
It’s about not posting shit tier “memes”. And yes I must use the quotes because many of you people don’t actually know what a meme is and have taken the boomer Facebook approach off putting shitty text over a picture and calling it a day.

figaro, (edited )

Nah but this is all Lemmy is at this point. That sucks. We need more than this.

It’s ok that this has a place here. But we need more than this.

Want some hard truths? Blinders off, reddit is still a much better place for content than Lemmy.

Honestly I’m getting tired of it.

Edit - I feel the need to say that there is actually one consistent thing on Lemmy that is fantastic - rpgmemes, specifically the ongoing series about a goblin high priestess playing dnd.


Yeah the memes on Lemmy are all absolute garbage-tier and get praised just bc they’re content.

I guess I could repost my back-catalogue of reddit OC - at least then I’d be contributing content. 🤷‍♂️

moosetwin, avatar

I don’t care which side is saying it I’m just tired of it (for the same reason I am tired of advertising)

SexUnderSocialism, avatar

Lmao. This post is specifically made for funny-clown-hammer like you. I literally saw you commenting on a meme about conservative physics and one about tax evasion. Both very political things. Yet I did not see you complaining there. For someone who claims to be tired of seeing politics in their memes, you sure do love them.

moosetwin, avatar

ya got me there

my excuse, don't read if you don't want to readafter writing that comment I decided to write comments on some posts to show that I didn’t have a left-leaning bias (which is a shit thing to do)

Shinhoshi, avatar

I didn’t have a left-leaning bias

Nice try, but you can’t escape bias. Contrary to popular opinion, unbiased sources don’t exist.

Be careful that you don’t have a liberal-leaning bias; both US parties preach liberalism


“Why can’t people stop existing or having thoughts or ideas that threaten my increasingly tiny bubble world?” grillman


What, you can’t have your paper thin consumer behaviour challenged huh??? Huh?!?


“The worst illiterate is the political illiterate, he doesn’t hear, doesn’t speak, nor participates in the political events. He doesn’t know the cost of life, the price of the bean, of the fish, of the flour, of the rent, of the shoes and of the medicine, all depends on political decisions. The political illiterate is so stupid that he is proud and swells his chest saying that he hates politics. The imbecile doesn’t know that, from his political ignorance is born the abandoned child, and the worst thieves of all, the bad politician, corrupted and flunky of the national and multinational companies.”

― Bertolt Brecht

Alaskaball, avatar

yOu’Re NoT mAkInG mE rEaD tHaT!


“TL;DR” thought-terminating memes are another type of liberalism. mao-wtf

Alaskaball, avatar

get the reference?If you know who I’m referencing, he fucking sucks


I don’t, I admit. blob-no-thoughts

Alaskaball, avatar

Stay innocent on this one, trust me.


I’ll try. blob-no-thoughts


If you change your mind, Shaun provides a great way to keep to a healthy, limited exposure to the reference.


“Teal Deer.” I get it now. last-sight


Your innocence is still maintained if you if you only know “TealDeer” as a silly little pun. There is something much worse behind the reference. Partly why I linked the video was because if I remember right, like me you despise pedants especially of the debatebro reddit new atheist antifeminist brand. Tl;dr was one of the worst and thats saying something.


I’m glad I haven’t seen more than this video about them, then. Already has that “Oy I am British m8 therefore Reddit sees me as intellectual authority I swear on me mum ya c–t” thing going on.


Ah its that fucker, im man enough to say that I listened to him in high school. On another note I would absolutely throw the highschool version of myself off a roof, amd then harvest their organs and skin for spare parts.

Snipe_AT, avatar

lol I just found out that I can block users

SexUnderSocialism, avatar

I miss the good ol’ days when politics weren’t so political. wojak-nooo


what even is a non-political meme? you can make a political analysis essay for every meme in existence.




you see he was going to be politician and he got assasinated

AssortedBiscuits, avatar

Man Getting Hit By Football is a short film about rampant ableism and ageism within Springfield. As we can see with Sherman chastising Homer’s boorish behavior, the film is not a comedy, but Homer is unable to see the film as anything but a comedy due to his rampant ableism and ageism, as repeatedly demonstrated throughout the years with his willful and malicious neglect of Grandpa Simpson.


That smuglord in a recent thread that said “ doesn’t allow politics” certainly allows’s nonpolitical politics to ooze anywhere I can see a user address of origin. smuglord


“I don’t have time to discuss politics, I’m too busy getting the master and slave drives to work together.”


“That’s just technology. Technology is nonpolitical.” smuglord


“Anyway, let me tell you about my next project: the Torment Nexus.”


“If you don’t like the Torment Nexus, just don’t draw the ire of Immortal Cyberlord Bezos. Simple!” lord-bezos-amused


I never got the complaints about that. It’s not inherently bad to have one thing exert complete control over another thing… the problem is when you start doing it to people


I don’t think I’ve seen anyone with a problem with the computing concept itself, they have a problem with the unnecessarily unpleasant and offensive nomenclature. There’s lots of ways to express a leader/follower dynamic that’s intuitively understandable. Hell, call them Dom/Sub drives if you want to.

There’s just no good reason to invoke historical attrocity that’s still ongoing to describe a concept like this.


Ok fair point and that is a really funny idea. But afaict dom/sub dynamics aren’t complete control and it would be pretty dangerous if they were

Pointtwogo, avatar

Imao!!! This is so fucking true.


Oh the irony.

BurgerPunk, avatar

There does seem to be a huge disconnect between people who believe in the existence a meaningful category called “non-political” and reality.


“You don’t get snakes from chicken eggs”


Do you want people to stop coming here? Because this is how you can get people to stop coming here.

yogthos, avatar

I absolutely want smug liberals to stop coming here. If this meme offends you then please stop coming here. Thanks.


I got smug assholes, what’s a smug liberal? (Are they Karens?)

yogthos, avatar

Karens is a pretty accurate description

Shinhoshi, avatar

A liberal is someone who believes in liberalism (that includes both Democrats and Republicans if you’re from the U.S.)


I’m neither smug nor a liberal. I’m simply tired of repetitive, dumb and US centric political memes. Lemmy started out sort of ok but it’s turning into a very annoying place.

yogthos, avatar

I’ve been using Lemmy for four years now, and this instance only started becoming an annoying place after Reddit migration with people constantly complaining that Lemmy isn’t like Reddit.


Except that I’m not complaining about that and my acccount is not in your instance. But yeah, sure buddy. Believe what you want.

yogthos, avatar

Not sure why you think it’s relevant what instance your account is on. As long as instances federate we see each others posts.


I know how Lemmy works. You’re the one who said “this instance”.

yogthos, avatar

And since this instance federates with your instance, you are part of the content here.


So? You’re talking about the content in this specific community, not the instance. Just accept you misspoke and move on.

For someone who hates reddit, you sure act a lot like a redittor.

yogthos, avatar

The irony of you nitpicking what I said while accusing me of acting like a redditor is pretty funny.

Shinhoshi, avatar

Why do you come here if not to see other people’s opinions?


I come here, to the memes place, to see memes


Do you expect memes to contain no opinions in them?


I expect opinions to not be the subjects of the memes usually


I don’t think I’ve ever seen a meme that isn’t expressing an opinion. Do you have any examples in mind?


Almost all the memes I have saved are pretty much void of any real statement or opinion, except maybe “this is humorously absurd”. Unfortunately they’re all images and I don’t want to go to the trouble of transcribing them

In general if something appears to he trying to sway or convince me toward something, it isn’t a meme, it’s a political cartoon or an advertisement, even if it’s trying to be humorous.


Does posting images work on lemmy? I see there are some memes that are in the meirl category but at least half(probably more) of memes have a clear point of view that is being expressed.

You’ve got saved memes? Post em! The only one that can change the balance of memes is you.


oh shit that works? Ok that’s nice, did not realize

how do I do that from mobile? Is it on mobile clients at all, or is it just connect that’s missing it?


I’m using a mobile browser, not sure about connect


I feel like memes almost exclusively include opinions, usually the most popular ones.

snowbell, avatar

Stuff that brings me joy. Posting left wing political shit on lemmy is like, the epitome of preaching to the choir. Every time I see some unnecessary political take that everyone here agrees with anyway, like there’s always that one person in any thread that has to bring politics into things and I’m just like nope, I’m out. Got better things to do than have my mood ruined by thinking about the worst parts of life. Its like you people are intentionally trying to make everyone miserable.


Yes, 1000%. This is exactly how I feel about this stuff.

We’re here to escape from the world to some extent, not constantly be reminded about it, specifically the worst parts


Are we supposed to read every post and every comment even if we don’t like it ?

That seems so unfair ! We should have a right not to read posts and comments if we find them about a subject we don’t want to interact with right then.


Otherwise we might become like those tankies in their echo chamber.



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  • Piers,

    Stop hanging out in spaces defined by political affiliation then. It’s your responsibility to chose spaces that meet your needs. Don’t hang out in the wrong place then sulk because it’s not what you want it to be.

    secproto, (edited )


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  • NotSpez,

    Thanks for putting it so eloquently.


    You’re not on “Lemmy”. Your a user on a community. is not Lemmy. is an Lemmy instance (just like The purpose of the instance is for communists to come together to talk communist shit. The memes community within therefore is an absolutely perfect place for them to post left-wing memes. If you want to see memes by and for a general purpose audience then hang out at at memes community. It’s not user’s fault you think they are a general purpose Lemmy instance like is. That’s your fault and the solution is for you to make an effort to find the spaces that serve your needs not to pick random spaces and tell them they are doing it wrong for not alligning to your incorrect expectations.

    snowbell, avatar

    Sounds like most instances need to defederate from then. Or I need to make my own instance and defederate.


    Depends whether or not you think most instances should take a stance against the far left. Personally I think the fact people treat as a generic all purpose sub rather than focusing that effort onto places like or is pretty messy and will only continue to create more and more issues. As for creating your own instance and defederating, why do that rather than just block their communities as a user if you want to avoid communist groups? Presumably there is a reason you wanted to be part of Beehaw?


    For example, memes on instead of


    If you want a clearer source of concern, the FBI vets ever video poker device to make sure they are not cheating but voting machine software is somehow proprietary.


    I’m sorry if this is the wrong place for such a discussion, but I genuinely would like to understand your position better.

    Do you think the 2020 election was manipulated to an extend that prevented the victory of Trump?

    And if yes, then what is your explanation for the fact that no court said that there is any evidence for larger scale fraud? Meanwhile FoxNews (and others) are (so far) successfully sued for spreading misinformation about the voting machines.



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  • skulkingaround, (edited )

    While you are correct that the cybersec practices on voting machines are embarrassingly bad, we don’t actually rely on them for the integrity of our elections in most districts. They are a convenience more than anything else, and at the first sign of any possible tampering, we can audit against paper ballots that get printed off the voting machines (which if you start altering those, it only takes one person to notice somethings off and the jig is up)

    Even with their shit security, an attack would be exceedingly difficult to pull off. The machines are airgapped and audited, so you need physical access without supervision which by itself is a tall order. Then, consider that you will need to compromise dozens of machines at minimum to swing even the lowest turnout national election for the most obscure position. Finding enough people willing to risk a federal pound-me-in-the-ass prison felony charge that are smart enough to do the job and not get caught is going to be a challenge too, because if one person gets caught, then once again, the jig is up.

    What is far more realistically dangerous is convincing people that the election was compromised when it wasn’t. This gets you way more bang for your buck because it’s so much easier to do, and is the primary reason I think that nobody really bothers trying to compromise the voting machines.



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  • skulkingaround,

    The main point I’m trying to make is that compromising voting machines is not the hard part of rigging an election. It would require a conspiracy so complicated, that I’m not convinced there’s any group on earth that could successfully pull it off. Set aside cybersec arguments for a moment:

    1. Let’s assume the worst case for security, that there is one machine per state that you can easily compromise to alter election results. This alone is doing a lot of lifting for this example.
    2. Now, you have to cross your fingers and hope that the election is close enough that you can fudge the overall result without raising suspicion
    3. Prior to the election, you have to plan which states to compromise, and what districts you will target for altering votes. You can only really do this in swing states and swing districts. It is usually not clear until very close to the election which places will be optimal.
    4. Because you are at the mercy of RNGesus as for where you can compromise, you have to compromise a lot of extra states ahead of time to eliminate risk that you didn’t get enough swingable ones to pull of your plan. This increases head count and creates more liability.
    5. If you swing any given district too far, you can raise suspicion and trigger a recount. If one district raises the alarm, the rest will follow. If you only compromised central machines and not the voting machines and ballots themselves, you fail.
    6. If you can’t find enough districts to subtly alter, you fail.
    7. Let’s assume you prepared for point 4 and compromised voting machines themselves. This requires massively more people involved, and if only one person gets caught, you fail.
    8. To extend 6. every person involved in your conspiracy is a liability. A single double agent gets in your ranks? Fail. Somebody flakes? Fail. Somebody grows a conscious or gets busted and rats you out? Fail.

    While yes, theoretically you could overcome all those obstacles, you’d have to get miraculously lucky and you’d need to not get busted for quite a long time after the election. Why even bother when you can just pay a few bucks to the right people and get news channels to convince the voters to put your guy in charge without committing any voter fraud at all?

    Now all that said, I absolutely support improved election security. If nothing else, it will make it much harder to spread FUD about election integrity.



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  • skulkingaround,

    I’m not saying an attack can’t be done, or that it won’t happen. Honestly, I’d be very surprised if it doesn’t and I fully agree with you on the additional security measures.

    What I am saying is that it’s very unlikely we wouldn’t find out what’s going on before the results are set in stone at any scale larger than the tiniest local elections (which if you altered a bunch of local elections enough to exert influence, you run into the same issue of being easily detected). This would still be massively damaging to the election process, especially if the attack goes deep enough to require the election to be re-run, but not the end of our democracy.


    Thank you for explaining. If I understand you correctly, you make a similar point as John Oliver does here.

    wander1236, avatar

    I took the post to be making fun of people who see posts about things like gay characters in fiction or minorities in the news as somehow inherently political.

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