RIP_Cheems, avatar

…that’s right, it goes in the square hole.



(I don’t know which of these you’re supposed to share, but it’s a good community).




I could have sworn the original had better than 240p quality…


Oh it totally can be, this is the result of a 5 seconds search, haha.

GCostanzaStepOnMe, avatar

That’s just the internet mold eating at the tubes.

Legendsofanus, avatar

Where are the cleaner dudes, supposed to be spraying at them molds


America is part of the world.

Checkmate, earthists.


They sure as hell don’t act like it though

ThatWeirdGuy1001, avatar

ITT Europeans once again acting like American politics don’t affect them in any way.

Anyone else think it’s funny that Britain got Boris around the same time America got trump?

ParsnipWitch, avatar

The reason you see a right shift in many countries is because more people are feeling left behind. Also, people build conservative echo chambers online that reinforce certain arguments regardless of your nationality. So it is no surprise that right wing rhetoric is on the rise in many places.

ThatWeirdGuy1001, avatar

How does more people feeling left behind lead to conservatism though? This is a genuine question.


because these people use the right words to convince the people feeling left behind that they will care for them and make their lifes better.


In other words, make promises and tell them what they want to hear, while telling them you hate the same people they do.

Then go do whatever the hell you want, and keep telling your followers you’re helping them.


Because living felt better in the past.

That’s the root of conservatism. And yeah, it does devolve to “my dick wasn’t limp, my tits didn’t sag, my knees didn’t hurt, and I was ignorant enough to not see the problems I see clearly now”.


Just because we have a huge cultural effect doesn’t mean europeans want to be drowned out by our issues, some relatable and some unique.


It’s not like news is just politics. Today a helicopter (yeah yeah, it was an Osprey, not a regular helicopter, whatever) with a bunch of US soldiers crashed in Australia and I can read about it in German and French news, this most certainly doesn’t affect me at all.


American local news cycles from city to county to state to national, and then starts over again.

American national news is just one outrage after another.


American local news cycles from city to county to state to national, and then starts over again.

And virtually never international, unless there’s a strong US angle.


I can only inagine how sick of hearing his name europeans are, I’ve been sick of it since 2015 and I’m American. Honestly at this point I just want to go one whole day without hearing his fucking name. I can’t think of one other person that applies to in politics, celebrities, anything.


In the same timeframe, we had Brexit which was our own local annoying piece of never ending shitshow

ThatWeirdGuy1001, avatar

See this is my biggest gripe on people complaining about Trump.

During brexit my feed was full of Boris memes and news. It was really fucking weird watching two different countries get fucked by a fat old man with fake blonde hair

Extreme incompetence is news worthy.


Honestly I’m more sick of hearing of Musk by now. At least with Trump there’s a sadistic part to me that keeps wondering how low reps can go, but with Musk, I’m just sick of him. I don’t care about his little tantrums at all and every little shit gets hundreds of upvotes.


Sounds like Europeans need to step up on being a dumpster fire if they want as much coverage as us. Be the change you want to see in the world!


Hey well seems that most of EU is working on it sadly


Between Meloni, Órban, PiS, the True Finns, etc. I think there are plenty of dumpster fires

Skullgrid, avatar

the True Finns

I didn’t know the Samis were in charge of finland now


Let’s open nomination for “Florida Man”, EU


There’s an active war in Europe. Mediterranean countries are struggling with illegal immigrants and straight up sinking their boats. It’s not all sunshine and rainbows.


This is so accurate you could use it as a scope to shoot a fly from a rat ass all the way from across the next town.


Th…thanks ?


Welcome buddy.


OC for the one of the most oft repeated memes is like kissing your sister





Gif is too small. Needs at least another 100 megs of weight

BaroqueInMind, avatar

I love how most of the Lemmy instances are hosted on European servers, yet Europeans still don't have enough population, money, or influence to change the status quo.

US politics does not belong in World News, yet the upvote counts say otherwise. Europeans need to step up the game and encourage more other Europeans to join Kbin/Lemmy. This will never be fixed without the numbers.


Google News is the worst. If you use it to get a quick snapshot of what’s going on in the world you won’t find anything outside America. You have to change your region to Germany or Britain to get actual results.


Google tells me there’s like 332 million people in the US and like 750 million in Europe. I get that they’re different countries, but different states here might as well be.

Are there posts Europeans make that I’m just not seeing (beyond complaints like this one), or is there something else that keeps them from posting and upvoting the content they apparently want to see in places like world news?


Europeans tend to prefer discussing local matters in their own language


Possible I missed something, but nothing I see in the world news rules about posting in languages that aren’t English. My (admittedly small) point is that nothing prevents Europeans dominating these spaces apart apparent apathy and disinterest.


but nothing I see in the world news rules about posting in languages that aren’t English

Isn’t it pretty obvious? If literally any European posted news in their native language, outside of the Brits and the Irish, it would be literally incomprehensible to 80-90% of the continent.

Not to mention ^(proceeds^ ^to^ ^mention)^ the problem that we don’t care about each other’s internal politics and don’t know enough about their context to follow them. People might follow the EU topics and the large-scale shitfests such as Brexit, French protests and of course the Russo-Ukrainian war. But that’s it.

E.g. I just realised that my country borders six other countries and I can’t name the current PM/president of two of them. (for somewhat excusable reasons, but regardless of that it’s not a good look)


At the risk of digging myself an ever deeper hole, then…why complain? I wouldn’t ask, but I see this complaint like every few weeks or so. If it literally can’t be a thing because of how Europe is, why blame America?

We do enough like real stupid shit people can be mad at us about. This one doesn’t seem like it’s on us.


Good question, though this was my first comment in the chain, I personally wasn’t complaining (yet).

To be honest, I’ve just checked the “Top Day” sorting of /c/[email protected], and the news are all about non-USA topics. So in hindsight I guess OP was just doing the usual “lol self-centred Americans” dunking. It is a fact that American news have pushed out the other countries’ news from the default news sub on reddit and here (or more likely the system was just replicated on Lemmy by default during the migration), so it’s a sort of folklore reaction… :D


I’m probably just approaching this wrong overall. I think it’d be interesting to see more non-US posts in places like world news, and it’s not that hard for me to run non-English posts through a translator to get the gist of them.

This is probably a terrible place to express it, and I’m probably being obtuse, but I want to see that in addition to posts like this complaint. I would read that. I would upvote that.


I dunno. As a Euro, I think World news (on Lemmy) is more or less fine as it is. The most important events in the world will be covered in English, and the texts will be formed in an appropriate way - as I’ve said previously it can be difficult to grasp the specific national context for many events, and a good news article will compensate. E. g. if a country has chosen a new president, a foreigner first has to learn if the country has a presidential or parliamentary system, or the info won’t be understood properly.

I guess one could pick out the articles in their native language with more context, or add some context themselves?


To be honest, I’ve just checked the “Top Day” sorting of /c/[email protected], and the news are all about non-USA topics.

And now go on !news, there’s no indication that it’s US news only, yet it’s almost all US news.


OP’s gif literally talks about ‘world news’, that’s why I focused on that sub. The division between ‘news’ (=American news) and ‘world news’ (=non-American) has been established on reddit probably like a decade ago because American news indeed used to overwhelm the rest; today there’s not much of a point to complain or act surprised about this “system”, considering that almost everyone is used to it.


As someone who lived in Europe for a bit, it seems like one reason for that is that, no matter who wins, the swings are smaller. No matter who wins in the elections, there don’t tend to be dramatic policy shifts. European politics often have multiple parties, with some parties containing complete nutters, but because those nutters are not in the main parties, the main parties are more similar.

In addition the US is the only remaining superpower, so US politics has a big impact on every European country, probably not as much as all their neighbors combined, but maybe more than any one of those neighbors on their own.

ParsnipWitch, avatar

Different states are not like literally different countries.


Exactly, different states still have their country as common ground. Most Europeans identify with their nationality first, and as a European second.


People in North America identified with their colony/state first, and the United States second back in the 1700s. Give it time…


That’s not even remotely comparable to the situation in Europe.


The European Union is a confederation, just like the United States under the Articles of Confederation was.


When asked where I’m from I say my state, I don’t say I’m American.


Yeah I don’t know any Americans that don’t do this. Like I get it, I don’t like us either, but going from Colorado to Texas is more jarring to me than going from France to Germany.


going from Colorado to Texas is more jarring to me than going from France to Germany.

Yes, going from “foreign place where I don’t speak the language” to “foreign place where I don’t speak the language” isn’t jarring because it’s all very foreign. But, the differences between France and Germany are objectively huge compared to the differences between Colorado and Texas.


…I do speak the language in one of the two, but thanks for the shitty assumption. That it’s more jarring for me between two states is my own subjective opinion. It’s almost like there’s more to culture than language.


Do you think every region in European countries is the same? There is more of a difference between Bavaria and the rest of Germany than most US states.


This is ridiculous. This is why Europeans think we’re so stupid and insular, and they’re right.


If I remember correctly, most Europeans identifiy first with their city, then with their country and third with the EU…


Different states in the early 1800s might be like different European countries are today. But, today, states have a lot less power, and people generally think of themselves as American first.

In addition, European countries speak different languages. That severely limits the common ground you share with neighbouring countries.

ParsnipWitch, avatar

They also have different cultures, traditions, history, etc.


Yeah, European countries have histories going back a thousand years or more. While there’s going to be some shared history in border regions (often they swapped back and forth between countries depending on who was strong and who was weak), there’s a lot of differences between them that are pretty deep seated.

If those countries shared a common language the cultures would tend to blend over time. When they speak different languages that process is a lot slower.

IMO the differences between major US cities are smaller than the differences between any given city and the rural areas surrounding that city.


Even then, different states in the early 1800s had more or less the same history/origins (colonists that arrived relatively recently)


I get that they’re different countries, but different states here might as well be.

^ This guy Articles of Confederation.

(Seriously, the European Union basically has the same kind of structure now as the United States did between 1776 and 1789.)


Europeans still don’t have enough population, money, or influence to change the status quo.

English is the issue. There are only about 80M people who speak English as a first language in Europe, out of 0.8 billion or so. Yeah, plenty of people who are relatively fluent in English participate in English social media, but many also spend a lot of time in social media in their own language, something English-speakers never see.

The Fediverse has a pretty big German-speaking population, but not as much French, Italian, Spanish, etc. I don’t know where they are – probably Facebook / Instagram.

Metal_Zealot, avatar

Try being Canadian. We’ve lost all sense of self-identity here


We even say dude and y’all like we’re Californians and Texans.

I remember growing up we used to say buddy and eh.

Metal_Zealot, avatar

Even the Newfie slang is less common

Diabolo96, (edited )

I knew you guys were screwed when i read about Canadian screaming about “the 1st amendment” when getting arrested by the police.

Metal_Zealot, avatar

We talk more about Trump here than our own politicians.

And our politicians are Trump supporters.


That must be really shitty. Force to you brother.

PP_BOY_, avatar

Is there like a framerate shortage going around right now?


Like anyone’s gonna give out free frame - HA, not in this economy!


Yeah this is bring-your-own-frame day, you didn’t get the memo ?


Fuck yes, 240hz gang UNITE!


Even with the low framerate it’s still highly inefficient and comes to 23MB. This is why you don’t use gif for video.


A lot of frame rate is currently being shipped to Ukraine

dojan, avatar

Gods, this is so accurate. A part of me wish we could just isolate the U.S. for a bit, because I’d be curious to see how that’d affect the discourse in the rest of the world. The rise of the far right and Trump legitimately being voted in as president legitimised the far-right movements in my country as well. Last election people were literally pushing for the stop-and-frisk BS to become a thing here.

I hate that I know what stop-and-frisk even is.

ObviouslyNotBanana, avatar

We need a new internet, without shootings and two party politics!


But with blackjack and hookers!


You son of a bitch, I’m in.

GrammatonCleric, avatar

He wasn’t legitimately voted in, though.

dojan, avatar

In 2016? I would’ve loved to see Hillary be President but that’s not what we got.


Yup, they’re bringing the whole world down with them


Like the rest of the worlds shit is any better. Right wing facists are on the rise everywhere. Ours are just fucking stupider.

Italy facists, brexit, climate, etc fucking whole world is a dumpster.


I’m not saying European politicians are fundamentally better, I’m just saying it’s been a while since one of them got their mugshot taken for going to jail under election fraud charges 🤷

zurchpet, avatar

Some of them would deserve that treatment too, I’m sure.


None of them was president though


Russia and Belarus are a part of Europe too…


Yeah, they tend to be prime ministers instead, looking at you Orban.


I think we’re happening in Poland and Hungary is worse then the US


Oh I agree, hence the “ours are stupider” comment :D


You’re just jealous it’s not Europe’s job anymore.


Ahah yes, we’re taking turns


On the bright side, if civilization doesn’t collapse we’ll eventually all get to complain about why the news is Chinese politics 24/7


Task failed successfully


Every time I mentioned Trump on Reddit’s world news sub, I got shouted down for talking about “irrelevant” US politics. I tried to explain his potential impact on the politics of other countries, but they didn’t want to hear it.


Trump was important for the rest of the world when he was… you know… the president of the US… now it’s just a little mediocre guy and I understand that all the little advances in bringing him to justice are pretty important to you guys, but I couldn’t care less.

If he ever gets elected again for some reason, then we will see the potential impact, but for now he is pretty irrelevant im afraid.


By the gods, were it to be so!

I would too so enjoy if, as if from some casement unseen, a pair of disembodied, godly hands were to reach down shoo away those br-r-rown masses from Albion and her sisters, to keep them pure!

It is a crime against Balthūre that they invented fascism in 2016!

In the meantime, I will be feasting for this day!


If that happened, the rest of the world would still find a way to talk about the US the whole time.


The USA has wanted to be isolationist for centuries but just like the Godfather film they keep getting sucked back into international geopolitics.

20% of Americans wanted to make a peace deal with Hitler. This is how little they care about what’s happening outside America.

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