
What bothers me the most about it is that the Republican answers of “No, climate change doesn’t exist” and “Companies don’t cause it because climate change doesn’t exist” should be the same set.

The ones agreeing and ambivalent make perfect sense. Basically no one who believes in climate change thinks the companies are totally blameless. Great.

But the blue bar should be eating from the grey bar, not the black.


Assuming that all the same people answered both questions.


I’ve known a guy for like 20 years, currently in his 60s, who firmly believes that anthropogenic climate change is entirely false.

He has a bachelors degree in physics, a bachelors degree in mathematics, and a Ph.D in economics. He’s written a handful of high level Econ textbooks, he’s worked as a professor off and on at 3 or 4 respected universities here in the US. He was most recently employed at a supply chain consulting firm, making an ungodly amount of money.

By all accounts, he’s an extremely smart, well-educated, well-read guy. But holy shit if that boomer isn’t constantly reposting the most transparently fake anti-science nonsense on his Facebook page. Think, “New research proves that Climate Change is a liberal myth” - The Religious Conservative Storm.

Just demonstrates how it doesn’t matter how educated someone is if they don’t think critically about information that confirms their expectations.


He has a bachelors degree in physics, a bachelors degree in mathematics, and a Ph.D in economics

Now, I’m not saying he is or he isn’t–you know this guy and I don’t. But are you actually sure all of these claims are true? Dudes who fall for this shit tend to lie a lot. Just saying don’t take it at face value. Econ in particular seems like an area where it would really be easy to “fake it til you make it”.


No that’s a totally valid question and I’d wonder the same thing.

But he definitely is all of those things, he’s got a dozen published nonfiction books that are easy to find, with a picture of his face on them haha. Listed as faculty/former faculty at Utah State University, CSU Chico, two BYU campuses, University of San Diego, University of Malaysia. Reasonably high profile on LinkedIn.

I used to go on family vacations with this guy’s family as a teenager, his whole family are genuinely some of the best people I know. But he’s a perfect example of the incredible power of the confirmation bias. I just try to remember that someone like him can have such seemingly obvious blind spots, I definitely can too.


Fair enough. The flip side is someone with so many credentials might begin to think of himself as smarter than everyone; therefore anything he thinks is probably right, isn’t it so? And he never questions where the “information” in his head came from. Few of us do.


There be people like that. My dad was a professor for applied mathematics at a top level university in Germany, published books etc. Nowadays he works as an indepentdent business consultants and is insanely successful on an international level. And while he does believe climate change is real he is very, uhm, alternative when it comes to health and nutrition. Think fruit juices and nutrition supplements and sun doesn’t cause cancer and “holding a lazer to your heel makes your rotten teeth unrotten” kinda stuff. (Didn’t work.) Watches weird ass youtube videos by “experts”. Me, having a M.Sc. in Nutrition and Biomedicine, I am in no way an expert like these people or himself when it comes to nutrition, health and medicine, according to him. People can be extremely smart and talented in some parts of their lives and be completely bonkers in others.


Yeah sounds very similar. And weird coincidence, but the guy I’m talking about is also German. Lives in the US now, but his parents don’t speak English, he came here as a kid I believe.


My dad isn’t German but he only became obsessed with alt health and nutrition once he moved to Germany… Coincidence? I think not - there must be something in the air here that turns people crazy


How weird. My sample size is now 2, I think I’m ready to draw a conclusion and only consider evidence that confirms it going forward.


That reminds me how my father loves to tell the story of a doctor who wasn’t convinced that sun causes skin cancer so he went to India for a year and didn’t wear sunscreen once and lo and behold he didn’t get cancer so he disproved that sun causes cancer.

Again, my dad is a mathematician. Granted, analytical and computer algebra, not statistics, but dear Lord.


I know a highly educated seismologist who makes his work his hobby and has been an enthusiast for nature-related pursuits for decades…

And he thinks people have next to zero contributions to the climate. His go-tos are volcanoes and sunspots to explain climate changes, and he blames, I kid you not, the “big green energy hoax” for conflicting data.


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Let’s Talk About Go High Level

  1. What’s the Buzz About? Hey there! So, have you heard of Go High Level? If not, let’s break it down. Imagine juggling multiple apps for marketing. Sounds chaotic, right? That’s where Go High Level comes in. It’s like that friend who has a solution for everything. Whether you’re trying to create a cool sales funnel or shoot out an email campaign, this platform has got your back. The best part? They let you test drive everything with a 14-day free trial. It’s like trying out a new car but for your business. And if you ever get stuck, their support team is just a click away. Pretty sweet, huh?
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You’re all responsible. Filthy westerners


There are far top few meaningful differences between Republicans and Democrats, but stuff like this shows the base (not the leaders) of one party is at least amenable to reality, and the other largely isn’t.


why is the “climate change doesn’t exist” bar for the second question so much smaller than the “no” bar for the first question? am I an idiot or does that just not make any sense?

Death to America


They consider themselves temporarily embarrassed millionaires. So when corporate profits are threatened, they get defensive to the point of changing their beliefs on the spot.

They aren’t just lying to us. They’re lying to themselves.


Literally anything done to any fossil fuel lobbyist or executive is an act of collective self-defense.


You heard it, folks! I’m inviting them to a $10K per head campaign dinner where I will sternly suggest they explore the possibility of researching a serious scaling back (5 bps!) of coal mining.

For our self-defense



Only if it actually contributes to stopping climate change.

Appointee4912, (edited )

I have a PhD in particle physics from a top 10 university in the world, and I don’t believe climate change is a problem. And I’m also not interested in discussing it (just so that no one comes with bs talking points, I’ve seen enough). I’m just saying this so that you don’t stumble on your own delusional bubble too much.

You don’t believe in science. You believe in TV. You haven’t read a single peer reviewed paper on the matter, let alone papers that have a different point of view. So spare me your condescending bullshit.

Now go ahead and downvote me so that you can sleep better at night after having excluded me, the infidel. Just remember that many people out there have degrees, educated and read 100 times on the matter than you and disagree with your delusions on the matter. Enjoy four faith in TV.

Celestial6370, (edited )

Since about 1980 experts warn about climate change.


Leave alone? X times?


I have a second question you say there are people who have read 100x more than us. Where is their work? Everything I can find says the climate change is real and it’s human caused.


This is proof that you only watch mainstream media and think you know everything. This is the problem. You never even considered researching the opposite opinion, and you think it just doesn’t exist.

And people wonder how censorship makes people more ignorant.


You were asked a simple question: “source?”


Dude, you don’t want sources. The moment I give you a name of a book showing you a different opinion, you’ll find a reason to skip it and use it to discredit whatever information in it without reading. I’m old enough and have seen that enough. It’s the same attitude I used to get when I discussed with religious people why their faith doesn’t make any sense.


Did you not understand the question?


You didn’t understand my response.


You don’t have any sources, then.


See? You don’t understand plain English. I’m glad my experience made me not waste time with you.


I’m glad my experience made me not waste time with you.

4 replies later and counting to that person alone. You aren’t just a liar and a cryptocurrency rube, you’re a clown. joker-amerikkklap


Oh, no. A random guy online is criticizing me… 😭

You think I give a shit? Everyone defending climate change is a clown to me. Who cares. Do you cry when people call you names? Grow up!



You even mask your rage like a boomer.

You think I give a shit?

Yes, because you keep replying to me and others who are laughing at your unproven claims of Le Science Degree Which Doesn’t Technically Even Apply To Climate Change Research.

Who cares.

You do, for one. This isn’t 2003 and pretending to not care doesn’t automatically make you cool. You’re pretty cringe, actually.

Do you cry when people call you names?

If you’re so unaffected and cool calm and collected, why do you keep replying?

Grow up!

I hope you’re immature, because it’d be more sad if you’re old and incapable of growing out of what you’re doing right now.


What makes me cool? Posting anime gifs and calling people clowns?

No, no. Believing in climate change. That’s what makes me cool! Hahahahahahahaha! 🤣

You wanna talk about who cares? Watch yourself quoting every word I say. Unbelievable. What are you, 12?


Hahahahahahahaha! 🤣

Not sure if you’re 15 or 50. I actually hope you’re 15 because that’d mean you have a chance to grow out of what you’re doing right now.


Give it a break, at this point you’re just sad. I’m having a ball here. We done with lame gifs for tonight?


Give it a break

The circus ends as soon as the clown leaves town. The great egress is right here for you. logout


More cool jpegs from the cool kid! I’m impressed, I bet you get an A in school when your essays have them.


You really have nowhere better to be right now and no important cryptocurrency hustlegrinding or Vincent Adultman Le Sciencing to do right now? That’s too bad. sadness


Shitting on you is more fun! You can’t take this away from me!


No one here is impressed with your imaginary Le Science Degree.

No one here is going to give you internet funny money.


Of course not. We’re here only impressed with your gift posting abilities… I mean come on… even my kids cannot do that!


No one here is impressed with your imaginary Le Science Degree.

No one here is going to give you internet funny money.


I love your outcry to end this conversation fighting with your ego to the point where you pasted this message on all the comments 🤣… grow up!


No one here is impressed with your imaginary Le Science Degree.

No one here is going to give you internet funny money.


I love your outcry to end this conversation fighting with your ego to the point where you pasted this message on all the comments 🤣… grow up!


Oh no, if someone baits you into trying to win a last word game, very important LE SCIENCE done by the cryptohustling very mature adult will be delayed!


I love your outcry to end this conversation fighting with your ego to the point where you pasted this message on all the comments 🤣… grow up!


Goodness gracious, if someone baits you into trying to win a last word game, very important LE SCIENCE done by the cryptohustling very mature adult will be delayed!


I love your outcry to end this conversation fighting with your ego to the point where you pasted this message on all the comments 🤣… grow up!


Yowza, if someone baits you into trying to win a last word game, very important LE SCIENCE done by the cryptohustling very mature adult will be delayed!


I love your outcry to end this conversation fighting with your ego to the point where you pasted this message on all the comments 🤣… grow up!


Mein Gott, if someone baits you into trying to win a last word game, very important LE SCIENCE done by the cryptohustling very mature adult will be delayed!


I love your outcry to end this conversation fighting with your ego to the point where you pasted this message on all the comments 🤣… grow up!


So sad, if someone baits you into trying to win a last word game, very important LE SCIENCE done by the cryptohustling very mature adult will be delayed!


Ok so you are 60. I still suggest tinder, it’s not too late to find love!


I bet you have a PhD in English now, too, in addition to your one in original internet insults.


His dad works at Nintendo, too!


he does. natural news and Infowars of course 💀


“dO yOuR oWn ReSeArcH”


…Where’s the book title?


This is proof that you only watch mainstream media and think you know everything

The person you replied to made no such claims and even no implications in their comment. Your ego-maniacal idea that people cannot have differing opinions on things and that they must be less intelligent than you is borderline concerning. You need help.


He made that claim exactly, dumbass. He said that everything he finds supports climate change. What’s wrong with you?

bermuda, (edited )

You know what? I’m not gonna respect somebody who calls me a dumbass and asks what’s wrong with me over a fucking internet discussion. You can go fuck yourself. I’m just not pursuing anything further when somebody resorts to insults and rage-baiting when somebody dares go against their personal narrative. Think that you’re smarter than everybody else if you want, that just means you’ll get more people like me refusing to engage with you.


You too! As if you had “respect” for me in your first message. Learn how to write respectfully then demand respect, dumbass.


Stop strawmanning my position in your head. The most often anti climate change scientist I saw quoted was Richard Lindzen. Who’s position seems to be CO2 causes global warming but it’s not as bad as most people predict, but his claims have been refuted repeatedly so please show me the sources you are using. They did a study to investigate his iris effect, his claim being this would cool the planet counteracting the CO2, the study found the iris effect would cause further warming. So again if you aren’t just a troll at this point what book or source are you getting this information from?

pbjamm, avatar

I have argued with otherwise intelligent people who sound exactly like the person above. It is a strange contrarian mentality with no basis in the science as they claim. I once even took up the challenge from someone who said I was afraid to investigate the “other side”. I read every single thing he sent me and they were all rubbish. Not a one of them even support the claims he made. When I responded saying this just fired back that I was brain-washed or carrying water for commies or other such inanities. It became clear after a while that he did not even understand the basics of the greenhouse effect or how CO2 and other gasses cause it. I was utterly flabbergasted.

long story short : the person above may have the degrees they claim but they are not educated on this subject. It is so simple even a layman can understand it so they have no excuse.

eatmyass, avatar

“Can I have a source?”

Uhhh uhhh well you won’t find any in MAINSTREAM NEWS!

Give it up man, you’re a joke


You can’t expect your opponent to do your research for you.

Sator_is_Tense, avatar

I have a PhD in particle physics from a top 10 university in the world

no you don’t


Today is your lucky day. Since I’m in a good mood, let’s see if you’ll put your money where your mouth is.

I will reveal my real name, my PhD thesis, with a link to the university linking to my thesis. Here’s the bet: if I can prove it (that I have a PhD in particle physics from a prestigious university of top 10), you pay me one whole fucking bitcoin. If not, I’ll pay you one bitcoin.

We’ll find a betting platform (of your choice if you wish) where we deposit these bitcoins into a multisig address with a referee. One of us wins based on the bet.

Are you gonna put your money where your mouth is? Or a dick where you learn not to open your mouth next time?

What do you say?


Not sure if this is a bit or if you’re a world-class example of people so specialized that they have deluded themselves into believing they are experts in everything because of how special their specialization made them feel in college.

I have a PhD in particle physics

What does that have to do with your claim to be an authority on the reality of climate change?


At least I’m a freaking physicist. I understand statistics and math. You believe freaking ecologists for crying our loud! Anyone who talks for climate change is believed, and anyone who is against it is questioned. Wtf does Bill Nye or Tyson have to do with climate change? Yet somehow no one tells them “stfu, this isn’t your field”. They’re just “TV”. No one even comes close to researching this matter before spitting out a dumb opinion to avoid peer pressure.

But suddenly when someone disagrees, now they lose all their credentials and it isn’t their specialty.

This game is being played on a global scale. So don’t play the game “specialty and field”, because a monkey agreeing with you can become an authoritative source from what I saw. All you have to do is silence everyone who disagrees with you. I’m not silenced yet, and I have an opinion, and no one has to give a shit for all I care.


At least I’m a freaking physicist

So far your qualifications involve claiming you’re a “freaking physicist” and then begging for internet funny money. pathetic

a monkey agreeing with you

I know you’re a cryptocurrency rube already but spare us all your NFT collection, please. cryptocurrency dumpster-fire


Hey now, I want to see how much slurp juice all his apes have


Well, I don’t need to beg. I have enough money for decades to come, unlike most people here who defend agendas made to make them poor forever. People who believe anything said on TV, and have big mouths with big confidence with zero responsibility. Exactly the kind of people who transmit bullshit to make themselves feel better and feel relevant in a world that discarded them like the pieces of nothing they deserve to be.

Enjoy being poor while defending every reason that made you poor. No sympathy from me.


Well, I don’t need to beg.

Yet you just begged for internet funny money and begged to be praised for your imaginary Le Science Degree at the same time.

Enjoy being poor while defending every reason that made you poor.

Yep, cryptocurrency rube detected. susie-laugh


Oh, look at this… the cool guy posting gifs again! Very cool!

Given that you believe in climate change and TV rhetoric, I get your lack of understanding of the difference of bet and beg. You see, people who produce value and their words mean something do the former. Unlike when you do the latter and beg your parents for change to go to the movies. 😄

No worries. I got you, buddy.


Don’t you have important science things to do by your own unproven claims? Or maybe a business hustlegrinding with internet funny money?

Nope. You’re just here. Getting clowned on because you’re a clown.


You can put all the tape you want on that mask but it keeps falling off and your impotent rage keeps boiling over.


Didn’t I tell you in your other comment begging me to leave you alone that shitting on you is more fun? Take the hint!


No one here is impressed with your imaginary Le Science Degree.

No one here is going to give you internet funny money.


I love your outcry to end this conversation fighting with your ego to the point where you pasted this message on all the comments 🤣… grow up!


Oh no, if someone baits you into trying to win a last word game, very important LE SCIENCE done by the cryptohustling very mature adult will be delayed!


I love your outcry to end this conversation fighting with your ego to the point where you pasted this message on all the comments 🤣… grow up!


Zoinks, if someone baits you into trying to win a last word game, very important LE SCIENCE done by the cryptohustling very mature adult will be delayed!


I love your outcry to end this conversation fighting with your ego to the point where you pasted this message on all the comments 🤣… grow up!


Oh me oh my, if someone baits you into trying to win a last word game, very important LE SCIENCE done by the cryptohustling very mature adult will be delayed!


I love your outcry to end this conversation fighting with your ego to the point where you pasted this message on all the comments 🤣… grow up!


Oh snap, if someone baits you into trying to win a last word game, very important LE SCIENCE done by the cryptohustling very mature adult will be delayed!


I love your outcry to end this conversation fighting with your ego to the point where you pasted this message on all the comments 🤣… grow up!


Heavens, if someone baits you into trying to win a last word game, very important LE SCIENCE done by the cryptohustling very mature adult will be delayed!


I love your outcry to end this conversation fighting with your ego to the point where you pasted this message on all the comments 🤣… grow up!


So sad, if someone baits you into trying to win a last word game, very important LE SCIENCE done by the cryptohustling very mature adult will be delayed!


It really is a great example of an expert not knowing how dumb they are in other topics.

Ok, maybe we give him the benefit of the doubt and he knows something about particle physics.

Good thing he immediately showed he’s a huge fucking dumbass in anything not related to that by being a crypto bro.


His dad works at Nintendo. He will prove it if you bet him a hundred dollars. very-intelligent


Just a note, there’s a bug that causes some of hexbear’s emotes to be extremely large for users of other instances. The cryptocurrency emote is one of them. Other hexbear users have taken to hiding those behind spoilers to avoid annoying users from other instances.


I’ll consider doing that in the future, then.


pls provide either sources or, at least, an explanation justifying your belief that climate change is no big deal? Genuinely want to see where you have gotten this opinion from. Thank you.


You believe freaking ecologists for crying our loud!

Are you implying that ecology is a less valid field than physics?


Offering a bet in pyramid scheme money does not make you more credible


See? The moment you’re required to be responsible for a word you said, you ran away… hahahahhahahahahahahahahahaha.

Talk is easy. This is why climate change is mainstream, because dumb people with big mouths make their dumb opinions sound real with fake confidence. Now you know what your confidence is worth. Class dismissed.


I’m not the person who doubted you have a PhD. I’m fully aware that dumb, obnoxious assholes can also get gold stars.


Perfect! I am an asshole, proudly so. Though if I were dumb I wouldn’t be where I am today. So your opinion means very little to me. Nighty night.


Though if I were dumb I wouldn’t be where I am today.

Lol rageposting on an obscure internet forum?


Rage? Dude I’m laughing my ass off! What are you smoking?! This is amazing! I’m sitting here watching people defend their demise just because TV told them so. Can it be any funnier?


No amount of “I’m actually laughing right now” masking hides your impotent rage right now.


Keep repeating that in all your comments. You may eventually be able to sleep when you’re done crying for a comment online. 😄


Keep repeating that in all your comments.

I will.


Elon Musk doesn’t hide his rage well, no matter how many emojis he uses, and neither do you.


I’m not as cool as you, I don’t believe in climate change and I don’t post lame gifs to forums… well, I guess you win 🤣



The difference between your impotent rage clowning on this obscure thread and my-hero 's impotent rage clowning is that my-hero has handlers to tell him how smart he is all day.

You’re begging for that validation from internet strangers that you hate. That’s genuinely saddening to me.


Yes, that validation is very important… I can’t live without it… that’s why I believe every dumb mainstream TV narrative like climate change… no wait, that’s you 🤣


No one here is impressed with your imaginary Le Science Degree.

No one here is going to give you internet funny money.


I love your outcry to end this conversation fighting with your ego to the point where you pasted this message on all the comments 🤣… grow up!


No one here is impressed with your imaginary Le Science Degree.

No one here is going to give you internet funny money.


I love your outcry to end this conversation fighting with your ego to the point where you pasted this message on all the comments 🤣… grow up!


Oh no, if someone baits you into trying to win a last word game, very important LE SCIENCE done by the cryptohustling very mature adult will be delayed!


I love your outcry to end this conversation fighting with your ego to the point where you pasted this message on all the comments 🤣… grow up!


By Crom, if someone baits you into trying to win a last word game, very important LE SCIENCE done by the cryptohustling very mature adult will be delayed!


I love your outcry to end this conversation fighting with your ego to the point where you pasted this message on all the comments 🤣… grow up!


Dearest me, if someone baits you into trying to win a last word game, very important LE SCIENCE done by the cryptohustling very mature adult will be delayed!


I love your outcry to end this conversation fighting with your ego to the point where you pasted this message on all the comments 🤣… grow up!


Too bad, if someone baits you into trying to win a last word game, very important LE SCIENCE done by the cryptohustling very mature adult will be delayed!


I love your outcry to end this conversation fighting with your ego to the point where you pasted this message on all the comments 🤣… grow up!


It’s been fun to make you scream and smear shit on the walls for about 30 minutes, but I do sincerely hope you grow out of this, drop the Le Climate Denialist Scientist LARP, and drop the “asshole and proud of it” thing because that got old and tired almost two decades ago.

I wish you the best in the future. logout


You too. It was fun watching you try so hard to be the cool kid. Next time try to read a book. Nighty night.


Like get laid go outside find literally anyone to love you. It’s very very very easy to find partners and friends nowadays





Hey look, the other cool kid is also pasting jpegs… nice! 🤣


geordi-yes You’re right, emojis are cool and fun, glad you enjoy

eatmyass, avatar

“im not owned! im not owned!!”, i continue to insist as i slowly shrink and transform into a corn cob


“If I’m so dumb why am I demanding people bet me bitcoin on a web forum where we post a picture of a pig with a turd on its balls over and over”


I am an asshole, proudly so.

You’re a living breathing cliche of internet people from, like, 2003. congratulations


being dumb is exactly how you got where you are.

having a PhD doesn’t mean you think critically or can evaluate literature anymore. and it definitely does not give you license to kick out of your coverage, like you’re trying desperately to do here…

having your little credential just means your committee wanted you gone after 5 years of being an asshole and didn’t want to fuck the stats of whatever shit tier program’s orifice you oozed out of.


Of course my PhD means nothing… it only means something if I agree with the cult. Duh!


Perhaps if you commented on particle physics it would mean something.

eatmyass, avatar

Says he’s super duper smart and intelligent

Is into crypto

Pick one dude

eatmyass, avatar

Today is your lucky day. Since I’m in a good mood, let’s see if you’ll put your dick where your phD from a top 10 university is.

Here’s the bet: if you post a picture of your dick (which can include your PhD in particle physics from a prestigious university of top 10), I will pay you one whole fucking bitcoin. If not, you pay me one bitcoin.

We’ll find a betting platform (of your choice if you wish) where we deposit these bitcoins into a multisig address with a referee. One of us wins based on the bet.

Are you gonna put your dick where your phD is? Or a dick where you learn not to open your mouth next time?

What do you say?

Sator_is_Tense, avatar

LMAO god I love federation. i actually forgot people with their heads as far up their own asses as yours existed for a while there

AntiOutsideAktion, avatar

Oh yeah? Well, I will navigate to a college homepage and pick a professor to link to for HALF a bitcoin!


do you have brain damage?


I hereby volunteer to be the betting platform and referee of Sator_is_Tense’s choosing. 2 of 3 of us will agree on the winner based on:

  • Appointee4912 has PhD in particle physics,
  • university is prestigious, and
  • university is in top 10 of something

all being true. If you refuse these terms, it’s because you’re running away the moment you are required to be responsible for a word you say.


No one cares that much about yourself other than you


This is good bait but I almost totally believe it, the kind of person who spends a decade being told they’re a very smart math boy at a top university is extremely susceptible to believing every whim of theirs is genuinely brilliant


More engineers buy into cults, per capita, than the general population. Being told they are the smartest boy all day makes them unable to consider if they’ve been duped.

I don’t think it’s impossible for that climate denialist chud to have some sciencey degree (though absolutely no evidence has been presented so far), but even if one was present, that doesn’t actually mean anything when it comes to horrible takes and general edgelord nonsense.


nice bit lol


I have a PhD in particle physics from a top 10 university in the world, and I don’t believe climate change is a problem.

I have a JD and I’m telling you cancer isn’t real


source: my ass


I haven’t seen one of these in a minute.

You’re going to die in hellfire.


I think we can all predict what the response will be lol

vidumec, avatar

You can measure community’s IQ by how far down you have to scroll through “dumb republicans, amirite xdxdxd?” before you reach a post like this one. And that guy with gifs in every message is obnoxious as fuck.


Check. He’s the cool kid in town!


Correct, the best communities clown on this garbage or just delete it.

eatmyass, (edited ) avatar

Totally accurate. Intelligent communities should not have climate change denial anywhere on the site


I have a PhD in particle physics from a top 10 university in the world, and I don’t believe climate change is a problem

My brother in Christ, you could have stopped here. Your post doesn’t even make an effort to support your argument (no papers, no evidence), you’re only spewing bullshit like you’re better than some people on the internet. Be better.


You’re confusing me with someone who gives a shit. I’m not here to argue science.

You’re in a cult. Evidence doesn’t matter. Otherwise you would’ve found the evidence yourself. It’s the same shit I face with religious nut jobs defending their ancient books. So spare me your ideals. You’re all brainwashed and do zero due diligence and have faith in TV and call it science. That’s the current zeitgeist.


Thank you for the kind words, internet stranger. 🤗🤗


(X) Doubt

aaaaaaadjsf, avatar

Sheldon Cooper, this you?

Self_Hating_Moid, avatar

And I’m also not interested in discussing it

If you’re going to cry about how you can’t defend your argument keep your dumb opinions to yourself

Another one for the block list


I have an undergrad minor in sustainable energy systems engineering and they taught us how to look up ipcc reports. Whatever university you went to sucks dogshit if you didn’t get that far in your PhD program.

eatmyass, avatar

Lol imagine having a phD and typing this dumb shit thinking it makes you look intelligent


Share your peer reviewed papers and research that disagree… the ones that have you convinced.

I mean a PhD in particle physics doesn’t make you an expert on climate physics any more than my degree make me one, and as you’ve said plenty of people with plenty of degrees have come to differing opinions. The majority of climate researchers do agree that climate change is real, but if you post the sources that have you convinced, I’ll read them as I’m sure some others will.


I have a PhD in physics WolframAlpha

AdrianTheFrog, avatar

Concrete and steel production accounts for around 20% of co2 emissions, so it’s not only oil and gas companies (although it is still mostly from oil and gas companies).


Steel production at least could be MUCH greener; they’re just choosing less green options because they’re cheaper. We could make co2 emission more expensive, force the entire industry to greener alternatives, and not significantly impact production capacity.

Conflict of interest: I’m an engineer who produces steel using greener (but more expensive) tech than the rest of the industry.


Which, of course, puts you at a competitive disadvantage compared to those who use cheaper but less green tech. Which just goes to show why we need regulation.


Absolutely. Even if our tech was cheaper, we’d just run into the Jevons Paradox as people would end up buying more steel than they do today.


Should probably be “fossil fuel” since the CO2 from concrete and steel production comes from burning coal.


All I know is that I keep my oven and stove running with the AC on and the windows open. I’m doing my part by wasting as much energy as possible. Wait… did I miss the point? /s


Would you rather conform and be right, or think independently and be wrong?


“The majority is always wrong. Me smart for thinking different 🤓”


What an absolutely fucking braindead take


I can’t tell if you didn’t get the joke or legitimately believe that any conformist opinion is braindead. I hope it’s not the latter, because that sounds like a really frustrating way to form a self-identity.


Can one not participate in another’s parody?


When it comes to bad takes on the internet and crackpot theories, assuming that such things are at least as likely to be true as what is conventionally believed is like wandering into a hospital pharmacy, with no labels on any of the bottles, and taking pills with the assumption that at least some of them will give you superpowers.


Obviously I’d rather think independently and be right?


It’s not even thinking independently though. It’s conforming to the group with the wrong opinion.


1000 flies eat shit. 1000 flies can’t be wrong.


Be right, regardless of whether or not it’s conforming to anything.


I think the popular attitude is actually the reverse of that.


nore worried about the fact that of those that answered that global warming isn’t occurring, only 50% still think that it doesn’t exist in a different question. did the other 50% just suddenly reconsider?

AkariMizunashi, avatar

it looks like they got pooled between “doesn’t exist” and “no” to “are oil and gas companies responsible?”. “global warming doesn’t exist and if it does it isn’t their (our) fault”


The other 50% believe in global cooling.


And they’ll be correct once the currents in the Atlantic collapse in the 30’s.

CowsLookLikeMaps, (edited )

I recently discovered !climatememes which you all might like.

Hexarei, avatar

Proper format is !climatememes I think

Holzkohlen, avatar

May your next poop be wonderful! Blessings upon thy stool.


Thank you! Fixed.


Aren't there enough political "humor" communities?


Climate Change isn’t political, it’s a simple fact.


You and I both know that. I'm just asking, aren't there better suited communities? Does everything need to be doom and gloom on a reasonably light-hearted memes community? It isn't a meme.


I don’t see why the meme is doom and gloom.


I’m just asking, aren’t there better suited communities?

And we’re just answering - nope, this one is perfectly well suited - you can always block OP if you really can’t stand seeing this post on your timeline

It isn’t a meme.

It objectively is - it’s a slightly different take on the “The What” meme

Whether you think the meme is funny is a different matter - but I don’t see how you could argue it’s “not a meme”.


Given that the Republicans have adopted the stance that it’s not real and/or not our fault, I think it still counts as political. Even if it shouldn’t be.


Oh, so I guess video games are political since “viDeO gAmES cAuSE viOLenCE”. Everything is political, therefore all posts should go to the political community? 🤔

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