
As far as i have heard it is because it doesn’t adhere to unix philosophy and trie to be more than an init system.

I don’t really care as long as it doesn’t try to spy and/or force features/settings onto me


A stop job is running … 3/180 s

Hupf, avatar

Lol virgin systemd can’t even properly kill -9


This is giving me PTSD flashbacks…

VinesNFluff, avatar

Wooow, 180 seconds (which probably won’t even get to timeout) when shutting down my computer. My life is ruined forever because I had to wait sooooo much. /sarc


Tell that to my ups battery

VinesNFluff, avatar

My sibling in satan if 2 minutes is enough to murdercide your UPS battery, you need a new battery. 💀


Tell that to my laptop when I’m at the airport and boarding.

It’s the same with windows - push power button, “Windows is installing some updates, do not turn off y…” (screen goes blank from the forced shutdown as I continue to hold the power button)

If I’m turning off my computer, I’m turning it off for a reason. Any delay gets in the way of my reason nearly 100 percent of the time.


You don’t turn off/restart at the end of every day when you get off your computer for the day??


Nope. Not when my laptop is connected to my monitors/dock at home. The screen locks, the monitors time out and power off, everything else remains on/dormant. When travelling with it, it just hibernates.

If I had a desktop PC and it had fans/etc I would probably hibernate it rather than shut it down. As I understand it windows tends to do this by default these days as well.

VinesNFluff, avatar

Apologies, I will literally never be able to relate to this entire line of thinking. If I’m at an airport and it’s close to boarding time, my laptop has already been shut down ten minutes ago because when I first hear the announcement I see that as ‘computer time is over’ and consider this just generally the smart thing to do (… And you can just hibernate or disable wifi/bluetooth and leave the thing on anyway)

Generally if I’m turning off my computer I understand that as something that could take a minute or three because a small wait is not this huge dramatic thing y’all make it out to be.


cheering for your president of the world election


It’s not a dramatic thing for me personally. 90 percent of the time my laptop politely sleeps when I ask it to, the remaining 10 percent of the time it’s going to sleep regardless of its opinion on the matter.

Small edit: I have sometimes been the unlucky recipient of a bundle of windows updates that that 15-20 minutes to complete. One thing about Linux distros, they don’t pull that kind of stunt in shutdown.

And lucky you to be able to not have any last minute things to deal with at the airport that get foisted upon you by clients / coworkers. Computer time is never over.


Just close the lid and let it go to standby? No problemo.

dgriffith, (edited )

Would be nice, but it (that is, windows in this case) won’t go to standby because by the time you get to the shutdown/update stage, power management is shut off.

Instead it turns into a lovely mini furnace in its pocket in my travel bag until windows deems that it has finished.

Edit: and that’s what I find alarming. Once , I just hit the power button and closed my laptop and got on the plane, and about 15 minutes later I went to get something from my bag in the overhead compartment before we took off. Holy shit, was my laptop hot, and it was 70 percent through an update. Presumably it was throttling due to heat and the throttling was making the updates even slower so it was a vicious cycle.


2 minutes might not be, but 27 minutes is.

Source: accidentally hot removed a drive that was mounted. Systemd was not thrilled.

VinesNFluff, avatar

I would be a sassy cunt and say something about how you shoulda known better, but also oof. I relate.

RickyRigatoni, avatar

Then when it gets to 180 it just adds 180 more seconds.


I only hate it because I can’t figure out how to run a blocking script before everything else when a suspend is initiated.

seaQueue, avatar

Do scripts in /usr/lib/systemd/system-sleep/ not block? I’ve never had one fail to complete before suspend. I had to use one last year to dump debug stats before and after sleep while we were helping debug Cezanne sleep issues.


I guess not because in my attempts to get this working I did put a script there. Does * expansion not work in these scripts? Mind sharing your script if you still have one? I have 3 tabs open to learn systemd when I have time, I did watch a video so far :)

seaQueue, avatar

I’ll have to dig them up the next time I fire up the laptop I used them on, I’ll also look and see if I shoved them into a git repo.

There’s some discussion here on the Arch forum that should be able to get you rolling though:

That should show you the general form those scripts need to take. I only had to use pre/post sleep ($1), I never needed $2 granularity.


I’ll check it out, thanks bro!


I LOVE systemd, flatpaks, appimages, wayland, and pipewire. The desktop environment feel way more managed!

Sure, wayland is not complete yet (HDR), flatpak is missing some things (some portals), but the whole ecosystem is way more mature than before.

This is from someone who used init.d scripts, apt-get and dpkg,, and alsa/pulseaudio/gstreamer.

leap123, avatar

Same. It just felt way better than plain old sysvinit and X11.


Liking X11 is illegal here.

darcy, avatar

first sentence i thought you were being ironic

frippa, avatar

Same, it read like a shitpost on /g/

darcy, avatar

i imagined this face

a very excited soyjak


I agree that Wayland is better than X, but only because X is worse than Satan. If you like X11 better than Wayland, you don’t know anything about X.

uis, avatar

What is gstreamer doing here? Isn’t it just a library?


I just remember the problems it gave me back in the day. So much so it earned a spot there.

chemicalwonka, (edited ) avatar

Roughly speaking, it is because it does not follow the Unix philosophy and proposes to do several tasks making the code very complex and therefore more susceptible to bugs.

MeanEYE, avatar

As opposed to which other tools that respect Unix philosophy. Philosophy which I might add is severely outdated. That could have been a thing when you have simple command line interfaces but pretty much every application today violates that philosophy and nothing of value was lost.


But systemd is not a single tool, nor a single binary, it’s a collection of tools.


I believe their retort would be “name one thing systemd does well”


That is a bit like asking “name one thing that coreutils does well” or “name one thing GNU does well”.


The joke being “systemd does everything poorly”. First heard someone say this about X and Wayland. People were saying Wayland violated Unix philosophy and the speaker said “name one thing X does well” lol.


Systemd might not be perfect but it certainly does every single thing init scripts did better than any init script.

frippa, avatar

Don’t the Linux kernel or the GNU core utils violate unix philosophy too? Philosophical ideas become outdated, there aren’t many presocratics around.


The linux kernel unfortunately does not follow unix philosophy.

It would be better in various ways if the linux kernel used a micro kernel architecture following the unix philosophy, something Torwalds acknowledged in the past.

Philosophical ideas being lost does not mean they’re outdated.

frippa, avatar

How old in the past did Linus acknowledge it? my source says he dislikes/disliked microkernel, it dates to 2001 ,if you have a more recent source proving that he no longer thinks it I’ll look at it

The source is this

Unfortunately I can’t remember the timestamp, but it’s right around when he starts speaking about when the MINIX creator bashed him, IIRC (not to bash on you, but this implies the point you’re making, that Linux shouldn’t have a monolithic kernel is 30 years old,)


Linux power-users hate it when a tool tries to become a platform.

It breaks the principle of single responsibility and becomes a threat to the evolution of alternatives.

It’s pros and cons. Having a platform is better because everyone works together on a single effort. But it also becomes a risk because now everyone depends on a single thing that does too much.

gayhitler420, (edited )

If you really want the short version:

Systemd was half baked literally when it came out and figuratively as an idea, so much so that there’s already a replacement for it in the works.

A longer version:

Systemd replaced the init script style of boot and process management, which had been in place for decades. init scripts were so simple they could be understood just by looking at the name: the computer is Initialized by Scripts. Systemd was much more complex and allowed many more tools to interact with the different parts of the computer, but people had to learn these tools. Previously all a person had to understand to deal with the computer was how to edit a text file and what various commands and programs did. After systemd a person has to understand how to use the dozens of invocations of systemctl and it’s variants and if they are dealing with a problem, —you know, the only reason a person would ever be dealing with initializing services— they gotta know what’s going on with the text files that systemd uses to run different commands and programs.

So a person who already understood what was going on might rightly say “hey, this systemd thing is just the same shit with different file locations and more to learn”.

People complain about the creator and maintainer of systemd, lennart poettering . Poettering is also the person behind pulseaudio, an powerful but complex audio management daemon in Linux whose name you only recognize because it’s caused you no end of trouble. Pulseaudio was also replaced relatively quickly by pipewire.

The argument could be made (and probably has) that poetterings work is indicative of the problems with foss developers working as employees of major companies with their job responsibilities inclusive of their foss projects. The developer in that situation has an incentive to make big sweeping changes, they’re being paid for it after all, instead of being more careful and measured.

When every big foss maintainer is trying to find a way to justify being paid for it, their projects are never done.

At least poettering is working for Microsoft, ruining windows now…

E: oh my god I forgot about the binary log files! So before (and now), the universal format for log files was plain text. You know, because it’s a log that’s text. Systemd uses binary log files that need a special tool to open and parse. So if you want to look through them on a computer without that tool you’re kinda screwed. Now systemd isn’t the only software package with binary log files, but many people have made the very persuasive argument that it’s not a trait to copy.

E2: actually spelled the man’s name right. Thanks @floofloof !


What is the systemd replacement you mention?


There’s both runit and system6.

abbotsbury, avatar

dont forget OpenRC




To ask a different question… what was wrong with initd? I’m the better part of a decade stale at this point but I don’t know that I ever ran into an edge case that initd couldn’t handle with a little massaging

gayhitler420, (edited )

When systemd first showed up there wasn’t much parallelized init systems. People managing complex systems with many services may find the tools of systemd make their lives easier. Of course, nowadays all that complex multi service machine stuff is containerized and none of those containers run systemd 🤔

If I were gonna psychologize it, poettering and kay typify what the Linux user of the 0s felt when they actually looked at what windows of the time had going on under the hood. “Look at you, tla username, pathetic creature of twenty text files under a trench coat!”

The problem with that sentiment is that there’s an honesty to recognizing and accepting that you’re not too far removed from the z80 and it keeps you from believing all this computer stuff is more than it’s cracked up to be.

No one who’s happy with python also keeps a loaded gun next to the server for when it acts up and that’s the problem.


and openrc too, i tried it once in artix


Pulseaudio was also replaced relatively quickly by pipewire.

I really wouldn’t say that… PulseAudio has been around since like 2004, and PipeWire’s initial release was in 2017 (13 years later). I don’t think PulseAudio was incorporated into most distros by default until like 2007 or so, but that’s still 10 years before PipeWire was even released. PipeWire is only recently becoming the default in popular distros. We’ve had to deal with Pulse for a long time.


That’s horrifying. I was just writing from memory and resisting pulse for a few years after it was sort of the defacto standard.

VinesNFluff, avatar

pulseaudio, an powerful but complex audio management daemon in Linux whose name you only recognize because it’s caused you no end of trouble. Pulseaudio was also replaced relatively quickly by pipewire.

PulseAudio never gave me trouble but I guess I’m just lucky or some shit. Also PipeWire took forever to come out.

uis, avatar

In games after I press button to shoot, animation plays and then eternity later comes shooting sound when animation ends. JACK compared to PA is super responsive in games, direct ALSA reduces lag by additional 15ms.


Init scripts were simple? Man you haven’t seen a bunch of shitty init scripts then.


Oh man you reminded me of bad init scripts that would prevent you from getting to multi-user login. I hope you remembered your root password so you can get into single user mode!

elscallr, avatar

Simple doesn’t mean well done. Badly written code can be simple but still bad


Simple fails when complex problem arrives. Declarative approach of systemd daemons allows for more versatile solutions in unified format.


The log files only have binary markers within the text. You could run the raw log files through strings and get the plain log files with everything important intact.


Ty! That’s really good to know!

uis, avatar

Pottering is also the person behind pulseaudio, an powerful but complex audio management daemon in Linux whose name you only recognize because it’s caused you no end of trouble. Pulseaudio was also replaced relatively quickly by pipewire.

Powerful? No, JACK is more powerful and was created 2 years before pulseaudio.

For context back then OSS was primary audio api, and unlike ALSA it did not have software mixing. So sound servers were created. Lots of sound servers, so it was and still it yet another sound server without extra functionality. Meanwhile dmix existed since at least 2001 and JACK allowed route output of one application to input of another.

At least pottering is working for Microsoft, ruining windows now…

You know what? I wich him luck.


gayHitler420 taught me something today. thank you for this informative comment


Except it is clearly written by someone who just despises it, and doesn’t really know what they are talking about.

Init scripts were awful… they varied by distro and frequently were the source of odd problems.

There’s a good reason the Linux industry moved away from them to other ways to handle initialisation of the system and service management.

elscallr, avatar

They weren’t that bad. You had to look in like 3 places, depending on the distro, but you could find them. And you could see exactly what they were doing once you found them.

systemd gets a job done but I’d much prefer something simpler.


lineart pottering

Lennart Poettering


Ty I’ve spelled his name probably every wrong way in the past.


Yep, to add on as well as summarized this… Linux has historically had a design methodology of “everything is a file”. If your not familear with the implications of this, it means your command line tools just kind of work with most things, and everything is easy to find.

For instance, there’s no “registry / regedit” on Linux… There’s just a folder with a config file that the application stores settings in. There’s no control panel application to modify your network settings… Just a text file on your OS. Your system logs and startup tasks were also (you guessed it) sinole filea on the system. Sure there might be GUI apps to make these things easier for users, but under the hood it reads and writes a file.

This idea goes further than you might assume. Your hard drive is a file on the file system (a special file called a block device). You can do something like “mount /dev/sda1 /home/myuser/some_folder” to “attach” the drive to a folder on the system, but that special block device (dev/sda1 in this case) can be read and written to byte by byte if you want with low level tools like dd.

Even an audio card output can show as a file in dev (this is less the case now with pipewire and pulse), but you used to be able to just echo a raw audio file (like a wav file) and redirect the output to your audio device “file” and it would play out your speaker.

Systemd flipped this all around, and now instead of just changing files, you have to use applications to specify changes to your system. Want to stop something from starting? Well, it used to be that you just move it out of the init directory, but now you have to know to “systemctl disable something.service”, or to view logs " journalctl -idk something.service" I dont even remember the flags for specifying a service, so I have to look it up, where it used to just be looking at a file (and maybe use grep to search for something specific)


Want to stop something from starting? Well, it used to be that you just move it out of the init directory, but now you have to know to “systemctl disable something.service”,

That is still the case, nothing stops you from manually moving a file and its dependencies into or out of /etc/systemd/system/


Systemd flipped this all around, and now instead of just changing files, you have to use applications to specify changes to your system. Want to stop something from starting? Well, it used to be that you just move it out of the init directory, but now you have to know to “systemctl disable something.service”, or to view logs " journalctl -idk something.service" I dont even remember the flags for specifying a service, so I have to look it up, where it used to just be looking at a file (and maybe use grep to search for something specific)

not true, SystemD still uses files for this very reason…

and what is the last time you used the text version of a syslog.8.xz file?

you are basically complaining that you need to learn how your system works… before you can use it. and there is nothing preventing you from making your own distro that doesn’t uses SystemD, or using rSyslog instead of systemd-journal for logging.

incidentally, to just view the logs its journalctl -xef (see for what that means) it will be like the syslog you know.

want to see the status of a daemon : systemctl status want it for the system systemctl statuswant to see the logs of only a specific daemon journalctl -xefu . this all, means that its easier to find the logs for diffrent services since there not scattered somewhere in the /var/log dir… (is it in the syslog, does it have its own log file, is it in the kernel log)…

You are free to setup your system in whatever way you like… but whining about that something works differently is “Microsoft mentality”… lets leave that with them.


Not the really the point of your post but I personally tend to use journalctl -fu something.service. That brings you to the end of the logs for that unit and I get to smile about flipping off systemd.


Systemd flipped this all around, and now instead of just changing files, you have to use applications to specify changes to your system. Want to stop something from starting? Well, it used to be that you just move it out of the init directory…

Enable and disable just create symlinks of the “just changing files” files in your example. It tells you this every time you install something that enables a service.
Want to do it manually? ln -s (or rm the link to “disable” it).
Want it to happen later in the init sequence? Put the link in a different .target directory.
All “systemctl enable” does is put the symlink in the target directory that’s specified in the Install section of the unit file.

As for “specifying a service”… Everything is a unit file (yes, file), journalctl -u just means “only show me logs for this unit”.
There’s no flag for “specifying a service”, you just type in the service name. If there’s any ambiguity (eg. unit.service and unit.socket), you type the service name followed by .service
A flag you might find useful is -g, which means “grep for this string”. You can combine this with -u to narrow it down.


init scripts were so simple they could be understood just by looking at the name: the computer is Initialized by Scripts. Systemd was much more complex and allowed many more tools to interact with the different parts of the computer, but people had to learn these tools. Previously all a person had to understand to deal with the computer was how to edit a text file and what various commands and programs did.

It’s complex because it solves a complex problem. before people had to hack that together with complex init scripts, now they can let systemd do the hard work.

A comment from an Arch Linux’ init script maintainer:…/d3rhxlc/


Pulseaudio was also replaced relatively quickly by pipewire. lets check that, shall we:

PipeWire: Initial release 20 June 2017; 6 years ago source:

PulseAudio: Initial release 17 July 2004; 19 years ago source:

so “relatively quickly” is a time span of 13 years in your idea… or the difference between 2004 and 2017.

if that’s your level of detail… your whole “rant” is worthless…

But lets be generous and look into it,

init scripts were so simple they could be understood just by looking at the name

this is blatantly false, for the old system you need to know about runlevels, what they mean, how the half backed init annotations work, and its dependency check works.

<span style="font-style:italic;color:#969896;">### BEGIN INIT INFO
</span><span style="font-style:italic;color:#969896;"># Provides:          myrec
</span><span style="font-style:italic;color:#969896;"># Required-Start:    $all
</span><span style="font-style:italic;color:#969896;"># Required-Stop:
</span><span style="font-style:italic;color:#969896;"># Default-Start:     2 3 4 5
</span><span style="font-style:italic;color:#969896;"># Default-Stop:
</span><span style="font-style:italic;color:#969896;"># Short-Description: your description here
</span><span style="font-style:italic;color:#969896;">### END INIT INFO

you needed special tools to watch if an application actually was running and not crashed, and to keep it running.

add to that that the difference between systemd.service file and a sysv / init / initd script is more or less the same complexity (just different standards).

the universal format for log files was plain text false, the universal format for logging was plain text…

which is currently (slowly) getting replaced with structured logging. (which is objectively better, imho). there are a number of different log formats, most use a binary (compressed) format. logging to plain text was generally only used for the most recent log entries. a binary format for logging, as long as there’s is tooling to get it to a (structured) textual output, is better than a pure text log. I mean, if its good enough for MySQL / MariaDB it ought to be good enough for you…

tho, avatar

i will never grow tired repeating this: systemd is the best thing that happened to linux in the 10s


Yeah I agree. It was rolled out pretty early in its development maturity so it undoubtedly left a bad taste in some people’s mouths. Overall it’s a net positive though. I don’t want to go back to the old way.


The… Old way? remembers back to x86 task segment register documentation while sweating profusely


There are other ways than systemd and initrc

onlinepersona, (edited )

The arguments against systemd come from the same people that love IRC, mailinglists, tiling window managers, split keyboards, don’t have a mouse, debug with printf, main arch or gentoo, unironically write RTFM|LMGTFY, call users “lusers”, play DnD, think Startrek and/or Star Wars cannot be topped, identify with the portrayed super hackers in media, and are proud of doing things the hard way just to feel some kind of superiority in their life.

Edit: for those who don’t get it, I’m obviously not being serious. If you fit this mythical, stereotypical person… uh… good job?


hey don’t go bundling up us Arch users with Tiling window managers with superhackers. I can hardly spell DNS

P3D7O, avatar



Hey, I use hyprland on Arch, and I can spell DNS just fine thank you. Don’t bundle me with the systemd haters or any haters for that matter


Well, I like IRC, ergonomic keyboards, sometimes debug using print commands, use Gentoo (Happy birthday!), play DnD and sometimes have to do things the hard way, and I like systemd, especially as a developer, I can test services right from my user account.

I think the hate comes from people who just want something to hate.

uis, avatar

I meh IRC(no history without bouncers), rarely debug using printf, mostly debug in some GUI, but sometimes in GDB TUI, use Gentoo(HB, Larry the Cow), don’t even know DnD rules, don’t use systemd and really hate pulseaudio.


Just because I ran arch with ratpoison and firefox with Vim keybindings because I didn’t have a mouse wasn’t out of superiority, twas cause I was too poor to afford a mouse at the time.


Acktuchlly, I had moved just moved to Colorado and ended up living in a family friend’s shed for a couple months. Every few days i walked to the library for wifi to download shit and check email. My TouchPad went out on my acer aspire 1 so if I remember correctly I borrowed a friend’s mouse to get it all setup and afterwards used only keyboard, but out of necessity. Eventually I did get a mouse, and I just use xfce now, but I seriously can’t use a web browser without vim bindings now.


Why are you attacking so many loud majorities at once? Not everyone that likes some of those hates systemd or belittles users for


… you’re doing a better job fitting the “judgemental, antisocial nerd” stereotype with these replies than the people you’re making fun of.


How is it not obvious that I’m not being serious? I guess I have to edit my initial comment and say it because there’s a lot of whoosh going on.


Poe’s law.

uis, avatar

Except mailinglists lovers. Linux kernel developers hate systemd with every neuron.

backhdlp, avatar

I doubt there are many (if any) people that fit this oddly specific criteria.


Omega surprising that absolutely nobody in the universe fits the hyperbole.


This description literally fits everyone in my team at work and i love it. I m the least nerdy one there and its beautiful.

Magister, avatar

It mostly fits me, except the split keyboard and “super hacker”. I started with un*x in the 80s and looks more like a 50s yo bearded guy 😂


debug with printf

I feel personally attacked.


I find everything so complicated with systemd.

SysV was just intuitive for me and my knowledge. There was just one directory with all the startup scripts in it. And they were run in their alphanumerical ordner. Just that simple. If I wanted to change the order in which the scripts started, I just had to rename the file. You don’t want a script to run at all? Just remove it.

I assume, systemd has many advantages for a knowledged user. But for me, it still is just a hassle.

flying_sheep, avatar

I haven’t had to debug a bash script since systemd became a thing, so I have a vastly different experience from you.



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  • flying_sheep, (edited ) avatar

    Never really, because they don’t contain logic. You craft a command line and stuff works.

    The problem with sysv was that almost all of the logic lived in the scripts. They all worked slightly different and all the duplication introduced bugs. Systemd has APIs that take over all the duplicated stuff and implement it once. Bugs have to get fixed once only.


    And what happened if one of those scripts failed?

    How did your express a dependency of a service on data being mounted?

    Did you ever have to face debugging failing networking via scripts?


    I just debuged it like every other of my scripts that failed. Again, I didn’t need any special knowledge of the init process, just general (and for me: very limited) knowledge.

    The answer to your other questions: I don’t thing I ever did that.


    I think the main difference is that one option is easier for the end user to occasionally take a look at what’s happening and debug without needing much context or previous knowledge, while the other is much easier for the actual maintainer to actually keep the thing working properly and predictably, as well as supporting every sort of edge case for their users in advance.

    An exaggerated stupid analogy: “back in the day we had horse carts and if it wasn’t moving we could just look at the tires to check if they were stuck in a hole or blocked by some rock, but now with cars there are so many things going on that the tires depend on some internal parts that are connected to an engine that depend on some fuel and there are so many elements that can go wrong in-between that often if the car is not moving it requires someone with very specific expertise to diagnose”

    (analogy is extra stupid because the horse cart is by nature inferior to the car and this is not the case with the init files and systemd, analogy would work better if the cart still had engines and fuel but that operated with the same simplify as the carts tires).


    It’s a pretty bridge, they’d say, but be careful you don’t look at the supports. It was built using bad techniques, bad procedures, no coordination and no inspection.

    Just cross your fingers as you drive over and hope it doesn’t blow up because of its flawed construction.

    I find it’s a great way to cross the river, today.


    In a quiet village, two monks stood on the bank of a wide river. The older monk asked the younger, “How do you cross this river?”

    The younger monk pointed at the grand bridge a short distance away, “Through that bridge, master.”

    The older monk shook his head, "You see a bridge, yet the river flows beneath. In seeking to cross, you are already on the other side. Tell me, where is the true bridge?

    At that moment, the young monk became enlightened, supposedly, because that’s how most zen koans end.

    AVincentInSpace, (edited )

    ya see, when i ssh into a server and i run some commands, sometimes i mess up, see, and i wanna reboot to get the system back to a known state, right

    and even if the system is in an unknown or invalid state, right,

    i don’t wanna wait half a bloody hour for systemd to get tired of waiting for 1m30s countdowns and actually bounce the damn machine, if it bounces at all

    and i can’t just hold the power button, see, because i’m 2000 miles away from the bloody box

    (I did not make that number up, by the way. I once has a hard drive get hot removed while it was mounted, couldn’t umount it so I had to reboot, and it confused systemd so bad it took 27 minutes to shut down)

    EDIT: aw come on, are you really gonna downvote without leaving a reply?


    I was wondering why my fedora install took ages to shutdown sometimes and the little googling I did got me nothing. Do i hate systemd now?


    I mean. You can fix those with a bit of effort.


    Do I hate systemd now?

    No, because that’s not specific to systemd.

    I can quite clearly remember the long shutdown times back when Ubuntu was still using Upstart.

    Generally speaking, long shutdown times are an indication of a system issue (e.g. HDD going bad or slow network) or just scripts being written poorly, and could be worked around by changing the timeout value. Systemd defaults to 90 seconds, but you can change that to 30 secs or lower.


    Heads up that you can hit [escape] key while booting or shutting down in order to see the console and tell what the computer is actually doing.

    seaQueue, avatar

    Check out systemd’s userspace reboot feature, they implemented it to avoid long reboot times on server hardware.


    That version is too new to be in any stable server distro yet.

    seaQueue, avatar

    Ah, fair enough. I’ve used it on my Arch boxes since shortly after release.

    elscallr, avatar

    Raising Skinny Elephants Is Utterly Boring.

    It can be done remotely, even over SSH by writing to /proc/sysrq-trigger


    I want init 6 back! It’s a reflex to type that.


    how is this any diffrent from SysV scripts hanging and preventing a reboot that way…

    you are blaming SystemD for an issue not part of SystemD, but a generic computing issue…

    and yes, you can still just hard reboot your system with SystemD as @elscallr has point out…


    Does too much for one tool (against unix philosophy) and has poor interop with other tools (binary logfiles).


    That’s not really true. systemd is split up into many different, independent binaries, and each of those does one job and does it well.


    Does it really matter if you can’t use those independent binaries with any other init system? If you want to use systemd, you pretty much have to take the whole ecosystem.


    If I remember correctly, there was a ton of pain configuring a minimal systemd. I am unaware if that has changed much in recent years.

    Here is an old thread talking about it:…/what-is-needed-for-a-min…


    Your link describes setting up one file, the [email protected].
    The .target unit files are built-in, and not part of configuration.


    That’s not really true. systemd is split up into many different, independent binaries, and each of those does one job and does it well.

    GCostanzaStepOnMe, avatar

    Linux User when their program does more than IO text streams:

    uis, avatar

    Piping xz into tar is not text stream


    Does too much for one tool (against unix philosophy)

    This tired, old argument needs to die already.

    Do you use browser extensions? That breaks unix philosophy too.

    mikegioia, avatar

    You just compared a browser extension and an init system that takes proc id 1. The unix philosophy is about what runs as processes at the system level.


    The unix philosophy is about what runs as processes at the system level.

    I don’t know what you mean by “system level” (cat is userspace) but I don’t believe there is any clarification about what kind of applications should apply to the unix philosophy or not. It doesn’t say that applications “should do one thing and do it well only if it is a system process or terminal based program built for purely shell environments.”

    Also, if the argument was exclusively about OS processes, dbus should be in the firing line of everyone in the anti-systemd camp too. That never gets the same level of hate.

    The unix philosophy is old and, while nice to have, is insufficient to fully address the needs of the modern world. It’s not as simple today as it was in the 1960s and 70s and we need to embrace change to progress.

    mikegioia, avatar

    I’m honestly not sure what you’re talking about here. The unix philosophy is something informal that applies to compiled utilities that run usually in a bin/ directory. The philosophy isn’t attempting to apply to all software that exists and certainly doesn’t intend to apply to browsers or browser extensions.

    uis, avatar

    Dbus does only one thing: relays messages.

    as it was in the 1960s and 70s

    You will be surprised, but Turing machine was created during WW2, and we still say turing-complete today.

    mikegioia, avatar

    You just compared a browser extension and an init system that takes proc id 1. The unix philosophy is about what runs as processes at the system level.

    uis, avatar

    Adblock does only one thing: blocks ads. Doesn’t sound phylosophy-breaking.


    Binary log files is my only significant complaint

    emhl, avatar

    Btw. The Linux kernel does more than one thing. But monolithic kernels are much better for small student projects that won’t be relevant anymore, when Gnu Hurd comes out

    uis, avatar

    Too thick


    when Gnu Hurd comes out

    Any day now…


    Monolithic kernels are also generally more performant, compared to micro-kernels, it turns out. A bit counter-intuitive at first but, makes sense when you think about it.

    Micro-kernels in general-purpose OSes suffer from a death of a thousand cuts due to context switching. Something that would be a single callback to the kernel in a monolith turns into a mess of calls bouncing between kernel and user space. When using something like an RTOS where hardware is not likely intended for general-purpose computing, this is not an issue but, when you start adding all of the complexity of user-installable applications that need storage, graphics, inputs, etc, the number of calls gets huge.

    art, avatar

    For a desktop it’s suitable for 99% of what you’d want to do. Might not be the best tool for large servers or something (I really don’t know) but I’m sure all that depends on use case.


    Are you using Linux for ordinary daily tasks like browsing, gaming, and coding? Then SystemD is perfect for such systems. No need to use distros that sell the lack of SystemD as their main selling point—it’s more trouble than it’s worth. Avoid SystemD haters like the plague.

    Do you use Linux for enterprise servers? Then SystemD is just one of the options for you, go try all of them out to see what’s best for such workflow.

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