the more recent support for lyrics that are synced to the music is great.

rambaroo, (edited )

Their queueing system sucks. All I want to do is queue up some songs but instead YTM fills my queue with tons of crap I’ve never listened to before because that’s how they make money. They put my manually queued songs at the END of the queue so I have to move them up 20+ spaces. There’s literally no way to do it other than creating a custom playlist every time I listen to music, and they intentionally made that take more clicks/taps than queuing. I don’t get how people are ok with the YTM app, it’s terrible.

I hate YTM and I hate that I can’t cancel it because they bundle it with YouTube premium, which my partner uses every day. Screw Google and they anti-consumer manipulative bs.


Yeah, you can use the play next button but it’s not ideal

nudnyekscentryk, avatar

Their queueing system sucks. All I want to do is queue up some songs but instead YTM fills my queue with tons of crap I’ve never listened to before because that’s how they make money. They put my manually queued songs at the END of the queue so I have to move them up 20+ spaces. There’s literally no way to do it other than creating a custom playlist every time I listen to music, and they intentionally made that take more clicks/taps than queuing. I don’t get how people are ok with the YTM app, it’s terrible.


  1. you can disable automatic queuing by hitting the ‘auto-play’ switch in UP NEXT
  2. you can queue songs by long-pressing and hitting ‘play next’ (which will put it in front of the queue) or ‘add to queue’ (which will put it in my the end
rambaroo, (edited )

No, I’m not wrong. Option 1 does not exist on my phone. There is no switch.

And the “play next” feature also sucks. I don’t want to “play next”. I want to build a queue like literally any other music app and that isn’t what “play next” does.

Edit: I don’t see that “auto-play” switch on the web app in Safari either.

nudnyekscentryk, avatar

yes you are, it must be there unless you’re using an obsolete release of the app. Below is a screenshot how it looks like

yes, you can build a queue by “adding to queue”.


No. I’m not wrong, and I don’t appreciate you repeatedly telling me I am when you obviously have no clue what I’m looking at.

It isn’t there. I’m on Android 13 with the latest version of the app. There is no “auto-play” toggle anywhere. I’d upload screenshots to prove it but lemmy is throwing exceptions. I’ve checked every tab and settings page as well.


So I finally figured it out. this is how that toggle works:

  • it only appears when you manually search for a song or select a song from certain groups on the home page.
  • it does not appear to appear if you select a song from “listen again” or “quick picks” in which case the app forces you to listen to whatever is in their queue unless you manually clear the queue.

So no matter what it’s still a bad experience.

nudnyekscentryk, avatar

oh yeah, you are right-ish. it doesn’t show up if you launch a “radio”, which innately is a automatic, end-less playlist of similar music. I do agree though that this should be more visible in the UI


There’s literally a feature on Spotify where you can hide an artist and never see it, fyi


Oof. I managed to dodge a bullet on this one. I preordered it,but never received it / was never charged.

I picked one up for like $5 when they were fire selling them. I’ve used it like 4 times.


My wife and I use ours (I bought 2) all the time. We like the voice activation from the unit and we like the interface for seeing what’s playing better than we do our entertainment systems (we have used cars). It’s not a slam dunk but it’s good for what it does.


I wanted it to let back seat people control Spotify without touching my actual phone, and for that it works well.


And? Their site clearly states that a premium subscription is required.


And was that the case since it first went on sale?


Do I just want to ask a question too?

ilovededyoupiggy, avatar

Where do babies come from?


how is babby formed

elscallr, avatar

am i pergnert?

c0mbatbag3l, avatar

A. Luigi. Borad?




Correct… ?


Yes. They said so in their announcement of the device’s general availability.



Honestly this is such a stupid product… Just buy an Android Auto and/or Carplay device instead. They are cheaper, offer more features, and don’t force you to pay a subscription fee to utilize it.

Fuck products like this one. If you own it, it should be yours to use.


Do you have a recommendation for a good one of the Android auto things? They vary so much in price and I don’t know if paying more means it’s actually better


Lol why did you buy something without reading the fine print. Now suffer and keep complaining. Never buy anything that has a subscription model. If you paid $100 , that thing is yours ans you should be able to use it the way you want. Checkout YouTube Louis Rossman videos for some education.

uis, avatar

Checkout YouTube Louis Rossman videos for some education.

I think you don’t watch him or you are troll(or both) because first thing you is started to blame the customer


Yes because some people are really dumb. Like sometimes you’ll question how the fuck they made it so far in life.

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