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Tosti, in Colorado funeral home owner arrested on charges linked to handling of 189 bodies avatar

Perfect example of the market regulating itself.


Really? The FBI had to get involved. It sounded like they just started having money issues.

fishos, avatar

OP was being sarcastic. This is why you don’t let markets regulate themselves. It was a dig at unfettered capitalism. Even our dead aren’t respected by capitalism.


That’s why we have the FBI I suppose

K1nsey6, in 'Central Park Karen' Denies Any Responsibility In 2020 Clash avatar

'Scratch a liberal… ’

UnculturedSwine, in OK Microsoft... trying to log into Teams while work lapop updates to Windows 11. No longer works in any iPhone browser, including Edge. The app will not authenticate my work login.

I have to use that garbage teams app every f****** day and I hate it. I’m glad I have an android phone and actually have some choice with regard to my browser.


Oh poor you. It’s probably not your fault you are living the life of you.


What the fuck is this bullshit comment? Come on, man. If you want to be an insulting troll, at least put in some effort. Sheesh.


It’s a playful encouragement

mysoulishome, avatar

Crapping on people complaining about work 👏🏻 cool cool


Always the victim… even here on lemmy

ObviouslyNotBanana, in Youtube Depends on Ads to work avatar


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  • diegooooooo, avatar
    Metal_Zealot, avatar

    Here’s what my wallet looks like when I dont buy dumb subscriptions

    aniki, in OK Microsoft... trying to log into Teams while work lapop updates to Windows 11. No longer works in any iPhone browser, including Edge. The app will not authenticate my work login.

    In Microsofts defense, they are hilariously incompetent. And on the other hand, fuck Bill Gates.

    tslnox, in Instagram's monthly subscription

    FB the same. Fine, I don’t want to pay for your dumb content (even when you successfully trained my brain to enjoy that content) so show me ads…

    But then they “forced” me to accept tracking cookies which makes me angry… Still I’m not ready to leave, but I’m a big step nearer than before.

    Also, isn’t that against EU laws?


    Also, isn’t that against EU laws?

    Very likely, but the final verdict is still out on that one, as far as I know. There are several other services and sites that offer similar opt-out of tracking and ads for money schemes (albeit not as ludicrously expensive).

    I believe that’s both against the spirit and any reasonable interpretation of the law, but I don’t think it has been fully tested in court.

    cosmicrookie, avatar

    But they are not even offering to stop tracking me. They only offer add free experience and force targeted ads. I’d be ok with regular ads but not the targeted ads

    JoShmoe, in Youtube Depends on Ads to work

    Is the Simpsons good again?


    It is not.

    ilickfrogs, (edited ) avatar

    I second this. They’re trying so hard to be inoffensive it’s eroding the satirical stereotypes that every character is supposed to be. It’s a hollow shell of what it once was.


    It’s so bad, I can’t figure out who’s still watching the show at this point. But they are, so there must be enough viewers to make it worthwhile for Fox, so maybe I’m the one who is wrong?

    No, no. It must be the kids.

    (That’s a line from an older episode for anyone not a fan of the show)

    ilickfrogs, avatar

    Well apparently enough people still like it to downvote me lol

    TSG_Asmodeus, (edited ) avatar

    Pretty sure it was because of the ‘trying to be politically correct’ comment.

    EDIT: The comment originally said what I quoted, which is now changed to inoffensive. Then the replies to me were deleted.

    it’s eroding the satirical stereotypes that every character is supposed to be.

    Bets on this being about Hank Azaria no longer voicing Apu?


    How much of it have you watched in recent years? What happened on the episodes you watched?

    It sure is funny how many people that haven’t actually watched the show since like season 6 still sound off about it like they have any idea what its currently like.


    Haven’t watched the show in years but according to the video there are more standout episodes in recent years - he actually made me want to watch the new season.

    driving_crooner, avatar

    I think is Ok, I really liked the episode of Marge accepting that Baby Bart is growing up. The NFT/Snowpiercer part of the Halloween special was also good.


    Maybe try some episodes and see for yourself?

    YouTuber 20 minute opinion drops, sorry, “video essays” are a dime a dozen and the vast majority have nothing notable to say. Better to just try things for yourself and make up your own mind.

    AnonTwo, in Youtube Depends on Ads to work

    That was a good Super Eyepatch Wolf vid.

    badbytes, in Youtube Depends on Ads to work

    Nikel and dime till it’s a crime

    tony, in Youtube Depends on Ads to work

    Ads pay miniscule amounts per view… I’ve heard it said the £12/month sub is about hundreds of times what they get from ad revenue per user. So they spam them everywhere… the more ads the better.

    Which means people block the ads because they’re obnoxious, and they make nothing…

    scrubbles, avatar

    which in turn makes them add more ads, which makes more people block them, which makes them add more ads… and the cycle continues.

    Honestly if they stuck, and I mean actually stuck to "You know what, one ad, beginning of the video, unskippable, and the rest of the video (and content below, and everything) will be ad free until you start a new video - I’d do it. I’d honestly be okay with that. But it’s just so overbearing, everywhere is meant to draw your eye to ads, so no, I’ll do everything I can to get around them.


    Or if they went back to their old advertisement model, remember when you used to get in line advertisements that played at the bottom of the video. I remember those they weren’t intrusive to the video content and you still saw them. It wasn’t obnoxious as hell and I would bd ok with that

    Z3k3, (edited )

    Those inclined things drove me nuts. Might be a cultu thing in terms of how tv works.

    I have seen recordings of American tv where things like that would advertise the next show so I guess people got stained to mote or less ignore them.

    It’s not a thing that caught on here. At least not while I still had a tv.

    FlyingSquid, avatar

    That’s one of the reasons I’m ok paying for premium. Creators get paid more.


    Or you could pay for Nebula instead of the company causing the problem. Or you could contribute to their Patreon.

    FlyingSquid, avatar

    I could if the people I watched weren’t on YouTube.


    +1 for Nebula


    Depends on the ad and how much you use the premium…

    I’ve watched so much they would’ve absolutely made more money showing me ads (based on my best guess for how much margin they should make on ads, which I think I can estimate pretty well, vs premium as I know less about costs etc. there) but I guess it’s not the case for everyone

    EmhyrVarEmreis, in Youtube Depends on Ads to work

    I feel extremely uncertain because there are still people who don’t use Vanced

    leekleak, avatar

    Unfortunately ios exists


    there is youtube++, haven’t tried it because i have an android, but it should have a lot of the features of vanced. And with iOS16 finally (kind of) allowing third party apps, it’s not even that hard to install


    Unforced error ngl


    SmartTube Next as well.

    dhork, (edited ) in 'Central Park Karen' Denies Any Responsibility In 2020 Clash

    She doesn’t have the humility to admit she made a mistake, blames everyone else but herself, and then expects to talk it out with the guy she did this to? He has no reason to accommodate her.

    And employers see though this too. She’s not having trouble finding a job because of cancel culture, she’s having trouble because employers realize how little self awareness she has, and she doesn’t realize that her actions since the incident are making it all even worse.

    FoundTheVegan, avatar

    Using the phrase cancel culture is such a self report about the speaker. Frankly I find it really useful, especially in the world of dating apps.


    The video:

    A video with the video (longer):


    She’s an hr nightmare

    possiblylinux127, in OK Microsoft... trying to log into Teams while work lapop updates to Windows 11. No longer works in any iPhone browser, including Edge. The app will not authenticate my work login.

    In Microsoft’s defense I phones don’t have proper web browsers. They are all the same under the hood


    Yeah, this might be it. For anyone not aware, every browser on iOS is just safari with a different skin and some plugins to work with whatever ecosystem you actually are trying to use.


    But this is changing and won’t always be true.

    mysoulishome, avatar

    They have different browsers with limitations but I don’t know about not proper. It is possible to build perfectly decent web apps but many times they choose not to or it’s too much trouble


    Safari/WebKit on iOS doesn’t support Opus which makes it a non starter for modern video call platforms.


    See 2.5.6 here:

    It is possible to build perfectly decent web apps but many times they choose not to or it’s too much trouble

    On iOS, they quite literally can’t in some aspects. They’re restricted to using the supplied WebKit Apple enforces. On Android you can use the Blink Web View (Chromium) or Gecko Web View (Firefox). Both of which can be bundled in the app, or you can use the system version.

    They have different browsers with limitations but I don’t know about not proper.

    Every single iOS “browser” is WebKit. AKA Safari. Due to Apple’s plug-in system being proprietary, it’s difficult to extend. Third party browsers typically use JavaScript injections which slow down the browsing experience. The supplied WebKit is also watered down and updated on a slower cycle. Apple intentionally makes their browser better.

    You’re not actually using Microsoft Edge. You’re using Safari and it’s being identified as such by the UA string. Due to Safari being in last place for web standards feature support, it’s not surprising you’re coming across the issue.


    iOS only allows PWAs in Safari, and Safari lacks a lot of features for PWAs - is a pretty good resource for figuring out what they do and don’t support.

    Outside of PWAs, Safari is a pain to develop for. Unlike both Firefox and Chromium browsers, its “dev tools” are a bit of a mess and don’t support simply adding extensions like React Dev Tools to augment them. To use such an extension you have to run it as an independent application and connect to Safari, and IME doing this it frequently fails to actually connect properly and didn’t provide a comparable workflow.

    When I was working on an app that only needed to support Safari, I ended up just using those extensions in Chrome or Firefox rather than trying to build it in Safari.

    And this is my experience building on a Mac. For anyone developing on a Windows or Linux device, it’s not like they can just install Safari locally to confirm that everything works. So if something doesn’t work in Safari, it’s probably not gonna get caught by the developer.


    They don’t though. They all use the same engine and a subject to Apples restrictive rules

    MedicPigBabySaver, in 'Central Park Karen' Denies Any Responsibility In 2020 Clash

    Stupid Cunt.

    TropicalDingdong, in OK Microsoft... trying to log into Teams while work lapop updates to Windows 11. No longer works in any iPhone browser, including Edge. The app will not authenticate my work login.

    I just dont understand how any company can use a product as broken as teams.

    pimeys, avatar

    It comes with the Office subscription. People who choose it are not the ones using it daily.


    This fucking mentality. “Let’s use this thing that’s free instead of paying 50 dollars/month, the people who have to work with this can get their asses fucked!”


    Fuck you spez


    To be fair, slack price can reach up to thousands per month for very big companies.

    That being said, teams is a ridiculous piece of software that is indeed broken.

    deweydecibel, (edited )

    The business/work version of Teams isn’t free, you’re paying for it as part of the 365 subscription.

    That’s part of why there’s a push to use Teams: companies see it as already paying for it, so might as well use it.

    And of course there’s the constant barrage of fear mongering coming out of the security crowd that says the only sensible, secure thing to do is bring absolutely every fucking thing into a native 365 app. Because they fail to notice that the attack surface they’re so concerned about is a healthy software market.


    Oh, didn’t know that thanks! My comment is just school IT trauma lol.

    radix, avatar

    My company’s IT department tried to push Teams since we pay for it either way. The rest of the company revolted and stayed on Slack.

    pimeys, avatar

    I’ve been in an interview and the hiring manager wanted to have a call in Teams. Didn’t take that job.


    Yup the people who chose it get celebrated for cutting hundreds of dollars per user per year for another product.

    ultratiem, avatar

    I can field this. The answer is simple: they don’t. They use Slack internally.


    Which alternative do you propose?


    Literally anything else except for zoom and teams.


    I dont have issues with zoom. Its the least bad of all the VC services.


    Really? I’d take Google’s offering or Teams over Zoom, especially if there’s a screen share involved


    Zoom requires the zoom app and has lots of security holes


    Ok. At least it works. I can’t say that for MS.




    Are you talking specifically on phones? Because it works just find in browser on desktop.


    Its been a while so maybe its changed since I used it. Before it was desktop only


    Literally anything else is a better option. Slack + zoom is orders of magnitude better.


    I use teams very actively; we don’t have slack and I hate emails.
    Honestly can’t remember last time I’ve had any issues.

    The app integration is awesome. It allows me to give non-technical people access to everything project related through a chat group.
    15 pinned convo limit is nonsense though.
    Also would like to just be able to paste markdown straight in.

    ad_on_is, avatar

    Now imagine being a freelance developer, who works for more than two clients, using Teams with different email addresses.

    It’s a horror!


    That’s me, but with four different clients. Have to switch between accounts all the time. It’s hell.


    I use teams for work and have not had a single problem in the almost three years I’ve been with the company. We have teams phones and pretty much all teams licensing. I’ve had lots of problems with zoom and go to meeting. Especially with GoToMeeting when I was managing a citrix environment.



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  • nogooduser,

    The comment was that Teams was broken which implies that they have problems with it so I think that was the question.

    dojan, avatar

    I’ve been using it daily for two years and I’ve had pretty much nothing but problems. It’ll sit in the background and sleep or something, and then I’ll get five hundred messages dropping in all at once. I put teams on my work phone on the side so I can see if someone messages me.

    Sometimes messages don’t come through on the PC client, but they can be sent from it, meaning if I look at a chat on my phone it looks normal, but on my PC it looks like I’m talking to myself.

    Video calls make all the shadows in the OS flicker. There’s a lot of shadows now, never gave them a second thought before.

    The app has a tendency to spontaneously log me out during things, and then refuse to log back in unless I reboot.

    Sometimes it doesn’t detect my camera or microphone.

    Sometimes during calls the buttons stop working. If I’m sharing my desktop, I can’t stop sharing. If I’m muted, I can’t unmute myself. If my video is off, I can’t turn it on. If I want to close the rubbish and restart, I’ll need to go through task manager.

    Not a big fan.


    I’m wondering what kind of PCs people are using? I’ve never had most of your issues and I’ve been using teams pretty much daily for the past 3~4 years.

    Not saying teams is perfect. UI is an absolute clusterfuck and it’s kinda heavy…

    dojan, avatar

    Second generation ThinkPad T14S.


    Humm, I’ve had HP Elite Book (don’t remember the model. GC something.). No issues whatsoever. It’s so weird. I know Microsoft has a bad rep but I was under the impression that overall teams was good.

    dojan, avatar

    I’ve colleagues for whom teams works just fine. I think it has a vendetta specifically towards me.


    Heavy is due to it running its own web server in the application (electron). The issues are more so due to the OS and how the company manages patches. Or firewalls/routing. Migrating to a new VPN appliance when my company was purchased brought up a handful of similar issues. Solution was trash profiles set in the VPN appliance.


    Heavy is due to it running its own web server in the application (electron). The issues are more so due to the OS and how the company manages patches. Or firewalls/routing. Migrating to a new VPN appliance when my company was purchased brought up a handful of similar issues. Solution was trash profiles set in the VPN appliance.


    Heavy is due to it running its own web server in the application (electron). The issues are more so due to the OS and how the company manages patches. Or firewalls/routing. Migrating to a new VPN appliance when my company was purchased brought up a handful of similar issues. Solution was trash profiles set in the VPN appliance.

    mysoulishome, avatar

    Using Teams at first I was annoyed it didn’t have some zoom features like video backgrounds or whatever…but after using it quite a while I do like it better. The problem for me is you never know what update is going to break something whenever updates are forced…for office and all of the other work software.

    UnderpantsWeevil, avatar

    It integrates or something, idfk. Part of the Microsoft suite so we all get it by default. No, don’t ask why licenses just got more expensive, I promise its free.


    It comes with office for free. That’s how.

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