
“I don’t do politics…” youtu.be/Ame0j8jbMY4?si=R_Kn5DK-y-cb06A9


This post showed up below a post showing a statistic of Lemmy losing users. Ironic.

@yogthos@lemmy.ml avatar

It’s called quality over quantity.


The news bot posts are more annoying to me than the politics.

At least here there’s more than trump lovers and trump haters.

I hate scrolling into infinite bot posts with 0 comments


I went to the internet and they were talking about not talking about politics.

Feel like this was half of the comments on that post. The other half was politics.


Lot of bots, lot of unironic cringe-posting.

@stevedidWHAT@lemmy.world avatar

I hate to tell ya this but it’s like that all over the internet with any population of reasonable size. This is the noise of smashing huge amounts of people from all walks of lives and experiences together.

Of course the thing in common to talk about is the thing that impacts our lives the most.

@Nameunknown12@lemmy.world avatar

Fr it really has me considering leaving. Going back to reddit? Probably not. But it really has become a problem. Feels like I’m just browsing the old ChapoTrapHouse board sometimes

@snowbell@beehaw.org avatar

You guys are exhausting. My entire existence is political, I don’t need my social media to be political too. On the bright side, it has me coming on here less and less and less.

@TawnyFroggy@hexbear.net avatar

Need a politics-free safe space? It’s called stop supporting people who want me dead.

Like I genuinely get mad when people say stuff like “I don’t want politics in my x” or whatever, because YEAH. ME FUCKING TOO. Do you know how much I would love not feeling on the defensive at all times due to the pending casual extermination of people like me that you are either supporting or ignoring??? If all the libs wanted me to be a lib like them they could have simply not made me life hell.


If they persecute you for having a different opinion that doesn’t enforce anti-tolerance, then they are not liberals.


The difference is just a scratch.


I’m sorry that one whooshed so high over my head I can see it twinkling in the sky.


The expression (don’t know the origin) is “scratch a liberal and a fascist bleeds.” Basically pointing out the historical tendency of liberals to prefer a fascist-managed capitalism if their interests are threatened or it becomes clear the liberal order won’t last (and could be replaced from the left).


Thank you!

Definitely a valid expression for when liberals dress up self interest in the guise of principles of freedom.

Not hipocrisy when the left parties enforce the tyranny of the majority though. In that case, the criticism becomes strawman fallacy.

@o_d@lemmygrad.ml avatar

tyranny of the majority


@BurgerPunk@hexbear.net avatar

Except, sometimes they are very much liberals


By vote, not by action.

If a liberal suppresses your freedom of speech and you are not calling for the destruction of his government (full constitutional change that doesn’t include the entirety of the people or at the very least, prevents the majority’s tyranny) he is not a liberal.


I stopped and nothing changed, please advise.


This is the point everyone misses. They forget that other people have problems even if it’s not happening to them


Firstly, that sounds like a shit situation to be in, so please don’t think I’m dismissing your struggles here.

I don’t live in the same country as you and I have no power to even slightly affect your political situation. I read enough bad news about stuff that I at least have a chance to get involved in that sometimes I want to read some funnies on the internet without having to read about another shit situation. It’s not because I don’t care, it’s because it’s not worth stressing out further about something I cannot do anything about.

So yeah, that’s why people don’t want so see US politics everywhere. Just because something is very important doesn’t mean it’s very important to everyone.

Alaskaball, (edited )
@Alaskaball@hexbear.net avatar

So yeah, that’s why people don’t want so see US politics everywhere. Just because something is very important doesn’t mean it’s very important to everyone.

You’ll be happy to know that our news megathread is truly an international one because you get to hear about stuff from around the world


“I just don’t want to see your suffering”


Do you want to see people suffering? Because that’s fucked up.


The bare minimum you can do is listen when someone is in pain and stand witness when they are under attack. I want to see when people are suffering, so I can figure out how to help, or at very least show solidarity. Obviously I can’t take this in at all hours of every day, but that’s time I spend alone or with an IRL friend, not on an online messaging board.


Other way round for me, my IRL time contains the serious shit, I come online for escapism


I don’t know why you would go on the “people talking about events” platform and being surprised people are talking about events that aren’t happy. That’s just poor planning. I mean yeah, be there for your friends, but you should be able to have light or pleasant conversation pretty often, and steer away from troubling topics when you aren’t up for it, far easier than online.

@AOCapitulator@hexbear.net avatar

Trans rights are important to everyone and under threat in most of the world, so disagree

These are all global problems because they’re caused by global systems lead by a global hegemon, the United States

@rjs001@lemmygrad.ml avatar

How do you know what country they live in and if the issue is relavent in your country or not?


Filter Trump and Musk. It’s less than 1 in 20 after that.


It just sucks how many don’t include them in the title so you think you’re getting a meme and instead you get some dumb shit.

It would be great if Lemmy implemented a user tagging system so people could tag posts and use those for filters


I wish I could just filter posts with that shade of orange in the thumbnail. So sick of seeing his face. The anti trump people are even more obsessed with him than the trumpets.

original_ish_name, (edited )

My main problem is that most of the memes aren’t even funny.

Make memes that are funny and then we can talk


Expecting memes to be funny is literally the same as voting for Trump. Memes are supposed to be brave and important, and if you don’t agree with that you’re part of the problem.


You had me at first lol


I saw one an hour or two ago, literally just a YouTube video of some guy screaming “if you have a penis you’re a boy if you have a vagina you’re a girl! Got it?!” end video


Yeah, it’s literally just circlejerking the same dumb political views with different variations of “if you don’t agree you’re stupid”

@GivingEuropeASpook@hexbear.net avatar

Lies! I went outside and I saw a poster about CLIMATE CHANGE, and then I turned the corner and heard a family complaining about minimum wage being too low! So unfair, I just want to be ignorant of other people’s suffering.


I’m getting the impression from Lemmy that there’s an overrepresentation of the particular demographic of comfortable middle-aged bookish software engineers who live in the US or Canada.


On the other hand there’s also an overrepresentation of tankies. I don’t think those are the same people.


“Tankie” is to liberals as “woke” is to conservative liberals and fascists.

yogthos, (edited )
@yogthos@lemmy.ml avatar

What word would you prefer to someone who tells you to your face that they intend to “put you up against the wall” and then asks if you “know what that means, you fucking lib”?

I mean, I’m a demsoc, and of the last 20 death threats I have received in my life, 15 came from people who identify as Communist-Leninist. PLEASE give me a better word for them.

@SexMachineStalin@hexbear.net avatar

Funny because of the dozens, if not hundreds, of death threats I’ve gotten, practically all of them come from zionists, NAFOs, keyboard nazis or the occasional trumpeteer.


Full disclosure, as a leftist I avoid those far-right areas like the plague. I’m quite certain I would receive more far-right death threats if I did not.


so you admit that you get mostly leftist death threats because you avoid groups that would send more?


Oh yeah!? Well I’ve received thousands, no, millions of death threats!

Who are you people?


Tankies don’t get death threats from other tankies? I’m shocked!

@cynetri@midwest.social avatar

no but trans people get death threats from “anti-tankies”


Can confirm


You sound like a vooshite when you talk in this childish way, aren’t you embarrassed




How many leftists do you have to execute to earn your colors?

@nat_turner_overdrive@hexbear.net avatar

None, just liberals willing to go along to get along with fascists. Which you are.


What word would you prefer to someone who tells you to your face that they intend to “put you up against the wall” and then asks if you “know what that means, you fucking lib”?



How many leftists do you have to execute to earn your colors?


I see no leftist here

@ProfessorOwl_PhD@hexbear.net avatar

You don’t know the difference between a demsoc and a socdem. You’re not any kind of socialist, just a lib who likes the idea of being seen as leftist.


And I bet you’re fun at parties. Please oh great psychic, tell me more about myself?

And actually, I do know the difference between demsoc and socdem. The formal definition for Social Democrat is “a supporter or advocate of a socialist system of government achieved by democratic means.” That we are constantly painted as “filthy liberal” for wanting to respect the will of the majority is a disappointing and disgusting lie. And the ONLY people who accuse socdems of being fake leftists? TANKIES. Who are not, by any meaningful definition, more left than those of us with a soul.

The only way I’m not a leftist is if your version of leftism says “fuck people, freedom, or democracy”. In **your ** version of leftism, are you ok with being the 1% ruling by force against 99% who hate you? Think very carefully before replying to that.

@AntiOutsideAktion@hexbear.net avatar

And I bet you’re fun at parties


Social Democrat is “a supporter or advocate of a socialist system of government achieved by democratic means.”

That’s what a demsoc is. Social democrats support capitalism with social programs.

Who are not, by any meaningful definition, more left than those of us with a soul.

Speaking of succdems look how even in their mind palace they’re already dehumanizing anyone to the left of them. This helps when they cooperate with and enable fascist parties like they do every time in history. “Tankies don’t have a soul and they’re going to kill you first so it’s okay to let the nazis kill them actually” I’m a REAL leftist :D


Social Democrat is “a supporter or advocate of a socialist system of government achieved by democratic means.”

That’s what a demsoc is. Social democrats support capitalism with social programs.

You should tell Webster they’re wrong. And Wikipedia. And Brittanica.

By their definitions, a Socdem’s insistence on using democracy at all costs is what differentiates between them and demsocs.

By why is it so important for you to insist everyone use your nonstandard definition of the terms? Also, your calling us “succdems” tells me exactly everything I need to know about your permission. If I’m not willing to murder people, I’m less than human to you enough to be given a silly nickname.

“Tankies don’t have a soul and they’re going to kill you first so it’s okay to let the nazis kill them actually” I’m a REAL leftist :D

At this moment, you’re on the wrong side of the “First they came for” poem because you’re the one rejecting the Left.

@AntiOutsideAktion@hexbear.net avatar

You should tell Webster they’re wrong. And Wikipedia. And Brittanica.

Not to call the editors of those fine resources for elementary school aged children stupid or anything, but the adjective-noun pairs “social democrat” and “democratic socialist” literally imply within the terms themselves what these things are. A democratic socialist is a socialist who uses democratic means. It’s on the tin.

At this moment, you’re on the wrong side of the “First they came for” poem because you’re the one rejecting the Left.

This has to be a bit


Yeah, it’s the bit where I’ve gotten threats on my life.

@AntiOutsideAktion@hexbear.net avatar

What does that have to do with you referencing a poem you never read the first two lines from?

@AOCapitulator@hexbear.net avatar

Can you show us a time this happened? Genuinely, people shouldn’t throw around death threats to anyone but war criminals billionaires nazis transphobes and cops, so if thats happening to you just because you’re an average liberal I don’t support that

or I’ll have to assume you were on some cracker shit and actively supporting or being one of the aforementioned groups, in which case, lmao haha



Social democracy, noun
a democratic welfare state that incorporates both capitalist and socialist practices

So, uh, capitalist, according to Webster. It is very funny to say “I totally know the difference between SocDem and DemSoc”, and then go on to not know.

However, I’ll write something up here. I’m from Denmark, a SocDem country. The current prime minister is Mette Frederiksen of the Social Democrat party. We are almost at SocDem as you can get.

This Social Democracy of Denmark formed around the time of the Soviet Union starting to get more influential, as the capitalists of Denmark found themselves needing to provide concessions to the working population, since an example of better worker rights was right next door. This was the birth of Social Democracy in Denmark. It expanded to have free healthcare, education, and a pretty strong social safety net. Now these things are of course nice for the people living in Denmark, however the second that the USSR fell, austerity started happening. I cannot remember a time in the last 20 years where the government wasn’t trying to “save money”. Now our healthcare system is crippled, education is getting defunded, and social safety is the same.

The only reason that the capitalist class of Denmark gave the concessions they did, was because the Soviet Union was next door. This is the reality. The capitalists will never give you anything, unless their security is threatened. To be a Social Democrat, and rejecting revolution as a concept, is to just play into what capitalists want. Social Democracy is just another way to preserve capitalism. It’s not a solution, it’s a band-aid for a bullet wound - might stop the bleeding for a bit, but it sure as hell will get infected if it’s not treated properly. At best it’s harm reduction, at worst it’s a detriment to the rights of the working class.

I’m not even getting into the exploitation necessary to uphold Social Democracy, and some of the other more icky elements of the ideology. I’m just giving you an example of what has happened to every single Social Democracy currently. I understand that it’s nice to think about, but I promise you that it’s not the solution to the problem.

The DemSocs at least have a problem with capitalism, however while their insistence on pacifism, and reform sounds very nice, it has literally not worked once in history. Not a single time. One of the only time it got close was with Allende in Chile, and the US fucking killed him, because you cannot fight empire with just words. I’m sorry, but that is the truth. You need to be able to fight counter-revolution, sabotage, sanctions, threats, war, espionage, etc. You cannot do this within the system that is funding all those things. You have to move away from capitalism entirely, suddenly, and forcefully, otherwise you will be crushed.

Call me a tankie if you want, I don’t care. But if you are going to call me this, at least tell me why. Tell me what part of what I just wrote is wrong.


Sorry, cited the wrong dictionary I guess. www.dictionary.com/browse/social democrats . I’m surprised at Webster disagreeing with everyone else. I figured every dictionary would agree. The dictionaries using my definition are:

Collins, Dictionary.com, Oxford English Dictionary, Brittanica, Cambridge, Wictionary

So I’ve got mud on my face, citing the only source that disagrees with me.

But fine. If it really matters that much to a couple people, then there’s not a term for what I am. I’m not a DemSoc because I don’t realistically think we will achieve complete socialism in my lifetime and I think that’s OK in the short term as long as we improve things, and actually preferable until people actually want socialism. That doesn’t make me a capitalist.


Also you’re going off mainstream liberal dictionaries and not how the left as a cluster of organized movements has come to definitions for its working purposes. So you’re coming at it from an outside (liberal) perspective which reads as an indicator you’re a liberal.


The problem with dictionaries is that they describe the popular use of a word, not necessarily the academically correct one. I only used the dictionary because it was honestly too easy to do a gotcha there.

A great example of dictionaries being “wrong” is the word “factoid”. A factoid originally is a popular piece of information that is actually incorrect or false - a popular lie. Now the word factoid is in many dictionaries described as being “an insignificant or trivial fact”, which is like, the exact opposite of the original meaning of the word. I’m 100% sure that in certain universities, I would be marked down for using “factoid” as “fun fact”, even though dictionaries seem to think this is fine.

The original meaning of the word Social Democrat was a heavily discussed topic even in the beginning of the Soviet Union. After WW2, it was even popular within Socialist/Communist circles to call SocDems, “Social Fascists”, as the enabling of the SocDems in Germany (SPD) helped the Nazis attain power, since they positioned themselves against the rest of the “left”. SocDems will always rather align themselves with capital, rather than the “actual left”, because the entire ideology reinforces capitalism. The reason people are mad at you here, is that SocDems have historically, every single time, helped the fascists rather than the socialists when push comes to shove. It’s the reason for the quote “Social Democracy is the moderate wing of fascism”. Now you can disagree with that last part, but this is history. Schumacher did betray the socialists. And he always would have, because Social Democracy is a capitalist ideology, which is why Marxists refuse to let them call themselves socialists. You cannot believe in capitalism, and socialism at the same time. They are opposites.

DemSocs on the other hand, are Reformist Socialists. They are who the dictionaries should actually refer to. They are the people who believe that a peaceful reformist transition from capitalism to socialism is the way to go, even though it has never worked. They believe that if you just vote hard enough, the capitalists will just let the poor take away their power. I don’t actively dislike them, but I think it is very very naive.

Marxists are usually Revolutionary Socialists, who believe in revolution as a way to make change. This has worked several times in history, and there are several countries in the world right now that still exist after a socialist revolution, and are doing as well as you can considering that the entire western world is sanctioning them.

Marx hated Social Democrats btw. When one of the founding figures of the ideology does not think that a Social Democrat is a socialist, then I dunno what to tell you.

In short, the dictionaries are wrong. In an academic setting those definitions would be rejected instantly. People just do not understand what these ideologies are, so they use the words the wrong way. These words get used the wrong way enough, and the dictionaries will change to fit, as that is what dictionaries do. But the original meaning, that is part of the books that many of us read about these subjects, do not match with the dictionaries. If you referred to dictionary definition in a Political Science class, you would not pass, I assure you.


Thank you for your comments they are packed with good info btw


I appreciate the kind words, thank you. Might as well use my experience with Social Democracy for something, because it always bothers me when people think it’s the solution.


I’m less than human to you enough to be given a silly nickname

did you think this one through at all? like, give it even a seconds thought?

@ProfessorOwl_PhD@hexbear.net avatar

God, you’re such a big dumb idiot of a lib. That’s the definition of a democratic socialist, not a social democrat - you can tell by the way one of the groups are call socialists and the others are called democrats. Not only did you mix up your definitions, but you never actually managed to define democratic socialist - do you really know what the difference is if you can’t even remember to talk about one of them? The answer, scrolling down your post history to where you called yourself a socdem, is no, you think they’re the exact same thing, because you don’t even have a surface level understanding of leftism. It only takes 5 minutes in leftist spaces to discover that anarchists, socialists, and communists of all flavour hate socdems for exactly your “no really, somehow we’ll manage to vote socialism in this time” attitude, but you’ve never spent a single minute in them, because you’re not a leftist.

My version of leftism is called Marxism and is based in historical reality and current material conditions. Your version is fantastical utopianism that’s convinced the elite are just going to give up the reigns any day now.


Death threats are an inappropriate and disproportiate response but have you considered that it is because you’re more irritating to the left than you are to the right? Especially given how right wingers historically are massively more violent?


Frankly i don’t think there’s nearly enough tankies to offset the neolibs but i have a feeling I’m in the minority. Eh! Fun times we’re in


I’m a demsoc. I want to respect Communism more, but I never get death threats from liberals and do occasionally get death threats from Tankies.

It sucks because I feel they’d make a good ally to compromise with if they weren’t hoping to have me executed for not supporting an authoritarian seizure of power.


Well, i can’t speak to your experience but I’m a commie who doesn’t dig a forced central planning authority. Or death threats even!

For my part i get called a “traitor” and such by libs often, simply for criticizing the DNC et al.

But your point stands, no death threats.


Well, i can’t speak to your experience but I’m a commie who doesn’t dig a forced central planning authority. Or death threats even!

Well that’s a breath of fresh air. That’s very different from what I’ve seen. I do have to point out what I said elsewhere, that I feel Communists have a responsibility to speak against violent communism, the same way “good cops” can only be good if they speak out against bad cops. (I know how most Communists feel about police, but at least I hope you can appreciate the intent of the parallel)

For my part i get called a “traitor” and such by libs often, simply for criticizing the DNC et al.

I think using the word “traitor” in a situation like that is terrible. I do take it personally if someone treats the DNC as “just as bad as Trump” after he managed to cause an unprecedented amount of devastation between his immigration policies, “pay me” COVID handling, and open hatred of marginalized groups and “great people on both sides” support for groups like the KKK… But as much as I am disappointed when people put even a moderate like Biden in the same boat as him, I wouldn’t use the word “traitor”.

But your point stands, no death threats.

I would love if I met more Communists who are more willing to have constructive conversation with the other Leftist groups, instead of the ones that group all of us in a wide-net neoliberal basket that includes everyone from Bernie Sanders to Adolf Hitler. So, thank you :)


Do you ever think maybe it’s weird that you get many death threats? I think have ever had one in my life and I’ve conversed with many many mentally… unhealthy people


I’m a Social Democrat, who used to be a Democratic Socialist. The Right sees me as a Communist and McCarthyism kicks in. Did you hear about the “Physical Removal” movement? A meme-like movement about giving the Left helicopter rides to the middle of the ocean. I lived in a farm town where 40% of the voters were overcompensating for the Right not being able to win a rural area by being very outspoken anti-left.

And then, the Left. When I considered myself to be a demsoc, I tried to hang out in LSC on reddit. Not sure if you know it, but they eventually got banned for all the death threats coming out of there. There is an attitude around some percent of Communists that non-Communist lives don’t matter. They might be a minority, but they’re outspoken.

That was what got me to realize the flaw in being a demsoc, and I shifted laterally (NOT to the Right as several people like to pretend) to Social Democrat. Then I got more death threats because Communists have a hard-on of insisting Socdems are literally the same category as fascists.

I DO think it’s weird that I’ve gotten and get death threats over my views, and I understand why so many people my age have given up having any views at all and just become “I just vote a party and go about my day” folks that are part of the problem.


By the silent downvote I take it that you think getting so many death threats is normal and not possibly linked to being an extremely weird person who argues with perhaps even weirder people

abraxas, (edited )

Which “silent downvote” are you talking about?

And how exactly did you conclude I’m a “weird person” in this scenario? Obviously I’m arguing with weirder people, we’re talking about tankies.

EDIT: Just looked through your post history and cannot seem to find any I downvoted.

@gowan@reddthat.com avatar

Bingo Im bisexual and based on history alone there is no version of socialism that has not been horrible for me except the GDR for a few years at the very end of 1985-92.


You have my sympathy. Even when I was actively involved with pro-LGBTQ movements, there were people marching for rights that that didn’t respect bisexuals.

@gowan@reddthat.com avatar


rjs001, (edited )
@rjs001@lemmygrad.ml avatar

Come off of it. You are not getting death threats from MLs. You just want to feel self-important


Are the tankies in the room with us right now sweetie?

@Alaskaball@hexbear.net avatar

No, they’re distributed. And federated.


I’m coming to put you in the gulag and seize your property

@BeamBrain@hexbear.net avatar

Hell yeah we are

Nakoichi, (edited )
@Nakoichi@hexbear.net avatar

Oh fuck off lol. The biggest instance literally preemptively removedd from everyone left of Bernie Sanders. Go back to reddit if you’re afraid of getting called out for being politically illiterate.


I’m guessing your autocorrect didn’t like the word “defederated” and turned it into a word that’s a slur if you don’t include the ‘d’ at the end? lol

also I agree with your comment.

edit- Who wouldn’t want to be called an outfox?

@Nakoichi@hexbear.net avatar

Lol yeah I was on my way back from my lunch break when I typed that no clue what it autocorrected too


I’m guessing it dropped the F and rearranged the rest into the R slur. I can’t think of any other word with most of those letters, and it is a word otuside of the slur context, a verb meaning “to slow down”

@culpritus@hexbear.net avatar

Defederate but with a g for the f and a n for the d is also filtered iirc.

@Nakoichi@hexbear.net avatar

yep that was probably it lol



Did you mean communists? Common westerner mistake

@gowan@reddthat.com avatar

Not all communists are tankies but all tankies are authoritarian trash.


You’ve been lied to. All are treated as equally too far left, hence all commieș are tąnkies.


there’s no such thing as a tankie, the word literally has no meaning

Death to America


Death to all tankies, hooyah America, KILL THE BEAR. Ready to set 1SQ for strategic nuclear launch! Fuck the Kremlin, and fuck the CCP!


Okay so I followed the first part, you want Russians dead and all that, it’s the thing rn. But you realize saying “launch the nukes” is exactly the same thing as “death to America” but with more steps, right?


What can I say, I want to actually do the job I trained for sometimes. Besides, the way the qoeld is going makes me less and less hesitant to actually flip the toggle switch when the order comes. Maybe that’s the point.


get help please

@rjs001@lemmygrad.ml avatar

You don’t even know the name of the party. Don’t speak on things you clearly know nothing about


I know they’re Great Power Conflict adversaries, and I know my job is to put warheads on foreheads when directed. Everything else is just ammo for the IC community, SW, SO and MISO. Hooyah America.

@Flinch@hexbear.net avatar
@AntiOutsideAktion@hexbear.net avatar

“Everyone to the left of me isn’t being actively purged from the platform and it’s not to my tastes”

Fucking leave then


Lol, that’s not what they said at all. Somebody seems a little defensive.

@AOCapitulator@hexbear.net avatar



What’s a tankie?

@rjs001@lemmygrad.ml avatar

Someone who supports the rights of those in the global south


Hell yea


It’s reddit rejects so what do you think


comfortable middle-aged bookish software engineers who live in the US or Canada.

That seems to be like 95% of both reddit’s and lemmy’s (or some other federated instances’) user-bases.


If I wasn’t a slave constantly in fear of malnourishment, illness, homelessness, police violence, jail and/or pain, I might not care so much.


Just work harder, plebe. Everything is working just fine (for me)

@gowan@reddthat.com avatar

Every fourth one is saying we should defederate from Hexbear

@cynetri@midwest.social avatar

.world and sjw users when they ask to defederate after defederating

@EqMinMax@lemmy.world avatar

you can still block a community.

@kryostar@lemmy.world avatar

It’s always this sub… with the stupid Joe Biden memes. I don’t care… stop showing me politicians.


I’ve been here a couple of months and I don’t think I’ve seen but possibly one Biden thing


Awwww =3 poor widdle doom scroller. Is there too much politics? Well tough tits, youngin! Everything is political and you should be able to accept it popping up everywhere.

As for fatigue from politics that try to subvert and enrage you, have you tried not listening to said politics? What? You watch Tucker Carlson?! GTFO here…


Stop typing like a cringe weeb trying to roleplay being tough


Did I hit a nerve? UwU


Everything is political and you should be able to accept it popping up everywhere.

True, god forbid people have an escape from real life’s bullshit in something like a meme community.

I seriously don’t understand this original post or comments like this here at all. It doesn’t make any sense to me how you guys can’t see why people are annoyed at seeing politics 24/7 on Lemmy, even in random completely unrelated places, like memes. If you want to start your own politically charged memes community, then go for it, but I don’t understand at all why that content should be posted here in a general memes community that has nothing to do with politics in the slightest, or how/why you guys are justifying it. I don’t think it’s a big ask at all, but I digress.

@Alaskaball@hexbear.net avatar

Memes are DNA of the soul. Of course there’s politics involved because it impacts the soul.

ThereRisesARedStar, (edited )

Honestly it sounds like you came into an already existing place and are upset that it doesn’t cater to you. Presumably this means you assume the default of things is catering to you.



  • Loading...
  • ThereRisesARedStar,

    True, I came into a general meme community not expecting it to be politically charged (common sense)

    You’re really falling back on “common sense” huh?

    to which it seems like people agree with me and had similar expectations…

    I can see the same thread you can. This is a mischaracterization of the feedback you’ve received.

    what’s your point?

    Not everything is catering to you. You’re coming in to this with a really entitled attitude.



  • Loading...
  • ThereRisesARedStar,

    Lemmy was written by literal communists and was full of literal communists until all the ledditors came over. You weren’t expecting the memes community on the communist reddit clone to have any political memes?

    And you weren’t expecting it but were exposed to it, why are you complaining instead of blocking the community and going somewhere else. Do you feel like existing communities should bend over backwards to suit your preferences?


    have an escape from real life’s bullshit

    Things you are fine with aren’t bullshit to you and therefore they are nonpolitical.

    Things that affect other people, making other people concerned about them, are bullshit to you because you got yours. grillman


    How did you misconstrue and twist my point this badly? You just made a few massive jumps here that make no sense to me at all, and I’m not sure as to what brought you to those conclusions based off my reply. Maybe this is a joke that I’m missing?

    Things you are fine with aren’t bullshit to you and therefore they are nonpolitical.

    ??? Political things are political. Nonpolitical things are nonpolitical. What I’m “fine with” has nothing to do with what I find political or not, and I never claimed otherwise. No idea where you got that from or what in my reply alluded you to that. Did you read a different comment and just accidentally reply to mine? Genuinely wondering at this point, that would explain it for sure.

    At the end of the day, I’m not promoting or defending a specific political agenda like you’re making it out as, you have no idea who I am or what my political beliefs are or what I’m “fine with”, I’m just saying I think political shit as a whole shouldn’t be as prevalent as it is here in a random general memes community that has nothing to do with politics, and people are totally justified to be annoyed by or wanting to criticize that. I just don’t understand at all why you’re trying to make this out as some double standard, when it doesn’t exist.

    Things that affect other people, making other people concerned about them, are bullshit to you because you got yours.

    Are you trolling? This is a general memes community, not a political recruitment center, like what??? Plenty of political and social issues directly impact me, but its irrelevant, and I still think its weird to force them into places that are completely unrelated, like a general memes community for instance. Not everyone makes or wants their entire life to be about politics, sorry I guess?

    I also never called any specific political issues or concerns bullshit… I assume you misunderstood my saying of “real life’s bullshit”, but I think it’s clear and painfully obvious what I meant by that with the context, that life is full of issues and shit that go on 24/7, and sometimes people just want an escape and break from it over the internet, so no idea how or why you’re twisting it this much, just like you’ve managed to twist everything else I said here. :/

    I’m sorry but I don’t believe you made this comment in good faith at all, this is by far the dumbest and weirdest comment I have ever received in my life, if this was Reddit, I would give you an award for it, gg, like literally… what am I reading here? All you did was completely twist what I said and jump to massive conclusions about me, you should genuinely be ashamed, this is just embarrassing.

    UlyssesT, (edited )

    There isn’t much worth responding to in your wall of label-dodging sophistry.

    Politics exist, “bullshit” to you or not. Almost everything imaginable has political context and connections even if you plug your ears and make loud noises.

    I’m sorry but

    You’re not sorry. Spare me the Reddit cliches.

    I don’t believe you made this comment in good faith at all

    I don’t think you’re willing to leave your bubble and see that the world is larger and more intersectionally connected than your selfish whining about how the world other people inhabit isn’t as comfortably easy for you to ignore anymore.


    There isn’t much worth responding to in your wall of label-dodging sophistry.

    What are you still trying to insinuate by this? Why can’t you just accept the fact that we have different opinions and there’s nothing wrong with that, instead of accusing me of “label-dodging sophistry” or whatever else you can come up with. I never personally attacked you or your politics at all, so its just hard for me to understand why you’re being like this. It isn’t that deep. You’re just treating me like I went out of my way to shit on you or your politics, when I never did, my point was completely irrelevant of any political belief I or you may have, unlike what you keep trying to frame it as.

    Politics exist, “bullshit” to you or not. Almost everything imaginable has political context and connections even if you plug your ears and make loud noises.

    Wow, I didn’t realize I said politics didn’t exist, thanks for informing me of that. Is there anything else I never said that I should know about?

    Like no shit, of course politics exist, and sure, a lot of things in life are political, but usually not to this extent that they are currently, and some people just want an escape from it through places like a general memes community that has nothing to do with politics in nature, that’s all I was trying to say. People have a right to criticize or be annoyed by that, that was my point, but you can’t seem to comprehend that.

    You’re not sorry. Spare me the Reddit cliches.

    FWIW I do genuinely feel bad for having to respond this way to you, I’m perfectly open to talking to people with different perspectives or opinions than I have, but instead you chose to make a bad faith comment attacking me and completely twisting what I said, it’s unfortunate.

    I don’t think you’re willing to leave your bubble and see that the world is larger and more intersectionally connected than your selfish whining about how the world other people inhabit isn’t as comfortably easy for you to ignore anymore.

    I think you base your entire life off of your political beliefs and can’t understand that others don’t feel the same way. It isn’t that hard to understand.


    I think you base your entire life off of your political beliefs

    Your pretenses that you do not are the political beliefs that you base your life off of, with blinders on.

    It isn’t that hard to understand.

    It is for you. You’re that firmly and deeply rectally and cranially inverted, and this all started because of your whining about others having “politics” that you don’t want to see.

    @Alaskaball@hexbear.net avatar

    Now this is a post I can get behind.

    Take a hike, hug a tree, run your fingers through blades of grass, stare at nature and take it in.

    Maybe even get a cheeky grill in while you’re at it grillman

    @muirc@hexbear.net avatar

    Grillpill me, baby

    @Alaskaball@hexbear.net avatar

    Alright so what you need is 3 large portobello mushrooms, ¼ cup canola oil (or oil of your choice), ¼ cup balsamic vinegar, 3 tablespoons chopped onion, and 4 minced cloves garlic.

    First Clean the mushrooms; remove stems, reserving them for another use. Place mushroom caps gill-side up in a shallow dish.

    Then Combine oil, balsamic vinegar, onion, and garlic in a small bowl. Pour mixture evenly over mushroom caps; let marinate at room temperature for 1 hour.

    Go and Preheat the grill to medium-high heat; grease the grate.

    Lastly, Grill those suckers over the hot grill until caramelized and tender, about 5 minutes per side; serve warm.

    @nat_turner_overdrive@hexbear.net avatar

    you do drink the mushroom water that collects in the cap while grilling, right? you cant just pour that out!

    @Alaskaball@hexbear.net avatar

    That can be sauce for the grill boss


    damn this sounds really good


    You know how if a pipeline is blocked, the pressure will continue to build up, backing up with oil, seeping it into everything nearby because it can’t go forward, until eventually a rupture occurs? That’s why “everything is political these days.”

    @Erika3sis@hexbear.net avatar

    Beautifully said my friend

    @GrammatonCleric@lemmy.world avatar

    Maybe post on a political meme community instead? Is it really that difficult?


    Who gets to decide what is and isnt “political”?

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