samus12345, avatar
Steveanonymous, avatar

This is exactly how it feels


That’s why you look them dead in the eye as you do it.

“I know exactly what I’m doing, and if you’ve got a problem with your pay, go talk to your boss.”


And the tip defaults to 20%… and a lot of times there’s no service involved, or it’s before service is provided.

PatFussy, (edited )

Tipping culture is just a way that disproportionally affects workers in such a way that there should be a mathematical equation that compares titty size of the waitress to how much you will tip. Theres a reason why people think there is misandry in fields that require tipping. I try to not tip whenever I can unless I am friends with the people there. Why? Chances are, you get paid a minimum of 10+ an hour wage and you get pissy if I even think you didn’t deserve that cherry on top. No I dont want to pay you more than I make an hour for serving my food. Its not up to me to decide how much you deserve for your efforts. Yes Ill be bitter, i dont care, i fucking hate tipping culture. Ill fight anyone that thinks otherwise… in a videogame of course.

Edit: also I want to give a shout out to BJs for being the most toxic environments for tipping. They only allow electronic payments on some proprietary website and it auto adds 20% and they cross their fingers hopeing you didnt see. Then it asks if you would want to tip ON TOP of that. If you bring it up to staff they will actually announce that you arent tipping. Like fuck you guys

SexualPolytope, (edited ) avatar

I agree, I don’t like to tip for blowjobs either. I also prefer to pay by cash for those.

Seriously though, I don’t think I tip based on attractiveness. But I do tend to tip more as I get more drunk. A few of my friends even check how much I’m tipping if they think I’m too drunk and tell me to lower it. They’ve probably saved me around $100 in the last few months lol.


It gets easier the more you do it. Don’t feel bad for not giving away the money you own.


It would be better if the workers were actually paid enough.


They get paid what they get paid. Get another job if it doesn’t pay enough.


You’re not wrong, but I’m sure as hell not subsidizing it.


The workers are paid enough. Other people are still tipping and most tipped workers prefer the tipping system over an actual livable wage because they make more in tips.


You could try feeling bad for your server who can’t pay their rent or buy groceries because you decided they don’t deserve money for their work. Whether you like it or not, that’s the reality, and it’s as real as anything can ever be when you work all day and don’t make enough money to buy yourself a meal.


It seems fairly presumptuous of you to assume that your server can’t pay their rent or buy groceries, especially when the servers make more off of tips than most people make with their hourly wage. And I’m not sure where you think it’s my decision whether they deserve money for their work, I’m not their employer. It seems to me like you think customers should not only pay for something but should also pay the employees serving it to them. Where does the responsibility come in for the employer? Also, at some point personal responsibility comes into play, you can’t expect everyone to give you handouts all the time.


I worked in fine dining for 10 years. So no, it’s not presumptuous of me because I am speaking from personal experience based on my own life as well as many, many people I have known. I’d say that I’m one of the least presumptuous people in this thread when it comes to this topic.

It would be great if employers would pay servers a living wage, but that simply isn’t the way things actually work in restaurants.

Personal responsibility? Handouts??! Tell you what, how about you go to work for 8 hours every day and then have your business’s clients decide whether or not you deserve any money at all for the work you do. Would you say you’re just asking for a handout, or would you say that you deserve to be paid for the work you did?


I would be questioning why I expect my clients to pay me when that’s what my employer does.


Why am I not surprised with your total lack of empathy?

If you don’t like tipping and actually believe that people should be paid for the work they do, then don’t eat at restaurants. Show those restaurant owners why they should pay people, and be the change you want to see in the world. Otherwise, you’re just an asshole.


I certainly have empathy, it’s just located in a different spot than yours. We both want the same thing, servers to get what they deserve. You though think that I customer should pay the wages of an employee which makes absolutely no sense to me. To me the employer, the one that actually making money, should be the one to pay their employee. I’m just trying to figure out why you think the way you do.


I was never trying to justify the arrangement where the employer doesn’t pay the employee. However, the reality of the situation is that it doesn’t happen that way. In the U.S., at least, servers make their living almost exclusively by being tipped. Yeah, it’s shitty of employers not to offer a better wage, but it’s equally shitty for people to go to restaurants–fully aware that servers need tips to make ends meet–without tipping servers.


The thing is, it’s your BUSINESS’s clients, not yours. You said so yourself just now. You work for the business, which sells services to the clients. At no point the clients should pay you directly.

Using my profession as a software developer (and putting aside the salary of a developer because I know it’s not comparable in terms of salaries, but bear with me for the sake of the example) - sometimes clients pay money for new features that they want our service to have. I do all the work of researching it, understanding the requirements, I design the feature, write code for it, do automation tests for it, deploy it, and enable it - all for my client. It took me 3 months.

But hey, I did all that and the client never paid me. They paid the place I work for. How come? I would love to get 15% of the money the customer paid. But it’s just not happening. I do not get a tip.

But that’s fine. Because this is how it works in almost all industries. A client pays the business. The business hires workers and pays them. The workers keep the place running by doing their jobs which ends up in sales.

We (as a society) don’t pay tips to a doctor doing a physical exam on us. We don’t pay tips to a city worker approving our registrations. We don’t pay tips to a university professor teaching us a course. Those all examples of professions that include some kind of a frontal service to clients, yet they never expect it either, because they get properly paid by the workplace.

Now, it is not the same for waiters and bartenders. They expect tips. You are a jerk and rude if you don’t tip, and we don’t want you here. Don’t you dare give our business money if you aren’t going to give some of it to us as well.

So why is this so different from the other professions? I would wager the main issue stems from the terrible minimum wages, forcing waiters so look for alternatives. The alternatives ended up being very good for the employers, so they reinforced it and made it the standard. The more they can convince everyone to tip, the more they shift the “pay the worker” part of the business to the client. Suddenly the client is paying for both the service they bought AND the worker. The business is very happy that they get to keep more money to themselves and the responsibility is now the client’s.

It has now became so normalized in USA that people will fight to keep this new normal. Instead people should strive to make those businesses work just like any other business by giving them fair wages.


I basically agree with your point of view, but the fact of the matter is that the way servers are paid is an exception to the rule. It’s unlike other businesses, and even on a federal level the wage laws are different specifically for servers.

It’s an issue that’s a lot more complex to solve than just stiffing your server and saying, “I’ve done my part to fix things!”


Oh, for sure. It’s not something you, I, or just any group of people can change. It needs to change from upside down.

The issue is that changes like that don’t happen unless they are almost forced to by really big groups demanding it.

obinice, avatar

I recently had a pretty crappy experience at a restaurant for a few reasons, the last being their tipping system. You won’t believe how they asked me to tip, it was mad.

  1. There was no menu, I had to Google their name and find their website (which was some obscure subdomain on some obscure food payment site).
  2. Their site didn’t work in Chrome (on any of the phones we had with us), luckily I had a backup browser installed that worked.
  3. I had to order and pay on my phone, unable to use the cash I had budgeted and brought with me for the meal.
  4. It asked me how much I would like to tip, but this is paying DURING MY ORDER, when I had not yet received any service or food. I chose not to tip.

Tipping, here in the UK, is only something you do when you were very happy with the service (and have the extra cash you don’t mind giving away as charity, basically). Our waiters, as with every worker in the country, are paid a real wage that isn’t designed to be subsidised by begging.

So, being asked to tip for the good service BEFORE receiving the service? That’s INSANE.

Due to the various ridiculous issues we had just trying to order food and pay for it, and the audacity of being asked to tip that way, I will not be going back there again.

What’s wrong with the tried and true system of a waiter taking your order, you eat, they take your payment at the table either with a normal wireless chip-and-pin machine or by cash, and then you leave? It’s simple, easy, smooth and fast 🤦‍♀️

BackOnMyBS, avatar

Yeah, that tipping before service idea has to be costing business. There are several places I avoid because they request tip before service. My local Foxtail coffee shop is one of those places, and the lowest tip option is 15%. On the 3 times I have tipped, they still gave me subpar service. Like, they didn’t even do the bare minimum, let alone anything exceptional.


Of course - what’s the incentive? They got the tip money without having to do anything.

BackOnMyBS, avatar

I was assuming that they would have a commitment to earning that tip because of personal integrity and that they would expect to receive more tips in the future when I return.


I understand where you are coming from, but haven’t there been locales in the past where you tipped before service to let your server know you are magnanimous?

I could be wrong, but I swear I read this in a European travel guide from the late 90s.


Tipping is why I carry cash for restaurants I don’t need to let the server know the number of audible beeps I’m hitting on the machine as they loom over me to guilt me into that 25% tip for whatever ungodly reason exists on the machine.


This is very occasionally popping up in restaurants in Australia. Whether you live here or travelling. Do not tip unless they did something incredible. I’m talking the fish brought your grandma back to life and the chef reconnected you with your long lost father. We don’t want to encourage tipping culture. We want to increase minimum wage. It’s like $23 now and we need that to keep growing with the economy.


Even if they did something incredible don’t tip because you paid $30 for avocado on toast anyway.


I think that one that is angry about paying 30 for avocado toast should make their own for five bucks and tip themselves.


I mean, that’s on you for agreeing to pay $30 for an avocado on toast.

I’m against (forced) tipping culture but the waiter is not at fault for the prices a restaurant sets up. If I saw the price and still decided to order it, I will definitely not fault the waiter for it.

Waiters that give great services gets tipped because I want to encourage waiters to give great service.


Fight it.

It’s bled into Canada like that as well and now it’s an expected thing in food service.

Cabs ask for tip here now. We have Pizza Delight out here with mandatory 15% tip after tax on thier buffet.



Y’all ain’t got any hidden charges laws?


Fairly certain it says “xx gratuity will be added to all delivery orders”, so it isn’t really hidden, just obscure until final check out.


I still think that should be illegal. The price should just be the price.


$23 is the national no award minimum, but the restaurant award mandates $29 for even a level 1 casual.

name_NULL111653, (edited )

$29 minimum!? ($18.40 in USD). In my state it’s $7.50 (USD), and most fast food workers like me get $11 after tips

Edit: For my line of work and hours it’s $11 and $12.70 on weekends in Australia (converted to USD)… Still a bit more than most fast food workers get in the U.S…


We also have free healthcare. You Americans are getting shafted from so many directions


I’m seriously considering immigrating elsewhere when I’ve finished university… It’s nearly unlivable here.

noobdoomguy8658, avatar

Do as soon as you can if you want to - coming back is often an option. It’s a lot more difficult to courage up to later on life, when you tend to have much more connections and emotions to whatever you’re about to leave.

It’s not always a bad thing to stay, of course, people have their reasons to both proceed with emigration and shaking it off, but it’s much easier the sooner you go with it.


Thank you. I vaguely remember almost 30 but can’t remember what context that was so didn’t want to overstate.


Yeah I always try to bring up our award to shut down the “but the well tipped waiters will lose money if you mandate a minimum wage” argument.

As though a minimum wage has to stay $7.

Our waitstaff get $35/hr on weekends and somehow we still have enough small cafes to bankrupt Starbucks.


In America you can break your back at a fancy restaurant and they’re legally allowed to pay you like less than $5 because of tipping culture, or you can work fast food and they’re legally allowed to pay you $7.25 and you will never get tips. I’m amazed every day I wake up that we haven’t begun another revolution.

AllNewTypeFace, avatar

If you’re in Europe, the UK or Australia: fair enough If you’re in the US: that’s low.


Dear god why has the tipping post virus migrated from Reddit. JFK just don’t tip—it’s okay. I worked as a waiter for 5 years, we literally don’t even pause to think when we get stiffed. Nobody cares.


My brother is a waiter and I had to listen to a rant about how cheap people are by sometimes tipping “only” 20%. He works at a nice place too with large checks.


Bullshit as somebody dating a server a couple groups stiffing her is the difference between if it was worth it to go to work or not.

If you can’t tip don’t go to a sit down restaurant. The servers there are making less than minimum wage if you don’t tip. If the server has to pay for childcare they can literally work all day and lose money if you’ve decided you’re not going to tip

john_browns_beard, avatar

Seriously, if you can’t afford to tip your servers at a sit-down restaurant (in places that pay below minimum wage for servers), then you can’t afford to eat there. It’s not some life hack, you’re just being a piece of shit and the only thing you are accomplishing is fucking over your fellow worker. If you don’t want to tip, don’t eat at places with table service.

EveryMuffinIsNowEncrypted, (edited )

Jesus, there’s a lot of hate for workers in this thread… 😬

Edit: I understand why employers do this, but the fact is they DO do it, and denying tips isn’t going to make employers pay their workers more money. They only understand money, not sympathy, and all you’re doing is taking away the employees’ money, not theirs. If it’s not hurting them, they’re not going to raise wages because they simply don’t care.

So while one stands there refusing to tip out of a (not entirely incorrect) philosophical viewpoint, those workers reliant on tips will be starving because without said tips they can’t afford rent let alone food.

In other words, I agree with the general logic behind the conclusion but not the specific logic.


Making the employers pay the employees more money? Great!

Attempting to do it by hurting the employees but not the employer? Not so great!


Tips are an unnecessary evil.


I worked in food service and retail for a long time, not tipped. The idea that I have to leave a tip for putting my stuff in a bag and handing it to me is ludicrous to me. Employers can pay less because they can tell new hires they get tips.

Business owners need to pay their damn employees and stop using the registers to beg customers for more money.


Business owners need to pay their damn employees and stop using the registers to beg customers for more money.

And how exactly are you getting that message across by stiffing your fellow workers? Business owner makes the same money regardless.

I always tip. Not because the service was good or whatever. No one should have to earn a living being a circus monkey. Everyone deserves dignity at work. And everyone deserves a living wage.

By not supporting the worker, you’re playing into the game set up ny business owners and CEOs which is to foster an environment of in-fighting of the working class so they can continue to hoard wealth they don’t need.

So yeah, I’ll always tip and then I give grief to the owner to pay their employees as you say. Because it’s them who sets up that worker-on-worker fight club because that’s where the grief needs to go. Not the person trying to live on meager wages and deal with shitty customers.


And this, folks, is why tipping culture continues to get worse.


“Tipping culture” is a very reductive way to describe a living wage, but sure. Go you.


Tipping culture and living wage are not the same thing at all. It’s the owner’s responsibility to pay a living wage.

Plenty of places, even in retail and food service, pay a living wage without resorting to using the registers to beg.


So yeah, I’ll always tip and then I give grief to the owner to pay their employees as you say

Why would they pay their employees, if you are doing exactly what they want you? You always tip, so they always don’t have to pay it out of their own pockets.

I’m sure the owners keep saying “yes I’m so sorry I’ll consider it” and once they’re out of your sight they grin and think of it not a second more.


Because giving grief to the workers doesn’t trickle up to the owners. They make the same money regardless.

You can give shit to the owners while making sure workers make a living wage. These things are not related.

If you don’t want to tip, then don’t tip. But still give grief to the owners. If everyone shit on the owners as much as the staff things would change.


I can guarantee you that giving grief to the owners does nothing at all and changes nothing.

You cannot hope that people telling owners “this is bad I don’t like it at all” while still paying will change anything. It’s not how the world works.


Don’t make excuses for employers and shift the blame to customers. Missing out on W2 wages means that you are not going to have any social security in retirement unless you actually declare all your tips.


Yeah, I wasn’t. Read the edit.


I think I’m in the smallest minority, but I haven’t tipped in close to a decade. When people ask me why, I answer with the question "when was the last time you tipped your grocer l, fast food window attendant or the person at the hardware store that brought out your 100lbs of lumber? " answer is always never and I say exactly.


Are you going to like sit down restaurants in America though?.. cuz those people make around $3 an hour most places with no benefits. I don’t approve of the system but please don’t go to a fine dining establishment and stiff the waiter. It’s fucked up.


They make minimum wage, if you make more than minimum with tips you make $3 or whatever plus your tips, if you don’t get any tips your employer covers the difference.


Minimum wage, which is $7.25/hour, and not even close to the bare minimum to be able to survive, because it hasn’t been raised in nearly 15 years!

Fuck off with that logic. If you go to a nice restaurant in the U.S. and you don’t tip, you’re a fucking scumbag. No doubt.


Minimum wage, which is $7.25/hour, and not even close to the bare minimum to be able to survive, because it hasn’t been raised in nearly 15 years!

This is the real issue and the core of it that needs to be fixed. That is unacceptable. People should pressure for raising the minimum wage to livable terms instead of using roundabout systems that don’t fix the issue and just shifts it around.


Yeah, it’s a huge problem. Yet, here in the U.S., Biden tried to raise the minimum wage to $15/hour when he first got in office and Republicans shot him down. Our problem is that we have an entire political party that is hellbent on harming the average person at every turn, and we have too many uneducated, misinformed people voting for them to do it.


Nah. If the service is great I’ll give 15% and that’s about it.

If the service is anything less, no tip. Like why would I give extra beyond what my meal costs for no reason?

  1. 15% is low. So, what you’re saying is that you’re always a bad tipper.
  2. There are tons of factors that can make a good server give bad service. A kitchen that’s lagging behind, for example, is totally out of their control. Another table that demands a lot of attention can also throw off service. You’ve clearly never worked in a restaurant.
  3. Most people tip because they’re not heartless. I don’t think their reasoning applies to you.
Stumblinbear, avatar

While this is absolutely correct, it should be noted that if you don’t make enough in tips you’re probably going to get fired and replaced, haha


Minimum wage isn’t even close to survivable in most states…


Not American. But even if I were, no I wouldn’t tip. It’s not my responsibility to pay someone’s wage while the business opens up at another 2 locations in my city

Goo_bubbs, (edited )

When was the last time you worked and didn’t get paid for it? Why do you feel like you’re justified to come to a person’s place of work and make them be at your beck and call, but you don’t think that these servants deserve their own food or livelihood?

There’s nothing intelligent or admirable about this behavior. Quite the contrary, it’s simply a disgusting lack of respect for other human beings.


Or maybe if everybody stopped tipping and workers went on strike, businesses might actually be forced to pay a living wage instead of telling their employees to beg to get enough money to put food on the table?


Yeah. Punish the people who are living hand to mouth every single day by making them too poor to refuse any work they can get. That oughta teach them not to accept their slave labor. /S


Hand to mouth? lol you haven’t met my ex who was a waitress at a mid level sit down restaurant.

That bitch was competing nicely with me on income back then when I was a junior software developer.

Not everyone working in food service is one day away from a homeless shelter.


And some of them are. It’s dumb to make assumptions about an entire profession whose wages vary greatly from city to city based on one person you knew.

You ever see a person break down crying on the job because they’re not making enough money and don’t know how they’re going to eat? I have, several times.


Yes and if everyone agreed to just stop fighting we’d have world peace but we’re talking about actually achievable goals.


So you agree that they should be paid a living wage. I believe the employer should pay them enough, not customer to pay them on top of the already paying for the food.


Yes, I agree with you. They should be able to make a living wage. Unfortunately, when you refuse to tip you don’t hurt the owner. Instead, you hurt the employee.


You do, but if no one would tip owners would compensate the employees because they must make at least minimum wage.

The fact of the matter is that owners get to pay his employees less by having customers pay for it instead. You can call it tips, but what is really is - it’s the money the employer should have gave them.

And then we can stop the entire ritual of shame and guilt where you tip just to not be judged by everyone around you for being “cheap”, even though you paid for the costs of the food you ordered.


Yes, it’s the money that the owner should have given them, but you’re not solving the problem by stiffing your waiter. You’re just going to make things worse for them.


And that’s the issue - the blame is shifted to the customers. Damned if you do (enforce this terrible system), damned if you don’t (make waiters have less money).

The change need to be systematic and from the root. But it will never happen with so many just accepting the system, and so many more defending it so strongly.


It’s really a cultural problem, and there’s no easy solution. I certainly don’t know how to fix it. I think it would require everyone not tipping or every server everywhere demanding a higher wage.

Honestly, I hate tipping as much as the next guy. If I decide to tip someone I should be able to feel good about it, like I’m giving them a bonus, rather than feeling guilt-tripped or obligated to do it.

Unfortunately, the system is just set up in a way that sucks for both customers and employees, and the only way you can eat in a nice restaurant and not be an asshole is by tipping your server.


Boycot the restaurant


I never implied it was “admirable”. I shouldn’t have to supplement a workers shitty pay, so I don’t. What makes a waiter/waitress more entitled to a tip over someone who stocks shelves at a grocery store or works in the fast food industry? Also I’m not American, shocking I know. If an employer isn’t going to pay their staff a proper wage in your country then that’s between the employer and employee


Ok, so stay out of American restaurants. We don’t want you in them.


Typical American, grouping an entire nation into a personal opinion. Well done.

Goo_bubbs, (edited )

Do you work for free? What if someone came to the place where you work and demanded that you work for them for free? Because that’s exactly what you’re doing to servers in America if you aren’t tipping them, and I can assure you that no one on the planet wants to work without pay. It is not a personal opinion, it’s an objective fact.

Also, I’d like to point out the hilarious irony of you making a blanket statement about all Americans by claiming that’s what Americans do. The projection is palpable.


I said typical, as in average or stereotype. Was more a jab/joke than anything, but you do you. Again, it’s not my responsibility to make up for shit pay. So instead of being mad at how fundamentally broken the system is, you’re mad at people who don’t tip a very specific industry/job. You’re really something. Well done.


You’re the one who’s convinced himself that he’s justified in forcing people to work without pay, because you’ve decided it shouldn’t be the way it really is. In other words, a real (entitled) goddamn asshole. If there’s a hell, I sincerely hope that you end up in it, being forced to work for free every day for eternity. It’s what you’ve done to others, so you’ve fucking earned it.


They get paid. It’s in this thread multiple times from multiple people. There’s likely a special place for me in hell, I won’t argue that. But I hope you have enough self reflection to realize corporate ball suckers like yourself also have a special place down there with me. Have a great day.

Goo_bubbs, (edited )

Once again, you’re not fighting corporations, owners, “the man”, etc. You’re hurting workers.


You’re only talking about one side of the coin. If the corps, owners, “the man”, etc. Paid living wages tips wouldn’t, in your opinion, “need” to exist. But since you aren’t able to grasp the bigger picture I think we’re done here. Have yourself a wonderful day.

wildeaboutoskar, avatar

It depends on where they’re from though. Outside of America we don’t have such a reliance on tipping


That is true. I’m really only talking about America in this context.


I don’t tip, but that’s achieved by never doing anything where tipping is expected.


Just wait until you get a tip prompt on a self-checkout kiosk.




Yeah, it’s happened to me a couple of times.


You mean robotip?


That’s when you tip yourself for your diligent work bagging groceries by not scanning a thing or two.


I pre-ordered a pair of shoes online and the website asked for a tip.

In Australia.

Mindfury, avatar

name and shame mate


Jennens, they’re platform shoes to give me a few extra inches in height.

Guess “name and shame” might be particularly accurate here

Mindfury, avatar

bruh didn’t meant to put you on the spot. no shame though, get those lifts - the boots look nice.

still incredibly fucked for a web retailer of any kind to even have a tipping option, let alone for clothing. like what am I paying extra for? the privilege of browsing your fucking stock?

Dan68, avatar

I order through Favor regularly and tip generous.




Me, reaching over from the POS side paying for the transaction I’m ringing up, leaving no tip for myself

EmperorHenry, avatar

That tip won’t go to the person serving you anyway


This is why I almost never tip on my card and almost always tip in cash.

unceme, avatar

Oml yes it does. Some always gets taken which is super fucked up but they make up part of the wage. 60% of my income is tips and that’s how most American service workers are. Please tip. It’s a shitty system but it’s the system. You’re not rebelling by hitting no tip.


You should bring this up with your boss, not the customers. Remember it’s your boss who is responsible for paying you.

Just another example of working class people being blamed for a problem created by the owning class.


Honestly I do tip but I realize that tipping is a scam. The only way to stop it is to stop tipping as a whole. Also note that you have to get at least minimum wage even if your tips don’t get you there. Depending on where you are, they have to still fully pay your hourly wage. Additionally taking any percentage of your tips is illegal in some places as well.

We need to stand up and all stop tipping.

unceme, avatar

The employer doesn’t care if you don’t tip. All you’re doing is shafting the workers.


Employers have to pay the employees if the tips don’t make at least minimum wage.

EmperorHenry, avatar

I’m not giving a tip to a robot.

If I give a tip, I’ll give it in cash to the person that served me. Never through a medium that your boss can control.

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