
Ah yes, the old “I reject your reality and substitute my own”.

driving_crooner, avatar

That’s a reference from where?

Zehzin, avatar

While Adam popularized it, it comes from a Doctor Who episode from the 70s.

PS: You’re making me want to watch Mythbusters again


No it doesn’t. I comes from the 1984 movie The Dungeonmaster.

This movie was featured in Red Letter Media’s Best of the Worst: Plinketto #9, which revealed the origins of the phrase to the internet at large.

Adam has since confirmed it indeed comes from this movie.

Zehzin, avatar

Dang, you’re right 💀


Didn’t it come from the movie dungeon master?


My homie need to go touch grass


This genius and his two sock puppets are really crushing the comment section. You always have to insert a lol in order to convey the levity of your position when shitting on the plebs from a great height.



Hello, can we get the link of that Reddit post?

bquintb, avatar

There are no women on the internet



There are no women on the internet



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  • Acters,

    People like margot robbie here are enough reason to know that this shitpost is not making any good points, it’s literally a joke

    obinice, avatar

    Margot robbie is that woman from stranger things right? I’m lost on the reference here though, is she super sexist against other women or something? I only really know her from that show 🤔

    MargotRobbie, avatar

    When was I ever in Stranger Things? I was recently in a fairly popular movie. You may have seen ads for it in the last few months.

    Also, that’s esteemed Academy Award nominated character actress Margot Robbie to you!


    It’s so weird that you keep it up. You’ve been committed to this for like half a year basically every day now?


    Consistency is what enables talent to become professionalism


    I had a friend who roleplayed as Napoleon on Facebook for multiple years. You just need dedication (plus they told me it was pretty entertaining).

    Not that it has anything to do with Ms. Robbie here, obviously.

    MargotRobbie, (edited ) avatar

    Your friend sounds like he would make a good actor! After all, a good actor always has to be 100% committed to their role at all times.


    He did a couple stage plays actually! I don’t think he’s interested in it as a career but I could definitely see him as an actor.


    May I see a video, of you holding up today’s newspaper, with the date visibly showing, with a shoe on your head? Then I will know you are real. Can’t trust pictures these days.


    stranger things


    I’ll give you a hint

    obinice, avatar

    I’ve yet to see it happen, but if it does, let me know.

    4chan seems to just be a place for emotionally stunted incels and wannabe sex offenders to hang out and share their deeply misguided views.

    It makes you wonder what sort of human being actually pays to keep the place running and thinks they’re doing good :-(


    thinks they’re doing good :-(

    Maybe they’re trying to keep them in one place, where thry can be observed?


    It obviously hasn’t worked.


    4chan isn’t really that bad honestly. It’s just the epitome of “FrEe SpEeCh”, and as a consequence it attracts a crapton of social outcasts who finally have a place to vent their horrible opinions.

    The 10% of the site that isn’t talking about women or politics is actually pretty nice.


    Exceptions to rules prove them, my friend.


    Hours after the Charlottesville car attack that killed Heather Heyer I went to /b/ to see if anyone wanted to virtually protest the alt-right white supremacist websites, and it was filled with post after post urging people to kill more protestors with their cars.


    Because that’s virtually the only place where you can do that and not get banned. So obviously all the nutjobs flocked there to do it.

    Doesn’t change that there’s still fun discussion sometimes on the site, although it’s hardly worth it when it’s so full of misogyny and alt-right propaganda. I admire the people that manage to stay sane in there.


    Man, it’s freedom of speech. I can ask the same questions before cutting out and blocking some of the most polarized communities on Lemmy.


    There apparently was a novel mathematical proof dropped on 4chan. Forget the name, but it had something to do with an anime as well.


    Most people think it’s just kind of a free speech hellhole, but it’s not, that’s just the coat of paint the site took on/has always slightly had. Remnants of an idealized 1990’s internet space where people thought everything would be free to use and free to access, and the storage would be infinite, ironically concocted by out-of-touch yuppies who didn’t work on the pipes. In reality, free speech bullshit is always just a cover for admins to be able to enforce whatever totally inconsistent rules that they want without any form of repercussion, because obviously there are limits, even just legally, in terms of keeping the site up, and keeping it free from commercial spam, and having advertisers stay on. Most rules you can concoct have some sort of exception, or lack of clarity, or are too restrictive, so it really just falls down to some arbitrary decision as to what stays around and what doesn’t.

    With sites like 4chan, it isn’t so much that “free speech” just inevitably leads to this tragedy of the commons where everyone becomes or is taken over by racists and incels, it’s more that active decisions are made to turn these sites into shitholes by malignant actors, because sites like 4chan are the easiest targets, and have a kind of natural selection bias towards the type of people they want to recruit. They take advantage of this fact that “free speech” is obfuscating the actual moderation and enforcement of the site, and then use it to promote whatever ideologies they want, like a little internet meme terrarium, or maybe more of a virus cell culture. Then, this attracts other malignant actors, some of whom are even funded by different states, who work within the bounds of the site to advance it one step further, until you have a kind of horrible coalition of different ideas all stewing together.

    Thus, most of the people who run the site nowadays are white supremacist dicks, funded by a hands-off japanese internet techbro libtertarian, and toy company “Good Smile”.

    Which is all kind of tragic, because, like that one guy said, it’s responsible for a novel mathematical proof, the revival of a british indie rock band, the beginnings of anonymous, probably some other cool stuff I can’t remember. Lots of early classic internet memes, of course. It’s not all bad, really, it’s just the lowest hanging fruit of web forum. Sometimes that’s shitty, but then sometimes you get draw*** threads, where artists will go in and take low-pressure requests or concoct some sort of forum-game. Idealized, it’s sort of like pub bathroom graffiti, or something. Which isn’t really nefarious, is never serious, is sometimes charming, and very very occasionally is beautiful, useful, or novel.


    Like when they told us Scientology isnt an innocent budding religion…


    Holy incel, batman!


    Everyone on the Internet is male until proven female

    z500, avatar

    The Internet, where men are men, women are men, and children are FBI agents.


    Men are 12 year old boys, women are adult men, and children are either FBI agents or catfishing pedophiles.


    How can women be real if our eyes aren’t!


    Sometimes I wonder if he was trying to be deep somehow or if he just dropped a 10 sheet before going on twitter.


    I think he heard some philosophy stuff out of context or over simplified, and was knee deep in inferences when he tweeted that. Something like:

    • The only thing we know with certainty that we exist.
    • So we don’t know if anything, including what we perceive, is real.
    • If our perception could be fake, we can’t even know that our sensory organs, like eyes, are real.
    • However, in my perceived life, I can look at myself in a mirror, and see my own body and my own eyes.
    • If my perception isn’t real, and my eyes aren’t real, how can I see them in that mirror?
    • If our eyes aren’t real, we wouldn’t be able to see them in a mirror for… some reason.
    • But my name is Jaden Smith, and I can’t understand that a fake reality could trick me into thinking I see my own eyes, so I think being able to see my eyes in a mirror means my eyes must be real, the mirror must be real, and the physical world exists with certainty. I disproved solipsism guys!

    In all seriousness, I don’t think he believed his eyes weren’t real, he was asking a rhetorical question that he thought proved something deep. However, because he was a dumb teenager, he thought he could figure out something no one in history ever considered, and was thus making some grand contribution to society.

    dylanTheDeveloper, avatar

    The MOON hides FROM ME


    Women is haram



    Reddit is a sausagefest and no, woman, you can’t have any sausage!

    /s² = -/s



    The reddit taint is strong with this one.


    you know that /s has been around since the discussion board days before Reddit was even a thing right?





    What is a woman?

    Clearly not that dude!

    SickPanda, avatar

    A two legged creature without feathers.


    Featherless biped!

    Da_Boom, avatar

    Wait! Girls EXIST on the internet ‽‽‽ /s

    uis, avatar

    There Are No Girls on the Internet


    Props for the interrobang

    vsis, avatar

    That’s a myth.

    It’s always some guy pretending to be a girl.


    Yes. On onlyfan/s


    I mean, the irony is that there are even less women on lemmy than on reddit so like…

    stebo02, avatar

    in percentage or in total?



    Swedneck, avatar

    more femboys, at least percentually, though worth it


    So like we can start calling commenters “he” again without having to worry about offending someone? That’s not bad


    This chick has a point


    Thanks bro


    Nah. Lots of trans women and we care about their mental health. Just cope.


    Why don’t you just say there are lots of women? Your comment is both transphobic and anti-feminist


    cis women aren’t as hurt by misgendering. not transphobic, just aware. not anti-feminist, they’re advocating for gender neutral language.

    holster your shit lol


    That’s implying trans women are less stable and easier to hurt because they are trans. That’s transphobic. Assuming cis women don’t get hurt by misgendering is sexist at best.

    TimewornTraveler, (edited )

    Homie I work in mental health and recognizing a trigger is not a force of systemic oppression, it’s a courtesy. Pretending everything is hunky dory and no one has differing needs or experiences is the “i dont see color” equivalent of gender. why would cis women even have that trigger??

    braxy29, (edited )

    try talking to some ciswomen and find out if misgendering hurts. spoiler - it does.

    edit - fwiw, i keep hearing that lemmy is friendlier than reddit. this doesn’t align with my experience so far, it’s the same hateful shit as always.


    I’m not saying it doesnt, even in my original post I said they aren’t “AS” hurt. Why not try giving a “sir” to 100 trans women and 100 cis women and see how the reactions differ? The way I understand it, you’re saying there wont be any difference in reaction. That’s naive. It’s a trigger! Just like how I can get uncomfortable when someone talks about s.assault but it isn’t a trigger for me. If I’m in a group session with people recovering from trauma, I’m going to be very careful talking about SA but if I’m with colleagues I might speak more directly.


    Let me help.

    Trans women are (on average) less stable and easier to hurt.

    We done here?


    You think you’re so damn clever for appropriating the inclusive folks’ argument and trying to throw it back at them, but you really aren’t. We can all see you for the dishonest concern troll that you are.


    I just find it unsettling that those comments only seems to care about the trans. And also I don’t find it helpful to recite again and again “you’re unstable and easy to hurt” to someone. I think they want to be treated normally.


    I’m not endorsing what PsychedSy is saying (esp in the replies), but I am calling you out for saying that being aware of differing needs of trans people is transphobic.


    Being aware is different than stating it out loud in public. And the over generalization is just something I must point out.


    That’s fair. There is something uncomfortable about saying that trans women are on average more unstable. But I think that’s more about the word choice “unstable” where I would frame it more neutrally like “different needs”. I guess “unstable” sounds like it’s their fault/failing.


    I just find it unsettling that those comments only seems to care about the trans.

    Yeah, no shit: that’s because cis people are cared about by default. Nobody needs you white-knighting for the already-advantaged.

    But we both know you already knew that. I’m continuing to not buy your dishonest concern-trolling.


    ok? You’re free to not buy what you don’t want to


    cis women aren’t as hurt by misgendering

    Nice generalization.


    Nah. Ignoring blahaj won’t help. Soz, bitch.


    I’m actually really curious what you think you’re doing with this shit. You can check but I don’t downvote. What’s your goal?

    Sheeple, avatar

    Im a woman so


    There are dozens of us! Dozens!


    Binders full of women!


    there’s at least the two of us


    Make it three now


    Woman here, checking in


    Not a girl checking in!


    Count me in for the women-on-lemmy gang


    Another one here for the count!


    Might as well add my voice to the gang


    Is this a bandwagon I see here? Count me in


    [citation needed]

    FollyDolly, avatar

    Checking in, am also women.


    Also women here, hi.

    Nima, avatar

    oh yeah dude, totally.

    (I am a woman)


    part-time woman here

    kamenlady, avatar

    There also the ones that one would think it’s a woman, because of the username.

    M0oP0o, avatar

    The updoots tell a harrowing tale.


    Two alt accounts

    CileTheSane, avatar

    Right, two alt accounts for the benefit of the (check notes) 2 upvotes the one account receives?


    Some people are so desperate for affirmation that this is entirely feasible.

    CileTheSane, avatar

    Not sure if this is Nothing Ever Happens (because for some reason that conversation couldn’t happen naturally) or That Happened (someone made 2 accounts for such a nothing conversation)…


    Sorry but the upvotes determine the truth here.

    EfreetSK, avatar

    Back in the day we had a rules of the internet and they were clear: there are no women on the internet. So you are not fooling me


    Can confirm. The moment my wife opens a web browser, her breasts invert, a beard grows out and a massive shlong replaces her lady cave.


    All transmascs should know this one trick


    Why did my brain have to imagine a detailed video of this? It’s…horrifying to watch. :(

    MargotRobbie, avatar

    You mean women are people who knows how to navigate to a website, sign up for accounts, and express our own points of view on different topics? How could this be possible?

    bob_wiley, avatar

    It’s not that people don’t think women have the capability. There is just a general assumption that they’re smart enough not to waste their time with it and they have better things to do, like actual hobbies and friends/family to see.

    When I have time to kill I dick around online and usually ignore anything else I could do. Every woman I know is making scrapbooks, knitting her own hats and some more for others, taking care of some kids, building and maintaining relationships with people in the real world, cooking amazing food just because they want it, getting involved in the community, working some extra side jobs, and generally doing stuff to make their world and the world around them better.

    Why do you assume the assumption that everyone is a guy online is somehow the result of a negative view on women?


    There is just a general assumption that they’re smart enough not to waste their time with it and they have better things to do, like actual hobbies and friends/family to see.

    Did you actually ask other people what they think, or are you projecting? Because this doesn’t represent me at all

    bob_wiley, avatar

    I’m projecting, but also, I said it was an assumption that’s generally held, not a hard fact that everyone does or should believe. We all know different people and that will color or views.


    Every woman I know is playing Baldur’s Gate 3


    Am woman, currently at work, but will continue playing BG3 when I get back home. So this checks out.


    Not me. I’m catching up on all of the assassin’s creed before getting the new one


    hastily closes steam window showing over 250 hours of BG3 played so far

    My husband is mad because I’m further in the story than him, lol


    My wife and I are waiting until marriage until we have some free time this holiday to play it co-op. We’ve had similar problems in the past with games like Warcraft 3, but the amazing coop system in the Borderlands franchise has allowed us to log hundreds (if not thousands) of hours playing together - hoping that BG3 works similarly well enough.


    The co-op is pretty good, though there are a few tiny frustrations - I can’t automatically use an npc party member’s skills in conversations (like guidance or bardic inspiration) if they’re under my husband’s control instead of mine, for instance. Our problem is that we both want to finish the storyline for ourselves before making storyline decisions in our co-op campaign and I have an entire day off that he doesn’t thanks to working 4 10s instead of 5 8s. So I have to wait for him to push ahead in his campaign before we can play ours, but I can just play mine at my leisure, lol.


    Generally held by who? Because it’s not the general public.
    Seems like it’s just you at the moment.

    bob_wiley, avatar

    I guess… maybe I just know a bunch of really motivated women. None of them spend time one sites like this, They do shit.


    The fact you think motivation, caring for you family, and having social media are mutually exclusive says a lot about you. If you think women on Reddit, lemmy, whatever social media are unmotivated because they don’t knit hats and care for children or whatever you define as womanhood you might need to reflect on what you think womanhood is outside of your personal experiences with the women in your social bubble.

    Women might use Reddit or lemmy or a number of social media sites to find a social group to connect with that they don’t have in their immediate area, just like men do. They are normal people who don’t have to adhere to whatever gender ideologies society wants to ascribe to them. Also spending time on sites like this can just be an hour in the morning or evening not an entire life so you might never see them do it.


    Joke’s on him, I’m totally unmotivated and I knit(well, crochet) hats. In fact, I craft to avoid responsibilities, lol


    Excuse me?! Being on Lemmy is “doing shit”. VERY important shit. I have shit to read and memes to laugh at. There is nothing more important in life.


    Pretty big self report there lmao.

    Darkhoof, avatar

    I choose to believe your post is finely crafted satire.




    Every woman I know is making scrapbooks, knitting her own hats and some more for others, taking care of some kids

    Wow… there’s a lot to unpack here… have you ever met a woman before?

    bob_wiley, avatar

    I have. The most recent woman I saw was my sister, who does literally all the things I mentioned, and has probably never been on reddit. She might not even know what it is.


    Oh cool she definitely represents the entire female population of the world. Maybe you should go try and meet a second or even third woman (not including your mother), it might give you a broader perspective.

    bob_wiley, avatar

    I wasn’t aware you wanted a list of everyone woman I’ve ever met. I’m not going to provide that, as it’s insane. That’s why I simply mentioned just the most recent. I also didn’t say anything about the entire female population in the world, that’s a bunch of spin you made up in your head. Stop being so sensitive and trying to make things out to be worse than they are. I don’t know you, nor was I thinking about you when I made the post; you don’t need to take it personally.


    Is your sister even real bro?


    You really are confused, I never asked for a list, and didn’t take this personally in any way.

    I just think you have some weird misogynistic views of what a woman is, and what their interests are.


    my sister frequently sends me reddit memes and tried for years to get me to play league of legends


    This comment is so sad lmao. Let me introduce you to this awesome idea, and I ask that you please read it in the SpongeBob voice for “imagination”: anecdotes aren’t evidence


    Your sister sounds kinda boring ngl


    bro’s only example of women who don’t use reddit is a woman he assumes doesn’t use reddit


    I did not meet women in person, but I heard lots of them just hang out on instagram, posting their best moments online. Ofc similar for some good-looking men as well. That’s why I assume most people here are either men or lgbtq+.


    So anyone on a website other than instagram is an ugly man or a lesbian…

    …man the hot takes just keep coming don’t they?


    Huh, I never said ugly. Do not put words in my mouth.


    good-looking men as well

    What’s the opposite of good-looking? I swear context is impossible for most people on the internet.


    Average-looking men, obviously.


    You don’t understand what words mean, do you?




    I’m almost guaranteeing that the person you are replying to is making a joke, because of how ludicrous it sounds. “I did not meet women in person, but I heard lots of them just hang out on instagram” implies that the commenter has literally never met a woman in their entire life and only knows about them via a website that they’ve never even been to themselves, as the information about them being on instagram is itself second hand. Like, it literally makes women sound like cryptids.


    But like, how is a human being possible without penis and balls? Where does the pee come from? Where do they store it?

    I don’t know man, seems a bit too surreal to me.


    Go look at their reply (or post history) then tell me that.

    idiomaddict, (edited )

    I’m a woman. My most frequently practiced hobbies are watching my fiancé cook, playing with my cat, dicking around on the internet, and playing word games. Because hobbies are to relax and I’m working and getting a Masters. When I had more time, I also danced a bunch and played Pokémon go.

    The things the women in your life are doing, are providing services for the people around them, through food, knitted goods, and photo albums. Women also want a break, but we don’t get one if no one in our lives gives us one.

    Six years ago, my terrible ex would have said that I loved reading organizational blogs and baking, but that’s because he was a slob whose family had weekly parties that I was expected to bake for. Maybe all the women in your life are stepford bots, but maybe you should try learning to knit or cook with some of them, and see if they branch out or just need some help.

    Edit: grammar


    I learnt cross stitch off me mum as a lad.


    TL:DR for the folks at home:

    “The things the women in your life are doing, is providing service for the people around them….”

    “Women also want a break, but we don’t get one if no one in our lives gives us one. [note: or if we take it, with all the risks that may or may not entail.]

    No, it’s not just women; yes, it often is women due to social factors.


    I completely overlooked the mistake until now, it should be: “are providing services for the people around them…”


    I got what you mean, I was just agreeing with you, I don’t correct anyone until at least 2 hours after getting out of bed anyway.

    bandario, avatar

    Sorry about the grainy, difficult to read image. I am on mobile and couldn’t find a better version right now.

    I think you might have misunderstood one of the primary internet rules “There are no girls on the internet.”

    If you squint, you’ll work it out.…

    FlyingSquid, avatar

    When I have time to kill I dick around online and usually ignore anything else I could do. Every woman I know is making scrapbooks, knitting her own hats and some more for others, taking care of some kids, building and maintaining relationships with people in the real world, cooking amazing food just because they want it, getting involved in the community, working some extra side jobs, and generally doing stuff to make their world and the world around them better.

    Are there any women you know who aren’t housewives?


    If kids means dogs this is my mom. She’s retired and I’m her roommate. It’s kinda nice.


    Nice neckbeard energy you got there. Especially how you tried to double down and all. My lady’ing the shit out of this.


    I don’t understand why men are even on here. Every man I know is so busy chopping down trees, wrestling bears and building log cabins. How does anyone on here even find the time!?

    Are you all even real!?!?


    Whoah. I spend time drinking alcohol straight from the bottle, too.


    *Looks at red plaid shirt,**Looks at wood cutters axe,*Touches beard.

    I feel so singled out.

    Edit: Commas are our friend.


    Hold my bear, I’m typing a reply.

    MissJinx, avatar

    I’m a woman and I do knit and bake as a hobby, I also 3d print and design, do some robotics and I’m a cybersecurity professional. I have joined and participate in online communities for all of those TBF the crochet community in Reddit is one of the most awesome and welcoming i have ever seen.


    If they are so busy with all of that, who is going to do the dishes?

    dylanTheDeveloper, avatar

    Skill issue


    Excellent gif from and excellent animated movie.

    MargotRobbie, avatar

    … OK, first time I’ve ever got this reaction for something I thought that was pretty obvious.


    It is, I didn’t mean any harm, I was just playing into a joke.

    MargotRobbie, avatar

    It’s all good!

    kamenlady, avatar

    It’s all good!

    It’s all good man!

    would sound just like

    Saul goodman!

    Making an account named Margot Robbie? Classic Kim Wexler! Gotcha!

    workerONE, (edited )


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  • queue, avatar

    god thats fresh comedy, you should go do stand up and put that in your tight five, well meme’d!

    Nikki, avatar

    i LOL’d so hard at that one 😐


    Do the attack helicopter one next!


    Maybe he’s just joking?


    A joke on MY internet?

    chaorace, avatar

    It’s not likely. Don’t think


    Pretty weird joke.

    tourist, avatar

    “straight women are gay because they have boyfriends” is an interesting thought experiment at the very least, if you don’t put too much thought into that “experiment”


    They like men and liking men is gay, whats not to understand?

    creditCrazy, avatar

    Fellas is it gay to like women like your literally banging someone who likes dicks


    Your experiment seems about the equivalent to a teenage boy calling himself a lesbian because they like chick’s, it’s just immature humor but I doubt that was the intent of the comment, sounds more like they were just an incel.


    Women are a liberal lie


    Things that don’t exist are the stuff of conservative nightmares. This story checks out.

    Swedneck, avatar

    true conservatives are extremely buff and only hang out with equally buff men at all times, including bed.

    if women existed then sleeping with them would be a profoundly beta move.

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