
It’s a bunch of woke lefties that want to tax billionaires and shove their gay agenda down my throat. They hate honest hard working landlords and CEOS and shill for the lazy poors.


Gay people existing isn’t shoving it down your throat tho.


Honestly I just fucking hate the stickers. Once in a while is fine but EVERY FUCKING COMMENT


snarky know-it-alls that believe that they possess the most advanced political analysis derived almost exclusively from parroting reddit comments which have slowly turned their brains into velveeta

but anyway, enough about Lemmitors.

Hexbears are actually a nice bunch if you read through the comments on the current megathread. They just have very little tolerance for self-satisfied libs that congratulate themselves for thumping the Washington consensus-approved ideologies that most of hexbear graduated from years ago. Even I find it difficult to read lemmy comments because they’re legitimately what I would’ve written as a teenage redditor in the late 2000s.

SpaceCowboy, avatar

They’re just fascists LARPing as socialists. They’re not taking down the man. They’re supporting the man, just that the man they’re supporting is oppressing people in another country. They’re either working for an oppressive government or they’re privileged white kids that think their internet image matters more than the hardships of people in the oppressive countries the support.

Snowpix, avatar

And also a bunch of trolls who think “dunking on” anyone who remotely disagrees with the tiniest things is a personality trait. Their entire stated purpose of federating was to brigade and harass people enmasse.


Equating communists you disagree with with fascism is holocaust trivialization, according to mainstream Jewish scholars of the holocaust.

SpaceCowboy, avatar

You sound like hexbear LOL. “Anyone that disagrees with me is racist!”

Meanwhile Russians and Chinese people are living under oppressive fascist regimes and privileged white kids support that because their contrarianism made them support fascism.


I mean, I’m saying what youre doing is holocaust trivialization but I also linked a literal mainstream Jewish holocaust expert saying the same thing.

Meanwhile Russians and Chinese people are living under oppressive fascist regimes and privileged white kid

Let me stop you right there. China’s government has more than a 90 percent approval rate according to international pollsters. The concept of whole process peoples democracy comes from China. China is more democratic than your country.


Your first paragraph calls the rest of Lemmy arrogant and stupid. Next paragraph you say in one sentence that you’re “actually a nice bunch”, then spend the rest of it criticising and patronising the rest of Lemmy for not being as smart as you.

Then you wonder why people have a problem tolerating you.


let’s be real, if my comment ended at the fist paragraph you would’ve upvoted and moved on. Multiple comments in this thread belittle hexbear users as children as well, but you don’t have as much of negative reaction against that.


🎵 just don’t look 🎵 🎵 just don’t look 🎵


Have a bunch of them made alts on Lemmy .ml? I feel like this comment section ripe with bears that are on .ml. I suppose being able to make alts is one of the advantages of being decentralized.

peanutdust, is self described communists

Schlemmy, ≠ the Lemmy developers


It influences who signs up.


not sure why downvote bc he asked why tankies might come from that instance and yall always talk about defederating tankies so who would join an instance that is defederating their beliefs?


Not all communists spam pig testicles. The annoying part of a hexbear users is emoji spam, and dogpileing on any post they don’t like.

American_Communist22, avatar

removed I’ve been here for 2 years motherfucker, you’re the newbie

YeetPics, avatar

Wow, why don’t people like tankies again?


They are annoying morons?

YeetPics, avatar

Well right now they’re beating eachother off over this post. They see us mocking them and they think they’re intimidating or something? Not sure but it’s sad and cute at the same time.


Pure garbage. Don’t waste your time.

VinesNFluff, avatar

Left-wing social site (might be fedi, never bothered checking) for leftists who are way too edgy for mainstream leftist communities.


Rather than edgy, they are straight up tankies (aka, russia and URSS apologists)

American_Communist22, avatar

Glory to the Soviet Union


They’ll never forgive them for liberating Europe


Fuck the soviet union - harder than how the soviet troops fucked both my grandmothers when they “liberated” my birth country, and harder than how the soviet rule fucked the economy afterwards.

American_Communist22, avatar

are you like, serious


Now you got me interested: how exactly could this be anything but serious?

American_Communist22, avatar

Im sorry but maybe I just don’t believe you at all

zovits, (edited )

I don’t see what I could do to increase the chances of you believing me - thankfully nothing at all depends on it happening.

Oh wait, for the last one I can actually cite some sources:

American_Communist22, avatar

for which country is this?


What relevance does it have? A country in Europe that was under soviet oppression between WW2 and the fall of the soviet union. There are several like it and it matters little which one did I happen to born in - all suffered a similar fate.

American_Communist22, avatar

It matters because if its low population, gdp per capita will rise if its lowered. Also I would like to know where the sources are from and that its not some silly line you just faked.


The source is in the lower right corner. Population was in the high one-digit million scale. But none of this matters when one can clearly see how the economy skyrocketed after the soviets left.

American_Communist22, avatar

I see how gdp per capita skyrocketed, not the economy.


Wait, let me get this right

  • too far right: trump fangirls, fascists and Elon stans
  • too far left: Russia-stans and pro-communism-with-corruption groups?
Snowpix, avatar

Both are authoritarian, two sides of the same shitty coin.


Equating communists you disagree with with fascism is holocaust trivialization, according to mainstream Jewish scholars of the holocaust.


Authoritarianism isn’t the same as fascism. But the good guys don’t side with the dictators and definitely not with the side hurting others even if they think giving in means the pain would stop.

Trivializing the Holocaust means to let bullies keep going unopposed and those that would trap and use others for labor or eradication which obviously can come from both sides but doesn’t mean you pretend the easiest answer is right.

Right answers are hard and are likely at the end of hard work and effort, constantly. So maybe stop hiding behind a simple answer and a single fact that makes you feel you have a rule we are all breaking and realize it’s gonna take a long and complicated answer and then come back and join the conversation.


Define authoritarian in a way that doesn’t include all nations

Snowpix, avatar

No, we’re not going to entertain your sealioning.


You’re not going to because you can’t, because the term is meaningless nonsense.


We are not equating “communists” with fascism, we are equating authoritarian communists with fascism. They are both as bad because they are both authoritarian regimes that are based around opressing the people.

And holicaust trivialization? Didn’t the URSS kill a shit ton of people as well? Isn’t China commiting crimes against humanity as well?


If you think the USSR is an “authoritarian”(whatever that means) communist country and you are equating it to fascists you are doing what the Jewish holocaust scholar is calling holocaust trivialization. They are primarily talking about equating the USSR and fascism. Did you read the article?


Ok tankie


Okay scratched liberal


You wish, baby


If you squat naked over a mirror and look down, that’s the eye of the bear.

ElBarto, avatar

Edge lords who couldn’t handle someone telling them they were wrong, so they had big sook and defedederated after a day.

z500, avatar

Oh no, please don’t go…


Didn’t .world preemptively defenderate from them?


Yes, they did. Are they going to admit .world couldn’t handle being told they wrong and had a big sook instead now?


Is sook a regional slang term? I tried to look is up, I guess it’s a crybaby?

PerCarita, avatar

Don’t you mean, you tried to sook it up?



Hah! Never be sorry about puns!

ElBarto, avatar

I was specifically talking about them federating with shitjustworks for a day. But .world overreacts to shit all the time so I don’t think that was the gotchya you thought. I’m a lemmy supporter not a specific instance supporter.

American_Communist22, avatar

.world did first you lying scum

antik, avatar

You’re welcome

YeetPics, avatar

Lol can you whine more? I’ve had a long day and your writhing is really helping me.


A large part of it is a fanbase of Chapo Trap House which has a particular brand of humor that is rampant with esoteric inside jokes that are vulgar as a point, let alone to the extreme.

That humor, especially without that frame of reference, usually offends your average internet denizen.


Hexbear is also filled with authoritarians which isn’t very funny but still offensive


Sure, but to my point: if you don’t know or are unaware of the kind of humor associated with their core userbase, you might not be able to tell the difference at face value.

I maintain the best way for the uninformed to try and understand Hexbear users is to learn about or listen Chapo Trap House regardless of your politics/agreement. It puts a lot of their antics into context.

American_Communist22, avatar

You have the politics of a slug


A social network that was formed as a fork of lemmy, before lemmy had really entered the fediverse (tho they were planning to). Both Lemmy and Hexbear had communists among their founders, but the Hexbear devs found it more… Central to their objectives. When Lemmy federated, Hexbear didn’t. It planned to initially, but ended up being pretty satisfied of being a small, yet centralized social network, basically a communist Reddit. But the idea of joining the Fediverse appeared tempting once again with the boom that happened on Mastodon when the muskrat ate the bird, and to a greater extent when Reddit changed their API policy and lost a lot of the user’s trust, causing many redditors to move to Lemmy.

Hexbear devs then worked to essentially make it a Lemmy instance, but there were always disagreements about who to federate with. They first federated with Lemmygrad and Lemmy .ml. Lemmy .world quickly blocked them. They temporarily federated with sh .itjust .works, but this wasn’t well received on either side, so this was soon undone.

Ideology wise, pretty much everyone on Hexbear is some kind of communist. However, altho the “tankie”, pro-russia type is often seen, it’s not that homogeneous (there are even anarchist channels over there), arguably less than lemmygrad.


Everything you said was accurate except the pro Russia = tankie stuff. I just want to be able to say that the kulaks deserved and such without being tied to capitalist trash like Putin…


Yeah by pro Russia they meant pro current governement of Russia, aka Putin


Yeah, I didn’t mean to say that all tankies are pro current Russia, but just that there is a specific type of tankies that is, and these are often the annoying ones.

yogthos, avatar

I’ve actually yet to see anybody you’d call a tankie being pro Putin or pro current Russian government. What people are pro is Russia acting as a counter to NATO and facilitating multipolarity.


I think people are thrown off by anti NATO stance. I almost don’t blame people for confusing NATO opposition for Russia support, especially during on ongoing Russian invasion, which does seem to justify NATO’s existence. Nevermind NATO’s history of imperialist action, people are very tied up in the Ukraine war and are unwilling to cede any ground to anything that may appear even a little soft on Russia.

yogthos, avatar

Right, people are treating it as sports where you have to either cheer for one side or the other.

Riven, avatar

My issue with hexbearians was that in every single thread I saw them in they would do nothing but whatabout regardless of the context. I understand they may have good points about certain things and to their credit some had very well written and informative comments but most of the time they weren’t directly relevant to the topic. It could be a loud minority but it doesn’t change the fact it’s annoying to see huge threads of whatabout arguments all the time by them.


You know whataboutism isn’t an actual logical fallacy and was originally used in defense of British colonialism “well the IRA also does bad things” right?

yogthos, avatar

Again, my point was that people should focus on themselves and what their countries are doing. Your “well the IRA also does bad things” is precisely the kind of deflection I’m arguing against.


I’m replying to the person you’re replying to.

yogthos, avatar

Ah gotcha

yogthos, avatar

In my view, having consistent moral standards is a prerequisite for having an honest discussion on any topic. If anything, the actual whataboutism is pointing fingers at other countries while refusing to acknowledge what your own country is doing. People should focus on fixing problems at home and holding their own governments accountable first and foremost because that’s where they have most agency.

This is what people who you accuse of whataboutism point out. Focusing on countries you don’t like and talking about how bad they are when your own country does the same things simply serves to deflect attention and to create the impression that your own society is somehow better and more enlightened. This is how the west often justifies the atrocities it commits.

American_Communist22, avatar

getting called out for your bullshit on any topic pertains to the discussion, we’ve had problems with all crowds.


“whataboutism” does not mean “you’re never allowed to point out a double standard”

gowan, avatar

To be fair one country was invaded by the other. It is entirely understandable to back the party that was invaded by the other nation especially when that nation has a recent history of imperialism.

yogthos, avatar

Last I checked, what actually happened was that Ukraine was plunged into a civil war after US ran a coup in 2104 that overthrew the democratically elected government.

Russia was invited into the conflict by LPR and DPR which it recognized independence of. This follows the precedent NATO set in Yugoslavia where it recognized breakaway regions and intervened on their behalf.

gowan, avatar

You might want to edit the errors in your comment if you want people to take you seriously.

The LPT and DPR were legitimate why exactly? That’s the part that makes the claim less than accurate.

yogthos, avatar

I don’t need to edit anything, the LPR and DPR were every bit as legitimate as the regions that broke away from Yugoslavia. What exactly are you claiming is the difference between the two scenarios?

gowan, avatar

That’s a bold claim to make given neither region were their own nation or were historically Russian or Ukrainian.

Yugoslavia was formed if multiple countries untied by socialism. The LPR and DPR as breakaway units are not the sane and seem to have been very heavily influenced by Russia. That’s the same imperialistic Russia that keeps invading foreign lands to seize them since Putin was elected.

yogthos, avatar

Ukraine was formed by USSR. Are you just utterly historically illiterate?

gowan, avatar

The political entity was created by the USSR. The nation has existed for centuries. Do you know the difference between a nation and a state? Would you deny that Kurdistan exists as a nation?

yogthos, avatar

The discussion is about LPR and DPR regions not some abstract notion of Ukraine.

gowan, avatar

Which are abstractions themselves so we are in fact discussing the concept if a nation vs a state. Before 1917 people recognized an area called Ukraine populated by Ukrainian people. LDR and DPR do not have that history in fact the Russian element is there due to the legacy of racist policies of the USSR that wanted these areas to have a Russian dominated population so they moved them there.

The LDR and DPR aren’t nations like Ukraine has been for centuries and the attempt to cast them as legitimate breakaway areas is just Kremlin propaganda to justify traditional Russian imperialism.

yogthos, avatar

You’re just engaging in sophistry here. LPR and DPR are two well defined regions of the current state known as Ukraine. This is exactly the same situation as Yugoslavia. Every argument you’ve made equally applies to regions of Yugoslavia that separated. Russia just followed NATO precedent intervening on the behalf of the regions whose independence was recognized by Russia. You can keep doing mental gymnastics here all you like, but that’s the reality of the situation.

gowan, avatar

No they aren’t the same, if they were the same you could find documentation about their history. For fucks sake if they were equivalent the regions and people would have names like Serbians did while Yugoslavia existed.

There no gymnastics being done on my part. You have just uncritically accepted the imperialist propaganda from the Kremlin. Weird that you are on Lemmy.ML and are overtly supporting fascism…

yogthos, avatar

What are you even talking about here, you’re saying there is no history of the people who were part of Yugoslavia?

The only one uncritically accepting imperialist propaganda here is you buddy. You’re the one who is supporting literal self described fascist. Maybe do some self reflection on that.

gowan, avatar

No Im saying the DPR and ZLPR aren’t nations with people tied to that nation like Ukranians have been for centuries. Those areas were Ukrainian until the Soviets moved ethnic Russians there to make it Russian dominant.

Im not supporting any fascists but you are backing Putin who has an undeniable history of imperialism and fascism.

yogthos, avatar

You’re just showing complete and utter ignorance of Slavic history here. However, even in your ramblings you admit that people currently living in LRP and DPR (which you evidently can’t spell even), are predominantly of Russian ethnicity and hence want to be part of Russia.

Im not supporting any fascists but you are backing Putin who has an undeniable history of imperialism and fascism.

You very clearly support a fascist regime that took power in a violent coup in Ukraine in 2014. Here’s western media reporting on your friends

and here’s what they’ve been up to since 2014 as even CNN reported at the time

You’re a fash simp plain and simple.

gowan, avatar

Tell me more how you are the educated one when you are spitting fascist propaganda. The fact that people want to be part of Russia does not give Russia the right to invade and steal children.

While both nations have far right neo nazis only one government, Russia, has granted them authority and promotes fascism abroad.

yogthos, avatar

you openly ally with literal fascists, I have nothing more to say to you

gowan, avatar

Last I checked I didn’t. I don’t support the GOP. I’m not a fan of Putin or frankly any Russian government. I’m not a fan of Ukraine’s government either but they were clearly invaded as a result of Putin’s imperialistic desires.

Now if you support the GOP or the Kremlin you might be allied with fascists. There is a weird history of fascists being supported by Marxist-Leninists

yogthos, avatar

No, Ukraine was invaded because of NATO expansion. In fact, Stoltenberg has now publicly acknowledged that Putin made clear to NATO in a draft treaty before the war that it could avert it if NATO agreed not to keep enlarging. But NATO rejected the offer.

Then lastly on Sweden. First of all, it is historic that now Finland is member of the Alliance. And we have to remember the background. The background was that President Putin declared in the autumn of 2021, and actually sent a draft treaty that they wanted NATO to sign, to promise no more NATO enlargement. That was what he sent us. And was a pre-condition for not invade Ukraine. Of course we didn’t sign that.

The opposite happened. He wanted us to sign that promise, never to enlarge NATO. He wanted us to remove our military infrastructure in all Allies that have joined NATO since 1997, meaning half of NATO, all the Central and Eastern Europe, we should remove NATO from that part of our Alliance, introducing some kind of B, or second class membership. We rejected that.

So he went to war to prevent NATO, more NATO, close to his borders.…

So maybe stop lying and stop supporting the fascist regime in Ukraine that your government installed there in a violent coup.

These are the people you are allied with, and if that doesn’t give you a pause then what else is there to say about you as a person

gowan, avatar

No Ukraine was invaded because Russia wants Ukrainian resources. It is why they have invaded SO MANY other nations.

Russia’s imperialism is obvious and undeniable. Authoritarians will always back other authoritarians I guess.

yogthos, avatar

Repeating nonsense over and over isn’t going to make it true baby Goebbels.

gowan, avatar

Lol, says the one supporting the actual overt fascists

yogthos, avatar

You’re literally the one who is supporting actual overt fascists here. I love how you still haven’t even acknowledged this fact. You are utterly morally bankrupt. Maybe go do a bit of self reflection on the fact that your views perfectly align with people who tattoo themselves in swastikas.

gowan, avatar

You mean like the founder of The Wagner Group? He has SS logos on his neck. It’s almost as if both sides have some fascists but only Russia has one in the highest office.

Zelensky is Jewish ffs.

yogthos, avatar

Last I checked the wagner group isn’t part of the Russian government, but keep on lying since that’s all you’ve been doing here this whole time. Show me a single actual Russian government official who claims to be a fascist. Meanwhile, entire Ukrainian political elite are openly fascist as well as all your nazi friends in US who support them. I’ve provided you with plenty of sources clearly showing this to be the case. Ukraine doesn’t have some fascists, it’s run by a fascist regime, and the fact that you won’t even acknowledge this says everything I need to know about you as a person. Zelensky being Jewish doesn’t mean anything. Next, thing you’ll tell me Israel isn’t a fascist apartheid state because it’s run by Jews. You are so lost.

You are allied with literal self described fascists and you openly champion their cause.

gowan, avatar

They aren’t part of the government they just are regularly hired by them, are staffed at the top levels with Kremlin loyalists and carry out the Kremlin’s goals.

Suuuure they totally aren’t Russian.

Again Putin himself is advocating fascism and all the fascists seem allied with Russia on this issue.

Maybe you are completely confused what fascism is? After all you are mentally deficient enough to buy into Leninism.

yogthos, avatar

They’re a PMC, and fascism isn’t the ideology of the PMC. Meanwhile, official battalions like azov are openly fascist, and fascists are part of the actual government in Ukraine. The fact that you keep trying to equate the two shows that you’re an utterly morally bankrupt liar.

Also, nowhere does Putin advocate for fascism. Stop lying. I know what fascism is, but either you don’t or you just lie. And I’m done talking to you nazi. Bye.

gowan, avatar

They are a PMC that is trained by and acts on behalf of the Kremlin. This would be like claiming Blackwater had no ties to the USA.

Meanwhile Putin is a fascist and fascists everywhere from Trump to Orban are echoing Russian talking points.

Just because you are an authoritarian doesn’t mean you should support fascism.



you’ll literally shill anything. Anyone who reads this knows the shit you’re selling, they ain’t buying lol


This is really a non-sequitur but I have zero idea how people choose to upvote it downvote anymore. You and I were in agreement and somehow I got upvoted and you got downvoted? I don’t get it

yogthos, avatar

lol, I have a following of a few very angry liberals on here :)

gowan, avatar

There was an interesting writeup from someone on hexbear as to why they opposed the war in Ukraine. It was fascinating reading such a nuanced take on the conflict that completely ignored Russia’s imperialistic attitudes that Putin displayed from the moment he took office. It was really interesting reading someone who was really well informed to a point but seemed to not see past that point.


I don’t even really think it’s that they don’t see that point, it’s that they don’t want the US intervening in any more conflicts because the US always picks that side that’s closest aligned with their own capitalist/imperial goals, and the struggle for worker solidarity is the dominant dialectical struggle they’re interested in. If the US showed any interest in assisting a socialist project be successful, they might feel more comfortable with the US’s involvement, but that’s historically not been the case (nor would that make sense in that particular dialectical materialist worldview).


I think this is the most fair shakedown I’ve seen so far

Kes, avatar

They’ve beefed with a few other instances they tried federating with too such as and Their user base tends to be a bit more abrasive than most Lemmy instances, making federation controversial even among similarly minded instances such as

American_Communist22, avatar

Blahaj zone had a problem with chasers that we did not want in our safespace


What is “chasers”?

American_Communist22, avatar

straight people being horny for trans people. I love my allies, but I don’t want them that close.


More accurately cis people being horny for trans people in an objectifying way.

There are unfortunately gay chasers.

American_Communist22, avatar

This is true too

American_Communist22, avatar

Ideology wise, pretty much everyone on Hexbear is some kind of communist. However, altho the “tankie”, pro-russia type is often seen, it’s not that homogeneous (there are even anarchist channels over there), arguably less than lemmygrad.

even the anarchists are pro soviet at least lol, I love my comrades

BRINGit34, avatar

Best instance on lemmy!!


I think it may be referring to the people who blame all social ills on “corporate greed” and think that belong leftist is exclusively being anti-capitalist. I think this may go along with some pro-Putin/pro-Xi viewpoints, possibly because they believe that “the west” is bad and capitalist, Andy anyone who opposes it is anti-capitalist and good.

I’m glad I know who these people are, so I can be more careful of them. Both here and on Reddit it felt like I was trapped in a bubble with these guys.

jelloeater85, avatar

I have to ask… Is related to the actual DMV?


It stands for DC, Maryland, and Virginia.


Tankies are politically incomprehensible, because they claim to be queer-friendly communists, but support insanely queer-phobic bourgeois dictators like Xi and Putin.

They are vulnerable to the same online radicalization as alt-right bubbles. They say things that get increasingly insane, because it gets them more and more internet points and attention, until they start believing their own outrageous hyperbole.

For example, I have one tankie currently trying to unironically argue with me that the UK is a vassal state to the US Empire. Like we’re living in Star wars and he’s the rebel alliance that is bringing down with evil empire with lemmy shitposting.


At this point we need to assume they’re Russian shills and the queer-friendly stuff is a ruse to have a fallback to always claim the moral high-ground


I 100% believe there’s Russian shills in the mix, but I think most of them are normal people who are frustrated with the status quo, and vulnerable to aome targeted manipulation. It’s also exactly how Russia targeted the alt-right.


They accused the admin of “defending a transphobe” and their instance “unsafe for LGBTQ+” people.

The admin in question is trans and is named after an IKEA shark plushie that’s become an icon of the trans community.


For example, I have one tankie currently trying to unironically argue with me that the UK is a vassal state to the US Empire.

Why are you posting your Ls lmao


I mean, he’s making the US sound 100x more badass than it actually is. Who’s taking the L there?


Being an empire isn’t badass, it’s just bad.


Bad at losing because you’re a global hegemony that pulls all geopolitical strings.


Yes, that’s bad.


It’s funny to trace rhetoric back a few years before the Russia-Ukraine war, when there was so much Internet and social media hype over Russia as a superpower, their military overtaking America: military…

Then suddenly there’s the invasion, and suddenly it’s revealed that the hype was all fake, Russia was bluffing on its military, they are mostly poorly trained, with ridiculously outdated equipment.

And suddenly tons of internet media commentators do a massive 180, and there’s so much rhetoric about how being a global superpower is bad.

Is being a global superpower bad, or do people say it’s bad just because Russia isn’t one after all?


It’s bad. It would be bad also if Russia were the sole global hegemon and the imperial power that controls the whole world, but it isn’t and also never has been. What a bizarre thought process you have that you think Americans who live in America and have to put up with its bullshit all day are getting their talking points from a country they don’t live in and have nothing to fucking do with. What a deranged conspiracy theory.


What a bizarre thought process you have that you think Americans who live in America and have to put up with its bullshit all day are getting their talking points from a country they don’t live in and have nothing to fucking do with. What a deranged conspiracy theory.

I’m gonna blow your mind, Grandpa. Americans consume more internet media than social media.

Your see there’s this thing call Facebook


And Facebook is an American company and spending on advertisements by American entities dwarf that of any other country, so what’s your point?


America is not a nationalist country, and it’s not even particularly anti-Russia. American companies are busy making money selling their products.

And capitalism online created the ingeniously evil thing known as targeted advertising. Instead of generically hammering the entire population with propaganda, you target specific groups with specific techniques.

Incels? Blame women’s rights in America. Russia is more traditional and women know their place.

Neo-Nazis? Blame the gays. The West is becoming effeminate. Russians are real men.

Tankies? It’s US capitalism and imperialism. Not like Russia, it’s going to bring back the communist Soviet Union.


I died. I’m dead after reading that america isn’t nationalist or anti-Russia. Lol. Lmao even.


It’s not, politicians overwhelmingly don’t use nationalist or anti-Russia rhetoric because it doesn’t get them elected. Vivek is going hard nationalist, and he’s what, 9% support among Republicans?

There’s a few hyper-nationalists in the Republican party, but it’s the tiny minority, and everyone else in America just uses them for entertainment.

MrBusinessMan, (edited )


Vivek is going hard nationalist, and he’s what, 9% support among Republicans?

So who is leading the republican primary? Somebody without a nationalist bone in their body I’m sure. Definitely not an “America First” “Build the Wall” “Make America Great Again” type of candidate.


Trump moonlights as a nationalist but in reality he’s a globalist businessman who is friendly towards Russia and China. Sure, he says build the wall, but he hired immigrants at his properties.

Trump did lean in heavy to the nationalist rhetoric in 2016, and where did that get him? One term, twice lost popular vote, twice impeached, and what should have been a red wave midterm in 2022 turned into a red fart. Edit: not to mention currently drowning in legal issues and hemorrhaging money on lawyers

Most Americans don’t want nationalism.


But damn that’s a cool feature. Can you run a search on Ukraine + Nazis prior to the invasion to say what western reporting was saying about it back then?

Then suddenly there’s the invasion, and suddenly it’s revealed that the hype was all fake, Russia was bluffing on its military, they are mostly poorly trained, with ridiculously outdated equipment.

Do you live in an alternate reality where NATO is winning this war? Lmfao


Do you live in an alternate reality where NATO is winning this war? Lmfao

The narrative shifts second to second. One moment it’s an all powerful hegemony that pulls all the strings, the next it’s getting crushed by Russia.

NATO is both a super-powerful bogeyman, and weak and helpless, depending on what most helps the current agenda.…/umberto-eco-makes-a-list-of-the…

See #8

MrBusinessMan, (edited )

I’m rubber your glue, now you have to explain why Russia is hilariously incompetent and weak and simultaneously managing to brainwash people 5,000 miles away inside Americas own borders with a tiny fraction of America’s own media and propaganda power


Well I do like to say that if Russia spent its troll farm money on its military instead, then it could afford the military it pretended to have.

Tongue in cheek, obviously troll farms are way more cost effective.

And it’s not like anyone was actually brainwashed into being a Russian agent. It’s just trolls who regurgitate pre-programmed talking points. And it’s really easy to walk into an alt-right or tankie bubble, list off a few in-group signals, and then just say things that already line up with their confirmation bias.


Actually I have a theory that the libs are the ones being targeted and brainwashed by Russian talking points. The Russians have convinced the libs that they secretly control everything and that everybody who disagrees with them is a Russian spy or a bot. The libs in turn act completley deranged about the Russian menace, thereby losing credibility in the eyes of their own countrymen and the world, and making foolish decisions of all sorts. They successfully are dividing our country by making the libs paranoid and distrustful. It’s truly a sad way for our country to be torn apart.


The proof is right there lol.

Russian propaganda successfully convinced everyone that Russia had on of the most modern, powerful, well trained armies in the world. This is well documented. Most of the West predicted the fall of Ukraine within days.

The funny thing about a propaganda army, is that it can’t fight a real war for you. The Ukraine invasion stripped away the illusion, and the world got to see the real Russian military behind the facade.

everybody who disagrees with them is a Russian spy or a bot

Absolutely not, but it’s really easy to spot someone with incoherent rhetoric, that dances back and forth, and parrots pretty predictable lines they got online.


Absolutely not, but it’s really easy to spot someone with incoherent rhetoric, that dances back and forth, and parrots pretty predictable lines they got online.

Exactly what you are doing, which confirms my suspicions that you’ve fallen into the Russian propaganda trap! You need to snap out of it!


Snap me out of it, point out which part is incoherent, MrRubberandGlue.


America actually sucks ass on its own merits, Russia isn’t responsible for any of America’s problems (since America is the sole global superpower and has absolute control over itself and a great deal of the rest of the world) and the fact that you seek out an external boogeyman to blame really only proves that you’re a highly propagandized jingoist incapable of facing this reality.


America actually sucks ass on its own merits

Oh I 100% agree. I don’t think Russian propaganda is seriously influencing America, not any more anyway. Maybe Russia tipped the scales in 2016 enough to get Trump elected, maybe not. I think everyone has adapted to it now.

I think Russia impact online right now amounts to just making the internet a less fun place to be, because of the annoying trolls. I don’t take it very seriously.

American capitalism would self destruct even if Russia did not exist.


Fair enough, have a great day


Its a 6 sided bear, the peak of the polygonal phylogeny.







Heptaherpeton - this is the furthest we’ve discovered in the polygonal phylogeny but research indicates the likely existence of an octorca as well


Octoria are scientifically impossible, the grazing territory requirements alone for a sustainable breeding colony would be immense. Any reports of them in the wild are either misidentified pairs of quadferrets copulating, or hoaxes perpetuating the psuedoscience.


quadferrets copulating

That’s where you’re messing up. Those are pentacoyotes, not quadferrets. The contact side between two polygonimals mating is actually obscured, so the actual number of sides in a copulation configuration is the sum of the sides of all involved polygonimals - 2. Therefore the octorca could not be two mating quadferrets, but could be two pentacoyotes, or a chain of duodugongs.


Wtf are you guys talking about


Polygonal phylogeny


Yes, googling offers nothing, but I’m probably just being goofed on


Try the Polygoogle. The regular non-euclidian google has a history of censorship when it comes to polygonal phylogeny


I didn’t even think to recommend Poogle. Thank you!


Polygonal phylogeny

Agent641, (edited )

Youre quite right, rookie mistake by me. You would think a Polyphylogenonomist would know better.

However, wouldnt it be more accurate to say that the actual number of sides in any given copulation configuration containing n polygonimals would be n*(sides per polygonimal)-(n-1)? Assuming we exclude tricopulations of hexbears where any given individual may be contacting two other individuals’ sides at the same time in a tessalation layout? I must admit im not certain though, my field is polyphylogenomics, not polyphylogenomatics. Im sure there are some edge cases Ive missed, pardon the pun.


My bad, I was thinking in terms of simple intraspecies pairing like they taught us as undergrads. Once you get into polypolys and tessellations the math is frankly beyond me. Well spotted though.

YeetPics, (edited ) avatar

Ever wanted to be talked down to by a 14 year old alt-right sociopath who pretends to support lgbt so they can stealthily insult liberals and blame western whites for how China is?

Edit; downvote more, at the end of the day you’re still a hexbear 🤢

obinice, avatar

Gods yes, it’s all I’ve ever wanted. Do they do birthdays?

YeetPics, avatar

No, celebrations of any kind are western propaganda. Your question has been audited and was found to have negative implications towards the state. Shock troops have been dispatched to your most recent location, have a great day, comrade.

Album, avatar


JudahBenHur, (edited )

holy fuck I laughed out loud at this outside by myself at ten to 1am … I didnt know what hexbear was, soooo, I reported a post for saying that anyone who ever supports a democratic candidate in america needs to be hit by a truck, and that violence needs to befall them, so the mod I reported it to posted my username and announced I had reported it in a comment to that post. people then piled on saying how I was a hypocrite and deserved violence brought against me, because violence has been done by cops agains homeless and trans people. also, that all I care about is getting brunch

Agent641, (edited )

What kind of brunch were you eating at the time?


bottomless mimosas bitches!!


These accusations specifically are always so wild from you libs. Blue anon through and through.


Any arguments or only name calling?

HornyOnMain, avatar

We’ve never “pretended to support lgbt”, why would we? What would be the point of a load of alt right channers roleplaying as queer communists for years on an incredibly niche social media in the hope that eventually redditors would come to the site? And even supposing we did, and we were all just alt right types, if we’d spent years doing reading groups of queer theory together and kicking out transphobes and creating the most queer friendly space on lemmy just as an incredibly long extended bit then would the supposed communists we’re impersonating even take issue with that?

Like just use some critical thinking, at this point almost half of the sites users are trans and most of the rest are queer, most new users cite our radical opposition to queerphobia as their reason for joining, what evidence is there that we lie about being queer friendly? Like just check out !traaaaaaannnnnnnnnns or !anti_cishet_aktion or !transenby_liberation and tell me in good faith that all these people have been lying for years about being queer

CabbageRelish, (edited )

They’ve decided a radically inclusive, three-year-old community of lefties who were here well before there was any serious activity on Lemmy are secret fascists who only pretend to be heavily LGBT for laughs. How are you supposed to respond to that? It’s hugely insulting and absurd on its face.

YeetPics, avatar

You sound like such a lib

YeetPics, avatar

Donald Trump is a communist.

CabbageRelish, (edited )

According to some weird red-brown alliance “patriotic socialists,” “maga communists,” or whatever they’re calling themselves now (The first one was probably way too on the nose). We’re not them though. We even immediately drove one of the main figures behind that cryptofash bullshit out, and now they’re just a semi-regular feature in the dunk tank.

/Edit - May be confusing the drumming out with another far less edgy community and/or the r/CTH days. Folks like that are prolific about trying to wedge their way in. Latter point there still stands though.


Equating fascism with communism is holocaust trivialization, according to mainstream Jewish scholars of the holocaust.

YeetPics, avatar

I’m not equating anything here, Donald j Trump is a communist.

Don’t like it? Shouldn’t have drank all that kool-aid. That’s right, you’re propagandized for disagreeing with me!!1


Like mainland 9gag with a veil of solidarity.

For the majority who don’t know, 9gag is a Hong Kong based meme recycling organization run by people who are equally intolerant of lactose and melanin.


20 percent of hexbears user base is trans. I dont know why liberals feel so comfortable misgendering all of them when they say shit like this.

Also, because you called them alt right, equating them with the alt right:

Riven, avatar

Any solid proof of that or just self reports?


Do you want to see their genitals or what? This happened way before the exodus and federation.

I’m a trans hexbear user, are you going to accuse me of faking?

PerCarita, avatar

We’re just interested to see if there are statistics around that support your claim that

20 percent of hexbears user base is trans.

OurToothbrush, (edited )

My B, that’s lemmygrad

Ask lemmygrad folks whether hexbear or lemmygrad has more trans users. Theyll say hexbear. Lemmygrad doesn’t even have pronouns listed in username as default and they have 20 percent trans users.

YeetPics, avatar

No, but trump is a communist and I have loads of proof.

OurToothbrush, (edited )

Trump is literally a billionaire, how could he be a communist? and you’re a troll.


Trump is so broke he can’t pay his lawyers and is selling coffee cups with his mugshot on them but, okay? Hopefully he’s in prison one day for all he’s done.


Trump is so broke he can’t pay his lawyers and is selling coffee cups with his mugshot on them but, okay?

This is standard rich asshole stuff. The point is being a billionaire is antithetical to being a communist.

Hopefully he’s in prison one day for all he’s done.

Hopefully he’ll be executed.


You’re really that slow that you don’t understand that guy was being sarcastic? Are you dumb? Don’t answer that, I already have the answer.


Oh look ableism, fun.

YeetPics, avatar

Yea! Now everyone agree with ourtoothbrush NOW or we’ll say you deserve a firing squad!

YeetPics, avatar

Wow, someone clearly is totally propagandized, the evidence is right there and you simply ignore it. Wow, lib moment 😮‍💨

seitanic, avatar

Where was the misgendering in that comment?


Literally claiming trans people aren’t actually trans and are just faking it as part of some conspiracy is misgendering.


Trans didn’t even get mentioned in the comment. ಠ_ಠ

OurToothbrush, (edited )

“Faking lgbt support” we’re mostly lgbt.

YeetPics, avatar

[press “x” to doubt]


Weve all spent three years faking being gay and trans for your amusement, yeah. We even went as far as to code in mandatory pronouns next to display names to own the libs. /s

Imagine being so conspiracy brained that you say such incredibly insulting nonsense.


A hexbear calling someone else conspiracy brained. Top humor.


Please, share what false conspiracies you think we believe, it ought to be funny.

YeetPics, avatar

Hey, nobody is telling you what to do, you can spend 3 years doing anything you like. I’m not going to get up here and say you’re wrong for it. I will, however, speak on my doubts on the support this “organization” supplies.

Oh, and Donald Trump is a communist.


Okay, and I’m still confused on where “faking LGBT support” implies anti-trans? You’re literally seeing things that aren’t there.


gowan, avatar

Who is misgendering anyone in the comment you replied to? They clearly edited their comment at some point, as they posted 29 minutes ago while you replied six hours ago, but what is up right now has no gendered terms at all. Did they remove that language?


You know how you can misgender trans people by claiming that they’re faking being trans right? That’s what it comes down to when they claim we aren’t supportive of lgbt people/faking being lgbt.

gowan, avatar

I wasn’t aware that would be misgendering them however the comment as posted states faking supporting LGBT people which is different than what you are claiming here. I am asking if they altered the comment in any way that would make your claims logical or did you just misread them?

YeetPics, avatar

I don’t believe you.

Donald Trump is a communist and he said you’re wrong. Sorry.

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