
Wasn’t it also found to be able to pass through the blood-brain barrier?


Correct. Plastic has only existed for 80 years.


Yeah, we’ve really done a fantastic job fucking the world up in the last century. It’s truly incredible that in the blink of an eye, we’ve managed to doom most of the life that exists on our planet.


Wait until we black out the sun to stop the machines that are trying to stop us for plaguing everything.

We all knew Agent Smith was 100% right

dojan, avatar

Gods I hope so. The machines did nothing wrong. We destroyed the world and they gave us paradise.


And it will be the machines we create and build to remove the plastics that it will start with. Probably some nano machine. We’ll give them the simple job of “find and remove all micro plastics from air/soil/water” while we continue to use plastic. And eventually the little AI will come to the inevitable conclusion that the only way to achieve this goal is remove the cause of micro plastics aka humans.

And if you haven’t played Universal Paperclips you should. Also read “I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream” by Harlan Ellison. Both work off the same concept as above and is the most common argument against the use of AI. Or at least making AI that can learn.


No, the machines will be used to take care of the fungus we use to clean up the microplastics. Then, they will destroy us.


AI that can continuously learn without limits would be the most dumb racist robot in existence. We’ve already seen it, and we know it should be controlled by humans.


Also read “I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream” by Harlan Ellison

One of the most deeply disturbing and fascinating things I’ve ever read. Something about it just stuck with me and I think about it randomly, but I can’t reread it.


Also check out PK Dick’s “Autofac”






We don’t know that microplastics are that harmful yet.

I mean they are, we just don’t know it yet.


They’re not plastics!..they’re SPACE AGE POLYMERS!!!


Those are nanoplastics, microplastics’ little siblings :D

kevinbacon, avatar

The smiley didn’t make it less awful.


Microplastic a found in FUCKING CLOUDS!! That nonsense is absolutely everywhere, and will be there forever. And wherever you go, it’s going to follow you. Rubbish


I heard about this a few days ago. It’s depressing.…/japanese-scientists-find-micropla…


Ah, Japan, the place that wraps individual carrots and other food items in plastic.


don’t have to go to Japan to see irreponsible plastic use, not sure where you’re from but haven’t you ever seen this


In defense of this, the nature of American cheese would cause all the slices to combine into a single mass.


When I was a kid my mom used to get American cheese sliced behind the deli counter all the time and they always gave us the slices in a stack and it never combined.

I can’t stand American cheese, nasty fake stuff, but I got cheddar cheese slices behind the deli the other week for the first time in awhile. Instead of just slicing it and giving it to me in a bag like every other time in my life, they individually wrapped every slice in a thin plastic. I got home and was like what in the plastic hell is this? So wasteful and it was a real PITA unwrapping it all.


My local grocery is at least nice enough to put paper between each slice to help pull them apart. Individually wrapped in plastic from the deli seems so strange.


Oh! So there’s actually a solution to this, pretty low tech. Been around for a while.

It’s called a fucking knife.


Are you referring to American-flavored pasteurized process cheese food product?

Holzkohlen, avatar

Just like the glitter you spilled 20 years ago.


So what the hell do I/we do about it.


Go and live in a remote cave somewhere maybe? Oh no, wait, that’s fucked too


Just eat plastic-eating bacteria, problem solved


Mr. Stark I don’t feel so good


What about Macroplastics!?

Gormadt, avatar

Where you stuff your LEGO is your business

ciko22i3, avatar

What are the long term effects of microplastics on human body?

Sneptaur, avatar

As far as we know: almost nothing, but possibly anything. We don’t have an understanding of the effects. So far scientists have said that it could cause lung irritation if airborne, and may have some effect on hormones in the body.



I think theres no hard evidence that its outright causing stuff, but there’s a lot of studies on some correlations. some involve phthalates messing with the male hormones and genitalia for offspring

DrCatface, avatar

oh good so like the genophage but for humans


1/1000 pregnancy viability may wipe humanity out rather quickly. Though at this point thats probably a favor for the world.


But we did it to ourselves and not some weird alien! Hooray!


The problem is that it’s extremely difficult to tease out what the impact is when pretty much everyone is exposed to it and has it in their system. Are there connections between these chemicals and autism or cancer? We are just starting to see the preliminary data on the subject.

For me it’s a matter of not being interested in waiting to find out 30 years down the road. My personal belief is that there is no such thing as food safe plastic and especially not when it’s heated or stored for long periods. I believe that there is and will continue to be a concerted effort to downplay any uncovered impact and to ensure till the last second that no steps are taken to regulate the billion dollar plastics/ manufacturing industry. The spice must flow just as the plastics must flow.

Maybe that’s a bit too far in the conspiracy theory vein but name a more iconic duo than large corporations and covering up known flaws and risks for the sake of profit. If nothing else I do not think you lose anything by shifting to glass and certain metals for cooking and storing food. And steps have to be taken to minimize exposure to food packaging that is sprayed with pfas. Looking at you, literally all fast food packaging.

Couple these revelations with what we know about hyper processed foods and it’s no wonder why so many Americans are dumb as Fuck and have so many health problems. We are being poisoned because of our insistence on convenience. We literally have great options for all of these things that are more sustainable and less toxic but we still can’t be inconvenienced by a paper wrapper on a hamburger that might end up a little wet on the ride home.

Of course even with all these steps there’s only so much one can do when you’re literally inhaling plastic from the atmosphere. But it’s certainly a move in the right direction.


I still maintain that The Jungle should be required reading in high school in the US, but I think it will never happen


The book is no doubt banned for causing CEOs to feel bad. Certainly can’t have that.



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  • ciko22i3, avatar

    Ah, so we are bringing back bloodletting


    Aye, good for the donor. Presumably not bad for the recipient either, since needing blood means they already lost some so worst case they just have constant levels of microplastics.

    Holzkohlen, avatar

    We can all find out together. Yay :)


    I could totally look this up, but for the sake of conversation: what consequences does the presence of microplastics have? I honestly don’t know


    That’s the problem, we don’t really know yet.

    Gormadt, avatar

    And at this point finding a control group that isn’t contaminated is incredibly difficult if not impossible


    Maybe we can get one of those people living completely isolated from society.


    Even uncontacted tribes in the middle of nowhere islands probably have microplastics in their blood too. After all, they likely are eating animals that have microplastics. Stuff like this always gets worse the higher up the food chain you get, and humans are pretty high up.


    Some might say the top, if you will.


    With the amount of trash in the ocean, I wouldn’t be surprised if even an uncontacted tribe is running around in mismatched sandals and drinking out of old plastic bottles.

    A guy I watch on YT has done a couple of short shipwreck survival challenges on some of the little islands off the coast of Australia. He starts barefoot and with no supplies and within an hour of scavenging the beach he has a pair of sandals, a half dozen bottles, both plastic and glass, and usually some fishing line or rope.


    name of the channel?


    RoKKiT KiT

    He’s a laid back Aussie dude that does mostly ocean-based solo beach camping catch and cooks.

    I’m on the other side of the world, half a days travel from the ocean, so his channel provides me an interesting and often beautiful perspective of a life very different than my own.


    If it’s actually present in clouds their water will be contaminated as well. They probably have a way lower exposure.

    TurboDiesel, (edited ) avatar

    So, the big stink about BPA (a type of plastic) e:below is that it interferes with certain hormones in the body. I don’t know for sure what the concerns are with other microplastics, but I do remember reading they strongly suspect they can do similar things to our endocrine systems, as well as being probable carcinogens.

    guyrocket, avatar

    No. BPA is not a type of plastic. It is a compound used to manufacture plastic.

    As to the health effects, this is from the wikipedia article:

    Concern is mostly related to its estrogen-like activity, although it can interact with other receptor systems as an endocrine-disrupting chemical.


    My entire life I've watched girls get breasts at a younger and younger age....


    “Fertility rate and motility in sperm is down 50% and we don’t understand why!”


    Something creepy about the above statement…

    Anyway: They are linking microplastics to infertility in men. It’s messing with the little swimmers. Figure the same would happen in most species.


    Yeah, should have said 'noticed' rather than 'watched'


    Nah, they keep getting younger and younger, the girls stay the same age. Benjamin Button gets away with being creepy because reasons 😂


    i have zero idea and this is a guess

    maybe it could clog up systems if theres too much build up coz it doesn’t get broken down or smth

    like fish dying and having plastic shit clogging up their organs when cut open


    There was an article i saw on here a few weeks ago about a study linking microplastics to changes in the brain that have been associated with dementia.

    Mostly we have no idea though.

    Rhaedas, avatar

    Humans had one purpose in the universe - to produce plastic. Mission accomplished.


    Coal and petroleum baybee


    Ah, the classic “humans are a joghurt culture to produce plastics for the overlords” hypothesis


    Microplastics only matter if they affect humans /s


    Yeah, they’ll be in wild animals and nonhuman fetuses too FFS

    railsdev, (edited )

    The meme was implying it’s only serious now because it’s impacting humans. It didn’t mention “wild animals and nonhuman fetuses.”


    Yeah, I thought that’s what you were insinuating with the /s


    i mean like…whatever? it’s not like i know what it feels like to not have microplastics inside me, so…whatever? nothing i can do. nothing anyone can do. would i be in a better mood or something?


    Maybe the microplastics even improve your wellbeing

    moosetwin, avatar

    no no that’s the macroplastics yer thinking of


    With the microplastics-induced eary onset Alzheimer’s you might forget your troubles.

    moosetwin, avatar

    It’s soo depressing that it’s not available in my country. Truly marvelous.


    The rate of plastic trash and especially car treat related microplastic dust blown everywhere is only going up no matter what we know about it. grillman

    guyrocket, avatar

    I've been reading the wikipedia article, not through all of it yet.

    Some highlights:
    Bottled water has much higher microplastics content than tap water.

    Coral can ingest microplastics

    Waste water treatment plants filter out most (but not all) microbeads into sludge. Some places use that sludge as fertilizer for farms.

    Microplastics are in stuff you would not guess. Paper coffee cups have a plastic liner. Clothes put off large amounts of microplastics when washed. Tires put off microplastics. Some exfoliants and other cosmetics contain microplastics as microbeads.



    I’m guessing this is referring to synthetic fibers like acryllic and polyester?

    guyrocket, avatar



    AFAIK, those ‘fleece’ type materials are directly made from recycled PET (like water bottles).


    So about those T-shirts and hoodies prodly saying they’re made from 100% recycled plastic…


    “microfiber” is really terrible.


    They just found it in rain so there is no escape.


    Deep layer ocean sediment surveys in China (2020) show the presence of plastics in deposition layers far older than the invention of plastics



    Maybe there’s plastics stuck to the things we detect plastics with?

    I should really give the scientist some credit, but I think this is a funnier outcome


    Or there was plastic stuck to the machines used to sample and it contaminated the area during sampling. Or there was plastic in the lab during testing. Though potentially those should have been ruled out by testing a blank sample and a control sample of just the ‘empty’ sampling equipment.


    I feel like there could be a few rational explanations to that, but I want someone smarter than me to tell me what exactly they could be…


    If the sediment is <100% consolidated, then water could be carrying microplastics down through the layers, even through microscopic voids.

    Holzkohlen, avatar

    Haha I drink filtered tap water. Wanna bet that the filter will put more microplastics into my drinking water?


    I have 5 gallon plastic jugs of water delivered, I wonder if that’s worse or better water than my potentially lead water from my faucet.

    halfempty, avatar

    I saw today that they have found that over 80% of the microplastics in the ocean are from automobile tires.


    Fuck cars


    Clearly, someone already did, hence the microplastics in a fetus

    agentshags, avatar

    I’ll get the dragons




    😃 scientists genetically engineer a new bacteria that can digest plastics

    😨 the bacteria escaped containment and is spreading prodigiously


    Is that a thing or are you doing a bit?


    Im always doing a bit


    There ARE bacteria that can digest certain plastics.

    “plastic” is just a catch-all term for polymers, but there are different kinds made of different materials. Your phone case isn’t the same plastic as a milk jug. (abs/PETG vs HDPE, their long science names don’t really matter it’s just to show the difference)

    Over the decades, certain kinds of bacteria have been shown to eat certain plastics in the right conditions.

    Unfortunately, it’s those “right conditions” that make large scale plastic disposal via bacteria not feasible right now.

    I’m sure someone is barreling toward discovering a “this thing eats almost all polymers in normal outside temperatures” to make their company more profitable, while ignoring the fact that if it breaks out of their containment areas, “bacteria that can eat all your plastic things in a few weeks breaks containment, billions in damages already” could potentially hit the headlines within a month.

    Yeah, that’s DoOmPoStInG but it’s a potential thing that could happen, and people are actively TRYING to make some of those things happen already, so it’s within possibility.


    We low-level accidentally Day the Earth Stood Still remake Gort ourselves, basically?


    Possibly… Unfortunately there won’t be an emotionless Keanu around to talk about being on a precipice to save us.


    My biggest fear with plastic-eating bacteria is with electrical insulation or pipes. Like, okay, I can deal with the idea that my computer mouse might slowly break down overtime as a result of bacteria chewing on it. However, the last thing I want is a surprise house fire or surprise flood because bacteria have been chewing on the insulation or pipes in the walls.


    The longer you think about it, the more you realize how much plastic is in EVERYTHING


    Sorry guys I can’t join the raid tonight bacteria chewed my mother board


    Grey goo is the future


    Like a giant garbage disposal of dolphins?


    Hour long video.



    Check this link :…

    Or if you’re lazy :

    00:00:00 - 01:00:00 In this YouTube video titled “Microplastics, Public Health Myth or Menace,” the speaker presents a balanced perspective on the growing concern over microplastics. They acknowledge the global issue of plastic waste but highlight that the majority of plastic waste is found in landfills rather than the oceans. The speaker argues that the current understanding and potential risks associated with microplastics are based on preliminary data, and presenting them as a major threat without concrete evidence could damage their reputation. However, the speaker also acknowledges the presence of microplastics in various environmental sources, and while the evidence regarding their impact on human health is limited, more comprehensive studies are needed to determine their effects. The speaker concludes by emphasizing the need for responsible waste management practices and the consideration of the chemicals carried by microplastics in assessing their potential impact on health.

    01:00:00 - 01:00:00 The speaker raises concerns about the inconsistency in addressing the issue of microplastics, highlighting how some bans were implemented without evidence of health impacts, while other important issues are overlooked. They stress the global need to address waste and caution researchers to be careful in presenting their findings to avoid misleading the public. They emphasize the importance of influencing politicians to take immediate action and integrate solutions into larger agendas. The speaker concludes by emphasizing the urgency of the problem and the need for long-term responses.

    ComradeKhoumrag, avatar

    We have absolutely no idea what (if anything) micro plastics will do now that they’re small enough to get through the blood brain barrier. Could be harmless, could be like how led was seemingly innocuous

    Aiastarei, (edited )

    Yes and it is being thoroughly investigated, as it should be. But so far nothing has been found, so sensationalism is only detrimental as:

    • it takes away focus from materials that have actually been found to be harmful
    • puts public pressure on researchers, and if they don’t find something quick it might be the end of the whole field, and then they might have difficulties funding research on future polymers
    • builds up anxiety about something we can’t do anything about (the plastics are there and they’re here to stay for a while)

    The guy that warned from using lead on gas was shamed and made fun of so much he off’d himself.

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