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bluGill, in Sure buddy just take as many spots as you need avatar

There are no other cars around. I often park at the far end of the lot so nobody parks close to me, and then I don't have to worry about those lines.

Tikiporch, in Sure buddy just take as many spots as you need

That parking lot looks packed, so this is worth your mental distress.


It’s mildly infuriating, not pants shittingly aggravating. If anything this fits more than the usually much more upsetting content.

scrubbles, avatar

Typical selfish behavior. Oh it’s empty now, don’t think about it getting busier and other people needing spots later. No no I’m the main character I deserve these spots.

coaxil, in Sure buddy just take as many spots as you need

Haha emotional support truck! Must be tough at times have a micro peen and no cunnilingus skills!

ultratiem, avatar

“Emotional support truck” lmaooo

agent_flounder, avatar

2023 and we’re still body shaming dick size.

Hexarei, avatar

The point is less about body shaming and more about shaming the person’s “small dick energy”. Eg the kind of behavior you’d expect from someone who thinks dick size matters a ton and would buy nice things to try and compensate for their lack of size.


I still think we need another phrase. It’s the same logic that people (myself included) used to defend using gay as a slur.

Hexarei, avatar

Sounds like something a small dick would say ;-)

Hmmm. I feel like one of those words is far more charged than the other, but I agree that it’d be nice if we had better alternatives. The problem is that it’s making fun of a certain specific attitude that some men have that tends to extend to high levels of care about the size of their junk, and there’s not quite an equivalent concept for another topic. I mean, it’s basically a way to call someone “insecure about things about yourself that you can’t change or control, so you spend your time grasping at whatever material gains you can in order to try and have some semblance of Identity beyond those insecurities”.


👄 I have small dick energy


Small dick energy is sorta like ham planet energy. It’s not about body shaming at all because bodies are physical and we’re talking energy.



Hey as somebody with a small dick I really appreciate your adding that bit in about cunnilingus skills.

I can always go into the slime if I want to get her off

Alexstarfire, in Sure buddy just take as many spots as you need

I love parking as close as I can to these people. My car is already scratched and dinged up from random shit over the years.


I have an ancient and quirky 4x4, it’s painted with bedliner, and I do the same. It’s narrow enough to fit in a parking space that another vehicle is partially in.

dual_sport_dork, avatar

Eyy, bedliner gang. Both of my 4 wheeled vehicles are bedlinered. Being shiny is for chumps.


Truth. I’m just going to drag a tree down the side of it, it doesn’t need to be shiny.

MrFlamey, in Sure buddy just take as many spots as you need

Needs a 2x2 sticker added to the back to show how many parking spaces he occupies.

Nobsi, in Sure buddy just take as many spots as you need avatar

I mean… Its too long to be a 1x1 so a 1x2 is definitely needed. I would argue hes not even a 2x2 as you can still get in the other 2 spots yeah?

blanketswithsmallpox, in Sure buddy just take as many spots as you need

This just shows the laziness and incompetence of truck drivers. I could see this being an easy mistake to make since he’s pretty close on all the lines, but it really doesn’t take that long to correct it when you get out of your truck lol.

Without more context, at least he parked away from others in an empty part of the lot.


Idiot drivers*

Happens with all vehicle’s. Not everyone that owns a truck has a room temp IQ like the person depicted here.


A largely disproportionate pool of the Idiot drivers* are just truck drivers lol.


Yeah thats fair haha!


This is why bad parking is the worst. Any individual incident of shitty driving could be some momentary distraction or lapse of judgement. Things happen that people can’t take back.

But with parking, it’s always fixable. That way you KNOW they are a cunt, whether they did it on purpose, or noticed and didn’t fix it, or most likely never gave enough of a shit to even try in the first place.


whether they did it on purpose, or noticed and didn’t fix it, or most likely never gave enough of a shit to even try in the first place.

That’s about as succinct as it gets when describing these types. I’ll need to remember it.


This type of shit is in purpose so no one hits the truck.

not_that_guy05, in Instagram's monthly subscription

To people that use meta and pay to have no ads… Which seems that you were already looking into paying…


I wasn’t looking into paying for it. This popped up upon opening the app.

cosmicrookie, avatar

It is actually a hard paywall. They won’t let you use the app unless you make a choice between the two. I chose to uninstall


Best choice

jacktherippah, in Instagram's monthly subscription

Just stop using Instagram. I quit mainstream social media (Facebook, Instagram, Reddit,…) and the experience has been quite cathartic.


I've been off of all social media for about a decade, but just yesterday i got a dm from someone from my past so i went and checked it out and then I checked a bunch of other stuff there too and my mental state instantly spiraled into a terrible place. Man that shit is toxic like nuclear waste.


Lemmy is social media too, don’t forget that.


Same same, but different


It’s not talking to people that’s damaging. Being able to socialize and discuss via media is healthy.

The damaging component is when an algorithm pushes unhealthy content because it drives engagement.

No one set out to create a rage/depression/anxiety algorithm, but those emotions tend to drive engagement better than more positive experiences. So if engagement is the goal, you get destructive systems.

Removing the algorithm does a lot for helping people engage with their peers and society at large in a more constructive context.


No it's not. Social media is where you know who the other person is and/or they know who you are. This is an anonymous forum, not social media.


Most definitions of social media are some form of “sharing content for the purpose of socializing in a public manner”. I wouldn’t think having a real life identity linked to your account would be a requirement for a social network. Why wouldn’t reddit, lemmy, or even an old school forum be considered social media? You’re sharing and discussing content on a community platform. I dunno, just something I’ve been thinking about recently as I’m using lemmy more.


Social media are interactive technologies that facilitate the creation and sharing of content, ideas, interests, and other forms of expression through virtual communities and networks. While challenges to the definition of social media arise due to the variety of stand-alone and built-in social media services currently available, there are some common features:

  • Social media are interactive Web 2.0 Internet-based applications.
  • User-generated content—such as text posts or comments, digital photos or videos, and data generated through all online interactions—is the lifeblood of social media.
  • Users create service-specific profiles for the website or app that are designed and maintained by the social media organization.
  • Social media helps the development of online social networks by connecting a user’s profile with those of other individuals or groups.

Lemmy fits those criteria very well, and there’s nothing regarding anonymous profiles vs identified profiles. It may not be the only definition of social media, but it’s comprehensive and sensible.


Then email is also social media, Google docs is social media, phpBB is social media, Amazon review sections are social media, even Pornhub comment sections are social media, and so on…

If Lemmy fits the criteria, then so does 95% of the internet. Not a very useful definition, in that case.


Yeah, I guess under that definition any web-based application that allows for a person to create an account/profile and generate and post content is a form of social media. That makes sense when you consider that they’re media that allow for social interaction.

What’s your definition of social media? Genuinely interested because I’m not sure that there even is a single definition that can be agreed upon.

I think the whole public vs anonymous profiles thing doesn’t really stack up, as I can create profiles on Facebook, Instagram, X, TikTok etc and provide no identifying information about myself, much as I do on Lemmy. I can also choose to add a profile picture and info about myself to identify myself on Lemmy if I choose, much as people do on other social media.

If your definition only includes those platforms that force you fully identify yourself in order to maintain a profile, that list will be pretty small and exclude a lot of sites that the vast majority would consider to be social media, including the ones I’ve named above.


Go try and make a fake Instagram account.


You might be able to create profiles anonymously, but you can’t use those services anonymously. They only work if you have other people added as friends or whatever, unlike content aggregators like lemmy or reddit, where you can be as anonymous as you want and still interact with all features of the site.

I think that narrows it down enough. If you can use all features of the platform without personally knowing anyone on it, it’s not social media.


Especially in Australia atm facebook is full of shit.

Kir, avatar

I did too and, while the benefit are higher than the loss, I usually feel really left out from one kind of partecipation to society and it’s a bit sad.


How many followers did you have and how many friends of yours were using the app, if you don’t mind sharing?


I had about 150 friends on Facebook when I quit. I’m quite recluse say so I didn’t really interact with them much.

Witchfire, avatar

As much as I’d love to, it’s not exactly easy when you rely on it for business :(

b000urns, in Instagram's monthly subscription avatar

YouTube premium costs less than that, and that includes a Music streaming service


Thanks for the suggestion, YouTube.


I have seen SO many acounts praising youtube premium its bonkers, I refuse to believe that many people are paying for it. ItS gOt GrEaT mUsIC AnD I cAn SuPpOrT mY fAvOuRiTe CrEaTorS. same script every time.


Fuck the music. I pay for it just so I don’t have to see any ads when I’m trying to see a 2 minute movie trailer or an hour long tutorial. Worth it.


see thats what I don’t get, ublock origin just works, its free. you don’t have to give google money.


I’ve had it for years and one of the biggest features that I find worthwhile is being able to easily download videos to watch on the plane or play like podcasts when I’m driving. When I first got it, I had a really long commute, so being able to download stuff and play it with my phone screen off is helpful.


Oh I use uBlock origin too. But on desktop. I very often consume YouTube on my tv and mobile. Too much work getting ad blocking to work on those.


ya thats true. I’ve been screen mirroring on my laptop for that but I get it if its a convenience thing. I used to pay for a bunch of streaming services until they jacked the price, I dropped almost everything after the last round of price hikes. again, mostly a convenience thing.


I’m close to dropping all streaming services thanks to IPTV.


I self-host a ton of stuff, and have sailed the high seas for decades to grow my personal collection.


I pay for YT premium, netflix, and steam, so that my nephews can be on my family plans. Their life can be pretty shitty a lot of the time, and good music, games, and simple distractions help.


Yeah, quite frankly I watch so much that it’s just worth it. I don’t use other streaming services, so it’s fine for me.


Shrug, I spend $22 for family. It is a fantastic value when you get music+yt for the whole family.


You can believe whatever you want. Google Music sent me a free Nest Mini back in the day, and paying for YouTube Pro is right now the cheapest way of having voice activated ad-free playlists on it.

But feel free to give me an alternative “script” that gets similar functionality for cheaper.

mrfriki, in Sure buddy just take as many spots as you need

Hence the 4x4 sticker: 4 parking spaces for 4 wheels.

YoBuckStopsHere, in Instagram's monthly subscription avatar

No ads on Mastodon


No friends there either.

Well to be fair I’m still enjoying Mastodon a lot and Pixelfed too (which is the better Instagram replacement) but pretty much everyone I follow is somebody I don’t know in real life. Instagram is great to see what your extended circle of friends is doing.

YoBuckStopsHere, avatar

That’s how it is during the first few years of social media. When left Twitter I had 75K followers but only knew about 20.


Technically, no reason why there couldn’t be. You could even have ad bots follow you to send you targeted ads.

CriticalMiss, in Instagram's monthly subscription

13 euros a month… hahahahahaaaa


A number thought up by some yank that doesn’t realise that’s what our whole fuckin internet connection costs each month 😂

cod, avatar

Wait you guys get internet for €13/month? cries in Canadian


Indian here. I pay approximately ₹2000 = 23 Euros for 200 Mbps… WiFi.

cod, avatar

I get half and pay double, and thought that was quite reasonable

What are your cellular plans like?


I get half and pay double

I see…

What are your cellular plans like?

I have two SIMs, both have a plan for ₹666 = 7.5 Euros, 1.5GB per day, for 84 days…

There’s also a ₹1699 = 20 Euros plan for a year, 2.5GB per day.

cod, avatar

€20 per year? That’s crazy. My girlfriend and I share a plan and combined pay almost $150 (about €100) per month (so $75 = €50 per month each)


To be fair… It’s not always at great speeds… But the coverage is great.

India has so many users that it’s spread thin amongst the billion+ people we have here.

cod, avatar

Yeah fair, >1,000,000,000 compared to ~40,000,000



FleetingTit, avatar

At least in Germany you can’t. I feel your pain, my canadian friend.

cod, avatar

At least home wifi isn’t as insane as cellular here I guess. We get American ads on the break room TV at work, their cellular plans are pennies compared to what we have to pay north of the border


How much are you paying, Canadian?

cod, avatar

About $40/mo. for 100mbps for wifi. Cellular, I share with my girlfriend who gets a discount through work, we share 200GB for about $150/mo.


I’m paying €44 a month for mobile broadband in Ireland 🥲


Aussie here: I pay 10 bucks a month for my entire phone plan lmaoooo

nicetriangle, in Instagram's monthly subscription avatar

I've just taken the app off my phone and use adblock when I'm on the desktop browser version. I still need social media to post my work out there (I get clients that way), but I don't need to look at it 100 times a day.

It's honestly been a big quality of life improvement to take all my social media off my phone. Been a month or two now and I really miss it a lot less than I thought I would and who knows how much time I'm saving.

Hyzerflip, in Instagram's monthly subscription

They don’t want you to pay. They set the price artificially high to discourage you so they continue business as usual while complying to the laws. The price is a PITA charge to make it worth their while and to still profit from the ads they would have shown you.


I’ve never used IG but I feel like it would be a $3.99/month type of service. This price just tells us they are making way more than that serving ads or that your ad data alone is worth a decent bit of cash.


It’s a $0 per month type of service, even without ads.


It’s a -$10/month type of service, they’d have to pay me in order to use it… and they’d still be making money on the data and ads.


It’s weird in that most users would value it at $3.99 a month, but the average user also scrolls for several hours a month, with each one of those hours packed with ads.

This equates to way more than $4 in revenue a month.


They set the price artificially high

Actually… it’s likely only slightly higher than what they get from ads per user, and still lower than what they get from compiling and selling all the information you agree to give them.

Users tend to severely underestimate how much their cumulative data can be sold for.

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