
Reddit just decided it was a good idea to REMOVE the option to disable ad personalisation. Good job u/spez. We know what you’re doing.

DmMacniel, avatar

Neat, so they are monetising your activities on the plattform. Isn’t that great?

Dirk, avatar

Corporate does corporate things.



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  • drewdarko,

    I’m surprised you’re surprised that others are surprised… because no one is surprised about this.

    Zoidsberg, avatar

    For-profit company exploits userbase for profit. More at 11:00.

    empireOfLove, avatar

    They’ve always been doing it, they’re just gonna stop hiding it now.


    Time for a new influx. Everyone still on reddit needs to advertise lemmy.

    And not, that’s confusing. Just pick one of the larger servers like or and tell people to browse it and click “Sign Up” if they like it.

    q47tx, avatar

    Going to do exactly that soon. Replace all comments and posts.

    Rocketpoweredgorilla, avatar

    I’d recommend a smaller community to help spread the load. I originally signed up on .world but they were having some growing pains (And a disgruntled idiot ddosing them) so I moved to .ca which helped tremendously.


    You need to know the special password for .ca


    Is it “sorry”?




    Dot see eh?

    Rocketpoweredgorilla, avatar

    I’m Canadian anyway, so I have it memorized.


    Hello Canadian, I’m maple syrup!

    Rocketpoweredgorilla, avatar

    We may be related, I’m 40% maple.


    I see! I’m actually 33% polar bear and 66% maple, we may be not so distant cousins!


    I really disagree. For learning lemmy for average people, big instance is best.

    There is a point where people who stick around are likely to make a new “real” account on a different smaller server, after they know what they want to browse.

    Basically big instances should be like training wheels.


    Yeah tbh this is how I did it and I consider myself tEcH sAvVy - still started with .world because I didn’t know where else to go.

    NorthWestWind, avatar

    I went to and came back to .world about a week ago. It seems to be doing very well now.


    maybe start posting links from lemmy like what happened with digg (i think? wasn’t there for it)


    Why are these people still there, do they just stick around on reddit to complain about it?


    I think the average person is not willing to take 5 minutes to figure out how Kbin or Lemmy works.


    Kbin, at least, for the end user is just as simple as reddit.


    Before I left Reddit, I searched for alternatives and saw that people recommended Lemmy or Kbin. But I didn’t know what those things were. I assumed they were just Reddit clones hosted by someone else. I didn’t know that I could create an account on Kbin and interact with other posts in the Fediverse. I didn’t even know what the Fediverse was. So I was stuck with this decision of “do I try Lemmy or Kbin first?”

    When I decided to try Lemmy, the first thing you need to do is sign up on an instance. People recommended, but that required filling out an application to join. That seems weird, since I never had to apply to read Reddit. I decided to try another instance ( but was worried that I was missing out on what people had recommended about other instances. Maybe I chose the wrong one? Maybe I should make an account on instead?

    It took me a little while to grasp the concept of federation and realize that it made no difference as an end user which instance I chose. I stuck with it, as did everyone reading this, but I think it’s fair to say that the average person has similar barriers to entry. We’ve overcome them, but many, many people will not.


    True, the concept of the fediverse is probably what confuses people, it's never explained clearly. I hope it's growth helps spread information about it, how it works and why you want it.

    aceshigh, avatar

    you joined early on, you had to work at understanding the fediverse. now there are plenty of places that explain everything.


    The app situation is getting much much better. The website UI is inferior to old reddit or the apps. I know some servers support the old reddit UI but it’s not discoverable. Stuff like expanding images needs to be easier to do instead of clicking a semi-hidden 10px square each picture.

    Sync and Boost are great, though I’m still not happy with the iOS apps (I like Avalon and Mlem, but I don’t live either of them, whereas the Android apps feel fantastic).


    Boost is lovely and polished and you can see that tons of work has gone into it.

    Tell you what though: while I was waiting for Boost, damned if the Voyager (fka wefwef) PWA came out of nowhere with (I think) some of the nicest UX of any of the contenders, plus an insane release schedule because they can just push changes whenever. Voyager is honestly what has kept me here. (…he says, posting from Boost)


    Because other people are there

    treadful, avatar

    Network effects are real


    Hating Reddit is the usual Reddit routine, the one you may be rewarded for with Reddit’s updoots.


    They should come to Lemmy to complain about Reddit, like the rest of us.


    Yup ads and posts on reddit are becoming even more indistinguishable, the “organic community” is just a selling point for marketing because you can embed yourself in it, basically just exploiting their users. The metrics to gauge ad performance is based on things that make the site shitty as well. Reddit, at least the big subs, haven’t been organic in this way for a long time, it’s basically a simulation of an organic online community at this point.

    seitanic, avatar

    Oh, okay. I had no idea. I was like “How far do I have to scroll to find out what reddit did this time?”

    Wouldn’t affect me anyway, because I use an ad blocker.

    ThemboMcBembo, avatar

    It still means they’re selling your info to advertisers

    AOCapitulator, avatar

    I think this is the removal of the opt out of selling my data to advertisers?

    aceshigh, avatar

    reddit has ads?


    Yea, ublock always blocks them on old Reddit. So this technically won’t affect me.

    woodenskewer, avatar

    I’m sure old.reddit is on its way out in the near future.


    Reddit is ads.

    Jasper_Ted_Vidal_Tale, avatar

    I really hope that reddit will shut down


    It won’t shut down. I see it more going the way of Yahoo - a once juggernaut that stumbles along a shell of its former self.


    Not until people stop using it.

    noobdoomguy8658, avatar

    Pretty much this. As much as l love the fediverse, there’s still way too many people on reddit giving it way too much activity, especially in gaming: two of the biggest communities I’ve frequented over the course of this year are still only active on reddit.

    Other platforms, like lemmy or discord, either have little to none activity on certain topics like the former, or are poorly designed and lackkng to allow its users to search for stuff properly like the latter.

    These days I’m much more diverse with my Internet activity, which is good, but man I wish more people just dumped reddit, especially from the communities I needed to drop it the most.


    Hell, there’s too many people on Lemmy giving reddit too much activity. I blocked a couple of bots that were literally just yanking posts from reddit. They even left the links right back to reddit giving them the actual traffic. We can do better people. If I want shitty reddit content I would just go there.


    These bot posts are awful for Lemmy engagement.

    People see bots posting massive amounts of content, which zero people want discuss in the comments.

    There’s a couple of instances that seem to be dedicated entirely to reposting bots. Every new person who joins Lemmy either is put off by all the bot spam without users, or they have to block several dozen bots and communities to make a usable experience.

    It’s no wonder it doesn’t grow any faster. I get the idea that we should take a cue from Reddit on this one, and curate a “new-user-friendly” set of default subscriptions for guests and new signups.

    Or maybe defederate from to get rid of like 75% of this nonsense.

    mishimaenjoyer, avatar

    no, it won't, nor will xitter of facebook. it's delusional to think multi-billion-dollar-platforms backed by big money, the content industry and several clandestine consortiums will cease operation because a single digit percentage of users decided that some hobbyist internet platforms held together by tape and a hail marry are the future. we'll be lucky if places like this are still around in a few years.

    sour, avatar

    then it wont contain the toxic users

    obinice, avatar

    Absolutely, though to be fair I trust the anonymous random people running the thousands of fediverse instances and communities far less than a legitimate, traceable company that gets third party audited and has to, at least, follow national laws.

    I don’t love Reddit’s owners obviously, but yeah. When it comes to privacy, I don’t have any misconceptions about Lemmy being private in the least. Unfortunately :-(


    The difference is advertising. Lemmy has no incentive to sell you out. A company like reddit will squeeze every legal penny out of your personal info and then some more illegally if they think they can get away with it.

    mishimaenjoyer, avatar

    just wait 5 years, the fediverse will either be dead or swallowed up by meta. the only two things it has to go for it is the decentralized nature and the absence of open advertisements.


    They didn’t figure on Reddit making it 5 years either. ¯⁠\⁠⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠⁠/⁠¯


    I’ve heard that about FOSS projects before they really blew up. Good things do happen sometimes.


    So at any point a community can defederate from meta and only federate with the likeminded free communities.

    That is the strength of the fediverse.

    mishimaenjoyer, avatar

    yeah, maybe, it will just keep staying under the radar and at some point someone will have to spend some cash to keep the lights on.


    Yeah I wouldn’t be surprised if fb or Reddit started their own Lemmy instances, which they would use to post ads, and have some user-transparent integration with their native platform.

    But I bet a lot of instances would de-fed them like you say.

    Black_Gulaman, avatar

    That is unless the instance owners enters into an advertising deal with a company.

    To keep the instance “afloat”


    The US has zero privacy laws and, as far as I know, Reddit follows zero audit frameworks (eg SOC 2). Additionally, Reddit currently does not follow its legal burden under state laws.

    I’m not saying your mistrust of the fediverse is wrong. I am saying your trust of corporations is completely unfounded and very naive. Trusting the US to do anything is equally naive (see Yahoo, Experian, and multiple alphabet agencies).


    Just want to say that every time Reddit does something shitty like this, Lemmy will get a boost. And with Lemmy constantly getting better (both community and platform), I’m willing to bet these boosts come with smaller user drop offs every time.

    Which is to say, keep up the good work Reddit!


    The common reddit apps coming to lemmy also helps. People used to Boost, Sync, Infinity and others can finally browse lemmy on a known interface

    Stalinwolf, avatar

    At this point (and with Sync, as I used for reddit), Lemmy is indistinguishable from my reddit browsing experience. Except on Lemmy I don’t encounter constant hostility.


    There are still few very niche/local communities here that I have seen, at least active ones. But that’s only because of the much smaller user base


    There are a couple of communities I miss, like r/fountainpens and r/suzukisamurai. Im sure I could figure out how to create those communities, im not sure I’d be a good mod.

    aceshigh, avatar

    tbh there won’t be much to mod in niche communities. so don’t let that stop you.


    You’re probably right, but I’d really hate to have to clean up a bunch of nazi shit from my nice family friendly Samurai circlejerk.

    aceshigh, avatar

    do you plan to post “nazi shit”?



    1. I believe you would be
    2. you can always get better mods to help/take over in the future.

    Be the change you want to to see in the world


    I don’t encounter constant hostility.

    That sounds like something one of you people would say. 🖕/s

    Gloomy, avatar

    You can fuck right off with that attitude, mate.



    I’m not your mate, buddy


    and my axe


    I’m not your buddy, dude.

    Sheeple, avatar

    Well you might have to block the Linux spam but otherwise I agree.


    I think the hostility is about the same tbh, only different is this place uses the term Tankies a lot more.


    That and the impact. The amount of communism or total and complete anti capitalism without nuance or depth, right or wrong. Reddit was very left, but not like here!

    Ataraxia, avatar

    Tankies aren’t communists anyway. They’re Russian trolls, CCP shills. Those are fascist dystopias. Just mention Ukraine being invaded and they go ballistic.


    That’s because there are a lot more tankies


    The quality of posts and comments overall isn’t where Reddit was. That comes with volume, though.

    Also, I haven’t found a single niche community that does what Reddit did. For instance, if I’m into a specific show, Reddit was my go to place for discussions about a new episode. Lemmy does not have that for any show I watch.


    Niche comes with volume too. And really, niche is what’s important, not the broad strokes (I’d argue the boons of Lemmy are broad strokes at least). Reddit is worse for a lot of reasons, but man oh man, how can you convince someone to come over when the value is in the volume? I’m still primarily on Reddit, actively contributing to the problem.

    cheery_coffee, is alive and well

    But I do see your point, from my local subreddit effectively nobody moved over, even my favorite mod who got backstabbed during the blackout stayed.

    aceshigh, avatar

    i experience some hostility on lemmy, but i haven’t noticed any bots here cruising for karma.


    I have gotten way more bans on lemmy so far, just for calling out tankies. Or simply enumerating the UN definition of genocide.

    Ataraxia, avatar

    Lol lemmy has a Tankie problem but they’re being drowned out. They get mad because they can’t just own the libs I guess!

    Stalinwolf, (edited ) avatar

    I’ve been lucky so far, but ever since leaving reddit I’ve been in an infinitely better mood. Sometimes reddit would bring out the worst in me as well, and I’d be short with people or needlessly confrontational. You could tell when I was in a shitty place mentally because my post history would shift from light-hearted and sentimental to easily annoyed with frequent cursing. Reddit’s algorithm really fine-tuned its way under my skin, and I found myself increasingly angry as the years went on. US political issues really got me going. I was never more irritable and mad at the world than I was over the past few years on reddit. Now all of that is just gone, and my Lemmy usage is about 20 minutes per day. I’m in a much better place.


    but also, with every influx it waters down the spirit of lemmy a tiny bit in exchange for more activity / content / perspectives. which generally is worth it so far, but even still i can already see some discussions on here getting worse, with shittier viewpoints i wish were quarantined in facebook


    What did they do this time?

    driving_crooner, avatar

    You can no longer op-out for targeted advertising based on use habits (like if you visited canned sardines you could get ads about sardines on the canned sardines subreddit but not on cheatatmathhomework, now you could get ads about canned sardines in the math subreddit and about brilliant on the sardines one)


    I wish I would get an ad for canned sardines, at least that’s something I’d consider buying.

    driving_crooner, avatar

    Thanks for subscribing to the International Canned Sardine Alliance’s canned sardines fun facts network.

    Did you know that sardines are called after the Italian island of Sardine? That’s what I call superdine!

    To cancel your subscription respond with ‘CANCEL’ to upgrade to a pro account answer with ‘UPGRADE’.

    Each message costs $4.99, local taxes may apply.


    No it it also has the effect tof the people who dropped off probably won’t come back. Yah I tired it and it sucked. Lemmy blew it’s big chance. Yes it has grown but could have been bigger.


    I don’t think it works that way. A free service like Lemmy can be tried multiple times. People aren’t just going to ignore something forever cause they tried it once and it sucked. People understand that software evolves over time.


    You overestimate most people. “KDE is bad. Admittedly last time I tried it was 15 years ago” is a real quote that I read.

    ensignrick, avatar

    Don’t forget to donate to your chosen instances to keep them going.


    And the Lemmy devs


    Oh wow. I booted up Boost this morning as usual, scrolled for 10-15 minutes, and didn’t realize I was on Lemmy instead of Reddit until this post.


    Trying to sub to something from other instance is still pain in the ass tho. Especially when you’re from a small instance so everything is somewhere else.


    At least on Liftoff it’s incredibly easy.


    With the normal web interface it’s easy as well


    The feature that Liftoff has is automatic redirects. So for example if I am user and want to subscribe to !memes, clicking the Subscribe button on the Liftoff app will offer to redirect me to[email protected]. On the web interface, you would have to manually go to that domain.

    Also all the links in my comment automatically open in the Liftoff app.


    Agreed. I really hope (and honestly think) that third party tools (and Boost particularly) will improve discoverability as the ecosystem grows. Being able to see other servers’ communities and Local feed will be a big step toward getting across the usability hurdle and getting more people here.

    “Multireddits” (for lack of a better word), too. Maybe call them “community bundles.” I’m subscribed to like five different (functionally identical) Star Trek communities, for instance; being able to group them all together and suppress/merge crossposts would be fantastic.


    To discover more communities I’ve been using to browse using Everything feed on Sync then subscribing or blocking based on the communities that get shown on my feed.


    Missing the whole point. Companies will not stop serving ads or selling data. Setup custom dns from somewhere like nextdns or a private pihole computer on your network. It works in windows, can get a micro pc from eBay or Amazon for <$150, then block ANYTHING you don’t like.

    I don’t see ads at all anymore at home, in fact it’s jarring when a page takes 2x time to load because of ads and shit.

    Get these plugins at bare minimum: Ublock origin Sponsorblock Bitwarden or similar (not LastPass) for strong password management.

    Stop crying about companies and take some steps to protect yourself.


    What is wrong with last pass?


    All vault data has been stolen in the past, and while the data is encrypted, apparently the encryption is not strong enough and there are reports that some of the vault has been decrypted by hackers:…/experts-fear-crooks-are-cra…


    Which you recommend then?


    Bitwarden, or vaultwarden if you want to self-host it


    I’m interested in vaultwarden, what do you think about self hosting it?


    I’ve never tried it, but from what I’ve read it isn’t too difficult; it is something I’d like to eventually get set up. I expect you’d want either a static IP address or a dynamic DNS service to access it remotely.

    You can also self-host the main bitwarden implementation, vaultwarden is just generally preferred because it’s much lighter-weight, mostly because it’s written in Rust instead of Typescript


    It’s super easy to self host (assuming you’re familiar with docker), doesn’t take too much server resource, and will give you access to features normally gated behind bitwarden subscriptions. Way better then the official self-hosted version. The main disadvantage is while it’s open source, the code hasn’t been audited yet, which might be a deal breaker for people obsessed with security.


    Yeah I read it’s a bit double edged but would anyone ever want to audit a open source software that can Take over a paying one?… might just take the jump.

    redcalcium, (edited )

    It’s actually starting to get common for open source password manager to get audit, often free of charge by a security company. Whether the project actually compete with a commercial project doesn’t seem to matter because the goal is to assess security.

    KeePassXC was recently audited for example:

    1Password, another popular opensource password manager, has also been audited:

    Bitwarden (including the selfhosted component) has also been audited:

    So it’s not really strange for people expressing interest to get vaultwarden audited.


    What is the diff between keypads, 1password and vailtwarden?


    KeePassXC doesn’t do any cloud syncing stuff. If you want your vault to be available on multiple devices, it’s up to you how to achieve that (e.g. by putting the vault database file inside dropbox/gdrive/nextcloud, etc). Some people prefer this approach because they don’t trust centralized vault services.

    1Password and BitWarden are competitors and offer largely similar services (e.g. syncing your vault across all devices you own). BitWarden paid service is cheaper though, so it’s more popular. Note that bitwarden free account is already good enough, the paid service offers some convenient features which actually pretty nice to have though, such as storing TOTP data in your vault.

    VaultWarden is an alternative implementation of bitwarden server. If you’re into self-hosting and want to host bitwarden vault on your own server, you can install it in your own server. It implements almost all bitwarden features, even those that only available in the highest subscription tier.


    Thank you very much. Vault warden it is!


    I have migrated to bitwarden years ago, but still curse myself why I didn’t immediately delete my lastpass account back then before the breach.


    Then I shall go to bitwarden


    using passwords you can remember instead of An8sdfd8h4indf!id8 just because it’s harder to brute force


    It’s not just about the password you can remember it’s being able to patch your securities in case of a hack/malware or attack; Remembering a password is low on my list at that point


    Passwords you can remember is a problem if you have multiple sites.

    While I love XKCDs HorseBatteryStaplerOkay! strategy… that works well for 4-5 passwords, if you have 20+ passwords you’ll pretty much wind up re-using, and if it turns out one of the 20 sites had garbage protection and gets fully hacked, any sites you used the same is also going to be vulnerable.

    Personally still gotta say go with keepass or bitwarden (selfhosted if possible).


    If you are worried about people getting ahold of your vault if the company has a breach, then keepass and come up with you own system of syncing the file. It’s a local file so is always under your control.

    treadful, avatar

    Just about every centralized service will be breached at some point. At least they have a cybersecurity team and everybody got notified and can act accordingly. If you choose another just because they haven’t been hacked, it’s just a matter of time. I think they’re still a viable option, just be ready to react to notices like these.

    Personally, I chose the self-hosted route, but that comes at the cost of maybe never knowing if you get breached until its too late.


    Normally I’d agree with you, but in the case of lastpass, I have to disagree. Ever since they’re bought by LogMeIn, not only they significantly increased the price, they also have security incidents after security incidents, with the worst one in 2022, not to mention a bunch of vulnerabilities that seems so basic it shouldn’t be a problem on other password managers. There were also shenanigans where they seemingly intentionally broke data export to slow down exodus of their users to other password managers.

    They were recently spun off as a separate company from GoTo/LogMeIn, but at this point I have lost faith and would not recommend lastpass at all.

    treadful, avatar

    Fair enough. Thanks for the extra context.


    Repeatedly have data stolen and data leaks. Fuck them. Also bait and switch to a one device or pay.

    sour, avatar

    wheres the crying


    i don’t know why people act like complaints aren’t valid and useful


    If you’re just going to complain, then just stfu and move on. There are a number of fixes that anyone who can follow directions can implement.

    If you’re complaining but doing nothing to fix it, you’re wasting your time.


    That’s not going to stop Reddit from tracking your interactions with their site if you use it. They will sell your activity to whoever wants it. Updoots, posts read, subscriptions, saves - all potentially valuable data about a potential customer’s interests.


    If everyone starts blocking ads, who cares where my “data” goes.

    seitanic, avatar

    Installing uBlock is so easy, it blows my mind when people won’t do it. You set it and forget it, and no more ads. WTF, people.

    CalcProgrammer1, avatar

    Why not both. Protecting yourself from shitty behavior is important, but so is calling it out when you see it.


    jfc do not use LastPass. They have a proven track record of shitty security practices and multiple breaches.

    1password, bitwarden, keeper, even chrome but not LastPass.


    We have also KeePass for a local/non-internet solution


    Americans confused at what month “27” is



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  • leprasmurf,

    Different date format: day / month / year; as opposed to the US standard: month / day / year.


    I- I can’t understand. Can you please explain it in pounds, pints, and miles?


    I once saw my buddy Miles pound down 27 pints!


    I’m gonna need it in stone, pecks, and hands.

    Sanctus, avatar

    Which drives me nuts! The month doesn’t change for 4 whole weeks! Why is it first? I want the info that contains the most variation displayed first so my eyes don’t have to glaze past useless info every time.


    Year/month/day is superior when reading full dates, because it’s the least ambiguous. If I only need day and month, I’d rather use month’s full or shortened name (like 27 Sep). Ambiguity is the real enemy here, not any particular order

    Sanctus, avatar

    True, thats how my laptop displays the date. It never even mentions the month because I see that enough on other sources. I guess I just hate how month first is the default where I live more than anything. It perfectly sums up the subpar optimacy of the USA. Shit could be better, but its just not.


    ¿And don’t you hate how US punctuation is at the end? ¿If you read an entire sentence, but you don’t even know it is a question until you’re at the end, then how do you know which intonation to use? ¡English is subpar and something should be done about that!

    Sanctus, avatar

    Don’t even get me started on the three languages in a trench coat we call English.


    ¡At least two of those languages have the same problem!


    Year-Month-Day is also my go-to for naming files (at least in systems that don’t have file versioning) because it allows Name sort to list things chronologically. Just have every version of the same file have the same name, then append Year-Month-Day to the end.

    I work with a lot of bespoke systems that use proprietary files, so file versioning with something like Google Drive or OneDrive goes right out the window. But Year-Month-Day makes it easy to maintain some semblance of organization.

    treadful, avatar

    RFC-3339 gang gang


    I scanned through this and my takeaway is that it’s just defining a formal grammar for iso 8601. Did I miss anything important?

    treadful, avatar

    Kind of. As I understand it, ISO-8601 is also super broad and allows for a bunch of different potential formats and I think durations.

    For instance, 2009-W01-1 is a valid ISO-8601 date, meaning 2008-12-31(!) which is pretty weird.

    samus12345, avatar

    Then this must be the year 3202 for you.


    It must be tiring at work waiting for the clock to finally strike 00:5pm.

    Sanctus, avatar

    See? Now I dont have to skip the hour when looking for the minutes that constantly change.


    Or, as millions of people have done, you could learn to read from right to left.

    Sanctus, avatar

    Now that is what I call optimization.


    Other folks say The 5th of November instead of November 5th


    There’s no reason the written sequence needs to follow the verbal sequence.

    Obviously, because you’re not even writing 11th/5th/2023

    sirico, avatar

    I don’t understand it they go through the same Bumtober as the rest of us


    It’s the second marchcember of the year!

    pruwybn, avatar

    Quinvigintember of course.

    RQG, avatar

    I just realized that September 7,Oktober 8, November 9 and December 10 is a thing. I feel a bit dumb now. Then I got mad cus it’s screwed up. Was it some Romans squeezing in extra months or something?

    pruwybn, avatar

    I was just reading about this a little while ago. Basically the year used to start with March, and they didn’t have names for January and February since not much happened in winter. Eventually they got named and turned into the first two months.

    RQG, avatar

    I love the thought that January and February were so boring they didn’t even get names.


    I’m American and confused by what the 2023 day is. YYYYMMDD ftw


    ISO8601 all day, every day


    This is a reddit or even Twitter level shit comment. Please take your ignorant self back to either of those platforms. The dumb American trope is overused, largely inaccurate, and tired. Steal some new material from someone more witty and try again.

    Lugh, avatar

    I think fediverse people are wildly overestimating how much 99% of Reddit users care about this. The mod team on r/futurology (I’m one of them) set up a fediverse site just over a month ago (here you go - ) It’s been modestly successful so far, but the vast majority of subscribers seem to be coming from elsewhere in the fediverse, not migrants from Reddit.

    This is despite the fact we’ve permanently stickied a post to the top of the sub. r/futurology has over 19 million subscribers, and yet the fediverse is only attracting a tiny trickle of them. I doubt most people on Reddit even know what the word fediverse means.


    It’s also likely that most visitors don’t go to the sub directly so the stickied post is easily missed

    Lugh, avatar…/rfuturology_is_now_in_the_fediverse_…

    It’s hard to know exactly how many people see them from the stats Reddit gives Mods. Reddit gives a figure within the post for views, which stands at about 160,000 for the post I mentioned. That includes the times people have been served the title in their feed & and the times people clicked on it (sadly Reddit doesn’t differentiate further).

    The fediverse site has been going for 6 weeks and has about 620 subscribers. My guestimate from looking at addresses in comments is that maybe 100-150 are reddit migrants. So roughly speaking 1 in 1000 r/futurology people who saw something about our fediverse site were motivated to join.

    A sobering thought for people who think the fediverse is about to crush reddit.


    This is still the early adoption phase. You can’t expect all of the general populace to swap over. But it has been strong enough to start building the fedoverse into a real alternative. The “replacement” of reddit at large is far in the future.

    treadful, avatar

    !newcommunities and some others are also a good places to promote your communities.

    Those sub numbers don’t include federated subscribers, from what I’ve read. And a lot of people seem to just browse All all the time and block communities they don’t want to see. Still doesn’t match any numbers in the millions, but things might be a bit more impactful than you think.

    Lugh, avatar

    Yes, its hard to understand. On the other hand our results on cloudflare look way too good to be true. They say the fediverse site had 180K unique visitors in its first month and almost 3 million of what it calls “total requests”.

    It’s hard to figure out what this means in terms of how many people on the fediverse are seeing the content, both from our site, and where its coming up in federated instances.


    IIRC stickies are also excluded from feed once they get this attribute.

    But yeah, we don’t even understand what a barrier switching to fediverse sites is for regular joes, jemmas and jermas. Like, for many people the internet is suggested apps’ feed and, rarely, their browser’s default start page. They don’t choose anything, and why would they? And here we are, challenging them to do something on intent while they are pretty happy with what they have now.

    Lugh, avatar

    and why would they? … they are pretty happy with what they have now.

    Exactly. Only a very small number of people are motivated as the pioneers who’ve setup the fediverse now are. Again looking at this through the lens of r/futurology & our fediverse site. Why would a user also want to go to a second version of the exact same thing, but way, way smaller.

    My hunch is that long-term the fediverse will prosper. Reddit still isn’t too bad even with these changes, at least not compared to what an absolute shithole Twitter has become.

    But people who care about making it bigger, should be asking themselves hard questions - this meme comes across as very complacent & out of touch, if many people really believe the sentiments it’s expressing.

    samus12345, avatar

    The meme doesn’t mention the Fediverse at all, it just calls out reddit for sucking (again).


    I literally only switched because of Boost. Also, since Boost for Reddit still works for me, I continue to use that as well


    I’m technically from elsewhere in the fediverse, but I’m also a Reddit migrant (back in June). Thank you for setting the community up, I’ve missed it from Reddit days


    Even the head mod of piracy subreddit was ousted from the subreddit for attempting to migrate the sub to a lemmy instance, and the redditors that remain there actually cheered! It’s wild, you would expect pirates, who always at risk of having their subreddit shut down, would understand the need to migrate.


    The quality of content in /r/piracy is shit nowadays when compared to !piracy

    Black_Gulaman, avatar

    Those remaining were probably the leechers. Just there to find content but not give back to the community.

    So, good riddance?


    People who would leave a site like Reddit because of a principled stance often mistakenly believe that the rest of society cares as deeply as they. Spoiler: society mostly doesn’t care; at least, not enough to go out of their way to change anything.

    Kushia, avatar

    There are a lot of people that are actually too dumb to change platforms and assume apps like Reddit are the actual internet.


    My father had a doctorate of engineering. He was a brilliant man. When I saw him search for Google and then follow the search link to, to then search on their home page, I started to tell him he should search from the address / search field in his browser. He was instantly becoming confused and so I said, “nevermind,” because his way got him satisfactory results so why bother. Some people aren’t dumb at all. They just don’t care about the same things you or I mighty enough to learn them (beyond basics).


    I don’t even know what fediverse means


    For what it’s worth, I was on Reddit for over a decade and I think I clicked on a stickied thread from any subreddit maybe twice in that whole time. I think a lot of people’s eyes just automatically skip over them. Plus, stickied threads disappear under some sorting options. Posting the occasional meme about it might be more effective.


    Literally swap the word Fediverse in that pinned post for Lemmy and you’ll get more engagement with it. Because you’re right, even if the current reddit user has heard of lemmy and mastodon, they still most likely don’t know what the fediverse is, don’t understand the site linked to is a lemmy instance / reddit alternative. Subbed to !futurology btw, if the current activity there can be sustained I think it’ll shape up to be a nice community


    Just migrated from Reddit to Lemmy. This was my final straw.


    I missed it this time. I left in June.

    Care to summarize what happened?

    LoyalOrange503, avatar

    Thanks, although I haven’t used the boost Reddit app for a while, this is finally the final reason for me to uninstall it and never look back.


    damn. well, just opt put of google personalized ads and block/isolate cookies and it’s fine. But what a weird (and greedy) thing to do of them lmao


    will not result in seeing more ads or sharing on-platform activity with advertisers

    …yet. We’re taking steps to limit your privacy, but don’t worry, we’re not going to do it any more. I super swear.




    Never mind. I seen it further down.


    Same. I was super frustrated with the killing off of Apollo. This is more than frustrating, it should be illegal. Oh wait, it is is some countries just not the US…


    Welcome to the club


    Need to replace the star with a clown, but I guess it already has a clown nose lol


    What happened this time?

        • so it’s posthumous

    Yes, it was 2 days ago. What happened? I don’t care enough about reddit to open it and find out myself.


    Wait, I am dumb, somehow I though it’s already November…


    Have they implemented it yet? This is literary against EU law


    I think it’s for the US.




    The subtitle of the article literally says some countries are exempt and in the article the author said they are waiting for confirmation that the EU is exempt.


    It appears I suffered from “being a dumb dumb and only reading the headline” syndrome

    KingThrillgore, avatar
    doublepepperoni, (edited ) avatar

    Apparently American Reddit has been plastered with ads from a billion-dollar Evangelical Christian campaign for months and Jewish, LGBT amd atheist users have been especially targeted

    Religion and Politics were categories you could not opt out of


    Religion and Politics were categories you could not opt out of

    Reddit New Atheists (including the CEO) stop being opportunistic hypocrites challenge. Difficulty level: up-yours-woke-moralists

    HawlSera, (edited )

    I’m glad I’m not the only one who noticed the new atheist problem that Reddit has. It became such a bubble, that I thought that the entire world abandoned any pretense of anything mystical or Supernatural

    The idea of them possibly being real has kept a bullet out of my head. I just wish we had proof


    I was eventually banned because I kept reporting people for bigotry, and they just didn’t want to do their job. So they banned the complainer instead of actually addressing the problem.

    Also for some reason I kept getting directed to atheism and skepticism related subreddits, in addition to Jordan Peterson and Sam Harris, and I wasn’t sure why.


    All these users are suffering there but none of them seem to be considering…. Leaving

    I saw one that said they would stay until Reddit charges a fee to use the site…like why are they staying??? JUST FUCKING LEAVE

    One even said “there are no viable alternatives” when talking about Reddit, like excuse me what the fuck?


    All these users are suffering there but none of them seem to be considering…. Leaving

    I think because they are uninformed. They are looking for alternatives, and don’t know about Lemmy, or don’t understand Lemmy, etc.


    What a shame. Imagine if all those users were aware about the Fediverse


    It’s exactly this, I only found lemmy through a sticky comment inside a post 2 days ago, and I’ve been wanting to get off Reddit for months


    Loki it might help if the special interest boards were more active, also the porn is way more well hidden here than it is on Reddit.


    Wait, there’s porn here??

    XiELEd, avatar

    You haven’t encountered them on your front page yet???


    Just a couple of lame nudes

    HawlSera, (edited )

    Wait you’re getting it on your front page?

    How?!? I subscribed to every porn instance I could find and still all I’m getting are politics, programming, and for some reason atheist memes.

    XiELEd, avatar

    I think you should change your default page from All/Local to Subscribed


    I’ll try that

    Black_Gulaman, avatar

    Unfortunately, to understand lemmy is to be on lemmy. You have to be here and experience it.

    They have to make that leap of faith. There’s nothing to lose anyway, there’s no requirement to delete reddit to become a lemmy user. So what’s holding them back. Mauve they believe the anti lemmy post on reddit or maybe they just say they want to leave reddit but has no real desire to follow through.


    But… what about my 83k karma and 13 year badge!

    Gamification is a powerful addictive force.

    When Reddit locked down their API and Boost stopped working, I forced myself to do casual browsing on chrome on my phone. It was clunky enough that I didn’t bother replying to comments, and navigation is a bit of a pain on mobile, and that was enough to ruin the game.


    They’re used to what they know, and change - even for the better - seems wrong.


    Realest answer here. Truly a reddit moment


    I’m a trans woman here, and to be honest change of any kind is so scary that it is unbelievable. Like when I finally got approved for hormone, the prescription stayed at the pharmacy for like 2 or 3 weeks before eventually I decided to call a friend…

    I knew that if I went myself I would probably just chicken out or maybe I’d pick them up and just put them aside somewhere, simply because I knew that there would be no going back. I didn’t even want to go back, but the fact that I couldn’t was still scary.

    But my friend made me take them right then and there, as anybody would, as he always had a good ability to talk me out of my inhibitions.

    It’s been about a decade since then and lemme tell you, life is better on two legs than three.

    Hell I had been wanting a Reddit alternative for the longest time because the place was a shit hole from the beginning, but traditional online forums are dead.

    It took a Perma ban from the whole site for me to make the switch, it’s going to come sooner or later, it’s a ban happy website it wasn’t even the first time.

    Even then I felt like a criminal on the run.

    PS: a bunch of right wing trolls have reported my account for threats of violence, simply because I said something about Star Wars that they didn’t like.

    I got a permaban, and had to write an appeal letter to get them to look at what I actually posted to realize that there was not even the slightest hint of a threat there.

    Ironically the second time was for abusing the report button, something that’s not even listed in their terms of service, because that was easier than actually looking at all of the bigoted things that I reported. I try appealing that too, but never got a response


    People forget how bad reddit was when we all moved from It was bad. It would crash every other day.

    Lemmy is far more mature than reddit was during the digg exodus.


    👍 100% agrreeeee I was there


    I wasn’t an early adopter of Reddit, or Lemmy, but this sort of has the same issues of momentum as web browsers do. It doesn’t matter how they started. Where they are now is the standard, and that’s what you have to build to in order to be a viable replacement. With browsers it’s the capability to serve pretty much any page with all the bells and whistles, with Reddit/Lemmy it’s all the posts, comments, and user base. I think it can happen, but it won’t be easy or fast. I’m not worried, though. I think we can rely on spez to send more users this way until a suitable number of users have joined.


    these people are the same group of people that won’t leave twitter. some people just live to be miserable and complain about things one hundred percent in their control.

    it’s insane and i can’t wrap my brain around it.


    It seems to be human nature that people are resistant to change, and it appears that are kombat instincts from when we were monkeys that can only be satiated these days by arguing on the internet and complaining.

    You’re simply have to find a way to take the soul out of the human and put into something better. unfortunately I don’t know that Souls exist


    There are no viable Alternatives because they won’t come here, to the viable alternative. Seriously I would love to be able to go on special interest boards again but unfortunately the crowd is still on Lemmy.

    Who’s prostate do I have to massage with a rubber glove in order to get a simple conversation about Dragon Quest going on around here?


    There aren’t viable alternatives. We don’t have the active niche (and not so niche) communities reddit does. And even if there was somehow a meaningful mass exodus, these little instances would break like wet toilet paper trying to hold a bowling ball.

    I don’t say this to be critical of lemmy. I’m happy here. Just being realistic.

    Black_Gulaman, avatar

    Yeah we don’t need to be like reddit. I’m happy if rss usage becomes stronger . So those niche communities can stay wherever they can thrive but still be reachable through rss.


    All these users are suffering there but none of them seem to be considering… Leaving

    Reminds me of people who keep voting for politicians they supposedly can’t stand.


    I’ll probably get hate, but the content just isn’t there. I tried using Lemmy as my main, but most of the communities I’d follow on Reddit just weren’t on here, and if they were, they would have a couple hundred of subscribers at most, and there would be 7 different versions of the same community on different instances with no way to measure quality at first glance. Lemmy thrives for geeky hobbies that surround the FOSS space that gave birth to it, so communities like Linux or Unixporn have a strong enough presence, but for pretty much anything else it’s just not there yet. Is this a negative feedback loop? Yes, but there isn’t much to be done about it until shit REALLY hits the fan

    PD: As an added, Lemmy can get incredibly circle-jerky at times, even more so than Reddit already is. Like seriously at times 90% of the content on my feed is just shitting on Reddit plebs


    yeah that’s honestly what I found as well. once I discovered you can patch RIF to use your own personal api token, I’ve been continuing to use reddit. it’s such a subpar experience compared to what it used to be tho


    I’m surprised they let you use your own API token. During the API apocalypse, Spez specifically said that was “not allowed.”


    It’s usable for bots and such, I’ve seen reports of some users getting banned for using it in patched clients when detected


    I was banned several times. Now i moderate a private subreddit and it’s fine.


    Honestly that’s been a bit of a plus in the sense I’m spending much less time scrolling mindlessly on my phone. Of course I’d prefer that reduced time to be of a higher quality but the pros outweigh the cons for me


    Lemmy can get incredibly circle-jerky at times

    I always assumed that since both upvote and downvote counters are visible, it won’t be the case. But boy I was wrong. The political/news posts are always a constant shitshow reminiscent of T_D.


    New communities, you’ll just have to yell into the void for a while until people start to yell back.


    Ehh, I’ll just wait and check back in a few months or so.

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