
I feel seen

kismattic, avatar

And seen you are! Welcome 🙂


and even worse, sometimes they even reply days later!

kismattic, avatar

Sorry, replying a day later! There’s been much more going on with this post than I expected!


don’t worry about it. I understand

kismattic, avatar

You all good, I got you fam! 😅



kismattic, avatar

Welcome welcome!


you replied too quickly! You’ve ruined it now.


I love the whole thing to be honest. I am happy to have replies days later. Reddit posts would go “stale” so fast and even if you did comment, you were more than likely to be torn to shreds for existing. It isn’t perfect here, but that is because we are people. Getting even half a voice is far better than the anxiety inducing nightmare the Internet tends to be. If I don’t want to argue with someone, I just don’t respond. If I or someone else end up replying days later, awesome!

I feel a lot more comfortable chiming in once in a while here. The Internet will always be the Internet, but getting even a tiny bit of human connection is amazing. Going from letters, phones, AOL, to now is a miracle. We may be fucked as a species, but sometimes the little things are enough.

Now, go watch Contact. That movie is my absolute favorite movie of all time. Ghost hugs for all!

kismattic, avatar

It’s been really great here! I’m just getting started trying to be more active but this post alone has just been amazing (although it may be an outlier). This is the most activity I’ve gotten from any online thing I’ve done, so it’s pretty huge to me!

Everyone here seems to have the right frame of mind for why we’re here and what we left and what to expect here. It’s just a matter of encouraging each other to continue to be active when we can and support each other and the platform as a whole!

This is my delayed response, really appreciate your thoughtful reply!

Also will add contact to my list of stuff to watch (isn’t there such a finite time to experience all the media out there??).


Lol I still lurk, I have no idea why I don’t like to comment

kismattic, avatar

Welcome! For me sometimes it’s just easier to scroll and move on, engaging takes more effort. Beyond that is the dread of worrying about what people will think/say in response.


I agree! And thanks for the welcome!

kismattic, avatar

Not a problem, that’s what I’m here for! Be sure to give someone else a welcome whenever you have the chance! Keep the good vibes going around and encouraging people to stay active here.


I oftena don’t feel like I have anything to add to the conversation that hasn’t been said, so I just end up lurking most of the time. I do comment more than I’d usually do to help the platform, though that admittedly isn’t much.


We’ll figure it out together. If we don’t comment and post content, I fear that we’ll never really sustain the kind of success we hope to replicate from the other place.

kismattic, avatar

Sorry for the late response! Totally agree, I only lurked on the other place but there was always an endless steam of stuff to lurk through since there were so many people. With this community I’d feel more responsible to maintain the consistency by at least being active within posts people are creating so I’ve been trying to do that more. It’s a group effort and totally think we can do it if we keep this up!



kismattic, avatar

Noooo! Don’t be sorry! Everyone is great!


Well I think you’re pretty neat.

kismattic, avatar

Aww thanks! I’m just being a goof rambling about stuff now.


I approve of that.

<( ^.^ )> <(^.^<) <( ^.^ )> (>^.^)> <( ^.^ )> <(^.^<) <( ^.^ )> (>^.^)> <( ^.^ )>


kismattic, avatar

Late to respond to this but I love the Kirby dance, keep the positive vibes going!


I bet they don’t


I bet they do


Hello I am here replying

kismattic, avatar

Thank you for participating in the Lemmy reply social experiment! Your reply has received a reply!

tgxn, avatar

I’m replying to your reply.

kismattic, avatar

Your reply has been acknowledged with a reply. Thank you for your service!


Hey, thanks for the reply. If you’re in the states happy Thanksgiving!

kismattic, avatar

I am! Happy Thanksgiving to you as well if you’re also here!


Yeah, wtf! Stop replying to me!

soggy_kitty, (edited )

no screw you guy! And I won’t just reply with “no” or "ok’ like someone from Reddit would, I’ll write a decent sentence which adds to the comment chain instead of repeating another comment which got lots of magical internet points.

Truly though, keep up user interaction and content generation on Lemmy, it’s good for the site


Yeah, I’m just having a bit of fun.

Please don’t screw me though. I don’t think my wife would appreciate it.



kismattic, avatar

I wouldn’t dream of replying to you, that would be a nightmare to do such a thing that would go against the wishes you have of not being replied to at all, again, a thing I would absolutely not do, as to retain your respect!


Thank you very much for not replying. I really do appreciate it.

at_an_angle, avatar

I’m gonna reply to you, and you can’t stop me!


Oh no!


Lurkers using third party apps were in many ways worse impacted by the API changes than those actively participating. The high cost of API access is only worth as much value as the service is to you, and if lurking that’s going to be lower and less likely to be worthwhile in the few third party apps switching to the subscription model.

kismattic, avatar

I was a lurker on the first-party reddit app for the 99.9% of the time I was on there. The ads had just gotten out of hand with not being able to block an ad to get a different ad, I was so tired of getting “He Gets Us” trash so I switched over to Apollo. A week later they announced the API changes. I work in software dev so it’s just frustrating seeing this happen to all of the people out there trying to support their hard work.


Yep, I used Relay Pro previously but seeing the cost breakdowns the dev posted for the new subscription was disheartening. The dev’s portion of the subscription fee is near zero if you use near the limit of you subscription’s monthly API requests. So at that point even subscribing isn’t really supporting the dev as much as supporting the company that forced these changes upon us. So I chose to not take part.

Lemmy definitely isn’t perfect, especially for smaller communities. But it’s definitely workable and something I’m happy to contribute to.

kismattic, (edited ) avatar

Yeah Reddit really made the cost just impossible for any slightly active app unable to continue without any form of meaningful profit. I would have loved to support whatever Third Party app but yeah wouldn’t have been enough to keep them afloat.

For Lemmy not being perfect, it feels like it’s just more of a number of users issue vs an actual technical problem. Sure fediverse stuff can be complicated, but after signing up and searching communities you can pretty much do some normal Reddit feeling stuff IMO. I’m trying to revive the Twitch Lemmy community if anyone wants to help with that (I have no clue what to do)!

Edit: also adding that I didn’t think about moderation or tools that Lemmy may or may not have in place since I’ve never been a mod for any of that. So maybe a technical problem somewhere.


I lurked on the reddit app for a year or more before I started contributing. One of the first things I learned about ‘internet forums’, is that you lurk first, until you get a feel for the community. I began contributing more because the 3rd party app I started using had me more engaged; which meant that reddit gained more content

But Reddit made the API changes for 3rd party apps unsustainable, to push people toward their own ad revenue. They assume that they’re too important to fail, and that the loss of users/content was worth the squeeze of those who didn’t know how to leave. A standard cost-risk scenario. It’s a short-term goal to try and carve out a piece of the centralized internet that the big corps envision. A move toward trying to win at monopoly

The “forum” is a relationship between “user contribution” and the host’s ‘personal time, money, effort’… a personal cost-risk for anyone that hosts. Is it worth my time? Do I enjoy what I’m hosting?

When the goal becomes so obviously “increase host revenue”, without increasing user experience; you create an imbalance.

We all lurk online until we find something we wanna talk about. Reddit was trying to use (is using) their influence to increase profit for themselves, and (the way in which they chose to do so) actively decreasing user experience. The ‘host’ only gave a shit about themselves and decided that user-created content was a ‘benefit’ of being there, rather than the reason.

Lurkers are half of the equation. Lurkers often become contributors when they enjoy the community. Contributors bring more lurkers. That’s kind of how the balance works

Reddit feels they can do without the lurkers who refuse to use their app, while simultaneously increasing ad revenue. And they’ll be fine financially in the same way Facebook is… clinging to the smallest user-base that makes them the most profit, while slowly becoming irrelevant.

Because contributors will move on eventually, and so will the lurkers.

Case-in-point… my comment. I’m a lurker, until I’m not.

DessertStorms, avatar

Switch off notifications, never know the difference RollSafe.jpg

kismattic, avatar

But then I’d never see your amazing advice! Although, would I have needed the advice in the first place?

DessertStorms, avatar

You can still check back on conversations that interest you, you just don't have to deal with the rest.. 👍

To be completely honest, on kbin blocking someone doesn't stop the notification coming through when they reply, and switching off notifications was the easiest way around that. This has probably been fixed already, and may be completely different on lemmy, but I actually prefer it this way. The only disadvantage I can think of is potentially missing replies to older conversations (and if I really must know, I can always scroll back my profile and find it, though I've not had that need yet), but I guess that's a price I'm willing to pay to avoid those anxiety inducing little fuckers that are notifications.. 😂

kismattic, avatar

Yeah I have accounts in various places but have mostly lurked around here. Didn’t realize I had some form of anxiety until I realized how stressed I get posting or responding to things or getting notifications. Slooowwlly getting over it. How to people just throw stuff out there and feel nothing??

DessertStorms, avatar

I don't know about you, but for me it's the intrusion, I'm not always free or in a frame of mind to have certain, or even any, conversations, and notifications intrude on that, and ignoring them can be hard. I'd rather be in control of what conversations I have and when.

It also helps to remember that at the end of the day people on the internet are generally random strangers to each other, and none of us owe each other our attention, time, or energy.

I don't really see it as anything I need to get over, but if it bothers you taking it slow and steady is the way to go!

kismattic, avatar

Yeah for me it’s really gotten easier since I’ve started doing streaming games online and talking with various people and stuff. Having people come and go and figuring out when someone is being kind or rude has helped a lot for figuring out when to engage, avoid, and even remove.

It’s easy for me to ignore different comments and just let it be, but I do really think about what I say before throwing it out there which is most of the stress, but it’s always getting better!

DessertStorms, avatar

Sounds like you've figured out some great ways to work on the stress aspect - the fact that it gets easier is fantastic!

kismattic, avatar

Yeah it feels like I’m just responding to everything now! I don’t even know who I am anymore

DessertStorms, avatar

Lol, there you go! All you needed was to take that first step, and the rest has been taken care of for you just by nature of how asking a question works 😁

Just remember - worst case? Abandon this account and start another 😂

kismattic, avatar

Haha Id love to keep this name so I’d just have to abandon to another instance! Thanks again for being so chill and helpful!

IndiBrony, avatar

It makes me sad I don’t always get notifications when I get a reply 😢 I want to reply and contribute!

DessertStorms, avatar

But switching off notifications doesn't stop you from replying or contributing.. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

wreckedcarzz, avatar

I did this on reddit for comments I knew would be a shitshow, just drop brutal fire, set to no notifications, post. Let the haters spew and I’m just kicking back on the next conversation.

DessertStorms, avatar

There isn't much I miss about reddit, but that is definitely one of the things I wish we had here..

sweetviolentblush, avatar

I always want to comment but notifications can be so stressful that on most platforms I usually end up just lurking. Lemmys been pretty decent so far, it reminds a little of early internet messageboards where most people were more into discussing something interesting than trolling or one-uping someone for internet points or ego boosts or whatever weird reasons people are assholes on the internet. It’s probably the least toxic platform I’ve been on since the livejournal days


I’ve learned to no longer fear comment notifications thanks to Lemmy. It still has some assholes, but people tend to pile on and call them out on their bad behavior. It’s nice, I like it here.


But what if I’m scared to reply?

kismattic, avatar

That’s okay! Nobody is ever pressured to do anything they don’t feel comfortable doing! Take all the time you need or don’t even worry about it.


You get executed


Part of the reason I find Lemmy enjoyable is I don’t have to worry about bullshit just to throw a comment in. I rarely post, but I have fun commenting stupid crap here and there to pass the time. Not once has anyone been a total dick, maybe a partial chub, but nothing I don’t already expect

kismattic, avatar

That’s really been one of the reasons I’ve always just been a lurker on social media. The fediverse spaces I’m in (lemmy/mastodon) have been great so far. I didn’t really have any expectations but the experience has been good for me and I hope for everyone else!


I find you can talk a little more recreationally here. Can say some stupid stuff and it’s not attacked immediately.

Not everything someone comments should be taken 100% seriously, but there is obviously lines that can’t be touched either.


This really gets to the heart of it, speaking recreationally is perfectly acceptable and it seems hate just for having an opinion is much lower


It’s small enough that I can say something mildly controversial without getting dogpiled by a mob from /r/SomeEchoChamber


I wouldn’t know about controversial haha, I mostly comment for fun, but there does seem to be an acceptance of the fact we are all sharing the same house, might as well make nice


Yeah, the dread of seeing a new notification in the inbox turns out to be something pretty chill surprisingly often




I still had the dread before opening this. Wonder if that ever goes away

kismattic, avatar

Only way to know is to try it again! Soooo hopefully I didn’t give you too much dread 😅


Psst…im in your inbox…feeling the same dread. (Please dont reply, i might not be ready for another reply yet 😆)

wreckedcarzz, avatar

You can’t tell me what to do!



Nice comment bro.


I hope your day is wonderful


It’s basic fear response conditioning, I doubt it ever fully goes away because being cautious of the unknown is a very successful survival trait.

Basically every time you open that inbox you’d have to lie to yourself into believing that a negative response is an impossibility. Good luck, if you figure it out let me know.


I blocked the notification with uBlock and just pretend nobody ever reads or comments on my comments. You can say whatever you want if nobody is around to hear it.

Not having a global karma score that is require to post in different subreddits helps too.



oce, avatar

Depends on the subject. Try to criticize left wing subjects and see what happens.


I’ve seen left-wingers and communists attacked by ‘tankies’

oce, avatar

Yeah that too.

HerbalGamer, avatar

ew, people

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