
Some of you are city dwellers and it shows

sexy_peach, avatar

It’s starting in Europe as well unfortunately :/

Surp, avatar

Aw see this is the kinda love we need. Thanks Europe! Can you help us? 😭

khannie, avatar

It’s gonna be OK, friend. It’s gonna be OK.


There, there…

m3t00, avatar

Mmm brains Mmm


I took a poll of indigenous cultures around the world and judging by my results no, the Europeans are not interested in helping

m3t00, avatar

chemicals are all we are in varying concentrations

elscallr, avatar

Those words don’t make sense in that order Chinabot.

Well, unless you’re trying to sound philosophical, which would make you worse than a bot.


Just missing a comma…


no you just don’t have comprehension skills


I just lay down. Ain’t got time for all that other stuff


me reading this at 11pm while making mac n cheese

kinther, avatar

Having just got 2-3 hours of sleep last night this hits pretty close to home

Fleur__, avatar

I just wanna fuckin sleep is that so much at ask ;_;


The stories and shit people come up with over a meme is crazy.

“Americans are often over medicated”, “we are addicted to coffee”, and other imaginative crap to support meme based evidence 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I mean….I think Americans are a tad overmedicated


I can usually only sleep for about 5 hours a night and have a very brief window of opportunity to get to bed, usually between 10-12. If I miss it, I’m up all night, tossing & turning. If I go to bed earlier than that somehow, I wake up at 2 in the morning and can’t get back to bed. We value sleep alot, but I wonder how it is in the animal kingdom, do they really get alot of sleep, or are they on edge all the time?

Just looked it up, other primates are listed as getting 9–15 hours of sleep a day, we are so fucked up.


Prior to electricity and the industrial revolution, most people in Western cultures slept in two 3-4 hour shifts, separated by about an hour of being awake, every night. They would go to bed at 8 or 9, wake up at midnight for an hour or so, then go back to bed for another few hours.

With the invention of electricity and lighting, people pushed back the time that they would go to bed, and when the industrial revolution happened, there was an emphasis on productivity and not spending much time in bed.

Also, they have done studies on the sleeping habits of modern indigenous tribes that live without electricity. The studies found that these people sleep an average of around 6 hours a night, and don’t have problems with sleep disorders like the modern western world does. So it seems like electricity and screen time definitely play a role in sleep quality.

I have similar sleeping habits to you, and went down the rabbit hole of looking into our ancestors sleeping habits. Let’s bring second bedtime back.


I was about 45 when I found this:

Sleep with Me Podcast

Bedtime stories that bore you to sleep. It doesn’t work for everyone, but it changed my life.

WeirdGoesPro, avatar

With all due respect, maybe chill a little bit on plugging the same podcast 5 different times in the same thread. I thought you were a bot until I double checked your account.


Sorry. I spent 45 years of my life with ever increasing insomnia. During the worst year, I never slept more than four hours a night and would have several nights per week when I didn’t sleep at all. I tried all the suggestions, even talking to a doctor and getting a prescription for sleeping pills, which didn’t work.

Since finding the podcast, I’ve had maybe five nights in eight years where I didn’t fall asleep within 15 minutes of playing it.

When I first started using it, I would play one episode when I was ready to go to sleep, but then I’d wake up when it ended. So, I started loading a playlist with all the episodes and playing non-stop, but then my alarm wouldn’t wake me up in the morning (it would go off, then I’d hit snooze and the podcast would knock me out again). Finally I set on a routine in which I set it to play all night with a sleep timer to stop it a few minutes before my alarm.

Perhaps I come on too strong, but I was reaching the end of my rope when I found this. Like I said, it doesn’t work for everyone, but on the off chance there’s someone else like me who could be helped by this ridiculous thing, I can’t help pushing it ever chance I get.

Edit: Also, I don’t get anything out of the podcast except sleep. In fact, I pay to support it via patreon. It’s completely free for anyone who wants to try it. I just want to make sure the people who need it can find it.

kokesh, avatar

I don’t think CBD will do anything for their sleep


It can have a placebo effect. Like a glass of warm milk.


Cbd is the only thing that puts me to sleep reliably within 15 minutes of taking. I’ve tried melatonin with no effect, i’ve tried some other random stuff, CBD oil just works.

Fern, avatar

My personal journey with sleep meds - I think it’s a success

  • staying up all the time my sleep schedule keeps changing
  • start taking Seroquel
  • buy ear plugs and an eyemask
  • staying up all the time my sleep schedule keeps changing with weird side minor effects
  • get off of Seroquel
  • staying up all the time my sleep schedule keeps changing
  • more structured life and better habits
  • staying up sometimes and my sleep schedule changes sometimes and it’s rough when it does
  • try melatonin - feels like it hardly does anything
  • covid lockdown hits - my PCP tells me about a study where ppl who took massive doses of melatonin had better immune systems
  • take massive amounts of melatonin
  • sleep schedule does better than ever!
  • do well on this for about 3 years
  • learn that melatonin likely effects your reproductive system
  • get off it and replace it with eating pistachios at night (which have an insanely high melatonin amount)
  • sleep schedule better than ever!
  • ween off of needing it every night
  • now I only need it on certain occasions, sleep schedule better than ever

Who told you to take Seroquel as a sleeping aid? I take it for mental illness reasons. Sure it knocks you out, but holy shit. I gave one to my partner who was having trouble sleeping one night, she woke me up to get me to ”make the clown go away”.

Definitely not to be used as a sleep aid.


I don’t know about seroquel specifically but low doses of multiple psiatric drugs do get used for sleep aids


Same, I took seroquel cuz it happened to be prescribed to another family member, awesome sleep but fucked up all the natural dopamine and serotonin. Plus acid and mdma didn’t work anymore


Who told you to take Seroquel as a sleeping aid? I take it for mental illness reasons.

I’ve had two psychiatrists prescribe it as a sleep aid. I’m bi-polar. It had no effect when I was in my mid-20s. Many years later, it now knocks me out hard enough that I have a second script (halcyon generic) for when I need to drive in the morning because the seroquel leaves me hazy.

I used to need halcyon to sleep, and a lot more of it. Bi-polar, as I understand it, becomes less-intense post 30s. I also take an antidepressant. I was off that for a few years before 2020 went to fucking shit and I’m still better off having it again.


Yeah, man, I took seroquel cuz it happened to just be around, great sleep, but completely blocks your natural dopamine and serotonin. Shit sucked


Well when you have to work your entire waking existence…


Fuck Europe, they pretend like they have everything figured out while racism, misogyny, homophobia and transphobia run rampant in basically every country besides, what, one Scandinavian country kind of? Italy literally has a blackface festival ffs.

Europe needs to sit the fuck down.


Blackface is a very American thing that lots of people in Europe don’t give a shit about


I’m curious what your point is, are you saying black face is only racist in the US?


Essentially yes. The application of paint to one’s face by itself isn’t a racist act.

For some reason it’s seen as the epitome of racism in the US, but that’s a cultural thing.


Simply applying paint to your face isn’t racist, but if you’re doing so to impersonate a different racial group it’s definitely a racially insensitive thing. You might have no malice in doing so, but by virtue it is a form of mockery.


It’s not a form of mockery, that’s just the US cultural interpretation of it.

If I put on an iron man suit I’m not mocking iron man. If anything I’m giving him credit for being a cool dude.

Context matters.


I’m not sure how to tell you this, but it is racist and if you think your example is proof to the contrary you really don’t understand.

Black face originates from a racist depiction of black people and while it may not get the criticism it does in the US, it’s still racist.

A big part of why racism against blacks is such a big topic in the US is because there are so many more than in Europe. There is estimated to only be ~10 million Black Europeans of African descent, while the US has ~42 million. Just because you don’t know someone that it offends doesn’t mean it isn’t racist.

This is the exact same argument I heard growing up in the Southern US. I had something like 10 black people at my school and some of them had confederate flags on their cars. The Confederate flag was considered a symbol of Southern heritage to us, with no malice behind it, furthermore it didn’t seem to offend anyone. All the same it is still racist to fly a Confederate flag.

To help out here is an article that talks about the subject…/index.html


So your evidence is an American written article about why something perceived as racist in America is racist anywhere?

You’ve gone full circle, dude.

big part of why racism against blacks is such a big topic in the US is because there are so many more than in Europe

You know it might also have something to do with that tiny thing about the southern states and slavery and so on.

Let’s just agree to disagree, you are missing my point entirely and keep doing so.

Knightfox, (edited )

So your evidence is an American written article about why something perceived as racist in America is racist anywhere?

So your first rebuttal is going to attack my source when you originally referenced Marvel Comics…

You know it might also have something to do with that tiny thing about the southern states and slavery and so on.

Your next rebuttal is a strawman attack which does nothing to refute the rest of my argument

Let’s just agree to disagree, you are missing my point entirely and keep doing so.

And then finally you just back out of the discussion. You really showed me.

If you want, here is an article by Al Jazeera (…/the-netherlands-black-pete)

Here is one from the Netherlands branch of Humanity in Action (…/black-pete-analyzing-a-rac…)

Here is one that is from the US, but includes quotes and comments from afro-spaniards (…/european-peoples-obsess…)

Here is one from Afrofeminas, a Spanish anti-racism group (…/4-razones-porque-los-pajes-negr…)

Yeah, the US had a lot of slavery and it’s been an ever-present spectre of our history, but it’s also made us acutely aware of racism. I’ve now given you 5 different links with 2 of them coming from Black sources saying they feel like the practice is racist. One of the sources even includes the Dutch Prime Minister changing his opinion about Black Pete celebrations noting that it was offensive to others.

Even if it were just black people in the US who say it’s offensive, isn’t that enough? Surely you’re not making the argument that it’s only offensive if it’s done in the US, but totally not racist if done outside of the US?

If you want to continue strawman attacking the character of people in the US, or the US’s past, rather than having meaningful debate that’s on you, but as it stands I’ve pointed out multiple sources that say it’s racist or at least offensive to an racial group.


Look man, even if I provide you with 5 opinion pieces about it that say it’s okay would it change your mind?

Do you think black Pete or Belgium are the only ones with traditions like that?

What’s offensive or not is upon the people to decide and blacks in the US do not speak for the rest of the world.

You know there’s also black people nit offended by some or all of these traditions. What now?

Being especially racist also doesn’t make a country experts on racism. If it were the case the US wouldn’t be as racially divided as it still is. I’d argue it’s way, way worse then most first world countries to be honest.

Knightfox, (edited )

Look man, even if I provide you with 5 opinion pieces about it that say it’s okay would it change your mind?

Sure, if they are meaningfully compelling, but if you just have some guy saying, “It’s my tradition,” it’s hardly compelling. Saying something is tradition is an argument which Americans have seen for a long time as a defense of racist stuff, especially systemic and institutional racism.

What’s offensive or not is upon the people to decide and blacks in the US do not speak for the rest of the world.

Agreed, but that’s also why I included examples of black people from other countries giving their opinions. The Afrofeminas article talks at length about it, I had to have the page translated into English so my quote may not be 100% accurate.

in several publications from the late 19th and early 20th centuries, both from Alcoy and other places, the characters carrying the scales are described as “slaves”… “Therefore It is evident that from the beginning of the parade the victims of slavery are being mocked and enslaved black people were being represented in a grotesque way.”

In an environment like the city of Alcoy, with a migrant population that normally occupies the lowest socioeconomic level and that numerically is approximately 10%, (the black-skinned population is barely 1%) it is difficult for racialized people to have the desire to raise his voice to complain about the parade. Furthermore, they will have witnessed the virulent reactions that the mere idea of ​​not painting the pages provokes in the citizens of Alcoy.

It’s not fun for us. I know that this really matters little in this society where black face in general, and the Alcoy pages in particular, are a clear manifestation of the disturbing relationships between white fun, black domination and ridicule that come from the times of slavery.

Here is another article (…/1513600440_342120.html)

Alcoy’s pajes are by no means the only Spanish tradition to attract criticism. Be it the re-enactment of wars between the black-painted Moors and white Christians, the frequent choice of non-black performers for the role of King Balthazar in the Three Kings parades that take place across the country, or even the Spanish-made sweets Conguitos – Little Congolese, there are many examples of Spain’s naivety to the representation of black people.

Here is an article talking about everyday racism faced by black Spaniards (…/1484151919_267996.html)

"Los Conguitos [a popular brand of chocolate] is a very crude representation of us: a black guy with a loincloth and a spear,” says Bermúdez.

The Spanish media has not helped to change the collective image of black people, argues Napi, insisting that instead “they have helped perpetuate the stereotypes.” Black people are often associated with illegal immigration or crime. Advertisements also tend to exclude the black community.

“The racism in Spain is structural,” says Gerehou.

For Macedo, racism lies in the small details and daily obstacles. For example, one of her professors asked: “What’s a girl as black as you doing in university? Perhaps you should look for a husband because you shouldn’t be here.’”

You know there’s also black people not offended by some or all of these traditions. What now?

I spoke about this earlier, you’re literally making the same argument that racists in the US have been making for over 100 years. Just because some black people don’t think it’s racist doesn’t suddenly make it not offensive.

It’s like if you said that a black person said it was ok to use the N-word so it must not be racist?

Being especially racist also doesn’t make a country experts on racism. If it were the case the US wouldn’t be as racially divided as it still is. I’d argue it’s way, way worse then most first world countries to be honest.

I would argue that racism has been a more central subject in the US in the last 100 years, but a quick study will show that discrimination has been a major part of European history. Whether discriminating against Romani persons, Jewish persons, Sub-Saharan African persons, Muslims, and more. Hell, the American colonists literally brought it over from Europe, we learned it from Europe.

There is a whole Wikipedia article talking about the history of racism in Europe and it’s not as old and forgotten as you might think (

EDIT: I would also add that we have already established that there is a higher percentage of black people in the US than in Europe. Another article I included cites the opinion of black Europeans that they can’t speak out about racism because they are so little represented. So it’s not that Europe isn’t as racist as the US, but very possible that it just doesn’t get spoken about as much.


We certainly have self-deprecation figured out, yes. And racism. I think we invented it. 💯👌💪


I get it, America does suck, but it becomes exhausting consistently being told how much America sucks.


I’m in the picture, in the lower part. When I struggle to sleep, I put on a 15min podcast and only remember half or less when I wake up.

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