
To be fair, I might fit somewhere in that opening statement

@Wage_slave@lemmy.ml avatar

Someone told lil’ whiney here something he didn’t like. Lemmy has been great in my eyes. Since getting here in the exodus of reddit 3:16 “And whoa, fuck uspez, this place sucks” it has been pretty great. Kinda like 12 years ago reddit.

But this is social media. There will be trolls. There will be people smarter than you. And likely dude got buthurt and went back to the communities where his thoughts are welcome at large, even if they are wrong or misleading or whatever. Safe space so-to-speak.

If he thinks this is toxic, holy shit is IRL ever gonna eat him alive. Even the redditards who simp it up for maga and r/conservative won’t save him then.


Sounds fairly accurate to me.


It sounds like the real complaint is that it’s different.

Because yeah it’s certainly not more toxic. That’s laughable. My interactions here have been overwhelmingly better than on reddit.

And the other complaints boil down to “it’s small and new, yuck”… Yeah that’s a good thing usually. There have been terrible attacks with CSAM but people are handling it and luckily I’ve never seen a single image like that. On reddit it was not uncommon to see mutilated humans without wanting to even though there was far more time and resources available to prevent that


I wouldn’t say it’s more toxic, but it certainly is a different atmosphere.

Coming from my curated subs on reddit to mostly browsing All-top on Lemmy, it certainly feels like Lemmys audience is surprisingly more authoritarian-conservative than reddit, despite the very active Linux, FOSS, and privacy communities.


Thats funny how first paragraph of their post is describing my experience with Reddit. I think, in majority, people here are nicer. Also Im curious how many backend issues had Reddit in it’s first couple of years? I doubt situation back then was better. And its surprising to see anyone on Reddit complaining about backend problems here, while they literally made impossible to create any 3rd party apps or software based on Reddit API.


I think they might have a point about the moderation issue. It’s the same story on mastodon and the fediverse where there is too much to moderate and prolific ban evaders can run rampant.

For what it’s worth I believe that rough edges like this are a small negative compared to the postives of being able to use social media without being under the yoke of a big tech company.


Better this than Reddit where you get banned for any and everything. I got banned from various subs for all kinds of stupid shit. I ended up getting permabanned from Reddit for saying child molesters should be executed because I was “advocating violence”. On the same day I was banned for that there was a post on one of the biggest default subs saying someone should be killed for a printer software update with dozens of people saying similar shit in the comments and nothing happened to any of them.


I think there is some valid complaints to be had against being swarmed by fanatics on Lemmy but there is no way it’s more toxic than Reddit. For the most part I’d say the community is very much the same between the major Lemmy instances and Reddit. Just with more FOSS evangelism and Linux love.


The issue is smaller communities. All my hobbies have small Lemmy communities… with either 2 subscribers or posts that are months old.

And on Reddit smaller communities are VERY nice. It’s the big subs that are filled with edgy teens trying to out meme each others.


In my experience Reddit users at least tried to hide their blatant racism/sexism/homophobia.


and leftism tbh edit: i know you guys all gonna downvote lol. dgaf


I’d say that Reddit was the exact amount of leftism. Just with more “orange man bad” in addition to the anti work/late stage capitalism bend as Reddit is more USA-centric

@muad_dibber@lemmygrad.ml avatar
@rjs001@lemmygrad.ml avatar

Most popular Reddit alternative? No way that’s whatever this bullshit I’ve never heard of is

@Pxtl@lemmy.ca avatar

Maybe I’m being unfair, but somehow when I read complaints like this about “purity” and “insufferable” and all that, I always assume it’s “they downvoted and insulted me when I made a bigoted joke about like transpeople or something”.


☝️This post DEFINITELY NOT made by reddit corpo. Nope, no sir.

I left reddit when RIF was shut down because of that “no API for you” bulltrash. I found lemme.world and it was like the clouds parted and a warm sunbeam shine down upon my cold, wet, and shivering body. It’s like reddit was in 2010 when I first became a daily user… but better in some ways. Smaller community, which will be interesting to watch grow as the years pass, everyone already here still trying to figure out how it can be made better and generally filling up with long time reddit users completely fed up with that corperate, ad riddled cesspool the site turned out to be. Is lemme.world perfect? No way and far from it… but that’s okay. There’s a really good bunch of dedicated computer smart folks (not me as one could imagine) continually working to mold and shape it into something that fills that dark hole left in the world of social media caused by the requirement for corperate suits needs to shove ads and propaganda down our throats between every blink we make.

Anyways, it sounds like the response he got were likely caused by some flavor of antagonist, rage baiting posts intentionally made to stir up said responses. I’m sure this is a win for lemme.world.


We don’t have unblockable “He gets us” spam.
That in itself is worth any friction I have to overcome to use the 'verse.


One thing I’ve noticed about the alternatives subreddit, is there is a lot of people persuading people against alternatives. It’s almost like there was some organising to persuade people there was no alternative.

I mean, when you factor in you’d probably get removed, or shadow-banned, or have your posts removed for mentioning Lemmy, it feels like there is a multifaceted approach to discouraging folk from leaving the reddit teet.

While there is an element of truth, it’s scattered in with exaggeration and only focussing on negatives. The objective was to say Lemmy bad, staying good.

No way is Lemmy more toxic than reddit. I find those “well ackshually” folks are much less here.


We got some Hexbear toxicity, and some real Linux apologists.

But the fun thing about the fediverse is that you can just block those instances and be done with it.

@rjs001@lemmygrad.ml avatar

Any supposed “toxicity” of Hexbear is far less than the average user on Reddut


I quite agree with you. I think tankies are quite misguided. They have good intentions, but not so great conclusions. I don’t mind engaging with them, and they mostly tend to be in good faith.

I wouldn’t describe it as toxic, and it’s weird some views in that regards. Many are probably engaging with people that just quit engaging in reddit.

@rjs001@lemmygrad.ml avatar

“Tankies” are just those with a view based in reality and not ethereal ideas of “rights for me but not for thee”


You misunderstand my point.

Communists who believe in sharing the wealth amongst the workers, fair enough.

People who will obsess about Stalin and China, and justify atrocities, not so good.

When I say tankies, I do not mean communists.

@rjs001@lemmygrad.ml avatar

So you are against communists


So you’re saying communists aren’t Marxists? They’re just folk who are in a weird cult of personality and love China and Russia including the capitalist elements of it? For someone from lemmygrad, I’m quite surprised…

@rjs001@lemmygrad.ml avatar

If you are against “tankies” then you are agaisnt communists

CrypticCoffee, (edited )

No, I’m all for workers gaining their fair share of the proceeds of their wealth. I just don’t believe you need to nosh off dictators because you’re keen on the writings of Marx. Stalin != Marx.

There is very little virtue or moral high-ground in celebrating those who are guilty of atrocities.

@rjs001@lemmygrad.ml avatar

In what argument do you have that Stalin was not simply moving forward and carrying into reality Marx’s theories. All of Stalin’s writings indicate a deep understanding and usage of dialects and his actions reflect Marx’s writings fully as well when it comes to the socialist. And Engel’s writings are clear from what he wrote in Anti-Durhing


Did the Gulag exist, and how do you feel that sits in with human decency and furthering the rights of workers?

He might write a lot, but we know politicians say a lot. What actions were taken and what happened under his watch is another thing entirely.

His decision to get Trotsky killed off, was that furthering the cause of workers?

@rjs001@lemmygrad.ml avatar

Gulags were where criminals were. Are we to let them run around society?

Fair enough but his actions do reflect what he wrtoe

Trotsky was also working agaisnt the USSR and needed taken down as he was an enemy of working class liberation.

CrypticCoffee, (edited )

Petty criminals in some cases. Potentially some who were starving and stole to eat. Do societies run in the interests of working people punish those people for struggling or focus on rehabilitation where it is possible? Push them into force work camps where a very significant number die. Is trying to eat a death penalty now?

Stalin ain’t that saint you think he was.

Was Trotsky working against the USSR? He was actively involved under Lenin, but when Stalin wanted to grasp power, he became a problem. Do you think Lenin was wrong and Stalin was right?

It feels very much like you’re in a Stalin shaped cult of personality, which is ultimately was what his rule of the USSR was, not some glory day communist rule poster child. If you really want to persuade people that communism is better. Evangelising a dictator isn’t going to help the case of furthering Marxist philosophy.

@rjs001@lemmygrad.ml avatar

Death rates in Gulag were incredibly low outside of war time in WW2. The Gulags functioned as rehabilitation. They worked but were rehabilitated in them. There aren’t really cases of your made up idea happening

Trotsky worked for the dissolution of the USSR when it couldn’t be his personal project. He only worked with Lenin for personal gain and was an opportunist. When the country didn’t bow to his will he wanted to destroy the USSR.


What is a linux apologist?

@Flaky@iusearchlinux.fyi avatar

There’s a lot of FOSS nerds here who get disgusted at you if you suggest someone use a web browser that isn’t Firefox. But if you hung around on the Linux/FOSS subreddits, you’d get the exact same thing…


Agreed, feels like the vast majority of people here are FOSS enthusiasts, which isn’t a bad thing necessarily if you align with them, but definitely a bias and could put off people who genuinely don’t care about FOSS or tech in general.


There is quite a bit of bias on reddit that makes it quite uncomfortable for some of those people. Quite often Linux, Firefox and great open source software is bashed. It can be quite disconcerting to be in a different environment, but it isn’t solely because of the views and biases of those on Lemmy. It’s also significantly down to the views and biases of those one reddit also.


Yep, bias exists everywhere. There’s no avoiding it. Reddit does have the benefit that biases tend to change from sub to sub though. Lemmy instances that I’ve seen (not defederated ones) tend to hold the same FOSS bias, but the intensity of it varies from instance to instance.


A lot of open source advocates do tend to be inclined to open source software on an open source link aggregator.

Signed, Open Source entusiast. :)

@Flaky@iusearchlinux.fyi avatar

Yeah that ain’t the issue, it’s moreso the attitude than anything when someone chooses something that fits their needs better than the open-source alternative.

I say this as someone who uses Firefox but still uses MusicBee.


Out of a quick glance (really quick), I found this: lemmy.ml/comment/2915403

It seems you’re throwing rocks and getting surprised when people generally respond. You cannot complain about fanboyism when you’re trying to start fires. If you don’t want those conversations, maybe don’t start 'em.

I get that when you bash Firefox on reddit, you can start a circlejerk, but you don’t get the same response here and it’s as much to do with you being used to the biases of reddit.

@Flaky@iusearchlinux.fyi avatar

That was after dealing with said fanboyism both here and on Reddit. Thought I should warn OP. ¯_(ツ)_/¯


There wasn’t any really in that thread. You brought it up.

I’m sure you’ll warn OP, and another OP, and another OP, and another OP, and after getting any response, blame Firefox fanboys for beaing unbearable…

@Flaky@iusearchlinux.fyi avatar

Yes. I ain’t gonna deny my experience both here and on Reddit, lol


I use to follow /r/degoogle on reddit… but it felt like pretty much every discussion was people shitting on every alternative, and implying that all measures are totally pointless unless you stop interacting with any form of computer for the rest of your life. It’s just so weird having people say there there’s no point switching from Chrome to Firefox because google is the default search engine on Firefox. I got to the point where I really did believe there was some deliberate destabilization going on, to weaken the community. (And it worked. I unsubscribed; and I’m sure it struggled to keep anyone who actually had anything useful to say.)

Anyway… I wouldn’t be surprised if /r/RedditAlternatives was similar to that.


Oof, I can imagine that sucks. Come join us on !degoogle :) Everyone seems quite enthusiastic about finding alternatives. I’m all about the Firefox, GrapheneOS, Proton Mail, Signal, Element etc. :)

@SerLava@hexbear.net avatar

I would absolutely not put it past Google to get in there and do that. My god I hope the FTC puts their head on a pole, I know the odds aren’t great but ohhhhhh it could happen ohhhhhhhhhhHHH


Elitism ? definitly. Especially linux. But toxic ? I only saw cordials talks in here, with a few trolls here and there.

As for csam I never saw any scrolling a bit every days. I saw people talking about another instance encouraging it and troll spamming, it but never once saw it myself.

What I saw on reddit without searching was almost daily gore. And definitly sone real csam (this was a long time ago, seems to be fixed now)

@ghost_of_faso2@lemmygrad.ml avatar

never forget that /r/jailbait existed


Not just exists, but well tolerated until enough attention was brought that would affect their ability to make money.

@Leate_Wonceslace@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Literally everyone from the 6-sided Ursine instance is awful. I’ve had 0 good experiences with them, and not for lack of trying. The conversation always starts with me making a mild take, they say something about how I just need to get used to the taste of Stalin’s scrotum, I say I think committing war crimes is bad actually, and then they say “it’s a shame you’re so closed-minded, but if you aren’t just see this manifesto [link to pig shit balls]”.

Tell me I’m wrong.

If you are from that instance: don’t respond, I don’t want to talk to you.


You’re probably right, I just never saw them.

@comfy@lemmy.ml avatar

Like some of the top-ranking comments here are saying, that place has a very large proportion of people who were coming from the banned subreddits like The Donald, various straight-up hate communities, and typical alt-right groups. So naturally, alternatives that were founded by anarchists and socialists (raddle, lemmy.ml) were almost always disregarded there, possibly with the exception of the Wolfballs admin (I can’t remember too well if they got much attention with the ‘they’re not all like that’ line)

It’s always funny to me to see newer users complain about a lot of political (incl. FOSS) users in an inherently political project, which was picked by many precisely because its political values prevent the for-profit shittery that reddit.com has been doing for 15 years, and that alt-right social media alternatives frequently do whenever they get enough users. Yes, we’re going to voice our concerns when people show up at the door and want this to be just like reddit was, or bring over the uncritical mainstream ignorance we came over here to avoid.

@rjs001@lemmygrad.ml avatar

Everyone wants to bring over Reddit bullshit like the idea of “brigading” too. If you complain about that on a federated instance then you are simply too Reddit-brained

comfy, (edited )
@comfy@lemmy.ml avatar

Honestly, brigading is still a valid thing that can exist here, but yes, people don’t realize that if a post gets popular on a popular federated instance, people who appear like ‘foreigners’ (for lack of better word) will jump in and flood it. It looks as if a brigade, but it’s entirely organic, non-malicious, unorganized and unprompted.

I’m not sure how to classify things like ‘dunk tank’ posts, where someone on an instance will say ‘lol look how dumb this post over there is’… it’s not really calling a raid but many people will go to the source comment and dogpile them. And sure, that’s just part of being a public website, but it’s a bit easier with federation to go over and interact, just like it is moving between subreddits on reddit.


Fuck it. I’ll take my media raw. I’m not gonna block something just because it offends me and if shit posters start taking over the place well thats just society baby! I prefer it that way to giving some central entity the power to ‘clean’ up everything how they see fit. Not gonna lock myself into an echo chamber if I can help it.

To all the admins, thanks and take your time fixing things and if instances go offline for a while, thanks for giving me a social media break!

@ghost_of_faso2@lemmygrad.ml avatar

reasonable take, if redditors dont like it they are free to go back to reddit where saying slave owners are bad actually can get you a full removal and the CEO is literally someone who used to work for the CIA.


One of my strikes on Reddit came from saying slavers deserved to die. I can say that here without too much concern. But I also think it’s counter-productive to continue saying it.

@ghost_of_faso2@lemmygrad.ml avatar

The double standard that applied to this while allowing redditors to daily bay for the blood of russian people is telling.


The CEO of reddit isn’t simping for Russians the way he did for slavers from South Africa.

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