
Teacher here.

My favourite “lesson” I ever gave was in a grade 9 technology class. It was a pretty small class, about 10 kids. I split them up into two teams and made a competition. They chose their own teams — it ended up being boys vs girls. I never would have made it that way on my own but that’s how it worked out.

The school had a bunch of old, decommissioned PCs that were headed to the junk yard. I sorted through all of them to get two exact sets of working parts for the competition.

The goal of the competition was to recover a jpeg from one of the hard drives. Each team had a computer with the ram removed and two hard drives. One was blank and the other had the jpeg on it. They also had a Linux Mint installer on a usb stick.

I don’t remember exactly how I had set it up but it was points based, something about getting to different stages first. Like 5 points to be the team that turns the computer on first. One of the big ones was that they got an extra 10 points if they did the whole thing without a mouse.

I told the other classes about the competition and asked some other teachers if it would be okay for them to watch and cheer on. It ended up being the nerdiest and most exciting class ever. Students were literally cheering each team through a Linux install. One team got stuck and had to pull out the mouse. There was booing. It was so epic.

The girls won, being the first to recover the jpeg and they did it all without a mouse. It was so awesome. The jpeg was the meme about how would a dog wear pants.

It was about 5 years ago, my first year teaching. I really miss those days. I only teach math now, and while I like that, there was something magical about showing kids how fun computers can be.


Wow, just WOW 👏👏👏.

I wish there were more teachers like you in schools. Inspired people, in general… that’s what’s lacking in society nowadays 😔.




Damn, we need more ICT teachers like you.

bbbhltz, avatar

wholesome, awesome, fun


That is incredible. Good on you.

Out of curiosity, how much had you already taught them about the tasks? Was it just expected that between the whole team there would be someone who knew this stuff?



If I recall correctly I didn’t tell them much about anything. One of them had a nerd dad who set up his daughter with Linux at home but she wasn’t familiar with the install process. I gave them some basic info when I gave them the rules (you have to connect the hard drives and ram) but for the most part everything was new to them.

On the other hand, I also ran a computer club with some other kids (in a younger grade) where we took that pile of broken computers and salvaged working parts. We ended up with 3 or 4 working pcs that we ran Linux mint on. They used the computers for Roblox or something at lunch lol. The computers ended up being a popular attraction at lunch!

WhiteHotaru, avatar


luigirenna, avatar

@maxprime my technology teacher in middle school did something similar with me and a bunch of other kids in 1995 or so. That's how I fixed my first pc, and eventually started a career in IT. There was no team competition, but he basicallt said "these are some broken computers, if you can fix them you can have a lab to play Doom or whatever you want. He helped us setting up the IPX network tbf, but we had to check what dimm banks were working, which not, same with hdd and processors, and put togheter everything and install Windows 3.11

2ndStar, avatar

@maxprime Das probiere ich auch!!!

mina, avatar


So ein geiles Projekt von @maxprime !

Und da wirft man Lehrpersonen mangelnden Enthusiasmus vor.

tuxicoman, avatar

@maxprime @nayminlwin was the disk with correct partition table. So only mount the disk to recover the jpeg data. Or else?

What 9th grade is ? How old are kids here?


Yeah I had formatted and partitioned the disk ahead of time. The JPEG was in the root directory IIRC. I warned them to not plug in both hard drives during the install process to be sure not to overwrite the wrong drive. They were labelled physically but were otherwise identical.

Ninth grade is 14/15 year olds.

quantensalat, avatar

@maxprime @nayminlwin This is it right there, the moments everyone will remember. Not always possible for day to day work I guess, but all too rare.

akkana, avatar

@maxprime @nayminlwin Great story! Reminds me of Cathy Malmrose's "The Un-Scary Screwdriver",


Thanks! That’s a very nice story too. I have a baby boy and can’t wait to introduce him to computing.

sabriunal, avatar


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  • lumonaut, avatar

    @sabriunal @maxprime @nayminlwin

    I think they had the hardware disassambled and part of the challange was to put all things together to run the OS and finish the task.

    Ductos, avatar

    @maxprime @nayminlwin Ah, a wholesome IT teaching story. That's something I might get into, when we train new interns and apprentices.

    CEbbinghaus, avatar

    @maxprime @nayminlwin what an amazing story. I love that this could be gamified for them and made more fun. I presume you had a guide or helped them when they got stuck?

    rysiek, avatar

    @maxprime amazing, thank you for sharing!


    viq, avatar

    This is so full of awesomeness :D

    harcesz, (edited ) avatar

    I had some of my classes (14-15yr olds) assemble their own computers as the first class. It was cheap junk anyway, and I was willing to risk it, but it set the stage for the year. I dont think I got them to install system on it (whole school run on Linux btw), thats a great touch. And making it into something that entertaining, and stereotypes breaking is brilliant!

    birv2, avatar

    @maxprime @nayminlwin Super awesome story! You're the teacher we all wish we had (so am I).

    phenidone, avatar

    @maxprime @nayminlwin so basically... School of Rock but for nerds. You are Jack Black.

    lucydev, avatar

    @maxprime @nayminlwin you sound like the teacher i would've wished for.

    If i were to become a teacher in the future (unlikely, but not impossible), i'd hope to be just as caring and enjoying the craft as you are. Keep it up! ☺️​

    luilver, avatar

    There aren’t enough reactions on Mastodon to express how much I loved this, so fav-ed, re-blogged and commented.


    Give a kid the arch install wiki and a computer with the USB iso ready to go. Tell them they aren’t allowed food until they install it and run neofetch.

    yianiris, avatar

    Any kid? Do I have to prove age? I'll install for a 1kg of basmati, or 3kg of potatos, 2kg of beans, 5kg of onions, or anything similar.

    @mojo @nayminlwin


    Well great but it’s probably a bit overkill to restrain food, you should consider adapting the food accordingly


    No food is ridiculous, but no candies would go.

    elscallr, avatar

    Just sit them down with it. Kids can figure new technology out.

    navitux, avatar

    I have experience teaching Linux to adults only, but that seems to be funnier

    AzureCerulean, avatar

    8 Best #Linux #Distributions for #Kids in #2023

    Linux distributions that you can #introduce to your kids. This way, they can begin using and learning Linux

    #Children #Learn #Learning


    A discarded Windows laptop is ideal for use with Linux. That’s what this Managing Director of an IT company has been doing for over a decade. My desktop PC is a customer cast off from a good five years ago. I slapped in an ageing Nvidia el cheapo card to get two monitors running. My laptop is a cast off from one of my employees - I simply opened it up and moved my M.2 card into it.

    I do run ESET on my Linux gear to show solidarity and to show that Linux really is rather more resource friendly than Windows. I login to AD and I use Evolution with Kerb to access Exchange for email. I have the same “drive mappings” to the same file servers too and so on and so forth.

    I used to teach word processing, spreadsheeting and databases n that for UK govt funded courses, I’ve written a Finite Capacity planner for a factory in Excel (note the lack of In-). I still find people who have no idea how decimal tab stops work or how to efficiently use styles. I can confidently inform you that Libre Office is just as good as MSO. They both have their … issues but both work pretty well.

    Kids are easy. Adults are a pain! KDE has a lot of educational games ready to go out of the box.


    You can go with a little escape game, just put vim in Fullscreen and reward the first child getting out.

    poopsmith, avatar

    My older brother got me into Ubuntu when I was around 12. He basically showed me the basics, like the terminal and a couple commands, then just told me to manpage or Google everything else.

    Then I got Linux for the Wii and that really got me into the nitty gritties of Linux.

    tourist, avatar

    When I was 12 I got “tricked” into installing Linux Mint from a USB drive because another kid told me it had Garageband on it.

    Like that meme where you give someone a bunch of adderall and a pickaxe and tell them there’s gold under a location you need excavated.

    Perhaps you could explore adjacent strategies?


    May be not a bad idea.

    His screen time is currently limited and he’s been asking me to remove the limit. Guess I can let him dual boot into Mint without any screen time limit so that he can play around.

    WhiteHotaru, avatar
    1. harden parental controls on windows install.
    2. „hey son! I hardened the parental controls on your windows install. And by the way, I installed Linux to your PC as well. It has no parental controls.“
    3. ???
    4. Linux Sysadmin

    I just started them on Linux machines from the get go. The same reason I got good at 3.1/95/98 was to setup games, filesharing, and getting hardware to work for better games. Even with Steam, there’s always some work to handle oddities. The kids are rapidly becoming reasonable basic admins the same way I did. Whether they decide to go further and learn more will be up to them.


    Hmm, I guess I’ll start by guiding him to deal with his PC problems by himself.


    That’s a good start. Also, include him in your own PC activities (some of them, make some up if you don’t have anything that he can be involved in at the time), like “I need to find a cool new background, I was thinking this and this might be cool, could you help me find something online?”. It gives kids a sense of being useful and wanted, plus a pat on the back, high 5 or something like that when the task is done. And it might inspire him to look for his own background, something he identifies with 😉.

    Have a lot smaller kid, he’s 4, but this is just something from the top of my head… or how I would play it.


    You’re good


    Thanks, I try ☺️.

    It was hard for me at first, grasping how to bring up and educate him… it didn’t come naturally for me. But my mom was a lot of help, she gave me a lot of pointers and I just started building on that 😉.


    All too much of OS config, IT work, and troubleshooting is a combination of reading docs, trying things, and plenty of online searches. The big missing piece is motivation. That’s why I learned as a kid. It was all about building systems to play games.

    For your kids, a combination of showing the basics, how to find out how to fix things, giving them agency to modify the OS (assume you’ll need to reinstall sometime), and a purpose could get them going. Not everyone find the motivation and interest, but kids are often more able to invest and explore than we give them credit for. I found my son (at age 13) at installed the proprietary NVidia driver for his laptop without my knowing. He just started following tutorials until it worked. Proud dad moment, time for ice cream, and then he went back to playing games with his buddies.

    Max_P, avatar

    The only advice I have is to try to make it interesting for them and not just additional practical information they have to memorize. You don’t want to be the weird dad that insists on using stuff nobody else does, you have to show them what’s cool about it, and also accept maybe they’ll just stick with Windows for now.

    I also think the main takeaway they should have out of it is that there’s many ways of doing the same thing and none is “the correct and only way”. They should learn to think critically, navigate unfamiliar user interfaces, learn some more general concepts and connect the dots on how things work, and that computers are logical machines, they don’t just do random things because they’re weird. Teach them the value of being able to dig into how it works even if it doesn’t necessarily benefit them immediately.

    Maybe set up a computer or VM with all sorts of WMs and DEs with the express permission to wreck it if they want, or a VM they can set up (even better if they learn they can make their own VMs as well!). Probably have some games on there as well. Maybe tour some old operating systems for the historical context of how we got where we are today. Show them how you can make the computers do things via a terminal and it does the same thing as in the GUI. Show different GUIs, different file managers, different text/document editors, maybe different DE’s, maybe even tiling vs floating. What is a file, how are ways you can organize them, how you can move them around, how some programs can open other program’s files.

    Teach them the computer works for them not the other way around. They can make the computer do literally anything they want if they wish so. But it’s okay to use other people’s stuff too.

    Max_P, avatar

    For me what planted the Linux seed is when I tried Mandrake Linux when I was 9-10ish. I didn’t end up sticking with it for all that long, but I absolutely loved trying out all those DEs. I had downloaded the full fat 5 CD version and checked almost everything during setup, so it came jam packed with all sorts of random software to try out. The games were nice, played the shit out of Frozen Bubble. I really liked Konqueror too, coming from Internet Explorer. It was pretty snappy overall. And there’s virtual desktops for more space! People were really helpful on IRC, even though I was asking about installing my Windows drivers in Wine. Unfortunately I kinda wanted games and my friends were getting annoyed we couldn’t play games on my computer.

    It stuck with me however, so later on when some of my online friends were trying it out, I wanted to try it out again too. I wasn’t much into games anymore, had started coding a little bit. So on my computer went Kubuntu 7.10, and I’m still on Linux to this day.

    But that seed is what taught me there’s more. I didn’t hate Windows, I wasn’t looking to replace it. I hadn’t fallen in love with FOSS yet. It was cool and different and fun. It wasn’t as sterile and as… grey as Windows 98. You could pop up some googly eyes that followed your mouse, because you could. There were all those weird DEs with all sorts of bars and features.

    Max_P, avatar

    Maybe a Steam Deck if they’re into gaming, boy do people love to tinker with their Decks.


    But the deck can also be used for gaming with zero tinkering, so kids will do that.


    Yes, he’ll just drop into Steam when something gets too hard to acomplish. I wouldn’t use the deck as a learning tool as well.

    miss_brainfart, (edited ) avatar

    But when the time comes and the kid needs to write some assignments for school, you can be like Your Steam Deck can do that too, have a look at what this dock does

    Imagine if handheld gaming is all they’ve ever used it and known it for, and all of a sudden you show them than it can be a full desktop experience, too

    My mind would’ve been blown back when I was a kid


    Your Steam Deck can do that too, have a look at what this dock does

    Ah, of course 👍. Maybe like let him do the first few on his laptop and then be like “you know you can do that on the steam deck, right 😏” 😁.


    I love Linux gaming. Got the Steam deck for my SO. She kind of hates it BECAUSE it’s not a no tinker device.

    Like if you pick the right games you’re good, but want to play the “wrong” game, or want to mod, and your back to tinkering.

    I don’t mind it at all, it’s just what PC gaming has been for me my whole life, but for her, someone who only experienced gaming on newer consoles it’s a pain in the tush.


    Thanks! This is really helpful.


    You don’t want to be the weird dad that insists on using stuff nobody else does, you have to show them what’s cool about it, and also accept maybe they’ll just stick with Windows for now.

    This 👆. Be weird, but be cool at the same time. None of the other dads can do this, but yours can 🦸 ☺️… and, he can teach you how to do a lot more cool stuff as well 😉.


    I also think the main takeaway they should have out of it is that there’s many ways of doing the same thing and none is “the correct and only way”. They should learn to think critically, navigate unfamiliar user interfaces, learn some more general concepts and connect the dots on how things work, and that computers are logical machines, they don’t just do random things because they’re weird. Teach them the value of being able to dig into how it works even if it doesn’t necessarily benefit them immediately.

    This will come gradually. First, show him one way of doing things, let it sink in, let him get comfortable with it, then say “you know, you could do that in another way as well 😉”. I bet he’ll start asking you if there are other ways as well in no time 😂.


    How do you mean teach?

    Just getting them to use it or teaching them terminal commands?


    My son’s windows focused ICT curriculum is pissing me off a bit. So I guess what I wanna teach is something similar to what a kid’s ICT text book would teach, except that it will be for Linux.

    Huh, may be I should look for kid friendly linux books first.


    I don’t know what your - and your kid’s - situation is, but I worry pushing Linux onto someone would be counterproductive to getting them to like it.

    I only use it because I genuinely like and appreciate it. I’d probably start by getting him interested in it. If he likes it enough then he’ll try and learn more by himself.

    I recently got an LLM running locally on an AMD GPU. This was only possible on Linux. Depending on your son, something like that could be a cool way to get him interested.


    Can you tell me something about what card you used to run what llm? What is its performance?

    There is so little out there about this.


    I have an RX6800XT and I use KoboldCPP to run models I download off of Huggingface.

    I’m not sure how many tokens per second it generates, probably about 10?

    If you want to try it yourself here’s a link to the Github page:


    Yeah, I also don’t wanna push it too hard.

    Gonna be hard though. He’s way too into roblox these days.

    bjoern_tantau, avatar

    My kids have always been using Linux because that’s what I use on my gaming PC. When it was time for my eldest to get his own computer I tried to educate him on the differences between Linux and Windows (admittedly with my bias) and he chose Linux. I feel like wobbly windows played a big part in that.

    He moans about some unsupported multiplayer games now and then and I have told him that we have a spare SSD he may use to install Windows. But so far his suffering wasn’t big enough to help me step him through that process.


    As a kid I had windows 98 (and later xp) dual booted with debian and at some point some version of suse. This was ~20 years ago

    Well I used it just fine and I knew a bout the mysterious “root” and “sudo” that my dad would use but I was just playing some games and maybe using the web browser.

    Using the GUI I never learned Linux and it wasn’t until a few years ago that I started using Linux again, and it was only because I wouldn’t be able to continue using Windows 7 anymore.

    So I don’t have any experience with teaching Linux and especially not to kids, but I think kids are actually really good at learning stuff if they need too, so give them a PC and the tools to figure things out, if they want to use it they’ve got to learn, and don’t give them other options where they don’t have to learn anything.

    TimeSquirrel, avatar

    With my kid, he just gets on Steam and starts doing his thing with his friends like everybody else as if he was on Windows. It makes no difference to him. I figure I'd let him learn the same way I learned computers, by just standing back and letting him poke and prod around and giving assistance and guidance when necessary. He can't break anything important.


    I tried this with my son, who is now 17 and not nearly as computer literate as I was by his age, let alone Linux literate at all. I think it’s a generational thing, as a kid growing up in the 90s I HAD to learn how to administer our PC at a higher level to do the things I wanted to do. Now with easy apps and tablets and auto-installation of all-the-things you just don’t need to be an advanced user to do what you want to do. This is just my experience, YEMV

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