MeanEYE, avatar

Good thing from the current situation is it being the end of times for these services. Constant need for income increase to appease share holders means infinite growth, which is impossible. But individual doesn’t see that, they just want more. So progress of any software towards service model is pretty straight forward.

First they start splitting software into smaller versions and selling both for slightly higher price combined than when they were single piece. Then they start releasing more frequent versions but that has limited impact. So they start introducing forward incompatibilities. Only new software will support both old and new versions of the document, forcing buyers to buy latest. When that reaches its optimal maximum they decide to switch to yearly subscription and force everyone to use those by same ways as they forced them to use newer versions.

Subscription based model is limited. It has no progression other than increase in price and it’s only a matter of testing how much people are willing to pay. Sometimes even go above reasonable price but then go with “exclusive” content as if to justify higher price. This of course works for a while, but exclusive content costs money and is harder to produce consistently at high quality…

And after that, there’s no progression. It’s a battle royale among service provides but they can’t back out because of share holders and can’t revert to other business models. So some of them will stretch themselves thin and burst others will keep on living from that vapor until a new contender comes.


Yep, absolutely. My family still has spotify and netflix subscriptions, but i already canceled prime before the previous price hike. I’d have already canceled netflix if it was my decision and the only service i still see value in is spotify.


Unfortunately, I believe that feeling will change if you look into how Spotify actually harms the artists by forcing them to use their product even though they make slim to none profit. The more you know.


Not really. Fixing systemic problems is not up to the individual. I’m paying for music, which i already only due to the convenience.


…but capitalism is so good, things only get better!!! The market is too regulated, is the problem

trailing9, (edited )

It is very regulated. Remove copyright protections and things will change instantly.

Crass_Spektakel, avatar

You know, what you can not find on EBay you can find on PBay. Or whatever warez site you prefer.

nudnyekscentryk, avatar

Mandatory “don’t use piratebay” comment


I haven’t been into the pirating scene for a few years, last time I was active pirate bay was the best. why not use it anymore?

kadu, avatar


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  • Polar,

    Sure. If you want to torrent from a website that the US government uses as a honeypot.

    Or you can join 2023 and use a proper website. Also ditch that Malware called uTorrent and use qBittorrent.

    kadu, avatar


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  • Polar,

    Again, imagine using a known bad website when better alternatives exist.

    kadu, avatar


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  • Polar,

    Canada doesn’t care about torrenting.

    Again, using a known bad site is ignorance. Enjoy your torrents riddled with rootkits and miners.

    nudnyekscentryk, avatar

    “The Pirate Bay / TPB - Site is no longer moderated, so its very risky for software and games” source


    Spud17, moderator of ThePirateBay says you’re wrong.

    Crass_Spektakel, avatar

    I say the time of Torents is OVER. Today Streaming-Warez-Sites are the Kick.

    Nitrate55, avatar

    I wouldn’t use a pirate streaming site over torrenting even if I was getting paid to do so lol the releases generally have terrible bitrates and low picture quality, likely because they’re the smallest files the site uploaders could find. They’re convenient if you can’t afford a VPN and don’t care about file quality when it comes to movies and shows, but I prefer being able to select a high quality file with good encoding, quality compression (265, AV1), and known high quality uploaders, like UTR and QxR. That’s only possible through torrenting the file or getting it through Usenet.

    Crass_Spektakel, avatar


    Those Times where Warez-Streaming-Sites had low quality are long gone. While 4k=3840 releases are rare, we have mostly 1920 nowadays with some 1280 in-between, often Bluray- or Streaming-Rips without re-encoding, at least if the source was H264/H265. Older MPEG2/4 though is still often recoded. You can easily re-encode an old MPEG2-Bluray from 20Gig to H265 4Gig without visibly loss. With more modern Codecs the Data is usually “re-containered” which means the Content itself isn’t changed, only the Encryption and Container are changed.

    Overall Streamingz-Sites are pretty good nowadays, Amazon and Netflix take up to one minute to switch to high Bitrate quality for me. With Warez-Sites you have to wait 3-5 seconds but then it immediately starts at Max Quality and NEVER at lower quality. And their Search actually works great and is well organized and everything reacts so much faster because they reduce the eye candy. They also often have bookmarks - which don’t work as good as commercial providers but good enough.

    I can only have access to Amazon, Netflix, Joyn and Public Television Media Centres so for other providers your mileage may vary.

    Nitrate55, avatar

    Meh. I still prefer Stremio and my custom configured Jackett setup for searching for torrents. Just has more features and more control. I’ve never encountered a pirate streaming site with even half the features Stremio has. I will grant you that anime streaming sites have gotten a lot better over the years, but I still don’t trust general pirate streaming sites. It’s great to hear they got better though. Easier acess to media is always a good thing.

    Crass_Spektakel, avatar

    Torrents of all kinds can be easily tracked and its users be sued because they do not only consume but also distribute.

    One-Click-Hosters and Streamingz-Sites on the other side are hard to track and their users don’t distribute.

    At least by German Law it is mostly “we only care about distribution, not consumption”. The later has an estimated damage of $1 per case, that is not even petty crime. Distribution on the other hand often is handled at $1000/case… I think there was not a single case of a Streamingz-User being prosecuted but already millions of Torrent-Users.

    Nitrate55, (edited ) avatar

    Well this is a non-issue if you live in a country that doesn’t prosecute piracy or if you’re willing to pay for a VPN. I’ve been torrenting for years, and the last time I was caught was before I started using a VPN. I haven’t had a single issue since I started using one. Like I said though, pirate streaming sites work as a great solution for people who might not be able to afford to pay for a VPN or just don’t want the added expense.

    AustralianSimon, avatar

    Usenet > *

    elscallr, avatar

    Pretty much everything on there is monitored by the rights holders and anything that’s not is loaded with malware. L337 or torrent leech is what you want these days, for the mainstream stuff. TL requires invites but they’re easy enough to get and it’s got pretty much all the mainstream TV, movies, and software. If you want more niche stuff you’d want to look around a bit more, though.


    What’s wrong with pirate bay? I’ve been using it for years with no problems


    Larger % of DMCA tracked stuff than other sites. Set your VPN to a Caribbean country and yo ho ho no worries matey


    I guess I win. I already am in the Caribbean. Call me Captain Jack Sparrow I guess.


    You’re the worst lunatic I’ve ever heard of


    Well, you have heard of me.

    And now so have the DMCA goons. Blimey.


    What are they gonna do, send a British Navy ship with a letter of marque? Yo ho ho matey


    Indeed. Latinos and Eastern Europeans have a predilection towards disliking intellectual property laws. And I happen to be an Eastern European living in Latin America.

    nudnyekscentryk, avatar

    “The Pirate Bay / TPB - Site is no longer moderated, so its very risky for software and games” source


    TPB is still moderated. They just had news this year about reopening registrations.


    Well, Pirate Bay is essentially the defacto website someone thinks of when they hear “This person pirates content.” Because of this, game devs, Hollywood execs, etc end up putting out detectable torrents/illegitimate files onto this most popular pirating source.


    I mean even archive dotorg has pirate material on it…

    who8mydamnoreos, (edited )

    You are under no obligation to consume media. Even if you want to the library is free. Vote with your dollar; feel like a service is ripping you off, cancel it.


    I don’t think this level of snark is exactly called for in his instance — it’s not some fundamental right to consume Netflix content. If I want to, I pay their price, simple as that.

    People often talk about media consumption the way the left (rightfully so!) talk about housing or healthcare — as a fundamental human right.


    Honestly its the perfect representation of the apathy that is allowing the greedy to take more and more. No need to get off your ass unless your fighting for free tv.


    I don’t know if that’s quite the right way to frame the complaints. I don’t think that having things to entertain you for free is necessarily a human right (even if paywalling all media is a bleak alternative), but I do think people have a right to be charged a reasonable amount for entertainment. There was a long time where you paid 8$ a month and got access to just about every single movie and tv show that had ever been made in the US.

    It was wildly profitable for Netflix, who in turn paid licensing fees to all the owners of their content, and customers were happy, it was great. Then all the cable companies started their own streaming services, licensed media was reclaimed as the garden walls went up, and suddenly comprehensive access to media ballooned from 10$ a month to hundreds . The services themselves got worse, ads started getting inserted into paid accounts, and subscription prices steadily rose across the board.

    I don’t think people are declaring that media should be free, but after Netflix almost killed piracy because most people are willing to pay a reasonable amount for reasonable access, a lot of people are understandably unhappy with the streaming industry going from an affordable revolution to cable 2.0 in a single decade.


    Is consuming endless entertainment “participation is society”? No, its a distraction from society.


    “People shouldn’t consume media” is a hot new take I didn’t expect. A call to return to sitting on the porch and aimlessly staring at the neighborhood for hours while sipping on sweet tea and smoking a pipe.


    There is a plethora of activities besides watching TV. Have we been so spoiled by endless entertainment that we forgot that? Our local communities are nonexistent, maybe sitting on your porch you could meet some neighbors, have a real conversation; build back what was lost.


    There are, but they’re all entertainment media. Books, television, games, every avenue of entertainment is being steadily hypercapitalized and compartmentalized. Communities aren’t failing because people have entertainment, they’ve fallen apart because the outside world has almost no places left where people can freely gather. You don’t meet your neighbors because there aren’t any sidewalks, because the parks need to be driven to, because downtown has strip malls instead of boardwalks where people can gather.

    I grew up hanging out in the Walmart parking lot because that’s the only place we wouldn’t be shooed away. Entertainment is what fills the absence of community, not the cause of it.


    …they’ve fallen apart because the outside world has almost no places left where people can freely gather.

    I’m sorry that has been your experience; it has not been mine. I can walk to several wonderful parks, I can bike (or take a $3 bus) to the beach, and I have world-class cycling destinations out my door.

    Alternately, I have three or four libraries within about a 20m walking distance.

    That said, yes, I do live in a high CoL area, so perhaps that was the point you were making.


    I mean, that genuinely sounds amazing. Though I’ll note that paying to go places is still an issue for the youth and the poor. When I was in college, and when I lived in California, there was a similar variety of options, though, driving was a necessity in San Diego.

    If you’ve ever heard of suburban hell though, that’s pretty much what I was referring to. There’s a small library about a forty minute walk from me, across at least one highway and partially without sidewalks. A ten minute walk to a park that can seat fifteen, there is a scenic bike route, and no buses. And yet it’s a vast improvement over what I saw in Texas.

    The loss of unregulated, uncapitalized public spaces is a well recognized phenomenon (also termed ‘third spaces’), one that grew even more pronounced during Covid.


    I don’t know where you live, sounds awful. I certainly have sidewalks, walkable trails to public houses and parks. Multiple libraries with groups, activities, classes, community action groups. Two large commercial areas, one a vibrant downtown area, the other admittedly is a dead mall. Natural areas, concert venues, small shops. I could go on. Have you really tried to meet your neighbors? I can’t avoid mine just walking the damn dog. Maybe im privileged, but I would rather stare out my windows than pay for multiple streaming services.


    I think it’s pretty apparent you don’t live in the suburbs or outside of a large city lol. Even then, when I lived in Texas the urban sprawl meant walking anywhere was completely off the table, and biking meant sharing 55 MPH roads. Other states have been better, but the issue of vanishing public spaces has been an issue raised since the 80’s (third spaces, if you’re interested).

    All that said, even being active in community and spending time with friends, should people not be allowed to watch tv in their downtime? Should we ban the mindless internet browsing, Lemmy?


    It’s more of competing

    If I buy 10k seats of Netflix then I should be able to sell them individually for less than the person buying 1 seat directly for instance and still turn a profit

    If I funnel that content through my own app then that should be allowed

    There are anti-competitive practices in place where you have to sign onto a platform in order to access their content

    And the amount on content which a given company holds is too high

    You get this in every industry; if you go a state over and the companies all look the same then it means they have gotten too big to compete with and need to be broken up


    I don’t agree that free circus is “improving society”, but i guess my priorities are not everyones.


    I think the bigger gripe is less that there are subscriptions and more that they have gotten out of hand. In general the fragmentation of services as businesses try to get a piece of the pie. Monopolies aren’t great, but regulated monopolies have some benefits.

    Some examples: Netflix used to have a wide variety of backlog material, they had a cheap subscription and replaced the video rental stores. As streaming and subscriptions became more of a thing businesses stopped allowing that content on Netflix because they wanted to do it themselves. Now you need 2-3 subscriptions for the same benefit that old Netflix had. I dropped all mine except for Amazon, I don’t want 3 streaming subscriptions.

    Ubisoft and many other game companies decided to take their content off of Steam because they felt they weren’t getting enough from Valve. They split off and made their own equivalents, but the benefit of Steam is not having multiple launchers. I’d rather not play a game than have to have their brand specific launcher & account.

    I don’t have a “right” to free content, but i still feel that the direction of the market has made the content and consumption of said content worse.


    Stop giving them money then. Vote with your dollar its your only real vote anyway. Don’t like the way a service is treating you, cancel it.


    Well yes… that’s what I have done, the problem is the other 99% of the customer base who continues to be stupid. It’s like when people say “stop preordering games” before the release of the next AAA game, but then it has record preorder sales and hundreds of complaints about it being an unfinished piece of crap. The customer base at large is too stupid to stop feeding the problem.


    Still doesn’t mean you have to pay for a subscription that pisses you off. There are no victims here, just suckers.


    The only subscription service that I pay for is tidal for music (pays artists more than Spotify, same cost) and that’s only because maintaining a local library of music is too much of a pain for me right now. I may slowly build a local music library of only music I like, but I love listening to new artists so the $10 per month is worth the convenience.

    YouTube? Ublock origin
    Movie/tv streaming? Self hosted media library, plus some random services that are provided through my phone bill at no cost
    File storage? Stored with my movies and TV on some hdds in raid
    Amazon? Its not hard to find other retailers (or direct providers) with better prices and no subscription needed. Sometimes have to pay for shipping and it’s slower, but worth it


    Most music steaming services have garbage selection for dubstep anyways, so local library is the only way to go.

    I pity that iOS users don’t have a good option for downloading music off YouTube though.


    Can you make any suggestions? I think I’m into dubstep but I have a hard time finding new artists

    2xsaiko, avatar

    I pity that iOS users don’t have a good option for downloading music off YouTube though.

    This looks good, not sure if you can customize the linked iOS shortcut to download music though:


    I’ve tried Tidal a couple of times and it never felt like it was hitting the mark. The HiFi is a solid feature though.


    Yeah had the same feeling about tidal as well. Settled for Apple Music since they offer hifi and a nice interface. Spotify still has the best playlists but it’s getting feature bloat and the quality isn’t up to par


    The best deal you will get is Apple Music. Especially if you are a classical music fan it is unbeatable. But another HiFi one that isn’t apple, is qobuz, although the song selection isn’t as wide as spotify or tidal or apple music. But they do pay artists a lot more and they have a webstore for purchasing FLAC and MP3s if that’s what you like.


    I haven’t had any issues with it, the quality isn’t as good as self hosted flac files (unless you want to pay for the highest tier, I assume) but it’s at least as good as Spotify imo. Big selling point initially was Plex integration though


    Passing along advice someone else posted on lemmy. If you have an android TV box, look at Stremio + Torrentio. Game changer!

    PP_BOY_, avatar

    If you have at least 6tb of storage space and good internet, the RedTopia torrent is more than enough to fill out a personal music library. That + SoulSeek for whatever new stuff shows up in my feed is everything I could ever need. Streamed anywhere onto my phone through Plex or PlexAmp


    The RedTopia torrent?

    PP_BOY_, avatar

    The torrent itself is just torrent files for a 6tb music library split into 13 parts. Each torrent is about 500gb of lossless music


    If you can point me in a direction for those 13 torrent files, I’ll be very thankful!

    PP_BOY_, avatar

    Posting from my phone right now but I believe this post links to the files. . If not, then simply searching for “Redtopia FLAC” should bring them up


    I do go for YouTube premium but that’s my primary source of entertainment nowadays and it does result in more money in my favorite content creators’ pockets (apparently more than ad-based revenue according to some sources at least). Plus YouTube music is included in that and is actually quite good.


    We wouldn’t be ever hearing any of that if SOME PEOPLE weren’t actually paying for them



    FlashZordon, avatar

    What will we do with a drunken sailor? What will we do with a drunken sailor? What will we do with a drunken sailor? Early in the morning!


    Do you want us to run aground woman?


    Yes. Fucking yes. I’m so tired of it all. I just want to own things again.


    If it is subscription, then wen you lost your stream of income, you lost everything.

    That including your house, if you live in subcription house.


    Isnt that called rent


    Mortgage too


    And property tax.


    Mortgage you prepay a lifetime subscription though, much better /s




    Lois Griffin speaking to crowd.jpg


    to a usenet server.

    LinkOpensChest_wav, avatar

    What’s a good service provider for this? Most ISPs don’t provide usenet access anymore, and I’ve heard the free service providers are wack.


    Good depends on what you’re after but this post here names all the major players.

    owatnext, (edited ) avatar

    Lmao literally the only “subscription” I have is my phone bill, which I pay yearly. Also maybe you’d consider my insurance a subscription? Sounds very dystopian.

    Edit: is rent a subscription? Regularly refilled prescriptions? Where is the line? I have fallen into a quandry.


    Do you pay on a recurring cycle? Can you function in society without it? If yes to both: subscription.

    You need a phone, utilities, rent/mortgage, insurance (if we’re being realistic) so I wouldn’t call them subscriptions.

    m3t00, avatar

    moved my house phone to a Gvoice account. gets mostly spam anyway. voicemails transcribe to email. bye att


    Everything is a subscription. It’s the dystopia we have created.


    I just got charged $165 a couple days ago from two yearly subscriptions I totally forgot I had. We need a better solution. The banks should just implement the usage of Virtual Cards like does. It’d be so much more convent for people to cancel subscriptions, if they’re allowed to have multiple different virtual cards that they can easily toggle on or off.

    Why don’t the banks do this?


    The banks are in on it.


    We need a better solution

    Sorry to sound harsh, but…self control?

    I have a subscription for a VPN. I’ve been sitting here for a couple of minutes trying to think of others. I suppose my internet etc is a subscription

    I can’t think of anything else


    I just have a subscription for music and cloud storage, that’s it. I don’t understand how some people have all of the subscriptions


    Why don’t the banks do this?

    They get a cut of every transaction, and the more debt you accrue, the more money the bank makes if you carry a balance. They are financially disincentivized from protecting you from your spending.

    MeanEYE, avatar

    No one wants this other than user. Banks, just like everyone else, are in a business of making your wallet lighter.


    Yep. Once they got you signed up for a bank account, the last thing they want is you thinking about money.

    MeanEYE, avatar

    It seems people think otherwise according to down-votes. Not that I care about those but am finding it incredibly humorous there are people who think bank is your friend. Lol.

    IdleSheep, avatar

    Why don’t the banks do this?

    Both of my banks allow unlimited virtual card creation. I think it just depends on where you live.


    Most subscriptions can be canceled with a few clicks, usually right after buying it without loosing the paid for time. If you cant manage your subscriptions, that sounds like a problem you should address yourself instead.

    Your suggested solution of simply turning off the credit card the subscription is linked to doesn’t cancel said subscription, it just results in a breach of contract from your side. That only works cause most companies can’t be asked to deal with you, otherwise the subscriptions would continue and the incurring cost would sooner or later be sent to a collecting agency, with additional charges for late payments.

    drathvedro, (edited )

    You are right. The fact that cashless transactions are built on a pull model, where a shop/service is charging you instead of you being the one who sends the money, is absolutely fucking insane. I recently lost a few hundred bucks just because the shop used the wrong currency to charge me, leading to a double conversion at the absolutely shittiest rates, and by the time I got to someone in charge, the transaction was already cleared and set in stone. With a sane system this never would’ve happened.

    In my home country they actually recently started to adopt such a model. Instead of you giving the card# to everyone, they instead show a QR code with all the necessary payment details: BIC, SWIFT, IBAN, the rest of scary numbers, order number and the invoice. You just open the bank app on your phone, point it at the code, review the sum and any possible fees, press confirm, and the moment the transaction is cleared the page just reloads automatically with order confirmed. I believe there’s also a special URL schema for when you don’t have a PC, but I haven’t tried it yet so can’t tell for sure. With this approach, subscriptions are much easier to manage, because it’s the bank’s job to send the money, so they can list all recurring payments on a special page where you could just cancel one. Also helps with scummy services that stop providing service the moment the subscription is canceled - they won’t even know you did until the the next day the payment is due.

    EDIT: There is indeed a custom URL schema, and lots of cool stuff like offline payments without plastic. But some of it is still clunky, including subscriptions, which only a few banks support and most services are opting to use their own billing systems for now.

    1984, avatar

    Cancelled prime yesterday, felt great.

    Last service standing is HBO and I’m thinking to cancel that shit too.


    Do it.


    I mean, I know capitalism pursues money to the death, even when it’s no longer needed or when it’s already perfectly fulfilling a market share. But the greed still staggers me every time.

    It wouldn’t be so bad if Bezos and the top people took 99% but there’s literally no reason to make him a trillionare.

    RufusFirefly, avatar

    I stopped watching network television because of ads, then I stopped watching free streaming because of too many ads (Pluto TV, Crackle), I get a basic subscription to Paramount through Walmart and I stopped watching that because of the ads. I have an Amazon prime subscription because I get it for one half off but I rarely use prime video an if they start showing ads, I won’t use it at all.

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