@Flaky@iusearchlinux.fyi avatar

I just don’t use Reddit at all anymore.


Same. I don’t miss it. I’m really enjoying Lemmy and the fediverse!


/c/Risa is all I need.

@gnomesaiyan@lemmy.world avatar

I never knew how much I needed Star Trek memes in my life until Stamets and The Picard Maneuver graced us with their presence. Walk with the prophets, my child.


Still, when I’m looking for a solution for a specific problem, reddit is basically the only reliable source at the moment.

Wish there was a quick way to search for posts across all instances using search engines.


Reddit has years of community data. Lemmy will get there one day as long as we keep at it.


Yeah. What Reddit has is the advantage of getting there first. We can catch up.


Sadly some of the more specific subs didn’t migrate to Lemmy :/


I recreated a few of my favs. Nobody posts. ☹️


Keep it up, maybe you’re establishing a lurker base that will spring into action on some random post eventually.

@killeronthecorner@lemmy.world avatar

Some of them did and just died. Lemmy doesn’t have a USP and it’s starting to show.


Reddit also doesn’t have one except for the Network-Effect keeping users there.


Same. I was wasting way too much time there anyway. The only thing I still use it for is discussions for TV shows.


Same. But I do miss it.

@MissJinx@lemmy.world avatar

I miss some content but lemmy has been getting better and better, and after Boost for lemmy I won’t ever come back to reddit.

@FARTYSHARTBLAST@sh.itjust.works avatar

Connect is my jam, but there are a bunch of solid clients to choose from

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

I did at first, but I don’t miss it at all anymore. Too many assholes at this point. It stopped being useful a long time ago. Finding old Reddit threads can be helpful sometimes, but current Reddit is a shitshow.


I miss the niche content. Lemmy isn’t big enough yet to have sorted into big “stupid” subs vs smaller niche subs that tend to attract smarter and more well-informed users. The result is that the signal-to-noise ratio on Lemmy still kind of sucks and any comment thread is likely to consist of three quarters banal gibberish and condescending idiocy and maybe one quarter actually intelligent, thoughtful and informed opinion.

I rarely make a comment on Lemmy without pissing off people on all sides of any given issue, which tells me that Lemmy’s users aren’t really good at nuance or complexity.


When looking something up, especially technical product information the best answer is still often a reddit link. That will change in the future but it will take time.

Old.reddit is the only way yo access this information without account but i paradoxically cant wait for them to shut it down cause the quicker reddit completely dies the faster other places will become knowledge hubs.

@Flaky@iusearchlinux.fyi avatar

Ehhh, even for that I’ve had issues, even before the API stuff. The solutions I came across either came from casual word of mouth on Discord, tutorials on GitHub or forums other than Reddit.


It never was the pinnacle of knowledge, i am not on many different forums and only in the last year have started to avoid internet search where possible but often neither google or bing have satisfying results with only a single reddit link that may have the answer.


reddit has been talking about blocking search crawlers, so it may die (for you) that way first.



lol. And you know they won’t be fixing their own search engine any time soon. Its like they want their site to die jfc.


There are some communities that just don’t exist on Lemmy.

@ghost_of_faso2@lemmygrad.ml avatar

start it


One subreddit I still check occasionally is just for Skyrim mods made by one guy. This community of mere hundreds is wherever he makes his posts, and moving would annoy some of his Patreon supporters. The switching cost is high relative to the benefits of switching.

@lorty@lemmy.ml avatar

It gets a bit boring after being the only poster for a while :(


Yes, but what about the userbase?

@ghost_of_faso2@lemmygrad.ml avatar

if you build it they will come


Wait until you need to read an answer to a technical question which was only answered on Reddit. Can’t wait when such pages will be replaced with Lemmy.

@driving_crooner@lemmy.eco.br avatar

I was trying to find if is safe to mix LSD with energy drinks and the only place where someone was answering that was on reddit, restricted because is 18+ somehow. Had to use the tip given from OP to see it outside the app. The general consensus (because this shit can’t be properly researched) is that caffeine in general is not recommended with LSD.


I wouldn’t take drug-mixing advice from some rando on reddit or lemmy or any other similar site.

That being said, please limit yourself to one substance at a time, get some fentanyl test strips and narcan if you’re able, and always have a wingman with you. Assuming it’s possible where you live, buy your drugs from a regulated dispensary or at least a source you know and trust (whose source they trust).

Have fun, but stay safe. The times they are a changing…even weed has dangerous shit mixed in nowadays.

That’s my drug advice from a rando on a lemmy.


I mean , you can’t exactly go ask a doctor how to use lsd. Sometimes you just want to read up on something based on someone else’s personal experience. The website might be doing some dumb shit lately but it’s hard to replace the vast number of people who have answered exact questions you’re looking for. Lemmy just doesn’t have the 10+ year head start


You absolutely can


You can totally ask a good doctor that. They’ll likely say something along the lines of “don’t do drugs…but if you’re still gonna do this…”

@Cracks_InTheWalls@sh.itjust.works avatar

Problem is, many otherwise good doctors are not very knowledgeable about illicit drugs, particularly those that are comparatively rare/aren’t a public health crisis (LSD, while popular, is kinda niche compared to meth and opioids).

A big chunk of the time you’re just going to get “Don’t use drugs”, simply because they don’t have much else to say about it, and don’t want you taking risks based on something they’ve said. Doesn’t mean don’t ask*, but know you may not get useful harm reduction information from Dr. F. Practitioner.

*That said there IS a risk that such a question can paint you as a potential drug seeker, and so create barriers to care if someone decides to add that to your chart when you were just trying to minimize risk.


Did you check erowid? They’re good in my experience.


I don’t actively use it either, but sometimes you’re trying to fix some esoteric error that no one has experienced since the existence of the Western Roman Empire and the only place where a solution exists is Reddit. In those cases I kinda have to visit that wretched hive.

remotelove, (edited )

Same. However, I have rarely been able to solve a technical problem with Reddit posts or comments. It’s a better source for random experiences about something.

For random technical problems with new software or hardware, Reddit quality is not as good as it used to be, IMHO.

For somewhat niche hobbies, like my mushroom growing, subjective experiences may be helpful to take into account. Reading dozens of different opinions about a problem in a hobby that has hundreds of different variables has its uses. (For example, if you want to test something specific, you can get an idea about the range of conditions to test.)

@FARTYSHARTBLAST@sh.itjust.works avatar

LPT: Don’t use reddit because it’s a fucking dumpster fire.

@photonic_sorcerer@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

You think we’re any better?? I think the whole internet is a dumpster fire, and that’s the way it should be.

@FARTYSHARTBLAST@sh.itjust.works avatar

Yes: Dumpster fire or not, Lemmy is definitely better than reddit. No question.


It’s more of a recycling bin fire


Compost fire (yes they can ignite).


I used to work in the waste sector - been to a lot of dumps. Let me tell ya, public sector dumps were literal dumpster fires compared to their private counter parts. Inefficient. Years behind in technology. Weighted down by nepotism and typical government employees.

It was such a relief when I knew I was assigned to a private sector dump where things just fucking worked because people just let it work.


Yes!! We’re not perfect but we’re MILES better


I haven’t been back to Reddit in months, and maybe Reddit’s gotten worse since then, but Lemmy’s far worse than Reddit was when I left it. I stay here because I like the idea of the Fediverse, but this community is absolute garbage.


It isn’t about being better trash, it’s about who controls the dump. I want to be able to view all trash in the way I choose. Not certain piles of trash that I’m forced view in a way that I can’t choose on my own.

@registrert@lemmy.sambands.net avatar

Yes, I unapologetically think we’re better for using Lemmy than reddit.


there’s a typo in your meme, op. The URL is supposed to look something like that

<span style="color:#323232;"> https://lemmy.ml/...

At least we know this situation will never occur in Lemmy because everyone would just jump to another instance - the joy of decentralised media.



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  • Sir_Fridge,

    Look if reddit has the most useful information on a google search then reddit it is. Doesn’t mean I’m actively browsing it.


    Yep, right now, using a search engine with Reddit in the query is still the best option to find an answer to something. Maybe Lemmy fits that in time, but until then, Reddit it is.

    @registrert@lemmy.sambands.net avatar

    IMO no, there’s always a ton of (USER DELETED THIS COMMENT) or (COMMENT WAS REMOVED) or whatever. It’s like a Swiss cheese there. Sure reddit often shows up when you use websearch but if you specifically look towards reddit for answers? I don’t think that’s an efficient way to find good answers, although it might be a good way to find the answers you like.


    I still start my search with site:reddit.com when looking for an answer. I just prefer opening the cached hits so that traffic doesn’t go to reddit but Google instead. Not like there weren’t problems with Google, but this is the closest I can get to “punishing” Reddit but also getting an answer to my question.



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  • Littleborat,

    Their app is such a pain though. Nofap challenge imposed by reddit. I am on day 30 already.


    I relapsed when I found out you can patch in your own key to still use third party apps 😬


    Can I use RIF?

    @registrert@lemmy.sambands.net avatar

    I suppose the data farmers administration saw that the chains of addiction wasn’t strong enough to overcome your dislike of the systematic abuse and had to lower the amount of psychological tricks to keep you coming back.

    People who uses both reddit and lemmy, mastodon and twitter, facebook and friendica… Unless you’re doing it to harvest content for the fediverse, you might as well just stay on the mainstream platforms.

    We’ll never be able to compete with the rest of the world until people leave those platforms and come here. So what do you gain from being on the fediverse? It’s slow, filled with stranger people, doesn’t have all that juice content you crave. It’s just people who are willing to make some sacrifices to work towards a better internet.

    @orsetto@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

    maybe the fediverse is a nice place, while the mainstream platforms are just for dopamine



    This is a classy way of saying porn


    Sure, but not only.




    You’ve got my attention. Lack of third party apps is what keeps me away…


    How do I patch my key into RiF?


    If you moderated a sub before the API ban and used the Boost app, then Boost still works for you. Thank god for my tiny sub.


    I went from 100+ subs down to just 9, but some communities simply don’t exist in lemmy.

    @c0mbatbag3l@lemmy.world avatar

    Most of the niche subs don’t have equivalents here.

    @squiblet@kbin.social avatar

    Same. Their reasoning and the warning in general make no sense. Why would it be safer to view “unreviewed content” (wetf that means) in their app vs a browser?

    @idunnololz@lemmy.world avatar

    Because the app is so packed with ads, you won’t be viewing any content anyways.


    I despise whoever made new Reddit. You can only view comment chains two levels deep in new Reddit, then replies at one level, which means you need to constantly keep loading a new page and ads to see each reply in a thread.

    Who the hell thought of that? It’s a horrible UX.


    Lol that’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. But I can tell you who thought of it, easily. The people optimizing the ad revenue. UX isn’t their focus, but boosting profits is.


    Is it going to boost profits though? This sort of thing is always presented as an easy way to boost ad revenue but when you’re selling ads at the volume reddit is I would have thought click-through rate would be king and it’s going to decimate that.


    I’m sure if there’s one thing they’ve really gotten the hang of, it’s optimizing advertising profits. They explicitly said they’re killing third party apps because they want to sell user data. (In so many words). I can’t imagine they hadn’t thought of what makes them money. I imagine, actually, it’s what 95% OF their focus has gone toward recently.

    @kubica@kbin.social avatar

    I remember the redesign feedback subreddit. Any small suggestion was attacked by dozens of bootlickers. And here we are now.


    Changes to reddit are what brought me here. Once old.reddit.com disappears I will be completely done with it.


    I was not able to use it 2 or 3 days ago. I assumed they killed already but it was probably an issue with the work’s firewall then


    There’s also beta.reddit.com


    What’s the differences here?


    What’s the differences here?

    @Metal_Zealot@lemmy.ml avatar

    Lol you went back for the porn


    If Lemmy was better for Porn Reddit would’ve been abandoned by now.

    @Zehzin@lemmy.world avatar

    Give them a break, porn on the internet is notoriously difficult to find.

    @Sheeple@lemmy.world avatar

    The sad thing is that this is the reason they’re planning to shut down oldreddit


    Tbh i was surprised that it is still up. Aren’t they affected by the API pricing or something


    It’s part of reddit, the api debacle was for 3rd party api users.


    old.reddit is just the official website with the old layout from before they redesigned their front end ui. It’s part of Reddit’s official website that they kept around because so many people hate the redesign, it’s not a 3rd party and therefore not affected by any pricing policies.


    Thank You, kind stranger(s)


    Oh, damn…

    Rare for me to use, but sucks option is being removed.

    I know embedded is an option, and other front ends.

    What do y’all use in the rare chance you see a reddit source?


    Ignore it


    Yes, that is becoming the norm, similar to websites that want adblock removed or signin popups.

    Aside from lemmy what do you use for info. and other?





    I was thinking more like:



    Teddit’s also good, but I prefer libreddit’s UI


    You can use farside.link to automatically redirect to working instances but it’s very hit or miss for reddit

    Sometimes you have to try it five or more times


    Are you guys only rarely seeing Reddit sources on lemmy? With these shitty lemmit bots inundating this site with literally just links to Reddit without even any preview, I’m seeing almost exclusively Reddit links. It’s honestly make me rethink using lemmy recently.


    I blocked those bots.


    Those bots are worth blocking. There never appears to be any discussion on the posts, so you won’t miss anything.


    Honestly, there are a few communities that rely on it—the more meme/picture-centric and the advice-centric ones—that I don’t want to completely block out. So I’ve been going and blocking the communities that flood my feed with minutes-old Reddit posts that don’t even offer the text to read or a picture to look at. I will say as well, I don’t know what causes one to include text but not the other, but I do also enjoy reading some of those insane stories posted on some subreddit I never subscribed to like relationship advice or drugs stories or something. There’s some wild shit. I don’t need the conversation in the comments to enjoy the batshit story


    I stopped using reddit on mobile after the api debacle. Once old reddit is done, I won’t be visiting on my desktop either. The redesign is and always has been trash.


    I literally predicted that old.reddit.com would shut down in 6 months after u/spez said it’s not going anywhere, just like Apollo. I wasn’t sure how seriously to take this but I think I will be pretty close.


    What’s sad about it? Reddit is garbage. Get off it and stop using it.


    The day they kill old reddit will be the end of reddit for me.

    @gnomesaiyan@lemmy.world avatar

    The day they kill old reddit will be the end of reddit itself. A lot of moderators depend on the older interface (along with RES) to manage their communities. Imagine trying to mod with reddit’s current interface.


    Well they already did that when shutting down the API. And yet they try to keep that thing alive in most subs.


    Killing the API made modding on mobile harder, but it mostly didn’t affect desktop mod tools. Killing old.reddit would be a huge deal.


    I thought it did though. Thats what the mods at least told.


    Why is it not the end already? Drop it, move on, you will be better off for you might even realise how much of a problem you have


    Thanks mom, I will.


    Your mental health matters dear. Eat plenty of greens and no more reddit!


    Can you get me some Capt’n crunch on your way back home? Pretty please??

    @Lev_Astov@lemmy.world avatar

    Wtf does “unreviewed” even mean? Are they waiting for some board to approve communities now?


    I usually see that on subreddits with LGBT focused content.

    @HiddenLayer5@lemmy.ml avatar

    It’s basically corporate speak for “fuck you use our app”

    @NutWrench@lemmy.ml avatar

    A big part of getting you to use their app is to data mine EVERYTHING about you. Unlike a web browser with an ad-blocker, an app can collect your location, location history, your call logs, your contact list and serve up unlockable ads.

    @vox@sopuli.xyz avatar

    google ads can easily be dns blocked, about reddit ads… yeah.
    there’s a reason why I’ve been using an unofficial client.



    @registrert@lemmy.sambands.net avatar

    NewPipe with Sponsor block, autoskips intros, in-video ads, promotional segments, outros.


    I mean Reddit revanced.

    @registrert@lemmy.sambands.net avatar

    Oh. Well, can I recommend NewPipe with Sponsorblock for your video perusal then? It also supports PeerTube instances, so it’s also a Fediverse video client! :D

    @registrert@lemmy.sambands.net avatar

    There’s better phone operating systems around, I can firewall apps completely or lock them to use VPN only. And with android finally getting better permission controls, I can individually approve all of those datapoints you listed.


    That’s great and everybody should do that, but it’s beside the point that an app running code on your device is there. It’s even better to do all of the above and still not use the bullshit apps when there is a website available.

    I use GrapheneOS and I still don’t install anybody’s app. Discounts on hamburgers with an app? Fuck that. No app for you.

    Actually yeah I do install some apps, but most are open source from F-Droid.


    Stop using reddit


    Tell that to all the amateur porn creators! Lemmy is severely lacking content in that category unfortunately


    lemmynsfw.com is growing pretty quick, though the number of reposts is pretty high.

    @FartsWithAnAccent@lemmy.world avatar

    Don’t visit their stupid website


    We don’t go to Ravenholm.


    ❌ Anyway…

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