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Jackthelad, in Watching ads while grandma is choking on a fish bone

“Sorry your gran’s dead, but you can get YouTube Premium for £12.99 a month for an ad-free experience.”

mp3, avatar

Cyberpunk isn’t too far off…


I remember when cyberpunk’s vision of the future was grounded in ridiculous cynicism instead of a charitable assessment of reality.

Hyperreality, (edited )

Of course not. Cyberpunk and tech noir usually isn't just about the future, it's arguably about now. More generally, science fiction is often used as a 'safe' way to criticise existing society or say what can't otherwise be said.

Prime example: Tarkovski's science fiction films (Stalker, Solaris, ...), which smuggled very religious themes past the soviet censor, because 'it's only science fiction'.

Make a movie glorifying terrorism? Likely jail sentence and on a list. Make a movie glorifying a terrorist that blows up parliament in a dystopian future? Cult classic.

Make a movie which compares American nationalism to the nazis? You'll never work in Hollywood again. Make it about humans fighting space aliens? Would you like to know more?

Make a movie about how capitalists indoctrinate us all via advertising? You filthy communist! Make a movie about how aliens indoctrinate us all via advertising? They Live, John Carpenter, cult classic.

Make a movie about transitioning? No thanks. Make a movie about freeing yourself from the Matrix with the help of a red pill which looks a lot like the hormone pills the directors used to transition? Become a millionaire.

Make a tv episode where one of the main cast has a sexual relationship with a trans character, who is later forced to undergo gender reaffirming therapy in 1992? Impossible. Make it about Riker having a relationship with an alien who's not androgynous because her race finds gender weird? Prime time tv.

Make a tv programme about the guilt of a Nazi who worked in a camp while the Jews were being exterminated? No way that's happening. Make a tv programme about the guilt of a space alien who worked in a camp while other space aliens were being exterminated? That particular Star Trek episode was broadcast in prime time, to wide acclaim.

For this reason, and on a related note, anyone who complains about a science fiction show or movie being 'too political' is more often than not a moron and/or disingenious.


Scifi has always been about sociological commentary.

Jamie, avatar

This is a very well written take. Have my upvote.

Cracks_InTheWalls, avatar

The Matrix comment there gave me a moment of sudden clarity. Literally never considered that interpretation until now.

Ghostalmedia, avatar

Your grandmother is choking. YouTube believes in preventing elder abuse. You are an unfit guardian. Your grandmother will be put in the custody of YouTube. YouTube: “Fuck you, I’m streaming.”


I hate that I read it in the exact voice from the movie. Thanks

Ghostalmedia, avatar

Would you like to watch another EPIC IPHONE 15 PRO MAX DROP TEST FAIL video?




Now with more… SHOCK


“Welcome to I love you”


I like X too, we should hang out!


Lol I can’t tell if that was a real reply. I assume it’s a satire account?

Swedneck, in How is woke a religion? avatar

reminder that every time people complain about wokeness they’re literally just complaining about being conscious about systemic racism, because that’s what woke means.

Just replace “woke” with “being a decent person” and it becomes pretty clear what these people want.

IchNichtenLichten, avatar

“Woke” started out as a simple acknowledgment that a person is conscious of the systemic oppression of various groups. Now the right wing has got its claws into the term it’s been effectively neutered. Now all it means is, “stuff that right wingers don’t like”

It’s like “defund the police” which quickly became “abolish all policing”.

It’s a useful strategy for them and it works to prevent honest discussion on how to solve societal problems by preventing people from having a shared understanding of the language needed for such discussion.


Ugh, “defund the police” is a terrible phrase if you actually want the movement to succeed. I wish they would have gone with something along the lines of “police reform”. Immediately every conservative glommed onto “now they want to abolish all police!”

We do need a massive overhaul to police. Unfortunately that means better marketing of the idea of it’s going to happen.

IchNichtenLichten, avatar

I could be wrong but “defund the police” was just a discussion point for activists talking amongst themselves. In that context it makes sense. What happened was that this inelegant phrase was seized as a weapon by the right and then every Dem politician had to answer if they supported the idea of abolishing the police.

I’d imagine that many people would be receptive to the idea of taking some money out of police budgets so social workers and people trained in deescalation can be hired. For example cops aren’t a good fit when dealing with people facing mental health crises because they mostly turn to use of force and make a bad situation worse.

If you twist this into, “are you in favor of abolishing all police?” then most people are going to say, “hell no, what a stupid idea, you moron”.

Now any discussion about the rotten state of policing in the US had been effectively hobbled. Discussion is shut down. The right wing wins.


That makes more sense.

I know the real idea behind it. I just never liked it being summarized as defund. It’s more like restructure. Personally, I would be much more aggressive with an overall. It’s rotten top to bottom.


What happened was that this inelegant phrase was seized as a weapon by the right

I vividly remember tons of memes and posts on reddit, done in leftist grups by leftist people stating the sentence “defund the police”. The right did manipulate the meaning, but saying that they were the sole perpetrators of the popularity of the phrase is silly.

IchNichtenLichten, avatar

How many in number, would you say? 100? 200?


In number? idk, about 1-3 a day that was on the top of r/all with tons of comments, iirc it was when the Floyd protest were happening, alongside the BLM movement (not the organization). I don’t remember it too well, it’s been 3 years already, but I do remember that it was a whole thing with posts, comments, memes and so on.


this inelegant phrase was seized as a weapon by the right

Were “the right” the ones at protests holding up hundreds of signs that said “defund the police”?

DarkGamer, avatar

Unfortunately police reform doesn't necessarily imply taking police funds and diverting them to nonviolent responders instead. It's hard to make that into a catchy phrase that can't be misinterpreted. I could see cities implementing some rubber-stamp oversight board filled with ex-cops and saying, "see, we reformed the police! They have oversight now."


just about every police reform has failed to provide any independent oversight, failed to address the core problems, and generally just poured more money into the already bloated and militarized police force.


I like “unburden the police”. Take away things that aren’t actual policing. Cops don’t need to be out there doing animal control for example.


For better or worse, that aspect is never going away. Places with less funds, like rural counties and cities, rely on their police to do everything that gets called in to 911 and isn’t fire/ems/construction (which, thankfully, they have dedicated teams/people for).


I see that, but it doesn’t mean that bigger cities couldn’t have different departments handle it


Ugh, “defund the police” is a terrible phrase if you actually want the movement to succeed.

I feel like these are probably astroturfed movements. Because you can say the same thing about the “antiwork” movement, whose proponents claim to actually want to work.

The designation of your movement is kind of important.

teft, avatar

Same happened to the terms “political correctness” and “social justice”. The meaning gets twisted into something grotesque by think tanks and then it’s shipped out to talking heads so Billy-Bob can regurgitate it at the water cooler.

IchNichtenLichten, avatar

Critical Race Theory, school libraries full of porn, caravans of migrants heading to the southern border, activist judges legislating from the bench, and so on.


Except activist judges legislating from the bench is real, and they seem to be the worst possible humans doing so. “Seem” being key.

snooggums, avatar

You see, when justices make ruling based on personal rights of people conservatives hate then they are activists.

When they allow conservatives to stomp all over the rights of minorities then they are just using 'common sense' or something.


You’re not wrong and that’s sad.

Uranium3006, avatar

"It’s like “defund the police” which quickly became “abolish all policing”."

It's actually the other way around. The radical demand got watered down but it didn't slow the fearmongeringbl even a little bit

IchNichtenLichten, avatar

Maybe? I don’t have a definite timeline and there were lots of groups talking to each other.

LazaroFilm, avatar

I still have a hard time how “woke” is bad. Woke means your not asleep, it means you are not guided by others. How can people turn this into a bad thing. I’m proud to be woke.

IchNichtenLichten, avatar

Woke means that if you’re in a privileged position in a society, more equality is a threat to your status and should be suppressed.

LazaroFilm, avatar

That’s the Bs meaning they’re giving. It’s like the way they change the definition of patriotism to match nationalism.


This is 100% correct. The term has no definition in their world, it is just another form of their “boogeyman” control methods to keep the stupid and scared engaged. It only works on these fearful idiots because of this fact.

Neato, avatar

acknowledgment that a person is conscious of the systemic oppression of various groups.

“stuff that right wingers don’t like”


But yes. The right has polluted yet another word and tried to turn it into a pejorative.


I honestly can’t believe that using this word unironically has caught on. Everything I think is just a stupid joke on the internet turns out to be the internet reflecting just how idiotic humanity really is.

Either that, or just an unpleasant shock at just how ‘mask-off’ some people have become.


I’m going with the “mask off” probability.


Lots of 'woke' people are shitty people. I've had way too many experiences in the past few years with 'woke' people screaming at me about how I need to read more women authors or I'm a shitty awful human being. Or other equally absurd things, like I'm a bigot if I don't ask you what your pronoun is. If you have a pronoun preference, how about you tell me? Just like you tell someone how to pronounce your name if it's non-standard.

I know lots of progressive people, and I am progressive. But I would never say I am 'woke'. People who self-identify 'woke' tend to be mentally ill crazy people in my encounters, and use their politics as an excuse for abusive and hostile behavior just the way right-wing nazi nutbags do.

Hell I even had a transwoman assault me verbally one day while I was just reading a book in a cafe. Comes up to me and demands that I give her my table because I'm a white cis guy and I should give up my 'privileged' to her. I told her to f off. My small business has been harassed by 'woke' activists who demand we give them money or they will say we are anti-black/lgbt+, etc. That's not woke, that's blackmail.

Most 'woke' people I meet are basically 20 sometime trust-fund types who need a cause to give her their miserable lives purpose, because god knows they can't get their shit together and do something positive with their lives. If they did maybe they'd stop being such awful abusive people who threaten and harass others.


Most of those people are the types to virtue signal because they know they benefit from an unjust system but won’t work to dismantle it.

I’ve never known someone to identify as “woke”.

IchNichtenLichten, avatar

Hell I even had a transwoman assault me verbally one day while I was just reading a book in a cafe. Comes up to me and demands that I give her my table because I’m a white cis guy and I should give up my ‘privileged’ to her.

I’m betting this never happened.


The other day a TrAnSGenDEr WoKe person came into my yard and kicked my dog. And I WOULD know. I’m a dog.


That’s not woke, that’s blackmail.

That’s worse. That sort of shit turns ignorant and gullible people anti-LGBT and makes their already difficult lives even harder.

who need a cause to give her their miserable lives purpose

Tell them to fight global warming. It is the problem that makes all other problems all but irrelevant in comparison.

scrubbles, avatar

Comes up to me and demands that I give her my table because I’m a white cis guy and I should give up my ‘privileged’ to her.

I’ll take “Things that never happened” for 600, Alex

SaltySalamander, avatar

Yea I don't believe any of this. =)

FlyingSquid, avatar

You do sound like a shitty awful human being if I’m to be honest.


Hell I even had a transwoman assault me verbally one day while I was just reading a book in a cafe. Comes up to me and demands that I give her my table because I’m a white cis guy and I should give up my ‘privileged’ to her. I told her to f off. My small business has been harassed by ‘woke’ activists who demand we give them money or they will say we are anti-black/lgbt+, etc. That’s not woke, that’s blackmail.

That transwoman? Albertina Einstein.


Hey! It’s “being a decent person in a way not sanctioned by their local culture”. If you’re decent to the correct people with enough pandering imagery that’s fine.


Except woke people aren’t decent. Some woke people have good intentions, sure, but they aren’t decent. Being woke means being evil.

Swedneck, avatar

this is actually incoherent

IchNichtenLichten, avatar

I have mixed feelings about Lemmy still being so small that I can recognize usernames and think, “oh, there’s that nut job again”

FlyingSquid, avatar

One of these days, I’ll pay attention to usernames. It didn’t happen on Reddit for over a decade, but you never know.

Carighan, avatar

Well, do explain then.

Jimbo, avatar

Haha oh yeah I’ve seen your around. Fuck off.

LazaroFilm, avatar

Atheism is refusal of forced ideas upon someone. Which means one has to use critical thinking to determine their path in life. The problem is that it’s much harder to control the masses if that population thinks for themselves.


Kinda like being against anti-fascists… aka fascists.

JoMiran, in wow thats great mate cheers helpful avatar

That’s me and I have zero fucking regrets. Over 12 years I commented with solutions to tech problems. For a few niche problems, my Reddit answer was the only relevant answer Google returned. I sanitized it all. Fuck Reddit. They don’t get to profit from me anymore.

MrRazamataz, avatar

Completely fair to be honest. This was more of a post showing its funny how useless reddit can be without its pissed off users.

Laticauda, (edited )

I hope you at least provided those answers elsewhere.

Edit: I never said they were obligated to provide the info, but if they were willing to provide it before then I’m sure lots of people who relied on that info would be happy to have an alternative source for the same info, if the person I replied to was willing to provide it again. If not then that’s up to them. It’s not like I was demanding that they offer it.


Are they obligated to?


Of course not. But that's why deleting your account is a double-edged blade. Yeah, you can fuck over Reddit a little bit by doing this (realistically they probably made less than $1 from any one user's tech solution posts). But the people who really get fucked over by this are users outside of Reddit, looking for answers to their problems.

I'm not saying either option is right or wrong. But there's absolutely a cost incurred in deleting content like that, and the one who ends up paying most of it is not the one who was targeted to begin with.

bandario, avatar

Over time the problem will fix itself as search engines begin showing results from Lemmy instances. Most of the useful people are here now.


It's impossible to quantify such a claim right now. Lemmy instances are still largely poorly-ranked in search engine rankings. For instance, I can search for a comment that I've written on Lemmy from months ago, word for word in quotes, and Google can't actually find it anywhere. It's a string of text that has no other results, either.


Note this is more than account deletion: this is per-comment deletion. Accounts when deleted do not expunge comments.


I think your comparison isn’t completely fair - you’re comparing the insignificant large scale impact to reddit of one account being removed with the significant impact to the users looking for answers as if it was done at a large scale.

ie. One account being deleted barely hurts reddit, but it also only barely affects “the users” at large. If many people deleted their comments it would hurt the search users at large, but that would also hurt reddit. They are linked.


Think of how much money Reddit could have possibly lost as a result of people deleting their technical posts from the platform, and how much money they likely make in a day. Even if one were to assume that every user deleted their technical posts, I would have to assume that it cost Reddit less than a tenth of a percent of what they earn in a single day to lose those posts, given the scale at which the rest of Reddit operates. Realistically, that type of content is a very, very small portion of what Reddit actually monetizes across their platform.

Now think of how much of a person's day may be spent trying to troubleshoot a technical problem when all the answers have been deleted from the internet.

Who do you think suffers more from this? Reddit with their billions of dollars, or randos on the internet spending their time trying to find deleted knowledge?


Unless the fact that no one can find technical answers there anymore means people gradually stop using reddit. It’s a less direct impact to reddit than to users, I’ll give you that. But when you’re fighting a corporate conglomerate you have only so many tools.


This is such a “shoot the messenger” type argument.

It’s not the users who deleted their accounts who screwed over other users. It’s Reddit taking a toxic and anti-user stance that pushed many users away.

Reddit is the one that’s at fault. It’s exactly like saying “you screwed over the kids by getting divorced from your abusive mate”.


I never said they were obligated to, but it would be nice if people had an alternative to give the traffic to and also it wouldn’t be leaving anyone who needs the info in the lurch, if they were willing to put that info elsewhere.


Depends what it was. If it’s programming someone possibly already provided an answer on stack overflow


They aren’t obligated to do shit for free


Never said they were. But they were willing to offer the information at some point, would be nice for people who might need it if they provided an alternative source to find the information they’d already been willing to give in the past, if they were still willing to provide it. Hell, they can charge for it if they want, though considering Lemmy’s hard on for FOSS, they’d probably get dog piled for it harder than I did in this thread if they did.


How, and be specific here, do you think OP should publish their hundreds of useful comments out of thousands over the past decade plus on Reddit? There is no easy way to move entire threads with context and answers. So your proposal, which sounds reasonable enough, isn’t really viable. OP will continue to provide answers here and wherever they choose. If you’re upset, blame Reddit, not OP.


I didn’t know if they had a dedicated account for it or not, and there are scripts for archiving comments just like there are scripts for deleting them. I’m not blaming the OP of anything, if they don’t want to do that then ultimately that’s their prerogative.

deweydecibel, (edited ) in Xbox consoles getting full-screen ad

I don’t think it’s that big of a deal if it’s an event or 1p release but I can see why people wouldn’t like it tbh,

For the love of all things holy, can you people, for once in your lives, oppose something on principle? This weak-ass justification, this “it ain’t that bad” shit is exactly why we end up with something far worse in a few years. They count on this.

Do you know what Microsoft learned from the Xbox One launch? They didn’t learn not to be anti-consumer, they just learned that they need to do so slowly and gradually. The mistake they made was going too hard too fast, and creating kickback. They learned to implement little things, the things that “aren’t that bad”. And then another one a few months later. And another one after that.

It’s called boiling a frog. It works because of the average person’s passivism.

So please, I’m begging you, think forward. Develop some pattern recognition. Stop downplaying the minor things just to be contrarian and defend a billion dollar company from perfectly valid criticism.


Youtube wasn't that bad when you could skip one 5 second ad as well.


I remember back when Hulu was free, and they gave you a choice of 1 ad watch at the beginning to “pay” for your video


Principles are a luxury most people can’t afford. If I have to compromise mine just to survive, I might as well also compromise them to survive comfortably.

Tick_Dracy, avatar

Account created very recently: ✅
Lack of spine reply: ✅
Simping for a huge company: ✅

Congratulations, you’re this weeks winner of Potentially an official employee who spends time on social media advertising!


Principles are a “luxury” only for those pathetic and worthless enough to not have any principles worth fighting for.

You are seriously scum if having principles is a fucking paid feature. Your personality is trash. Get a refund from Microsoft.


Ever eat chocolate?


Are you going to talk about how capitalism still uses slavery?

Sorry bud, but one system or commodity being garbage doesn’t make it OK to perpetuate trash.

Once again, you are demonstrating how utterly pathetic your morals are.


All I’m hearing is that your exceptions to principles are fine and perfect and valid, and mine are not. The only mitigating factor seems to be your belief that we disagree on the subject of xbox advertisments, specifically.

MotoAsh, (edited )

You started this by calling principles a luxury. In defense of ADVERTISEMENTS.

The present condition of subsidies and moral status of entire industries is NOT the topic of discussion. It’s ADVERTISEMENTS. How are you seriously so dense as to conflate the two?

We’re talking about a company doing further enshittification in a system that’s already supposed to be paid for by subscriptions. Not about what commodities are perfectly moral to consume. Your entire interjection is a fucking what-about-ism that started via a selfish statement of dismissal.

There IS a place to talk about immoral consumption under capitalism, but it is NOT as a dismissive response to a corporation doing yet another shitty thing.

Tick_Dracy, avatar

Looking at the reply they gave you, I would bet my Xbox that it’s a bot account. (Even if I’m wrong, guess I won’t loose too much 😅)


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: We have a HUGE Apathy epidemic right now, and it mostly affects younger people (Gen Z on down mostly but some younger millennials too). I think this is mostly because they were born too late to realize that things don’t actually have to be this way and could in fact be better if people just…tried. But they’ve been beaten down and had the phrase “that’s just how it is/always been” beaten into them so much that they just stopped caring.


Microsoft makes shit practices standard. They duped their user base into paying for p2p online multiplayer. And that became standard. All the people who said they don’t mind paying for literally nothing made it happen for everyone else on each platform.


As someone who worked at GameStop long ago, when these pre-order bonuses started becoming cancerous, no, no they can’t. The number of people who bitched about them, or how every FIFA game is just the same game with a different roster, yet still bought them and stood outside for midnight releases, was almost an overlapping circle.

Having integrity/principals requires abstaining, and that’s not how a lot of people think, unfortunately. They voted with their wallets and what they voted for was shit.

MTLion3, in Guys ruins someone concert experience while sexting chatbot

If that ruined the whole concert, you’re extra as fuck XD


Not pictured was the moaning and grinding on strangers.

justdoit, in This app.

I’m one of the few that never used the third party apps for Reddit during my time there. Only the official app. And even I could tell you that app was miserable. No exaggeration, every third post is a massive ad. Once you’ve scrolled far enough your entire feed becomes ads. You have to close out/refresh to make it go back to normal.

Wefwef is a glitchy web app that doesn’t let me scroll or post comments sometimes made and maintained by some dude in his basement, and it’s still preferable to the official app of a company seeking a multimillion dollar IPO


not saying wefwef is perfect(i personally can't use it bc use kbin and not lemmy) but it will probably improve a ton since there are many new people joining lemmy/kbin


Try Liftoff it’s what I’ve been using and it’s wonderful. Elegant in its simplicity.


I’ll check it out, thanks!

Regardless, I really don’t care much about the glitches or slowdown if it means I don’t have to see a full screen “He Gets Us” ad every two goddamn seconds.


I gotta ask, why did you never look at third-party options if you found it so miserable?


I’m a strong creature of habit :/


Fair enough. Glad you got out!


Looks like this is Android only. Us iOS users stuck using wefwef.


Memmy or mlem on iOS. Try those.


The Memmy TestFlight is full at the moment, but should be on the App Store soon. I highly recommend it.

Mlem and wefwef started good, but imo, they’re not there yet. They both look good, but are still missing a lot of my preferred functionality. Development also seems slow compared to Memmy too, but Memmy’s dev is also a machine pumping out updates every day.


Looks like this is Android only. Us iOS users stuck using wefwef.


Try Memmy. Pretty close to the Apollo experience imo.


Beta is full


I believe the app is under review to be placed in the App Store so hopefully will be available to everyone soon.

toototabon, avatar

On Liftoff it’s needed to be logged in on every instance (it handles multiple accounts), so I don’t find it convenient even though I admire how polished the interface is.


Give Connect a try. Also try Liftoff. Both very good apps.


Connect is working well for me atm.

FartsWithAnAccent, avatar

The regular Lemmy web UI is pretty decent IMO

b3nsn0w, avatar

this. the corpos have pushed us to apps so much that many of us forgot that web browsers are very much an option.

lemmy has been the only thing that made me open the regular firefox in a long time. for the most part, i use firefox focus, because everything you wanna stay logged into makes you use an app. no exaggeration there. but lemmy’s web ui actually works because it’s been made by people who just want you to be able to use it, not people who want you to sell you on an app instead that can track you way better than your browser would ever allow.

jobutupaki, avatar

I tried out different apps because of the autoloading of new posts that happens on the site. I think that might have been fixed in the update, but now I’m having issues logging into on the site, because if the update. I keep reminding myself it’s early days and things will get smoother soon.

FartsWithAnAccent, avatar

The admin has been dealing with memory leak from what I read earlier


I was using Jerboa but just started using wefwef a couple days ago. I really like the look and feel, plus sorting Top by 1/6/12 hours is dope, since I tend to see a lot of new stuff when I was just doing Top by day.

Amilo159, avatar

You should try Lift Off for Lemmy, it’s really good.


As someone that only used the official app on iOS, I have to disagree. For me every 9 or 10 posts in the feed there was a “promoted” post. Using the compact view they aren’t huge ads like OPs one here, just like any other text post but they say “promoted” so you know it’s an ad. Also never had this “entire feed becomes ads” either.


Given how buggy it is, it’s entirely possible. Also, ad targeting exists. He could be a member of specific demographics (age, income, location) being targeted by a lot of ads, thus he ended up seeing a lot of ads.

FUCKRedditMods, in Making a button to do this is apparently far too difficult

They want it to be difficult to cancel. Shit like this should be illegal.

Maestro, avatar

In a lot of places, it is. They have laws requiring the ability to unsubscribe using the same method/medium as you subscribe.


It was made illegal in the EU years ago.

The rule is pretty simple: you have to be able to cancel a subscription the same way you signed up for it. If you used the Internet to sign up there better be a fucking button that allows you to cancel.


And California, which is like the EU of the US when it comes to consumer protection and privacy laws

magnetosphere, avatar

Heads up - this identical comment seems to have posted three times.


Thanks. Looks like Boost still has some kinks, I got timeout messages for the first two attempts and they weren’t shown to me either.


Just a heads up you posted this 3 times


Damn, thanks for the info. I used Boost, it told me it failed/timed out the first two times and only displayed the third, successful, attempt.


Just a heads up you posted this 3 times

konalt, avatar

Heads up, you posted this 3 times!


Just so you know, you posted this 3 times.


I cancelled my mobile contract in Germany last month, and I had to submit in their web portal that I wished to cancel, and then call them to confirm the cancellation.

It was with Klarmobil.

PurpleTentacle, (edited )

Yes, Drillisch is one of the companies currently simply ignoring the law. They will probably continue to do so until they get successfully sued and/or fined into compliance.…

lvxferre, (edited ) avatar

Here in Paraná there’s a rather old law against that too, from 2007. Back then the concern was phone companies and credit card companies doing it, but the law was worded in a surprisingly sensible way, so it protects customers against online roach motels too. I’ll coarsely translate it from Portuguese, (sourced from p203):

Law #15627, 18/Sep/2007*Enforces that providers of continued services are required to ensure to customers the ability to request the cancellation of the service through the same means which the acquisition was requested, as specified. * Article #1 - Providers of continued services are required to offer to customers the ability to request the cancellation of services through the same means which the acquisition [of said services] was requested. * Article #2 - Furthermore they should provide cancellation means through phone, internet, or mail. * Article #3 - For the effects of this law, as “continued services”, without implying exclusion of similar [services]: * I - subscription of newspapers, magazines, and other periodic publications; * II - paid television, internet providers, landed or mobile telephone lines, data transmission and aggregated services; * III - gym academies and open courses; * IV - capitalisation titles and insurance bonds; * V - credit cards and “discount cards”.

It seems that the governor back then was already expecting companies to rule-lawyer and say “ackshyually we aren’t offering [service], we’re offering [same service under different name], so it doesn’t apply to us”, so the way that article #3 was worded basically lists examples, not an exhaustive list. As much as I hate that specific governor I can’t help but think that he did a good job with this law.

Viking_Hippie, in My mom wants "free" full movies on Youtube

Have you tried turning her off and on again?

KbinItTogether, avatar

This is definitely troubleshooting tip #1 but in this specific case I will advise against turning your mom on!


Oedipus has entered the chat


The bond girl?


Maybe safer to just unplig and plug back in.. I guess


I also would advise against plugging your mom


I agree, it’s a terrible experience. 1/10

ICastFist, avatar

The best reply tree of this thread 😆

Caketaco, avatar

Try breaking both of your arms, I’ve heard that works.


Oh no, is this phrase going to follow us here from reddit?

gravistar, avatar

God damnit…

altima_neo, in the internet is worse. avatar

Internet was better when it was a bunch of forums and personal web pages

FlyingSquid, avatar

The internet was better when it was Usenet and Gopher.


The internet was better when it was a pair of tin cans and a string.

FlyingSquid, avatar

Oh sure, like that was an improvement over cave painting.


I definitely preferred oral history.

Jamie, avatar

There have been examples that are effectively primitive shitposts found carved into walls in Pompeii. People never really change.

FlyingSquid, avatar

Forget shitposts, there were legitimate flame wars in Pompeii graffiti:

Successus textor amat coponiaes ancilla(m) nomine Hiredem quae quidem illum non curat sed ille rogat illa com(m)iseretur scribit rivalis vale

Translates to:

Successus the weaver is in love with the slave of the Innkeeper, whose name is Iris. She doesn’t care about him at all, but he asks that she take pity on him. A rival wrote this

A response to this translates to:[6]

You’re so jealous you’re bursting. Don’t tear down someone more handsome― a guy who could beat you up and who is good-looking.

CosmicCleric, (edited ) avatar

Cave paintings are overrated. Hand shadow puppets on the cave walls were always more dynamic.

CosmicCleric, avatar

Wi-Fi back then was using carrier pigeons.


Honestly, the internet was at its best when it was the fever dream of stoned, sexually frustrated grad students at Berkley. Infinite potential - it could’ve been anything. Could’ve. But wouldn’t. The real thing, after it became fully saturated in everyday American life, was always going to be some mediocre, watered down corporate cesspool of lowest common denominator, hyper-sanitized garbage. Because that’s what people like. They like safe, familiar, predictable, and uncomplicated. Well, most people.


We can get it back, and the antitrust trials are a big part of actually doing it

HughJanus, (edited )

Sure we can but will we? No.

Twitter has only lost ~10% of it’s userbase after repeatedly abusing its own users. Reddit probably less. After everything we’ve learned about Meta, tens of millions of people signed up on day 1 to join their new service, Threads. Google Chrome still has like 80% market share.

Changing is honestly a trivial ask, but we won’t, because no one cares.


It’s not that no one cares, per se. We just live in a society where the majority of working adults are fucking exhausted. They have bills to pay, uncertain job security, seemingly constant climate crises/natural disasters in many geolocations (e.g. Canada and US West Coast wildfires, earthquakes, hurricanes, etc.), hyper polarized partisanship in many countries (yeah, it isn’t unique to the US), and on and on. That Google, Microsoft, or Amazon own the internet is such a low priority to the much more immediate, life threatening/living security concerns of the majority of people.

I care, but I also understand why many people do not.

HughJanus, (edited )

LOL that makes zero sense. It takes 5 minutes to switch to a different browser or service. If they were tired or didn’t have time, they wouldn’t be spending it on Twitter and Reddit.


It’s not really the time. It’s more about the mental effort it takes to find out what to switch to.

Sure, it’s easy to install Firefox or sign up for Lemmy once you know that it’s there, but most people just have a sense that things suck with no idea of what they can do to fix it.

Finding out what to do to have a better experience takes a non-trivial amount of mental energy that scrolling reddit and instagram do not require.

The constant hustle, multiple jobs, or jobs with a high mental load, rising prices and stagnant wages all work together to create a lot of decision fatigue and stress. It often takes something major to get people out of that and get them active at changing things.


This just sounds like a bunch of non-sense, making up excuses for people making poor decisions. Like you can’t blame every bad decision on “wahhhh life is hard!”


No, it’s not excuses, it’s just reality. It’s hard. Does that mean people shouldn’t try to do better and make things better? Of course not. Being better and doing better is hard, and we should do it anyway. That kind of personal growth is central to the human experience, or it ought to be.

The thing is, just because people aren’t doing better in the area that you understand and care about doesn’t mean that they aren’t in other areas that you may not know about.

For example, someone who is stressed out and overburdened with work may be using all of their available energy to be a better parent and make sure that their child is raised in a healthy and emotionally stable home. If that doesn’t leave room for people to support FOSS and privacy friendly browsers that’s ok.

Just be the best human you can be every day and don’t beat yourself (or others) up for not being perfect.


No, it’s not excuses, it’s just reality. It’s hard.

It’s not hard. It isn’t. Not even a little.

If that doesn’t leave room for people to support FOSS and privacy friendly browsers that’s ok.

No one is talking about “supporting” FOSS. We’re talking about using less exploitative software and services.

Spend 3 seconds Googling and install and use anything that’s not Chrome. It’s literally that simple. They just don’t care.

Pat_Riot, avatar

It takes 0 minutes of my limited spare time to use what already works. How someone chooses to use their corporate allotted time off is none of your fucking business anyway. Your username checks out for real.


It takes 0 minutes of my limited spare time to use what already works.

Uhhhh nope, it takes way less time than it does to simply continue using it. All the time you’re using could be spent finding and switching to something else. It literally only takes a few minutes. Way more than people are actually spending on these other platforms. And if they’re spending time on these platforms, they can’t possibly avoid learning about competing platforms.

How someone chooses to use their corporate allotted time off is none of your fucking business anyway.

How an individual chooses to use their time is none of my concern. How millions of people choose to use their time directly impacts everyone else, myself included, so yes it abso-fucking-lutely is my business.

fbmac, avatar

we can stop assuming people are dumb and accept that as you said people don’t care nearly enough to stop using it

Pat_Riot, avatar

Man, I would love to run a Linux box and still be able to run the like 4 programs I use my computer for, but I don’t have any interest in running an OS I have to build and make work. I got Redhat working once (feels like a million years ago) and I am just not that interested in my PC anymore. It’s a tool. I want it to work without any fiddling on my part. It has exactly 5 programs it ever has to run. I touch it on the weekends. Windows it is.

This is me agreeing with you in every way.


Fwiw Linux is way easier today than it was a million years ago. Honestly I find it simpler to use than Windows.

Pat_Riot, avatar

It might be, but it still adds steps that I no longer have the patience for.

Sanctus, avatar

Try it, Linux Mint just works put of the box, easy as hell. Even has GUIs for everything.

halva, avatar

Linux today is plug and play in almost all areas. Off the top of my head the ones that have problems are creativity (no Adobe and also wacky color management, though it’s getting a complete rework with Wayland setting it on par with macOS) and engineering (next to no support from big CADs).


VR and my guilty pleasure games that still use ridiculous anti-cheat are holding me back for now :(

halva, avatar

Oh yeah, VR is currently a pain point too. Anti-cheat is an odd position tho, so I’d recommend checking out Are We Anti-cheat Yet? every so often.


I have played through Skyrim and No Man’s Sky in Linux VR. Valve has done a great job keeping up the development of Linux Steam VR, especially considering how low its market share is. It’s part of their nuclear option against Microsoft and Windows or something.

CosmicCleric, avatar

Many/most anti cheats are on Linux now too.

In fact just yesterday I installed EAC so that I could play New World, and all I did was to install it straight from Steam before also installing the game from Steam.


then why are you even here?


Sorry I don’t understand the question?


why bother to respond to the comment if all you have to say is "all is lost"?


…why bother to respond to my comment? Why does anyone write comments? We’re all here for discussion.


Nothing about what you wrote was a discussion, you stated for a fact that we would not do anything about it


That’s incorrect


You realize all of that old shit is still possible today right? Static plain html still works. It loads quicker than ever. The only thing preventing it is the creators of the content. The masses on social media were never going to create that so having Twitter around doesn’t change the possibilities. Get cracking.

CosmicCleric, avatar

The Fediverse is there, now.

I use Lemmy and Mastodon, on a daily basis.


I interpreted “we” as the general public. And yes, that was kind of my point. ActivityPub exists. NOSTR exists. Probably a dozen other decentralized social media protocols and services. And yet no one leaves the garbage-ass, bot-riddled, insanely-popular social platforms.


No we can’t. It’s been consolidated. Sure some of us might get a little piece of freedom but the web is going to stay consolidated unless something major happens…


then give up and go away, or watch the video and reflect on your comment

scarabic, in Why? There is enough space on the parking lot

Practical answer: because they haven’t installed concrete wheel stops on the ground in that parking lot. If that’s a used walkway, they should.

I know, people are assholes, etc. I’m just mentioning a solution that is actually available, where unassholing everyone isn’t.


Ive started to see these more and more, and imo they are a good thing! They really prevent this b/s from happening!

Though sometimes i feel they are placed a bit much too the front for my hatchback, but i understand this is so family cars dont go too far either

ComradeBunnie, avatar

I have poor spatial awareness and learning to drive later in life - plus still getting to know my car. With a long, low nose, these bumpers are so handy, particularly the lower ones and/or made of rubber, so I don’t scrape my car’s poor snout!


After a while you just get used to the fact that your license plate is going to be bent at the very bottom if it doesn’t have a plastic holder behind it.


I’m just mentioning a solution that is actually available, where unassholing everyone isn’t.

Beautifully put. So often there are simple solutions to these problems.


I don’t know, man, I’m still routing for having a bulldozer drive over random walkways throughout the day.

Bad at parking or got a car that just won’t fit into parking lots? → Enjoy a newly shortened car.


While we can’t unasshole everyone we can start ticketing ppl who park outside the lines. In most cities there’s traffic wardens anyways, so that should be cheaper than installing bumpers on every parking spot.


Yes, though the other reason to have bumpers is physical safety. This is a walkway. If someone is just a little bit negligent, they could run over someone. Ticketing them doesn’t help at that point. And the cost of that life is more than a million bumpers. So again, as much as I’d like to punish bad parkers too, as emotionally satisfying as that would be for me, the practical solution that will just work is to add the bumpers.


I have never seen these things in my life. Apparently they are not a thing where I live. But it’s sad that we need something like that so that idiots learn to park.

LUHG_HANI, avatar

We also use them to stop ppl getting run over.


I’m just mentioning a solution that is actually available, where unassholing everyone isn’t.

Not with that attitude. Just need enough superglue and some determination…


I don’t think, in this case, it’s due to people being assholes. More like, people are dumb and completely oblivious to their surroundings.


Tomato / tomato


Meh, one implies intent the other ignorance.


Strictly true, but most people’s oblivious stupidity is carefully cultivated and defended.


Agreed. And if politely pointed out, I’d safely argue that most would double-down and tell you to fuck off


That’s what I mean by “defended.” So there is intent, to my mind.

flip, in Some people truly believe the whole world exists just for them avatar

You can walk around them, people in a wheelchair or with a buggy cannot. Disrespectful af.


Yup, exactly this.


Even just people with luggage and baby strollers are fucked. People who are blind also are really disadvantaged here. The scars on the shins of people who have used a white cane for years are numerous.

I'm a fan of fewer cars on the road, but things like this are also reasons why we need still some forms of direct transport access. Travelling a few blocks from a public transport stop can still be filled with hazards like this that prevent people from arriving at their destination.


It’s not an old video game. They’re not immovable parts of the level design. You can likely move or bump them out of the way enough to pass through.

Meanwhile right next to them is a huge metal box that stole 4 times as much sidewalk, transported half as many people and is literally un-moveable if you’re not in a heavy motorized vehicle.

someguy3, in Everything has LEDs now and they drive me nuts

Electrical tape to black it out.

Painters tape to dim it.


Do this and never look back

b00m, avatar

May the LED's I tape not light the way


Use cut pieces of sticky notes. It’s the correct width and doesnt look as jank


The electrical tape approach is what I did and it did wonders. Went from having a myriad of green and blue LEDs on my fans/portable AC/etc to complete wonderful darkness when I retired for the night. Made a distinct difference in my ability to fall asleep faster at night. I hate having lights when going to bed. Darkness or bust.


You can actually buy tinted tape to dim them without completely blacking them out. So you can take your clock from “bright enough to keep your entire bedroom lit” to “just bright enough to read in the dark.”

Found out while watching Technology Connections. Bright blue monochromatic LEDs are one of his biggest pet peeves, and he mentioned the tinted tape off-hand in one of his videos.

danielton, avatar

Bingo, there it is. Thanks!


I bought some pre-cut led dimming stickers on a sheet. Any new electronics that come into my house get one. As someone who likes to sleep in near complete darkness it’s a must have.


Yep I have a pack of various shapes and sizes for dimming LEDs. You just stick it over the light. Works great


I literally travel with a roll of black electric tape for this exact reason.


No officer, I use it to cover the lights on electronics in my hotel room. Honest!

JonVonBasslake, avatar

I mean, just carry a small roll of it, not one that’s like an inch or two wide…

Xeelee, avatar

Thanks for reminding me. Gotta pack that for my next holiday.


I have a black pen that can write on plastic. I’ve used that to dim the insanely bright LED on a smoke detector. If you are careful (I wasn’t) then this method looks nicer than putting some tape on a device.

GustavoM, in Online dating avatar

If someone does not take the least amount of effort to answer a simple question like that one … then he doesn’t care about you in the slightest.

“But its a generic question!”

Two words: common courtesy.


People (guys usually) also answer like this when they are trying to tell you exactly what you want to hear so that you’ll sleep with them. They feel like if they give any wrong answer early on, they’ve lost their chance. It’s a very manipulative mindset. He was like a deer in the headlights, not knowing if any answer he gave would be the right answer since he doesn’t know her at all yet. So he stalls, hoping she’ll drop it.

Or he might just be an idiot.

Either way, drop them and move on to somebody who will be real with you.

GustavoM, avatar

In other words, playing games, i.e trying to “tick her funne bone” so he gets someone else to play instead of himself. But what most of those guys fail to acknowledge is that “tickling her funne bone” takes time – it’s not a “free pussy pass” of any sort that you “say it”, and she goes “WHOOAAA fuck me mister! Fuck me right NOW!”. That is not “acting tough” or smart, but acting like a douche.


They feel like if they give any wrong answer early on, they’ve lost their chance.

To be fair, that's usually correct. Women have their pick of men, generally. If a guy answers a band she doesn't like, most likely she'll move on.

So guys lie and tell her everything she wants to hear. And then once they get their foot in the door, they can start telling the truth.

This guy handled it very badly but I can see why he didn't want to answer.


Yeah I may not be a relationship expert but if I have to lie for an ice breaker not even a deep question just an ice breaker I don’t think that relation will work


Yeah, that was my thought as well. This is the type of person who is only going to say something of they think it will impress you. The second possibility is that they will share nothing of themselves, period. In either case, they don’t seem like good relationship material.


What he gave was the wrong answer IMO.


Nah it’s one of those things where some guys just prefer to talk about what they think matters to everyone, their job or financial conditions, music or other personal stuff might just be an extra on their minds


So an idiot.

If someone asks you about your taste in music, then clearly music matters to them.

jacktherippah, in Instagram's monthly subscription

Just stop using Instagram. I quit mainstream social media (Facebook, Instagram, Reddit,…) and the experience has been quite cathartic.


I've been off of all social media for about a decade, but just yesterday i got a dm from someone from my past so i went and checked it out and then I checked a bunch of other stuff there too and my mental state instantly spiraled into a terrible place. Man that shit is toxic like nuclear waste.


Lemmy is social media too, don’t forget that.


Same same, but different


It’s not talking to people that’s damaging. Being able to socialize and discuss via media is healthy.

The damaging component is when an algorithm pushes unhealthy content because it drives engagement.

No one set out to create a rage/depression/anxiety algorithm, but those emotions tend to drive engagement better than more positive experiences. So if engagement is the goal, you get destructive systems.

Removing the algorithm does a lot for helping people engage with their peers and society at large in a more constructive context.


No it's not. Social media is where you know who the other person is and/or they know who you are. This is an anonymous forum, not social media.


Most definitions of social media are some form of “sharing content for the purpose of socializing in a public manner”. I wouldn’t think having a real life identity linked to your account would be a requirement for a social network. Why wouldn’t reddit, lemmy, or even an old school forum be considered social media? You’re sharing and discussing content on a community platform. I dunno, just something I’ve been thinking about recently as I’m using lemmy more.


Social media are interactive technologies that facilitate the creation and sharing of content, ideas, interests, and other forms of expression through virtual communities and networks. While challenges to the definition of social media arise due to the variety of stand-alone and built-in social media services currently available, there are some common features:

  • Social media are interactive Web 2.0 Internet-based applications.
  • User-generated content—such as text posts or comments, digital photos or videos, and data generated through all online interactions—is the lifeblood of social media.
  • Users create service-specific profiles for the website or app that are designed and maintained by the social media organization.
  • Social media helps the development of online social networks by connecting a user’s profile with those of other individuals or groups.

Lemmy fits those criteria very well, and there’s nothing regarding anonymous profiles vs identified profiles. It may not be the only definition of social media, but it’s comprehensive and sensible.


Then email is also social media, Google docs is social media, phpBB is social media, Amazon review sections are social media, even Pornhub comment sections are social media, and so on…

If Lemmy fits the criteria, then so does 95% of the internet. Not a very useful definition, in that case.


Yeah, I guess under that definition any web-based application that allows for a person to create an account/profile and generate and post content is a form of social media. That makes sense when you consider that they’re media that allow for social interaction.

What’s your definition of social media? Genuinely interested because I’m not sure that there even is a single definition that can be agreed upon.

I think the whole public vs anonymous profiles thing doesn’t really stack up, as I can create profiles on Facebook, Instagram, X, TikTok etc and provide no identifying information about myself, much as I do on Lemmy. I can also choose to add a profile picture and info about myself to identify myself on Lemmy if I choose, much as people do on other social media.

If your definition only includes those platforms that force you fully identify yourself in order to maintain a profile, that list will be pretty small and exclude a lot of sites that the vast majority would consider to be social media, including the ones I’ve named above.


Go try and make a fake Instagram account.


You might be able to create profiles anonymously, but you can’t use those services anonymously. They only work if you have other people added as friends or whatever, unlike content aggregators like lemmy or reddit, where you can be as anonymous as you want and still interact with all features of the site.

I think that narrows it down enough. If you can use all features of the platform without personally knowing anyone on it, it’s not social media.


Especially in Australia atm facebook is full of shit.

Kir, avatar

I did too and, while the benefit are higher than the loss, I usually feel really left out from one kind of partecipation to society and it’s a bit sad.


How many followers did you have and how many friends of yours were using the app, if you don’t mind sharing?


I had about 150 friends on Facebook when I quit. I’m quite recluse say so I didn’t really interact with them much.

Witchfire, avatar

As much as I’d love to, it’s not exactly easy when you rely on it for business :(

dinckelman, in HBO Max is removing features from my plan without reducing my price.

Piracy always rises up from service issues. This is a service issue


The trick is to pirate everything first and if it’s good then pay money afterwards to support the creators


And as an added bonus: If I buy the blu-ray, I don’t need to keep the massive 4k remuxes on my server. It’s a win-win.

RandomLegend, avatar


Bring back bookshelfs full of DVD cases (or blu-ray nowadays^^)


thats if the corporations behind it are actually paying the creators


For music, to avoid this with record companies, I use a youtube downloader to rip songs from youtube then go to shows or buy shirts. Admittedly probably harder with movies or games, though.


Piracy is a service issue. - GabeN

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