eezeebee, avatar

Imagine meeting the love of your life and then finding out they talk on the phone like this


Imagine meeting the love of your life and then finding out they talk on the phone


Imagine meeting the love of your life and then finding out they’re a real living human being.


Imagine meeting the love of your life and then finding out they talk on the phone


Imagine meeting the love of your life


Imagine love

Stamets, avatar

Imagine there’s no rest of the sentence. Then who was phone???


Oh my god bear was phone! How can that be?


Whaaat is love??

Palerider, avatar

Baby don’t hurt me…


Don’t hurt me, no more


Imagine meeting the love of your life and then finding out she breathes.

agent_flounder, avatar

Red flag!!!


Imagine meeting the phone of your love and then finding out they talk on their live like this


Imagine meeting the phone of your dreams and caressing it lovingly and leaking bodily fluids…


That’s how you get a bloated battery STD …


Damn, that reminds me, I should replace my own battery soon. How do you replace human batteries though? 🤔


Idk, I’ve been running on emergency auxiliary power, even diverting power from life support, for years now. Lights are getting dimmer now.

Obviously I lack a built-in charging capability, so taking the batteries out just means shutting down before replacing them with new ones.

But others are suggesting cocaine. It supposedly boosts you lithium ions (I assume), and also postpones the memory effect of, em, li-ion batteries.


If you’re running on auxiliary power, you should eat the phone by now and conserve your calories. Make sure to boil your urine though. Stay safe, if you need assistance you can always call [redacted].


eezeebee, avatar

This voids the warranty, unfortunately


God I wish. I hate having novel length text conversations. Texting for one off quick or cute sentences. Telephone for detailed conversation.


Voice messages live somewhere in the middle there.


My voice mailbox is full and a refuse to empty it. If you want to leave me a message, send me a text.


Voice message, not voicemail. It’s like a text message but with your voice.


Ahhh those. Yeah I’m fine with those. Text me the voicemail lol


I’m not sure why but I dislike voice messages. Either text or just call


Yeah I’m not typing out a long ass text message.


Then you should call because I’m not listening to your voice message


No you should listen to my voice message because I’m not calling 😀


I’m sorry but not happening, hope it wasn’t important


Meet the love of your life and then imagine taking


Didn’t expect to see memes making fun of mental illnesses on Lemmy

Stamets, avatar

Bro. You almost gave me a heart attack for a second there, making me think I somehow posted something VERY different.


LOL new prank just dropped

dojan, avatar

Don’t give them a heart attack. They’re like 60% of Lemmy’s content.




Plot twist: Dude is actually talking to the top of his phone, not the bottom.

Nerds might catch this joke a little quicker…


You mean he’s talking into the speaker side?


No no, I mean he’s talking into the top of the phone, perhaps where the loudspeaker microphone might happen to be, totally depends on the model of phone/tablet though.

They got multiple microphones these days, not just the one at the bottom of the phone. Put it in loudspeaker mode and it uses a different microphone away from the bottom speaker.

Any which way, if you turn the phone upside down in portrait orientation, the screen won’t flip 180⁰, because ‘smart’ phones are too stupid to do that.

Edit: My comment is in jest, but at the same time I have to talk into the left side of my tablet, because thats where the main microphone is.

idunnololz, (edited ) avatar

I didn’t realize I had a mental illness. I just booked an appointment with a psychiatrist. Thank you kind stranger. /s


Google sociopathy. Good luck!


Holy hell!


New something just dropped. Google a peasant. Literally unmemorable.


The /s stands for sociopath


Lul, must be savages migrating from Reddit


I only do it because the normal mic on my phone is shit and always cuts out ;_;

JoMiran, avatar

Man bun and v-neck weren’t helping the case.


I feel personally attacked

mihnt, avatar

Can you hear me now?


As well you should.

Dee, avatar

Damn. Are the cishets still going on about gatekeeping man buns and v-necks? I thought that tiresome rhetoric died off around 2010.


You have to insult people who have different head string and body fabric than you do. How else can you feel validated about your choice of head string and body fabric??


We’re still calling everything gatekeeping? Surprised you didn’t call them a grifter

Dee, avatar


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  • Kusimulkku,

    I’m talking about overusing meme terms. Everything was gatekeeping for a while. Now everyone is a grifter. Even when it doesn’t fit. What’s a cishet?


    Laughs in man bun


    This was a valid criticism in like, 2016


    It’s only valid because it worked and people were beaten to submission.


    … and in a particular culture, and for people who care about what others think


    I like man buns! You better let me braid it once in a while though, while in an ADHD fuelled craze. V-necks though… never cared for the style, but you do you?


    It’s not even about style for me, my neck is just sensitive sometimes and the v style bothers me less usually.

    mriormro, avatar

    Why do you even care what someone else decides to look like?

    ICastFist, avatar

    Could be worse, they could speak into the part you stick to your ear


    The clever part is that most phones do have a microphone at the top nearby the earpiece. The stupid part is that that mic is for noise canceling the ambient noise. So the phone is hearing them, but the person at the other end of the line is getting a distorted and full of artifacts voice that is barely comprehensible.


    In my defense, I’ve had a phone hang up or do weird stuff because it couldn’t tell the difference between a fingertip and an earlobe way too many times. Like, a shitty phone has nearly altered the course of my life because of this, and that’s not okay.


    It’s not just shitty phones, nice phones have this problem too.

    I cannot for the life of me find the earpiece on new phones, my face dials and hangs up and does all kinds of weird shit if I try to have a conversation on the phone the way you’re supposed to.

    It’s not my fault touch screens suck.


    Hate to break it to you… but if it has this problem, it is in fact a shitty phone. Price or popularity doesn’t automatically make it good.


    Are you… Rubbing the phone on your face?!


    How else are they going to get the full emotional range of your call?


    You should be able to hit the power button while on a call and turn off the display, then put it to your ear. Much less effort than the people around you have to make to keep from slapping you


    Been using touchscreen phones for 13 years now and never once had anything like this happen.


    but this is correct, that’s where the mic is, it’s more comfortable than holding it to my ear [especially the modern smartphone shape], and i like knowing i’m talking straight into the mic

    Stamets, avatar

    I like knowing i’m talking straight into the mic

    The microphone was not designed to be talked straight into it like that. It was designed for someone to hold the phone like a human. The mics are designed to help pick up audio from the direction of your mouth when your phone is in the normal position, not the one you’re using. By attempting to maximize efficiency and talk into it, you’re actively making it worse for the other people you’re talking to.

    mean_bean279, (edited )

    You do know that when you switch to speaker phone it’s often switching the microphone setup, right? Like it’s going from earpiece to conference call setup… it’s not like it stays the same and blows out the other end. We have the technology to control noise input and background. This was ~ maybe ~ true of older phones, but it certainly isn’t today.

    I talk on the phone like this due to being a walker & talker. So I pull up my work systems on my phone to update notes and email people as I’m talking. If that were the case the dozens of phone calls a day would tell me I’m way too loud.


    If that were the case the dozens of phone calls a day would tell me I’m way too loud.

    Maybe they’re being polite by not mentioning it, or don’t care. Also it’s not about being too loud, it’s about distortion.


    Part of my background is in sysadmin (MDM) and AV. I’m METICULOUS about how things sound. I frequently check audio devices and always ask others on calls if it sounds good. I mostly talk to sales people now that are in an office on headsets and we’re all outgoing and straight forward enough that we would just tell someone immediately.

    If you’re in public I wouldn’t be on speaker. It’s rude, annoying, and the mics change dynamics to pickup other voices as well, but in the comfort of my home for calls where I don’t want to put in/on headphones it’s much more comfortable to be on speaker.

    Stamets, avatar

    Yes, and blasting it on speaker mode is a whole different problem. One that mainly ends with that person being an inconsiderate asshole and forcing everyone in the vicinity to listen to their conversation.

    It’s just ‘Main Character Syndrome’ energy and needs to fuck off.


    You do know you can be on speaker phone and not in public, right? You’re talking about one specific situation but breaking it down as if all people using speaker phone are somehow bad…

    When I’m on speaker phone it’s in my own home when no one else is around. It’s a comfortable way for me to talk on a phone and it doesn’t bother anyone.

    Stamets, avatar

    And I’m not judging your private behavior. At no point did I say I was judging your private behavior. But if you do it in public, you’re an asshole. I have never been talking about what you do privately because it’s privately. Everything here should be taken with the context of this being in public as was implied.

    itsAsin, avatar

    “… you do know that…, right?”

    well akshually 🤓


    You’ve heard that people that sound uncomfortably loud, garbled and distorted, barely comprehensible, with intermittent popping and hisses over the phone? That’s you.

    OberonSwanson, (edited )

    Plus, I really hate the idea of my cheeks touching the screen… because then after the call I end up having to clean the screen off. Damned OCD.

    Edit: Jfc lol was downvoted for sharing my phobia, stay classy Lemmy


    I am very confused, why is your cheek touching the phone? Are you mashing your phone against your face?

    ButtholeSpiders, avatar

    Some people have chubby cheeks, or don’t want to mess up their makeup would be my guess. The poster mentioned obsessive compulsive disorder, so your answers there. 👍


    Buttspiders guy nailed it. Sorry my phobia rubbed you wrong.

    mriormro, avatar

    I mean this just goes to the heart of the notion that mental illness is not your fault but it is your responsibility.


    That’s not really how smol condenser mics work, nor how modern (and also multi-mic) phones process your sound. You don’t even sound better.

    That’s just the same thinking as old people shouting in their (digital) phone so the other person ‘can hear them better’.


    Holy fuck


    Imagine giving up on someone because of a simple mannerism.

    Stamets, avatar

    Imagine taking a meme seriously


    Wait, memes aren’t serious business?


    Why else would I get my phd in memery then?

    I was promised a respectable job of a (junior) serial shitposter … Was it all a lie??


    Is anything on the internet serious?

    Chais, (edited ) avatar

    Nothing and everything. The trick is knowing which is which.

    Edit: I see someone couldn’t tell the difference.


    Guess I missed something.

    Chais, avatar

    Imagine being too stupid to properly hold your phone.


    That’s pretty bad mannerism


    Nah, it demonstrates stupidity.

    ininewcrow, avatar

    It’s a bit harder when you started your relationship before smartphones (yes there are people that old)

    I keep telling my wife not to do that and just talk normally because the microphone is designed for that … instead, when I call her, I know she’s holding the phone like this because it sounds like someone is shouting at me.

    How do I use the phone and microphone to talk to people on my smartphone? … simple … I don’t, ever.

    TDCN, avatar

    What is worse is when people are wearing a Bluetooth headset and still holds their phone like this.


    I remember my first time seeing someone use a Jabra bluetooth ear piece. 2003 in a college dorm, a girl was walking back and forth but her phone was probably in her hoodie. I was bewildered, wondering why she was talking aloud to herself.


    When did this become a thing anyway? When out and about, I see everyone talking on the phone like this.

    I don’t want to hear your conversation.

    Isoprenoid, (edited )

    It’s because the speakers for the iPhone are on the bottom of the phone.

    Edit: I meant the speakers that are used for “hands free mode”, which is what the user in the image is doing. The reason why people hold their phone like this is because it directs the speaker sound straight at them (again, in hands free mode).


    As a former iPhone repair technician, I can confirm this is both true and false at the same time. There’s a speaker in the normal position for the ear as well, it all depends whether the user decided to put the phone into loudspeaker mode.

    This comment coming from an Android user that’s just as guilty of this at times.


    The theory I’ve heard is that people on reality TV shows would do this so the mics could pick up their conversations better. So naturally, brainless idiots without an original thought in their dense godforsaken skulls people who watch those shows started doing it in real life too because they saw popular people doing it on TV.

    It’s just a theory, but it seems plausible because it’s clearly not how phones were designed to function on speakerphone or otherwise.


    That’s where the trend is putting books spine first into a bookshelf came from too.

    The tv producers don’t want to spend days asking for permission to use book spine graphics in the shot, not spend time blurring the film, so they flip the books around to hide all the spine art. It’s on HGTV a ton.


    That one just makes me sad and angry. I try not to judge people, but I would judge the shit out of someone for doing that IRL.


    If you find visual clutter distracting or upsetting, it’s a pretty useful trick to still be able to own a bunch of books. Alphabetize your books, and you can still find them. And most people I know can find their favorites even without that.

    It’s kind of like getting mad at people who organize their books by color. If you’re a visual person, there’s a half decent chance you remember the color of the book rather than remembering the author’s name.


    Or get a shelf with doors :)


    Is that actually a thing people do? I am so far out of the loop I haven’t heard of it either on tv or irl


    I’ve heard that gangsters holding their guns horizontally comes from a movie. I don’t remember which one. Life imitates art.


    Actually the holding the gun sideways was a practicality thing. When unloading a magazine rapidly you have limited control of the weapon’s recoil. When holding a gun upright the recoil moves it upwards, holding it sideways moves it sideways.

    Now imagine you’re a gangter, ‘bout to come up on some punk steppin’ on your turf. You an da boyz gatted up ready to throw down. Get in the low-rider with your illegal Tek-9. Roll up on those fools ready to shed lead. Which way do you want your recoil going? Upwards? Or sideways.



    Monkey see, monkey do.


    I don’t even want to hear my conversation, I just have to - but someone else’s, wtf?

    It should become socially acceptable to slap their phones, maybe from bottom up for a greater comedic effect.


    Keeping Up With The Kardashians.


    Probably around the pandemic when people became extra wary about hygiene - at least that’s my observation. I’ve also noticed that people listen to voice messages like this - if you’re in a loud environment and don’t have headphones, it kind of makes sense. It still looks stupid, and for normal phone calls it is stupid, since both the earpiece and the microphone are optimised for having the phone on your ear.


    Before that, see it a lot in construction and in places with a lot of noise so you can’t hear off speaker


    The earpiece doesn’t work anymore and I don’t have headphones with me. ✓


    I am not ashamed to say I will talk on the phone like this often. I dont alway hold it to my mouth though just prefer more freedom with speaker phone. But I never do it in public


    Right? I have another comment at -7 because it says you can hear the speakers better that way while driving.

    I get the speakerphone hate. But if someone is in their car that’s less annoying than blasting it through the stereo. So who cares how someone holds their phone in this scenario? Especially when there is an actual benefit to holding it that way.

    This entire post is the stupidest case of gatekeeping I’ve ever seen.


    Pizza eaters are rude as hell, too. I’d guarantee that there’s significant overlap with the people who play music in public from their shitty phone speaker.


    Yeah, they have statistically significant above average slapability ratio as well.


    Wdym, just anyone who eats pizza? Pizza is good tho :(


    I’m referring to the way they hold their phone.


    Ohh thanks, I like it lol

    shinratdr, avatar

    Is “pizza eater” a slang term for something or do you just hate anyone who eats pizza in public for some reason?


    I’m referring to the way they hold their phone.

    shinratdr, avatar

    Wow I’m an idiot, thanks for clarifying :)


    I do this a lot (not in public) because it’s way too easy to hang up with your ear and it fatigues my arm after like half an hour. It’s fine as long as you don’t shout into the phone.


    Means you have a broken phone - they have sensor that turn off the screen when you’re talking to someone and it’s next to your ear. It shouldn’t happen to you.


    you’ve obviously never bought a budget android phone. I haven’t had a single phone where that works out of the box


    I’m quite literally using a budget android phone where it works perfectly.


    oh no you beat me


    I have a brand new iPhone


    Hal… Half an hour?

    agent_flounder, avatar

    That’s like almost thirty entire* minutes strung together. Jesus Christ how???


    I like doing this. I know they can’t hear me better but it feels like it makes sense you know? It gives me a peace of mind when talking on the phone, even if many times I still need to put it to my ears

    agent_flounder, avatar

    Believe it or not, jail.


    How does it feel like it makes sense? Maybe it is because I was alive before cell phones but one side is for your ear and the other is for your voice. Doing this requires you to be on speaker phone which is super annoying in public.


    I have to do this when my grandma calls. Not because I have loudspeaker mode on, but because SHE has, but still talks with it against her face so she comes out extremely loudly on my end.


    You know you can lower the volume right?



    ElBarto, avatar

    That’s how loud their grandma is , they had it on silent.

    RQG, avatar

    Grandma yells loud enough, you can hear her without the phone. The call is just so she can hear you back. But barely so you also have to yell.

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