STRIKINGdebate2, avatar

Life pro tip: If you are vegan and lactose intolerant get oat milk. Out of all the alternatives that one tastes the closest to the real thing by a country mile.

Sneptaur, avatar

I love oat milk in my coffee. It’s got a good texture if that makes sense

SnokenKeekaGuard, avatar

Mouthfeel you mean?

Sneptaur, avatar

Listen I’m a trans woman so “mouth feel” has a specific connotation haha


So oat milk doesn't have the same mouthfeel as...

Disappoint :(


This fucking sent me 😂


I don’t get it :(

Sneptaur, avatar

Is there any explanation that just uses words?

Sneptaur, avatar

It’s funnier this way, but basically it’s talking about dick.


Jokes are always funnier when they’re explained

Sneptaur, avatar

The joke being that trans girl cock has a different “mouth feel” than regular cock


See? Hilarious!

But now I wanna know

Cosmos7349, (edited )

The way I’d describe it is that, compared to other milk alternatives, it is the has the most body.

ie, think of it being closer to full-fat milk than to non-fat milk. You’ll notice that the taste lingers in your mouth a bit longer. (body can refer to it lingering for various reasons, but in this case, I think it’s fat content, like in milk?)

Another one with a body you might like is rice milk.

fwiw taking a food tasting or wine tasting or coffee tasting class is fun; can pick up taste descriptor words:…/what-is-wine-body-and-how-to-tast…


Oat milk is also the best for the environment by an unironic country mile.

LinkOpensChest_wav, avatar

Even better than soy? Soy is my favorite

Sheeple, avatar

Just think about the difference in producing Soy and Producing Oats.

Oats are cheaper, more widespread globally (farmed in most climates) around the world and require less water. Obviously it would be the better option.

That’s not to say that Soy milk isn’t good. It’s just not as good

LinkOpensChest_wav, avatar

My grandfather farmed both soy and oats, but I wasn’t aware there was a drastic difference between the water consumed. Now I know. Sucks because I really think soy has the best texture and flavor, but I’m not that picky

Sheeple, avatar

Don’t worry too hard about it. Even partial reduction is great. Personally I’m just a vegetarian.

Everyone does their part somehow. Don’t let purists discourage you from reducing to the level YOU are comfortable at

LinkOpensChest_wav, avatar

Thanks for the encouragement! My main thing is I have celiac and severe lactose intolerance. I can drink that lactose free milk, but I prefer to drink plant milks. The one I’ve tried to avoid is almond milk, after my discord buddy explained how wasteful it is to produce them.

Sheeple, avatar

Oh yeah almond milk REALLY is not an eco friendly option. Your buddy is right on that. It doesn’t help that Almonds are usually grown in countries that are poorer, exploiting them and draining them (even more) of their water supply without paying them.

There’s an entire metaphorical water mafia going on that effectively steals water from third world countries while using underpaid (and sometimes even slave) labor. Almonds are one of the things said water is used for.

Even from an animal rights perspective that’s messed up because of human mistreatment.


Almond milk uses tons of water compared to other plant milks, but still much better than cow milk at least.

I have a hard time finding oat milk without added sugar, and I also find it expires much faster than almond milk. I get unsweetened oat milk if I think I’ll be able to go through it quickly enough otherwise I have to dump like more than 50% which feels like a waste in a different way.

LinkOpensChest_wav, avatar

I’m pretty neutral about oat milk. I have celiac disease, so I eat a lot of gluten free oats as a grain, and so I can taste more oatiness in oat milk. For instance, I eat a lot of Cheerios, which are primarily oats, and putting oat milk on top is not the perfect complement. Soy or rice milk balance flavor better imo.

Now, if I were to make a latte, then yeah oat milk all the way! But I don’t really drink lattes, and I’ve never really drank much straight-up milk. It’s mostly a cereal condiment for me. And half my family is Mexican, so if I’m going to drink a non-dairy beverage, it’s probably going to be horchata which is pretty much rice, cinnamon, and sugar.

But I’m relieved to hear that almond milk is at least not as wasteful as regular dairy. That’s no surprise though, given how horribly unethical and destructive the dairy industry is, at least where I live in the US.

brewdtype, (edited )

Yeah but they’re out


No, they’re oat


I thought they drank Parmalat up there in Canada.


Idk, I never figured out the bags. Poked one with a straw, but when i set it down to get a cookie, it just like spurted milk, like a mortally wounded animal bleeding out.


They’re basically animals, you know. They grow them like that.

idunnololz, avatar

No, they’re oot

pruwybn, avatar

No, you’re out, Gobbo. Out of your mind!


Go sit on the bench

Sheeple, (edited ) avatar

I tried oat milk. While it tastes good, IMO it tastes nothing like milk. The closest description I could give for the taste being “cereal juice”

It’s an interesting cooking ingredient though. Certainly has its own unique flavor. It’s also a nice refresher drink.

My biggest gripe with oat milk is that it isn’t as “filling” as the alternatives. It’s a drink, not a food. So when I try to 1:1 use it as a substitute it can leave me feeling sick (example, my morning coffee which I load with milk to get me started)

TLDR: be mindful of the fact that it’s VERY different from milk, even if oat milk tastes good.


I’d recommend not substituting 1:1. If you go easy on the oat milk to coffee ratio, you’ll have a better experience. IMHO, oat doesn’t alter the taste experience of coffee as much as the other stuff, which is my foremost reason for preferring it.

Sheeple, avatar

Oh I like lots of it. To a point I make my coffee stronger than most people just to counter how much I dilute it using milk. Think like a 50% water 50% milk ratio. Sometimes 70/30 if I feel like having it stronger.


That is why oat milk is perfect for cereal


I think almond is closest - but that’s shit for the environment, so oat it is


Almond milk tastes like dirt.


Soy milk has actual soybeans in it though and therefore better nutritional value in most cases.


I already get enough soy nutrients because tofu is delicious

GrammatonCleric, (edited ) avatar

One of those is real milk, the rest are just pretending

Sorry I made a joke

Sneptaur, avatar

Someone who ordered oat milk to begin with shouldnt have any troubles navigating the world of milk.


Eh. Oat milk is really popular for some reason. It could very likely be the only other milk they know. If someone was drinking rice or soy milk though then yeah I don’t know how they wouldn’t be familiar.


I tried soy milk before I tried oat milk because soy was the only cruelty free milk I knew about. But I eventually tried all the varieties and determined that oat milk tastes the best.


It’s pretty good. Creamy, not too grainy or anything, tastes pretty good with the vanilla and doesn’t use nearly the amount of water crop wise.

But also I can cook with it.
But I do look forward to if that yeast milk ever makes it to market.

GCostanzaStepOnMe, avatar

Oat milk tastes like oats. Which is good if you want to taste oats, and bad if you want to taste anything else.

CurlyMoustache, avatar

Is that a free-to-play game like World of Tanks!?


Almond milk tastes good too… Soy milk (when unflavored) I don’t like much at all. I’ll take any in Vanilla or Chocolate flavours tho.

I only drink Cow milk of all the options bc it’s cheapest per Litre.

goa_mpu, avatar

Imagine your job being to shop for richer people and have to write them because of something like that. What a time to be alive.

Sneptaur, avatar

DoorDash is a scam and should be shut down


What did I miss?

Sneptaur, avatar

It’s the same problem as all the other ride share companies. They don’t pay their drivers enough and they massively over charge customers. Drivers get no benefits and have to use their own cars while DoorDash makes a fortune. It’s disgusting greed and it doesn’t help restaurants either


Yea, but it helps me eat a cheesy gordita crunch when I’m drunk at 1am


Over charge how?

I know a few things could be pennies more expensive on the items in store. They often lack deals found on Native apps.

it’s usually cheaper to buy on doordash here than from the restaurants own app. I did get 3 years free DoorDash plus or what ever from Amazon Prime though, I likely won’t renew the subscription.

The only rip off is suggesting a 5 dollar tip on a 20 dollar order. Always tip $0.

Sneptaur, avatar

Bruh you’re fuckin trolling



The prices for Pizza Delight are the same on thier app and on Door Dash.

Pizza Delight has a 7.99 delivery fee here.

Door Dash has no delivery fee but a Service charge of 2.5%.

Door dash is the clear winner.

The only place I seen with larger mark ups on in store items is Loblaws. That’s what the frequent 50% and 25% coupons are for though.

Sneptaur, avatar

You’re just a troll lying online to defend an extremely exploitative company



Sneptaur, avatar

Cope with what? You okay, buddy?



Sneptaur, avatar

You seem to be coping pretty hard yourself there, sweetie. Do you need a hug?


I never turn down a hug, you offering?

Sneptaur, avatar

Virtual hugs so your day goes better


DoorDash were listing restaurants without their permission on the app. So a bunch of restaurants would either get orders they couldn’t fulfill, or DoorDash would just tell customers not to order there because they were unavailable, despite not being given permission to list them in the first place.

DoorDash is a brutally scummy company. Genuinely one of the worst service economy companies going around.


I think Uber that exploits their workers about the same, while also racing to get autonomous driving available no matter how many accidents happen to be quite a bit scummier.

JusticeForPorygon, avatar

If they’re getting oat milk they probably don’t want any of those, except maybe almond. There’s soy milk which tastes like shit, hell, there’s even hemp milk


Hemp doesn’t even have nipples


Not with that attitude

Sneptaur, avatar

Personally I order oat milk but I only do so because I prefer it and I think it’s better for the environment; I will gladly take regular milk if it’s not available.

Th4tGuyII, avatar

I genuinely wonder who skimmed milk is made for.

If you can't drink whole milk due to the fattiness, you'd surely just drink semi-skimmed milk (2%)

And if you couldn't drink it due to the lactose, you'd just go for milk alternative.

So who is skimmed milk for? Who's buying it?


Probably people who think it’s healthier.

DragonTypeWyvern, (edited )

It is healthier.

Stop drinking fat water you literal babies.

You don’t need trace nutrients from cow titties, you need to eat some goddamn vegetables.

Sneptaur, avatar

If you wanna be healthy you should drink a milk alternative anyway IMHO


I would suggest water but we all have our vices.

Sneptaur, avatar

Water doesn’t make my coffee lighter


Um, yeah it would…


I don’t like coffee so I just drink hot water with cream and sugar.

skulblaka, avatar

Fuck that, trace nutrients from cow titties are goddamn delicious and I will not be shamed into drinking the sad calcium-water wannabe that is 2% or skim milk. I will drink my whole milk loud and proud, fuck the fat content. My bones are smiling at me, Imperials, can you say the same?

NielsBohron, (edited )

There is really nothing better than whole milk on a bowl of granola for breakfast. I wasn’t a whole milk fan until I had kids and tasted what whole milk was like on cereal and in coffee. Plus if you actually have a cup of whole milk, it’s so satisfying and filling, it’s practically a meal substitute.

Now there’s no going back.


I drink a cup of choccy milk with my salad.

jasondj, (edited )

People who are still afraid of dietary fat from the anti-fat craze of the 80s and 90s.

If you’re watching weight, cutting calories from milk of all places is the worst place to do it. At least from whole down to skim. All the healthy stuff actually just so happens to be in the tasty part, the cream, since milk does these thing of mixing the ”sugar” into the cream in the form of Lactose. Cutting that out just leaves you with a worst-tasting, less nutritious beverage aside from the fewer calories.

If you want fewer calories but still have nutrition, soy is the way to go.


The soy would be great if they made it less salty. It’s usually much cheaper than cow titty juice in my region.


I’ve found the shelf-stable tetra-pak versions usually have fewer ingredients. Trader Joe’s brand here in the US is just soybeans and water.


It’s cos it tastes better in tea.

I don’t like the fatty bit in tea. I like it in coffee, but not tea.

Sneptaur, avatar

If you’re on a low-fat diet ordered by a doctor for some sort of health reason, or maybe if you simply prefer the taste of skim? I can’t imagine anyone preferring it, but people do enjoy some strange things so maybe.


Tea. Whole milk goes in coffee, skim milk goes in tea.


I haven’t drank milk in decades but before I quit I was drinking skim because the milk with fat made me nauseous and it tasted better. Eventually even skim milk made me nauseous. Fortunately I have always liked my coffee black. Although I cut out caffeine a few years ago so now it’s black decaf on a rare occasion. Yeah I’m fun at parties too.

killeronthecorner, avatar

I wonder what odd jobs the other reindeer do outside of the holiday season.


Prancer does modern dance

Vixen is a model

Comet is a programmer

Dancer is professionally tiny

Cupid is a couple’s therapist

Donner is a very specialised party planner

Blitzen is a photographer

Olive is an oil magnate

And Rudolph is a mine shaft inspector.


professionally tiny?


cf John, Elton and his desire to be held close by such a one as this

RagingNerdoholic, (edited )

It’s almond juice. There’s only one kind of milk, and that’s moo cow fuck milk.

Edit: for the zoomers that missed the reference


hey now, there’s also goat milk among others.


Gatekeeping milk. Okay, if you think that’s worth the effort

abysmalpoptart, (edited )

He’s just making a lewis black standup comedy reference

TurboDiesel, avatar

Clearly humor is dead on Lemmy


Nah, the joke just comes off as gatekeeping in this context


There’s also literally every other mammal with the possible exception of platypi. Nobody knows what the fuck is up with those freaks and anyone who claims otherwise is a liar, high or a high liar.


Cow titty juice. You can call anything anything. If enough people say it then it’s correct. It’s like how the word ‘literally’ gained an extra definition of ‘not literally’. Unless you are speaking France French, then the government decides or something.

FlyingSquid, avatar

I don’t get how they’re so good at milking those little oat teats.


It fascinates me how they are getting almond milk.

Poor almond cows.

Honytawk, (edited )


Shut up Almeera you fat cow. Now let me squeeze your almonds.


They are always out of Oat Milk because it’s the G.O.A.T. Milk.


Nothing really compares to real milk though.


Eh, I outgrew human milk at a pretty young age actually.


Have you tried it since?

Honytawk, (edited )

They won’t sell it to me when I asked :(

I do like the packaging though.


hard disagree my dude but it’s ok we can dunk our biccies in whatever we like


How come you’re saying “real milk” when you mean “breast milk”?


I once had a roommate from India who saw “got milk?” on a carton, and thought it was goat milk.

That’s actually pretty confusing if you haven’t seen the commercials.

mkhopper, avatar

Rice milk not an option?
Literally a waste of time.


“that’s a lot of choices”

Stfu and pick one. You sitting there having a casual conversation on your couch. Meanwhile the driver just standing there in the milk aisle staring at their phone for 5 minutes while you want to know all the options and hem and haw.

Sneptaur, avatar

It’s probably at a cafe or something

Kolanaki, avatar

90% chance the entire conversation was made up for the meme.


If the Dasher is standing in line at Starbucks waiting for an answer that makes it 10x worse lol

Sneptaur, avatar

That is very likely what is happening

GCostanzaStepOnMe, avatar

Having someone else stand in line for your fast food is so incredibly absurd I still can’t get my head around it


I remember when fast food was actually fast…


Whole milk for my kefir please.

TimewornTraveler, (edited )

You dropped this:


Messy Turks!


I just want milk that tastes like real milk.

Kolanaki, (edited ) avatar

Soy milk is the only non-dairy milk I’ve tried that comes close. It’s not 1:1 but it’s good enough to be used with cereal and not be super weird at least. And the vanilla flavored one isn’t bad as just a drink.


This tastes like real milk, and only 2% fat.
Looks significantly at your stomach

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