
Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Lubuntu, Ubuntu Budgie, Ubuntu Kylin, Ubuntu MATE, Ubuntu Studio, Xubuntu, Edubuntu, Mythbuntu.


Forgot gnubuntu


I tried to search about it but the ubuntu wiki directs me to ubuntu-libre, and there directs me to gobuntu, and then it says gobuntu has been merged back to ubuntu?

Did I misinterpret something or is it what it seems?


GNUbuntu was an Ubuntu derivative that delivered only free software in the default install. It was abandoned for gNewSense and ultimately, Trisquel.


And the best of all… Uwuntu


still the best os/distro of all time is hanah montana os


It’s Hannah you unwashed pleb!


Oh yeah

Boot up

You get the GUI out front

Hottest styles, every theme, every color

Yeah, when you’re root it can be kinda fun

As long as your password is never discovered

In some ways you’re just like all your friends

But on the internetz you’re a star

You get the best of both OS’s

Run Windows, take it slow

Then Linux rocks out the show

You get the best of both OS’s

Mix it all together and you know that it’s the best of both OS’s

The best of both OS’s

You go to software premiers (is that Linus Torvalds?)

Hear songs on Pandora radio

Bootin’ two OS’s is a little weird (yeah)

But tech support’s cool cuz nobody knows

Yeah you get to be a Windows loser

But big time when you sudo

You get the best of both OS’s

Run Windows, take it slow

Then Linux rocks out the show

You get the best of both OS’s

Mix it all together and you know that it’s the best of both

(You know the best) You know the best of both OS’s

Pictures and videos

You get your face in all the social networks

The best parts that you get to run whatever software you wanna run

Yeah the best of both

You get the best of both

Come on best of both

Who would of thought that a loser like me

Would double as a Linux rock star

You get the best of both OS’s

Run Windows, take it slow

Then Linux rocks out the show

You get the best of both OS’s

Mix it all together and you know that it’s the best,

You get the best of both OS’s

Without the viruses and malware

You can surf anywhere

You get the best of both systems

Mix it all together

Oh yeah

It’s so much better cuz you know you’ve got the best of both OS’s


Ubuntu unity

@avidamoeba@lemmy.ca avatar

This is the correct comment.


What’s Ubuntu duntu u?

@EfreetSK@lemmy.world avatar

Linux users really are like vegetarians/vegans - they want you to join them and when you do, then they judge you for not being vegetarian/vegan enough


Do you have a minute to talk about our lord and savior, CrossFit?


But had you tried keto?


You mean vegan Cross fit keto?


I’m a level 5 vegan. I don’t eat anything that casts a shadow.


So you only eat glass?


And the see-through kind of jellyfish

@gkd@lemmy.ml avatar

I use keto btw

@fluke@snake.substantialplumbing.repair avatar

I’ll have you know my friend has a pal who uses arch

@Grant_M@lemmy.ca avatar

by the way

@fluke@snake.substantialplumbing.repair avatar

tips friend’s fedora m’dude

@Grant_M@lemmy.ca avatar


@user224@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

I wish to believe it’s just the loud 1% with both.


Experience tells me otherwise, but given that the people I've met that use linux distros is nowhere near enough of a good sample size, I hope I'm wrong.


A friend of mine was an arch user and was constantly throwing shit at me for using zorin os, but at the same time was always complaining about something not working like he wants it to and spending too much time tinkering. He recently switched to Fedora.

Who’s laughing now Tom


I’ve been a tech for 25 years, a steeped nerd even longer. I’ve met many many linux users. Three of them weren’t obnoxious distro adherents. (Four if you count myself)


That’s because they haven’t tried NixOS yet

@Grant_M@lemmy.ca avatar

LOL Nicely done

@jelloeater85@lemmy.world avatar

A vegan, a Linux user, and a ‘pol sci major’ walk into a bar. They are the same person. Oh dear, they won’t shut up. There is no god here now. I think my ears have started to bleed. Run…


Tbh, I don’t really get the hate that Ubuntu gets.

I mean, I do understand that people don’t like some of the decisions made with Ubuntu (e.g. snap), but especially for people who don’t use an OS for the sake of using that OS and just want to use their PC to get stuff done, Ubuntu/Kubuntu are quite good.

You have a mostly consistent UI that can do most important configs without touching CLI. Manuals and simple guides are easy to find, even in other languages than English (which is important for quite a big number of people outside the US).

And contrary to some other, smaller distros, Ubuntu isn’t run by just 1-2 people and you can trust in it still existing in 10 years. (Obviously, this is true for many other distros, but some quite widly used distros are run just by a tiny team of hobbyists)

I mean, I’d get the reaction if someone claimed they are Linux users because they use Android (though with enough knowledge you can also get a full Linux distro running on Android in chroot).


JuSt UsE dEbIaN


I think they get hate because Canonical is a commercial entity.


I really don’t like that sentiment though. Software development isn’t for free just because you slap GPL on it. These devs need to be paid somehow if they are supposed to do more than 3h/week.

You can also see the same thing in the Linux kernel. Many Kernel devs are employed by Microsoft, Google, the NSA and many other commercial entities.

@fluke@snake.substantialplumbing.repair avatar

bRo ItS fReE sOfTwArE


Free as in “The people who make it should be doing it for free and I still can bitch about them and be the entitled customer as if they were Microsoft”…


Im all for supporting free software developers, I support UBI


I love the idea of developers getting paid. Let’s do more of that.


Total agreement.

And even if you look at it from an egotistical view point: If the devs are unpaid hobbyists, you get unpaid hobbyist quality.


“Use Snaps”
“No” (installs .deb)
“Fuck you, use Snaps”
(The Snap Store is a proprietary closed-source black-box that updates your snaps without asking and every part of this statement was a deliberate planned feature by Canonical)


I mentioned this in the comment you answered to. But as I said, this might be an issue for people that use Linux because they really hate anything that isn’t GPL, but 97% of the people on this planet care more about whether something is simple to use than what license it uses, as evidenced by the market share of Windows, Android, Chromebooks and Apple products.

Wouldn’t it be better to get some of them to use Ubuntu with snaps than to stay on their proprietary platforms, because packet management sucks and conflicts are basically impossible to solve for someone who’s not a software developer?


Linus swore that Bitkeeper wouldn’t alter the agreement further, like a mad egotistical movie villain.
Canonical is very clearly funneling their userbase towards a Snap-only environment (something that already exists as an option).
As the sole keyholders, and as a for-profit business, what is the next step?

Is it to maintain a wealth of options, even when that cuts into profit margins? What about when those options are competing products (think Gnome and KDE back in the Unity days)?
These things just do not make sense from a business perspective, and they will not be necessary once their userbase is locked into the Snap walled garden.

As to your point about licenses and market share, default non-options and limited choices aren’t compatible with conversations about choice.


How many major distros aren’t run by for-profit entities nowadays? If you want any sort of enterprise use, you need to offer a 24/7 live support plan.

I guess the big difference is that Canonical is hoping to make money off the home users too.


Too much of the Linux community makes licencing a dumb hill to die. There is very much a happy medium.


Yeah, most people would have held up Unity as an example of that happy medium a couple months ago. All it takes is one dickhead


The Snap Store is a proprietary closed-source black-box

Every part of the snap store running on your computer is open source.

that updates your snaps without asking

If you don’t want your snaps auto-updating, turn auto updates off. snap --help


I looked into it. You’re right.
They implemented the ability to permanently hold all automatic updates.
After five years of debate during which they consistently claimed that the whole point of Snaps is that developers can push whatever, whenever.


I’ll just use apt to bypass the snaps…

<span style="color:#323232;">$ sudo apt install xyz
</span><span style="color:#323232;">Installing snap for xyz...

Okay what the fuck


Yeah I quit Ubuntu after 12 years but I still recommend it for people trying to change OS …it’s great OS


The longest-running distro out there is mostly run by one guy.


OpenSUSE? They have quite a few people working on that. Or did you mean another distro?


Slackware is my guess… Been around since 93 i think


OpenSUSE started as a German translation of Slackware, which is still around today and maintained by Patrick Volkerding.

@punkwalrus@lemmy.world avatar

I have used Kubuntu since 12.04 and had few issues. I get everyone has favorites, but don’t understand the visceral tribalism present. Maybe I’ll hate Kubuntu when 24.04 comes out, I dunno. I have 20.04 as a daily driver and run into very few issues that are specifically Kubuntu related. I could use debian with KDE someday, I dunno.

I just want Linux, bash, and a decent browser at the end of the day.


Ubuntu is great. I used it for years.

This is going to sound petty, but one thing that annoyed me for years was the ads for their enterprise crap that they put into the terminal whn running updates.

I tried Debian 12 when it came out and I love it. I switched all of my systems to Debian.

I would much rather use a community driven distro than a corporate one.

Also, I applied for a job with Ubuntu The recruiter sent me the most insane take home written interview packet. I took a look at it and decided I didnt want to work with a bunch of people who would fill that packet out.

@ICastFist@programming.dev avatar

Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, Lubuntu, Tubuntu, Hubuntu, Dubuntu, Pubuntu, Vuduntu, Jubuntu.


Jubuntu sounds like it would get you in trouble with H.R. if you recommended it to a coworker.


Juubuntu sounds like enough.


Ubuntu, Ubuntree, Ubunfur, Ubunfi, Ubunsi, Ubunsenn, Ubunnet, Ubu-9, Ubuten, Ubuntulovin, Ubuntwelve



@ICastFist@programming.dev avatar

Now I want OwOntoo


That doesn’t sound right but I don’t know enough about Ubuntu off-shoots to dispute it.

@Resol@lemmy.world avatar

I wonder why the stopped using letter prefixes for new flavors. “Ubuntu Budgie” sounds kinda lame for a great flavor of Ubuntu.

@Pharmacokinetics@lemmy.world avatar

Debian. There is only debian.




And there doesn’t need to be anything else.


I use arch tho


Nah there is Debian, Arch, Gentoo, and Linux from scratch depending on your level of madness.

@backhdlp@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Everyone out here pretending like Redhat and openSUSE ain’t real


Red Hat and Suse are for men at work, while the kids here flex about their Arch btw.


And that’s just a subset of Debian distros. Debian is like 1/2 of the height of the tree


Does anyone have a link to a post 2016 version?


This really should have been the Brooklyn 99/ New Girl crossover meme.


Off the top of my head:

  • Ubuntu
  • Mint
  • MX
  • Debian
  • Devuan
  • Pop!_OS
  • Zorin
  • Kali
  • Fedora
  • Red Hat
  • CentOS
  • OpenSUSE
  • Rocky
  • Alma
  • Arch
  • Blackarch
  • Parrot
  • Manjaro
  • EndeavorOS
  • Garuda
  • Gentoo
  • Alpine
  • Puppy
  • Tinycore
  • PostmarketOS
  • Tails
  • Slackware
  • LFS (sort of)
  • Yocto (sort of)
  • Raspbian
  • Raspberry Pi OS
@TheInsane42@lemmy.world avatar

There was even a bananian, but that’s dead. armbian lives as well.


You forgot Red Star OS


@rish@lemmy.ml avatar

Hannah Montana!

@Grant_M@lemmy.ca avatar



How could you forget Solus and Void, they’re the best ones


Raspbian was renamed to Raspberry Pi OS, its the same distro so it doesnt count

@Dozzi92@lemmy.world avatar

Whole list is invalid.


Nope, they’re two different distros. The reason that Raspberry Pi OS was renamed is that the 64 bit version does not use code from the Rasbian project.


Android OS


Parrot, fuck… I never got that distro, it’s like Manjaro, but worse…


Isnt Parrot OS debian based and for pen-testing, like Kali?


Might be, I might have mixed it up 🤷.

And all Linux distros are basically the same thing, you can pen test with any distro. The package managers and repos are what makes them unique and interesting.

I really have no idea why someone would make another pen testing distro. Kali was enough, Parrot was like reinventing the wheel. I mean any descent distro has those same tools in repo. Install them if you like, make an image of the install, use it as a pen testing distro.


You smart.


Now name 10 distros that aren’t based on each other. And yes I’m counting the *buntus as being based on Debian.

If you look at the famous https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:2023_Linux_Distributions_Timeline.svg there’s a fill out there but barely any reinvention of the wheel (not that that’s a bad thing).


The bottom 25% of that graph is all non derivative OS, that’s still a lot.

Buffalox, (edited )

Arch, Fedora(Red Hat), Debian, Linux from scratch, Suse.

Goddammit!! That’s harder than I thought it would be. Then again I’m a relatively new Linux user, I’ve only used it since 2005. 😋

Arh stupid me forgot an obvious one, Gentoo.

@starman@programming.dev avatar

Without looking at timeline linked above:

  • NixOS
  • Slackware

We still have 2 missing…


I thought of Slackware, as the Original and first distro, but I couldn’t remember the name.


Slackware wasn’t the first distro, it was based on SLS (Softlanding Linux System).
Yggdrasil is also older.

@cygnus@lemmy.ca avatar

Void! One more, uhh…




Not being 100% sure but here are my guess :

  • Alpine linux
  • Solus
  • KaOs

You also probably have one in your pocket right now. Android.


Although Android uses the Linux kernel, it’s not a Linux distro in the original sense. The original sense being that’s it a Unix like OS.


I’m pretty sure there isn’t an agreed upon definition of Linux distro and android being a distro has been a debate for a long time. Some, like me, see it as a Linux based distributed os.

But I guess we could then say LineageOS since it’s even in the Linux distro graph


i don’t think of android as Linux anymore since so much was added i bet they did a lot to the kernel to


Actually android can run on a mainline kernel now xda-developers.com/google-pixel-6-6-pro-mainline-…


I swear to Tux I hate how a “distro” is just some base with a different windows manager.

Like…why can’t I just change window managers instead of reinstalling everything.

@exscape@kbin.social avatar

You can, even in such distros. For example, you can run GNOME under Kubuntu.


I installed gnome in my lubuntu install and then removed lxqt


yeah most distros are the same often the only thing different is the packagemanager and themes oh and bleading edge software vs stable software


Where is EndeavourOS in this 😢

MigratingtoLemmy, (edited )
  1. Void
  2. Gentoo
  3. Slackware
  4. Alpine
  5. Debian
  6. OpenSuse
  7. RHEL
  8. Arch
  9. Bedrock
  10. LFS
  11. NixOS
  12. TinyCore

Edit: no idea what Solus or KaOS are, I had only really heard of them a couple of times.


Chrome OS.


Hannah Montana Linux!

Its not what we deserve, but Its all what we need.


no, you deserve it, you deserve Hannah Montana

@ShitOnABrick@lemmy.world avatar

Nah my top g all the homies use temple os now


I think this is the wrong meme.

The Brooklyn 99 meme of “that was my fault” would have been much more apt.

@hswolf@lemmy.world avatar

one could say we set the meme bar too low


“apt” hehe


Get it? :)


Fuck snap. I quit Ubuntu after using it more than any other distro since 6.04. Debian 12 has been awesome.


I quit Ubuntu after 14.04, haven’t missed it at all

@fluke@snake.substantialplumbing.repair avatar

You know what really makes me mad? Silanes. Silanes make me incredibly angry. After decades, I quit silanes. Fuck amorphous silicon.


That’s on me, I set the bar too low


That’s the correct meme.

atk007, (edited )

Ubuntu with KDE = Kubuntu

Ubuntu with LXDE/LXQT = Lubuntu

Ubuntu with XFCE = Xubuntu

Ubuntu with Gnome … Where is Gubuntu?


It’s a silent G




Ubuntu MATE

Ubuntu Kylin

Ubuntu Budgie

And cinnamon and unity for bonus points.

and that’s 10 🤝

@resketreke@kbin.social avatar

UwUntu for dessert.


There is Xubuntu, right?


Yeah typo


Buntu + unity = ubuntu


Or Gnubuntu to trigger people

@Gradually_Adjusting@lemmy.world avatar

The best jokes make you a little bit angry while also making you laugh

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