
He should just dump Amazon Video simply because it is so bad. The days of good programming with them died in 2016-2017.


You should check out The Expanse.


Honestly, I didn’t like it. 😕 Probably because I get super annoyed when space opera horror is described as “hard sf”.

Also they messed with the drunkard cop’s personality in ways that I thought undermined the character.

I would like to see Severance at some point though.


Severance is great, but that’s on Apple TV+ not Prime Video.

who8mydamnoreos, (edited )

You are under no obligation to consume media. Even if you want to the library is free. Vote with your dollar; feel like a service is ripping you off, cancel it.


I don’t think this level of snark is exactly called for in his instance — it’s not some fundamental right to consume Netflix content. If I want to, I pay their price, simple as that.

People often talk about media consumption the way the left (rightfully so!) talk about housing or healthcare — as a fundamental human right.


Honestly its the perfect representation of the apathy that is allowing the greedy to take more and more. No need to get off your ass unless your fighting for free tv.


I don’t know if that’s quite the right way to frame the complaints. I don’t think that having things to entertain you for free is necessarily a human right (even if paywalling all media is a bleak alternative), but I do think people have a right to be charged a reasonable amount for entertainment. There was a long time where you paid 8$ a month and got access to just about every single movie and tv show that had ever been made in the US.

It was wildly profitable for Netflix, who in turn paid licensing fees to all the owners of their content, and customers were happy, it was great. Then all the cable companies started their own streaming services, licensed media was reclaimed as the garden walls went up, and suddenly comprehensive access to media ballooned from 10$ a month to hundreds . The services themselves got worse, ads started getting inserted into paid accounts, and subscription prices steadily rose across the board.

I don’t think people are declaring that media should be free, but after Netflix almost killed piracy because most people are willing to pay a reasonable amount for reasonable access, a lot of people are understandably unhappy with the streaming industry going from an affordable revolution to cable 2.0 in a single decade.


Is consuming endless entertainment “participation is society”? No, its a distraction from society.


“People shouldn’t consume media” is a hot new take I didn’t expect. A call to return to sitting on the porch and aimlessly staring at the neighborhood for hours while sipping on sweet tea and smoking a pipe.


There is a plethora of activities besides watching TV. Have we been so spoiled by endless entertainment that we forgot that? Our local communities are nonexistent, maybe sitting on your porch you could meet some neighbors, have a real conversation; build back what was lost.


There are, but they’re all entertainment media. Books, television, games, every avenue of entertainment is being steadily hypercapitalized and compartmentalized. Communities aren’t failing because people have entertainment, they’ve fallen apart because the outside world has almost no places left where people can freely gather. You don’t meet your neighbors because there aren’t any sidewalks, because the parks need to be driven to, because downtown has strip malls instead of boardwalks where people can gather.

I grew up hanging out in the Walmart parking lot because that’s the only place we wouldn’t be shooed away. Entertainment is what fills the absence of community, not the cause of it.


…they’ve fallen apart because the outside world has almost no places left where people can freely gather.

I’m sorry that has been your experience; it has not been mine. I can walk to several wonderful parks, I can bike (or take a $3 bus) to the beach, and I have world-class cycling destinations out my door.

Alternately, I have three or four libraries within about a 20m walking distance.

That said, yes, I do live in a high CoL area, so perhaps that was the point you were making.


I mean, that genuinely sounds amazing. Though I’ll note that paying to go places is still an issue for the youth and the poor. When I was in college, and when I lived in California, there was a similar variety of options, though, driving was a necessity in San Diego.

If you’ve ever heard of suburban hell though, that’s pretty much what I was referring to. There’s a small library about a forty minute walk from me, across at least one highway and partially without sidewalks. A ten minute walk to a park that can seat fifteen, there is a scenic bike route, and no buses. And yet it’s a vast improvement over what I saw in Texas.

The loss of unregulated, uncapitalized public spaces is a well recognized phenomenon (also termed ‘third spaces’), one that grew even more pronounced during Covid.


I don’t know where you live, sounds awful. I certainly have sidewalks, walkable trails to public houses and parks. Multiple libraries with groups, activities, classes, community action groups. Two large commercial areas, one a vibrant downtown area, the other admittedly is a dead mall. Natural areas, concert venues, small shops. I could go on. Have you really tried to meet your neighbors? I can’t avoid mine just walking the damn dog. Maybe im privileged, but I would rather stare out my windows than pay for multiple streaming services.


I think it’s pretty apparent you don’t live in the suburbs or outside of a large city lol. Even then, when I lived in Texas the urban sprawl meant walking anywhere was completely off the table, and biking meant sharing 55 MPH roads. Other states have been better, but the issue of vanishing public spaces has been an issue raised since the 80’s (third spaces, if you’re interested).

All that said, even being active in community and spending time with friends, should people not be allowed to watch tv in their downtime? Should we ban the mindless internet browsing, Lemmy?


It’s more of competing

If I buy 10k seats of Netflix then I should be able to sell them individually for less than the person buying 1 seat directly for instance and still turn a profit

If I funnel that content through my own app then that should be allowed

There are anti-competitive practices in place where you have to sign onto a platform in order to access their content

And the amount on content which a given company holds is too high

You get this in every industry; if you go a state over and the companies all look the same then it means they have gotten too big to compete with and need to be broken up


I don’t agree that free circus is “improving society”, but i guess my priorities are not everyones.


I think the bigger gripe is less that there are subscriptions and more that they have gotten out of hand. In general the fragmentation of services as businesses try to get a piece of the pie. Monopolies aren’t great, but regulated monopolies have some benefits.

Some examples: Netflix used to have a wide variety of backlog material, they had a cheap subscription and replaced the video rental stores. As streaming and subscriptions became more of a thing businesses stopped allowing that content on Netflix because they wanted to do it themselves. Now you need 2-3 subscriptions for the same benefit that old Netflix had. I dropped all mine except for Amazon, I don’t want 3 streaming subscriptions.

Ubisoft and many other game companies decided to take their content off of Steam because they felt they weren’t getting enough from Valve. They split off and made their own equivalents, but the benefit of Steam is not having multiple launchers. I’d rather not play a game than have to have their brand specific launcher & account.

I don’t have a “right” to free content, but i still feel that the direction of the market has made the content and consumption of said content worse.


Stop giving them money then. Vote with your dollar its your only real vote anyway. Don’t like the way a service is treating you, cancel it.


Well yes… that’s what I have done, the problem is the other 99% of the customer base who continues to be stupid. It’s like when people say “stop preordering games” before the release of the next AAA game, but then it has record preorder sales and hundreds of complaints about it being an unfinished piece of crap. The customer base at large is too stupid to stop feeding the problem.


Still doesn’t mean you have to pay for a subscription that pisses you off. There are no victims here, just suckers.

Gutek8134, avatar

IDK, I can pay like 30$ for 5-6 months of XGP and play games worth 5x what I paid


$30 for 6 months is very reasonable if you enjoy what you are playing.


I will tell you a trick now that may blow your mind. Xbox live gold, upgrades at a 1:1 ratio to xbox game pass ultimate. If you stack 3 years (thats the max) of xbox live gold for maybe $50 a year. And then buy 1 single month of xbox game pass ultimate once you have loaded up all your live gold. It will automatically convert all of that gold into gp ultimate. So you end up paying like $165 for 37 months of game pass ultimate.


Pretty sure they changed that so it doesn’t work anymore


I did it with 2 years probably a couple of months ago. Maybe its a region thing.

Gutek8134, avatar

I’m using it, though MS changed/will soon change the ratio to 3:2 (XG : XGPU)

phario, (edited )

There was a prophetic podcast episode from the series Plain English a while back that I constantly think about.

In that episode the author describes how the internet is going through a revolution.

Basically 20 years ago, the internet was all about gaining numbers. Companies could operate at a loss if they got people signed up. Facebook, Google, YouTube, Uber, Deliveroo, etc. they were all about getting you in their mailing list or consumer list and who cares what happens then.

Now there’s an issue because that model is not profitable. In order to continue, all the internet is moving towards subscription.

In a sense, I don’t think of that as intrinsically bad. Patreon is a good example. The internet is now filled up with so much shit that people are willing to pay to filter it. So with Patreon, you pay a fee to support an artist to produce the content you want. That itself isn’t a bad idea.

Now that being said, a lot of “bad things” do emerge. The fact that you can no longer buy software like Adobe and it’s all subscription based. That’s shit. But that also inspired software alternatives like Affinity Designer.

massive_bereavement, avatar

I present to thee enshittification.

PP_BOY_, avatar

The fact that you can no longer buy software like Adobe and it’s all subscription based

100% the biggest factor in me deciding to buy Magix Vegas (formerly Sony Vegas) video editing software was because they still sold lifetime codes. Have I gotten $400 worth of value out of it? Fuck no. But I can use it whenever I want for as long as I want without worrying about whether or not I can afford it for the month.


The you have companies like Filmora who tried to turn lifetime licenses into subscription ones…

PP_BOY_, avatar

Ironically enough the only reason I bought Vegas in the first place was because of the changes to Wondershare


Davinci Resolve is another great value editing program.


The only subscription service that I pay for is tidal for music (pays artists more than Spotify, same cost) and that’s only because maintaining a local library of music is too much of a pain for me right now. I may slowly build a local music library of only music I like, but I love listening to new artists so the $10 per month is worth the convenience.

YouTube? Ublock origin
Movie/tv streaming? Self hosted media library, plus some random services that are provided through my phone bill at no cost
File storage? Stored with my movies and TV on some hdds in raid
Amazon? Its not hard to find other retailers (or direct providers) with better prices and no subscription needed. Sometimes have to pay for shipping and it’s slower, but worth it


Most music steaming services have garbage selection for dubstep anyways, so local library is the only way to go.

I pity that iOS users don’t have a good option for downloading music off YouTube though.


Can you make any suggestions? I think I’m into dubstep but I have a hard time finding new artists

2xsaiko, avatar

I pity that iOS users don’t have a good option for downloading music off YouTube though.

This looks good, not sure if you can customize the linked iOS shortcut to download music though:


I’ve tried Tidal a couple of times and it never felt like it was hitting the mark. The HiFi is a solid feature though.


Yeah had the same feeling about tidal as well. Settled for Apple Music since they offer hifi and a nice interface. Spotify still has the best playlists but it’s getting feature bloat and the quality isn’t up to par


The best deal you will get is Apple Music. Especially if you are a classical music fan it is unbeatable. But another HiFi one that isn’t apple, is qobuz, although the song selection isn’t as wide as spotify or tidal or apple music. But they do pay artists a lot more and they have a webstore for purchasing FLAC and MP3s if that’s what you like.


I haven’t had any issues with it, the quality isn’t as good as self hosted flac files (unless you want to pay for the highest tier, I assume) but it’s at least as good as Spotify imo. Big selling point initially was Plex integration though


Passing along advice someone else posted on lemmy. If you have an android TV box, look at Stremio + Torrentio. Game changer!

PP_BOY_, avatar

If you have at least 6tb of storage space and good internet, the RedTopia torrent is more than enough to fill out a personal music library. That + SoulSeek for whatever new stuff shows up in my feed is everything I could ever need. Streamed anywhere onto my phone through Plex or PlexAmp


The RedTopia torrent?

PP_BOY_, avatar

The torrent itself is just torrent files for a 6tb music library split into 13 parts. Each torrent is about 500gb of lossless music


If you can point me in a direction for those 13 torrent files, I’ll be very thankful!

PP_BOY_, avatar

Posting from my phone right now but I believe this post links to the files. . If not, then simply searching for “Redtopia FLAC” should bring them up


I do go for YouTube premium but that’s my primary source of entertainment nowadays and it does result in more money in my favorite content creators’ pockets (apparently more than ad-based revenue according to some sources at least). Plus YouTube music is included in that and is actually quite good.


Tbh, the worst part is when you pay for it and still get ads anyway. Feels like double dipping, but it’s obviously going to happen because wall street doesn’t like when line only goes up a little.


Welcome to cable TV in the late 80s...


Yeah that’s totally galling. Shrinkflationfor online services.

You know some shiny-suited corporate asshole got a huge bonus for coming up with that though.

Fried_out_Kombi, avatar

Enshrinklification of the internet


Rolls off the tongue

eatham, avatar



missed an L

Adori, avatar

Man’s only gets Ws


the problem is that making the line go up even a little gets exponentially harder with time. because the graph not going up at any given point in time is so unimaginably horrible to them, they keep having to think of new insidious ways of satisfying it


I actually find myself wondering lately “what’s so bad about stable (+/- 5%/annum) profits for some stretches of time.” Sure you’re not eating up market share, but a couple million in the pocket every year really isn’t that bad…

I… May not be cut out for capitalism…


Only private companies can get away with thinking like that. Companies that can put the stakeholder’s interest ahead of the shareholder.


Companies who stay private can do this. It’s when you have investors that you’re fucked and the ponzi scheme starts.

The idea, in its purest form, is that companies will innovate to keep investors happy. They will keep expanding and making wonderful new products. As an example, a printer company will start making phones, then laptops, then maybe expand into chemicals or farm equipment, making bold innovations at every step.

Companies who can’t innovate do this shit (inflate prices until they suck) and then they die because they’re no longer competitive.

…in theory.


Yeah it’s crazy. We have TV plan with some 100 channels bundled up with internet, and sometimes rarely when I watch TV I’m just baffled by the fact a paid service still is full of ads


We let it happen. You either put your foot down at the first instance of this thing or you lose any ability to do it because it eventually gets so big you can’t stop it without some whole new technology. But there’s always going to be people who say “how else are people going to pay for websites if not advertising” I say not my fucking problem. Just like robbing my free time with bullshit ads wasn’t their problem.

clonedhuman, avatar

I’ve become a strong proponent of the joys of piracy.


This. I’m building a media server as we speak. Fuck these assholes


I really which torrents would move to i2p. There’s just not enough available there to make it feasible for direct streaming.


I am a strong proponent of finding other hobbies, but I have never been a fan of tv in general


This is really the best option. Plus media server


The creator of the radio and even the US government were wary of the idea of introducing ads into American living rooms, but look at us now.

steelrat, (edited ) avatar

Given my entertainment options, I found a small developer that sells an app for a couple bucks that allows me to pull streams through my phone and transcode it and chromecast it to my projector. Juijitsu Kaisen never looked so good.


Which app?

steelrat, (edited ) avatar…

I guess I should mention they also defang, adblock, and can fake useragents if they attempt to block based on usermask/profiling. See why I wanted to pay this cat?


Never pay any of this services BTW, I have no regrets and I never feel that I miss something.

sexy_peach, avatar

Same. I would never pay them for their shitty little services. Imagine paying monthly for dropbox, sporify etc for years… That’s so much money.


Eh Spotify gets a whole family unlimited for 17 euro, it’s pretty convenient compared to going finding and uploading to my device or purchasing individually.

sexy_peach, avatar

Hey I don’t judge you, probably depends on the income as well!


Or you can just use apps like ViMusic or InnerTune, which are foss and provide infinite offline adless playback for free.


There once was a piracy website so grand in the world of music streaming that even to this day nothing comes close

Grooveshark :(


Wow I haven’t thought about grooveshark in years…

clonedhuman, avatar

…and Spotify doesn’t pay artists shit.


people worship amazon then get mad when they make changes, a business is gonna business

dual_sport_dork, avatar

Concur. I pay for the following subscription services:

  • My internet connection.
  • My cell phone plan.

That’s all. Everyone else can go fuck themselves. If I can’t buy it outright, I don’t need it. If it’s digital, it’s on the Pirate Bay. Prime is bullshit anyway. I don’t need a predatory gym membership; Putting an elliptical machine in my own house cost me all of $200 and it’s mine forever. I don’t pay for Dropbox or OneDrive or whatever; I have a massive hard drive in my PC and I can access remotely it via my VPN. Etc.

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