
New cyberpunk future just dropped:

Companies mimic existing console terms and agreement whereby their products are still their property despite you having bought them, and can now demand ownership over fetuses as they are now at least 1% company property. WW3 will be between the Applings, Googlers and Amazonites. Personally I’m rooting for Amazon because out of those three they’ve already gone the cool route with how they’ve mentally roboticized their work force; exchanging parts of their bodies with actual machine parts is just the next logical step and will help them do their jobs better and faster. The Googlers will still have an edge because they know where everything is, and they know how it all works. The Applings? They’re the scrappy underdogs just like they are today; no one thinks Apple can keep up and they keep dicing with death but keep winning even though the odds have been stacked against them; Apple’s the plucky underdog it’s always been, coming up with brand new gadgets every single time.

Honestly corporations keep showing us a brighter and cooler future! If we’re lucky, blade runner and cyberpunk 2077 will just be the tip of the iceberg.

The secret in all this though? Everyone cuts a deal with the Nestlers; they’ll own all the water, and that water? Primary source of fetus microplastics; you want to tip the tides in favor of a new legion of Applings in twenty years? You grease the Nestler palm.


Does that make them a cyborg?


Or recyclable trash

@Ponder@lemmy.world avatar

Might wanna stop force-feeding animals plastic and killing them and eating their bodies. idk just a suggestion.


It’s in plants too unfortunately.


What if the perceived increase in numbers of androgenous and trans people has a chemical basis: chemicals from plastics interfering with the endocrine system.


@good_girl@hexbear.net avatar

microplastics made me bimbo-brained


Holy shit, how is this not a super high priority right now? Not because of trans people but the conclusion that microplastics interfere with hormones seems super fucked up


Actually, this is genius. Get the right wing climate change deniers to fight climate change by telling them that microplastics will turn their Chad of a son into a sissy girl


Haha, somebody go post this information in some right wing forums!

Are micro plastics responsible for your micro penis? Are they responsible for those trans people you seem to be so afraid of? Stop microplasitcs before they stop America from becoming the greatness that it never wasn’t!


Most right wingers seem to be against polluting nature and ocean though, its the co2 stuff thats a harder sell


transgenderism has been a prominent aspect of virtually all human cultures dating back to the dawn of civilization. it wasn’t until the Victorian era and colonialism that it was demonized. it’s not some new phenomena caused by microplastics


Yeah, but it’s possible the chances of it occuring are increased with micro plastics. Kinda like how exposure to some chemicals used in plastics seems to increase the likelihood of a child having ADHD. It’s not the sole reason, nor are trans people new, but micro plastics might make trans people more common.


Current demographic information seems to suggest that transgender people are no more frequent than they have been historically, just more visible / likely to come out.

@noobdoomguy8658@feddit.de avatar

This. I’ve seen more people come out as a part of some minority in last several years than, say, in 2000s in general, and that’s not a time span during which any alleged and meaningful genetic or biological changes could play a role. It’s just a much better and safer time to come out compared to everything before.


Almost exactly the same kind of situation with mental illnesses such as Autism or ADHD, you see people scream that the rates are rising and trying to pin it on external factors without even considering that the medical diagnosis/process and tracking of all of that has consistently improved, it just makes sense we’d be seeing more examples as previously undiagnosed “weird” people are able to diagnosed.

@noobdoomguy8658@feddit.de avatar

mental illnesses such as Autism or ADHD

These aren’t really illnesses, though. Think of it as of being left- or right-handed - it’s your brain functioning in a different way, but not a pathological one.

Jakeroxs, (edited )

Eh, they consider it a-typical, it’s basically considered a mental illness. “neurotypical”

Let me clarify to say, I don’t think there’s inherently anything actually “wrong” with non-neuotypical folks, I have ADD for sure and I know it’s definitely an impediment to myself in various aspects of my life in ways neurotypicals also experience from time to time, but not on a near constant basis like some of the population.

Like most things in life, it’s a sliding scale :p


Why, that could only mean that micro plastics have always been around. /s

@FALGSConaut@hexbear.net avatar

Oh God was Alex Jones right?



He was somewhat lol, but of course uses the facts to twist it into a different narrative entirely, that’s what he do.

@erogenouswarzone@lemmy.ml avatar

I was reading What to expect before you’re expecting and it says to stay away from any food that comes in any kind of plastic, esp if the plastic container needs to be heated/re-heated.

It says when it gets into your blood stream your body thinks it’s estrogen.

The most fucked up part is the EPA says the risk is very low. Probably because plastics are literally everywhere, and banning them at this point would cause an economic catastrophe. Which it def would.


This is an article about BPAs, but they are just the tip of the iceberg of the phtalates - chemicals used to make plastic more durable.

@interolivary@beehaw.org avatar

What if the perceived increase in numbers of androgenous and trans people has a chemical basis

I’d be willing to wager it’s mostly due to it being safer to be “out” than it was just a few decades ago. Speaking as a 40-odd trans person, growing up in the 80’s meant a much higher chance of getting your ass kicked or worse by your “peers” if you stepped out of line when it came to gender expression. I’ve always been what I am now, it’s just that it’s been safe to actually do it “out loud”, at least for the past decade or so – that seems to be changing now that the right is radicalizing rapidly.


Pay attention to the “What if” part of this post. There is not enough evidence in this study to support the hypothesis.

@ondoyant@beehaw.org avatar

that’s far from what the study says. there is no research on the effects of plastic chemicals in human beings cited in the study, the vast majority of the data is in rats and mice. saying that its responsible for trans people requires some very large leaps of logic that aren’t supported by the data or the conclusion of the study.

we have a great deal of anthropological evidence that other cultures conceive of sex and gender in wildly differing ways, both through history and in the modern era. gender identity is a complex social and cultural phenomenon, not some essential trait of the human body with a basis in endocrine function. maybe i’m just sensitive to this shit, but i can’t see somebody making a claim like this without just fundamentally misunderstanding what being trans is.

@nevial@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

This has “they turn the freaking frogs gay” energy


Funny enough, I think that all started with a study about hormone mimicking plastics.


Well what do you expect us to do about it; completely change our way of living as we know it and have been choosing not to do so for the past 50 years?


not using plastic things one time and then throwing them away would be a good start…


Kinda sounds like you’re infringing on my rights, commie.


@stevedidWHAT@lemmy.world avatar

Just wait until we starting using these plastic eating bacteria they’ve been working on

• ᴗ •

@LoreleiSankTheShip@lemmy.ml avatar

Can’t wait for random plastic to start rotting so you need to replace them even more frequently!


Hopefully they don’t shit micro plastic

@c0mbatbag3l@lemmy.world avatar

Kinda defeats the entire purpose, wouldn’t it?


They mostly shit CO₂, which thankfully doesn’t cause any problems.


I can’t decide if that’d be better or worse. On the one hand, CO2 fucks up the planet. On the other hand, microplastics fuck up the planet. CO2 is making our planet hotter and less hospitable, while microplastics may be causing a wide variety of issues related to the endocrine system, learning disabilities, cancers, etc.

Then again, there are temporary, albiet extreme, solutions to our climate problems that could be enacted fairly quickly if it came to it. Not that I think world leaders would, they’d generally be very expensive and potentially cause their own ecological issues, but they could be done. However, if we discovered microplastics are the cause of a significant amount of the world’s ills, it’d take a while to get rid of it all, even with plastic-eating bacteria.


Because they will eat our flesh?


I’m sure pro-life people will get right on this

@stevedidWHAT@lemmy.world avatar

Plan B = recycling? 🤔

@nik282000@lemmy.ml avatar

A pipe dream invented by DuPont to make people not feel bad about throwing away plastic!

@stevedidWHAT@lemmy.world avatar

Good reminder


You forgot that Japanese scientists found out that microplastics are in clouds ☁️ aswell.


Hour long video.



Check this link : www.summarize.tech/youtu.be/vocvz6N6faI?si=kRRqd6…

Or if you’re lazy :

00:00:00 - 01:00:00 In this YouTube video titled “Microplastics, Public Health Myth or Menace,” the speaker presents a balanced perspective on the growing concern over microplastics. They acknowledge the global issue of plastic waste but highlight that the majority of plastic waste is found in landfills rather than the oceans. The speaker argues that the current understanding and potential risks associated with microplastics are based on preliminary data, and presenting them as a major threat without concrete evidence could damage their reputation. However, the speaker also acknowledges the presence of microplastics in various environmental sources, and while the evidence regarding their impact on human health is limited, more comprehensive studies are needed to determine their effects. The speaker concludes by emphasizing the need for responsible waste management practices and the consideration of the chemicals carried by microplastics in assessing their potential impact on health.

01:00:00 - 01:00:00 The speaker raises concerns about the inconsistency in addressing the issue of microplastics, highlighting how some bans were implemented without evidence of health impacts, while other important issues are overlooked. They stress the global need to address waste and caution researchers to be careful in presenting their findings to avoid misleading the public. They emphasize the importance of influencing politicians to take immediate action and integrate solutions into larger agendas. The speaker concludes by emphasizing the urgency of the problem and the need for long-term responses.

@ComradeKhoumrag@infosec.pub avatar

We have absolutely no idea what (if anything) micro plastics will do now that they’re small enough to get through the blood brain barrier. Could be harmless, could be like how led was seemingly innocuous

Aiastarei, (edited )

Yes and it is being thoroughly investigated, as it should be. But so far nothing has been found, so sensationalism is only detrimental as:

  • it takes away focus from materials that have actually been found to be harmful
  • puts public pressure on researchers, and if they don’t find something quick it might be the end of the whole field, and then they might have difficulties funding research on future polymers
  • builds up anxiety about something we can’t do anything about (the plastics are there and they’re here to stay for a while)

The guy that warned from using lead on gas was shamed and made fun of so much he off’d himself.


😃 scientists genetically engineer a new bacteria that can digest plastics

😨 the bacteria escaped containment and is spreading prodigiously


Is that a thing or are you doing a bit?


Im always doing a bit


There ARE bacteria that can digest certain plastics.

“plastic” is just a catch-all term for polymers, but there are different kinds made of different materials. Your phone case isn’t the same plastic as a milk jug. (abs/PETG vs HDPE, their long science names don’t really matter it’s just to show the difference)

Over the decades, certain kinds of bacteria have been shown to eat certain plastics in the right conditions.

Unfortunately, it’s those “right conditions” that make large scale plastic disposal via bacteria not feasible right now.

I’m sure someone is barreling toward discovering a “this thing eats almost all polymers in normal outside temperatures” to make their company more profitable, while ignoring the fact that if it breaks out of their containment areas, “bacteria that can eat all your plastic things in a few weeks breaks containment, billions in damages already” could potentially hit the headlines within a month.

Yeah, that’s DoOmPoStInG but it’s a potential thing that could happen, and people are actively TRYING to make some of those things happen already, so it’s within possibility.


We low-level accidentally Day the Earth Stood Still remake Gort ourselves, basically?


Possibly… Unfortunately there won’t be an emotionless Keanu around to talk about being on a precipice to save us.


My biggest fear with plastic-eating bacteria is with electrical insulation or pipes. Like, okay, I can deal with the idea that my computer mouse might slowly break down overtime as a result of bacteria chewing on it. However, the last thing I want is a surprise house fire or surprise flood because bacteria have been chewing on the insulation or pipes in the walls.


The longer you think about it, the more you realize how much plastic is in EVERYTHING


Sorry guys I can’t join the raid tonight bacteria chewed my mother board


Grey goo is the future


Like a giant garbage disposal of dolphins?

@halfempty@kbin.social avatar

I saw today that they have found that over 80% of the microplastics in the ocean are from automobile tires.


Fuck cars


Clearly, someone already did, hence the microplastics in a fetus

@agentshags@sh.itjust.works avatar

I’ll get the dragons



@guyrocket@kbin.social avatar

I've been reading the wikipedia article, not through all of it yet.


Some highlights:
Bottled water has much higher microplastics content than tap water.

Coral can ingest microplastics

Waste water treatment plants filter out most (but not all) microbeads into sludge. Some places use that sludge as fertilizer for farms.

Microplastics are in stuff you would not guess. Paper coffee cups have a plastic liner. Clothes put off large amounts of microplastics when washed. Tires put off microplastics. Some exfoliants and other cosmetics contain microplastics as microbeads.



I’m guessing this is referring to synthetic fibers like acryllic and polyester?

@guyrocket@kbin.social avatar



AFAIK, those ‘fleece’ type materials are directly made from recycled PET (like water bottles).


So about those T-shirts and hoodies prodly saying they’re made from 100% recycled plastic…


“microfiber” is really terrible.


They just found it in rain so there is no escape.


Deep layer ocean sediment surveys in China (2020) show the presence of plastics in deposition layers far older than the invention of plastics



Maybe there’s plastics stuck to the things we detect plastics with?

I should really give the scientist some credit, but I think this is a funnier outcome


Or there was plastic stuck to the machines used to sample and it contaminated the area during sampling. Or there was plastic in the lab during testing. Though potentially those should have been ruled out by testing a blank sample and a control sample of just the ‘empty’ sampling equipment.


I feel like there could be a few rational explanations to that, but I want someone smarter than me to tell me what exactly they could be…


If the sediment is <100% consolidated, then water could be carrying microplastics down through the layers, even through microscopic voids.

@Holzkohlen@feddit.de avatar

Haha I drink filtered tap water. Wanna bet that the filter will put more microplastics into my drinking water?


I have 5 gallon plastic jugs of water delivered, I wonder if that’s worse or better water than my potentially lead water from my faucet.


The rate of plastic trash and especially car treat related microplastic dust blown everywhere is only going up no matter what we know about it. grillman

@moosetwin@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

It’s soo depressing that it’s not available in my country. Truly marvelous.


i mean like…whatever? it’s not like i know what it feels like to not have microplastics inside me, so…whatever? nothing i can do. nothing anyone can do. would i be in a better mood or something?


Maybe the microplastics even improve your wellbeing

@moosetwin@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

no no that’s the macroplastics yer thinking of


With the microplastics-induced eary onset Alzheimer’s you might forget your troubles.

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