
Probably already been hacked. We just haven’t heard about it yet.


No need to hack when the fatality rate in primates is already so high.

@BrownianMotion@lemmy.world avatar

Just to be clear, the Far Left and the Far Right wings of parliament in America are equally retarded as one another. Just for different reasons.

You lot are so fucking polarised, you don’t even see your internal self-destruction slowly growing (your next civil war is only around the corner, mark my words).

If you had some common sense and civility to one another, and worked through arguments and came to agreements, you would not be this retarded as a country. You might actually stop voting decrepit old cunts in too.

All countries have left and right, but you are on another level. Here, we have labour/liberal but the are only just over the centerline. They often agree on certain aspects. But when they don’t it is debated out and decided. Sometimes they ask the populous to vote, in case of stalemate or major disagreement.

We the people own the government, not the other way around. But you, America, have forgotten that, and you your “vote if you want” attitude has you under the thumb. Same with [lets be honest, fucking bribes] masked as donations. How you are not in the bottom quarter of the most corrupt countries list has me baffled.


You are absolutely correct. And just to prove your point, some American is definitely going to accuse you of being right-wing (since most of lemmy is left) for pointing that out.

@Korne127@lemmy.world avatar

What a neat way to directly delegitimize any different opinion, and that even without providing any arguments whatsoever.


Arguments for what? There are plenty of good arguments in the comment I’m responding to.

@Korne127@lemmy.world avatar

There are plenty of good arguments in all the comments reacting to the comment and factually arguing why it’s just wrong. And I don’t even care about their political orientation (as if their blatant homophobic hadn’t given it away), but it doesn’t change whether the statement is right or wrong.
My point was just that your comment was essentially a shield against any disagreeing arguments (that you could say “I told you so” and not need to actually engage with the arguments) but didn’t even provide any arguments on its own.

@HerbalGamer@sh.itjust.works avatar

. How you are not in the bottom quarter of the most corrupt countries list has me baffled.


@abbotsbury@lemmy.world avatar

There are no far left politicians in America


Yeah there are, they just don’t have any power outside of very locally, which sucks.

You’re right that there’s no far left politicians in national office though, if that’s what you actually meant.


far left wings of parliament in America

You can’t be serious lmao

NoneSoVile, (edited )

The labour party is literally further left than the American Left Wing of Congress lol.

There is not a single far left politician in Congress. You have vastly overestimated your understanding of American politics.


The labour party is literally further left than the American Left Wing of Congress lol.

That might have been true under Corbyn, but definitely not now that Keir “I desperately want to be Tony Blair” Starmer has taken over and remade the party in his center right to right wing image.

There is not a single far left politician in Congress.


You have vastly overestimated your understanding of American politics.

Also true. Dude even called Congress Parliament 😆

@Korne127@lemmy.world avatar

From which country are you? What far left would there be on the US? The Democrats are ranging from center left to right-wing, from an EU view.
Saying both sides when there is one side prohibiting books about LGBTQ people, wanting to not allow trans people existing and trying to turn over democracy and the other one… wanting health care, is just utter bullshit.

@BrownianMotion@lemmy.world avatar

LGTV is retarded. 99% of the earths population does not agree due to SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE, Regardless off all the noise you make - no one with half a brain will care. so FUCK OFF.

Viking_Hippie, (edited )

99% of the earths population does not agree

Wrong. You vastly overestimate the number of stupid bigots in the world.


Wrong again, bigot. People who actually know more than just the very basics disagree with your transphobic misinformation. https://lemmy.world/pictrs/image/93d2c573-40ce-4481-ad54-19f56df67b92.jpeg

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

Stop being a fucking ableist bigot. This is the second time I’ve seen you use that word.

@Korne127@lemmy.world avatar

Lmao. 10% are queer, get over it. Scientific evidence shows that gay animals exist in most species; for trans people look at other comments, it’s not worth my time typing that again.
The only one making dumb noises here is you (even literally: Just look at your sentences and your aggression, looks like you missed out on evolution).


What scientific evidence? You’re being extremely unintelligent.


Just to be clear, the Far Left and the Far Right wings of parliament in America are equally retarded as one another. Just for different reasons.

Debunked horseshoe theory bullshit. There’s no “far left” in the American “parliament” (it’s called the Congress. At least try learning the terms before you start spouting your bullshit).

Besides, even if we DID accept your premise of European style Social Democrats being “far left”, wanting people to have healthcare and a living wage isn’t equivalent to fucking FASCISM in any way.

Also, no ableist slurs, please.

Here, we have labour/liberal but the are only just over the centerline

Keir “I desperately want to be Tony Blair” Starmer’s Labour isn’t left of center. It’s center-right at best.

We the people own the government, not the other way around

Says a guy from the kingdom whose royal family is the number one land owner in the world and has had 3 different Tory PMs since the last election.

Same with [lets be honest, fucking bribes] masked as donations. How you are not in the bottom quarter of the most corrupt countries list has me baffled.

Right on the money (pun intended) with this, though.

DessertStorms, (edited )
@DessertStorms@kbin.social avatar

If you can't make your point without being an ableist ass, maybe don't bother making it at all (in this case, you've not only shown yourself off as an ableist, but as one who has zero understanding of US politics, too, so you've really contributed nothing of any value, and have just made the community more hostile, great job)

@Gaspar@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar



In other news Musk opens pizzeria in Washington DC


Called Meteor Table Tennis. This one WILL have a basement 😬

Zerush, (edited )
@Zerush@lemmy.ml avatar

Nothing against experimenting with this chip in Musk’s brain. It’s always good to start with something simple.


mm cool can’t wait to have brain surgery every 2 years when new version comes out

@Draconic_NEO@lemmy.world avatar

That’s why you do the FOSS version, it’s designed to be easily upgradable and customizable to all your needs, and even on old hardware will still accept updates.

@doctorn@r.nf avatar

All conspiracies come true if you spread them and wait long enough… Eventually some crazy rich guy will have heard it and make it real. 😅

Humans are weird. 😅


Reality seems to again be more like Aldous Huxley than George Orwell. We will pay to get these things in our heads eventually.


Settle down with this “we” shit. I couldn’t wait for a cybernetic brain link when I was a kid. After seeing how corporations handled the Internet, I will never get one. IDC if I live to be a 1000 years old and every other person on the planet has one. No thank you.



Even after reading Snow Crash, I wanted an RJ-45 port so I could get internet straight to my brain…right up till I had my first IV stuck in me. Realized I didn’t like foreign objects in me at all lol

CileTheSane, (edited )
@CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar

Just haven’t met the right foreigner yet.


I wonder if they’ll explain the risk of deadly diarrhea

Viking_Hippie, (edited )

Or if they asked why “accessibility” is one of the top 3 stated priorities for something that’s supposed to control part of your brain 😬


Is that true?! 🤣


Yup! Lemme see if I can’t find the quote…

The approval was “the result of incredible work by the Neuralink team in close collaboration with the FDA”, it said.

The firm promised more information “soon” on plans to sign up trial participants.

Its website promises that “safety, accessibility and reliability” are all priorities during its engineering process

And we all know that when Musk says something is safe and reliable, it usually isn’t.


I don’t think that word means what you think it means.


It means several things, including the following two things that are the ones Musk is more than likely focusing on:

1: ease of acquiring the chip 2: ease of access to (manipulating) the chip once installed

kibiz0r, (edited )


Accessibility is the design of products, devices, services, vehicles, or environments so as to be usable by people with disabilities.

Assistive technology is the creation of a new device that assists a person in completing a task that would otherwise be impossible. Some examples include new computer software programs like screen readers, and inventions such as assistive listening devices, including hearing aids, and traffic lights with a standard color code that enables colorblind individuals to understand the correct signal.


Disabled people are likely to have had their attention piqued by Musk reiterating that, in the first instance, Neuralink would be looking to “solve important brain and spine problems.”

In fact, throughout the presentation, several chronic and life-limiting conditions were cited as being potentially treatable by Neuralink — ranging from blindness, spinal cord injuries, memory loss, brain damage and even depression.

The company’s first round of clinical trials will focus on patients with spinal cord injuries.


…Neuralink said, adding that its initial goal is to enable people to control a computer cursor or keyboard using their thoughts alone.


I have no interest in defending the muskrat or his dystopian vision for this technology. I’m just a developer who gives half a shit about making accessible software, so I want people to know what that means.

I hadn’t really formed an opinion on this article specifically, but… If I had spinal damage? I might consider signing up for the monkey-killer chip too. A shot at getting my body back might be too enticing to resist.

@Chais@sh.itjust.works avatar

Oh, so it’s all about consent? Huh.


The Bill Gates microchip is consensual, too. Nobody is talking about forcing people to get microchips. It’s just that people shit a brick when Gates is involved, but not Musk.

@jabathekek@sopuli.xyz avatar

I’m pretty sure it’s the hair extensions.


i agree with your point, but its worth considering that it may become mandatory or practically mandatory in the future. not to slipperlyslope here, but think about how hard it is becoming to be a member of society without a mobile phone, credit card, google account, etc. sure its possible, but it creates a massive incentive to just sacrifice your principles for convinience, when everyone else doesnt see the big deal


I’m sure everyone getting a brain chip from the monkey executioner will be sharing their opinions with us for years to come…


Your trial period for consent has been exceeded. Please pay your monthly brain subscribtion to continue…

Note: By cancelling your trial, we reserve the right to harvest your viable organs.

Jaded, (edited )

This is some really cool tech and I’m happy the trials are starting. It’s a shame having it attached to Elon is ruining the perception of it, I’m hoping other companies get in the game soon.


Your nuts… Monkeys have gone crazy from it and you want it in your brain? We can’t even effectively secure a computer without it getting hacked. And you want the only thing that makes you you hackable ?

To each their own but no way I get something put in my head. Forget hacking what if it malfunctions… I’ve seen enough Tesla cars crashing


Don’t get me wrong, I’m not volunteering but eventually it will be safe.

Theres definitely barriers to overcome but to go with your analogy, I drive a car everyday on the highway even though a malfunction or even just an other user being stupid can easily lead to my death. That’s just to get to work or see friends. I could imagine myself braving worse to get to use full dive vr.

But you couldn’t pay me to get into one of those death traps when cars were first invented though. I’m eager but I will definitely wait a while before jumping in.


It could help disabled people move… Other than that, I’m unsure about it’s purposes…


It can eventually help disabled people move, see, hear and talk.

For everyday people, this will replace phones and computers completely. We will be able to project a private screen on any surface, even mid air. We will be thinking the words instead of saying them during phonecalls.

Movies and games are going to be so immersive it’s probably going to cause some serious societal issues. Larping is going to become big I’m guessing.

That’s just the surface stuff that’s easy to think of. It gets even nuttier if you think about recording and downloading dreams and memories, some of the really sci Fi stuff. The possibilities are literally endless. Obviously though, there’s a way to go, it’s still in its infancy.

@EmperorHenry@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

Actually, plenty of right-wingers, shitlibs and actual left wingers are against the microchip thing Elon is doing.


Doesn’t mean plenty of them don’t know or care that he’s trying to put microchips in people’s brains.

EmperorHenry, (edited )
@EmperorHenry@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

Maybe, but as I always say, today’s “crazy conspiracy theory” is tomorrow’s news.

so-called crazy people were talking about how the ultra wealthy were going to use microchips in our brains to control us…now the ultra wealthy are in the first stage of that.

Always ask yourself, “what does this person have to gain from doing that?” if corporations can beam ads into our heads…that’s bad. Handing over your biometrics to amazon so you can buy groceries without cash or credit cards is bad. having all your identity information associated with a QR code that leads to a hackable database controlled by big tech it’s bad.

Cashless economies are bad, city-wide surveillance with facial recognition is bad…and the only reason no one is freaking out and putting these dystopian oligarchs in stockades is because no one knows and no one knows because fewer and fewer people are asking questions about things. “just asking questions!” right? it’s bad to ask questions, “do your own research!” It’s bad to do research now.

If no one ever thinks about anything and just continues going about their routines like good little worker drones then there’s no worries about not having any freedom, about not even having privacy in your own mind. “I’ve got nothing to hide, so I’m okay with my entire life being visible to the authorities”


Maybe, but as I always say, today’s “crazy conspiracy theory” is tomorrow’s news.

Only if you’re inclined to believe the conspiracy theory first.

@EmperorHenry@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

Alex Jones, even though he’s probably crazy, has a better track record than msnbc, foxnews and cnn.

a lot of the shit he said 13 years ago turned out to be right.


a lot of the shit he said 13 years ago turned out to be right.

Like what?

Listen to the Knowledge Fight podcast which critiques Alex Jones. He’s wrong a lot.

@Jake_Farm@sopuli.xyz avatar

I cant tell if you are so stupid to think conspiracists are ok with neurolink or if you are just pretending to “own the right”.

@pomodoro_longbreak@sh.itjust.works avatar

Dream Scenario IRL except it’s Musk

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