
As an old friend of mine once said “If he killed em the writers would have to invent new enemies continuously. With that excuse they can put them in the Asylum and reuse them for new stories whenever they want.”


It does shortcut originality a fair bit. Why come up with a new guy with a new gimmick when they can just throw Condiment King out there.

Prob part of the reason Punisher isn’t that popular. A good rogues gallery makes for a good hero. No rogues and hes just some guy.


It’s funny that Punisher really isn’t all that popular but in the US his skull emblem in a Blue Lives Matter livery is an extremely popular automotive window decal.



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  • FlashMobOfOne,
    @FlashMobOfOne@lemmy.world avatar

    What’s funny is that, if the Punisher were real, he’d 86 every one of those corrupt cops.


    The Punisher’s iconic story is about him executing his coworkers on the police force for killing his family. He’s the most directly anti-cop comic book character. But all the vets-turned-cops just remember how cool the skull looked ironed on to their gear in the military I guess.


    That has been since the Jon Berntthal version. They really have no knowledge about the character


    It actually goes way back to the 80s and 90s when Punisher comics took off. It wasn’t as common as you see today, but the Punisher skull was on lunchboxes and tee shirts and tattoos and rifle cases. We didn’t have social media back then, though, so the cops kept their shared psychotic fantasies about unrepentant murder well hidden.


    The more efficient option is rarely the more entertaining option.


    Sounds like something the Joker might say.


    Heaven forbid writers be forced to come up with something original or anything


    Pretty much why I prefer manga. The convention for manga is creators come up with their own characters and stories rather then remixing preexisting ones. Of course there’s original stuff in the west, but people don’t talk about those nearly as much. There’s also some examples of Japanese characters getting passed about to different writers, but that’s also less common.


    The hyperfixation of modern Batman writers on Joker and the weird homoerotic overtones that come with it has become tiresome. There are much better villains in Batmans rouge gallery than some crazy clown


    I think the reason they focus on it is because it’s really popular. I really enjoy all the stories where they have to fight each other but can’t finish it forever or where the joker gives up because he thinks that batman is gone. I think there’s a lot of room to explore what makes batman different from criminals using the joker and the strong parallels.


    Mr Freeze comes to mind.


    While there are some awesome Batman villains, I agree.

    None of them have the dynamic the Joker does. The Joker is like the complete opposite of Batman. Chaotic, maniac, big smile, kills without a second thought.

    All the Joker tries to prove is that anyone, no matter how just they think they are, no matter how steadfast they believe themselves to be, are only a single bad day away from turning into a monster like him.

    He wants to push Batman over the edge, because Batman is the biggest challenge in that regard. If he can bend Batman, he can bend anyone. So if he can get Batman to kill him, his point is proven.


    Wow! Something smart in this thread! Bravo !


    The rest of the rogue’s gallery does in fact have better dynamics with Batman than Joker does.

    Joker’s some lame ass loser who views supervillainy as a career while literally everyone else in the rogue’s gallery has better, more interesting reasons to do what they do. Joker’s doing evil for the lulz schtick is boring as fuck. He’s nothing but a boring-ass two dimensional Gary Stu and I am tired of being quiet about it.

    The only interesting Joker we’ve had in the past twenty years is the Joaquin Phoenix one.


    But his point ISNT proven; Joker is dead and the absurd killings stop. Batman wouldn’t have been broken, he would’ve suddenly been aware of math.

    I’m glad we got Death In The Family and Red Hood to tell us that yes, the writers know Batman is an idiot on this point and has reached his point of incompetence.


    But if you’re already a killer and you kill a killer, the number of killers in the world is reduced by one.


    Exactly, so as soon as you kill one you have a moral obligation to pump your K/D as high as you can.

    @Promethiel@lemmy.world avatar

    Hah. Absurdist on the surface, and yet if you were to imagine yourself forced to be a vigilante…

    Good writing prompt 🤔

    @CurlyMoustache@lemmy.world avatar

    Soooo, I should start killing now in case I find my self in a Batman-situation?




    Dexter Morgan is a better hero than Batman ever was


    Bruce cant math, and apparently cant make his computer do it either


    I never got how batman is so popular, he’s just a crazy rich person with the most plot armor of any superhero. Also he could pretty much fix Gotham with his money but he instead spends it on gadgets to beat up mentally ill people.


    You just described why it’s popular, no?


    You don’t get why Batman is popular because you apparently have an Adam West-era perception of Batman


    The Dark Knight fits that summation perfectly.


    The Adam West Batman was the only good Batman.


    It’s the American way

    Why spend money fixing a problem when you can spend 5x money responding to it with violence


    Bruce Wayne already is pouring in billions into Gotham social services. He is like the billionaire we want but never get in real life. Some things just aren’t solved with money in their universe.

    Batman isn’t just some crazy rich person. He is the world greatest detective since issue #1. Better than even Sherlock.

    He can not only stand his own next to power houses like Superman, but he also plays an extremely crucial part of the Justice League: the information gatherer.

    To say it in gaming terms, Batman isn’t DPS or tank. He is support. And damn good at it.


    That’s kinda what I mean as far as suspension of disbelief is, concerned: billions would fix any city unless you aren’t trying to fix anything and no matter how smart you are you won’t stand up to someone with actual superpowers without a metric ton of plot armor. Like a kryptonian, someone with the speed force or even just magic could vaporize batman with barely any effort.

    Like the comics and other media where batman is up against just normal humans I can understand though still not my favourites but the ones where he’s against actual superpowers you usually get some bullshittery.

    I’m no expert in comics by a long shot but that’s just been my impression when I did read some batman. The one where batman was actually a patient in arkham and all the villains were just doctors, guards and patients was my favourite though.


    billions would fix any city

    Tell that to Boston, which squandered 22 Billion dollars on a highway project disaster. Boston may have had a huge issue with corruption, but Gotham is literally cartoonishly corrupt and decrepit.


    Yea, that’s what I’m implying, batman is either corrupt, stupid or unrealistic when it comes to helping Gotham with money.

    I kinda like the depiction of him as an out of touch billionaire(The type that thinks bread costs 50 bucks or doesn’t know people pay for housing) that just builds orphanages or something but has no idea on how to actually fix issues, just believes he does. That would be quite realistic actually.


    What’s much more important is the number of victims! If you kill a killer you are reducing the total number of victims.


    This is the greatest part about the latest movie, The Batman. At the beginning you do have the depressive rich boy obsessed with revenge, being brutal and cruel to criminals is sort of his point. But as the movie progresses he starts to shift to realize that he shouldn’t be pursuing revenge against the criminals, for it isn’t bringing him any resolution, but instead should be striving to save and protect the victims. The shift is dramatic, specially with the thematic use of Nirvana’s Something In The Way as musical background, and it’s paired in a holistic way with his public face. Bruce Wayne comes out of the shadows to become the philanthropic playboy. Another facade, but one that fulfills just as an important role, by pushing Gotham rich society to charity and financial aid work for the ones in need, that is of course rarely if ever depicted, because it’s not superhero work. But it is important because is the part of the rich boy actually using his fortune to enact positive change in the world that the superhero persona can’t, just like the superhero does things the regular person can’t, capturing crazy criminals and saving people from over-engineered elaborate terrorist ploys.


    If you kill 1000 killers the number of killers in the world decreases by 999 though.


    And if you kill a million killers you’re not a killer anymore so it goes down by a solid million.


    Was just going to say if total number of killers was the only important metric, you could have one person kill the rest of the killers. Then the meta-killer could kill all other people, just in case there are undiscovered killers hiding amongst them.


    Light Yagami has left the chat


    But the amount of serial killers goes up


    Not if at least one of the killers was already a serial killer.


    At last, the nights will be safe from Count Chocula.

    @SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

    I always think of Batman is a crazy person that he knows he’s a crazy person. Which is why he has to strictly follow rules he set for himself.

    If Batman broke his rule against killing, within a few years people of Gotham would have to worry about getting killed by the Batman for jaywalking. Batman knows that he has the potential of going this way so he has to follow his rules to prevent that from happening.

    @The_Picard_Maneuver@startrek.website avatar

    I really like this interpretation

    @Kolanaki@yiffit.net avatar

    I have felt that way since getting more into it and noticing how every character is broken, mentally, in some way. Bruce over the loss of his parents has been traumatized by death and refuses to acknowledge that some people really need it (Joker). The comics themselves acknowledge this often, with characters pointing out how he’s insane for dressing like a bat and fighting bad guys.


    In a world where bad guys routinely obtain super powers and put on costumes to do crime, one guy with a bunch of money fighting crime in a bat suit doesn’t sound so far fetched. I mean his best friend is literally an immortal alien from Kansas, who could, should he fancy it, murder every criminal as they step over some arbitrary benchmark for criminality. Beating them to a pulp and turning them in is just a sick hobby they get away with.

    @Kolanaki@yiffit.net avatar

    It sounds crazy, even in that world, when you realize Superman exists. The Flash exists. People with actual, bonafide super powers exist. And then there’s Bruce Wayne. A rich playboy with PTSD, no super powers, fighting villains that often do have super powers.


    Ah, but Bruce has the strongest power of all: rabid fans who would gladly burn down DC’s headquarters if Batman were ever cancelled.


    Batman is the worlds greatest detective since issue #1

    @SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

    Yeah that’s why the Joker is a great nemesis for Batman. They’re both crazy people, they’re both are aware that they’re crazy, only difference is one has rules and the other doesn’t. That’s basically all that separates them.

    I feel like portraying Batman as someone does kill people is boring because there’s not psychological aspect to it.


    Johnathan Wayne has entered the chat

    uis, (edited )
    @uis@lemmy.world avatar

    If you kill Putin, number of killers will not grow as fast. Fuck Putin. Alternatively Putin should go same route he sent Navalny through.

    @joneskind@lemmy.world avatar

    Also it’s kinda stupid because it’s only true if you stop at the first killer.


    No no, if you kill two killers you become a double killer and the count stays the same.

    @joneskind@lemmy.world avatar

    So by your logic… Would you become a triple killer by killing a double killer? Or a serial killer by killing a single serial killer? What about the trolley problem if the single guy is a serial killer then? I need answers


    Due to the transitive property of murder, you have valid points.

    But you always let the trolley kill the old person instead of the murderer; the murderer can stop murdering, the old person can only be stopped by killing them. In all other cases the murderer gets trolley’d.


    By the additive property of killing, you’d be a triple killer if you killed a double. Serial killers get the title by killing people all in a row. If they’re not in a row it doesn’t count.

    The trick to the trolley problem is to yank the brake, jackknife the trolley cars, and hit everyone. This would make you a septuple killer, and earn the ‘Badass Moves’ achievement.

    @joneskind@lemmy.world avatar

    Ok, but what if I drive a Time Trolley to run over my own grandpa before he met my own grandma and kill Antoni Gaudi?


    I’m pretty sure this was an episode of Futurama, and you end up getting laid. Just don’t ask too many questions.

    @runeko@programming.dev avatar

    “Kill one man, and you are a murderer. Kill millions of men, and you are a conqueror. Kill them all, and you are a god.” — Jean Rostand

    Source: quotepark.com/…/1749668-jean-rostand-kill-one-man…


    That only counts if your killings are non-consecutive.

    @MargotRobbie@lemmy.world avatar

    They always have excuses in the comics. I think the latest one of “the Joker has a super Joker toxin in his heart that’s released when he dies to turn whomever kills him into an even worse Joker” to be quite forced.

    By the way, the Batman Who Laughs really overstayed his welcome.


    Is this real?

    @MargotRobbie@lemmy.world avatar

    No more spoilers. Start from Dark Knight: Metal if you want to read the comics.


    That’s just what happened in one universe though, right? Neither Batman nor Joker know about that, or did I misunderstood?

    @MargotRobbie@lemmy.world avatar

    In the next series “The Batman Who Laughs”, they showed that the mainstream Joker also had this failsafe too and no spoilers because the plot kinda builds around that.


    Ohh I see. Yeah that’s a bit too on the nose then.

    @NumbersCanBeFun@kbin.social avatar


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  • potoo22,

    Then each of their relatives or families becomes vengeful and likely homicidal. You have to do it right and end their entire bloodlines. Even the innocent ones. Anakin style. Lessons from Queen of Fables. Totally not the evil thing to do. The empire did nothing wrong.


    Why is it Batman’s duty to forfeit his morals and kill the Joker and not on the state of New Jersey for their revolving door of crime in their penitentiaries like blackwater and appalling lack of proper facilities to deal with dangerous and deranged meta humans instead sticking them in a rotting facility made in the 20’s.

    Hell why isn’t this on the federal government after so many years of chronic and sustained neglect. They have what amounts to a nightmare scenario for the department of defense and just let it sit like a festering wound.

    Why do we blame a single crazy billionaire, instead of the horrendous circumstances surrounding them.


    Yea, it’s always been weird to me that Batman alone is being judged for not using lethal force. If that were part of any consistent values, wouldn’t every person who has had chain of custody of Joker, or even proximity to him, be morally obligated to kill him?

    If random cop that has had Joker in handcuffs, or random doctor who has been treating Joker, or even every other super hero on the planet hasn’t extra judiciallly executed Joker, why should Batman bear the obligation to do so?


    I was about to make the argument that if batman killed the joker the only consequence for him would be his compromised morals, but if someone else killed the joker while he was in custody then they would at least lose their job and most likely go to jail and that’s not comparable. Then I remembered that if a cop killed him they’d just get paid leave before they were acquitted of the murder and worst case would have to get a job in a different city. So yeah ACAB.


    Then I remembered that if a cop killed him they’d just get paid leave before they were acquitted of the murder and worst case would have to get a job in a different city.

    That only became a possibility when they cast Nick Creegan.

    ComradeChairmanKGB, (edited )
    @ComradeChairmanKGB@lemmygrad.ml avatar

    Yea, it’s always been weird to me that Batman alone is being judged for not using lethal force.

    Batman is the focus of the narrative and the audience. Of course he will be the focus of the criticism. But technically yes, a lot of others in universe do also share responsibility for any further victims of the Joker. After a certain number of escape, spree, capture, escape, spree, etc cycles surely they must have realized he cannot be rehabilitated and will continue the remorseless mass killings until he dies.

    or even proximity to him, be morally obligated to kill him?

    This is a compelling idea for sure, and could definitely lead to interesting questions in other cases. Let’s say the Joker has a body count of at least 1000 victims, how far back do you have to walk that number before such an obligation is no longer reasonable. Would a serial killer with 40 victims also be such a clear and present danger that they’d represent a moral imperative for their elimination? Or does it have to reach comic book levels of obscene?


    Because rather than spending some of his money to change things, he spends it to punch people


    But he spends a fuckton of his money to change things, though?

    Pretty sure it’s even a point in the comics that he hires a bunch of ex-cons and stuff specifically so they don’t have to resort to a life of crime again.


    Bruce Wayne is like an extreme philanthropist when it comes to spending money to help others.


    Just like we don’t expect the police to be the executioner, and instead have a judge make the verdict. We shouldn’t expect Batman to do so either.


    Most of the modern stories are, essentially, about a severely neurotic genius athlete billionaire. Especially since the killing joke laid it out.


    Batman’s goal is to create a Gotham where he is not needed.


    Hard to do when he doesn’t fix the other issues in Gotham and he just beats up villains lol, man needs to use his wealth to influence politics for the better


    He… does.

    This is the “why didn’t the eagles fly to Mordor” of the batman universe.


    Yes and there have been other comics in alternate universes that prove that if he did more he could get rid of crime in gotham


    The alternate universe stuff muddies the water so much that it really doesn’t have much weight.


    And there are stories where Gotham is literally cursed to be evil. You start pulling edge cases and you throw out everything that matters. There’s probably a story where Gotham and Metropolis switched vibes and Superman is an autocrat Spaze Nazi exterminating shoplifters and petty thugs


    here’s probably a story where Gotham and Metropolis switched vibes and Superman is an autocrat Spaze Nazi exterminating shoplifters and petty thugs

    Ehm… i think the guys at Games Workshop did a pretty decent version of this with the whole Konrad Curze thing…


    Like trying to clean up Iraq while openly refusing to kill Osama bin Laden.

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