JoMiran, avatar

Gen-X here. I would like to know who in our generation decided to let their kids (Gen-Z) raid their closet. Yesterday alone I saw multiple teen girls wearing 90’s era mommy pants and two, TWO, girls wearing MC Hammer parachute pants!!! Neither of these was ever cool!

Millennials. If our kids give you grief, just remember that they thought it was a good idea to bring back parachute pants.

PugJesus, avatar

It's how it always goes. First, it's stylish, then it's lame, then it's R E T R O


Some of this shit skipped the initial stylish step though


Parachute pants were awsome until hour 2 when your legs were soaked in sweat

JoMiran, avatar

This guy Hammer Timed.


Can’t touch dis


Kids are wearing pipe leg jeans again 🤧


The last pics or videos I saw of everything “cool” (VIPs, gen Z stuff like interviews, festival pics,…) felt like old 90 stuff. I really thought they were old but no, it was stuff from about 1-2 weeks ago. Why is stuff like hair styles and make up also the same as it was years ago?

PugJesus, avatar

Fashion is cyclical


Can grunge be stylish again? At least it was comfortable.


The whole athleisure thing of the last 10-15 years has been great for dressing comfortably everywhere.


Just be a lesbian, you can grunge all you like and it never goes out of style.


Yeah, but I just like cock too much.


Transbians have entered the chat

(I’m just shitposting, fuck who you wanna fuck, in case it needs to be said)


Grunge was never stylish. That was the point.


I just want Jnco’s that aren’t $300.


Is that really what they cost now? When I was a teenager I was astonished that they cost…I want to say $60-$80. That was so expensive to me then. So I never owned a pair despite wanting to for years.


I had the luck to get a pair of 32” jncos in ‘97 I think, maybe ‘98, and I remember them costing over $100. The bigger you went the more expensive of course.

But yea, they still make them. Just checked their website and it looks like prices have come down. Last I checked, about a year and a half ago, they were starting at around $300, but I’m seeing them in the $130 range with the 32” starting at $180 and the 50” going to $260. This is great, I might buy a pair later this year.


I had the luck to get a pair of 32” jncos in ‘97 I think, maybe ‘98, and I remember them costing over $100. The bigger you went the more expensive of course.

But yea, they still make them. Just checked their website and it looks like prices have come down. Last I checked, about a year and a half ago, they were starting at around $300, but I’m seeing them in the $130 range with the 32” starting at $180 and the 50” going to $260. This is great, I might buy a pair later this year.


Yeah I think I remember the $100+ ones too. Might have been some on sale on occasion for less but I definitely envied everyone else who got them!

Smokeydope, avatar

I suddenly don’t hate my frugal ass self for spending 100$ on a custom piece of 100% hemp clothing for the first time last week. No way could I ever see myself spending > 200$ on a single pair of jeans

Smokeydope, avatar

When you were a teenager the dollar was most likely worth a lot more. 60-80$ 20 years ago is 300$ in todays money


Yeah, maybe a good point


I literally saw a 12 year old the other day wearing a “Boyz in tha Hood” shirt, like, do you even know what movies are?

JoMiran, avatar

Menace II Society is the true underrated gem.


What are your thoughts on U.F.Os?

captain_aggravated, avatar

I kinda miss the bell bottom revival of the early 2000’s. Not the late 90’s “equilateral triangle from the knees down” look our big sisters did; I always liked the “just enough bell bottom that the tip of her shoes poke out.” I always thought that was a cute look.

Mantis_Toboggan, avatar

Good Charlotte and AFI shirts will be back in a few years along with studded belts.


I do not like that there are factions actually trying to foment generational discord between Millennials and Zoomers. This is another tactic in the corporate-funded class war. Do not fall for it.


Ok boomer lol


that insult is so old it’s a boomer.


So is ur mom


Wow now we really have an elderly quip on our hands. The ur mom stuff wasn’t really a thing since like 1998


So is ur horse


Ooph all these jokes are boomers.


Like ur toilet


It doesn’t work though, zoomers are in the same stolen future millennials are; there’s solidarity


As millennials, we were told we weren’t old enough and that we’d understand the nuance of when we got older. We were brushed aside. Well we got older and realized things are even worse than we thought as kids. Now Zoomers complain about much of the same stuff and we cheer them on. Hell yeah, kids, fight the power!


We can count on their support and social awareness to finally have the voice we’ve been robbed of since forever


“You know this thing every generation does that’s often just simple jokes? It’s corporate-funded class war!”

Yeah okay lol


Between people it’s simple jokes; when media runs articles saying that one generation has taken advantage of the other, it isnt. There is absolutely a divisive class war being stoked. You are free to ignore it.


“ahaha, millenials, teens don’t think you’re cool”

I can already feel the raging fires of class war


Meh, with people genuinely proposing to increase the voting age because “Gen Z bad”, the jokes are wearing thin.


People are really proposing that? lol


I keep having to explain to my 9-year-old that I’m not a boomer 🤔

FlyingSquid, avatar

I just said this in another thread- my 13-year-old thinks every discovery she makes about the 80s or 90s is something I didn’t know about.

PugJesus, avatar

"Oh my God, have you heard about these old 'Tamagotchi' things?"



Did you know phones used to be in the walls and they were the internet?

AnUnusualRelic, avatar

That was the 30s, not the 90s.


Yo, they had internet in the 30s?


Yes, but the robots took it away before moving to Pluto.


That really makes you think. Pluto is probably flat, come to think of it.


Did you ever have dial up?


OK boomer.


Your the bees knees.


They’re actually a psycho driver. Apparently proud of it too


Joke’s on them, I don’t care what teens think is cool.


I care

If teenagers think I’m uncool, I’m probably doing something right

Teenagers are lame af

pomodoro_longbreak, avatar

That sounds pretty coool to me…


He cracked the code!


I think only ones caring what teenagers think are other teenagers.


Why would I care what teenagers think?

Haha losers I can get into a bar. Go drink your warm keystone while hiding from your parents. Make sure you make curfew.


This is the true take lol

Frankly, being seen as uncool by teenagers is a good thing. Modern teenagers think people like Logan Paul are cool (not that we were any better when we were teens, but that just furthers my point)

Mantis_Toboggan, avatar

A lot of teenagers in our age cohort thought that Heidi and Spencer Pratt were cool. Obviously, lots of us didn’t; which I assume is also the case for Zoomers and the Pauls.

But some of them will grow out of the Pauls, some of them won’t. But just as the Pratts, they’ll slowly fade into oblivion as time passes.


Oh I’m not pretending that we were any better when we were teens. I’m not ragging on today’s teens specifically, but teenagers in general, most definitely including us when we were that age lol

Mantis_Toboggan, avatar

Oh absolutely agree!

Some of us got lucky a lot of our stupid, cringe phase was deleted from the internet during the huge data loss that MySpace had. And people back then weren’t on smartphones screenshooting social media posts to Digg, twitter, et al. All in all, I kind of feel bad for teens now.

Smart phones, social media and their terrible algorithms combined created a perfect storm for the most narcissistic people and traits to really shine in real time.

Back then, you had a camera, had to take out that SD card, load it on the computer. Then go through the photos / videos and slowly and painfully upload them on to a site like Myspace. That or some 250px flip-phone picture was annoying as hell to bring into your PC and upload it. Unless, you had a T-Mobile Sidekick and uploaded that shit via AIM… but I was too poor for that lol

Also back then, at least in my case, and because you had to do all that, you sometimes gave it a bit of thought on whether you should publish something or not. Now it’s just instant and you don’t really think about it.

At least those are my theories.

CoolBeance, avatar

Did we ever want to be cool to teenagers?

HiddenLayer5, (edited ) avatar

Businesses care very much so they can extract their and their parents’ money from them. Sadly, it’s working very well, fellowkids posts mocking cringy corporate ads are the exception and not the rule.

Neato, avatar

There's a trend of elder millennials shitting on Gen Z because Gen Z is doing what all kids and young people do: rebel against their elders. And it's the most cringe thing I've ever seen. Eddy Burbank had a video on it a while ago and holy crap. Just stop, y'all. The poster in the pic has the right idea.


Gen Z is one of the only things that gives my old ass hope

PugJesus, avatar

Gen Z is alright. I like to believe the future is in good hands with them. Other than the cringe, but we were all cringe at their age, we just trauma-block it from our memories.

Justas, avatar

You guys trauma-block your cringe instead of remembering it while trying to sleep?

PugJesus, avatar

Oh no, I definitely remember lots of cringe while trying to sleep. It's just that sometimes some piece of ancient cringe will come up with photo evidence that I have no memory of, and I conclude that my mind was trying to protect me from that specific piece.

z500, (edited ) avatar

I sleep like a baby every night. Daytime is when all the crippling memories come.


It’s a corporate-inspired class war tactic


I only shit on zoomers for making TikTok a thing. Otherwise, they’re cool people.


Yeah, millennials getting pissy about “kids these days” is cringe as fuck. Wasn’t that long ago you were getting “kids these days” about dumb shit, really couldn’t wait huh?


gen z here. I genuinely think most millennials are cool asf. y’all took the brunt of the hate from older generations for us. I just hope we can pay it back somehow in the long run


From everything I’ve seen, you will. Just keep working for what’s right and good.

captain_aggravated, avatar

While I appreciate the sentiment, I honestly think us Millennials just did our time in the barrel and now it’s your turn. My evidence: I use Firefox, by default it congregates a bunch of “news” articles from around the web (via Pocket, I think. Whatever the fuck Pocket is) and here’s a headline from Elle I’m looking at on my other monitor as I type: “Is Gen Z Killing Vintage Fashion?” You are The Demographic now, so there’s going to be about 15 years of exactly that bullshit to roll your eyes at.

Default_Defect, avatar

I’m so glad I’m not being blamed for the decline of a shitty industry no one else took part in either, otherwise it wouldn’t have failed.


Yeah, now it’s more like “are gen Z killing X industry?”

me: “God I fucking hope we are”

Mantis_Toboggan, avatar

Maybe they’ll finally deliver the death blow to golf courses, country clubs, guest rooms, diamonds and other shit we can’t afford… Or would really care to, if we’d have the means.

TwoGems, avatar

I’ll help zoomers all I can to have a better future politically


Fight the fights we turned complacent on.


My neighbor’s 13 year old thinks I’m cool as shit because i make them loads of baked goodies. Cakes, cookies, granola, cupcakes, or whatever I’m baking for my weekly challenges.


Ummm that sounds like you are cool as shit.

Won’t you be my neighbor?


Of the list of things I’m struggling with as I’m getting older, this is pretty fuckin low on the list.

Like, I understand the adults in my life as a teenager and why they didn’t really give a shit about what I thought about certain things. I was young and stupid and didn’t know shit about shit.


I was stupid when I was a kid, especially at times, but also I clearly remember situations where I was like 8 and still know to this date that the adults were drastically in the wrong and I was completely right. It was insanely early for me when I learned that adults were wrong as shit sometimes. What took me a very long time to accept though, is that often people do not care if they’re actually wrong, they’re more concerned with feeling/acting right. When you’re a kid especially, these types of people love to steamroll you.

captain_aggravated, avatar

The teens are correct, I am not cool. To quote Abe Simpson, “I used to be with It, but then they changed what It was. Now what I’m with isn’t It, and what is It is weird and scary to me. It’ll happen to you.”

Now I think I’m slightly younger than Abe was in that scene, but I’m not yet at a place where teenagers are “weird and scary” to me. Juvenoia hasn’t set in yet. I’m definitely out of touch, like I don’t know what bands the kids are listening to these days, slang is starting to leave me behind. But I think I feel okay with the kids these days growing up in their own decade, which a lot of adults seem to struggle with. I’m going to try to hang onto that.

As for their opinion of me? Yeah sure. I’m a 36 year old homeowner that spent my free time last week cutting back my azaleas and canning a year’s supply of homemade jelly. I have a shelf where I keep my carpet cleaning supplies. Any teenager who thinks I’m not cool is pretty much correct. And I’m fine with that.


Despite having been one less than a decade ago, I definitely refuse to keep up with the trends as I feel most of them are either dangerous (tide pod challenge), illegal (property damage in your school bathrooms), absolutely tone-deaf (all those people pretending to have xyz disorder because it’s quirky), or just flat out dumb (think fortnite and such if that’s still even a thing and the slang as well). The slang they use feels like a foreign language and I refuse to learn it just like I did with a lot of slang from my time.


Period. Zoomer slang is dog water, no cap.

You bet. Zoomer slang is awful, I will not lie to you.


I feel most of them are either dangerous (tide pod challenge)

You say most and then cite only the most overblown, ridiculous example. I haven’t seen a single death actually linked to the tide pod challenge, it was just a meme that a select few idiots took too far and got hospitalized. That happens with literally any popular trend. Don’t forget millennials had plenty of “dangerous” trends (planking, off the top of my head) that the mainstream media blew out of proportion.

illegal (property damage in your school bathrooms)

This has been happening to school bathrooms for a very long time, it just wasn’t on social media prior. I remember a trend in my area of kids fucking up their school bathrooms.

absolutely tone-deaf (all those people pretending to have xyz disorder because it’s quirky)

So millennials didn’t do all sorts of incredibly tone-deaf impressions and jokes back in the day?

or just flat out dumb (think fortnite and such if that’s still even a thing and the slang as well)

“Fortnite dumb” like okay. Fortnite isn’t dumb, it’s just not made for you. I don’t enjoy it, but I love playing it with my nieces and nephews, and while again it’s not my speed, it’s definitely not dumb.

The slang they use feels like a foreign language and I refuse to learn it just like I did with a lot of slang from my time.

If you just hate using slang that doesn’t mean gen z slang is dumb, just means ur a hipster.

There’s plenty of totally enjoyable, innocent gen z trends as well as some obnoxious ones, gen z slang is just an evolution of millennial slang, and gen z are more savvy in some areas and less so in others than millennials. But ofc ppl are gonna see what they want.

Jimbo, avatar

absolutely tone-deaf (all those people pretending to have xyz disorder because it’s quirky)

You had me on most of these, but oof

One of the worst things you could do to someone that actually has a disorder is to disregard it because you think their pretending, I’ll give the benefit of the doubt thanks.


I’m mostly referring to the people who actually do fake it. I also tend to give the benefit of the doubt, but I’ve seen various cases online of people actively faking it for clout. People who got called out on their bullshit.

Semi-Hemi-Demigod, avatar

My kids' friends all think I'm cool, and they're Gen Z. Which is weird because I've never been cool.


Just remind yourself that teens bet other teens to do really really stupid and often inane/dangerous things. We were all there. (And sure, not all teens) but a lot have need to be still watched by an adult so they don’t kill themselvs attempting what most adults do. Getting to the point, it isn’t worth any self esteem damage if they call you basic.


Get off of my generation X lawn.


Gen X has to come up with something other than lawn care. Lawns are for boomers.

Gen X is too cool/apathetic to care about lawns. The issue is that Gen X isn’t really trying to gatekeep anything.

If I had to tell the boomers or millennials or gen z to “stay off my bandwidth” I’d probably be more like “ok, suit your self, I have no shits to give”.

While there are plenty of issues where I’d support the younger generations against the older, being cool isn’t one. None of them have any idea, and neither did we.

PugJesus, avatar

My mother, who is Gen X: "Whatever."


Your mother’s reaction is the most clever thing I’ve ever read.

Allow me to gen-x-plain:

The thing isn’t necessarily apathy. It’s an acknowledgement of being able to handle the request regardless of the input. That’s what gen X does. We handle shit. Regardlessly.


Exactly, “whatever” is us graciously accepting that we’re the donut hole between two huge generations and political and economic power will be neatly handed past us to the millennials.

Whatever you say man, I know I won’t have a choice.


Gen X has to come up with something other than lawn care. Lawns are for boomers.

How about: “step aside, I can’t see the TV.”


You do you, just stay off my LAN.


Pssh, youre genx. It’s not like you’ve had the time to use your lawn for anything fun. It’s not the kids fault your entire generation got sequestered off to middle-management purgatory.

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